You Bring Me Home
April 2026
I woke with a start, my heart pounding. It took me a second to recognise my surroundings before I remembered I was at my parents' house in Cambridge and Harry was breathing deeply next to me. The sun was filtering through a gap in the curtains, and I could hear the distant sounds of my parents moving around downstairs, presumably having breakfast. The clock next to our bed read 7.31 a.m., which meant my dad would be leaving for work shortly and my mum would be pottering about, making his lunch and tidying up.
I rolled over from my left to my right, but before I was even half way over I realised something was wrong. The bed beneath me was soaking wet. I gasped in shock and attempted to sit up, but at thirty eight weeks pregnant this was no mean feat. I eventually struggled into a sitting position and lifted the duvet to inspect further. There was a large wet patch that had soaked through the sheet onto the maternity bed protector below, and my long tshirt was sticking to my legs.
"Harry," I said, nudging him with my elbow. "Harry!"
"Mmhhh," he mumbled, his eyes tightly shut.
"Harry! My waters have broken!"
He rolled over in bed, his eyes wide, staring at me. "What?!"
"Well either that or I've wet the bed," I told him, and he peeked under the duvet.
"Bloody hell," he muttered, running his hand through his hair. "OK, um, let me think... we need to get you to hospital. Have you rung the maternity ward?"
"I don't even have the number for anywhere in Cambridge," I told him, feeling a tinge of panic. "I wasn't expecting to go into labour this early! And I don't fancy attempting to make it back to London!"
"Good job I did my research then, isn't it," he smiled, reaching for his phone and scrolling through his contacts. "There's a maternity hospital in Cambridge - Rosie Hospital. The labour ward number is in my phone." He handed me his phone and I saw it was already dialling a local Cambridge number.
"How did you...?" I began, staring at him as I lifted the phone to my ear and waited while it rang.
"You were so adamant she wouldn't arrive early, but I just wanted to be prepared," he shrugged. "I brought your hospital bag with us, too, just in case. It's in the boot of the car, so we're ready to go."
"Labour ward," said a voice in my ear.
"Oh hi, my waters have broken," I began. "Just checking it's OK to come in?"
"How long ago did they break?" the midwife asked.
"I'm not sure, I've just woken up about two minutes ago to a wet bed," I explained. "No contractions yet."
"Is this your first baby?"
"No, third," I replied. "My youngest is two and a half."
"OK, you'd better come straight in," she advised. "Can I take your name?"
"Jessica Styles," I supplied.
"Do you have anyone who can bring you in?"
"My husband is here, he'll be bringing me," I told her. "We live in London, so this isn't our local hospital. We're visiting my parents. I'm thirty eight weeks and two days."
There was a pause. "Oh - I have some details here," she said. "Your husband called us last week and booked a private suite. Come straight to ante-natal, and we'll assess you."
"You booked a private suite?" I demanded after I had hung up the phone and handed it back to Harry. "I'm not due for another two weeks!"
"Yet here we are, about to head down there," he answered smugly as he slid out of bed and came round to my side. "Do you need a hand getting dressed?"
"I'm having a shower first," I told him, standing up and stripping my now wet tshirt off over my head.
"Is that wise?" he asked. "I think we should leave as soon as possible. At this time of day the traffic will be bad."
"You sound like my dad," I grumbled, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around me. "I'll be five minutes, tops. I just want to freshen up."
He hesitated but didn't argue, and I waddled awkwardly down the hallway to the bathroom, locked the door behind me and switched the shower on. A sharp twinge ran across my abdomen, and I quickly stepped into the shower cubicle, recognising this as the beginning of labour pains.
I was true to my word: in and out in five minutes, and as I waddled back to the bedroom I could hear my mum talking to Harry on the landing.
"Yes of course we'll watch the kids," she was saying. "Well, Alan's leaving for work in a minute, but I'm free all day so don't worry. Just let us know if there is anything else you need. Oh - hello love! How are you feeling?"
