Sleepover with a tired planner
" It.... Is... So... Hooot." Emma panted as she crawled to the AC.
Mia, who was using her wind to keep them cool, nodded and looked at her pets, who were also crowding the fan.
" I'll go get a few more." She said, standing up but wobbling.
Pikachu and Squirtle noticed and ran to steady her.
" Thanks, you two." She smiled, and pet each.
Pikachu let out a squeal, and Squirtle smiled happily.
Suddenly, the phone rang. " I'll go get it." Mia volunteered, scooping Pikachu up, setting him on her head, and running to the phone.
" Hello? Mia Eli-
Mia's eyes widened. " Annie? What's wrong?"
" My back is hurting and I'm BORED"
" Pika Pika pi?"
Broke her leg? What does that mean?
" It means, Pika, she's tired out."
" Pikachu!"
That sounds bad!
" For a girl like Annie, it is."
" Um, hellooooo? Girl on the other line?"
Mia chuckled. " Yeah yeah, Annie. I'm coming."
She put the phone down, and yelled for Emma.
And her Pokemon, of course.
" Annie's body is hurting and she needs some cheering up." Mia said as she put her animals in her bag.
Emma's eyes widened. " What?!"
Mia nodded. " Yep. We need to go there and make sure she's okay."
Emma nodded. " Got it."
" Annie you're supposed to be resting!" Jay exclaimed as they walked into her room.
Annie looked up. " And hello to you four too." She said, raising a brow.
Mia groaned. " I knew it. I just knew it."
" What?"
" You weren't gonna be resting. I should have known you would be practicing throwing balls and your swordsmanship."
" Hey!" Annie protested. " I'm not going anywhere, so I might as well!"
Emma shook her head. " That's where you're wrong. You're coming to Mia's house for a sleepover."
Annie's eyes snapped wide open and she sighed. " You're doing this so you can see what I'm doing, aren't you?"
Mia ignored." Emma, take her back! I'll get her legs." Mia commended. " Boys, get her stuff! It's in the pink bag."
" Steady.... Easy does it ...." Mia groaned as she took one step forward and three steps back.
" Woah!" Annie yelped. " You're gonna drop me!"
" Not on my watch!" Emma said confidently as she held Annie up with Mia.
Behind, the two boys were watching.
" Should we help them?" Jay asked as he wearily watched.
Kai shook his head. " Nah, I think they'll be okay."
Jay sighed. " I hope so."
Mia groaned as she stopped moving. " If only I could call Sapphire!"
" Why can't you?" Annie asked from above.
Mia gave her a look.
" Sorry!" Annie put her hands up.
Emma peeked from Annie's back. " You could ask Jay to put his hands in your mouth."
Jay nodded vigorously. " She's gonna bite me!"
Mia sighed. " Okay, EMma hold her."
As soon as Emma was given Anie, her weight began to set in.
" What did you have for dinner, a cinder block?" She grunted as she struggled to keep her friend on her back, which was bound to give off any second.
Meanwhile, Mia put two fingers in her mouth ( after sanitizing) and let out a loud whistle.
A majestic blue dragon with gold specks flew into the sky. She circled in the sky three times before landing and letting out a huff.
" Hi, girl" Mia grunted as they walked to her dragon. " We need you to take Annie here to the house, got it?"
Sapphire nodded, and Emma and Mia walked to her side.
" SHould we throw her?" Emma asked.
Mia sighed. " It's the only way."
" Throw who? What's the only way?" Annie asked fearfully.
Emma held Annies back, and mia her legs. " Annie, just remember to land on your legs." Mia advised.
" Okay, bu-"
" One.... two.... Three!" Mia said as they swung Annie, then threw her.
She spun, and spun until-
" SHE MADE IT!" Mia cheered as she climbed on. " Good job, ANnie!"
" Thanks, but.... nExT tImE mAkE sUrE tO kEeP mE sAfE!!!!!" She shouted.
Emma put her hands up. " Easy, Annie. Easy!"
Annie rolled her eyes. " Easy for you to say."
As Mia, Emma, and Jay watched Annie land (albeit not as gracefully as intended), they breathed a collective sigh of relief. Sapphire looked back with a proud puff of smoke, clearly pleased with the successful delivery.
