Fundamentals of Operating


Nguyen Tri Thanh

[email protected]

• Why do we need Operating Systems?

• Why is an OS?

• What does an OS do?

• Classification of Operating Systems

• Disambiguation of some conceptsReference

• Chapter 1,2 of Operating System ConceptsWhy do we need OSes?

• What does a

computer can do?

• What language does

it “speak”?

• What does a

computer have?

• Can we “use” the

computer and its

resources directly?What is an Operating System?

• A program that acts as an intermediary

between a user of a computer and the

computer hardware.

• Operating system goals:

– Execute user programs and make solving user

problems easier.

– Make the computer system convenient to use.

• Use the computer hardware (resources) in

an efficient manner.Position of an Operating System

ApplicationsTypical Operating SystemsList of operating systems






g_systemMain tasks of an OS

• Process Management

• Memory Management (RAM)

• Storage Management

– File/directory

– Disks

• Protection and Security

• Networking

• Main purposes are usually implemented in kernel

(core)OS classification

• Batch processing

– very early OSes

• Uniprogramming

– less powerful (weak) machines

• Multiprogramming (powerful machines)

– Timesharing/multitasking

– Multi8user system

• Parallel processing (PC8cluster) (highly

computational application)

– search engines, e.g., google, yahoo,..OS classification (cont’d)

• Embedded (embedded into devices to do a

specific task)

– the task has limited (few) functions

– usually is made as a firmware (NOT as software)

– Calculator, game players, digital camera, mp3 player, …

• Special8purpose systems

– designed to perform a specific task

• Factory’s control system

• GPS receiverOS classification (cont’d)

• Real8time systems

– Do a task with a time constraint

• produce output when the input comes before it is too


• NASA’s control system

• missile defense systems

• earth8quake detection systems

• robot control systems

• Boeing automatic flying systems

• Boundaries among OS types are not clear

– one OS can have characteristics of many typesSpecial purpose – Embedded

SystemsReal-time SystemsOS classification (cont’d)

• you’re a perfect real8time system when

– drive a car

– play a game

– play sports

– …Why multiprogramming?

• Multiprogramming needed for efficiency

– Single user cannot keep CPU and I/O devices busy at all

– Multiprogramming organizes jobs (code and data) so CPU

always has one to execute

– A subset of total jobs in system is kept in memory

• Timesharing (multitasking) is logical extension in which

CPU switches jobs so frequently that users can

interact with each job while it is running, creating

interactive computing

– Each user has at least one program executing in memory


– If several jobs ready to run at the same time  CPU

schedulingTimesharing system

Computer Workstation



TimeOperating System StructureOS structure

Layered approach

– OS is divided into

several levels

– A higher level can only

access/use its direct

lower level

• level 3 can access level


• level 4 cannot access

level 2

– Why? Motivation?Layered approach example


• How many levels

are there?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4Microkernel

• Keep minimum/essential functions in kernel

• Others are built as libraries/applications

• Examples

– Mach, Tru64 UNIX, QNX

– approach

• Considered as most effective approach

– Inherits OOP paradigm

– Sun Solaris is an example


system)Virtual MachineVirtual machine

• A concept refers to the abstraction of

computer resourcesVirtual machine


Has VMVirtual machine - VMWareVirtual machine


QEMUVirtual machine - OpenVZEnd of Chapter Question?Homework

Gets used to with C++ programming

language in Linux environment

– Provide me the account list of the class

– Use the provided account to login the Linux


– Practice with programming with C++, write,

compile, run

– Reference: Chapter 182, LHp trình C/C++ trên

Linux, NguyKn Trí Thành, nhà xuNt bOn Giáo

dQc, 2010

Fundamentals of Operating


Nguyen Tri Thanh

[email protected] and Process


2/25/2011 2Objectives

• Present what a process is

• Present 4 process scheduling approaches

• Scheduling in multi-queue systems

• Implement the scheduling algorithms

2/25/2011 3Reference

• Chapter 3, 5 of Operating System Concepts

2/25/2011 4Process statistic

2/25/2011 5Process classification

Processes are classified into 2 categories

A. System processes

 Created by system account

 Run essential services

B. User processes

 Created by user accounts

 Usually are application processes (Word, Excel, YM,…)

2/25/2011 6Process structure

• A process at least consists of

1. A program counter

(Instruction Pointer)

2. Text (code)

3. Stack + Heap

4. Data section

• The process structure is

different among OSes

2/25/2011 7Process states

• A process has many states during its life

• The number of states is different among


2/25/2011 8Process state switch

• New

– a new process is initiated

• Running

– Process instructions are being run

• Waiting

– Process is waiting for a certain resource or event

• Ready

– Process just waits for its turn to run

• Terminate

– The process completes

2/25/2011 9Process control block (PCB)

Information associated with each process

– Process state

– Program counter

– CPU registers

– CPU scheduling information

– Memory-management information

– Accounting information

– I/O status information

• PCB is different among OSes

2/25/2011 10CPU And I/O Bursts

• Burst – a time span (duration)

• Two burst types

– IO burst

– CPU burstProcess classification

• CPU-bound process

– use CPU a lot (for computation)

• IO-bound process

– does IO a lot

• These types of processes affect schedulers

2/25/2011 12Process context switch

• Context switch

– CPU stops current process and runs another one

• Progress steps

– save the state of the current process

– put it into the READY queue

– pick the target process

– restore the state of the target process

– run the target process

2/25/2011 13Process scheduling

2/25/2011 14Problem

• You have 5 exams within a week

– How do you manage to study?

• A shop saler has many customers waiting

– How does he/she do?

• A CPU has several processes

– How does it run them

2/25/2011 15Queue

• When there are several people waiting at

the counter (in a supermarket)

– What do they do?

Queue is the input/output

of a process scheduler

2/25/2011 16Different scheduler

• Long-term scheduler (or job scheduler)

– selects which processes should be brought into the ready


• Short-term scheduler (or CPU scheduler)

– selects which process should be executed next

• Medium-term scheduler

– selects which process to temporarily swap out (of the


2/25/2011 17Dispatcher

• Dispatcher module gives control of the CPU

to the process selected by the short-term

scheduler; this involves:

– switching context

– switching to user mode

– jumping to the proper location in the user

program to restart that program

• Dispatch latency – time it takes for the

dispatcher to stop one process and start

another running

2/25/2011 18CPU scheduling

2/25/2011 19CPU scheduler type

• Non pre-emptive

– running process has privilege to use CPU until it

terminates or changes into WAITING state

– Ex: Apple Macintosh, Windows 3.1

• Pre-emptive

– running process may be forced to release CPU

– Ex: Current Windows versions, Linux, Unix

• Which type is more effective?

2/25/2011 20First comes first serves (FCFS)

• Use FIFO queue

• Process at the head of the queue is run first

2/25/2011 21First comes first serves (FCFS)

2/25/2011 22

Process Burst Time

P1 24

P2 3

P3 3

• Suppose that the processes arrive in

the order: P1 , P2 , P3

The Gantt Chart for the schedule is:

P1 P2 P3

24 27 30 0Shortest Job First (SJF)

• Also called Shortest Job Next (SJN)

• Shortest job in the queue is selected to be


• There are two flavors

– Non-preemptive

– Preemptive (Shortest Remaining Time First –


2/25/2011 23

Let me

go firstProcess Arrival Time Burst Time

P1 0 7

P2 2 4

P3 4 1

P4 5 4

Example of Non-Preemptive SJF

P1 P3 P2

7 3 16 0


8 12

2/25/2011 24Example of Preemptive SJF

Process Arrival Time Burst Time

P1 0 7

P2 2 4

P3 4 1

P4 5 4

P1 P3 P2

4 2 11 0


5 7

P2 P1


2/25/2011 25Next CPU burst estimation

• What if we don’t know the length of burst


• Can only estimate

• Can be done by using the length of previous

CPU bursts, using exponential averaging

( ) . 1   : Define    4.