"Uncomfortable," I grimaced as another twinge shot through me again, stronger than the first.
"Are you having contractions?" Harry asked, looking at me worriedly.
"Only mild," I said, with a wave of my hand. "And only two so far. Stop stressing and get in the shower while I get dressed."
"I'll do no such thing," he said. "The kids are downstairs having breakfast with your dad and your bag's in the car, ready to go. Come on, hurry up."
"Harry," I said patiently, "it's going to take me a few minutes to get dressed. Go and have a shower, and we'll leave once I've had breakfast. This baby isn't going to be making an appearance in the next half hour, and I'm not going through all of this on an empty stomach."
"You'd better do as she says, Harry," my mum sighed. "You know how stubborn she is. I'll go and make some toast. You can take it with you in the car if you like. Unless you need a hand getting dressed, love?"
"I can manage," I said firmly. "I'm not leaving this house until you've had a shower, Harry, so the longer you argue with me, the longer we'll be here."
Harry sighed. "Fine. I'll be two minutes. Don't attempt to walk down the stairs if you're having a contraction - wait for me and I'll help you."
I nodded, and they both left the room, leaving me to pull on a loose top and a pair of leggings. I tied my hair into a ponytail and just as I was about to leave the room Harry appeared out of the bathroom and hurried along the hall towards me.
"I'll throw some clothes on," he said, kissing me on the lips as he passed.
"I'll wait downstairs," I called over my shoulder. Just as I reached the bottom of the stairs another contraction started, and I paused, leaning against the wall for a minute to ride it out, before it eventually passed and I walked into the kitchen.
"Mummy!" our four year old son Oliver called, jumping out of his chair and running over to me. "Is the baby here yet?"
"Not yet," I told him, hugging him gently and kissing the top of his head. "She's getting ready, though. She'll probably be here today."
I kissed Emma, our daughter, took a seat next to her at the breakfast table and picked up a piece of toast.
"Ollie, come and sit down and finish your breakfast, please."
"Where's Daddy?"
"He'll be down in a minute," I answered.
"I'm here, I'm here," Harry called, hurrying into the kitchen behind me. "Come on, let's go."
"Wait, I'm just having some toast," I said, taking a bite. "And I could murder a cup of tea."
"Jess," Harry began, closing his eyes as though praying for patience, "you are in labour. Your waters have broken. The hospital is about twenty minutes away, and likely to be longer at this time of the morning. Please just get in the car and eat your breakfast on the way."
"Will it stop you stressing?" I sighed wearily, looking up at his creased brow.
"Yes," he insisted, giving Ollie a high five, and tugging Emma's ponytail gently.
"Can we come?" Ollie asked hopefully.
"I need you two to stay here and look after Nan," I told them both. "And make sure Grandad leaves for work on time. Do you think you can do that for me?"
They both nodded solemnly, and I nodded too, and got to my feet with my toast still in my hand.
My mum handed us two take-away mugs of tea, and my dad looked up from his paper.
"Which way are you going to the hospital?"
"I've got it programmed into the Sat Nav," Harry replied.
"There are some roadworks by the Bull and Dog pub," my dad told him. "I'd avoid that way if I were you. Go down Milton Road instead, it'll be far quicker."
"I'm sure we'll be fine," I told him, my face twisting as another contraction began, the strongest yet, and I took a few deep breaths and rested my hands on the table.
"I think you need to get going, Harry," my mum said seriously as Harry put one arm around my shoulders and gently rubbed my back.
"OK, OK," I managed to mutter, while Harry flapped around, kissing the kids, grabbing the tupperware box of toast my mum held out and picking up his keys.
I waited until the pain had passed, and then straightened up again. "Bye you two," I said, kissing Emma and Ollie, and picking up my cup of tea. "Be good for Nan. I don't want any reports of misbehaviour."
"Bye Mummy," they chorused, and my mum gave me a quick hug as my dad stood up and ushered me and Harry towards the door.
