Chapter 4(Day 1 before the wedding Part 3)

As the day go on, Nya misses Cole and hope he will save her. But to her surprise, the Captain's not mean, he's kind. His blue eyes are shining like the seas of Ninjago and Nya can imagine Lightning striking the seas making it like a connection.
Jay and his pirate crew were in the cabin talking about the destination they should go to take a break. Dogshanks, Nadakhan, and Flintlocke were supposely trying to put Jay with Nya but Jay never noticed it.
Kai, Zane, and Lloyd decided to stop by a friend of theirs to get their horses.

"Alright, anyone got any ideas for a destination where we can rest at?" Jay said. "What about Paradise, captain?" Flintlocke said. "Nope, many people goes there and we might get caught by the guards" Jay said. "What about Whistle Mountains lake? Heard it's pretty cold" Dogshanks said. "Sorry, Dogs, the ship might get freeze up" Jay said. "Any ideas, Flint?" Jay said to Flintlocke. "Nope, captain, sorry" Flintlocke said and Nadakhan coughed very loud. "Captain, Dogs, Flint, and I are going to get the princess a new outfit to wear for the tour" Nadakhan said. "Go ahead, I'm going to figure out what destination we're going at and after that I'll give Nya the tour" Jay said and he take put a map and set it on the table.

Nadakhan, Dogshanks, and Flintlocke left the cabin and they saw Nya sitting down on the steps watching the sunset by herself. "Hello, princess, Captain sent us to get you a new outfit to wear for the tour" Nadakhan said. "That's cool, I can't wait" Nya said and Dogshanks lead Nya downstairs of the ship to a room. "Your room is next to the Captain's" Flintlocke said. "Can I go in the Captain's room?" Nya said. "I'm sorry, princess, you can't. The captain will be mad if you do go in his room" Dogshanks said. "Come and check out your room, princess" Nadakhan said. Nya opened up the door and she was amazed. "It's beautiful, the bed's comfy, there's windows to see the ocean, and the fact it's blue, my favorite color" Nya said.
The bed was designs of daisies and the covers were blue. The pillows are navy and there were 2 small dark brown tables. One of them had a mini cherry tree and the other one had a golden lamp.
"The captain sure loves decorating rooms for guests, I can tell he's talented" Nya said. "Well, you are the first guest the captain ever had on this ship" Dogshanks said. "Really? Wow, I'm shocked" Nya said. "Time for you to get dazzle" Nadakhan said. "Now let's see if you wear something to amaze the captain instead of that wedding dress" Flintlocke said. "Um, okay?" Nya said and Nadakhan and Flintlocke measured Nya with a measuring tape. "Hmm, I got it, the captain was red earlier, so I was thinking about a red dress" Nadakhan said. "Can we add blue to the dress? It's the princess's favorite color" Dogshanks said. "I'm not sure about it, Dogs, it's not going to look right from what I'm imagining" Nadakhan said. "Oh, c'mon, Nadakhan, Dogs, it's not like you both are complaining what color her dress is" Flintlocke said. "That is so not true, Flint, the color matter's to us for the princess to impress the captain" Dogshanks said. "Really, the color doesn't matter, it's the format that we should be worrying about the most for the dress" Flintlocke said. "Oh, c'mon, Flint, the format of the dress can be sleeveless and formal" Dogshanks said. "Would you both stop it!!!!! We had to agree on what color and format for the dress!!!!!!" Nadakhan said. "Alright fine, Nadakhan, please do your magic to transform Nya's wedding dress to a better dress for the tour and the captain" Flintlocke said. Nadakhan closed his eyes and his magic surrounds Nya and Nya was shocked of the dress she's wearing. "It's beautiful, Nadakhan, I love it" Nya said. Dogshanks and Flintlocke were shocked and sighed. 

(Readers,tell me in the comments on your opinions on the dress Nya's wearing for her tour with Jay. I don't own this image). 

"I'm glad you love it but next time you'll wear something blue" Nadakhan said and Nya's golden clip turned to a Daisy and Nya smiled. "What's the Captain's favorite flower?" Nya said. "Cherry Blossoms, but he usually takes care a Daisy in his room everyday" Dogshanks said. "A Daisy? Can I see it?" Nya said. "Nope, sorry, Captain doesn't want anyone in his room besides himself" Flintlocke said. "Oh, okay" Nya said and Nadakhan take her hand. "C'mon, princess, time for you to go back on the deck for the tour" Nadakhan said and he, Dogshanks, and Flintlocke lead Nya back to the deck.