1 0 ,    3.

burst    CPU next    for the    value predicted      2.

burst    CPU     of length     actual    1.




τ α α τ

α α


− + =

≤ ≤





2/25/2011 26Examples

• α =0

– τn+1 = τn

– Recent history does not count

• α =1

– τn+1 = α tn

– Only the actual last CPU burst counts

• If we expand the formula, we get:

τn+1 = α tn+(1 - α)α tn -1 + …

+(1 - α ) j

α tn -j

+ …

+(1 - α ) n +1


• Since both α and (1 - α) are less than or equal to 1, each

successive term has less weight than its predecessorPriority Scheduling

• A priority number (integer) is associated with each


• The CPU is allocated to the process with the

highest priority (smallest integer ≡ highest priority)

– Preemptive

– Non-preemptive

• SJF is a priority scheduling where priority is the

predicted next CPU burst time

• Problem ≡ Starvation – low priority processes may

never execute

• Solution ≡ Aging – as time progresses increase the

priority of the processRound Robin (RR)

• Each process gets a small unit of CPU time

– time quantum (usually 10-100 milliseconds)

– After time quantum, the process is preempted

and added to the end of the READY queue.

• Performance

– q large ⇒ FIFO

– q small ⇒ q must be large with respect to

context switch, otherwise overhead is too highRound Robin

Computer Workstation



TimeExample of RR

Process Burst Time

P1 53

P2 17

P3 68

P4 24

• Quantum is 20

P1 P2 P3 P4 P1 P3 P4 P1 P3 P3

0 20 37 57 77 97 117 121 134 154 162Multilevel Queue

• Ready queue is partitioned into separate queues

– foreground (interactive)

– background (batch)

• Each queue has its own scheduling algorithm

– foreground – RR

– background – FCFSMultilevel Queue (cont’d)

• Scheduling must be done between the queues

– Fixed priority scheduling

• (i.e., serve all from foreground then from


• Possibility of starvation

– Time slice

• each queue gets a certain amount of CPU time which

it can schedule amongst its processes

– i.e., 80% to foreground in RR

– 20% to background in FCFS Multilevel Queue SchedulingMultilevel Feedback Queue

• A process can move between the various queues

– aging can be implemented this way

• Multilevel-feedback-queue scheduler defined by

the following parameters

– number of queues

– scheduling algorithms for each queue

– method used to determine when to upgrade a process

– method used to determine when to demote a process

– method used to determine which queue a process will

enter when that process needs serviceExample

• Three queues:

– Q0 – RR with time quantum 8 milliseconds

– Q1 – RR time quantum 16 milliseconds

– Q2 – FCFS

• Scheduling

– A new job enters queue Q0 which is served FCFS. When

it gains CPU, job receives 8 milliseconds.  If it does not

finish in 8 milliseconds, job is moved to queue Q1.

– At Q1 job is again served FCFS and receives 16 additional

milliseconds.  If it still does not complete, it is preempted

and moved to queue Q2.Multiple-Processor Scheduling

• CPU scheduling more complex when

multiple CPUs are available

– Homogeneous processors within a


– Load sharing

• Asymmetric multiprocessing

– only one processor accesses the system data

structures, alleviating the need for data

sharingScheduling criteria

• CPU utilization

– keep the CPU as busy as possible

• Throughput

– # of complete processes per time unit

• Turnaround time

– amount of time to execute a particular process

• Waiting time

– amount of time waiting in the ready queue

• Response time

– amount of time it takes from when a request was

submitted until the first response is produced, not

output  (for time-sharing environment)Process Arrival Time Burst Time

P1 0 7

P2 2 4

P3 4 1

P4 5 4

Example of Non-Preemptive SJF

P1 P3 P2

7 3 16 0


8 12

2/25/2011 39End of Chapter

2/25/2011 40Question?

2/25/2011 41


Fundamentals of

Operating Systems

Nguyen Tri Thanh

[email protected]



and Synchronization3


 Present what IPC is

 Write a simple IPC program in Linux

 Present why we need synchronization

 Methods of synchronization

 Write a simple synchronization program4


 Chapter 2, 6 of Operating System Concepts5

Inter-process Communication



 In some situations, processes need to

communicate with each other

 To send/receive data (web browser – web server)

 To control the other process

 To synchronize with each other

 This can be done by IPC

 IPC is implemented differently among OSes

 Linux: message queue, semaphore, shared

segment, …7

Introduction (cont’d)

 IPC can be divided into 2 categories

 IPC among processes within the same system

 Linux: pipe, named pipe, file mapping, …

 IPC among processes not within the same system

 Remote Procedure Call (RPC), Socket, Remote

Method Invocation (RMI)8

Process Synchronization9


Write process P:

while (true) {

while (counter==SIZE) ;

buf[in] = nextItem;

in = (in+1) % SIZE;



buf: Buffer

SIZE: size of buffer

counter: global variable

Read process Q:

while (true) {

while (counter==0) ;

nextItem = buf[out];

out = (out+1) % SIZE;



 Bounded-circular buffer10




How the instruction counter++ is executed

by machine?


register1 = counter;

register1 = register1 + 1;


register1 = counter;

register1 = register1 + 1;

counter = register1;


counter = counter+1;11

Problem (cont’d)


register1 = counter;

register1 = register1 + 1;

counter = register1;


register2 = counter;

register2 = register2 - 1;

counter = register2;

 Low level implementation

P and Q can get different result of counter. Why?12

Problem (cont’d)

 Suppose counter=5

register1 = counter; // register1=5

register1 = register1 + 1; // register1=6

register2 = counter; // register2=5

register2 = register2 - 1; // register2=4

counter = register1; // counter=6 !!

counter = register2; // counter=4 !!13

Problem (cont’d)

 Cause: P and Q simultaneously operate on

global variable counter

 Solution: Let them operate separately

register1 = counter; // register1=5

register1 = register1 + 1; // register1=6

counter = register1; // counter=6

register2 = counter; // register2=6

register2 = register2 - 1; // register2=5

counter = register2; // counter=514

Another Problem

Write process P:

while (true) {

update access set



access: a table in


counter: a field in the


Write process Q:

while (true) {

update access set



Race condition

 Happen when many processes simultaneously

work with  shared data

 To avoid, processes need synchronization16

Critical section

 Suppose n processes P0, P1, ..., Pn share a

global variable v

 v can also be other resource, e.g, file

 Each process has a segment of code CSi

which operates on v


is called critical section

 Because it is critical to prone errors

 Need to make the critical section safe17

Critical section18


Process P:

while (true) {








hit: a global variable

Which is the critical

section of the code

when multiple

processes of P run?Solution of Critical section

Critical section must satisfy 3 conditions

1. Mutual Exclusion

o If a process is in its critical section, then no other

processes can be in their critical sections

2. Progress

o If no process is in its critical section

o other processes waiting to enter their critical section,

o then the selection of the process to enter the critical

section cannot be postponed indefinitely

3. Bounded Waiting

o No process has to wait indefinitely to enter its critical


Critical section (cont’d)

 Each process has to

 request to run (enter section) its critical section


 and announce its completion (exit section) of its



Critical section (cont’d)

 Common structure

do {

Enter_Section (CSi

Run CSi



); // Remainder section

} while (TRUE);22

Critical section (cont’d)

 Short description

do {


; // Entry section

Run CSi

; // Critical section


; // Exit section


; // Remainder section

} while (TRUE);Peterson’s Solution

 Solution for two process

 The two processes share two variables:

 int turn; // with the value of 0 or 1

 Boolean flag[2]

 The variable turn indicates whose turn it is to

enter the critical section

 If turn==i then Pi

is in turn to run its CSi

 The flag array is used to indicate if a process is

ready to enter the critical section. flag[i] = true

implies that process Pi

is ready!24

Peterson’s solution (cont’d)

 Program Pi


do {

flag[i] = TRUE;

turn = j;

while (flag[j] && turn == j) ;


flag[j] = FALSE;


} while (1);25

Peterson’s solution (cont’d)

 The proof of this solution is provided on page

196 of the textbook


 Complicated when then number of processes


 Difficult to control26


Reference infomation

 Semaphore is proposed

by Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

(Dutch) for Computer

Science in 1972

 Semaphore was firstly

used in his book “The

operating system”

Edsger Wybe Dijkstra



 Semaphore is an integer, can be only access

through two atomic operator wait (or P) and

signal (or V).

