DumbassWriter17 The_Sage_Ninja_Morro This is my bird
But today he's Annie
Because Annie be like YOU BETTER NOT DO IT
but I did it
And she's gonna be angry
Anyway Annie and Emma enjoy watching Leia get chased by a bunch of wolves
Ps that's Nya and Jay
I custom made their outfits in ACNH
" AIEEEEEEEEE WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING TO US?!* Emma yelled as she gobbled her cheese up.
" RUN THEY'RE GAINING ON US!" Mia cried, grabbing her friends and jumping into the trashcan.
" EWWWW!* Emma scrunched her face as she took a banana peel off her hair. * Why a trashcan?*
" It was the best place I could think of."
Annie sighed and helped the other two out. " Well, thanks Mia for the sa-"
She stopped, and widened her eyes.
" Wait ...... Where's Leia?!" She looked around.
The other two gasped and searched for the three year old girl.
But she was nowhere.
" Ya don't think...." Mia muttered as she peeked around the corner.
" Uh, guys?* She squeaked. * You might wanna see this."
Leia was riding a wolf.
And the wolves didn't mind.
" Oh....." Emma said, her mouth wide open.
Annie noticed and closed it
But it opened again.
Annie closed it
It opened.
" Emma!" She hissed. " Your mouth!"
" Oops!" Emma whispered.
Mia wasn't paying attention. She was looking through her binoculars.
* Leia's okay." She whispered.
The other two signed in relief.
But the moment Mia turned back to where Leia had been, her heart sank. "She's gone!" she gasped, her voice rising in panic. "And the wolves too!"
Emma and Annie froze in place, eyes wide. "WHAT?!" Annie cried. "How is that even possible?! She was just there!"
Before anyone could react, all three girls began hyperventilating, pacing in circles and frantically muttering to themselves. Mia was rolling on the ground, grabbing her head in frustration.
"I can't believe it! We lost a three-year-old! And wolves!" Emma groaned, collapsing into a dramatic heap next to Mia. "This is getting out of hand!"
Annie, meanwhile, was desperately trying to pull herself together. "Okay, okay, we just... we just need to calm down... breathe, right? Breathe—"
But no one was calming down. In fact, the panic only seemed to escalate. Mia was muttering something about worst-case scenarios, Emma was now lying flat on her back staring at the sky, and Annie was wringing her hands, looking on the verge of tears.
At that moment, Jay stumbled onto the scene, stopping short when he saw them all in complete chaos. "Uh... guys?" he said hesitantly, raising an eyebrow. "What's going on?"
None of them heard him, still in their frantic state. Jay sighed, running a hand through his hair. He darted toward Mia, grabbing her by the shoulders. "Mia!"
Mia blinked up at him, eyes wide and panicked. "Jay! Leia's gone! She was riding a wolf, and now she's disappeared, and we don't know what to do, and—"
"Mia!" Jay interrupted, shaking her gently. "Slow down. We'll figure this out. Just breathe, okay?"
Mia gulped, trying to follow Jay's instructions, but her mind was racing. "But what if something happened to her? She's only three!"
Jay gave her a firm nod. "We'll find her. But panicking won’t help. Let’s focus."
Mia finally started to calm down a little, taking deep breaths. "Okay, okay... We need to figure out where the wolves could have gone."
Annie, now slightly calmer, approached them. "Yeah... maybe they went back to their den or something?"
Emma sat up, looking determined. "We need to track them down. Leia could be in danger."
Jay smiled slightly, relieved to see they were starting to focus again. "Alright, then let's go. We’ve got some wolves to track—and a toddler to rescue."
" When I said tracking, I didn't mean to look like cavemen." Jay hissed as he looked down at his half clothed body. " This is ridiculous! I'm a ninja! What will happen if someone sees me?".
Mia looked at her older brother and smirked. " Worst case scenario Kai sees you."
Jay groaned. " That's so bad.*
" Guys?" Emma said as she scratched her beard. " This is really itchy. Can I take mine off?"
