" Mia, turn the TV off!" Jay called from the bathroom.
Mia, who was watching how to get rid of muscle cramp on the Tv, called, " Gimme a minute!"
" MIA!"
" Hold on, Jay!"
Jay marched up to the couch and turned the Tv off, Mia, who was massaging her leg, let out a painful wince. " Jay!" She exclaimed. " My leg is hurting!"
" Yeah?" Jay replied. " After you get your own place, then talk to me."
Mia growled and shot him a dirty look. She brushed past him and didn't even hug him.
Or say goodnight.
In fact, all she did was slam the door shut.
Jay sighed. " Please make this be the right choice." HE muttered.
The next morning, Mia was nowhere to be found. She wasn't in her room, not the bathroom, or the kitchen.
Because she was with Pix, in the garage, making blueprints.
" ..... And a garden here.... and a TV here.... it's looking great, Pix!" She exclaimed as she showed the prints to Pixel, who nodded.
" Should we not ask your brothers for help, though?"
Mia's face darkened. " No, Pixel. They ruin all my fun."
Pixel's green eyes softened with understanding. " How's that leg?"
Mia sighed as she looked at her right. " Not good. I woke up in extreme pain. Not that I can't move or anything, it just really hurts."
That's me right now. I have pain in my legs.
" That does not sound very fun." Pixel said sympathetically.
Mia nodded, pushing off the table. " It's fine. Anyway, I called the gang. They can help. And in the end, it'll be the best treehouse ever!"
" Everyone ready?" Mia asked as she put her hand in the middle.
Pixel and the others nodded. " Ready!" They exclaimed, putting their hands on one another.
" On three! One... two.... three....."
" Ninja- Go!" They broke up, and each tackled something different. Annie and Unagami worked on the cloaking shield, ensuring no one on the inside could come in or see in.
They also cooked up a really mad security system! Robots, facial recognition, voice recognition, and even a hand identifier!
Meanwhile, Pix, Mia, Nelson, Rose and Jake helped lay out the pieces and foundation along a big sturdy tree close to the monastery garage.
And Morro and Emma planted flowers, made a walkway, and even painted the treehouse, much to the dislike of Morro.
And his art wasn't really happy either.....
In fact, let's just say he drew a skull and..... blood.
When Emma saw it, she threw paint all over it and shot Morro a look. " This is supposed to be happy, not a reminder of our doom!" She hissed.
Morro put his hands up in surrender. " Sorry."
Five hours later of hard work in the sun, it was done. The couch was in, the TV was being set up, and it looked cozy.
" Finally!" Mia exclaimed as she sat down.
Rose squealed excitedly. " I know, right!"
Morro walked behind the couch and leaned on the backrest. " What should we watch?" He asked.
Emma glanced at Mia, who was wincing in pain. " Let's let Mia finish that video, I think she might need it....."
Mia looked around. " Who, me?" She asked, pointing to herself. " What? Nononononono! It's all our TV! We have to share it!"
Nelson walked over to Mia and sat down next to her, taking her hands into his. " Mia," He said. " You need this more than we do. Besides, we all chose that the first thing we watch on TV is that video you were watching when Jay shut the TV."
Morro chimed in, " This might be good for my skin!"
He looked around. " What?"
Emma sighed. " Morro's right, although I wouldn't phrase it like that." She said, turning to her husband. " You're a ghost. You don't have skin anymore."
Morro grumbled, and everyone burst into laughter. Mia picked the remote up. " Feet massaging it is.
The image thing isn't working so here is the picture
* shows*
" Where were you?" Jay asked at dinner.
Mia looked up. " Somewhere."
Jay raised a brow. " Where?" HE pressed.
Mia furrowed her brows. She was not telling no one about her treehouse, no way!
Thankfully, Pixel came to her rescue. " She was helping me in the hanger bay, with the vehicles."
Mia nodded eagerly. " Yeah!" She said a bit too loudly. " See?"
Jay put his hands up. " Easy, Wojira, easy. It was just a question."
Mia gave him a look but he didn't notice. Mia quickly finished her food and ran to the elevator, where she was whisked down to the hanger bay. There, she ran to a wall, looked around to make sure no one was watching, and knocked tree times. It opened, and Mia stepped onto the platform.
She was rolled away to the treehouse on an invisible train.