 P: proberen – check (in Dutch)

 V: verhogen – increase (in Dutch)

 Processes can share a semaphore

 Atomic operators guarantee the consistency29

wait and signal operators

wait(S)      // or P(S)


while (S<=0);



 Wait if semaphore

S<=0 else decrease S

by 1

signal(S)     // or V(S)




 Increase S by 130

Using semaphore

 Apply for critical section

do {

wait(s); // s is a semaphore initialized by 1




} while (1);31


Process P:

while (true) {








hit: a global variable

Use semaphore to make

the code safe?32

Using semaphore (cont’d)

 P1 needs to do O1; P2 need to do O2; O2 can

only be done after O1

 Solution: use a semaphore synch = 0











Semaphore implementation

 In the above semaphore implementation

 Use busy waiting (while loop)

 Resource wasting

 This type of semaphore is called spinlock34

Semaphore implementation


 Remove the busy waiting loop by using block

 To restored a blocked process, use wakeup

 Semaphore data structure

typedef struct {

int value; // value of semaphore

struct process *L; //waiting process list

} semaphore;35

void wait(semaphore *S)



if (S->value<0) {

Add the requested

process P into s->L;




void signal(semaphore *S)



if (S->value<=0) {

remove a process P

from s->L;




Semaphore implementation


Semaphore implementation


Binary semaphore

 Semaphore only has the value of 0 or 1

 Other semaphore type is counting


Classical synchronization


Synchronization is everywhereQuestion

 What is the disadvantage of the previous

bounded-buffer problem?Bounded-Buffer Problem

 N buffers, each can hold one item

 Semaphore mutex initialized to the value 1

 Semaphore full initialized to the value 0

 Semaphore empty initialized to the value N.42

Bounded-buffer problem (cont’d)

Write process P:

do {



Write (item);



} while (TRUE);

Read process Q:

do {






} while (TRUE);43

Bounded-buffer problem (cont’d)44

Readers-writers problem

 A data set is shared among a number of

concurrent processes

 Readers – only read

 Writers   – can both read and write


 allow multiple readers to read at the same time

 Only one single writer can access the shared data

at the same time45

Readers-writers problem46

Readers-writers problem (cont’d)

 Shared data

 Data set

 Semaphore wrt  initialized by 1, mutex (1)

 Used to manage write access

 Integer readcount initialized by 0 to count the

number of readers that are reading

 Semaphore mutex  initialized by 1

 Used to manage readcount access47

Readers-writers problem (cont’d)

 Process writer Pw:

do {




}while (TRUE);

 Process reader Pr:

do {



if (readcount ==1) wait(wrt);




readcount --;

if (readcount ==0) signal(wrt);


} while (TRUE);48

Dining-Philosophers Problem

 Five philosophers at a

table having 5

chopsticks, 5 bows and

a rice cooker

 A philosopher just eats

or thinks

 How to make sure

philosophers correctly

use the “shared data” –

the chopsticks49

Dining-philosophers problem (cont’d)

 Use semaphore to protect

chopstick access

 semaphore chopstick[5];

 Solution is provided as in the

next text box

 Code of philosopher i:

do {







} while (TRUE);50

Limitations of semaphore

 Semaphores need correct calls to wait and


 Incorrect use of semaphore may lead to


 Even correct use of semaphores may lead to

deadlock, in some cases 51

Limitations of semaphore (cont’d)

 Compare the two code snippets

 Snippet 1



//Critical section



 Snippet 2



//Critical section



Limitations of semaphore (cont’d)

 Compare the two code snippets

 Snippet 2






 Snippet 1






Limitations of semaphore (cont’d)

 If programmers forgot to call wait() and/or

signal() in a critical section, there will be


 Exclusive condition54

 Process P1







 Process P2







Limitations of semaphore (cont’d)55


Reference information

 Per Brinch Hansen

(Denmark) proposed the

concept and

implemented in 1972

 Monitor was firstly used

in Concurrent Pascal

programming language

Per Brinch Hansen


What is monitor?

 Monitor means to supervise

 It is a type of construct in a high level

programming language for synchronization


 C# programming language

 Java programming language

 Monitor was studied and developed to

overcome the limitations of semaphores58


 A monitor usually has

 Member variables as shared resources

 A set of procedures which operate on the shared


 Exclusive lock

 Constraints to manage race condition

 This description of monitor is like a class59

A sample monitor type

monitor tên_monitor {

//Shared resources

procedure P1(...) { ...


procedure P2(...) { ...



procedure Pn(...) { ...


initialization_code (..) { ...



Schematic view of a Monitor61

Monitor implementation

 Monitor must be implemented so that

 only one process can enter the monitor at a time

(mutual exclusive)

 programmer do not need to write code for this

 Other monitor implementation

 have more synchronization mechanism

 add condition variable62

Condition type


 condition x, y;

 Use condition variable

 there are two operators: wait and signal


 process calls x.wait() will have to wait or suspend


 process calls x.signal() will wakeup a waiting process

– the one that called x.wait()63

Monitor with condition64

x.signal() characteristics

 x.signal() wakeup only one waiting process

 If no waiting process, it does nothing

 x.signal() is different from that of classical


 signal in classical semaphore always change the

state (value) of semaphoreSolution to Dining Philosophers

monitor DP


enum { THINKING; HUNGRY, EATING) state [5] ;

condition self [5];

void pickup (int i) {

state[i] = HUNGRY;

if (state[i] != EATING) self [i].wait;


void putdown (int i) {

state[i] = THINKING;

// test left and right neighbors

test((i + 4) % 5);

test((i + 1) % 5);

}Solution to Dining Philosophers (cont)

void test (int i) {

if ( (state[(i + 4) % 5] != EATING) &&

(state[i] == HUNGRY) &&

(state[(i + 1) % 5] != EATING) ) {

state[i] = EATING ;

self[i].signal () ;



initialization_code() {

for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

state[i] = THINKING;


}Solution to Dining Philosophers (cont)

 Each philosopher invokes the operations

pickup() and putdown() in the following


dp.pickup (i)


dp.putdown (i)Monitor Implementation Using Semaphores


semaphore mutex;  // (initially  = 1)

semaphore next;     // (initially  = 0)

int next-count = 0;

 Each procedure F will be replaced by


body of F;

if (next-count > 0)




 Mutual exclusion within a monitor is ensured.Monitor Implementation

 For each condition variable x, we  have:

semaphore x-sem; // (initially  = 0)

int x-count = 0;

 The operation x.wait can be implemented as:


if (next-count > 0)





x-count--;Monitor Implementation

 The operation x.signal can be implemented


if (x-count > 0) {





}Linux Synchronization


 disables interrupts to implement short critical


 Linux provides:


 spin locksPthreads Synchronization

 pthreads API is OS-independent

 It provides:

 mutex locks

 condition variables

 Non-portable extensions include:

 read-write locks

 spin locks73

End of Chapter74



Fundamentals of

Operating Systems

Nguyen Tri Thanh

[email protected]





 Introduce what a deadlock is

 Introduce methods of handling deadlocks

 Implement deadlock handling algorithms



 Chapter 7 of Operating System Concepts


Definition of deadlock

 A set of blocked processes each

 holding a resource and

 waiting to acquire a resource held by another

process in the set

 There must be a circular wait in the set of



Deadlock examples


Deadlock example (cont’d)

 Process A:


Lock file F1;


Open file F2;

Unlock F1;


 Process B


Lock file F2;


Open file F1;

Unlock F1;


3/16/2011System Model

 Resource types R1, R2, . . ., Rm

 shared variables, memory space, I/O devices,

 Each resource type Ri

has Wi


 Each process utilizes a resource as





3/16/2011 8Deadlock Characterization

 Deadlock can arise if four conditions hold


 C1: Mutual exclusion

 C2: Hold and wait holding one resource, waiting

other resources held by another

 C3: No preemption only process has right to

release its holding resources

 C4: Circular wait there exists a set {P0, P1, …, P0}

of processes:


is waiting for a resource that is held by P1,

 P1 is waiting for a resource that is held by P2, …

 Pn is waiting for a resource that is held by P0.