"Well, that was... something," Jay muttered, his hands resting on his hips as he watched from the ground.
Kai, who had wandered over just in time to see Annie soar through the air, crossed his arms and smirked. "Is this how you treat all your injured friends?"
Mia rolled her eyes, climbing up onto Sapphire's back. "Only the ones who refuse to listen when they're supposed to rest."
Emma, who was still shaking her head at the whole ordeal, turned to Mia. "You do realize we just launched Annie like a frisbee, right?"
Mia grinned. "She needed to get there faster, and hey, she landed just fine!"
Annie, still a little wobbly but managing to sit up on Sapphire's back, groaned. "Next time, I'd appreciate not being a human cannonball, thanks!"
Mia laughed, patting Sapphire's side. "You did great! And don't worry, Annie, I'll make sure you get pampered at the house. Lots of rest, no sword training."
Annie's eyes narrowed. "You say that, but I don't trust you. Especially after that stunt."
Jay chuckled, walking over to help Emma and Kai gather Annie's pink bag from the ground. "To be fair, you did ask for some cheering up. You know Mia can be... creative."
"Creative?!" Annie scoffed, wincing as she shifted. "More like crazy!"
Mia waved it off with a smirk. "Details, details. Now let's get you home before you try any more sword drills."
Sapphire gave a soft rumble, signaling she was ready to take off again. Mia hopped up effortlessly, pulling Emma up behind her while Jay and Kai mounted their own dragons.
"Alright, let's head home," Mia said, holding onto Sapphire's reins. "And this time, Annie, no sudden acrobatics."
Annie, lying back against the dragon's warm scales, grumbled, "I'll believe it when I see it."
With a powerful leap, Sapphire soared into the sky, carrying the group back toward Mia's house. The wind whipped through their hair as the dragons flew smoothly through the clouds. Annie, despite herself, couldn't help but enjoy the ride, even if she was pretending to be annoyed.
"Don't worry," Emma said, leaning over to whisper. "Once we get back, we'll take care of everything. You'll be in bed, and we'll make sure you get all the rest you need."
"Yeah," Jay added, flying up alongside them. "And no more getting thrown anywhere. We'll keep things grounded from now on."
Mia, overhearing the conversation, called back in her best posh British accent, "Oh, darling Annie, you'll be treated like royalty in my home. Rest, relaxation, and the finest care one could offer."
Annie let out a laugh, shaking her head. "If by 'royalty' you mean being thrown onto a dragon, I'll pass!"
Mia just grinned as they sped through the clouds. "Well, you're in for quite the royal treatment then!"
As they approached Mia's house, Sapphire descended gently, landing with a soft thud in the courtyard. Mia and Emma helped Annie off the dragon, and this time, thankfully, there were no impromptu launches.
"Alright, Annie," Mia said, guiding her toward the house. "Let's get you inside and properly settled."
Jay followed, holding up the pink bag with a sigh. "You know, for someone who broke their leg, you've had quite an eventful day."
Annie gave a half-smile. "Yeah, well, with friends like you guys, what else can I expect?"
Kai, walking behind them with a smirk, added, "At least you know you'll never be bored."
As they entered the house, Mia set her animals and Pokémon free to roam, and Emma quickly grabbed a pillow for Annie's leg. They gently laid her down on the couch, with Mia tossing a fluffy blanket over her.
"There," Mia said, stepping back proudly. "All set. Now, no moving. I'll bring you food, and we'll watch a movie."
Annie sighed, finally relaxing. "Fine, fine. But if you even think about launching me again, I'm out of here."
Mia laughed, plopping down beside her. "No promises."
With that, the group settled in for a quieter evening, though the day's craziness was still fresh in their minds. As they began watching a movie, Mia leaned over to Annie, smirking.
"Admit it, you had fun."
Annie shook her head but couldn't hide the smile. "You're impossible, Mia."
Mia winked. "That's why you love me."
" I THOUGHT YOU SAID IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A CHILL EVENING!" Annie yelled as Emma helped her climb onto the roof. The sounds of chaos from below were a stark contrast to the serene evening they had hoped for.