Mia gave her a strange look. " Emma, we grew them, remember?"
.Emma stared at her. " WHAT?!"
her voice scared birds away
" Emma!" Annie hissed. " Quiet! You want to attract a lion?*
Jay rolled his eyes. " I've dealt with lions before."
The two girls turned to him. " You have?"
Mia smirked and crossed her arms.
Jay nodded. " When Mia was little, one day, she decided to unleash a tiger and lion in the Monestary. The lion seemed to love Lloyd a lot. Like wanted out Green ninja to be his dinner. And oh boy was it hectic!"
" Hey!" Mia said, pouting a little. " It was good!"
Jay sighed, his face scrunched in frustration. "I didn't mean good for us! You nearly had us all turned into lion snacks!"
Mia grinned mischievously, crossing her arms. "Well, someone had to spice up the day! Besides, Lloyd got a great workout."
Emma, still scratching her beard, blinked at the absurdity. "Wait, Mia unleashed a lion and a tiger in the Monastery? And that's your definition of a good time?"
Mia shrugged. "Better than running after me, trying to take a hideous picture from me, right, Jay?"
Jay groaned, rubbing his temple. "Don’t remind me. Chasing you is at least safe."
Annie, wide-eyed, looked at Jay. "So… how did you guys deal with it? Did the lion really chase Lloyd?"
Jay snorted. "Oh, you bet it did. Poor Lloyd had to use his elemental powers just to keep the thing at bay. Zane eventually had to step in and freeze the lion. As for the tiger, Kai tried to handle it with fire, but it liked the heat."
Mia giggled at the memory. "Kai nearly ran up a tree! That tiger just wanted to play, but Kai thought he was its next meal."
Emma scratched her beard harder. "Well, let’s hope we don’t run into any tigers or lions out here. And seriously, Mia, this beard thing is not working for me."
Mia shrugged. "We’re going for authentic. We are trying to blend in with the wild, right?"
Jay sighed again, looking down at his bare chest and the ridiculous animal-skin outfit he was wearing. "Blend in or not, this is humiliating. If Kai sees me like this, I’ll never live it down."
Mia grinned. "He'll probably take a picture for blackmail later."
Jay paled at the thought. "That’s what I’m afraid of..."
Just then, Emma froze, her eyes going wide. "Uh, guys? I think we might actually have a problem…"
Everyone turned to where Emma was pointing. In the distance, they could hear a faint growl. A pair of glowing eyes appeared in the bushes.
Jay groaned again. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me."
Mia unsheathed her sword, a grin spreading across her face. "Guess we’re about to find out if you're still good with lions, big brother."
"I PANICKED, OKAY?!" Jay yelled, dodging a low-hanging branch. "THROWING A ROCK SEEMED LIKE A GOOD IDEA AT THE TIME!"
"It NEVER is!" Mia retorted, her sword still in hand as they darted through the trees. "Now we’ve got a whole pride of lions on our tails!"
Emma kept clawing at her beard, almost tripping. "This thing is making me itch like CRAZY!"
"PRIORITIES, EMMA!" Annie screamed, glancing behind them as the growling grew louder. "Let’s focus on not getting eaten!"
Mia leaped over a fallen log, landing effortlessly. She turned to Jay, still running. "And what was that tongue thing about?! You provoked them!"
"I WAS TRYING TO ASSERT DOMINANCE!" Jay defended, still breathless.
"YOU JUST MADE THEM ANGRY!" Mia yelled back. "Lions don’t care about your ‘dominance’ when you’re flapping your tongue at them!"
"Great," Annie muttered sarcastically. "We’re gonna get eaten because Jay decided to challenge a lion with bad manners."
Jay groaned, "Trust me, this wasn’t how I saw today going!"
Suddenly, Mia skidded to a stop, causing the others to crash into her. She held up her hand. "Wait... guys, I have an idea."
"Is it a good one? Because your last idea involved beards," Emma said, gasping for air.