" WHeeee! She exclaimed.
When she arrived, the train halted suddenly, throwing Mia off with a thud.
" Oof." She mumbled, before pressing her hand on a device.
It took her picture. " This is Mia Elizabeth Walker, correct?"
" Yes, Iz. It's me."
" Hello, Mia. How may I assist you?"
" Open sesame."
She was slid in on an invisible conveyor belt.
" Pleasure doing business." Izzy said in her robotic voice.
Mia nodded, and stepped off the belt. She walked to the treehouse, where she used the ladder to climb on.
" Hey, gang." Mia groaned as she put her hand on the floor. Nelson saw and helped her up.
" How's that leg?" Annie asked.
" Okay, I suppose."
Nelson helped Mia settle into the treehouse, which was now fully operational and looking cozy. Annie checked on her leg, giving her a sympathetic glance.
"Let me take a look at that leg," Annie offered, her tone gentle. "We don't want you in pain while you're here."
Mia winced but nodded. "Thanks, Annie."
As Annie examined Mia's leg, the others were busy getting comfortable and setting up the final touches. Emma and Morro were arguing playfully about what to watch on the TV, while Rose and Jake organized the snacks and drinks.
Mia looked around at their handiwork, feeling a swell of pride and gratitude. "You guys really outdid yourselves. This is amazing."
Annie finished with her leg and gave Mia a reassuring smile. "You should rest it as much as possible. And remember, we're all here for you."
Mia smiled back, feeling a mix of relief and contentment. "Thanks. I'm really glad to have you all. This place is perfect."
Nelson sat down beside her, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. "We wanted it to be special for you."
Mia looked at him with a grateful smile. "It really is."
With the treehouse now completed and everyone settling in, the group finally turned their attention to the TV. They picked a relaxing video on how to manage and relieve muscle cramps, and the screen lit up with helpful tips and soothing visuals.
As the video played, Mia felt a sense of calm wash over her. Despite the chaos of the previous day and the pain in her leg, she knew she was surrounded by friends who cared deeply about her.
"To new beginnings," Mia said, raising her glass of juice in a toast.
"To new beginnings!" the group echoed, clinking their glasses together.
The next morning, Mia quickly woke up and ate breakfast. She was going to rush to the hanger bay when Jay stopped her.
" Mia, answer in honesty. " He said firmly. " Where were you last night?"
" I was in the hanger bay. Why?"
" Because that's not what the cameras say."
Mia groaned. Of course. The cameras.
" Where were you?"
" Okay, listen. I was OUTSIDE the hanger bay. Now will you let me go?" Mia asked irritably.
Jay's eyes narrowed as he tried to read Mia's expression. "Outside the hangar bay, huh? And what were you doing out there?"
Before Mia could answer, Nelson appeared, his usual easygoing smile in place. "Hey, Mia! What's up?"
Mia sighed with relief. "Just arguing with Jay."
Nelson, catching on, gave Jay a reassuring smile. "Oh, don't worry about it. Mia's got some project she's working on. A really, really nice project." He turned to Mia, taking her hand and gently guiding her away. "Come on, let's get to it."
Jay watched them leave, his curiosity piqued but his concern for his sister outweighing his need to know more. "Wait a second, Nelson!" Jay called after them. "What kind of project?"
Nelson looked back with a grin. "Something cool."
As Mia and Nelson walked off, the other Ninja emerged from their hiding spots, having been covertly watching the interaction.
"Tomorrow, we spy," Jay said with a determined expression. "We'll figure out what Mia's really up to."
Kai nodded in agreement. "We need to make sure she's okay. She's been acting a bit secretive lately."
Lloyd glanced at the group. "Agreed. It's probably something important, but it wouldn't hurt to make sure everything's alright."
Zane added, "We should be discreet about it. No need to make her uncomfortable."
" Hey, gang!" Mia exclaimed as Nelson helped her up. " We should put an elevator or something. What if one of our legs is injured but they don't want to say anything?"
Annie mused, " Well I suppos-"
Emma cut her. " Wait, your leg is injured?"
Mia winced as she limped over to the couch. " More like it hurts every time I move on it."
Annie went to the freezer and pulled out an ice pack and tossed it to her. " Here."
Mia applied it and grinned. " You really are prepared for anything and everything!"