Mia was already on the roof, her hair a wild mess from the tumultuous afternoon. She turned to Emma, who was now halfway up the ladder. " IT WAS, BUT HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THE TIGER WHO ATTACKED US IN THE JUNGLE WOULD FIND US?!"
Pikachu, perched on Mia's shoulder, let out a determined squeal and fired a thunderbolt at the encroaching tiger. The crackling electricity danced through the air, lighting up the night sky. The tiger roared in frustration but kept its distance for now.
Lloyd, who had been nervously pacing back and forth, threw his hands up. " Oh great. So because of Jay, here we are!" His voice was tinged with exasperation as he glanced over at Jay.
Jay, looking equally baffled, threw up his hands in defense. " HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW?!"
Annie, now on the roof and bracing herself, let out a determined yell. " Don't worry, I've got this!" She brandished her sword, ready for action. Despite her broken leg, she moved with surprising agility, her resolve unshaken.
Emma's eyes widened in panic. " YOUR BODY!"
Annie shot her a reassuring look. " It's fine. Besides, it doesn't hurt." She moved with practiced ease, her earlier pain seeming to have vanished in the face of the immediate threat.
Mia, observing the scene with a mixture of amusement and concern, couldn't resist slipping into her British accent. " Oh, splendid! Just what we needed. A tiger on our doorstep and our fearless Annie brandishing her sword despite her rather unfortunate injury."
The tiger, now slightly singed from Pikachu's lightning, prowled around below, clearly agitated but unwilling to come closer. Mia tried to keep her tone light, despite the mounting tension. " Perhaps we should have offered it some tea and biscuits instead of a thunderbolt. It's not a fan of our hospitality, it seems."
Annie, her focus unwavering, shouted from the roof, " No time for tea and biscuits, Mia! We need to deal with this beast!"
Lloyd, his arms crossed and his patience wearing thin, looked up at the roof. " You know, this is exactly why I said we should have waited for a more peaceful evening."
Jay, feeling a pang of guilt, mumbled, " Yeah, well, it was supposed to be a peaceful evening, but you know how these things go."
Emma, finally on the roof and catching her breath, joined the others. " Alright, we need a plan. Mia, do you have any more tricks up your sleeve?"
Mia nodded, still maintaining her British flair. " Quite right. Let's put our heads together and come up with a strategy. We mustn't let this feline nuisance ruin our evening."
You might wanna turn your volume down
Annie, adjusting her grip on her sword, glanced down at the tiger. " I'm ready when you are. Let's get this over with."
As they strategized, Mia took a deep breath and summoned a powerful gust of wind to push the tiger further away. The wind howled around them, a stark contrast to the earlier calm.
Pikachu continued to shoot lightning bolts intermittently, keeping the tiger at bay. Sapphire, Mia's dragon, circled overhead, watching the scene unfold.
Kai, having joined them on the roof, looked at the group with a mixture of amusement and concern. " Well, this is one way to spend an evening."
Emma, still catching her breath, added, " Let's just make sure this tiger doesn't decide to make a second appearance."
Mia, grinning, adjusted her British accent for dramatic effect. " Indeed. And once we've dealt with our furry friend, we can finally have that peaceful evening we all so desperately crave."
With renewed determination, they set their plan into motion. Annie and Mia coordinated their efforts, while Emma and Lloyd provided support. Together, they managed to drive the tiger away, ensuring that it would think twice before returning.
As the tiger disappeared into the distance, Mia, Emma, and the others breathed a collective sigh of relief.
Annie, still on the roof but with a satisfied smile, looked at Mia. " Nice work with the wind. I think we've managed to turn this chaotic evening around."
Mia, with a playful smirk, replied, " Just another day in the life, I suppose."
Jay, looking relieved but still a bit frazzled, added, " Maybe next time we can just have a quiet movie night without any unexpected guests."
Lloyd, shaking his head and finally relaxing, agreed. " Agreed. Let's hope our next adventure is a bit less.....eventful."
You're up people
" Ah..... this is nice." Emma sighed as Charmander massaged her neck.
" Char!"
Thank you!