Mia smirked. "Just follow my lead." She whirled around, facing the approaching lions, and called out, "HEY! YOU WANT US? COME GET US!" She winked at her friends.
Jay looked horrified. "MIA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"
But before he could stop her, Mia threw something on the ground. A sudden puff of smoke erupted, engulfing them all. When it cleared, the group was nowhere to be seen, leaving only confused lions, who slowed their chase, bewildered.
Jay blinked, realizing they were now hidden up in a tree thanks to Mia’s quick thinking. "Ninja smoke bombs? Really?"
Mia grinned. "Told you I had a plan. Works every time."
When the lions finally left, the group slid down the trunk.
" Well that's just great!* Jay said sarcasticly. " First you lose a three year old, then we were chased by wolves. What's next?!"
" Jay?!" A voice said, barely containing laughter. " Is that you?"
Jay reddened. He turned.
" AIEEEEEEEEE!" he yelled
Mia was calm. " Oh good. More eyes.
Kai was giggling so hard. " Wha.... What..... Oh my gosh....." He gasped for air
Jay turned to Mia. " See?!"
Mia just hands Kai some new clothes. " Wear these."
Kai was still clutching his sides, trying to catch his breath from laughing so hard. "Jay... I can't believe... you actually... got yourself chased by lions... with that beard!" He wiped away tears of laughter as he tried to compose himself.
Jay groaned, covering his face. "Can we please just pretend this never happened?" He quickly grabbed the clothes Mia handed to Kai and started pulling them on over his ridiculous caveman get-up. "I can't believe this."
Mia crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow. "Hey, you're the one who wanted to show off in front of the lions. Not my fault they didn’t take kindly to your rock-throwing and tongue-sticking routine."
Kai, still snickering, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Jay, what were you thinking? I mean, lions?"
Jay threw his hands up in frustration. "I panicked! I didn’t think it through, okay? And then you show up, just in time to make it worse!"
Mia smirked and turned to Kai. "Glad you could join us for the grand finale. Got any more quips, or are you gonna help us find the three-year-old we lost?"
Kai’s smile faded. "Wait. What? You lost a three-year-old?"
Emma and Annie nodded, still trying to get the itchy fake beards off. "Yeah, we lost her before the lions showed up," Annie explained. "And then everything just got... worse."
Kai looked between them, shaking his head in disbelief. "You guys have had one chaotic day, haven’t you?"
"Tell me about it," Jay muttered, fully dressed now, as he looked around nervously. "Alright, enough standing around. We need to find Leia before she rides off on something else."
"Yeah," Mia agreed, grabbing her gear. "Because if we lose her again, I don't think we’ll be so lucky next time."
"Agreed," Kai said, now serious. "Let’s move. We’ll cover more ground together."
With that, the group set off again, this time with no lions—or beards—chasing them.
" Uh... What's with the skin?" Kai asked, looking at his barbaric wear.
Jay, back in his caveman clothes, sighed. * Told you."
Mia stopped thoughtfully. " Hmm..... If we're cavemen, we need to speak their language."
" WHAT?!" everyone yelled.
Mia turned. " Who you?_
" Mia, it's us." Emma scrunched her face.
" I no no you."
Kai blinked, glancing at Jay, who was now scratching his head in confusion. "Mia, what are you doing?" he asked, bewildered by her sudden change in speech.
Mia straightened up, putting on a serious expression. "If we cavemen, we speak like cavemen," she said, pointing to herself. "Me Mia. You Jay."
Emma, still confused, waved her arms. "Wait, wait, are we seriously doing this right now?"
Mia crossed her arms, staying in character. "Yes. If we act like cavemen, maybe others think we real cavemen and leave us alone."
Jay groaned. "This is ridiculous. I can’t believe this is happening. First, the lions, and now we’re speaking like cavemen? What’s next, are we going to bang rocks together to make fire?"
Mia grinned, completely unfazed by Jay’s sarcasm. "Good idea. Fire good." She mimed striking rocks together, fully committing to the act.