Annie shrugged with a modest smile. "You never know when someone might need a little first aid," she said, sitting down next to Mia. "Especially with all the stunts we pull."
Emma, still concerned, crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "Mia, if your leg is really hurting that bad, we should check it out properly. You can't just keep pushing through."
Mia waved it off with a grin. "It's fine, really. The ice helps, and besides, we have way more important things to focus on. Like finishing this treehouse and—"
Nelson interrupted, "And maybe getting that elevator installed!" He looked at Mia, concerned. "But seriously, we can't let this go on forever. If you're hurt, we'll make sure you're taken care of. No sneaking around."
Mia gave Nelson a playful shove. "Yeah, yeah, I know. I'll take care of it." She relaxed a little, grateful for her friends' support. "But hey, once this treehouse is fully set up, it'll be our secret hideout, and we'll have the coolest place ever."
Emma, still watching Mia closely, finally softened. "Alright, but if that leg gets worse, we're dragging you to see a doctor. No arguments."
Mia smirked. "Deal. Now let's get back to work! We've got an elevator to design."
Thirty minutes later, Pixel and Annie and Mia were pushing the elevator up. The others were pulling ropes.
" Just a bit more!" Pixel grunted, her voice strained.
Mia channeled all the wind she could summon, and Annie shockwave.
" Almos.t.... there...." Nelson yelled.
Morro, who was pulling, accidently sneezed, and let go. " IT'S FALLING!" Emma yelled.
The elevator jolted downward, and Mia's heart leaped into her throat. "Hold on!" she yelled, summoning a gust of wind to slow its descent. Annie reacted just as fast, sending a shockwave beneath the platform to cushion its fall.
Despite their quick actions, the elevator still dropped a few feet with a loud thud. Everyone froze, hearts pounding.
"Is everyone okay?" Pixel asked, her voice shaky but calm.
Mia, panting slightly from the exertion, nodded. "Yeah, we're fine," she said, steadying herself against the wall. "But we definitely need a better system."
Nelson dusted himself off. "Morro, you good?"
Morro, still sniffling from his sneeze, gave a sheepish grin. "Sorry, I didn't mean to. Allergies." He rubbed his nose, looking embarrassed.
Emma crossed her arms, exhaling a huge sigh of relief. "We were this close to wrecking the whole thing."
Mia smiled weakly, still feeling the adrenaline coursing through her. "No worries, we just need to reinforce it a bit. We'll figure it out."
Pixel stepped forward, examining the structure. "We'll reinforce the ropes and install a safety lock mechanism. This won't happen again."
Nelson gave Mia a concerned look. "You sure you're up for continuing? Your leg—"
Mia waved him off with a grin. "I'm fine. Besides, we're almost there! Let's finish this thing."
Finally, they did it.
After an hour and a half.
" What does our fridge have?" Mia called up.
Annie disappeared, and returned a few seconds later. " Well, one strawberry."
Mia sighed. " I had to go shopping anyway."
She motioned for her husband to come with her, linking arms. " We'll be back!" She called as Nelson led her away.
Mia and Nelson strolled through the market, laughing and talking as they navigated the aisles. Mia's leg still ached a little, but she pushed through, determined to enjoy the trip.
"We need juice first," Mia said, pointing towards the drink aisle. "What kind do you want? Orange or apple?"
Nelson thought for a moment before replying, "Both. That way we have options." They grabbed a carton of each, tossing them into the cart with ease.
Next stop: ice cream. Mia's eyes lit up as they approached the freezer section. "We need the biggest tub they have!" she declared.
Nelson chuckled and pulled out a massive tub of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. "This should do it."
Mia also picked up some triple fudge ice cream. " You know we can't leave this out"! She pointed out.
With their essentials picked out, they headed for the kitchen section. "We need bowls and utensils. We can't keep using Annie's extras," Mia pointed out.
They scanned the shelves until Mia spotted a set of colorful bowls with matching utensils. "These are perfect!" she exclaimed, placing them into the cart.
As they were about to leave, Mia's eyes landed on a bright flower-shaped rug. "Look at this!" she said excitedly, holding it up for Nelson to see.
Nelson grinned. "It'll be perfect for the treehouse. Adds some color and coziness."
With everything in tow, they headed to the checkout. As they walked out of the store with their bags, Mia smiled at Nelson. "This was a good idea. The treehouse is gonna look amazing now."
