
The sound of birdsong filled the air as Lloyd, Jay, and Cole followed the map toward the Ice Tribe's location. Cole groaned while they pressed on. "Are you a thousand percent sure that waltzing into the Ice Tribe's Territory is a good idea? I mean, nobody's actually seen them in over a hundred years! How can you be sure they're even around anymore?"

"My father instructed me to unite-..." Lloyd stared, but Jay cut him off with an irritated groan.

"Yes! Unite all the tribes!.. We get it! You've told us this a bazillion times already, we know... Cole was just meaning that scaling a ginormous mountain might not be the brightest idea ever..."

Lloyd fell silent as he slowly walked towards something in the grass. Jay and Cole watched curiously; asking what was up. When they got closer, they too saw it. A large metal rope. It was at least 10 feet long, and 3 inches thick. The blue ninja bent down and touched it. It was cold, but it appeared not to have been there for very long.

"The only people who have metal to waist like this is..." Jay's eyes widened. "Fire Tribe. They were here!"

He turned to Lloyd who was frozen in his full alert mode. He was listening for something. Or... he heard something. Suddenly, Cole spoke up; his voice stained with worry. "Um... guys? I don't think they went too far..."

The two boys looked back to notice that they were completely surrounded by at least 12 Fire Soldiers; each with the golden insignia shimmering in the sunlight. What looked like the leader made their way up front. "You!" he pointed his sword at the group, and especially Lloyd. "The Fire Tribe's Emperor knows of your treacherous intentions and have instructed us to stay in the area to ambush you. Not that me telling you that matters though, because you're about to meet your maker!" The other soldiers got closer with their weapons drawn. "ATTACK!"

Lloyd and the others scrambled up and ran further up the path. They rushed ahead, following the river to the base of the mountain. The lush, green, foliage turned to snow as you get further up. Jay stared at the white covered mountain range, becoming increasingly unsure of going up. But there wasn't much of a choice. The army was scarily close behind the teens. Arrows flew by them, barely missing their bodies as they attempted to dodge and weave. Cole noticed cliffs up ahead that they'd have to run through like a ravine. The snow up there looked unstable, like it could avalanche at any given time. The master of earth glanced behind him at the trailing assassins, then to his partners. "Guys! I've got a plan! We need to lead them through there!" He pointed at the cliffs. Lloyd nodded. He had no idea what his plans were, but he was willing to trust Cole. Trusting someone from another tribe was normally unthinkable, but nobody would ever truly be able to unite if there wasn't at least some mutual trust. They quickly hurried to the ravine, and stopped. Cole turned to face the warriors that were now stationary only feet away from him. They too were exhausted from all the running, but still stared them down like a predator eying prey. Cole whispered for Lloyd and Jay to keep running when he gave the signal.
"But what about you?" Questioned Lloyd quietly.

"I know what I'm doing. Now run when I say... RUN!" He called out the last part so loudly that the snow began to avalanche down. The green and blue ninja did as they were instructed and ran ahead until they reached a safe distance. The leader of the Fire Soldiers called for them to retreat, but Cole had already started raising the land behind them so they couldn't escape. They were trapped. The avalanche fell onto them all with a crushing thud. Jay called out for Cole in terror, but there was no answer. Lloyd hung his head in melancholy. " He saved us..." Jay joined in the moment of silence, but it was interrupted by a voice coming closer.

"What's wrong? Didn't you see my cool trick?" Cole chuckled as he approached the two teens.

Jay stared in shock. "You- you're alive! But, how?!"

"A great master never reveals his secrets. Now! Shall we continue?"

Lloyd's emerald eyes glistened with happiness as he joyfully agreed, and they headed off. It wasn't long before they started to really feel the cold. Jay shivered as they continued on. "How much farther? I'm freezing!"

"Yeah, well of course you're cold! You're wearing a sundress." Mocked Cole.

Jay snapped back. "It's called a toga! And you're one to talk, Mr. glorified towel!"

"Guys! Please quit the fighting! I'm cold too, so be quiet. We're close." Reasoned Lloyd. To tell the truth, he THINKS it's close, but doesn't really know for sure. Obviously, it was freezing, so he genuinely hoped he was right. There had to be some kind of shelter or fire that they could warm up with in the village. Right? Hopefully...

