Road trip
Okay guys characters
✨Mia/ Mimi✨
🎨🖌️Emmy/ Emma/ Em🎨🖌️ (The_Sage_Ninja_Morro hiiiii)
🧳📋🎉 Annie/ Ann🧳📋🎉 (DumbassWriter17 hewo)
🎀🎂 Sunnie🎀🎂 ( Hiya ValentinaBueno2012)
( Also she's me cousin)
🍁 Maple ( Coco's her nickname)🍁 ( Dnyacats sorry I had to make you me and Sunnie's three year old niece for this story. If you want me to make you older then just tell me and I can rewrite it)
( Oh yeah and hi)
" Food?"
" Sleeping bags?"
" Check."
" Uh... Art supplies?"
" Check!" Emma said cheerfully, holding her suit case up. " It's all in here."
Mia laughed as she walked into the room, holding her niece in her arms. " Someone's planned ahead." She teased as she rocked Maple in her arms.
" I learned from the best!" Emma replied, grinning at Mia.
Annie cleared her throat. " Okay, we need to load everything into the camper. Mia, where's your things?"
" Sunnie's loadin' 'em into the van. And yes, Annie, she remembered Coco's car seat."
Annie sighed in relief. " Oh good."
Emma pat Coco's head, and the toddler giggled. " She's so cuuuute! I'm so glad your aunt Mary dropped her off to look after her while she and Ivy-"
Mia sighed. " Don't say ' you know who''s name."
Emma looked around. " Seriously, whoever does that screaming needs a chill pill."
Narrator - and right you are, Emma! Whoever that was, they expected a traumatic experience regarding a lady named.... Y- V- I. Unfortunately the man was rejected, and now, everytime someone says her name-"
" Narrator, with all due respect, I think they get it." Mia said with a flat expression.
Narrator - oh, sorry, Mia! The stage is yours!"
Mia shook her head and sighed. " Nice guy, really is. But Everytime he wants to explain something, he'll explain it for-"
" Mia you're not better." Sunnie said plainly to her cousin as she walked in and took their niece from Mia's arms.
" Oh. Sorry."
Sunnie rolled her eyes and ran a hand through Maple's brown hair. " We're going on a trip, Maple! We're gonna see boom booms!!"
" Boom boom!!" Maple mimicked, laughing.
Mia turned to Sunnie. " Did you pack her elephant?"
" You mean Ella? The blue elephant with the green ears?"
" Mhm."
" Yeah it's in the car."
" Ewa! I wove Ewa!" Maple clapped joyfully, and Mia took the toddler back.
" Yes, we know you love Ella, Coco. But we're going to the wilderness. What do we never do in the wilderness?"
" We don't wandew off." Ella replied innocently.
" Yes, sweetie. Sunnie, could you get her snacks?"
" Got it."
As Sunnie walked out to grab Maple's snacks, Annie clapped her hands to get everyone's attention. "Alright, team, listen up! This trip is going to be smooth, organized, and drama-free—"
Emma snorted. "Sure, Annie. Because nothing ever goes wrong when we're involved."
Mia chuckled, still rocking Maple. "Let her dream, Emma."
Annie shot them a look. "Can you two not jinx it before we’ve even left the house?"
Emma gave an innocent shrug, then turned her attention to Maple. "Hey, Coco, what’s the first thing you want to see when we get to the wilderness?"
"Boom booms!" Maple yelled, throwing her hands in the air.
Mia grinned. "She means fireworks, right?"
Sunnie walked back in with a small bag of snacks. "Oh yeah, she’s been calling them ‘boom booms’ since she saw her first fireworks show last year."
"Boom booms are the best!" Maple declared, clapping her hands again.
Annie nodded. "Well, lucky for you, we’re heading to the best fireworks festival around. But first, let’s make sure we’ve got everything."
Emma raised a hand. "I’ve got snacks, art supplies, and… more snacks. Priorities."
Sunnie held up Maple’s bag. "I’ve got all of Coco’s essentials, including her favorite blanket."
Mia tapped her chin. "I’ve got the first aid kit, extra clothes, and my camera."
Annie gestured to the camper outside. "And I’ve triple-checked the camping gear, maps, and itinerary. We’re good to go."
Emma tilted her head. "Wait, what about the playlist? Road trips need music."
Mia smirked. "Already queued up. Don’t worry, it’s not all show tunes this time."
"Aw, come on," Emma teased. "What’s a trip without a little drama?"
Sunnie rolled her eyes. "Let’s just get on the road before Maple decides to wander off and find her own ‘boom booms.’"
Everyone laughed as they loaded up the camper, with Maple bouncing excitedly in her car seat.
"Alright, let’s do this!" Mia said, taking the driver’s seat.