"Ring me if you need anything," he said to Harry. "I'm only down the road from the hospital."
"Will do," Harry nodded, and he helped me into the passenger seat of the Range Rover and hurried round to the driver's side. We had just turned onto the A14 and joined a queue of traffic when another contraction hit.
"Breathe through it - deep breaths," Harry instructed, reaching across the centre console and taking my hand. I pressed my lips together and squeezed my eyes shut, trying not to make any noise as the pain surged through my belly, rendering me completely helpless. I took a few deep breaths, gripping Harry's fingers tightly and he squeezed mine back, looking over at me as the car inched forward in the morning traffic. "You're doing great, baby. Don't be afraid to yell if it'll make you feel better."
"Mmmmm fuck, it hurts!" I panted. "How far away are we? I need some pain relief."
"Only a few miles," Harry replied, glancing nervously at the sat nav. "It might take a few minutes longer in rush hour, but don't panic. We'll get there."
I wound down the window once the contraction had finished and stuck my head out, craning my neck in an attempt to see further up the queue of stationary vehicles. "It looks like beyond the traffic lights is clear," I mused. "I don't know why there's such a backlog."
The dashboard suddenly lit up with a phonecall, and I glanced at the caller ID. It was my dad. Harry answered it.
"Are you on Milton Road?" my dad asked.
"We're on the A14," I told him. "We're in a queue leading up to the lights, just by the Bull and Dog."
"Well you'll be there a while. The traffic lights are on the blink again, I meant to tell you. It's causing chaos amidst those roadworks. They can never go more than six months without breaking down, and no one ever bothers to report it. I gave up taking that route to work years ago. Honestly. What do my taxes pay for? Not traffic light repairs, I'll tell you that much. They're more likely spent on free housing for some jobsworth who can't get out of bed in the morning, than essential road maintenance. I wrote a strongly worded letter to the council a couple of years back, and do you know I never even got a reply? Not even an acknowledgement! This country is going to the dogs."
"That's good to know, Dad," I grimaced as I felt my stomach tightening again with a new contraction.
In the background I could hear someone else talking, followed by a scuffle, and then my dad's voice, muffled this time, as though he he had placed his hand over the mouthpiece and had turned his head away. "Local issues are everyone's concern, Martha! If nobody ever complained, nothing would ever get done."
I gripped the edges of the seat with both my hands and groaned as the contraction peaked, and we moved slowly forward approximately three car lengths and stopped again.
"If you can turn off by the Shell garage you'll avoid the majority of the traffic," my dad was now saying. "It might only save you a few minutes, but if it gets you to the hospital a bit quicker..."
"On it," Harry said, indicating to change lanes and earning himself a furious beep from the car behind.
"Is someone sounding their horn unnecessarily?" my dad demanded. "It's rife these days. You can't even go out for a quiet Sunday drive anymore to take in the scenery without some idiot in a flash car taking offence and zooming past you with their horn blaring. It should be considered a breach of the peace."
I was in too much pain by this point to respond, and I took a few deep breaths as Harry managed to turn off the main road onto a quieter route. The sat nav began recalculating.
"Anyway love, I'd better let you go. Ring us if there's any news. I'll keep my mobile on my desk."
"Will do, Dad," I called, and as Harry went to disconnect the call I could hear my mum muttering, "Honestly, Alan, there is a time and a place for a discussion about road tax and noise pollution, and right now is not it!"
"Are you OK?" Harry asked, as we slowed down for a roundabout and I shifted position in my seat. "When was your last contraction?"
"Another one's coming now," I strained as I felt the pain beginning again, more intense than the previous surge and peaking much more quickly.
"How far apart are they?" he asked, his own voice sounding strangled.
"About a minute," I panted. "Harry... Harry, I really want to push."
"What?!" he yelped, turning to me with wide eyes and a panicked expression.
"I need to - I can't help it!"
"No - OK, fuck, think... just - just cross your legs or something, we're almost there." He turned into the hospital car park and flew over a speed ramp so fast we almost took off.