3/16/2011 9Resource-Allocation Graph

 V is partitioned into two types

 P = {P1, P2, …, Pn}, the set consisting of all the

processes in the system

 R = {R1, R2, …, Rm}, the set consisting of all

resource types in the system.

 request edge – directed edge Pi

→ Rj

 assignment edge – directed edge Rj

→ Pi

A set of vertices V and a set of edges E.

3/16/2011 10Resource-Allocation Graph



 Resource Type with 4 instances


requests instance of Rj


is holding an instance of Rj





3/16/2011 11Example of a RAG

3/16/2011 12RAG With A Deadlock

3/16/2011 13

 When P3 asks for R2

 There are two circulars




 Set of P1, P2, P3 is

deadlockGraph With A Cycle But No


3/16/2011 14Basic Facts

 If graph contains no cycles ⇒ no deadlock.

If graph contains a cycle ⇒

 if only one instance per resource type, then


 if several instances per resource type, possibility

of deadlock.

3/16/2011 1516

Deadlock handlingMethods for Handling Deadlocks

 Ensure that the system will never enter a

deadlock state

 Deadlock prevention, deadlock avoidance

 Allow the system to enter a deadlock state and

then recover

 Deadlock detection and recovery

 Ignore the problem and pretend that deadlocks

never occur in the system

 used by most operating systems, including UNIX.

3/16/2011 17Deadlock Prevention

 The method prevents at least one of the four

deadlock conditions from occurring

 This method is classified as a static method

3/16/2011 18Deadlock Prevention

 C1: Mutual Exclusion

 In some situations, this condition is required

 Not feasible to make this NOT to happen

3/16/2011 19Deadlock Prevention

 C2: Hold and Wait

 must guarantee that whenever a process requests a

resource, it does not hold any other resources

 require process to request and be allocated all its

resources before it begins execution, or

 allow process to request resources only when the

process has none.

 low resource utilization; starvation possible.

3/16/2011 20Deadlock Prevention (Cont'd)

 C3: No Preemption

 If a process holding some resources requests

another resource that cannot be immediately

allocated to it,

 then all resources currently being held are released

 released resources are added to the list of resources

for which the process is waiting

 Process will be restarted only when it can regain its

old resources and the new requesting ones

3/16/2011 21Deadlock Prevention (Cont'd)

 C4: Circular Wait

 impose a total ordering of all resource types and

 require that each process requests resources in an

increasing order of enumeration

3/16/2011 2223

Deadlock avoidanceDeadlock Avoidance

 This method requires additional information to

decide resource allocation so that deadlock

will not happen

 each process has to register the number of each

required resource types as additional information

 The deadlock-avoidance algorithm

dynamically examines the resource-allocation

state to ensure that there can never be a

circular-wait condition

3/16/2011 24Deadlock Avoidance

 Deadlock avoidance algorithms check the

state of resource-allocation to decide


 Resource-allocation state is defined by the

number of available and allocated resources,

and the maximum demands of the processes

3/16/2011 25Safe State

 System is in safe state if a sequence <P1, P2,

…, Pn> of ALL the  processes exists


can be satisfied by currently available

resources + resources held by all the Pj

, with j < i

 processes terminate in the above order

3/16/2011 26Basic Facts

 If a system is in safe state ⇒ no deadlocks

 If a system is in unsafe state ⇒ possibility of


 Avoidance ⇒ ensure that a system will never

enter an unsafe state

3/16/2011 27Safe, Unsafe , Deadlock State

3/16/2011 2829


 A system has 12 tapes, and 3 processes P0,

P1, P2 with corresponding requests:

 P0 requests at most 10 tapes

 P1 requests at most 4 tapes

 P2 requests at most 9 tapes

 At t0, P0 has 5 tapes, P1 and P2 each has 2


 3 tapes available


Example (cont’d)

Max request Current request

P0 10 5

P1 4 2

P2 9 2

 At t0, the system is in safe state

 The sequence <P1, P0, P2> is a safe sequence

 At t1, P2 request 1 more tape

 the system is in unsafe state

 it is wrong to allocate a tape for P2

3/16/2011Avoidance algorithms

 Single instance of a resource type 

 Use a resource-allocation graph

 Multiple instances of a resource type 

 Use the banker’s algorithm

3/16/2011 31RAG Algorithm convention

 Claim edge Pi

→ Rj

 process Pj

may request resource Rj

 presented as a dash line

 Claim edge converts to request edge when a

process requests a resource

 Request edge becomes an assignment edge

when the  resource is assigned to it

 When a resource is released by a process,

assignment edge reconverts to a claim edge

 Resources must be claimed a priori in the system.

3/16/2011 32Resource-Allocation Graph

3/16/2011 33Unsafe State In

Resource-Allocation Graph

3/16/2011 34Resource-Allocation Graph


 Suppose that process Pi

requests Rj

 The request can be granted only if

 converting the request edge to an assignment

edge does not result in a cycle in the RAG

3/16/2011 35Banker’s Algorithm

 Multiple instances

 Each process must a priori claim maximum use

 When a process requests a resource it may

have to wait

 When a process gets all its resources it must

return them in a finite amount of time

3/16/2011 36Data Structures for the Banker’s Algorithm

 Available: Vector of length m

 Available [j] = k: there are k instances of resource

type Rj


 Max: n x m matrix 

 Max [i,j] = k: Pi

may request at most k instances of Rj

 Allocation:  n x m matrix 

 Allocation[i,j] = k: Pi

is allocated k instances of Rj

Let n = number of processes, and m = number of resources types

3/16/2011 37Data Structures for the Banker’s Algorithm

 Need:  n x m matrix

 Need[i,j] = k: Pi

may need k more instances of Rj

 Need [i,j] = Max[i,j] – Allocation [i,j]

 Let Work and Finish be vectors of length m and

n, respectively

Let n = number of processes, and m = number of resources types

3/16/2011 38Safety/Banker Algorithm

1. Initialize

Work = Available

Finish [i] = false for i = 0, 1, …, n- 1

2.Find and i such that satisfies both

(a) Finish [i] = false

(b) Needi

≤ Work

If no such i exists, go to step 4

3.Work = Work + Allocationi

Finish[i] = true

go to step 2

4.If Finish [i] == true for all i, then the system is

in a safe state 3/16/2011 39Question

Which of the following is correct about the

Work algorithm?

