Super Blue Moon!
IN case you guys didn't know, a few weeks ago there was a super blue moon!
I've attached pictures from my telescope!
Also let's just talk about life
* Pretends to be on the news*
I'm live with my two best friends, Annie and Emma! How do you feel about the upcoming Super Blue moon?
Emma: Wow, I'm so excited! But what is a super blue moon?
Annie: Yeah, I've only heard of Blue moons ( when the moon comes twice a month instead of once) and a super moon ( when the moon is 14% brighter and 12% closer) but together?
Great questions, you two! As Annie said, a blue moon is when the moon is full TWICE in a month rather than once! And a super moon.... well, she just gave the facts. But a SUPER BLUE MOON is when it happens at the same time! Supermoon AND blue moon!
Emma: Mmmmmm, sounds like blue berries! Hey, does anyone want any?
Annie: Do you have any blueberry pie?! I could go with some pie!
Uh, guys......?
Emma: Whoops! Sorry! But, just another question. If it's called a blue moon, why isn't the moon blue?
You know the phrase, ' Once in a Blue Moon'?
Emma: Yes.....?
Well, it's just referring to how rare it is!
Annie: Oooooh! Now pie?
Sure! What flavor you think they have?
Annie: Agreed.
" Okay, listen. This might be one of the best days ever!" Ema squealed as she unpacked.
Annie nodded seriously, checking her list. " Food.... water.... life jackets.... flairs..... matches.... batteries.... phones..... radio.... chargers...... camera..... telescope...." The list went on and on.
Mia rolled her eyes. " Annie, we're all packed up!"
Annie looked up. " Never hurt to check twice!"
" Or ten other times....." Emma muttered.
Annie ignored. " Mia, can you speed this boat? We're not gonna be able to see the Blue Supermoon at this rate!"
Mia nodded. " Got it!"
She walked up to the control, and pushed the lever forward.
They went skimming on the surface of the water, going up and down with the waves.
" Mia....!" Emma managed to say.
Mia didn't hear.
She was too busy cackling.
" Hopefully alive." Annie muttered as she clung onto the railing.
As the boat surged forward, waves crashed against the hull, sending it bouncing up and down with increasing intensity. Mia was fully in her element, laughing wildly as the spray of the ocean hit her face.
"Isn't this great?" Mia yelled over the roar of the engine, her eyes gleaming with excitement.
Emma, gripping onto the side for dear life, was less enthusiastic. "Define great!" she shouted back, her words barely audible over the wind and the water. "Because I feel like we're in a washing machine!"
Annie, holding tightly to her checklist which was now soaked through with sea spray, gritted her teeth. "Mia, slow it down! We still have hours until the Blue Supermoon rises, we don't have to speed like this!"
Mia glanced back at them with a mischievous grin. "Come on, where's your sense of adventure?"
"Back there!" Emma pointed wildly behind them, where the calm waters had long been left in their wake.
The boat lurched as it hit a particularly large wave, sending Emma and Annie stumbling back. Annie's checklist flew out of her hand, fluttering into the water.
"My checklist!" Annie cried out in horror, watching helplessly as it sank beneath the waves.
Mia snorted, not even slowing down. "You don't need it! We've got everything packed already, remember?"
Annie sighed, leaning heavily against the railing. "I really hope this Supermoon is worth it..."
"Trust me, it will be!" Mia reassured with a wink, finally easing off the throttle just a little. The boat slowed down to a more reasonable speed, though it still skimmed the surface in a way that made Emma wince every time they hit another wave.
As the sea calmed slightly and the sun began to dip lower in the sky, casting a warm orange glow over the water, Emma finally let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. "Thank goodness... we're alive."
Mia shot her a playful look. "You're welcome."
Annie, still holding onto the railing but now a bit more relaxed, sighed. "Alright, I guess the worst is over."
But just as the words left her mouth, Mia smirked. "Who said anything about the worst being over? We've still got a whole night ahead of us!"
Emma groaned. "Why do I feel like this is only the beginning of our adventure?"
" Because Mia's our friend." Annie muttered, watching her best friend as she jumped into the ocean, splashing them.
Thirty minutes later, Mia came out of the water, soaking wet. She was holding a bunch of shells and rocks, and she shook her hair as she accepted the towel Annie offered her.
" You should have seen it down there. It was beautiful!" She exclaimed as she set her treasures down.
Emma picked them up and examined them. " Wow, they look great!" She said.
Mia nodded. " Anyway, when's the Supermoon gonna show? I'm getting booooored."
Annie checked her phone. " Uh.... In five minutes."
" We'd better get ready!" Annie exclaimed, and the other two followed her.ti.set the telescope.