Kai chuckled, shaking his head. "Well, I guess we’re all in now." He turned to Jay, half-laughing. "Better start practicing your grunting."
Jay sighed heavily, but finally cracked a smile. "Fine. Me Jay. You Mia. Let’s get Leia before we turn into cavemen forever."
The group laughed, even in the midst of the chaos, as they continued their search for Leia, trying to keep up the caveman act as best they could—just in case it helped.
Emma suddenly crouched down, beating her chest and making exaggerated gorilla noises. "Ooh ooh! Ah ah!" she bellowed, hopping around like a gorilla.
Annie, catching on to the act, scrambled up a nearby tree branch, swinging from it like a monkey, making playful chattering sounds. "Eee eee! Ah ah!"
Mia, never one to be outdone, joined in by hopping around on all fours, mimicking both Emma and Annie with her own set of monkey-like sounds. She scratched her head and pretended to pick imaginary bugs off her arm.
Jay stood there, completely dumbfounded. "Uh...."
Kai raised an eyebrow, watching the strange scene unfold. "Is Mia... okay?" he asked, glancing at Jay in confusion.
Jay threw his hands up in exasperation. "How should I know? She's your problem now!"
Mia, still acting like a monkey, shot Jay a playful glare, clearly enjoying her role too much.
Just so you remember the next part has British
Like stuck up British
Just remember I'm not making fun
My mother and father were taught in a British school so I know how to speak
Though it might need a bit brushing up
The spelling though I'm half American half British
It's so annoying but anyway
suddenly a low, menacing growl echoed through the air. The group froze.
Kai, who had been watching the bizarre monkey and gorilla show with a mix of amusement and confusion, turned around slowly. His eyes widened in terror as he spotted a massive tiger prowling toward them from the shadows of the jungle.
"Uh... guys?" Kai stammered, backing up. "THERE'S A TIGER!"
The moment the word "tiger" left Kai’s mouth, the group erupted into chaos. Jay, who had been staring blankly at the monkey madness, instantly snapped out of it.
"AIEEEEEEEE!" he yelled at the top of his lungs, spinning on his heel and sprinting as fast as he could.
The others followed his lead without hesitation, legs pumping furiously as they bolted through the jungle. Kai, still struggling to process how they went from gorilla impressions to being chased by a predator, screamed as he ran alongside Jay. "Why does this ALWAYS happen when I'm with you guys?!"
"KEEP RUNNING!" Jay hollered back, breathless from fear. "I’M NOT A TIGER PERSON, OKAY?!"
Emma, still committed to her role, tried to beat her chest as she ran. "OOH OOH! AHH AHH!" she shrieked, before realizing it was not helping. "WHY DID I DO THAT?!"
Annie, swinging her arms like a frantic monkey, added her own panicked chatter. "EEEEE! AHHHH! RUN RUN RUN!"
Mia, however, took a completely different approach. Without warning, she straightened her posture mid-sprint, threw her head back dramatically, and adopted a perfectly polished British accent.
"Oh, darling," Mia declared, her voice dripping with aristocratic flair. "This is simply dreadful! Imagine, a wild animal in such an uncouth environment. Why, I dare say, this jungle has no class whatsoever!"
"MIA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Jay yelled, incredulous as he tried to outrun the tiger. "THIS ISN'T THE TIME!"
Mia continued in her faux-British accent, seemingly unbothered by the life-or-death situation. "Honestly, Jay, one must maintain composure at all times. What would the Queen say if she saw us behaving in such an undignified manner?"
Kai, barely keeping up with the sprinting Mia, risked a glance over at Jay. "Uh, is Mia okay?!"
Jay threw his hands up in exasperation as they dodged vines and leapt over fallen logs. "How should I know? She's talking like she's about to have afternoon tea while being chased by a TIGER!"
The tiger, still in hot pursuit, growled louder, and the sound reverberated through the trees. It was gaining on them.
