Fresh Out of the Oven
Me: Why hello lovely, Ninjago fangirls and fanboys out there in the world! Today is a very special day because we're back at the same hospital that C.j was born at!
Kai: I'm going to be an uncle again.
Me: Unfortunately for us, we were kicked out of the delivery room after the last time. So for the first part of the episode Jay and Nya will not be joining us until after their child is born, but they did put me in charge of C.j so that's a positive note!
Zane: Why did they put you in charge of C.j?
Me: Because I also have to watch Baby Lloyd, and they thought the more the merrier!
Baby Lloyd: bubba! *Hugs C.j*
Cole: These two are so cute!
Me: Ok so we have our first dare-
Kai: Oh come on really! Skylor's still mad at me from the last dare we did!
Zane: She only put you in time out for five minutes-
Kai: It was pure torture!
Cole: All you had to do was sit in a corner silently.
Kai: You wouldn't know! You weren't there!
Zane: We live in the same monastery, and we were there, Nya posted it all over her chirp.
Me: The first dare is from TheGhostParty27 and they want Kai to jump off a 100 level building in front of Skylor! There'll be a balcony underneath you too!
Kai: wHaT!?!
Baby Lloyd: SKY SKY!
C.j: A-Aunty!!!
*Skylor walks into the hospital waiting room*
Skylor: Hi hot tamale, ready to jump off the roof!
Zane: You jumped into a volcano before-
Cole: And went to space-
Skylor: Then lets go! *Grabs Kai by the arm a drags him on top of the 100 level hospital*
Kai: I don't wanna!
Skylor: Hon, just do it!
Kai: I don't like heights!
Skylor: I thought it was water!
Kai: That's none of your business!
Skylor: Meanie!
Kai: Bossy Pants!
Skylor: Drama Queen!
Kai: Sassy Mouth!
Skylor: That's it! *pushes Kai off the building and lands face first on the lowest balcony of the whole building*
Kai: *Pain* o-ouch.
*Back at the waiting room*
Me: What is taking so long?
Baby Lloyd: C-Candie!
Me: I gave you candy five minutes ago little dude, go play with C.j.
Baby Lloyd: Eh stol eh!
Cole: C.j that's not very nice.
C.j: eh meanie!
Zane: Well that's not nice either.
*Kai and Skylor walks back in*
Cole: How was the fall?
Kai: Painful.
Cole: Now you know how I feel.
Skylor: He did great, and he only bruised his face!
Cole: I bruised my entire back.
Kai: I'm just happy that I didn't lose a tooth.
Cole: I cracked a tooth.
Me: I think Jay and Nya are ready for us to go in now!
C.j: hey!
*GraMaye snaps fingers and they are in the same hospital room as Jay and Nya*
Nya: You've got to be kidding me.
Me: Hey I respected your wishes of us not being here during the birth, but you didn't say after!
Nya: It wasn't so traumatic this time, but that might be because I don't have you people screaming in my ear.
Jay: You did good! I'm proud of you. *Kisses her cheek*
Nya: Yay, I'm not pregnant anymore! Can we get McDonalds later?
Kai: So is it a girl or a boy?
Jay: A BOY!
Skylor: You're never going to give birth to a girl.
Nya: I thought that was the whole reason why I got pregnant again.
Zane: Where is he?
Jay: The doctor is cleaning him up and getting test run or something. He's perfectly healthy though it's just for his birth certificate and stuff.
Cole: What are you going to name him?
Jay: I want to name him Luke.
Nya: I don't!
Kai: I'm not even going to ask what his middle name is.
Me: The next dare is for Zane!
Zane: Oh dear.
Me: This is from Toadgamer197 and they want you to play a game that has the most toxic players!
Jay: I want to choose!
Kai: Oh dear lord almighty.
*Jay whispers the game in GraMaye's ear and she snaps her fingers and Zane is playing Roblox*
Zane: This doesn't seem toxic-
Player: Stupid piggy!
Zane: Am I the pig-
Player: I want your legendary pet! Gimme gimme!!!
Zane: What legendary pet-
Player: I'll kill you if you join my discord!
Zane: Well that's not very nice-
Nya: I didn't think that game was toxic-
Jay: The kids are mean. And the app glitches all the time and it drives me insane!
Me: I'm starting to regret this a little, but at the same time amused with how mad Zane is.
Doctor: Alright here is your baby! *Hands Nya her son and then leaves*
Nya: For your information little nugget, you're never going to get Roblox while you're in my household.
Cole: Give him a break, Nya. He only got out of you ten minutes ago-
Nya: I will punch you to the dark island if you keep talking.
Cole: Yes ma'am.
Jay: No yelling in the baby's presence please.
C.j: bubba!
Jay: I'll give you a pass *Picks him up and shows him his new brother* Meet your little brother.
C.j: N-nam?
Nya: Finn.
Jay: Walter.
Nya: Ray.
Jay: Ed.
Nya: How about Eddy Ray Walker?
Jay: But I can't nickname him E.r! It'll sound like we need the ER!
Nya: You could always just call him Eddy.
Jay: I like it. C.j, this is your brother Eddy.
Zane: Eddy means a circular movement of water, counter to a main current, causing a small whirlpool.
Nya: I wasn't going logical on my element, but that's cool.
Me: You finally left Roblox, Zane?
Zane: My account got hacked.