As the excitement built, Annie rushed to set up the telescope on the deck of the boat. She unfolded the legs, adjusting it carefully to point toward the sky.
Mia, now dry but still barefoot, bounced on her toes impatiently. “Come on, come on! I’ve been waiting all day for this!”
Emma chuckled as she helped steady the telescope. “Mia, it’s not like the moon’s going anywhere. It’ll be here in five minutes.”
“I know, but I want the perfect view!” Mia exclaimed, grabbing a nearby blanket and spreading it on the deck for them to sit on. “I didn’t come all this way to miss it!”
Annie made a few final tweaks, squinting through the eyepiece of the telescope. “Alright, all set! Now we just wait for the moon to rise.”
They all settled down, sitting on the blanket, staring up at the darkening sky. The stars began to twinkle, and the horizon shimmered with the faintest hint of blue as the Supermoon prepared to make its appearance.
Mia leaned back, hands behind her head. “This is going to be epic.”
Emma smiled, gazing up at the stars. “Yeah, it’s already pretty cool out here.”
As the minutes ticked by, a collective hush fell over the three girls. Then, as if on cue, the Supermoon began to rise, casting a luminous, bluish glow over the water. It was enormous and breathtaking, unlike anything they had ever seen.
“There it is,” Annie whispered, awestruck.
Mia’s eyes widened. “Whoa... now that is worth the wait.”
Emma nudged Mia, smiling. “See? Patience pays off.”
For a few moments, they sat in silence, taking in the sheer beauty of the moon as it bathed the ocean in a surreal glow. The waves gently lapped against the boat, and the world around them seemed to pause.
“This is definitely the best day ever,” Mia finally said, her voice soft with wonder.
Emma nodded, sketching the moon. " It's pretty, I know."
Annie reached for the camera and took a few pictures. " Now, time for the picnic we've been waiting for!"
The girls quickly shifted gears, the magic of the Supermoon still lingering as they unpacked their picnic. Annie grabbed the cooler, setting out sandwiches, fruit, chips, and drinks. Mia eagerly popped open a soda, taking a long sip.
“This is perfect,” Mia said with a grin, grabbing a sandwich. “Great view, good food, and awesome company.”
Emma, still focused on sketching, looked up and smiled. “It’s like something out of a dream, right?”
Annie spread out the rest of the picnic, arranging the food neatly. “Totally. We couldn’t have picked a better night for this.”
As they ate, they continued to watch the moon, its glow reflecting off the water, giving the entire scene a magical atmosphere. The gentle rocking of the boat and the soft sound of the waves added to the serenity of the moment.
Mia leaned back again, holding her sandwich. “We should do this more often. It’s way better than just watching stuff on TV.”
Emma nodded in agreement as she finished shading in the moon on her sketch. “Yeah, this is definitely one of those moments you want to remember forever.”
Annie smiled, popping a grape into her mouth. “I’m just glad we didn’t forget anything. This turned out perfect.”
An hour later, the moon began to disappear through the clouds.
" We should be heading back." Annie said as she packed the stuff.
The other two nodded, still mesmerized by the moon.
Annie chuckled and shook her head fondly as she went to the control and turned the key.
Nothing happened.
She tried again.
" Uh, girls....?" She called. " The engine isn't turning on."
Mia scrambled to Annie and checked the dashboard.
" We're out of gas."
Annie gasped. " What?!"
Mia leaned on the railing. " That's why."
Annie looked at Mia, confused.
" We're a lot farther than we parked. I think we accidentally kept the boat on and never realized."
Emma turned, concerned. " Wait, so we're gonna become castaways?!"
Mia shook her head. " No, Em." She said reassuringly. " We're not."
" I hope." She muttered under her breath.
Emma nodded fearfully.
" Em, why don't you sit with a blanket wrapped around you and sketch?" Annie asked, leading Emma away and guiding her to a cushioned corner of the boat and handed Emma her pad and pencil.
Emma nodded and looked up at the sky as she sketched. " There's the Big Dipper.... And the Small Dipper... And Orion.... And... What's that twinkly star?"
Annie's head snapped up. She ran to the deck. " Oh no."
" Uh oh? Uh oh what oh?* Mia asked as she rushed to Annie's side.
Annie looked up at her. " We're drifting away to sea."
Mia struggled to stay calm. " The radio! Try to radio someone!"
Annie nodded and tried.
" Nothing!"
" Uh... Um... Phones!"
No signal.
" Em, are you getting a signal?* Mia asked.
Emma shook her head. " No. Why?"
Mia hesitanted. " Just asking."
Then she turned to Annie, her voice hushed. " We can't tell Emma. She's gonna be scampering around and freaking out."
