New York City


DumbassWriter17 The_Sage_Ninja_Morro

Your binge reading

" Uh, guys?" Emma called as the three girls clomped down the stairs. " I don't think this is the right stairway."
Mia's brow furrowed, and she stopped. " I think she's right. Annie, where's the map?"
" Right here." Annie said as she took her bag off her back, opened it, and handed Mia a rolled up map of the airport.
" Yep. She's right. We're on the wrong floor."
Annie groaned. " WHYYYY?!"
Emma shrugged. " I dunno."
Emmie shot her a look. " It was a rhetorical question."
" We're here....." Mia muttered, tracing a path to a black dot. " And we need to be here."

Emma grabbed the map. " Okay, we need to go through a bathroom, two stores, up two stairs, in the OTHER bathroom, and into a bookstore."

Mia and Annie exchanged a look. " No.... We need to go PASSED everything you mentioned." Mia sighed, slapping her head as she grabbed her suitcase. She held on firmly to the handle and the carrier of a sleeping cat.

" Oh. That explains."

" Uh huh." Annie zipped her bag and grabbed her suitcase.

" Lets go through a bathroom!" Emma exclaimed excitingly as she grabbed the handle of her suitcase and walked up the stairs. Her two friends followed, sighing.

As the three girls trudged along, navigating their way through the airport's busy halls, they found themselves standing in front of a bunch of doors.

"Okay, I'm pretty sure this time it's the right way," Emma said confidently, already pulling open a door.

Annie raised an eyebrow, and Mia sighed, glancing down at the map again. "Emma, are you sure?"

"Absolutely," Emma said with determination. "Trust me."

Mia and Annie exchanged wary looks but followed her inside. As soon as they stepped through the door, they realized something was very wrong. The smell hit them first, followed by the sight of a row of urinals.

Mia froze. "Uh... Emma?"

Before she could say anything else, the loud sound of a toilet flushing came from one of the stalls. The door swung open, and a man walked out, completely startled to see three girls standing in the middle of the men's restroom.

Mia's eyes widened in horror. "RETREAT!" she screamed, spinning on her heel.

Annie was already backing away, and Emma, realizing her mistake, squeaked and darted for the door. They all bolted out of the bathroom as fast as they could, their faces flushed with embarrassment.

Once outside, they collapsed against the wall, panting and trying to suppress laughter.

"I—what—Emma!" Mia gasped between laughs. "That was the MEN'S bathroom!"

"I didn't know!" Emma said, her face bright red. "How was I supposed to know?"

Annie groaned, rubbing her forehead. "Maybe the giant sign that said 'Men's' might've been a clue?"

Mia rolled her eyes, still giggling. "Alright, let's just... let's try again. No more trusting Emma's directions."

Emma pouted. "Hey, I got us closer!"

Mia held up the map again. "Okay, so we are... somewhere near where we're supposed to be. But no more detours through bathrooms."

They composed themselves, grabbing their suitcases and cat carriers, and set off again, determined to find the right floor this time. As they walked away, Mia shot a teasing grin at Emma.

"Still want to lead us through more bathrooms?" she asked playfully.

Emma stuck her tongue out. "I'll pass, thanks."

The trio wandered aimlessly, their footsteps echoing in a dimly lit garage. They stopped in front of a row of parked cars, each one looking more out of place than the last.

Emma glanced around, squinting at the unfamiliar surroundings. "Uh, guys? This... doesn't look right."

Mia let out an exasperated sigh, turning to Emma with a dry look. "Thanks for the hindsight, Emma."

Annie groaned and threw her hands up in the air. "We were supposed to go to the terminal! Get on a plane to New York! How did we end up in a garage?"

Mia couldn't help but laugh, even though her frustration was bubbling over. "Thanks again for the reminder, Annie."

Emma, completely oblivious to the sarcasm, shrugged. "Well, at least we know we're not on the right floor anymore."

Annie stared at her for a moment before facepalming. "How is that supposed to help?!"

Mia rolled her eyes, then glanced at the map again, trying to make sense of their endless wrong turns. "Okay, okay. Let's just focus. We need to backtrack and get to the terminal before we miss the flight."

Emma raised a finger. "Wait, what time is it?"

Mia and Annie looked at their watches in sync, and then they both paled.