"Um, pirates, I still don't know what destination we're going to, so I had 3 suggestions we can go" Jay said as he walked out of the cabin. "Sorry, captain, we'll discuss that later" Dogshanks said. "Later? What the heck, Dogs? We need a place for the ship to rest" Jay said and Dogshanks ripped the map. "Nope, later captain, feast your eyes on the princess!" Dogshanks said and Nadakhan and Flintlocke lead Nya to the captain. "She's beautiful" Jay said and Flintlocke pushed Nya to Jay. "Whoa, sorry, captain, I didn't mean that" Nya said and she walked an inch away from Jay. "No, it's okay, princess, my pirate mates are just stupid" Jay said and Nadakhan clapped his eyes for all of the pirate mates. "Okay, what the heck is going on!" Jay said. "Sorry, captain, we're just giving you and the princess a musical number" Nadakhan said. "That's awesome!" Nya said. "Nope, it's not awesome, what's awesome is that my dear pirate crew is getting punished by me by cleaning up the ship" Jay said. "Boo!" Ronin said. "Um, I'm having a bad feeling about this" Nya said and she walked away from the captain and his pirate crew but Nadakhan stopped her and pulled her next to Jay.

This song is from Frozen and it is called Fixer Upper, I don't own than lyrics and just to be clear, I changed some lyrics to make it more like Jay is the fixer upper. Enjoy!
Fixer Upper by Frozen

Nadakhan:What's the issue, dear?
Why are you holding back from such a man?

Flintlocke:Is clumpy way he walks?
Dogshanks:Or the annoying way he talks?
Ronin:Or the pear-shaped square-shaped weirdness or his feet?

Flintlocks:And thought we know he washes well, he
Always ends up sorta smelly
Dogshanks:But you'll never meet a fellow
Who's as sensitive and sweet!

All of the pirate crew:So he's a bit of a fixer upper
So he's got a few flaws
Like his peculiar brain, dear
This thing with a stuffed bear
That’s a little outside of everyone's care

All of the pirate crew: he's a bit of a fixer upper
But this we're certain of
You can fix this fixer upper up
With a little bit of love!

Can we please stop talking about this?
We've still had to discuss about the destination we’re going to.

I'll say!
So tell me, dear--

Dogshanks: Is it the way that he starts commands?
Ronin:Or that he's socially a skinny man?
Nadakhan:Or that he only likes to sing Let it Go in the cabin? Jay: Nadakhan, I'm going to kill you!!!!

The pirate crew:What?
Flintlocke:Are you holding back or fondness?
Ronin:Due to his unmanly brunetteness?
Dogshanks:Or the way he covers up that he's the honest goods?

All of the pirate crew:He's just a bit of a fixer upper
He's got a couple of bugs
His isolation is confirmation
Of his desperation for healing hugs

All of the pirate crew:So he's a bit of a fixer upper
But we know what to do
The way to fix up this fixer upper
Is to fix him up with you!

Enough! She's getting married in about 3 days!!!!!!!

So she's a bit of a fixer upper
That's a minor thing
Dogshanks:Her quote "marriage" is a flax arrangement
And by the way I don't see no groom!

All of the pirates:So she's a bit of a fixer upper
Her brain's a bit betwixt
Get the groom out of the way
And the whole thing will be fixed

All of the pirates:We're not saying you can change him
Cause people don't really change
We're only saying that love's a force
That's powerful and strange

All of the pirates:People make bad choices if they're mad or scared or stressed
But throw a little love their way
And you'll bring out their best
True love brings out the best

All of the pirates:Everyone's a bit of a fixer upper
That's what it's all about!
Father! Sister! Brother!
We need each other
To raise us up and round us out

All of the pirates:Everyone's a bit of a fixer upper
But when push comes to shove

The only fixer upper fixer
That can fix a fixer upper is

All of the pirates:
True, true, true, true, true,
Love, true love,
Love, love, love, love, love,
Love, true love,

Flintlocke:Do you want to have a dance with Captain Jay?

Wait, What?

You're getting asked to dance with the captain.

All of the Sky pirates:...Love!

"What the heck?! Didn't you all know that Nya's getting married in 3 days! So there is no way to put me and Nya together!" Jay yelled at his pirate crew. "But what about a dance, captain? It'll make you love Nya" Dogshanks said. "I'm sorry, Dogs, but there is no dance, we had to stick of what destination we should go and rest!" Jay said and he walked in the cabin and slammed the door. "I'm going to talk to the captain to calm him down" Nya said and she walked in the cabin.

"We messed up for the captain and the princess" Flintlocke said. "We were singing that musical number to put the princess and the captain together. They look cute together" Dogshanks said. "Dogs, Flint, I think it's time for us to let the captain and the princess get to know each other" Nadakhan said. "That's the second part of the plan, Nadakhan, but do you think they will get along?" Ronin said. "Of course, Ronin, those two are Lightning and Water together combined like they're in a connection" Nadakhan said. "After that, our third plan is convince the captain to ask the princess out to a dance somewhere romantic" Flintlocke said. "The third plan is going to be pretty hard to do, Flint, I was suggesting that a place they should dance should be pretty and full of nature" Dogshanks said. "Perfect idea, Dogs, the fourth plan is for them to kiss" Nadakhan said. "But Nadakhan, the princess is getting married to her supposely "engaged" prince, we can't let the captain and the princess kiss" Ronin said. "Ronin, the princess might forget about her supposely "engaged" prince after plan 2 and 3, she'll learn the true meaning of love" Nadakhan said and Ronin sighed. "I hope our plans worked for the captain and the princess, we ship them very bad" Dogshanks said. "Our plans will work, Dogs, we just need to wait and see" Nadakhan said.