"Not to worry, dears," Mia continued in her overly posh accent, as though they were on a leisurely stroll. "Simply follow my lead. If one must deal with such an unfortunate creature, one must do it with grace and dignity."
Emma, panting from the exertion of running, looked over at Mia, utterly baffled. "MIA, WHY ARE YOU TALKING LIKE THAT?!"
Mia flicked an imaginary speck of dirt off her shoulder, still maintaining her aristocratic air. "Because, darling, if one must face peril, one should do so with style." She gave an exaggerated wave of her hand, as if dismissing the entire situation as a minor inconvenience. "Really, how time some this all is. I simply detest running."
Jay risked a glance over his shoulder. The tiger was still closing in, its muscles rippling as it leapt over obstacles, eyes locked on them. "MIA, THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR A FAKE ACCENT!"
Mia, in her best imitation of a wealthy aristocrat, sniffed dismissively. "Oh, Jay, darling, you worry far too much. It’s just a bit of sport. Like a fox hunt, no?"
"A FOX HUNT?!" Jay sputtered, barely managing to leap over a fallen tree in time. "THAT IS NOT A FOX! IT'S A TIGER!"
Kai, gasping for breath, yelled, "Can we please focus on running instead of the Queen's English?!"
The tiger roared again, even closer this time. Its sleek orange and black fur shimmered in the dappled sunlight as it bounded toward them with terrifying speed. The air was thick with tension as they ran, their feet pounding against the jungle floor, hearts racing in their chests.
Suddenly, Mia stopped in her tracks and spun around, throwing her arms wide as though she were addressing an adoring crowd. "Stop!" she commanded, still in her British accent. "You, sir tiger, must cease this unruly behavior at once!"
Jay screeched to a halt, nearly crashing into her. "MIA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"
Mia held up a hand to silence him, staring directly at the approaching tiger. "This, my dear brother, is how one properly handles such situations."
The tiger paused, as if confused by Mia's sudden confidence. It growled low in its throat, its ears twitching.
Mia took a step forward, unflinching. "Now, listen here, good sir," she continued, her tone dripping with aristocratic disdain. "You simply cannot go around chasing people in such a manner. It is highly uncivilized. Do you not have any manners?"
The tiger blinked, seemingly taken aback.
"Uh... Mia?" Kai whispered, inching backward. "I don’t think this is a good idea."
But Mia held her ground, still speaking in her British accent. "Honestly, the nerve of some animals. I would have expected better from such a majestic creature. You’re giving tigers a bad name, you know."
For a moment, it seemed like the tiger didn’t know how to react. It blinked at Mia, its growls quieter now, as if contemplating whether or not to eat this bizarre human who was lecturing it.
Jay, wide-eyed, stared at Mia in disbelief. "Is... is it working?"
Mia shot him a haughty look. "Of course, darling. It’s all about confidence and proper decorum."
The tiger, now clearly baffled, let out a soft snort, and after a long moment of staring at Mia, turned around and slinked back into the jungle, as if deciding that dealing with this strange human was simply not worth the effort.
Everyone stood frozen for a moment, jaws dropped.
"Did... did that really just happen?" Emma whispered.
Annie blinked. "Mia... how...?"
Jay, still in shock, shook his head. "I don’t even know what to say."
Mia turned to the group, dropping the British accent. "See? Told you I had it under control."
Kai let out a long breath, shaking his head in disbelief. "That was the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen."
Mia just smiled smugly. "Well, sometimes you have to think outside the box. Or in this case, act like a rich British person."
" Uh.... Mia? Was Leia wearing a pink dress?" Emma asked.
Mia thought hard. " Yes."
" And two braids?"
Mia nodded.
" And was she swinging vine to vine?"
Mia narrowed her eyes, thinking back. "Yes, she was definitely swinging vine to vine. Why?"
Emma gulped. "Because... she’s doing it again."
Everyone whipped around, and sure enough, there was Leia in the distance, dressed in a bright pink dress, her two braids flying wildly behind her as she swung from vine to vine like a jungle version of a princess.
