"This ends now"
Kai’s eyes slowly fluttered open; adjusting to the light. He was laying in a pool of water, but it wasn't cold anymore. The water was still and warm; like it was giving him a comforting hug. The world around him was all white and foggy, like he was surrounded by clouds. His body ached, but the water seemed to be soothing it the longer he laid there. He began to fall back asleep; not wanting to get up ever again. He'd never felt this much at peace. Just then, a voice called out for him. He slowly reopened his eyes to see a blonde boy in a white robe. He knelt down beside him with a worried expression.
"Kai, master of fire, true leader of the Fire Tribe." His voice was soft and caring, but carried a sense of urgency. "You can't fall asleep in here. You need to wake up. It's up to you to be the one to change your tribe's history."
"But I'm so comfortable..." Kai yawned; barely staying awake.
"Please wake up, he's very worried about you."
'Someone else? Worried about me?' He wondered. "Who?"
The apparition quietly held out his hand, gesturing for Kai to take it. Slowly, he reached out and the moment their hands touched, Kai woke up in a sharp gasp. Great. Everything hurt again. He glanced up to see two figures standing in front of him. Ronin and Chen. Ronin, he maybe understood why he was there, but Chen?
The snake excitedly pulled Kai up into a hug. "Yes!! My bloodline CONTINUES! The super many great grandson lives!"
Then, he noticed Ronin. He was soaked in muddy flood water. He'd clearly had been the one to fish his body out of the river. And if Ronin was here, that meant the people in the safety spot probably all left as well. But Ronin’s eyes red and damp.
Kai smirked through the pain. "Were you crying?"
The guard immediately denied it, turning away like he was ashamed of having emotions. Kai looked back at his ancestor and questioned why he wasn't with Clouse. The snake let out a slightly unhinged chuckled. "Wooof. Forget about screws loose- that guy's LOST several since I've seen him last. He's crazier than a coo-coo bird! Besides, being on his side is so boring. I want some action! The other side is grossly outnumbered and about to fail. Now THAT’S entertaining suspense!"
Kai sprang up; questioning what he was on about. After the Anacondrai explained everything, Kai booked it towards the battlefield.
Garmadon barraged Clouse with blows from his fists and wings, but Clouse defended himself with ease, using his dark magic to block all of Garmadon's attacks. He was too blinded by anger to land a single blow strategically. The master still kept flying in his attacks, but his broken wing couldn't support his weight. He kept crashing to the ground, only to shake it off and continue with his assault. The fight continued back and forth, Clouse finding Garmadon's agony amusing. As the battle dragged on, Garmadon began to scream at Clouse, demanding answers for committing such a heinous crime against his son. His furious words echoed among them, but Clouse only laughed and smugly smirked as he easily deflected almost every attempt to destroy him. Finally, Clouse had enough fun and used his powers to summon several tendrills that shot up and wrapped around Garmadon's arms and legs, stretching him out mid-air. His wings beat heavily and his bull tail thrashed angerly behind him as he roared. Clouse ignited his fists and walked around to the leaders back side. He shot out a massive stream of fire that burned right through his powerful thrashing wings; leaving nothing but the smoldering frame of them. The Oni screeched in agony as he tried to break free, still trying to flap. A tendrill wrapped around the broken wing and broke it further, leaving it to hang limply. The man bombarded him with several spells and fireballs; even sending several shadow daggers whirlpooling around him and leaving several cuts. The Jade Tribe leader stopped struggling and hung his head. Clouse had him in a position where he could do anything to him, and with his arms and legs locked stretched out like that, he wouldn't be able to do anything to stop him. He was exhausted, cold, and in pain; he lost. Garmadon was dropped into the mud and Clouse stepped on his collarbone, putting as much bodyweight as possible on that one foot. He conjured a shadowy sword and hoisted it over his heart. "Good night Garmadon. Say hello to your brother for me. I so enjoyed killing Wu before you woke up to find him."
The Oni's tired eyes grew wide. The spell Wu used didn't kill him.... Clouse did?.... No... After all this time, he thought... no!
The sword plunged down, but was sent rocketing out of his hand. Clouse turned to see Clouse and Kai. The boy held a Jade Tribe bow that he had picked up from the battlefield and pulled back another arrow. "Stand. Away. From Garmadon."
Clouse glared at the two, questioning why Chen was on his side.
"Because- I was bored on yours. Being invincible makes everything a lot less interesting. Also you're a psychological dumpster fire."