Nya saw Jay sitting down with a sad face. "Jay, you alright?" Nya said and Jay sighed. "No, I mean I'm not alright because there is no place for this ship to rest" Jay said. "I know a place for this ship to rest" Nya said. "Really? Tell me" Jay said. "There is this place where nature gets to use its powers to help people. There's Lightning for the light, water for the animals to drink and eat, and there's lots of pretty flowers over there especially cherry blossoms. Heard they're your favorite flowers" Nya said. "Yeah, cherry blossoms are my favorite flowers besides daisies, I kept a Daisy when I was 5 years old, I kept it because it reminds me of someone but I don't know who" Jay said. "Well, I hope that daisy reminds you of someone very pretty and kind and maybe you'll find her" Nya said. "Thanks, Nya, but what's that place called?" Jay said. "It's called Moonlight River, captain, it's not too far from here" Nya said. "Perfect, thanks so much, Nya" Jay said and he hugged Nya. "Your welcome, Jay" Nya said. "Awwwww!!!!!!" Dogshanks, Flintlocke, Nadakhan, and Ronin said. Jay and Nya looked at them and he released the hug from Nya. "Hey, Nya,sorry about that, it's pretty awkward when I hugged you" Jay said. "There's no need for you to apologise, Jay, I mean it's not awkward for you to hug me, I mean I enjoy it a lot" Nya said and they both blushed at each other. "I got to go, it's getting dark, let's do the tour tomorrow" Nya said and she walked away from Jay.

Jay sighed and Nadakhan smiled. "You like her, captain" Nadakhan said. "Nadakhan, I don't like her, she's a princess who's getting married in about 3 days and she likes someone else" Jay said. "Maybe she'll forget that person she likes and end up falling for you" Dogshanks said. "She will never fall for me, I'm a captain who accidentally take her from her palace" Jay said. "Alright, captain, have fun giving the princess the tour tomorrow, she'll enjoy it" Flintlocke said and he and the other pirates leave the cabin.

Jay leave the cabin and head to his room. Jay pour water in the daisy and he sighed. "This daisy reminds me of someone, I just wish that I'll remind who that person is" Jay said.

Unknown to Jay, Nya heard and she lay on her bed. "I wish I remember who give me that necklace" Nya said. "I love you, Cole, I bet you're the one who give me that necklace" Nya added.

Jay tried to remember who was the person that reminds him of a Daisy while Nya tried to remember who give her that necklace.
Will our two main characters remember that they were friends at a young age?
While our two main characters are trying to remember, Dogshanks, Nadakhan, Flintlocke, and Ronin tried to put Jay and Nya together and hope that their plans will work.
Kai, Zane and Lloyd go to a person who had horses for them to borrow. Here's their part of the story.

"Kai, do you know who sells horses?" Zane said. "Yep, and I know who" Kai said and he knocked on a wooden door. "This place is called Dareth Mojo who sells horses? Who the heck is Dareth?" Lloyd said. "Dareth is a person I know who sells horses, Lloyd, he can let you, me, and Zane to borrow 3 horses to find Nya" Kai said and the door opened up by a brown haired guy. "Hello, prince, Kai, it's good to see you" Dareth said. "It's good to see you Dareth, but me and my friends need 3 horses to borrow" Kai said. "Alright, come in, I just had the right horses for you 3 to borrow" Dareth said and he lead the 3 guys to the horse stalls. "The 3 available horses you 3 can borrow are Flame, Shard, and Wisp" Dareth said and Kai go on Flame. "Perfect, thanks, Dareth" Kai said. "Can I join you 3 on your fun adventure?" Dareth said. "You can, D, you can ride on Rocky" Zane said as he climbed on Shard. Dareth climbed on Rocky and smiled. "Yay! A adventure! I love adventures! Care to explain what's your adventure?" Dareth said. "Our adventure is to save someone from a bad group of crooks" Lloyd said as he climbed on Wisp. "Ooh! Perfect! When do we start, Kai?" Dareth said. "Right now, let's go to Moonlight River, it'll take us 1 day to get there" Kai said and the horses start running. "I will find you, Nya" Kai said and he looked at the full moon.

Readers, I'm not going to mention any more Wattpad authors in every chapter anymore. Instead I'm planning to mention all authors who have been reading this story at the end of this story. 😃

I'm so excited for Christmas and I'm updating my Christmas story chapters 3 times today. 😃

I'm also making a story where you readers get to know me more and that's where I rant about a lot of stuff. It's going to get published when I finish my Christmas story 🙂
For Galaxy Warriors, I think I'm going to do it on February to April. It's going to be on hold in January so I can do this story.
Find any Jaya hints in this chapter or have any comments about what's going to happen in the next chapter. 😃 Please comment on what you think of this chapter! Or Vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Sunnyninja13 out!!!!!!!!!!!

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