Jay blinked. "Is that even safe?!"
Kai sighed, rubbing his forehead. "We just got away from a tiger, and now we have this to deal with?"
Leia let out a joyful yell as she swung past them, landing on the ground in a dramatic pose like a superhero, her pink dress fluttering around her.
"Did you see that?" Leia asked, beaming. "I’m like a jungle queen!"
Mia crossed her arms, still holding onto her smug attitude. "Honestly, Leia, you’re just showing off now."
Jay groaned. "Can we please have one normal day where we're not chased by wild animals or dealing with jungle princesses swinging through trees?"
Kai shot Mia a look. "Is this normal for you guys?"
Mia shrugged. "Define ‘normal.’"
Leia, not paying any attention to the chaos around her, brushed off her dress and twirled. "Well, I’m off to find more vines! See you later!" With that, she took off running toward the next set of trees.
Jay threw his hands in the air. "Unbelievable. Absolutely unbelievable."
Emma shook her head. "You know, I kind of want to swing on a vine too, now."
Annie snickered. "Yeah, well, you can go do that while I stay on the ground where tigers hopefully can’t reach me."
Mia smirked. "Well, if any more tigers show up, I can always speak to them in British."
Jay groaned. "Please, no more British accents. We barely survived that tiger, and it had nothing to do with your fancy accent."
Mia grinned, tossing her hair dramatically. "Oh, darling, you simply lack faith."
" MIAAAAAAAAAAAAAA SPEAK BRITISH NOW!" Jay yelled as he turned to look over his shoulders and let out another yell
Leia giggled. " Go get them!" She cried.
Mia raised a brow. " You sure?"
Annie nodded. " YES!"
" Well if you're sure."
Mia sighed dramatically and, with a flourish, began speaking in an exaggerated British accent, her voice dripping with mock sophistication.
“Oh, darling, ” she started, glancing sideways at Jay and Kai, “must we always rely on the brute strength of these two rather common fellows to save us from our daily troubles? Honestly, Jay and Kai, such unsophisticated behavior. It’s no wonder we’re always running into lions and tigers!”
Jay blinked in disbelief. “Uh, Mia… we’re right here!”
Kai threw his arms up in exasperation. “What do you mean by unsophisticated behavior?! We just saved you from being eaten by a tiger!”
Mia waved a hand dismissively, still in character. “Oh, my dear Kai, I do appreciate your attempts at heroism, but truly, a gentleman would have resolved the matter without such a dreadful display of panic. A true noble would have merely asked the tiger for tea and settled the dispute in a civilized manner.”
Jay turned red with frustration. “Tea?! Mia, we were being chased! What was I supposed to do, offer it crumpets?!”
Mia continued, unfazed. “Ah, but you see, dear brother, only someone of my stature could even think to communicate with such wild creatures in a manner they respect. Not every jungle beast is accustomed to... your level of chaos.”
Annie, now hiding behind a tree, called out, “MIA, FOCUS! STOP MAKING THIS WORSE!”
Mia smirked, still in character. “Fear not, Annie, I shall handle it, but honestly, must we rely on these two simpletons forever?”
Kai crossed his arms, looking genuinely offended. “Simpletons?! I’m the Red Ninja!”
Mia raised an eyebrow, still in her posh voice. “Ah, yes, Red Ninja, but what good is fire when faced with such a delicate situation as a tiger’s appetite? One cannot simply burn one’s way out of every predicament.”
Jay threw his hands up. “That’s it! I’m done. No more British Mia, please!”
Leia, from her perch on a tree branch, giggled again. “Go, Mia! This is hilarious!”
Mia winked at her. “You see, Leia understands. It takes a certain level of class to navigate these situations with such elegance.”
Annie shouted again, “MIA, THE TIGER IS STILL CHASING US!”
Mia glanced over her shoulder, then back to the group, before finally dropping the accent. “Oh, fine, but just remember—when this is all over, I expect a proper thank you.”