Annie nodded. " Uh .. can we row?*
Mia shrugged. " Worth a shot."
" Is there anything else that can help us?!" Mia yelled as she ran to the pile of stuff.
Annie grabbed a rubber chicken. " Maybe we could squeak this!"
Emma held up a map. " I don't think anyone is gonna hear that."
The other girls gave her a deadpan look.
" Not helping." Mia said.
The two spent the next hour frantically trying everything they could think of to get the boat moving. After the failed attempts to start the engine, they tried the radio again, even though Mia had already told Annie it wasn’t working.
"Maybe if I press the buttons differently?" Annie muttered in frustration, her fingers moving rapidly across the dials, but nothing changed.
Mia grabbed a nearby oar and leaned over the side of the boat, trying to paddle them forward by sheer force. "Maybe we can row ourselves back! If I just... keep paddling..." she grunted, struggling against the ocean’s gentle but constant pull. "Come on... work with me here!"
Annie soon joined her, grabbing the second oar. The two girls paddled as hard as they could, their faces determined. Water splashed over the side of the boat as they strained to push against the current, but they didn’t seem to be moving anywhere. After what felt like an eternity, Mia dropped her oar with a groan.
"This... is... useless," she panted, sitting down and leaning against the railing. "We’re not even moving an inch!"
Annie sighed and slumped next to her, equally out of breath. "I know... I thought we’d at least get a little closer to shore."
Meanwhile, Emma sat peacefully at the other end of the boat, completely unaware of the panic her friends were going through. Wrapped in a blanket, she continued sketching the stars above them, her pencil gliding smoothly over the paper. She hummed softly to herself, oblivious to the situation.
"We have to keep trying," Mia said, forcing herself to her feet. "Let’s check everything again."
Annie stood, albeit reluctantly, and the two girls resumed their search for a solution. They tore through the supplies they'd packed, looking for anything useful. Annie held up a flare gun. "Maybe we can shoot this? Someone might see it!"
Mia nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, go for it!"
Annie aimed the flare gun skyward and fired. A bright red light shot into the sky, arcing over the dark ocean and fizzling out in the distance. The girls held their breath, waiting for any sign of a response. But after a few long, silent minutes, it was clear that no one had seen it.
Mia sighed heavily. "Great, now we’re just burning through our supplies for nothing."
They tried waving a bright yellow tarp over the side of the boat, hoping a passing ship or plane would notice them. Mia even joked about using the rubber chicken as a distress signal, giving it a half-hearted squeak, which only made Annie chuckle tiredly.
At one point, Mia got a wild idea. "Maybe if I jump into the water and push the boat from behind, I can get it moving!"
Annie looked at her like she was crazy. "That sounds like a terrible idea."
Mia shrugged. "Do you have a better one?"
Without waiting for approval, Mia jumped overboard, grabbing the back of the boat and trying to kick her legs like she was some kind of human motor. Annie, leaning over the side, watched as Mia struggled in the water, trying to push the boat forward. But the boat didn’t budge.
"Any luck?" Annie called out.
Mia, already exhausted, stopped kicking and floated in the water. "Nope. We’re stuck here... and I’m getting really cold."
Annie extended her hand to pull Mia back onboard, and the two collapsed in a heap of exhaustion. Their faces were red from all the effort, and they were panting hard, completely worn out.
Meanwhile, Emma was still sitting peacefully, her blanket wrapped snugly around her shoulders. She didn’t seem to have a care in the world as she quietly sketched the calm ocean, occasionally glancing up at the twinkling stars.
"I can’t believe she’s so calm right now," Mia muttered under her breath as she wiped her face with the back of her hand. "It’s like she doesn’t even know we’re stranded!"
Annie gave Mia a tired look. "Maybe it’s better that way... if she knew, she’d probably be freaking out. At least one of us is having a relaxing night."
They tried one last desperate idea: checking the phones again for any signal. But it was no use. No matter how high they held them up, they were still out of range, with no bars showing on the screen.
Finally, Mia collapsed onto the deck, staring up at the sky. "Okay, that’s it. We’ve tried everything."
Annie lay down next to her, equally defeated. "Yup. We’re doomed."
For a moment, they both just lay there in silence, too tired to even complain anymore. The sound of the waves gently rocking the boat was oddly soothing, despite the circumstances.
Emma finally looked up from her sketchpad, noticing her two friends sprawled out on the deck. "Hey, are you guys okay?"
Mia and Annie glanced at each other, then at Emma.
"Yeah," Mia sighed, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Totally fine. Just casually stranded in the middle of the ocean with no gas, no signal, and no way to get home."
Emma blinked, confused. "Wait... we’re stranded?"
Mia groaned and covered her face with her hands. "Oh, for the love of..."
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