"It's not like holding in a wee!" I snapped. "I can't cross my legs to keep a baby in!"
"I know, I know, I'm sorry, that was a stupid thing to say... look, here's a parking space, right outside. I'll help you, come on. Just don't push yet, or this kid will pop out on the pavement."
I growled in frustration as he pulled into a space, slammed the brakes on and leapt out of the car. He grabbed my hospital bag from the boot and then literally ran to my door and opened it, his face the picture of panic. By this time my contraction had finished and I was able, for a second, to see the funny side.
"Oh God - your face!" I gasped, beginning to laugh. "I can't deal - you look like a villain in a Disney movie!"
He manoeuvred me out of the car amidst my giggles, and helped me walk (slowly) towards the admissions entrance. We had just reached the main door when I felt another contraction coming. I stopped and grabbed onto a wall as it took over my body, and bent forward, trying to breathe through it.
"Just a few more steps," he said gently. "And then we can get you into a wheelchair or something to get you to the labour ward."
"I don't need a wheelchair, I need a bloody midwife!" I snapped. "I want to push, Harry, I need to push."
"I know," he said, pleadingly, "but just hang on until we get you inside and you can see a doctor."
"Midwife," I corrected again, and I was sure I caught the briefest eye roll before he hooked his arm around me and began almost carrying me towards the front door.
We entered the foyer of the maternity admissions, and a midwife came hurrying over to us.
"I need to push," I told her, before she even opened her mouth. "He wants me to cross my legs, but I think it's a bit late for that."
She chuckled. "No problem. I'll grab a wheelchair and take you straight through to be examined."
She took my name and details as Harry wheeled me along the corridor, and then swiped us through the doors into the antenatal ward.
"We have your private suite ready for you," she added, directing us through another door and into a large spacious room with a hospital bed, machines and wires, and waving impatiently at another midwife on the desk. "I'm Anna. Can you manage to get up onto the bed for me, Jessica, and we'll just see how many centimetres dilated you are."
The second midwife entered the room and quickly washed her hands before pulling on a pair of surgical gloves.
"Hi, Mrs Styles," she said warmly. "I'm Sylvia, and I'm just going to examine you quickly to see what's going on, OK? Just slip your leggings and knickers off and I'll be as gentle as I can."
"Call me Jess," I said, lying back on the bed. "Do you have any pain relief? I'm sort of struggling a bit."
Anna handed me the gas and air, and I began to breathe it in as Sylvia started her examination.
"Just try to relax, petal," she said softly. "You're doing really well."
"I can feel another contraction coming," I squealed, and Sylvia nodded as she pulled her hand away.
"You're fully dilated, my lovely, so if you're ready to push, give it all you've got. Chin on your chest, push down into your bottom, nice deep breaths in between."
Harry's face was as white as a sheet as I gripped his fingers again tightly, screwed up my face and pushed hard. After being told to fight the urge, it was almost a relief in itself to be able to give in to it and do what my body was telling me to do.
"That's great, Jess, keep it coming... keep it coming... keep it coming... and relax."
I let out a big breath and flopped my head back on the bed, panting, as the contraction finished.
"You doing OK there, Dad?" Sylvia asked Harry, grinning.
"Yeah, just didn't realise it was all happening quite so quickly," he admitted. "I thought it would be hours yet. I feel bad for telling her to cross her legs now."
"Us women know our own bodies best," Sylvia winked as she hooked me up to a machine to monitor mine and the baby's heartbeat. "This is your third, according to your notes?" Harry nodded. "Jess is a pro at this, then. Do you know what you're having?"
"A baby, hopefully," Harry joked, and I rolled my eyes.
"A girl," I told them. "Oh God - another one's coming."
"Fantastic. Same again: long hard push when you're ready. Don't forget to breathe."
Harry took my hand and perched in the chair next to the bed, watching me intently as I grabbed the gas and air and pushed with everything I had, murmuring words of encouragement in my ear until I flopped back again a minute later.
