Are You Ready Players?
Me: Well HELLO Ninjago fangirls and fanboys!!! Sorry about the little hiatus there, but got things sorted out now so lets get this game going! I'm you host GraMaye and this is Ninjago TRUTH OR DARE 2!!!!
Kai: We were on a hiatus?
Jay: Haven't you been paying attention? Why do you think C.j got so much taller?
Kai: I don't know, I though it was an engineering experiment gone wrong.
Jay: Oh why y-you!!! *Jumps onto Kai's back and starts kicking and slapping*
Zane: Jay get off of Kai or I'm calling your parents.
Lloyd: Like we have parents at this point. I still haven't gotten a call from my mother in months!
Nya: But you yelled at your mom.
Lloyd: She started it!
Me: While the fight over that, Cole what's wrong buddy?
Cole: I'm sad.
Nya: He got a divorce.
Me: What did I miss this time?!?
Cole: She got mad that I wasn't spending anytime with her anymore and just l-left *Starts cryin*
Me: Who the wife though?
Zane: *Whispers* Cake.
Lloyd: Yeah, he's kind of mad at you right now.
Me: Well I bet I know something that will make you guys feel better and get Jay off of Kai.
Everyone: WHAT!?!
Kai: NOOOOOO!!!!
Me: And guess what Kai? Your up first!
Kai: NO! My hair is still stained blue from the last time.
Me: This is from taekwonono !!! You get to lose your elemental powers for three chapters!!!
Kai: Am I not allowed to keep my ******* powers for two seconds!?!
Me: Oh yeah that too. No more cursing on my show. You curse, you're just begging for a dare coming your way. Oh and Cole you get one from them too! To get over your loss, your gonna be a ghost again for three chapters too to get through this! *Snaps fingers and Kai doesn't have powers and Cole's a ghost.*
Cole: Honestly this is the best thing that could've happened to me.
Nya; hold up. we can't curse anymore?
Me: Nope. I'm not comfortable with all of your cursing and Zane though it would work better for the show since this is a new chapter.
Jay: Hear that Nya? You can't curse anymore. lol.
Nya: Say lol again and you WILL be sleeping on the couch tonight.
Zane: She can't curse at home either because of the toddler roaming around.
Lloyd: I already got scolded for doing that once by her. I never did get to see that comic book after that.
Cole: I feel empty inside.
Lloyd: That's not kid friendly.
Kai: Totally, said the most non kid friendly person here.
Cole: I can show her that I can move on without her and she will regret everything.
Jay: He's planning his evil scheme here.
Me: I like his plan though so to help with that here's a dare from Glitterpelt17
Nya: Ohdear.
Me: They dare to Cole to write a fanfic! He's going to be doing my job and is allowed to write about any ship he wants!
Cole: YES!!!
Lloyd: What type of fan fic though-
Jay: That's a new one.
Me: Zane's been reading some of the comments during the break =)
Cole: lets get writing *Starts writing*
Me: I'll start everyone else's truth or dares while we wait for him to finish and give him his last dare for the day. This dare is for the dirty minded green bean!!! From 0CHARA_DREEMURR0 Lloyd gets to steal everyone's prized possession and gets to DESTROY THEM WITH THEIR OWN ELEMENTAL POWERS!!!
Kai: Oh you have got to be kidding me! First you make me lose my powers and now I have to give up MY HAIR GEL THAT COST $100 A PIECE!!!
Lloyd: Thank you for telling me your favorite thing in the world. *A pound of hair gel appears on the ground* Now since we don't have your powers at the moment I get to do this the fun way! *Pulls out a blow torch and burns all of Kai's hair gel*
Jay: Zane can you translate?
Zane: A lot of swearing in a non existent language.
Lloyd: Jay! I think I found something of yours *Pulls out Mr. Cuddleywomps*
Lloyd: I would *GraMaye snaps and the bear is electrified, torn in shreds*
Jay: M-Mr, C-Cuddle- WAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH*Cries*!!!!
Nya: *Hugs Jay* I'm sorry babe. He will never be forgotten.
Lloyd: Speaking of forgotten, Nya do you remember that bracelet?
Nya: It was my mother's.
Lloyd: *pales* U-um well I might have thrown it into the o-ocean...
Nya:*tears up* You t-threw my bracelet into the ocean?
Jay: *Pulls Nya onto his lap and they just cry together*
Kai: See what you did Lloyd! You've broken all our hopes and dreams! *cries*
Me: Everyone is so emotional today and we aren't even through half of the chapters yet.
Lloyd: I was going to do Cole's next, but his divorce was practically the destruction of rocks so I'll let him be. Zane! You're next bud! I was going to steal Pix, but I'm pretty sure Borg would kill me so I got this instead *Laundry detergent *
Zane: NO!
Lloyd: Yep I did. I froze it so now here comes to fun part *pulls out a bat and breaks the Iced detergent into pieces* Now you have to hand wash everything!
Me: Let's here it I think everyone needs it at the moment!
Cole: Ok so I wrote a fan fic about Me and this HOT chick named Seliel! I wrote about how we meet at a café and then when to all of these cool exotic places together and everything! It was so fun and -
Lloyd: That sounds like an awful fan fiction.
Me: *Looks at the computer screen* You spelled your name wrong, it says Coal instead Cole. I get that you went to some performing arts school but were you never taught decent English and writing?
Cole: I-It's been a while!
Lloyd: Or a good fan fiction, all the kids these days want intimate moments like make out sessions and such.
Kai: Do you read rated M content or something?
Nya: How do you think he knows about the 'Lets Talk About Sex' song from. I know he knew it before Pitch Perfect came out, cause he knew all the lyrics when we watched in on movie night.