" Yeah....... it really is." Annie nestled in closer to the blanket as Pikachu jumped on her back.
Mia chuckled. " Time to swi-"
Suddenly, the phone rang.
" I'll get it!" She stretched and sighed, then walked. " Hello?"
" Good evening!" A familiar cheerful voice said. " It's Stevie from the Home Improvement Agency! I wanted to check in and see if you're satisfied with the latest upgrades we installed."
Annie groaned loudly. " Stevie?! Again? Look, sir, we don't want your home upgrades!"
Stevie's voice remained upbeat and unwavering. " Oh, I understand, but I just wanted to remind you that our special offer on home enhancements is still available. We've got some fantastic new features you might be interested in. How about a state-of-the-art security system or a premium home theater setup?"
Mia, still holding the phone, rolled her eyes and glanced over at Emma, who was enjoying Charmander's massage. " Sorry, Stevie, but we really don't need any more upgrades at the moment."
Stevie continued, undeterred. " I completely understand. But have you considered our smart home automation options? Imagine controlling your lights, thermostat, and even your coffee maker from your phone. It's the future of home convenience!"
Emma, who was starting to get frustrated with the incessant sales pitch, chimed in, " Look, Stevie, we've had a long day, and we really don't want to hear about more home upgrades right now."
" Oh, I hear you!" Stevie replied cheerfully. " But let me just tell you about our latest product: the ultra-comfortable, customizable recliner! It's perfect for unwinding after a long day. And right now, it's available with a special discount for our valued customers."
Annie, now fully exasperated, threw her hands up. " Seriously, Stevie?! We're trying to relax here!"
Mia, trying to be diplomatic, said, " Stevie, we appreciate the offer, but we're really not interested in any new products right now. Can you please take us off your call list?"
Stevie's tone remained positive. " Of course! I understand. I'll make a note to remove you from our call list. Thank you for your time, and if you ever change your mind, don't hesitate to reach out. Have a wonderful evening!"
Mia hung up the phone with a sigh of relief. She turned back to her friends, who were now visibly relieved as well. " Alright, where were we before Stevie decided to drop by?"
Annie settled back into the blanket with a sigh. " We were about to enjoy a quiet evening."
Emma gave Charmander a grateful pat. " And I was about to relax. Thanks for the massage, Charmander."
Mia chuckled. " Well, let's try this again. Time to swi—"
Suddenly, the phone rang again.
" No way!" Annie exclaimed.
Mia picked it up cautiously. " Hello?"
This time, the voice on the other end was different, but just as cheerful. " Hi, this is Tanya from the Lawn Care Service! We've got a special on garden landscaping and maintenance. I was wondering if you'd be interested in a consultation."
Mia stared at the phone in disbelief. " Are you kidding me? Not again!"
Emma shook her head in exasperation. " Seriously? How many sales calls are we going to get tonight?"
Mia sighed, her patience wearing thin. " Tanya, we're really not interested. Please take us off your call list."
Tanya, still cheerful, responded, " Absolutely! I'll make sure your number is removed. Thank you for your time, and have a great evening!"
Mia hung up the phone and turned back to her friends. " Okay, this is getting ridiculous. No more calls, right?"
" Let's hope," Annie said, wrapping herself snugly in the blanket.
Mia settled back down with a sigh. " Alright, let's try this once more. Time to swi—"
And just then, the phone rang again.
Everyone groaned collectively.
" Not this again!" Emma said, burying her face in her hands.
Mia picked up the phone one last time, trying to keep her cool. " Hello?"
A voice on the other end said, " Hi there! This is Jason from the Energy Efficiency Improvement Program. We're offering free consultations on how to reduce your energy bills. Would you be interested?"
Mia sighed deeply, exasperated. " No, Jason, we're not interested. Please stop calling us."
Jason responded, " Understood. I'll make sure your number is removed from our list. Thanks for your time, and have a pleasant evening!"
Finally, Mia hung up the phone, turned to her friends, and said, " Alright, let's just forget about the phone for now and enjoy our evening. No more interruptions!"
Emma nodded. " Now we massage the animals?"
Mia nodded. " Yep!"
Annie smiled. " Well then, let's get to it!"
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