"You're amazing," he whispered as I tried to catch my breath. "What you're doing - bearing this level of pain to bring our daughter into the world - it's just incredible. It's overwhelming to watch. I wish I could help you in some way."
"Just keep hold of my hand and let me break your fingers," I panted, and he laughed.
"Seems like a good deal to me."
"You're doing brilliantly, Jess," Sylvia said. "One more push and you should be able to see the head."
"Already?" I gasped. "Seriously?"
"This baby isn't hanging around," she nodded. "Let me know when you feel the next contraction and I'll be ready."
It was less than a minute before I felt it building, and knowing it was all likely to be over in a matter of minutes spurred me on even more. I gathered every scrap of energy I could muster and pushed like my life depended on it, ignoring the red-hot searing pain ripping through my lower abdomen, and the feeling that someone was sticking a red hot poker inside me.
"The head's out," Sylvia said, and Harry leaned forward slightly to peer between my legs. "No pushing just for a moment - let your body adjust, take a few deep breaths. I don't want you to tear."
I looked up at Harry, whose eyes were glassy and a bit pink. "She's nearly here," he whispered, kissing my hand. "You're doing amazingly, baby. I'm so proud of you both."
"I love you," I whispered, and he nodded, his chin wobbling momentarily.
"OK Jess, with the next contraction I want you to give a small push when I say, and let me guide you through it."
"Ready now," I told her as I felt another wave coming, and I gave a small push just as she said.
"Bit more... keep going... another push... and here she is!"
I felt a pulling sensation and a big rush, and let out a large breath as both midwives leaned over my legs on the bed to catch her as she slid out, and Harry wiped his eyes with the crook of his arm, his other hand still holding mine. They immediately covered her with towels, rubbing her to encourage her first breath, and a moment later I heard a soft baby cry as Sylvia said, "There we go! A beautiful little girl, at eight thirty-seven a.m. Let's give her to mum for a cuddle. Do you have a name for her yet?"
"Lily," we said together.
I lifted up my top so our new daughter could be placed directly onto my chest, and Harry leaned over and kissed me on the lips, tears slipping down his cheeks.
"She's so perfect," he choked, taking a ragged breath. "Look at her. She looks just like you."
"She's got your nose," I smiled. "And your dark hair."
He smiled back at me and kissed Lily on the forehead before leaning down and pressing his lips to mine again. "Well done, baby. You were amazing."
I couldn't stop staring at her while the midwives bustled about; cutting the cord, wiping her down and eventually taking her from me to measure her Apgar score again and weigh her before returning her to my chest.
"Congratulations, both of you," Anna beamed. "Seven pounds and thirteen ounces. She's absolutely beautiful. She was certainly keen to get into the world."
"I was afraid she was going to arrive in the car on the way here," I admitted. "It all seemed to progress very quickly. I only realised I was in labour about an hour ago when my waters broke."
"First babies usually take longer, but often your subsequent births happen a lot quicker," Sylvia replied. "You were lucky you arrived when you did."
"Thanks so much for your help," I smiled, but they both waved me away.
"You did the hard work, sweetheart," Anna said, with a wink at Harry. "And don't let him forget it!"
Once I had delivered the afterbirth, and the midwives were satisfied that everything was fine and Lily was breastfeeding without problems, they left us in private to spend some time with her and recover. Harry called Anne, Gemma and my parents, to tell them the good news, his voice breaking several times during each conversation.
"We can stay here as long as you want," he said to me once he had finished his calls, gazing adoringly at Lily with his elbow on the bed and his chin resting on his palm. "There's no rush to leave if you don't want to."
"I'd rather get home," I told him. "I want the peace and quiet of our own home, and I want Ollie and Emma settled into a routine as soon as possible. We can stay tonight at my mum and dad's as planned, but then I'd rather get home if it's OK with you."
"Absolutely fine with me," he smiled. "Mum is already dying to come down and meet her, though."