Clouse shot a massive fireball at the two, but it was blocked by a wall of earth that sprang from the ground. Ronin walked up next to Kai, followed by the other elemental masters. The sorcerer snarled at the sight as the group stood their ground. Kai glanced at Morro and Jay with a slight irritation. Jay looked away immediately, avoiding eye contact. Morro sighed. "Don't worry. We took care of Brad. He's not gonna cause us any problems. He's having a nice think on what he did in the north cave."
Kai scoffed, looking back at Clouse. The hex's dark cracks had crawled around the left half of his face, circling his eye, causing it to cloud over. Despite this, he stood strongly with the bow aimed at the ready. Garmadon watched the tribe leaders stand together and allowed himself to deactivate his Oni form; weakly melting into the mud as he morphed back into a human. Without a single warning, Clouse erupted with evil energy and unleashed it at the protectors. Cole summoned a wall of stone to protect himself and Jay from Clouse's fire. Jay retaliated with a lightning bolt, but Clouse was too quick and evaded the attack. The evil man released a huge fireball, sending Cole and Jay flying backwards. Clouse closed his eyes and focused, a dark magic whirled around him, creating a barrier that made it hard to get close to him.
Morro conjured a powerful gust of wind that knocked into the force-field, shaking it. Zane was quick to follow up with a blast of ice shards that moved like bullets in the air. They froze Clouse's bubble, encasing it in a suit of ice. However, with a flick of his wrist, he unleashed a powerful jolt of dark energy that shattered it and sent both ninja flying backwards. At the same time, Nya quickly ran to Cole and Jay's side, helping them back to their feet. The others resumed their fight. Zane and Morro darted around, dodging his dark energy while they tried to find a way past his barrier; Morro even taking advantage of his powers and flying around. Clouse, however, was no slouch with his dark magic. He managed to keep them at bay with wave after wave of energy, recreating his shield of darkness. Cole, determined to protect his comrades, summoned earth shards from the ground around him and hurled them at the energy field. Ronin joined Cole, his katanas swiping against a flamethrower that was threatening Nya. Ronin mimicked Cole's movements, something he learned to do in training when he was young, the two seamlessly working together to battle the enemy. Kai shot several arrows, but other than that, he felt useless without his elemental power. Then, he noticed Lloyd laying lifeless in the cold mud. "Oh no."
The boy rushed to the figure and flung the limp body onto his back, not even checking to see if it was alive. He ran behind a large rock and placed him down, finally checking for a pulse. His heart sank when he realized that there wasn't one. Remembering his own recent near death experience, he shook the boy's shoulders and called for him to wake up. "I know you want to sleep in that cloud pool forever kid, but trust me, we need you to wake up!"
No response.
"Come on Greenie, snap out of it!!!" He continued to shake even harder.
No response.
Kai sighed as he realized that it was probably too late. Lloyd was dead, and nothing could help him. He dodged the power blasts and dragged Garmadon behind the rock too while Clouse wasn't paying attention. The master was barely conscious, but sensed Lloyd's presence and leaned into him with sorrow. Kai rushed back to witness the force-field turn into the most massive, explosive shockwave ever. It engulfed everything in a burning purple light. When he opened his eyes, he was laying next to the others, all gravely injured. Clouse floated above the ground, dark aura surrounding him like malice. The man growled. "Did you honestly think you could defeat me? Need I remind you that your parents thought the same thing? And now you'll all meet the same fate."
Zane reached out a hand and placed it on Cole’s bloody one. "If this is truly it, then I'm honored to have died with all of you. You're truly all wonderful." He coughed. Nya placed her hand on his free one. "Same. Thank you for showing me the surface."
With that they all linked hands while on the ground. Kai hesitated for a moment, but gave in and held Morro's, the person he was closest to's hand. Clouse raised his hands, a dark magic whirled around them. "Sleep tight little ninja...."
"Lloyd! Lloyd!" A voice called. The lifeless body of the green ninja suddenly drew a quick breath and his eyes opened. In front of him stood Wu. His golden aura shimmered as he reached out and stroked his face to move his hair out of his face. The boy smiled slightly, but didn't have any energy to move.
"Lloyd, you have to get to that others. They're not complete without you. You are not complete without them. Yes, you're powers are a form of mine, but I died young- they left me incomplete. Your energy can be made whole once all the elements have connected with them. You need to reach the others before it's too late."
Lloyd slowly tried to get up, but collapsed. The apparition encouraged him to keep going telling him he could do it. Determined but aching, he tried desperately to crawl his way over to the others from behind the rock. Suddenly, a hand touched his shoulder. Garmadon knelt by his son and helped him to his feet. "Come on my son, let's end this."
Clouse was about to kill everyone but froze when the broken, defeated Garmadon and Lloyd race to stand in between them. The villain smirked as they both struggled to stand. "If you insist on being put out of your misery along side these brats than so be it."
