Happy and Depressed Request!

Me: Well hello Ninjago fangirls and fanboys all over the world! We have some tea about some of our specal additions of the fam and so much more that's going to go down! I'm your host GraMaye and this is Ninjago TRUTH OR DARE!!! NUMBER 2!!!!

Kai: You messed up on your intro.

Me: Well my hair isn't lifeless, so I think my life is going pretty well! 

Kai: We aren't going to speak of that.

Zane: But she already did. 

Lloyd: I tired.

Me: Why are you tired? 

Lloyd: I had to be the babysitter for Nya for the past week.

Cole: And I had to take care of the Jays. 

Nya: Life suuuccks.

Happy Jay: But you're going to our baby soon! In a couple more chapters we're going to have a bundle of joy in our arms-

Depressed Jay: Unless it dies.

Nya: *Cries*

Cole: This is why we had to separate them. 

Lloyd: *Hugs Nya* Do you want me to get you some frozen yogurt? 

Nya: *Nods*

Lloyd: I'll be back, best friend duty calls *leaves the studio*

Cole: *Giggles* doody. 

Me: And this is why the viewers want these two to become Jay again. And that was literally the only dares I got from last chapter. But from what I could find, this dare is from malafactor and they dare Cole to steal Lloyd's clothes for a chapter!

Cole: But Lloyd's clothes are too small for me!

Me: To bad, you're wearing them! Now go find some of his clothes!

Cole: *Goes to Lloyd's room* Ok now lets see if there is something that isn't green in this closet. 

*Cole just grabs an armful of clothes and runs off with it* 

Depressed Jay: And that's how depression works for women after pregnancy or a failed pregnancy.

*Nya is clinging to Kai for dear life*

Cole: Ok I'm back *He's wearing a green bomber jacket with a white tank top underneath and teal sweats*

Depressed Jay: Lloyd's going to kill you.

Nya: I'm going to kill you first.

Happy Jay: Killing is not-

Nya: I'm going to kill you too! I want my Jay back! Not two copies of him trying touch my stomach and talk about everything that are depressing and happy during this while mess! I-I'm hungry...

Lloyd: *Comes back with some yogurt and hands it to Nya* What did I miss- Cole. What are you wearing?

Cole: So not wearing you clothes. Why would you even say that?

Lloyd: Because I didn't say that.

Cole: ...

Lloyd: You better run! *Start to chase after Cole who already has a head start running time*

Kai: This team is falling apart.

Nya: My whole life is falling apart. 

Me: Next dare is from Galaxiastar947  and they want Zane to take care of C.j and for Kai has to do anything Nya wants for the rest of the chapter!

Nya: Yay!

Kai: Oh come one why! I thought that was Lloyd's job!

Nya: Kai. I'm pregnant. GET. ME. FOOD. PLEASE.

Me: And also Kia if you don't do it then that flat hair on your is gonna be shaved right off your head!

Kai: *Scared* i'll get you some food sis. 

*Kai leaves to go find food*

Me: Now lets bring the lil baby C.j here to the studio *Snaps fingers and C.j pops up on GraMaye's lap* 

C.j: *sees Nya* mama!!! *rams over to her and hugs before putting his hands on her growing tummy* b-baba 

Nya: Yeah there's a baby in my tummy. 

C.j: Wan bubba!

Happy Jay: How about a sister?

C.j: *Cries* ME WAN BUBBA!!!

Depressed Jay: You don't always get everything you want. 

C.j: *Cries*

Nya: *Picks C.j on her lap and tried to calm him down* You cannot tell him that, it's not nice. He's barely two years old! Be a grown up!

Depressed Jay: He needs to grow up. 

Kai: The reason you did grow up was to hav-

Zane: Family show!

Nya: Zane, can you take care of C.j for me please. I need to kick the Jays butts and a child doesn't need to see any of that. Also make sure he has clean underwear! 

Zane: *Picks up C.j* Now are we going to have fun as companions 

C.j: Si! 

Zane: I'm teaching him other languages.

*Cole and Lloyd come back into the room*

Cole: Well teach him some English first! We can't understand him if he's not speaking English unless if it's you, Zane.

*Zane walks away with C.j*

Me: The next and final dare is from Pokemon888G0

Nya: No-

Me: And they dared the Jay's to battle against each other to decode who the alpha Jay is!

Kai: *Gives Nya food* That won't end well.

Nya: I know who the alpha Jay is and it is the NORMAL Jay Walker. 

Me: Well to bad! *Snaps fingers and the two Jays have a Nintendo switch* You are going to play super smash bros and whoever wins is the alpha, understand?

Happy Jay: OH! I LOVE playing video games it's so much fun! Especially anything with Mario on it like holy cow this is going to be such an amazing match-

Depressed Jay: I'm going to win anyway and you're going to die alone. 

*The two Jay's play the game while everyone just chats*

Nya: I want my Jay back.

Me: Two more chapter, then the chapter after he comes back your going to have your baby. 

Nya: That's too long.

Cole: I'm going to end up with scratch marks all over if this continues, please put them back!

Lloyd: Yeah I'm tired of staying in Nya's room all the time! Is smells like puke!

Nya: I did puke, idiot. 

Kai: And this is why you don't get pregnant.

Nya: GraMaye forced me to get pregnant, I didn't really have a choice here. 

Cole: That's the problem. Don't be that lovable so people won't et you pregnant every chapter!

Nya: *Cries* I have to be m-mean to people...

Lloyd: Why do you and the Jays always makes her cry!?! Jez, you are awful people *Hugs Nya*

Depressed Jay: I won. Screw you Jay. I am alpha.

Happy Jay: Good game! So happy for you!

Zane: *Comes back squeaky clean and C.j in only his underpants* We're back!

Me: What happened? 

Zane: We were learning some fighting skills and got a little muddy. But the only thing I could find was clean underwear soo here we are!

Nya: I mean he's in one piece-

C.j: *Cries* I got un bobo!

Nya: WHAT! *Checks everywhere and sees a little bruise on his knee* What did Uncle Zane do!

C.j: he pu-shed mei! an me fell an all dirt an stinkie!

Nya: Oh my little baby! *Hugs him*

Cole: *whispers* What really happened?

Zane: He tripped over a rock and there was a strong breeze that he felt. Then he blamed it on me. 

Lloyd: He wants Mr. Perfect to not be so perfect anymore I see. 

Me: Wells that's all we have today! Please put in some of your truth or dares and maybe you'll get in the show! And please put something that's no 'put Jay back together' because now my episodes are getting shorter cause that's all the dares I'm getting. SO PLEASE PUT IN SO TRUTH OR DARES! I'm your host GraMaye and this is Ninjago TRUTH OR DARE 2!!!! BYYYEEE!!!

Nya: Please dare Jay to be put back together! PLEASE! I'M BEGGING YOU!

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