"We've got, like, fifteen minutes!" Annie squealed.

"RUN!" Mia shouted, grabbing her suitcase and sprinting toward the nearest elevator, Emma and Annie hot on her heels.

They dashed through the airport, retracing their steps, somehow dodging through crowds, narrowly missing luggage carts, and yelling apologies as they knocked over a display of magazines in their rush.

Finally, breathless and red-faced, they reached the terminal just in time to see their flight's boarding gate closing.

Mia groaned loudly. "No, no, no! We were THIS close!"

Annie leaned over, panting. "We missed it..."

Emma, hands on her hips, sighed, "At least we found the terminal, though!"

Mia and Annie stared at her in disbelief before bursting into uncontrollable laughter.

"Only you, Emma," Mia said, shaking her head as she laughed. "Only you."

Just then, Emma turned around, her eyes widening. "Wait... isn't that our flight?"

Mia and Annie spun around, their eyes landing on the plane still parked at the gate, passengers lining up to board, opposite terminal from where they were standing.

"Emma, you're a lifesaver!" Mia squealed, rushing to hug Emma tightly, nearly knocking her over with the force of her enthusiasm.

Annie clapped her hands together. "I take back everything! You're a genius, Emma!"

The three of them, re-energized by the sight of their still-open flight, grabbed their suitcases and bolted toward the gate as fast as their legs could carry them.

Mia, in the lead, shouted, "Wait for us! We're here!"

The gate attendant looked up, a bit surprised, but gave them a small nod as they reached the gate just in time. "You three are cutting it close," she said with a smile.

"Story of our lives," Annie gasped, trying to catch her breath.

"Yeah, but we made it!" Emma added, beaming.

As they handed over their tickets and boarded the plane, Mia gave Emma a grateful smile. "I don't know how you always manage to save the day, but I'll never doubt you again."

Emma grinned proudly. "Just another day in the life of me."

Annie snickered. "Well, let's just get to New York without any more adventures, okay?"

Halfway through the flight, the plane hit some serious turbulence. The seatbelt sign dinged on, and the cabin began to shake violently.

Emma, Annie, and Mia gripped their armrests in sheer panic.

"Oh my gosh! We're going down!" Emma shrieked, her eyes wide with fear.

Annie wasn't any better, shouting, "I knew it! This is how it ends!"

Mia was yelling too, her voice joining the chaos, "I didn't even get to finish my garden!"

Around them, the entire cabin was in a state of chaos. People were shouting, gripping their seats, and panicking in unison. The plane lurched again, and Mia, Emma, and Annie clutched each other tightly, yelling louder with every bump.

"Is this normal?!" Mia asked through the turbulence, her voice high-pitched with fear.

"I don't think so!" Annie yelled back, her face pale.

"We're doomed!" Emma cried dramatically, throwing her hands in the air for a second before clamping them back down on the armrest as the plane jolted again.

The flight attendants were trying to keep calm, reminding everyone to stay seated and buckled up. But the girls, like everyone else, couldn't help but shout as the plane rocked through the stormy sky.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the turbulence began to subside. The plane steadied, and the cabin slowly quieted down.

Emma, Mia, and Annie were still clutching each other, their faces white as sheets.

Mia blinked slowly and let out a shaky breath. "Are we... alive?"

Annie glanced around and nodded slowly. "Looks like it."

Emma exhaled dramatically, "That was not fun."

The three of them burst into nervous laughter, relieved that the worst seemed to be over. Even the other passengers began to relax, although the tension in the cabin was still palpable.

"Let's just get to New York in one piece," Mia muttered, leaning back in her seat. "No more surprises, please."

"Agreed," Annie and Emma said in unison, sinking into their seats with weary sighs.

Finally, they touched down in New York. As the plane came to a stop, Blackie, who had been snoozing through the entire turbulent ordeal, slowly woke up. He stretched lazily and blinked up at Mia.

"Hello," he said, yawning. "Where are we?"

Mia, still shaking off the remnants of the wild flight, smiled. "New York."

Blackie's eyes shot open. "What?!" He jumped out of his carrier, bolting across Mia's lap and zipping up and down the aisle like a blur of fur. "THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!" he shouted, his voice echoing through the cabin.