Garmadon smiled at his son and pushed him over to the others. Lloyd quickly reached out and grabbed Kai's free hand, as he was the closest, and closed his eyes; trying to focus all the energy in his body. Clouse unleashed the powerful blast, but a green and gold energy shield blocked it from hurting them. The elemental master's gawked at Lloyd, who was overflowing with energy. His hair danced like a flame atop his head, flowing with power. His eyes shot open, now glowing pure green. He struggled for a moment to stand, but once he was up, he made direct eye contact with Clouse.
"You have no business here hurting the people of this realm!" He boomed. Lloyd slowly elevated of the ground, engulfed in golden energy. "You're evil ends NOW!!" Lloyd's voice cracked with a monstrous roar as his body began to morph. Horns sprouted from his head, claws grew from his fingers, and a bull tail thrashed angerly behind him. With a shockwave of power, golden wings spread out wide and he had gone full Oni form; just like his father could. Except his was pure gold with details of green and wore golden armor. Garmadon smiled brightly up at him. "My boy... he finally unlocked his power."
Clouse stared into his eyes with horror. Last time, when Wu had done something like this, his eyes showed regret and sorrow for what he was about to do- but Lloyd- he showed none of that. For all he had done, there was no reason for anyone to feel any guilt or sympathy towards him. He knew that. Regardless, he still attempted to fire all he had at the boy. But he simply waved the darkness away, like the golden armor was impenetrable. Clouse roared as he conjured a MASSIVE blast of fire and dark magic combined. The leaders all shakily got to their feet and prepared their own elemental attacks. Kai watched from his knees feeling completely helpless. The hex had become too much and he felt himself slipping away. Ronin knelt by him, not knowing what to do other than to try to help him stay upright.
Lloyd looked back at the others. "We attack united!" Everyone nodded. Even Garmadon had an energy blast he was getting ready to fire. Then, he glanced to his side and saw someone he never thought he'd see again standing by him. Wu floated besides his brother, also charging a power orb. The ghost turned and smiled at his brother, whose tears ran down in a stream. The master of creation nodded lovingly and turned back to face the threat. No one but Garmadon seemed to be able to see him.
Clouse releases the insanely powerful blast.
"NOW!" Lloyd commanded. And with that, Zane, Nya, Jay, Cole, Morro, Garmadon and Wu all shot their elemental powers. They all joined with Lloyd's attack, creating a megabeam of light that crashed into Clouse's flaming dark one. The two attacks flowed violently back and forth, both trying to overpower the other. One had the upper hand, then the first, then back to the other... No side quite strong enough to push the appointment over the edge. Kai watched shaking, vision blurred completely. "All the tribe leaders are trying so hard to win, but it's not enough. Uniting tribes didn't work."
"Well, not all the tribes are united." Chen spoke up. "That beam has Water, Earth, Wind, Lightning, Ice, and Energy. But fire is on the opposite side."
Ronin glared at the snake. "He's already upset about not having his powers to be able to help, don't make it worse!"
"I know he doesn't have his powers. But I could feel them in Clouse, meaning there's still something inside of me! But it's never been my place to stand with them. It's yours." Chen knelt down and placed his hand on the dying Kai. A small snake of fire stirred from his chest, wrapping around his arm and into Kai’s shoulder. He seemed to gain a bit of strength back the moment it entered him. The young master of fire shakily stood up and stumbled next to the others. Clouse's side of the fight began overpowering Lloyd's, and the boy seemed to be growing increasingly more desperate as tears rolled down his cheeks. Kai took a deep breath and blasted all the fire he could until it joined the beam. But it still wasn't enough. Ronin cursed at the sight and Chen had enough. He pulled his Anacondrai sword out and sunk his fangs into a channel in it. Clouse was about to start winning again when he cried out in pain. The man glanced down from where he was floating to see his attacker. Chen had used the sword to lightly cut his left leg. Clouse only understood what he was doing when he could no longer feel it. The channel in the Anacondrai sword allow to the user to injected their venom; so it would be like biting the person if the sword were to hit them. They were also designed to be able to penetrate anything, even Anacondrai scales.
"That was for trying to murder my super many great grandson and end my bloodline!"
He struck his left arm.
"THAT was for completely losing your mind over the years and taking things way too far!"
Clouse's arm went limp and flopped to his side, with only one arm doing the spell, Lloyd's megabeam broke through most of the sorcerer's.
"And THIS is for what you made out of my tribe!!!" The snake's eyes burned with rage as he threw his sword into the evil man's back. With a agonizing scream, the elemental masters beam fully broke through and the landscape was flooded by a blinding white light.
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