Nelson nodded in agreement. "It's going to be the best hangout spot ever."
They had this picture hanging on the wall
When they returned, the girls jumped out with parachutes in their hands.
" DOn't think we forgot you!" Emma said as she handed Mia a pink and purple one.
She grinned, while Rose and Annie took the bags. " What did they buy, an elephant?" Annie groaned.
Rose giggled. " We'll just be well stocked, in case of a rainy day."
After they were set, Mia's voice dropped to a whisper. " My brother is getting suspicious." She whispered.
Emma raised an eyebrow as she adjusted her parachute. "Suspicious? About what?" she asked in a low voice, her eyes darting to the treehouse.
Mia sighed, glancing around to make sure no one else was listening. "About where I've been sneaking off to. Jay knows I haven't been spending all my time in the hangar bay. He's starting to get too close to the truth," she explained, her voice filled with concern.
Rose, overhearing the conversation, chuckled softly as she unpacked one of the bags. "Well, he's bound to find out eventually," she said. "I mean, it's a treehouse... not exactly a secret fortress."
Annie nodded, looking thoughtful as she pulled out the flower-shaped rug. "Yeah, but until then, we have to keep this under wraps. We need a plan."
Emma grinned mischievously. "Why don't we throw him off the scent? Make him think you're working on some 'top-secret' project in the monastery that he's too busy to help with."
Mia laughed. "Jay's too curious for that. He'd figure it out in two seconds flat."
Nelson, who had been quietly listening, chimed in. "Or... we could invite him over after it's finished. Make it seem like a surprise, and then he won't even be suspicious anymore."
Mia considered it for a moment. "Maybe. But first, we need to finish this elevator and make sure the whole place is stocked and ready." She looked at her friends. "Let's get this treehouse done before my brother snoops around and ruins everything."
As Annie and Rose carefully laid out the flower-shaped rug in the center of the treehouse, Nelson glanced at Mia, raising an eyebrow. "So, are you gonna invite the other ninja over once it's done?" he asked casually.
Mia didn't hesitate for even a second. "Absolutely not," she replied flatly, crossing her arms.
Nelson chuckled, but before he could say anything more, the others quickly chimed in.
"Yeah, no way," Annie said firmly, shaking her head as she adjusted the edges of the rug.
Rose nodded in agreement, looking around the cozy, secret hideaway. "This is our space. The second we invite them, it'll stop being our little project and turn into their mission control or something."
Emma, who had been unpacking some of the bowls and utensils, laughed. "Exactly! They'll want to 'improve' things, bring in all kinds of tech gadgets, and before we know it, this place will be crawling with screens and cables."
Mia grinned, feeling relieved that everyone was on the same page. "Yeah, and besides, I love my brother, but he's way too nosy. This treehouse is our escape from all the chaos."
Nelson nodded thoughtfully. "Okay, fair enough. No ninja allowed." He gave a mock salute.
Mia laughed, her earlier tension easing. "Exactly. This is our space. And we'll keep it that way."
Then Nelson looked around, noticing the absence of a few key members of their group. "Hey, where are Jake, Morro, and Unagami?" he asked, sounding puzzled.
Before Mia could answer, a loud chorus of voices echoed from below.
Everyone leaned over the edge of the treehouse, only to see Jake, Morro, and Unagami swinging wildly from some sturdy vines they'd found hanging off the nearby trees.
Mia instantly burst into laughter, doubling over as she watched the trio's antics. "Oh my gosh! You guys look ridiculous!" she exclaimed, tears forming in her eyes from laughing so hard.
Morro, who was upside down, gave a playful grin. "We're testing the jungle features!"
Jake, hanging on by one hand, swung back and forth. "This is actually really fun!" he called up, laughing along.
Unagami, holding on with precision and focus, added in a deadpan tone, "It's quite an efficient mode of travel. Much faster than walking."
Mia could hardly breathe from laughing so hard, wiping her eyes. "You guys are insane!"
Annie, who had stopped working on the rug, chuckled and shook her head. "I mean, of course they are. They're part of this crazy crew."
Nelson just grinned and leaned back. "Looks like the entertainment's already covered."
Emma smiled as she watched Morro swinging from the vine, and with a playful shake of her head, she called out, "Morro, can you help me with the painting?"