Annie crossed her arms and gave her a look. "Mia, we agreed I’d drive first."
"But it’s my camper!"
"And it’s my itinerary."
"Boom boom!!" Maple chimed in.
Sunnie laughed, climbing into the back. "This is going to be a long trip."
" Turn right." Annie instructed, and Mia took a careful right at the intersect.
" Wow, look at the whale mural!" Emma gasped in awe, snapping a photo.
" Wawe!" Maple clapped her hands.
" What's with this sudden carefulness?" Annie asked, turning to Mia.
" The baby's here." Mia replied. " Nothing is going to happen to her."
Sunnie looked up from her tablet. " You're doing just fine, Mimi."
" Thanks." Mia sighed. " Hey Em? How much longer until that museum of yours?"
Emma looked up from her sketchpad. " You mean the Museum of Frâncías Jòêgjiona?"
( I just made that up using random symbols. If anyone can read that good for you!!)
Mia blinked. " Uh.... Yeah. That place."
" Uh..... Well it's actually real close to here!"
" Is it.... Kid friendly? Like, no violence or guns?"
Emma blinked at her. " Uh.... What?"
Mia kept one hand on the wheel and shot Emma a quick glance. "You heard me. Is it safe for Maple? No creepy exhibits, no jump scares, no... you know, historical weapons displays?"
Emma tilted her head, clearly confused. "Mia, it’s an art museum. The most dangerous thing in there is probably an abstract sculpture you might trip over."
"Wawe!" Maple shouted again, pointing to the window.
Sunnie laughed and tapped Maple’s hand gently. "Not every building with a mural is full of whales, Coco."
"Yeah," Annie chimed in, smirking. "The real danger here is Mia's driving."
"Hey!" Mia protested, her hands tightening on the wheel. "You’re the one who said I’m doing fine!"
"She's kidding, Mimi," Sunnie reassured her.
Emma nodded enthusiastically. "The museum is perfectly kid-friendly. Plus, they’ve got this interactive art room for kids to play with colors and shapes. Maple will love it."
"Okay, good." Mia sighed in relief as she turned into the museum parking lot. "Because if something jumps out at her, you're carrying her through the rest of the trip."
Emma chuckled as she grabbed her bag. "Deal. Now, let’s go see some art!"
"Yay! Art!" Maple clapped her hands, kicking her legs excitedly.
Mia smiled at the toddler in the rearview mirror. "Alright, Coco, let’s go make some memories."
Annie grabbed the kids bag, Sunnie scooped up her tablet, and everyone piled out of the camper.
Emma gestured dramatically toward the museum entrance. "Behold! The pinnacle of artistic expression!"
Mia rolled her eyes but grinned. "Let’s hope this pinnacle has snacks. Maple’s going to need them in, like, ten minutes."
"Boom boom!" Maple added.
"Not here, sweetie," Sunnie laughed. "The boom booms come later."
Emma stood in front of a massive abstract painting, waving her hands dramatically. "This piece represents the existential struggle between humanity's desire for connection and the inevitable isolation brought on by modern technology."
Mia blinked. "It’s... a bunch of triangles and a squiggly line."
"It’s so much more than that," Emma insisted, her voice dripping with passion.
"Uh-huh," Sunnie muttered, holding Maple, who was busy pointing at random colors on the canvas. "What do you think, Coco?"
"Twian-gle!" Maple squealed, pointing at a red one.
"See? Even she gets it," Emma said proudly, as if the toddler’s approval validated her interpretation.
Annie crossed her arms and stared at the painting. "Emma, you’re making this up, aren’t you?"
"I’m not!" Emma protested. She pointed at the next painting, a series of mismatched shapes and blotches. "This one is a commentary on the impermanence of time. Notice how the colors clash—they symbolize the chaos of life."
Mia tilted her head. "It looks like someone sneezed paint onto the canvas."
"Exactly!" Emma exclaimed, clapping her hands.
Annie sighed. "Mia, is there a snack bar anywhere? I need food to deal with this."
Emma gasped, offended. "How dare you reduce these masterpieces to background noise for snacks?!"
Sunnie laughed. "Relax, Em. Not everyone sees art the way you do." She tickled Maple, who giggled. "Although I will admit, the colors are pretty."
"Blue!" Maple shouted, pointing at a random corner of the painting.
"See? She has taste," Emma huffed, shooting a smug look at Mia and Annie.
"Sure she does," Mia said with a smirk. "But I’m still getting a pretzel. Let me know when we find something that doesn’t look like a toddler’s finger painting."
Emma crossed her arms, clearly unimpressed. "You’re all uncultured swine."
Annie patted Emma’s shoulder. "And yet, you love us anyway."
