'What did that kid mean by ¨not existing¨?'
I asked myself during the time I walked around Waterfall, which I found out from other monsters. Well, the few monsters spotted around here. Surprisingly, I haven't seen ANY folks around. That includes Sans as well. I mean, everything seemed cool between us. Where is he? I shrugged it off. 'Probably asleep on his many work stations. Typical' I chuckle to myself. The more I walk through these empty areas, the more alone I feel.
But, I'm not alone! I could still feel those two auras next to me. It might sound crazy but I think they're like my guardian angels. Helping to guide me through the Underground and survive. To save the monsters; the original goal. However, there is one question that has been itching inside my brain: What is up with the crack in my soul?!
I lifted my shirt a little to look at my chest; the cracked crimson heart struggling to move with life. Why was it struggling? Is my HP too low? I glanced at the HP bar next to me; seeing that it was maxed out. Have I hurt someone? But I haven't used any fighting during my fights. I sighed; applying gentle pressure to my cranium. 'I must have done something wrong. First, this crack and, now, I can't find anyone anymore!!!'
Now that I think about it. Papyrus hasn't called me for some time and he would usually check up on me. You know, because we're friends. Maybe he had errands? Or.............. Wanting to check on him, I call him up. It took a few rings but someone, finally, picked up.
¨Papyrus?! You ok-¨
¨don't call this number again.¨ I heard a voice say before hanging up. I was frozen in fear and the only sound I could hear was the beating of my heart. I knew that was Sans voice but, why does he sound so angry? Is he turning against me? Is Papyrus hurt? Is he sick? Or................. I shoved that thought into my brain trash bin and started picking up my speed.
I was walking through a illuminating pond with lily pads scattered in a few places and waterfalls on every turn. I made it to the end and approached a sign that I read earlier. It continued on the subject of SOULs:
The power to take their SOULs. This is the power that the humans feared.
There wasn't anything interesting about what the sign had to say, so I continued on my way. I was crossing through a river when an ivory tentacle slowly appeared from the water. I continued walking, hoping the monster won't fight me. Yet, as I walked, more tentacles appeared. Then, a head appeared from the depths of the river. It's head was ivory like it's tentacles. They had adorable anime eyes and a thin horn on it's head. A friendly smile greeted me warmly. However, the cold dark aura that I met earlier seemed to grow angry as the temperature grew colder. 'Was it...............protecting me?' I thought to myself.
¨Hey.........there...........Noticed you were..........here..........I'm Onionsan! Onionsan, y'hear!¨ It greeted me with a derpy face. I smiled and waved at the loveable octopus.
¨I'm Lily! Nice to meet you, Onionsan.¨ I continued walking as I talked to Onionsan.
¨You're visiting Waterfall, huh! It's great here, huh? You love it, huh!¨
¨Yes, yes, and yep.¨ I agreed, only a few feet away from the exit. I hope he's not going to bombard me with questions this whole trip.
¨Yeah! Me too! It's my Big Favorite. Even though, the water's getting so shallow here............¨ he replied, looking down sadly. ¨I, have to sit down all the time, but............... He-hey! That's ok! It beats moving into the city! And living in a crowded aquarium! Like all my friends did.¨
I nodded and continued walking; only 3 feet away from the exit.
¨And the aquarium's full, anyway, so, even if I wanted to, I................ That's okay though, y'hear! Undyne's gonna fix everything, y'hear! I'm gonna get out of here and live in the ocean! Y'hear! ¨ I was about to make for the exit when Onionsan spoke up again.
¨Hey......... there.............. That's the end of this room. I'll see you around! Have a good time! In Waterfallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll¨ it farewelled, sinking back into the watery depths. I walk forward and was encountered by another monster! 'Finally! Someone to really talk to!' I saw an aquatic monster approach from her corner. She had beautiful short green hair and a mermaid like body for her entire being. I CHECK her and find that she is like a siren who sings a deadly song. I smiled and watched her. She said a single 'toot' before attacking me with musical notes.
They weren't very effective and I was able to avoid getting hurt with ease. I started to hum and, moving her hair to reveal her face, she starts to hum with me. Then she spoke.
¨Si re, si re si mi si mi¨ she said and started singing, musical notes coming out of her mouth as she sang. I avoided the attacks and spared her, seeing that she didn't want to fight anymore. I gave her a smile and a hug. She stiffened but smiled and hugged me back with her fins. After watching her leave, I continued going left and started reading more signs; again talking about souls.
This power has no counter. Indeed, a human cannot take a monster's SOUL. When a monster dies, its SOUL disappears. And an incredible power would be needed to take the SOUL of a living monster. There is only one exception.
The SOUL of a special species of monster called a ¨Boss Monster¨. A Boss Monster's SOUL is strong enough to persist after death..... If only for a few moments. A human could absorb this SOUL. But this has never happened. And now it never will.
I continued walking past a strange-looking statue and grabbed an umbrella, just in case it starts raining. And, as I was correct, droplets were falling in the next room. I walked, my shoes squishing with each step I take. Amused by the sound it produces, I started jumping up and down. It made more squishing sounds. I made sure to jump into every puddle just for fun as I continued going through this room. I saw the child from earlier and I went towards him.
¨Yo, you got an umbrella? Awesome!¨ He walked right next to me in order to get under the umbrella and gestured me to go. I smiled and went forward, making sure to keep both of us dry. We were around a corridor when the kid spoke.
¨Man, Undyne is sooooooo cool. She beats up bad guys and NEVER loses. If I was a human, I would wet the bed every night..... knowing she was gonna beat me up! ¨ he laughed happily. I awkwardly laughed with him, not feeling very comfortable with this conversation. Good thing the kid didn't notice. I walked down the corridor and he continued talking.
¨One time...... We had a school project where we had to take care of a flower. The king- we had to call him ¨Mr. Dreemurr¨- volunteered to donate his own flowers. He ended up coming to the school and teaching the class about responsibility and stuff. That got me thinking............ YO! How COOL would it be if UNDYNE came to school!? She could beat up ALL the teachers!! ¨
¨Yea, I bet¨ I smiled, went around the corner of the hallway.
¨Ummm, maybe she wouldn't beat up the teachers............ She's too cool to ever hurt an innocent person! ¨ He stopped talking as we made it towards a dark area with a beautiful 'starry' night sky. We looked around in awe as we continued walking. The kid went ahead of me and stopped dead in his tracks, looking across the horizon. I stood next to him, the umbrella still open, and looked to where he was looking. I gasped as I saw the view before me.
It was a magnificent castle with blue cones on the towers and a large open doorway facing us. I smiled and felt a warm fuzzy feeling in my heart. I looked in my shirt again and saw the crack, slowly, mend a little. I avoided staring in my shirt and continued looking at the view. I felt a warm presence embrace me and thinking it was the boy, I tried to hug him. But, I didn't feel anything and realized that he wasn't holding me. I look around, no one there. Then, something clicked.
The warm aura from before was hugging me! I smiled happily, feeling safe in it's invisible arms. That feeling of familiarity came back again. It felt like someone I used to know. Someone that took me under their wings when I didn't have anyone. It's.....................
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