Morro stopped swinging for a moment, hanging upside down as he grinned mischievously. "Can I draw a skull?" he asked, clearly half-joking but also half-serious, knowing Emma's answer.
Emma crossed her arms and shot him a look. "Not unless you want me to paint over it again," she teased, remembering the last time he tried to sneak a skull onto their treehouse walls.
Morro flipped himself upright and landed gracefully on the ground. He walked over with a grin, his ghostly presence still full of energy. "Fine, fine. No skulls—this time. But you have to admit, it gave the place some... character."
Emma rolled her eyes and handed him a paintbrush. "How about we add some happy flowers instead? Or maybe something bright and colorful?"
Morro sighed dramatically, but he couldn't help the smile creeping onto his face. "Alright, alright. But you owe me a skull painting in the future."
"Deal!" Emma said, grinning as they started painting together, with Morro—reluctantly but playfully—agreeing to add bright patterns instead of his usual macabre style.
Unfortunately he drew a flower that looked like a skull.
And one with a knife.
" MORRO!" Emma screeched.
Morro tried to suppress a laugh as Emma glared at him, her eyes wide with disbelief. "What? It's abstract!" he defended, gesturing toward the flower that suspiciously resembled a skull with a knife sticking out of it. "It's... uh... edgy!"
Emma stomped her foot in frustration. "Morro, we agreed! No skulls, no knives! This is supposed to be fun and cheerful!"
Morro shrugged, still grinning mischievously. "Hey, I added flowers! It counts, right?"
Emma sighed dramatically, snatching the paintbrush from him. "Fine, you want to be funny? I'll fix it!" She dipped the brush into bright pink paint and started covering the skull-flower hybrid with exaggerated strokes, turning it into a neon explosion of color.
Morro watched her with a smirk. "Well, at least it's still got character."
Emma stopped painting for a moment, shaking her head with a smile she couldn't hide. "You're impossible, Morro."
He leaned over and kissed her cheek. "But you love me anyway."
Emma rolled her eyes but smiled softly. "Unfortunately for me, yes."
As night fell, Mia and Nelson walked towards the house, ready to call it a day. When they arrived, Jay and the other ninjas were waiting for them on the porch, their faces a mix of concern and frustration.
"Finally! Where have you two been?" Jay demanded, crossing his arms.
Mia let out a tired sigh. "Would you guys relax? We're fine."
Nelson, standing silently behind Mia, looked around uneasily. Jay's eyes shifted to him. "And you? What's going on?"
Nelson took a deep breath and suddenly burst out, "MIA LOVES ME! SHE'S MY WIFE!"
Mia facepalmed, her cheeks flushing slightly. "Nelson, they know that. In detail."
Jay's frustration mounted. "What are you talking about? We don't know what you've been up to. You've been gone all day!"
Mia, trying to defuse the situation, added quickly, "Our car broke down and got buried in the sand. We had to tow it out. That's all."
The ninjas exchanged skeptical looks, clearly unconvinced. Kai's eyes narrowed. "You expect us to believe that's the only thing you've been doing?"
Nelson, who was still behind Mia, tried to defend their story. "It's true! The car got stuck, and it took us forever to get it out. It was a mess!"
Mia nodded vigorously. "Yeah, see? We were dealing with that. Nothing else."
Jay's eyes darted around, clearly not satisfied with the explanation. "So you're saying you spent the whole day just dealing with your car?"
Mia bit her lip, trying to stay calm. "Yes, Jay. That's exactly what happened."
Lloyd, who had been silent until now, stepped forward. "We're not buying it. We've been worried about you."
Mia's patience was wearing thin. "You don't have to believe us, but it's the truth. We're tired and just want to rest."
Emma, trying to smooth things over, added, "Look, if they say it's just about the car, then let's leave it at that. They've had a rough day."
Jay sighed deeply, clearly still troubled. "Fine. But don't think we're not keeping an eye on this. We're not done with this."
As Jay and the others retreated into the house, Mia and Nelson exchanged a weary glance. Nelson put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Well, that went better than expected."
Mia chuckled, though her laughter was tinged with exhaustion. "Yeah, I suppose. We really need to finish up that treehouse."
Nelson nodded. "Tomorrow. It'll be better."
