Decisions Shape One's Destiny

~ ¨It is in your moments of decisions that your destiny is shaped.¨ - Tony Robbins ~

Lily's POV: ( 9 years later)

I can hear the sirens coming behind me as I ran through the empty streets. After Naomi died, I was forced into the local orphanage until my 'parents' adopted me. Why would I say that? Well, let's just say my foster mother isn't the best guardian in this brain-dead society could place me with. And I am not exaggerating! Let's talk about Grace. She never liked me because I was a girl; which I didn't understand why until I got way older. Grace was a young woman when she and her boyfriend, Ethan, adopted me. She wanted a boy, but there weren't any boys available or to their liking. It was Ethan that wanted to take me in; probably thought a girl would be nice for his 'wonderful' girlfriend. I was only 9 years old when they 'supposedly' saved me from being an orphan.

The truth is, I would rather be stuck in that orphanage than be with them. Sure, they gave me food and clothes on my back. But, after I got older, my childhood got a lot colder; especially with Grace as my mother. She would force me to clean the house all day after I was done with school and homework. And what would she do? Grace would go partying at clubs, drink booze all day, and come back stumbling like a toddler trying to learn to walk. Plus, after she came home, she would beat me for no reason. I would have to take the beating until she passed out from how drunk she is. I was able to hide the evidence of Grace's beating from Ethan, so as to prevent a far worse beating from her. I remember the first beating she gave me; it still haunts my dreams today. Her light green eyes were glassy and bloodshot; filled with animalistic rage. Her pink lips turned into an angry snarl. Her breath smelled of alcohol as she yelled at me in slurred nonsense. Her soft hands bearing a belt and hitting me; and with the metal part too!

All this time, I wanted to tell Ethan about what Grace has been doing to me when he is not around. The reason being that he works at night shifts; the time when his girlfriend goes out partying. Grace threatened me to not tell him about what she does when he is at work. So, I spent the rest of my teenage years fearing my 'mother' and hiding my feelings from Ethan. During those years, I have also been bullied by others; rejected by other kids because of my differing opinions on monsters. They viewed them as murderers and...... well, monsters!

¨They are killers!¨

¨From my history book, it said a monster actually killed a child! A CHILD!!!¨

¨Hey, I bet they are killing each other right now.¨

Everyone would ask me how I felt about monsters and, after telling them, they excluded me as one of them. They would push, kick, punch, and insult me for my positive outlook on the Monsters. So, I kept myself hidden from everyone else and refused to participate in any secular activities. This would always concern Ethan; his brown concerned eyes staring at me through strands of blonde hair rebelling against his neatly swept hair. Man, that look always hurt me. I mean, lying to him is horrible enough; especially since it is only to save myself from any physical pain. But, this time......... I had enough. Today, I packed my stuff since this was the day I would run away. I was going to leave Grace. Leave this monster hating world.................. I sighed. Leave Ethan. It was sad because all he wanted was to take care of me and give me the best life possible. But, I couldn't stay here and continue to be tormented by my foster mother and other classmates.

As quickly as I could, I packed only the essentials. You know, on-the-road snacks; water bottles; a jacket; and a heart-shaped locket Ethan got me when I came. My long fingers gracefully traced the intricate designs on the outside of the locket. I slowly opened it and smiled at the picture of a nine year-old me and Ethan at the park. I stuffed the locket in my pocket and was about to leave when I remembered something. After everything that has been happening, I hid the box that Naomi gave me in the same house I was living before she died. My face fell thinking about my dear old friend but I shook my head. No, I told myself, Naomi would not want me to focus on the past. She would have wanted me to follow my destiny. She would tell me to protect the monsters and bring a peaceful era where humans and monsters can live peacefully again.

Before I went anywhere, I asked Ethan if I could go for a 'walk' around the neighborhood. ¨Sure thing, kiddo!¨ Ethan smiled, ruffling my hair playfully. I smiled back and walked out the door. Once I left, I bit my lip and let a single tear fall as I will leave him; knowing what pain I will cause him. Soon, I found the run-down house that I called home and smiled; the old, chipping white paint and green shutters still the same as when I left it. I ran up the creaking steps and went for the box that was hidden in the fireplace. As I pulled it out, I can see the faint writing of my name by Naomi's hands. I blew the dust off the top and, hesitantly, opened the cardboard top. I haven't seen what was inside since she gave it to me. So, it is very exciting to think about what she wanted me to keep safe!