Passengers turned in surprise as Blackie darted around, clearly having the time of his life.

Mia and the girls watched in disbelief, half-laughing and half trying to keep him under control. "Blackie, calm down!" Mia called after him, but Blackie was too busy zooming around the plane to listen.

"I've always wanted to visit New York!" Blackie meowed excitedly, his tail flicking with enthusiasm. "The food! The sights! The hustle and bustle!"

Emma and Annie couldn't help but laugh as Blackie bounded from seat to seat, making the most of his excitement.

"You'd think he lived here," Annie said, shaking her head with a grin.

Mia sighed, standing up to grab Blackie as he finally came to a stop in front of a bewildered flight attendant. "Well, Blackie, I hope you're ready for the adventure of a lifetime."

Blackie purred and looked up at Mia, his eyes gleaming. "I was born ready."

As soon as the girls got off the plane, they wasted no time. Their first stop? The Statue of Liberty. It was a bright, breezy day, and the excitement was palpable. Mia, Emma, Annie, and Blackie made their way towards the ferry that would take them to Liberty Island, the massive statue visible in the distance.

Mia squinted up at the towering figure. "Wow, I've seen pictures, but she's way bigger in person!"

"Yeah, she's huge!" Emma exclaimed, bouncing on her feet with excitement. "I can't believe we're actually here! I feel like I'm in a movie or something."

Annie nodded. "Same. This feels unreal. I thought we were never gonna get out of that airport after all that running around." She let out a mock sigh of relief, causing the others to laugh.

Blackie perched himself comfortably on Mia's shoulder. "I'm more concerned about the food situation. I was told there would be pretzels in New York. Where are the pretzels?"

Mia rolled her eyes, smirking. "We'll get you a pretzel, Blackie, just chill for a second."

As they boarded the ferry, the wind whipped through their hair, and the water shimmered beneath them. The girls stood at the edge, leaning against the railing as the boat cut through the waves. The Statue of Liberty grew larger with each passing minute.

"She's even prettier up close," Annie said, wide-eyed, her hand shielding her face from the sun.

"I wonder what it's like to climb all the way to the top," Emma said, craning her neck as if she could already see the view from the crown.

"Uh, exhausting," Mia quipped, chuckling. "But we're doing it, right?"

"Oh, we're absolutely doing it!" Emma grinned, already buzzing with energy. "We didn't come all this way to chicken out."

Blackie sighed dramatically from his perch on Mia's shoulder. "I'll let you two walk up there. I'll stay down here and enjoy a snack."

"You're no fun," Mia teased. "Just wait, you're going to miss out on the best part!"

The ferry ride didn't take long, and soon they were disembarking and making their way onto Liberty Island. Tourists buzzed around, cameras flashing and voices chattering in dozens of different languages. The Statue loomed above them, majestic and imposing.

"I don't even know where to start," Emma said, eyes wide as she took everything in. "It's... beautiful."

Mia nodded, feeling the awe settle in as they stood at the base of the statue. "Yeah. It's like... standing next to history."

Annie took out her phone, snapping a quick picture of the three of them with Lady Liberty behind them. "I'm sending this to everyone we know. This is one for the books."

Blackie, perched comfortably on Mia's shoulder, flicked his tail lazily. "Alright, alright, enough sentiment. Where are we getting those pretzels?"

Mia burst out laughing. "You're obsessed, Blackie."

As they started walking toward the entrance for the tour, Emma was practically skipping ahead, her excitement bubbling over. "Do you think we'll see the whole island? What about the museum? Oh, and the gift shop! I want a mini Statue of Liberty for my room."

Annie nudged her. "We're  tourists," she joked, but Emma just stuck her tongue out.

"Hey, I'm embracing the tourist life! Isn't that what New York is all about?"

They all laughed as they made their way into the statue. Inside, the spiral staircase leading to the crown loomed ahead. Mia glanced up at it, a mixture of excitement and dread on her face.

"Okay, this is gonna be a workout," Mia muttered, rubbing her hands together. "But let's do this."

Annie groaned, already feeling tired just looking at it. "I didn't come here to work out."

Emma rolled her eyes. "Come on, it'll be fun! Plus, think of the view at the top!"

They started their climb, the staircase winding up and up. It wasn't long before they were panting, and Mia had to stop to catch her breath.