Suddenly, Cole and Jay bumped into Lloyd, who was now standing completely still. He was listening again. But this time, it wasn't just a sound that only Lloyd's freaky, jungle savage, Oni, Dragon hearing could pick up; they heard it too. Footsteps in the snow. Not just walking, but running and jumping. The three slowly made their way to the source of the noise. What they found wasn't exactly what they were expecting, but it was certainly helpful. A little boy was playing around frantically in the snow. He wore a puffy, brown leather jacket; clearly made from the fur and hide of an animal. He happily made snow angels, jumped around, and just looked like he was genuinely having a great time. Lloyd approached him slowly and waved, saying hello. The other two followed along. The little boy froze when he noticed them, but took off the moment they got too close for his comfort. Lloyd and the others bounded after him, yelling that they just wanted to talk. A minute later, they arrived at the Ice Tribe's village. Large tents were the majority of the houses, but a few wooden shacks were placed in certain areas; they appeared to be more for storage purposes than housing though. Cole asked Lloyd how they should approach the situation. Just waltzing into the village may be dangerous, especially considering that they knew nothing about these people. Lloyd reassured him that they were probably going to catch them anyway, due to accidentally terrifying one of there children. The kid probably told his mother on them already. Jay didn't like the sound of it, but just walking in sounded like less of a risk than being sneaky about it. Lurking in the shadows would just make them look worse; way too suspicious. Casually surrendering to them seemed like the best option at the moment. So that's what they did. The people in the village all backed up slowly away from the intruders as they walked into the center of town. Several of them looked shaken by their presence, but a few wolves tore through the snowy landscape and surrounded them; snarling and baring their teeth. It was like they were protecting the citizens. Cole took notice of the markings that were covering their fur. There were patterns along their backs and all over the face. Simple yet beautiful designs. The wolves suddenly stopped growling and turned their attention to a large bird that screeched overhead. It appeared to be a predatory bird like an eagle or falcon. The bird swooped down to inspect the ninja, then began to glow and shift until it turned fully into a person. Lloyd, Cole, and Jay watched on baffled. He looked young, only about the same age as Cole; so late teens, possibly 20.
The man that now stood before them had pale skin, but not in an unhealthy way, it more gave of an elven look. He was rather tall, with short hair as white as the snow-covered peaks. His icy blue eyes glistened like they were glowing arctic waters. He wore a winter coat, like every one else, but his was decorated with a few feathers and sported beautiful shades of blue and light gray. He didn't appear mad, but more curious; perhaps slightly irritated that they intruded, but that was all. He nodded down at the wolves, who bowed away respectfully, letting the three leaders go. He motioned for them to follow him as he headed into a tent. When they arrived inside, he closed the doors of fabric behind them. "I know why you are here." He said firmly. "You all want me to join you in your quest to unite the tribes. So we stand a chance against the Fire Tribe's incoming attack."

Lloyd watched him read his mind in awe. "How do you know that? You're the leader? And... you can turn into a BIRD!?"

"Yes, I can." He continued. "A falcon. I am Zane. This is a village of creatures known as Formlings. People like you who have the ability to transform into the animal their soul is most closely connected to. Those wolves you saw were the village guardians."

"So that's why they cornered us! They were protecting you guys." Concluded Cole.

The ice leader nodded. "Indeed. Now, in terms of your proposal- my ancestors informed me that you were coming. The spirits showed me the Fire Tribe's intentions in my dreams last week, and they're not good. I know I must come with you, and to be honest, I have a reason for wanting to fight." Zane peeked through the tent and looked intently at the boy who the group had accidentally scared off earlier. He was cuddling one of the wolf guards, who was nuzzling him right back. The ninja looked out at the adorable scene with a smile. Zane sighed thoughtfully.
"That child is my little brother."

Cole raised an eyebrow. "What? Really? But he's got completely different color..." Cole noticed Zane's icy side glare and shifted the rest of his sentence. "... Eyes! I was going to say that he has different color eyes!" In reality, he was about to comment on how the boy's skin was a darker shade, but he banished the thought in fear that bringing it up would be way too offensive. However, the look on the leader's face said he knew exactly what Cole was about to say and fully acknowledged it.

"I understand." He started. "Echo might not look like me, but he's family nonetheless. I have all the reason to support your cause for his reason. He was born of the Fire Tribe."

The room filled with a gasp.

"I know." Zane closed his eyes. "But he's no threat, I assure you. Echo's the sweetest creature I've ever met, and his story is the most tragic..."


Echo was born into the Fire Tribe. But as you know, they have very strict standards when it comes to who gets to live there. Echo was born very small, and mentally, he's a bit.... Special. The Fire Tribe operates on the rule that you must be able to hold your own in a fight by the time your four years old. And Echo, bless his heart, had no interest in violence, regardless of how he was raised. They had set him to be executed, but the person in charge couldn't bring himself to take the blow, so he was instead tied up and knocked out. They secretly put him in a metal box and sent him down the river. His poor little soul just floated there in the sun for days. His box capsized in our territory, and he managed to make it to shore. But he was still bound by his wrists and ankles. The cold of the mountains mixed with the water he was drenched in rendered him vulnerable to the elements. He passed out, nearly freezing to death. A formling that went by the name Julian was in his falcon form surveying the area, when he spotted the unconscious boy. In a panic, he rushed him into the village and placed him by a fire pit in his tent. Julian frantically tried to dry him off, then placed a blanket over him. Just as he calmed down, a young boy entered the tent in a panic. "What's going on?! I saw you dash in here so fast that...." He trailed off at the sight of the shivering child.