They headed inside, hoping that tomorrow would bring clearer skies and a less complicated day.
The next morning, Mia and Nelson were busy making breakfast together. The sun was shining brightly, and they were in high spirits as they prepared a spread of pancakes, fruit, and fresh juice.
As they finished up, Mia whispered to Nelson, "Let's make a quick getaway. We still have some finishing touches on the treehouse."
Nelson nodded, giving her a reassuring smile. "Sounds good. Let's go."
Unbeknownst to them, the other ninjas were watching from a distance, their curiosity piqued by the couple's early departure. Jay, who had been particularly determined to uncover what Mia and Nelson were up to, signaled to the others.
"They're leaving," Jay said quietly, peeking around a corner. "We need to follow them."
The ninjas stealthily followed Mia and Nelson at a safe distance, ensuring they weren't spotted. They tracked them through winding paths and dense forest until they finally reached a secluded area where the treehouse was hidden.
From behind large rocks, the ninjas peered through the foliage, their eyes widening as they took in the sight before them. The treehouse was magnificent, adorned with colorful patterns and surrounded by a beautiful garden. The intricately designed structure was clearly a labor of love, with a deck, windows, and even an elaborate security system.
Kai's eyes narrowed as he saw the high-tech security measures. "Zane, can you override the system?"
Zane, always prepared, pulled out his tech gear and began analyzing the security setup from their hidden vantage point. "I'm on it. Give me a moment."
As Zane worked on hacking into the system, Jay, Cole, and the others watched with a mix of awe and frustration. The elaborate setup was impressive, but it also raised more questions.
Mia and Nelson, unaware of the spying ninjas, were busy fine-tuning the final details of the treehouse. Mia was adjusting the placement of a few flowers while Nelson was ensuring the elevator system worked smoothly.
Zane's voice came through their earpieces. "I've got access. I can see the cameras and security controls."
Jay nodded. "Great. Let's see what they're up to inside."
With Zane's help, the ninjas watched the live feed of the treehouse's interior. They saw Mia and Nelson enjoying their creation, setting up cozy seating, and even lounging with some snacks. The atmosphere inside was warm and inviting, a stark contrast to the tense situation outside.
"Wow, this is incredible," Nya whispered, clearly impressed despite her initial annoyance.
"Yeah," Jay admitted, "It's a pretty amazing setup. But we still need to figure out why they were so secretive."
Lloyd, who had been quiet, nodded in agreement. "It looks like they put a lot of effort into this. Maybe we should approach them differently."
Jay sighed, finally realizing that perhaps the approach should be more about understanding than confrontation. "Okay, let's wait until they come out. We'll talk to them then."
As the treehouse doors opened, Mia, Nelson, Rose, Annie, and their respective partners emerged, only to be greeted by Jay, Cole, Lloyd, Kai, Zane, and Nya, who were waiting with stern expressions. The tension was palpable.
Mia's face fell as she saw them. "Oh great. This is just great," she muttered, her frustration evident.
Jay stepped forward, clearly agitated. "Why have you been keeping this from us?" he demanded.
Mia's anger flared. "Because some of us actually want a little privacy!" Her voice was sharp, and she started to walk towards them, but her foot—the one that had been hurting—gave way. She tripped and landed with a painful thud.
Nelson's eyes widened in panic. "Oh no, no, no, no, no!" he exclaimed, rushing to Mia's side. "Emma, Morro, Jake, Unagami, keep them out! Annie, with me!" He carefully lifted Mia, who protested weakly.
"I can walk, Nelson," Mia said through gritted teeth, but Nelson was having none of it.
"Yeah, right," Nelson replied.
" You're almost as bad as Jay."
" At least I give you SOME privacy!"
Mia shot him a glare. "Good point," she conceded, then addressed Annie. "Anyway, Annie, give me some ice. I can do this."
Annie sighed, shaking her head. "This is the problem with being friends with a girl who doesn't know when to quit."
Mia grinned through her pain. "Ninjas never quit."
Jay approached cautiously, his expression softening. "Are you okay?"
Mia snapped, her frustration boiling over. "If you had let me watch that video, we could have avoided this!"
Jay's face fell, and he held up his hands in a gesture of surrender. "Okay, okay. We'll leave."
Mia's eyes were cold as she looked at him. "I never want to see you near this again. Ever."
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