"I'm happy with parents coming to stay with us," I nodded. "The more help we have, the better. And Callie and Calvin will no doubt want to visit, too. And Maddie. And Gemma."
Harry chuckled. "We're definitely going to have a house full."
It was mid afternoon by the time the midwives were happy to let me out of hospital, despite me telling them I was absolutely fine and just wanted to be at home. My mum arrived at the hospital with a car seat for us, and of course sobbed the moment she laid eyes on Lily.
"Calvin, Callie and Maddie are dying to come and see her," she told us tearfully. "I haven't said yes yet - I wasn't sure if you would want to be swamped with visitors so soon."
But Harry and I were happy for people to come and meet our new arrival, so we had barely got ourselves through the front door of my parents' house and introduced Oliver and Emma to their new baby sister when the doorbell rang, and Callie and Calvin bustled in.
"Hey little dude," Calvin greeted Oliver, giving him a high-five as he entered the lounge. "You and I need to stick together now. I know how it feels to be the big brother to two stinky sisters. I'll give you some good advice to get you through, don't worry."
"Lord help us," Callie groaned rolling her eyes at Calvin. "I dread to think what advice you'll be dispensing to the poor lad." She picked up Emma and gave her a kiss and a cuddle. "Do you want to show Auntie Callie your new sister?" she asked her. "Maybe you could introduce me."
"My advice is awesome," Calvin declared, following Callie over to Emma's old Moses basket that my dad had hastily retrieved from the loft, which now contained a sleeping Lily. "Just like me."
He murmured something to Callie that I couldn't hear, swinging his arm around her shoulders as they gazed down at our new arrival. She whispered something back and they beamed at each other. I stared at the two of them, my eyes narrowed.
"What are you two plotting?"
"Nothing," they both said innocently, but I caught a glimmer of something flash between them as Calvin slipped his hand into Callie's and squeezed it gently. I suddenly had a feeling that Lily's arrival wouldn't be the only big announcement in the family, but I kept my thoughts to myself as they shared a soft kiss and then began fussing over me.
Maddie arrived soon after, and my mum and dad ordered a takeaway for us all to share for dinner. I slipped away to feed Lily, relieved she was taking to the breast so well, and then everyone wanted to have a little hold of her, so I cuddled up to Harry on the sofa while everyone took a turn, speaking in hushed tones for fear of waking her. Once Emma and Oliver had been bathed and put to bed, Calvin cleared his throat.
"Um, everyone? We actually have some news we'd like to share with you."
I felt my face breaking into a smile as I looked over at Callie and Calvin, who were smiling nervously at each other. I grabbed Harry's hand, beaming, and he looked over at me with confusion. Everyone fell silent as we waited for Calvin to continue.
"We're really excited to meet baby Lily today... and also really excited to tell you that we're expecting a baby of our own in December."
This announcement was cut off by an eruption of joyous squeals from everyone in the room, and I was the first one at Callie's side, throwing my arms around her in delight.
"It's really early days," she said, through her laughter. "I'm not even twelve weeks yet. But we were just so excited to tell you, we couldn't wait any longer."
I grabbed Calvin round the neck and pulled him into a hug too.
"This is the best news ever," I beamed. "I'm so, so happy for you. I know how much you've both wanted this, for so long."
"Thanks, sis," Calvin smiled as Harry appeared at his side and shook his hand. "We're over the moon."
They stayed another hour chatting and celebrating, and then insisted on letting us have some peace and quiet and made a swift exit around nine p.m. Lily woke just after they left for another feed, so I made myself comfy on the bed in my old room while she latched on, and a minute later Harry appeared at the door.
"Mind if I join you?"
"Course we don't," I beamed, patting the bed next to me, and he came and lay on his side, watching us with a proud smile on his face, one hand drawing soft circles on my calf.
"You're a natural," he whispered.
"I should hope so, after three!" I teased.
"Great news about your brother and Callie," he added, after a moment.