"Now, please don't be upset my Zane, but he needs me. I found him tied up and freezing out there. The poor thing would've frozen to death if I didn't help."

The young Zane stood beside the little boy and watched the slow rise and fall of his chest. "Father, he's not a member of our tribe. He doesn't belong here. What if he causes trouble? What if he's dangerous?"

Julian shook his head. "My Zane, look at him. He's just a cub. I do not believe that he's any level of threat. But it doesn't matter if he was born here or not, he's a living, breathing, creature. The poor baby can't be more than 3, and he almost died. It's our duty as leaders to protect those who can not protect themselves. He doesn't deserve to die out there, so please... Let me help someone who needs it."

Zane sighed as he stroked the cub's tiny arm. "I suppose your right father... Alright, you may keep him. He deserves to live just as much as anyone else."

The father nestled his son lovingly. "Thank you. I promise I'll do every in my power to help him."

"And I shall assist in any way I can." He looked down at the little child. "Don't worry, I'll take care of you...... Brother."


Lloyd, Cole, and Jay listened astonished. That was the saddest story ever! But also, evidently, the most heartwarming. The story of a boy left to die by his people, and the rival tribe taking him in regardless of his origins. Echo was proof that it doesn't matter where you come from, but what you do with your life after. He was happy, healthy, and alive. He had a loving home, and that was all he could ever ask for. Zane's reason for wanting to fight was for Echo's sake. The leader wanted to go face to face with the ones so heartless to throw a child away. Zane opened the door and called out for a deer that was trotting around. It turned into a girl and ran to his side; doing a respectful bow. "Yes, Ice Emperor?"

Zane seemed to be slightly embarrassed by her calling him that, and quietly asked her not to do so in front of the guests. "Afra, may you please take them to get some warmer clothes please?"

Afra nodded and motioned for them to follow. Not long after, the were all suited up in traditional Ice Tribe attire. Jay sighed a breath of relief as he could finally be up in the mountains without freezing his butt off. The relief only lasted a second though, before Cole hit him in the face with a snowball. The master of earth died laughing. Yeah, all fun and games until Jay struck back; now there was a declaration of war. The two bolted through the snow pelting each other with snowballs. Well, at least they were having fun? Lloyd strolled up to Zane, who was back in his tent. Ever since he had brought up how he knew about the Fire Tribe's attack, the green ninja had been wanting to ask about something. "Excuse me, Zane? Can I ask you something?"

The leader agreed.

"So... earlier you mentioned that a spirit appeared in your dream to tell you about the situation?"

Zane smiled; lowering the cup of tea he was drinking. "Indeed. The ancestors of the past like to appear in our dreams to help and guide us. Why do you ask?"

Lloyd faced the floor, like he was embarrassed to continue. "Well... um. Do they happen to like to speak in rhymes?"

The Ice Emperor tilted his head. "Not necessarily...? As I previously inquired, -is there a reason for you asking?"

Lloyd took a deep breath and let it out in a compromised sigh. "Lately I've been having dreams where some sort of ghost is showing me the past and telling me these strange, cryptic things. He only talks in rhymes, and I've never seen him before, but somehow, it's like I feel like I know him.... I don't know. Maybe I'm just crazy or something."

Zane took another sip of his tea and shook his head. "You are not. Feeling a connection to those who appear to you is a common occurrence. That usually means they're an ancestor of yours. No matter how long ago they lived, your soul still knows they're your family. As for what he's showing you- perhaps he's showing you the past to prepare you for the future. The past is bound to repeat itself after all..."

That made sense, but at the same time, it absolutely terrified Lloyd. His visions consisted of the Fire Tribe hurting people, taking lives, and burning homes to the ground. If it was truly the case that the past would repeat itself, then he wasn't so sure about what he could do to stop it. On top of that, the visions showed the elemental masters dying. If that was a parallel to what was to come, then that meant.... No... Oh, First Spinjitzu Master, no. Lloyd tried desperately to banish the thought before he hurled. His stomach was knotting up just slightly thinking about it. But he knew...
He knew that if he didn't get serious about this, his new friends would meet a terrible fate. And they'd meet it soon....

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