Cole: *Pats his back* You'll get used to it!
Jay: Cole we can teach Zane how to be a gamer guru!
Cole: That'll be so fun!
Nya: Help me raise your TWO kids first, and then play video games.
Jay: Yes darling.
Me: Next dare is from KxngPrincess and it's for everyone, but first let me introduce the rest of our permeant cast Pixal, Seliel, and our sassy doll Skylor!!!
*Pixal and Seliel walks in*
Cole: Why hello cupcake *Kisses Seliel on the cheek*
Pixal: I heard your gaming account got hacked.
Zane: Gamers are mean.
Me: KAI!
Kai: WHAT!
Eddy: *Cries*
Nya: Stop yelling!
Cole: You're yelling-
Nya: I'm the mother, I have a pass on yelling.
Me: Kai, they dare you to drown your hair gel in the ocean!
Kai: aGaIn!?!
Me: Yep *Snaps finger and all of Kai's hair gel is in the ocean*
Pixal: Isn't it bad for the environment?
Me: The gel is edible and eco-friendly, only the gel was put in, the containers are in the garbage. Save the turtles!
Kai: My babbies! I didn't even get the chance to say goodbye!
Me: Too bad! Nya your turn!
Nya: Oh come on, I just gave birth to another kid, can't I get a break!
Me: You do! It's only a truth since you're the requester's favorite! Nya, who is your least favorite person in the whole world?
Nya: Easy, Harumi.
Skylor: I second that!
Seliel: Never met her, but yeah she was just not it.
Me: Jay-
Jay: Let me enjoy the birth of my second born for a couple more minutes before I die please!
Me: You're getting a truth... Goodness gracious this show scarred you people, I can't even finish my own sentences with you guys.
Jay: Sorry, it's a habit.
Me: What's your least favorite season.
Jay: 3.
Cole: bUt ThAt'S nOt A sEaSoN!?!
Me: It's a season of Ninjago so it is a season.
Cole: Whatever happened to summer, spring, winter, and fall!?! Those are seasons in Ninjago!
Me: You're never going to figure out the fourth wall running gag.
Cole: A fourth wall!?! Since when did walls have numbers-
Me: Seliel, you get to push Cole off of Borg's Tower for his dare.
Seliel: YES!
Cole: I though you loved me! And what's the deal with all the dares being about falling?!?
*GraMaye snaps fingers and Seliel and Cole are on top of the Tower.*
Seliel: Ok so there are some comfy cushions at the bottom floor so don't miss the cushions.
Cole: What happens if I miss?
Seliel: Well lets just say I might have to find another boyfriend.
Cole: It's that bad, jez what do I have to do to not fall anymore!
Seliel: Ok so I'm going to count to three and then I'll push you off, you ready?
Cole: On three or after three?
Seliel: One.
Cole: I love you, cupcake. Tell my dad he gave me a nice life.
Seliel: Two.
Cole: You didn't say three-
Seliel: *Pushes Cole off the tower* LOVE YOU BUTTERCUP!!!
*Back at the hospital*
Me: While we wait for Cole's funeral, Lloyd you're up!
Baby Lloyd: ba ba!
Me: I keep forgetting you don't understand much. Um they dared you to let each of the ninja to become the green ninja for a day. Now I can't turn you back to normal until next chapter cause you wouldn't care right now since your a literal baby, so I'm going to move this dare to the next chapter.
Baby Lloyd: *Laughs* Candie!
Me: Zane.
Zane: Don't put me back on Roblox please! The kids don't know how to be nice!
Me: What's your favorite food?
Zane: Popsicles.
Jay: So you eat ice?
Zane: With artificial flavors.
Me: I like popsicles too! Such a treat!
*Seliel comes back with Cole's body*
Seliel: He missed the cushion.
Kai: By how far?
Seliel: Ten feet. However, he only busted his lip so he will only have a scar. Other than that he's perfectly fine!
Cole: Yep! I get a ice cream cone later after I get some stitches!
Jay: Is it rocky road?
Cole: I hate you.
Jay: Goss I just had my second kid.
Me: This is from MisterOrange2 and they wanted to give me a dare and then one for Nya. So I was dared about my thoughts on Nya.
Nya: I'm ready for the rant.
Me: Actually I see you as role model for me personally. You fight for what's right and know when to stand down when needed to. Even with your somewhat problematic past you have grown from it, which a lot of people have been wanting. Along with the fact that you proven yourself that you are your own person and not in someone's shadow.
Nya: And that's why I'm the favorite!
Me: You're still getting the dare though.
Nya: Darn it.
Me: Since you have given birth to your handsome son, they have dared for you to wear your pink comfy yukata and take a nice nap.
Nya: YES!
Jay: Can I take a nap too?
Me: I think everyone should have a nap.
Cole: YES!
Me: Well that's all we have today folks, thank you for tuning in for this episode! And congratulations to Jay and Nya for the arrival of their second child, Eddy! Make sure to comment some truth or dares to your favorite ninjas! I'm your host GraMaye and this is Ninjago TRUTH OR DARE 2!!!!! BYEEEEE!!!!!
C.j: BYE BYE!!!
*Little side note, I do not play video games so I completely went with what my sibling plays and it was Roblox. Very scary when the player is frustrated lol. The second best thing was Club Penguin, but I liked that game so I couldn't do it XD. Love y'all and I will see you in the next one BYE!!!*
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