Annie unfolded a paper so long it nearly hit the ground. "Okay, everyone, I have our grocery list. This is going to be a quick and efficient trip. No distractions!"
Mia stared at the list with wide eyes. "Annie, are we feeding an army? Or starting a grocery store?"
"It's called being prepared," Annie replied, adjusting her sunglasses. "Now, you take the produce section. Sunnie and I will handle the snacks and drinks. Emma—"
"Yes, I’ll grab the artichokes," Emma said absentmindedly, already doodling in her sketchbook.
"We don't need artichokes," Annie said with a sigh. "You’ll handle the bread and cheese."
Mia groaned, grabbing a cart. "Fine, but if you think I'm going to remember all this without a cheat sheet, you're dreaming."
Maple tugged on Mia's hand. "Aunt Mimi, we get cookie?"
Mia smiled down at her niece. "Sure, Coco. Let’s find some cookies. Annie, add those to your novella of a list."
Annie frowned. "We already have dessert covered—"
"It's for the baby, Annie," Mia interrupted, pushing the cart toward the cookie aisle.
As they all dispersed, Sunnie laughed, watching Annie pull out a pen and diligently add cookies to her list. "You know they’re going to get half the stuff on that list wrong, right?"
Annie sighed. "Probably. But at least we’ll have cookies."
Meanwhile, Mia turned to Maple in the cart seat. "Chocolate chip or sugar cookies?"
Maple clapped her hands. "Both!"
"Atta girl," Mia said with a grin. "You’re definitely my niece."
" .... Why do you have ice cream and chips and.... How much chocolate is there?!" Annie exclaimed as she counted the bars.
Mia shrugged. " Eh. It's for the baby."
Sunnie took one look at the cart and laughed. " Annie, I guarantee you, the ice cream and chips are for all of us, but the chocolate's for her. My cousin loves chocolate."
Annie pinched the bridge of her nose, staring at the overflowing cart. "Mia, we came here for groceries, not a sugar rush."
Mia grinned, leaning casually on the cart. "Relax, Annie. We got the essentials. Milk, eggs, bread... and chocolate is an essential in my book."
Maple clapped her hands excitedly. "I wuv chocowate!"
Sunnie ruffled Maple's hair. "See? Even the baby agrees. It’s unanimous."
Emma wandered over, balancing a bag of marshmallows on her sketchbook. "Hey, I found marshmallows! For s'mores, of course. Are we good on graham crackers?"
Annie groaned. "You people are impossible."
Mia smirked. "Correction: We’re fun."
Sunnie nodded. "And don’t worry, Annie. If we need more veggies, we’ll just send you back in. Right, Coco?"
Maple giggled, holding up a chocolate bar from the cart. "More chocowate!"
Annie threw her hands up in defeat. "I give up. Just... let’s check out before you all add more sugar."
Mia nudged Sunnie as they headed to the register. "Mission accomplished."
Sunnie chuckled. "Poor Annie, stuck with a family of snack lovers."
"Someone's gotta keep her on her toes," Mia said with a wink.
As the camper cruised down the road, Mia sat in the passenger seat, clutching her second tub of ice cream. Spoon in hand, she was digging in like her life depended on it.
Emma leaned forward from the backseat, concern etched on her face. "Uh, Mia? Are you doing okay?"
Mia didn’t even look up, her mouth full of mint chocolate chip. "M’fine," she mumbled.
Sunnie, sitting beside Maple, raised a brow. "You sure? That’s your second tub."
Annie, firmly gripping the wheel, glanced over briefly. "Mia, you’re going to make yourself sick."
Mia shot her a glare. "I’ve been deprived for a month, Annie. A month. Do you know how much that hurt me?"
Emma tilted her head. "But... wasn’t that just because it was winter?"
"Exactly!" Annie chimed in, exasperated. "Who even eats ice cream in the middle of a snowstorm?!"
Mia pointed her spoon dramatically at Annie. "Someone who needs ice cream to survive!"
Sunnie stifled a laugh as Maple mimicked Mia’s gesture with a toy spoon. "I wuv ice cweam too!"
Emma shrugged. "Fair enough. You do you, Mimi. But maybe slow down a bit? You’re not gonna want to spend our trip with a stomachache."
Mia sighed, reluctantly putting the lid back on her tub. "Fine. But only because you all care so much about me."
Annie rolled her eyes. "More like we care about not having to pull over every five minutes if you overdo it."
Sunnie smirked. "And yet she wonders why we call her the family drama queen."
Mia gasped, mock-offended. "Excuse me, I am a queen. No need for the 'drama' part."
Maple giggled, pointing at Mia. "Dwa-ma queen!"
Everyone burst into laughter, including Mia, though she kept her grip firmly on her ice cream tub.
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