Lloyd: I sang it to C.j once!
Jay: Yeah, and then compared it to how he came to be...
Zane: that was a hard episode to escape from.
Cole: I really like what I wrote... I didn't talk about her once.
Me: OH NO, everyone is getting emotional again next dare is for Nya!
Nya: Oh crap-
Zane: FAM-
Jay: We don't consider that a curse word Zane, it's fine.
Me: *Murmurs* You should hear what you guys say in Vietnamese...
Kai: What was that?
Me: NOTHING! This dare is from fearlessxspinjitzu and they want Nya to let Lloyd babysit C.j for a day!
Jay: No no no no, I won't allow this! Lloyd is literally a child! A child taking care of a child, IMAGINE THE INSANITY WHEN WE GET C.J BACK!!! HE'LL BE SINGING DIRTY SONGS LIKE LLOYD!!!
Lloyd: That was a year ago!
Nya: *inhales* Ok.
Kai: W-what?
Nya: Lloyd can babysit C.j for a day. I will allow it.
Cole: This kind of scares me a little.
Zane: She seems calm about it.
*Nya whispers something in Lloyd's ear and his eyes widen*
Me: Lets bring in the little rain of sunshine! *Snaps and C.j pops into Lloyd's arms* Your day with C.j starts now!
Lloyd: Hey buddy! It's your Uncle Lloyd! Can you say Lloyd for me little guy!
C.j: La-La-Lloyd?
Lloyd: *Frowns*
Me: Well I'm just gonna let you two do your own thing for a little bit while everyone else gets their dares for the day! *Snaps her fingers and Lloyd and C.j disappears*
Jay: What did you tell him?
Nya: If he hurts my kid that I would shred the rest of his comic books and shave his whole head while he's sleeping.
Cole: There's the Nya we know and love!
Me: Here's a truth for Kai to answer!
Kai: Oh what now!?!
Me: Ninjagoforthewin wants to know why you don't approve of Jay and Nya's relationship.
Kai: In front of them!?!
Me: Yep.
Cole: TEA TIME!!!
Zane: Tea time?
Me: I'll explain cancel culture to you later.
Kai: Well it's for many reasons.
Jay: Dude, I'm married to Nya. You still don't approve!?! You gave me your consent on our wedding day!
Kai: To be fair, Nya looked like she was going to have a cow if I didn't.
Nya: I did have a cow, it's with Lloyd.
Jay: Well then why don't you approve!?!
Kai: Because of your selfishness Jay! You're always way too clingy! When Nya asked for boundaries you didn't respect that! She was fourteen and it was her first relationship! It's always about you, you, you. Whenever that machine told Nya that Cole was her perfect match she was confused and when it was revealed to you, you gone berserk. You fought over her when she didn't even want to have a fallout in the first place!
Jay: She lead us on though!
Nya: HEY!
Kai: Have you ever considered that because it looked like she was leading you on was because you never gave her the chance? She was going to pick you anyway! But you pushed your boundaries too far! That experience ruined all of you for God's sake! Why do you think she didn't want to get into any relationships after you broke up!?! She was heartbroken too, Jay! Not just you!
Cole: But Nya never replies to his 'I love you' words whenever we see them.
Nya: I don't like having my relationship very public. I think it could be manipulated by villains who know and use it to their advantage. We keep it private, and it's worked out well for both of us as people. Besides I was kind of busy every time it happened! I was holding Jay and trying to catch a stupid bug, holding FIVE MEN on a chain making sure Jay didn't get burned by lava, and we were trying to make sure not to get killed by red visors and win the dance competition! Can we please burry the hatchet so I don't have to listen to you guys bicker the rest of the show!
Jay: Yes ma'am.
Me: Do you approve of them now?
Kai: Kind of sorta.
Me: going back to Cole from his previous dare, they person who gave you a dare has a surprise for you!
Me: That girl Seliel you had in your fan fic, well she's going to be your real life girlfriend!!! Come on in Seliel!
*SIDE NOTE- I literally had no clue who Seliel was until I read fan fic so I'm going to do my best creating a character for her =)*
Seliel: *Walks over to Cole and sits next to him* Seliel, I like neon colors, caffeine, and a tough guy with a soft side.
Cole: *looks over at GraMaye* She's perfect!
Cole: I'm Cole, I also like neon colors, caffeine, and a tough gal with a soft side like yourself *Winks*
Seliel: A flirt, your a keeper for sure.
Me: Ok that's all the dares we have, but we need to make sure Lloyd hasn't done anything wrong to the little toddler so lets bring him back her *Snaps fingers and Lloyd comes in with a diaper on his head and baby food all over his clothes with C.j being very happy lil boy and not a spot of dust on him*
C.j: MA-MA!!! *Runs over to Nya and she picks him up and lets him on her lap*
Nya: Did you have fun with Uncle Lloyd!
C.j: Yeah! M-me ave em messy *Giggles*
Jay: You look like you just came back from a battle.
Lloyd: I did. with a toddler.
Cole: He looks like he had some much fun though.
Lloyd: Because he won.
Jay: Did you battle Uncle Lloyd?
C.j: Yeah- yeah! he unny!!!!
Nya: What do you say to Lloyd?
C.j: f'ank u La-La-Lloyd!
Me: Well that was a nice ending to a nice chapter!!! Hopefully I can update this very soon!!! Hope everyone stays safe and healthy and I'm your host GraMaye and this is Ninjago TRUTH OR DARE 2!!! CYA NEXT TIME!!!
Zane: Is that a used diaper?
Lloyd: Unfortunately.
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