A. It stores the available resources when each

process finishes

B. It is a redundant variable

C. It stores the state of the system

D. It stores possible resource for each process

3/16/2011 40Question

Which of the following is correct about

banker’s algorithm?

 it detects the unsafe state of the system

 it detects the deadlock state of the system

 it detects the safe sequence of the system

 it detects the available resources

3/16/2011 41Resource-Request Algorithm

 Resource-request algorithm

 another algorithm to avoid unsafe state

 Additional data structure

 Request = request vector for process Pi


[j] = k: process Pi

wants k instances of Rj

3/16/2011 42Example of Banker’s Algorithm

 5 processes: P0

- P4;

3 resource types             

 A (10 instances),  B (5 instances), and C (7


 At time T0:

Allocation Max Available


P0 0 1 0 7 5 3 3 3 2

P1 2 0 0 3 2 2 

P2 3 0 2 9 0 2

P3 2 1 1 2 2 2

P4 0 0 2 4 3 3 

3/16/2011 43Example (Cont'd)

 Matrix Need = Max – Allocation



P0 7 4 3

P1 1 2 2

P2 6 0 0

P3 0 1 1

P4 4 3 1

 The system is in a safe state

 sequence < P1, P3, P4, P2, P0> satisfies safety


3/16/2011 44Resource-Request Algorithm

1. If Requesti

≤ Needi

go to step 2  Otherwise, raise

error condition

 since process has exceeded its maximum claim

2. If Requesti

≤ Available, go to step 3  Otherwise Pi

must wait

 since resources are not available

3. Pretend to allocate requested resources to Pi


modifying the state as follows:

Available = Available  – Request;


= Allocationi

+ Requesti


= Needi

– Requesti

 If safe ⇒ the resources are allocated to Pi.

 If unsafe ⇒ Pi must wait, and the old resource-allocation

state is restored

3/16/2011 45Example:  P1 Request (1,0,2)

 Request ≤ Available ((1,0,2) ≤ (3,3,2) ⇒ true)

Allocation Need Available


P0 0 1 0 7 4 3 2 3 0

P1 3 0 2 0 2 0

P2 3 0 1 6 0 0

P3 2 1 1 0 1 1

P4 0 0 2 4 3 1

 < P1, P3, P4, P0, P2> is a safety sequence

 Can request for (3,3,0) by P4 be granted?

 Can request for (0,2,0) by P0 be granted?

3/16/2011 4647

Deadlock detectionDeadlock Detection

 Allow system to enter deadlock state

 Use detection algorithms

 Recover from deadlock

3/16/2011 48Single Instance of Each

Resource Type

 Maintain wait-for graph

 Nodes are processes


→ Pj  

if Pi

is waiting for Pj

 Periodically invoke an algorithm that searches

for a cycle in the graph

 If there is a cycle, there exists a deadlock

 An algorithm to detect a cycle in a graph

requires an order of n2 operations

 where n is the number of vertices in the graph

3/16/2011 49Resource-Allocation Graph and

Wait-for Graph

Resource-Allocation Graph Corresponding wait-for graph

3/16/2011 50Several Instances of a

Resource Type

 Available: A vector of length m

 number of available resources of each type

 Allocation: An n x m matrix

 number of resources of each type currently allocated

to each process

 Request: An n x m matrix

 current request  of each process

 If Request [i


] = k, then process Pi

is requesting k

more instances of resource type Rj

3/16/2011 51Detection Algorithm

Let Work and Finish be vectors of length m and

n, respectively

1. Initialize:

(a) Work = Available

(b) For i = 1,2, …, n, if Allocationi

≠ 0, then

Finish[i] = false;otherwise, Finish[i] = true.

2.Find an index i such that both

(a) Finish[i] == false


≤ Work

If no such i exists, go to step 4.

3/16/2011 52Detection Algorithm (Cont'd)

3.Work = Work + Allocationi

Finish[i] = true

go to step 2

4. If Finish[i] == false, for some i, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, then

the system is in deadlock state

 Moreover, if Finish[i] == false, then Pi


Algorithm requires an order of O(m x n2)

operations to detect

whether the system is in deadlocked state.

3/16/2011 53Example of Detection Algorithm

 Processes P0 - P4; resources (numbers)

 A (7), B (2), and C (6)

 Snapshot at time T0

Allocation Request Available


P0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

P1 2 0 0 2 0 2

P2 3 0 3 0 0 0

P3 2 1 1 1 0 0

P4 0 0 2 0 0 2

 Sequence <P0, P2, P3, P1, P4> will result in

Finish[i] = true for all i.

3/16/2011 54Example (Cont'd)

 P2 requests an additional instance of type C



P0 0 0 0

P1 2 0 1

P2 0 0 1

P3 1 0 0

P4 0 0 2

 State of system

 Can reclaim resources held by process P0, but insufficient

resources to fulfill other processes; requests

 Deadlock exists, consisting of processes P1,  P2, P3, and P4

3/16/2011 55Detection-Algorithm Usage

 When, and how often, to invoke depends on:

 How often a deadlock is likely to occur?

 How many processes will need to be rolled back?

 one for each disjoint cycle

 If detection algorithm is invoked arbitrarily

 there may be many cycles in the resource graph

 would not be able to tell which of the many

deadlocked processes “caused” the deadlock.

3/16/2011 56Recovery from Deadlock

3/16/2011 57Recovery from Deadlock: 

Process Termination

 Abort all deadlocked processes

 Abort each process until the deadlock is removed

 In which order should we choose to abort?

 Priority of the process.

 How long process has computed, and how much

longer to completion.

 Resources the process has used.

 Resources process needs to complete.

 How many processes will need to be terminated.

 Is process interactive or batch?

3/16/2011 58Discussion

 For each abort condition, discuss which process

will be selected to be cancelled

 Priority of the process

 How long process has computed, and how much

longer to completion

 Resources the process has used

 Resources process needs to complete

 How many processes will need to be terminated

 Is process interactive or batch?

3/16/2011 59Recovery from Deadlock:

Resource Preemption

 Selecting a victim

 minimize cost


 return to some safe state, restart process for that



 same process may always be picked as victim,

include number of rollback in cost factor

3/16/2011 6061

End of chapter





Fundamentals of

Operating Systems

Nguyen Tri Thanh

[email protected]


Virtual Memory

Paging on demand

Page replacement

Frame allocation




 Introduce paging method

 Introduce segmentation method



 Chapter 9 of Operating System Concepts

4/20/2011Paging on demand

4/20/2011 5Food order

Each person prefers different food

One more beer

One more ice cream

One more steak

In a minute

4/20/2011 6Paging on demand

 Bring a page into memory only when needed

 Less I/O needed

 Less memory needed

 Faster response

 More users

 Page is needed ⇒ reference to it

 invalid reference ⇒ abort

 not,in,memory ⇒ bring to memory

 Lazy swapper – never swaps a page into

memory unless page is needed

 Swapper that deals with pages is a pager 4/20/2011 7Transfer of a Paged Memory to

Contiguous Disk Space

4/20/2011 8Instruction execution

4/20/2011 9Valid-Invalid Bit

 With each page table entry a valid–invalid bit is


 (v ⇒ in,memory, i ⇒ not,in,memory)

 Initially valid–invalid bit is set to i on all entries

 Example of a page table snapshot:

 During address translation, if

valid–invalid bit in page table

entry is I ⇒ page fault






Frame # valid,invalid bit

page table 4/20/2011 10Page Table When Some Pages

Are Not in Main Memory

4/20/2011 11Page Fault

 If there is a reference to a page,

 first reference to that page will trap to operating

system: page fault

1. Operating system looks at another table to decide:

 Invalid reference ⇒ abort

 Just not in memory

2. Get empty frame

3. Swap page into frame

4. Reset tables

5. Set validation bit = v

6. Restart the instruction that caused the page fault

4/20/2011 12Page Fault (Cont.)

 Restart instruction

 block move

 auto increment/decrement location






4/20/2011 13Steps in Handling a Page Fault

4/20/2011 1415




If no free frame available

 Call page replacement procedure 

 swap out an unused page from MEM


 FIFO, Optimal, LRU, LRU,approximation

 Performance of the algorithm

 page,fault rate

 which algorithm is better?