“Thank you?!” Kai exclaimed. “For what? Making fun of us while we’re running for our lives?!”
Jay let out an exaggerated groan. “I’m not thanking her for anything.”
Mia smirked. “We’ll see about that.”
And with that, she whirled around, her tone finally becoming serious. "Alright, let’s deal with this tiger the proper way."
The jungle was in chaos. The group dashed through the underbrush, the roar of the tiger echoing behind them, sending chills down their spines. Mia, Jay, Kai, Annie, and Emma ran as fast as they could, dodging trees and vines, the thudding footsteps of the tiger growing louder with each passing second.
Leia, meanwhile, was perched on the tiger’s back, her tiny face scrunched in determination. The tiger roared and swiped at the air, but Leia held on tight, her small hands clutching the tiger’s fur.
“Why is she on the tiger’s back?” Emma shouted, her voice barely audible over the roar of the beast. “And why does she look so angry?”
Mia glanced over her shoulder, her eyes widening in horror. “Oh, this is not good.”
Jay, who had somehow managed to keep his caveman garb on despite the chaos, pulled out a lasso he had somehow managed to fashion from vines. “I’ve got an idea! I’m going to lasso the tiger and get Leia off its back!”
“NO!” Mia screamed. “Jay, you don’t lasso a tiger!”
Jay, already mid-throw, looked confused. “What do you mean, don’t lasso a tiger? We need to do something!”
Kai, looking over his shoulder, saw what was happening. “Jay, I think Mia has a point here!”
Mia continued to yell, “Jay, you can’t just lasso a tiger! It’s dangerous and won’t work! You need to—”
Before Mia could finish, Jay hurled the lasso. The vine circled the tiger’s neck, and for a moment, it seemed like Jay’s plan might work. But the tiger, annoyed and enraged, roared louder and thrashed around, trying to shake off the rope.
Leia, gripping tightly, let out a squeal as she struggled to stay on the tiger’s back. “Get me off this thing!” she yelled, her tiny voice almost lost in the commotion.
The tiger, now even more agitated, charged forward, the lasso tangling and pulling awkwardly. The whole group had to duck and weave to avoid getting caught in the mess.
“Jay, you’re making it worse!” Mia shouted, running beside him. “The tiger’s going to get even angrier!”
Jay, who was struggling to keep up with the wildly swinging lasso, yelled back, “I’m trying to fix it, but it’s not working!”
Annie, clinging to a vine as she swung from side to side, screamed, “Mia, what do we do?”
Mia, her eyes focused on Leia, thought quickly. “We need to get Leia off the tiger and calm it down. We need something to distract it.”
Emma, still scratching her beard and now slightly irritated, added, “I’m not sure how we’re going to manage that with a tiger on the loose!”
Kai, who had been watching the scene unfold, shouted, “We need to make a noise! Something loud to draw the tiger’s attention away!”
Mia nodded, trying to think on her feet. “Alright, if we can get its attention, maybe Leia can get off safely.”
Jay, finally releasing the lasso, looked frustrated but relieved. “Okay, fine! What do you suggest?”
Mia glanced around, spotting a large cluster of fruits hanging from a nearby tree. “Emma, Annie, grab those fruits! We’ll use them to distract the tiger!”
Emma and Annie hurried over, their improvised caveman attire flapping as they gathered the fruits. They began to throw them in different directions, hoping to draw the tiger’s attention away from Leia.
The tiger, distracted by the sudden shower of fruit, momentarily lost focus on Leia. Seeing her chance, Leia quickly jumped off the tiger’s back and landed safely on the ground, rolling away from the furious animal.
“Leia, are you okay?” Mia called, rushing over to the three-year-old girl.
Leia, slightly shaken but unharmed, nodded. “I’m okay, Miss!”
Mia hugged her tightly, her relief evident. “Thank goodness. Now, let’s get out of here before the tiger decides it’s still hungry.”
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