"Yeah," I sighed. "I always felt a bit guilty every time we announced another pregnancy, knowing how much they both wanted kids. I always worried we were rubbing their noses in it. I'm so happy they're finally starting their own family."
"I never thought they'd last," he confessed, picking at a bobble of cotton on the duvet cover. "Considering they started as a hook up the night you fell out with Callie, I always thought it would be doomed from the beginning."
"I think Callie is the only one who has ever kept Calvin in check and on his toes, both at the same time," I observed.
"Bit like you and me, you mean?" he joked, and I stuck my tongue out at him.
"She's the only one who gave him what he dished out. I think they're a perfect match - now I'm over the weirdness of my best friend sleeping with my brother."
"Hmm," he murmured. "Well, I'm pleased for them too. And I'm pleased that our three will have some cousins on your side, too as well as on mine."
I smiled, and looked back down at the tiny baby in my arms happily suckling away without a care in the world.
"We just need to make sure Emma doesn't feel left out, as the middle child," I mused. "My parents always handled that really well with me, but I still had an overwhelming desire to prove myself. I want to make sure she never feels she needs to overachieve to win our attention."
"Or, we could just have another one, to make the scores even," Harry winked.
"I don't know how I would manage four kids!" I squeaked, and Lily opened her eyes in alarm at my loud reaction.
"Just as perfectly as we'll manage three," Harry answered, gently running his index finger down the bridge of her nose, causing her eyes to close again. "Together."
"We said we'd stop at three," I reminded him.
"I know we did," he shrugged. "But if there's one thing I've learned, it's that you never know what the future holds. I know we said that three would be perfect, but all I'm saying is, let's not rule anything out right this minute."
I looked down at our beautiful, newborn daughter who had fallen asleep in my arms and was taking tiny, contented breaths. This was everything I was destined to be; happy, loved and blessed with a wonderful past and an even brighter future. I leaned down to Harry and kissed his incredibly soft lips, that still gave me butterflies even after eleven amazing years.
This was my family, and my family was my home.
"Well... maybe, one day, in the future," I conceded. "Maybe just one more...."
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed the series!
A couple of final notes - is there anything you want to ask me about the No Control series? Is there anything you want to know about Jess and Harry's future that wasn't covered in the bonus chapters, or about how any of the characters (Jess, Harry, Louis, Callie, Gary, Calvin etc) felt along the way, or why they acted the way they did? Is there anything you want to know about me, or the writing process, or the plot? If you have any questions at all, leave them as individual, separate inline comments against this paragraph, and if there are a few I'll post a Q & A in a couple of weeks as a separate chapter to this book. You have until 18th June 2017!
I have a spare copy of Rolling Stone Magazine, with Harry featured on the cover. If there is anyone who really wanted a copy but couldn't get one (maybe it wasn't available in your country, or sold out where you are?) then leave an inline comment against THIS paragraph, and I will happily send you my spare copy for free. (I only have one, and would like it to go to someone who would appreciate it, and someone who has supported this series from the very beginning, as a big thank you from me.)
And lastly, the No Control series is nominated for Best Series in the Fanfiction Awards 2017, for the second year running!! If you would like to vote for me, please go to thefanfictionawards. The voting is open, and it is unlimited - you can vote as many times as you like. I'd love it if you wanted to leave a few against my name!
Thanks so much for the support this series has received over the last two years. When I first started writing it in March 2015 I could only dream of one day hitting a million reads, and now Book 1 is over 2 million. To watch the positive comments slowly coming in as people began to read it and follow me has just been incredible, and a thoughtful comment from a reader literally makes my day. I know I don't reply to comments much these days but I read every single one through my emails, so thank you for every laughing face, every vent of frustration, every eye roll and every personal story you have shared with me about your own interpretation of these stories and characters. To know how invested some of you have been in the series has been simply overwhelming. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you for being the most amazing readers on Wattpad, and for sticking with Jess and Harry's story to the very end. It's been an amazing ride, and thank you for sharing it with me xxx
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