As I opened the box, I peeked inside and couldn't believe what I saw. It was filled with many knick-knacks of Naomi's. But what really caught my eye were tons of photographs. Not just any photographs......... family photos? There was a picture of two children and, what looks like, two adults. It looked nice, especially seeing a monster child and a human child together in the same photo. No resentment and no hatred, just pure joy. It makes me wonder what happened to them. I put the photo down and searched through more of them. There  many more family photos of other people but decided to discard them as to not delay my trip further. After packing the photos, I continued searching through the box for more objects. There were some old journals, recipes, old newspaper articles about the war, and other stuff. I was able to put everything in my black backpack even the clothing inside. But I decided to wear one of shirts and other stuff to put on. I used the old bathroom to change into an outfit. ( 

After putting it on and fixing my hair into a loose ponytail; I grabbed my bag, got rid of the now empty box, and headed out the door. Before leaving off to Mount Ebott, I quickly wrote a note for Ethan; so that he will know that I'm okay. I sighed, he deserves to know that I am leaving. As I slid the note under the door, I stopped when I heard that one voice I didn't want to hear.

¨Lily! What are you doing?!¨ Grace yelled.

I turned around to see the furious brunette glaring at me. I was almost too scared to say anything. I thought she wasn't supposed to come home yet!

¨Answer me, you little brat!¨ she growled, her hands ready to slap me.

¨N-Nothing, mom........¨ I responded nervously, my voice cracking. Man, I bet I was a nervous wreck!

She eyes me and then tore her gaze towards my bag; a smirk appearing on her face. ¨Are you running away?¨ Grace asked, clearly yet questioningly amused. I frowned and raised an eyebrow, pretending I didn't understand what she was saying.

¨No. I brought snacks during my walk. What would make you think that?¨ I asked; surely a hint of nervousness in my voice.

She placed her hands on her hips and smiled evilly. ¨You know what happens to girls who run away?¨ she cooed sickeningly. She began walking towards me, slowly; making the distance between us agonizingly decrease. Before she can get any closer, I darted off the front porch and started sprinting towards the direction of Mount Ebott. As I continued sprinting, I heard the sirens of the police trailing just behind me. This is where I am now.

Finally, I made it to the forest that lead to a rough trail to the mountain. The mountain that is my one escape from Grace and these people. An opportunity to live a life that I always wanted.......... A chance to do what Naomi planned for me to do. It was a good thing this terrain was rough on the cars; that will buy me time to make it to the top. And, because I was a pretty fast runner, it made this trip way shorter than I thought it would take. The sky turned to an indigo color, the stars started appearing all at once, and the sunset already falling to the west; where the ocean is reflecting the beauty of that image. I was able to see it as I made it up to Mount Ebott. Suddenly and abruptly, I stopped at the edge and saw that there was no staircase or small distance between me and the ground below.

For all I know, I could die from such a depth. That was it. I am going to be stuck and not be able to help those poor monsters down there, I thought frantically. I started to hyperventilate and tears welled in my eyes. It's over. I can't escape the police unless I want a death sentence. The sounds of branches and leaves crunching became louder by the minute. The aggressive growls and barks of the dogs tearing through the peaceful atmosphere. Then, something snapped inside me.

¨Who cares if I die?¨ I asked myself. I have no one to really worry about me. Naomi is dead, my 'mother' hates me, Ethan is barely home, I have no friends, and my real family probably thinks I'm already dead. Death is an escape! At least I will die knowing I got this far. So, why not?................

¨Freeze! Step away from the hole, lady!!!¨ a male said, raising his gun. I turned around to face the loads of cops raising their guns. A tear slipped and I smiled, knowing my decision. I raised my hands up in the air.

¨Now, step forward, miss.¨ the cop ordered getting the handcuffs ready.

¨Hey, can you do me a favor?¨ I asked, sniffling softly. This has to be done.

The cop looked confused but still nodded. My smile widened into a happy grin. ¨Tell Ethan....... that he was the best father I ever had.¨ I said, more tears falling down my cheeks.

Before the cop could understand what I meant, I fell backwards into the dark abyss and allowed gravity to take its course. I heard the cops screaming frantically but I drowned down their voices and listened to the subtle sound of the wind in my ear. Suddenly, I hit the ground and was about to lose conscious. Before I delved into a dreamless sleep, I caught a clouded sight of golden flowers surrounding me and I smelled their beautiful scent. Then, everything went black.

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