4/20/2011Performance of paging on


 Page Fault Rate 0 ≤ p ≤ 1.0

 if p = 0 no page faults

 if p = 1, every reference is a page fault

 Effective Access Time (EAT)

EAT = (1 – p) * memory access

+ p (page fault overhead

+ swap page out

+ swap page in

+ restart overhead)

4/20/2011 17Paging on Demand Example

 Memory access time = 200 nanoseconds

 Average page,fault service time = 8


 EAT = (1 – p) x 200 + p (8 milliseconds)

= (1 – p) x 200 + p x 8,000,000

= 200 + p x 7,999,800

 If one access out of 1,000 causes a page


 EAT = 8.2 microseconds.  

 slowdown by a factor of 40!!

4/20/2011 18Page Replacement

 Prevent over,allocation of memory

 include page replacement in page,fault service


 Use modify (dirty) bit to reduce overhead of

page transfers 

 only modified pages are written to disk

 Page replacement completes separation

between logical memory and physical memory

 large virtual memory can be provided on a smaller

physical memory

4/20/2011 19Page Replacement

4/20/2011 20Need For Page Replacement

4/20/2011 21Basic Page Replacement

1. Find the location of the desired page on disk

2. Find a free frame

 If there is a free frame, use it

 If there is no free frame, use a page replacement

algorithm to select a victim frame

3. Bring  the desired page into the (newly) free

frame; update the page and frame tables

4. Resume the process

4/20/2011 22Page Replacement

4/20/2011 23Page Replacement Algorithms

 Want lowest page,fault rate

 Evaluate algorithm

 runn it on a particular string of memory references

(reference string)

 compute the number of page faults on that string

 In all our examples, the reference string is   

1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

4/20/2011 24Graph of Page Faults Versus The

Number of Frames

4/20/2011 25First-In-First-Out (FIFO)


 Reference string: 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 1, 2,

3, 4, 5

 3 frames

 4 frames

⇒ Belady’s anomaly

Belady’s Anomaly: more frames ⇒ more page faults













9 page faults











5 10 page faults

4 4 3

4/20/2011 26FIFO Illustrating Belady’s


4/20/2011 27FIFO Page Replacement

4/20/2011 28Optimal Algorithm

 Replace page that will not be used for longest

period of time

 4 frames example

1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

How do you know this?

 Used for measuring

how well the algorithm






6 page faults

4 5

4/20/2011 29Optimal Page Replacement

4/20/2011 30Least Recently Used (LRU)


 Least recently used page is swapped out first

 Reference string:  1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

 4 frames





















4/20/2011 31Least Recently Used (LRU)


 Counter implementation

 Every page entry has a counter;

 every time page is referenced through this

entry, copy the clock into the counter

 When a page needs to be changed,

 look at the counters to determine which are to


4/20/2011 32LRU Page Replacement

4/20/2011 33LRU Algorithm (Cont.)

 Stack implementation

 keep a stack of page numbers in a double link


 Page referenced:

 move it to the top

 requires 6 pointers to be changed

 No search for replacement

4/20/2011 34Use Of A Stack to Record The Most

Recent Page References

4/20/2011 35LRU Approximation Algorithms

 Reference bit

 With each page associate a bit, initially = 0

 When page is referenced bit set to 1

 Replace the one which is 0 (if one exists)

 We do not know the order

 Second chance (follow clock order)

 Need reference bit

 Clock replacement

 If page to be replaced has reference bit = 1 then:

 set reference bit 0

 leave page in memory

 replace next page, subject to same rules 4/20/2011 36Second-Chance (clock) Page-

Replacement Algorithm

4/20/2011 37Counting Algorithms

 Keep a counter of the number of references

that have been made to each page

 LFU Algorithm

 replaces page with smallest count

 MFU Algorithm

 based on the argument that the page with the

smallest count was probably just brought in and

has yet to be used

4/20/2011 38Allocation of Frames

 Each process needs minimum number of


 Example:  IBM 370 – 6 pages to handle SS

MOVE instruction:

 instruction is 6 bytes, might span 2 pages

 2 pages to handle from

 2 pages to handle to

 Two major allocation schemes

 fixed allocation

 priority allocation

4/20/2011 39Fixed Allocation

 Equal allocation 

 For example, if there are 100 frames and 5

processes, give each process 20 frames.

 Proportional allocation 

 Allocate according to the size of process

m S

p a

s S

× = =


∑ =


  for   allocation 

frames   of   number   total 

  process   of   size 

59 64



5 64










≈ × =

≈ × =






4/20/2011 40Priority Allocation

 Use a proportional allocation scheme using

priorities rather than size

 If process Pi

generates a page fault,

 select for replacement one of its frames

 select for replacement a frame from a process

with lower priority number

4/20/2011 41Global vs. Local Allocation

 Global replacement

 process selects a replacement frame from the set

of all frames;

 one process can take a frame from another

 Local replacement

 each process selects from only its own set of

allocated frames

4/20/2011 42Thrashing

 If a process does not have “enough” pages,

the page,fault rate is very high.  This leads to:

 low CPU utilization

 operating system thinks that it needs to increase

the degree of multiprogramming

 another process added to the system


 a process is busy swapping pages in and out

4/20/2011 43Thrashing (Cont.)

4/20/2011 44Solutions to Thrashing

 Use local allocation

 Use priority allocation

 not good solution

 Working set model

 A suitable solution

4/20/2011 45Working-Set Model

  ≡ working,set window

 a number of page references, e.g. 10,000

 Working set of Process Pi


=total number of pages referenced in the most

recent  (varies in time)

 if  too small will not encompass entire locality

 if  too large will encompass several localities

 if  = ∞ ⇒ will encompass entire program

 D = Σ WSSi

≡ total demand frames

 if D > m (total of frames)⇒ Thrashing

 Policy if D > m, then suspend one process

4/20/2011 46Working-set model

4/20/2011 47Keeping Track of

the Working Set

 Approximate with interval timer + a reference bit

 Example:  = 10,000

 Timer interrupts after every 5000 time units

 Keep in memory 2 bits for each page

 Whenever a timer interrupts copy and sets the values

of all reference bits to 0

 If one of the bits in memory = 1 ⇒ page in working set

 Why is this not completely accurate?

 Improvement = 10 bits and interrupt every 1000

time units

4/20/2011 4849

End of chapter



New terms

 Paging on demand: phân trang theo yêu cSu

 Lazy swapper: bT tráo ñWi lưYi

 Page Fault: lZi trang

 Handling a Page Fault: x[ lý mTt lZi trang

 Page Replacement: thay trang

 Belady’s Anomaly: d] thưYng Belady

 Optimal Algorithm: gi^i thu_t t'i ưu

 Least Recently Used (LRU) Algorithm: gi^i thu_t (thay trang) ít ñưbc s[

dcng gSn ñây nhdt

 LRU Approximation Algorithms: gi^i thu_t xdp xe LRU

 Counting Algorithms: gi^i thu_t ñfm

 Fixed Allocation: phân ph'i c' ñ]nh

 Priority Allocation: phân ph'i ưu tiên

 Global vs. Local Allocation: phân ph'i toàn ccc và ccc bT

 Working,Set Model: mô hình t_p làm vijc



Fundamentals of

Operating Systems

Nguyen Tri Thanh

[email protected]

4/27/2011File System


File-System Structure

File-System Implementation

Directory Implementation

Allocation Methods

Free-Space Management

Efficiency and Performance


4/27/2011 23


 Introduce what a file is

 Introduce file system implementation

 Introduce directory implementation

 Introduce 3 allocation methods

 Introduce free space management



 Chapter 10, 11 of Operating System


4/27/2011File Concept

 Contiguous logical address space







4/27/2011 5File Structure

 None - sequence of words, bytes

 Simple record structure


 Fixed length

 Variable length

 Complex Structures

 Formatted document

 Relocatable load file

 Can simulate last two with first method by

inserting appropriate control characters

 Who decides:

 Operating system

 Program 4/27/2011 6File Attributes


 only information kept in human-readable form


 unique (number) identifies file within file system


 needed for systems that support different types


 pointer to file location on storage device

4/27/2011 7File Attributes (cont’d)


 current file size


 controls who can do reading, writing, executing

 Time, date, and user identification

 data for protection, security, and usage monitoring

 Information about files are kept in the

directory structure on the disk

4/27/2011 8Inode on Linux

4/27/2011 9File System Structure

 File system resides on secondary storage

 disks, CD ROM, DVD, flash drive,…

 File system organized into layers

 File control block (FCB)

 storage structure of information about a file

 inode (index node) is an implementation of FCB

on Linux

4/27/2011 10Layered File System

4/27/2011 11A Typical File Control Block

4/27/2011 12In-Memory File System


 The following figure illustrates the necessary

file system structures provided by the

operating systems

 open a file

 read a file

4/27/2011 13In-Memory File System


4/27/2011 14Virtual File Systems

 Virtual File Systems (VFS)

 provide an object-oriented way of implementing

file systems

 allow the same system call interface (the API) to

be used for different types of file systems

 the API is to the VFS interface, rather than any

specific type of file system.

4/27/2011 15Schematic View of

Virtual File System

4/27/2011 16Linux VFS


4/27/2011 17Directory Structure

 A collection of nodes containing information

about all files

F 1 F 2

F 3

F 4

F n



4/27/2011 18Directory Implementation

 Linear list

 list of file names with pointer to the data blocks

 simple to program

 time-consuming to execute


 Linux FS (Ext3)

 Hash Table

 linear list with hash data structure

 decreases directory search time

 collisions resolution

 fixed size


4/27/2011 19Directory in Linux

4/27/2011 20File management API

4/27/2011 21File Operations




 Reposition within file




 search the directory structure on disk for entry Fi

, and

move the content of entry to memory

 Close (Fi

 move the content of entry Fi

in memory to directory

structure on disk

4/27/2011 22Operations Performed on


 Search for a file

 Create a directory

 Delete a directory

 List a directory

 Rename a directory

 Traverse the file system

4/27/2011 23File/directory protection

4/27/2011 24Goals of Protection

 Ensure that each file/directory is

accessed correctly and only by those

processes that are allowed to do so

4/27/2011 25Protection

 File owner/creator should be able to control:

 what can be done

 by whom

 Types of access







4/27/2011 26Access Lists and Groups

 Mode of access:  read, write, execute

 Three classes of users


a) owner access 7 ⇒ 1 1 1


b) group access 6 ⇒ 1 1 0


c) public access 1 ⇒ 0 0 1

 Ask manager to create a group (unique name), say G, and add

some users to the group.

 For a particular file (say game) or subdirectory, define an

appropriate access.

owner group public

chmod 761 game

Attach a group to a file

chgrp     G    game

4/27/2011 27Windows XP




4/27/2011 28Storage Allocation


4/27/2011 29Disk partitions

 A disk can be split into partitions

 each is a consecutive range of cylinders

 each is also called logic disk

 e.g., Windows called: C, D, E drives

4/27/2011 30Partition organization

 Organization is specific to each OS

 region for storing data is divided into equal


 block is a read/write unit of OS


This part is divided

into blocks

4/27/2011 31Allocation Methods

 An allocation method refers to how disk

blocks are allocated for files

 Contiguous allocation

 Linked allocation

 Indexed allocation

 Each method needs an appropriate way to

access file

4/27/2011 32Contiguous Allocation

 Each file occupies a set of contiguous blocks

on the disk


 only starting location (block #) and length (number

of blocks) are required

 Random access

 Wasteful of space

 dynamic storage-allocation problem

 Files cannot grow

4/27/2011 33Contiguous Allocation

 Mapping from logical to physical

 LA is position to access




Suppose block size is 512KB

Block to be accessed = Q + starting address

Displacement/offset into block = R

4/27/2011 34Contiguous Allocation

of Disk Space

4/27/2011 35Extent-Based Systems

 Many newer file systems (I.e. Veritas File


 use a modified contiguous allocation scheme

 Extent-based file systems

 allocate disk blocks in extents

 An extent is a contiguous block of disks

 Extents are allocated for file allocation

 A file consists of one or more extents

 extents of a file are not necessarily contiguous

4/27/2011 36Linked Allocation

 Each file is a linked list of disk blocks:

 blocks may be scattered anywhere on the disk.


block      =

4/27/2011 37Linked Allocation

4/27/2011 38Linked Allocation (Cont.)


 need only starting address

 Free-space management system

 no waste of space

 No random access

 File-allocation table (FAT) – disk-space allocation

used by MS-DOS and OS/2.

4/27/2011 39File-Allocation Table (DOS)

• Separate the

pointers from


• pointers are

stored in File

Allocation Table


• The system

stores two

identical copies

of FAT


4/27/2011 40Indexed Allocation

 Brings all pointers together into the index block

 Logical view

index table data blocks

4/27/2011 41Example of Indexed Allocation

4/27/2011 42Indexed Allocation (Cont.)

 Need index block

 Random access

 Dynamic access without external


 have overhead of index block

4/27/2011 43Indexed Allocation (cont’d)

 Two-level index

 Two level of index block

 Method to increase file size

File entry



index table data

4/27/2011 44Address locating

Go to USA →

San Francisco

California St

→ 3333

4/27/2011 45Indexed Allocation (cont’d)

 A system uses two-level index

 block size 4KB

 pointer size 4 Bytes

 Which of the following is the correct maximum

file size?





4/27/2011 46Indexed Allocation (cont’d)

 A system uses two-level index

 Which of the following is the correct steps to

location the data at file position n?

 Identify block number → block number in block

table → offset

 Identify block number in block table → block number

→ offset

 Identify offset → block number

 none of the above

4/27/2011 47Indexed Allocation (cont’d)

 A system uses two-level index

 block size 2KB

 pointer size 4 Bytes

 File size 20MB

 Which is the correct address of file at position


4/27/2011 48Indexed Allocation (Cont.)

 Linked scheme

 no limit on file size

 Combine linked list with

index block

 index blocks are linked

 last pointer of a index block is

the address of the next one

index table data blocks

4/27/2011 49Combined Scheme:  UNIX

(4K bytes per block) 4/27/2011 50LINUX allocation

(10 direct pointers) 4/27/2011 51Free-Space Management

 Bit vector (n blocks), e.g. Linux (ext3)

 Easy to get contiguous blocks

0 1 2 n-1

bit[i] =


0 ⇒ block[i] free

1  ⇒ block[i] occupied

• Bit map requires extra space


block size = 212 bytes

disk size = 230 bytes (1 gigabyte)

n = 230/212 = 218 bits (or 32K bytes)

4/27/2011 52Free-Space Management


 Linked list (free list)

 Cannot get contiguous space easily

 No waste of space


 Use linked blocks to store pointers to free blocks

 Last pointer in a block is the address of the next one


 several contiguous blocks are freed/allocated for a file

 each entry has

 address of the first free block

 number of contiguously free blocks 4/27/2011 53Free-Space Management


 Need to protect:

 Pointer to free list

 Bit map

 Must be kept on disk

 Copy in memory and disk may differ

 Cannot allow for block[i] to have a situation where bit[i] =

1 in memory and bit[i] = 0 on disk


 Set bit[i] = 1 in disk

 Allocate block[i]

 Set bit[i] = 1 in memory

4/27/2011 54Linked Free Space List on Disk

4/27/2011 55Page Cache

 Page cache

 caches pages rather than disk blocks using virtual

memory techniques

 Memory-mapped I/O uses a page cache

 Routine I/O through the file system uses the

buffer (disk) cache

 This leads to the following figure

4/27/2011 56Shared file systems

 A file system is shared to other machines

 the file system may be large and powerful

 file sharing is needed in many applications

 available in many systems, e.g., Windows, Linux


4/27/2011 57Shared file systems

4/27/2011 58Network File System (NFS)


4/27/2011 59End of Chapter

4/27/2011 60Question?

4/27/2011 61


Fundamentals of

Operating Systems

Nguyen Tri Thanh

[email protected]

5/11/2011Storage Systems

File-System Structure

File-System Implementation

Directory Implementation

Allocation Methods

Free-Space Management

Efficiency and Performance



 Introduce the list of mass storage devices

 Introduce the structure/organization of disks

 Introduce disk scheduling algorithms

 Introduce reliable storages

 Introduce non-violate storages

 Implement disk scheduling algorithms



 Chapter 12 of Operating System Concepts

5/11/2011Overview of Mass Storage


 Magnetic disks provide bulk of secondary storage

of modern computers

 rotate at 60 to 300 rounds per second

 Transfer rate

 rate of data flow between drive and computer

 Positioning time (random-access time)

 time to move disk arm to desired cylinder (seek time) and

 time for desired sector to rotate under the disk head

(rotational latency)

 Head crash

 disk head making contact with the disk surface

 That’s badOverview of Mass Storage

Structure (cont’d)

 Disks can be removable

 Drive attached to computer via I/O bus

 EIDE, ATA, SATA, USB, Fibre Channel, SCSI

 Host controller

 computer uses bus to talk to

 Disk controller

 built into drive or storage arrayMoving-head Disk MechanismDisk Structure

 Disk drives are treated as

 a large 1-dimensional arrays of logical blocks

 a logical block is the smallest unit of transfer

 array of logical blocks is mapped into the sectors

of the disk sequentially.

 Sector 0 is the first sector of the first track on the

outermost cylinder

 Mapping proceeds in order through that track

 then the rest of the tracks in that cylinder,

 and then through the rest of the cylinders from

outermost to innermost.SectorsSectors

A number of sectors in each cylinder is not numbered (unused)Disk SchedulingDisk Scheduling

 The operating system is responsible for using

hardware efficiently

 for the disk drives, this means having a fast

access time and disk bandwidth

 Access time has two major components

 Seek time

 the time for the disk are to move the heads to the

cylinder containing the desired sector.

 Rotational latency

 the additional time waiting for the disk to rotate the

desired sector to the disk head.Disk Scheduling (Cont.)


 Minimize seek time

 Seek time ≈ seek distance

 Disk bandwidth

 (total number of bytes transferred) / (total time

between the first request for service and the

completion of the last transfer)Disk Scheduling Algorithms

 Several algorithms exist to schedule the

servicing of disk I/O requests

 We illustrate them with a request queue (0-


 98, 183, 37, 122, 14, 124, 65, 67

 Current head pointer 53FCFS

Illustration shows total head movement of 640 cylinders.SSTF

 Selects the request with the minimum seek

time from the current head position

 SSTF scheduling is a form of SJF scheduling;

 may cause starvation of some requests

 Illustration shows total head movement of

236 cylinders.SSTF (Cont.)SCAN

 The disk arm starts at one end of the disk,

and moves toward the other end,

 servicing requests until it gets to the other end of

the disk,

 head movement is reversed and servicing


 Sometimes called the elevator algorithm

 Illustration shows total head movement of

208 cylindersSCAN (Cont.)C-SCAN

 Provides a more uniform wait time than SCAN

 The head moves from one end of the disk to

the other

 servicing requests as it goes 

 When it reaches the other end, however,

 it immediately returns to the beginning of the disk,

 without servicing any requests on the return trip.

 Treats the cylinders as a circular list that wraps

around from the last cylinder to the first oneC-SCAN (Cont.)C-LOOK

 Version of C-SCAN

 Arm only goes as far as the last request in

each direction,

 then reverses direction immediately,

 without first going all the way to the end of the

disk. C-LOOK (Cont.)Selecting a Disk-Scheduling


 SSTF is common and has a natural appeal

 SCAN and C-SCAN perform better for systems that

place a heavy load on the disk.

 Performance depends on the number and types of


 Requests for disk service can be influenced by the file-

allocation method.

 The disk-scheduling algorithm should be written as a

separate module of the operating system, allowing it to

be replaced with a different algorithm if necessary.

 Either SSTF or LOOK is a reasonable choice for the

default algorithm.Disk Management

 Low-level formatting, or physical formatting

 Dividing a disk into sectors that the disk controller can

read and write

 To use a disk to hold files, the operating system

still needs to record its own data structures on the


 Partition the disk into one or more groups of cylinders

 Logical formatting or “making a file system”Disk Management (cont’d)

 Boot block initializes system

 The bootstrap is stored in ROM

 Bootstrap loader program

 Methods such as sector sparing used to handle

bad blocksBooting from a Disk in

Windows 2000Booting from a Disk in LinuxBooting from a Disk in Linux








data data data data … dataSwap-Space Management

 Swap-space — Virtual memory uses disk

space as an extension of main memory.

 Swap-space can be

 carved out of the normal file system,

 more commonly, it can be in a separate disk

partition.Swap-Space Management

 Swap-space management

 4.3BSD allocates swap space when process

starts; holds text segment (the program) and data


 Kernel uses swap maps to track swap-space use.

 Solaris 2 allocates swap space only when a page

is forced out of physical memory, not when the

virtual memory page is first created.Data Structures for Swapping on

Linux SystemsReliable storage

(reliable means data is safe even disks are broken)RAID Structure

 RAID=Redundant Array of Inexpensive


 RAID – multiple disk drives provides

reliability via redundancy

 RAID is arranged into six different levels

 There are also combinations RAID (cont’d)

 Several improvements in disk-use techniques

involve the use of multiple disks working


 Disk striping uses a group of disks as one

storage unitRAID (cont’d)

 RAID schemes improve performance and

improve the reliability of the storage system

by storing redundant data

 Mirroring or shadowing keeps duplicate of each


 Block interleaved parity uses much less

redundancyRAID LevelsRAID 0 - StrippingRAID 1 -MirroringRAID (0 + 1) and (1 + 0)RAID 0+1RAID 0+1RAID 1+0RAID 5

Parity blocks are used instead of mirroring

A1 (1110) A2 (0100) A3 (1001) AP(0011)RAID 6 RAID 50 RAID 60 RAID 100Stable-Storage Implementation

 Write-ahead log scheme requires stable


 To implement stable storage

 Replicate information on more than one

nonvolatile storage media with independent

failure modes

 Update information in a controlled manner to

ensure that we can recover the stable data after

any failure during data transfer or recoveryStable-Storage Implementation

 Write everything twice to separate disks

 Be sure 1st

write does not invalidate previous 2nd copy

 RAID 1 is okay; RAID 4/5 not okay!

 Read blocks back to validate; then report completion

 Reading both copies

 If 1st

copy okay, use it – i.e., newest value

 If 2nd copy different or bad, update it with 1st


 If 1st

copy is bad; update it with 2nd copy – i.e., old


Stable Storage (continued)

 Crash recovery

 Scan disks, compare corresponding blocks

 If one is bad, replace with good one

 If both good but different, replace 2nd with 1st



 If 1st

block is good, it contains latest value

 If not, 2nd block still contains previous value

 An abstraction of an atomic disk write of a

single block

 Uninterruptible by power failure, etc.52

Stable Storage

Analysis of the influence of crashes on stable writesTertiary Storage Devices

 Low cost is the defining characteristic of

tertiary storage

 Generally, tertiary storage is built using

removable media

 CD-ROMs; Floppy, Flash, WORM, tapesEnd of chapterQuestion?

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