"I didn't... realize it was... this many stairs," Mia huffed, leaning against the railing.

"Are we there yet?" Annie asked, dragging herself up the steps behind her. "Please tell me we're close."

Emma, ever the bundle of energy, was a few steps ahead, grinning. "We're halfway there! Come on, you two, we can't stop now!"

Blackie, who had been tucked into Mia's arms during the climb, yawned. "You humans and your love of tall things. I still don't get it."

Finally, after what felt like hours (but was really only about 15 minutes), they made it to the top. The crown! Mia leaned against the wall, breathless, but her eyes widened when she saw the view.

"Whoa..." Mia whispered.

From the tiny windows, they could see all of New York spread out before them, glittering in the sunlight. The skyscrapers in the distance, the blue waters surrounding the island—it was breathtaking.

"I told you it'd be worth it!" Emma said, a huge grin on her face. "Look at that view!"

Annie, leaning on the railing, finally catching her breath, nodded. "Okay, I'll admit. This is... amazing."

Mia stood by the window, staring out at the city below. "You don't get views like this every day," she said softly, awe in her voice.

Blackie peeked out of Mia's arms, tilting his head at the sight of the city. "Alright, fine. I admit it. This is pretty cool."

"See?" Mia said, gently scratching Blackie's head. "I knew you'd come around."

Blackie purred, then reached into Mia's bag and pulled out a camera. He has fed it to Mia, who started to take pictures."

After a few more minutes of soaking in the view, they finally started the climb back down.

Except this time... They used the elevator.

"Next stop, food!" Blackie declared with enthusiasm.

Mia laughed. "Alright, Blackie, we'll find you something good. I hear the pizza here is pretty famous, too."

As they reached the base of the statue again, the girls were filled with a sense of accomplishment. They had seen one of the most iconic landmarks in the world, and now it was time for the next adventure.

"So, where to next?" Annie asked, pulling out the map again.

"Let's get Blackie his pretzel first," Mia said, smirking.

Blackie purred contentedly. "Now you're speaking my language."

After their adventure at the Statue of Liberty, the group made their way to the Empire State Building. The towering skyscraper stood before them, its spire piercing the blue sky.

"Well, here we are," Mia said, craning her neck to look up at the massive structure. "The Empire State Building."

Emma let out a low whistle. "It's even taller than I imagined."

Blackie, who had been perched on Mia's shoulder again, yawned lazily. "I hope we're not walking up all those stairs."

Annie, looking at the building with a tired expression, groaned. "Please tell me there's an elevator."

Mia grinned mischievously. "Well... the elevator is one option. But since we're in the spirit of adventure, we could always take the stairs."

Annie's eyes widened, and she dramatically put a hand to her forehead. "You've got to be kidding me. We just climbed Lady Liberty! Now this?"

Emma laughed, clearly ready for more action. "Come on, Annie! Think of the view at the top. And the exercise!"

Annie groaned again, but she knew she wouldn't hear the end of it if she backed out. "Fine, fine. But if I collapse halfway up, I'm blaming you."

Mia chuckled, already grabbing her bag and leading the way inside. "You'll be fine. Let's do this!"

The climb began, and while the first few flights of stairs weren't too bad, it didn't take long for Annie to start feeling the burn.

"Why... are there... so many stairs?" Annie gasped, dragging herself up another flight.

"We're almost there!" Emma chirped, full of energy as she bounded up ahead. "Just think of the view, Annie!"

Annie shot her a look. "I've seen plenty of views! I don't need to see this one!"

Mia, breathing a little heavily herself, laughed. "Come on, Annie. You're tougher than this."

"You're... not the one... carrying a backpack full of snacks," Annie muttered.

Even Blackie looked a little bored, casually sitting in Mia's arms. "I'd offer to help, but you know, no thumbs."

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they reached the observation deck. Annie practically collapsed on one of the benches, panting.

"I'm... never... doing that again," she gasped.

Mia sat beside her, also catching her breath. "You say that now, but you made it."

Emma, ever the energetic one, was already by the railing, staring out at the city. "Guys! Look at this view!"

Mia and Annie got up, joining Emma at the edge. The sight before them was nothing short of incredible. The entire city of New York stretched out in every direction, with cars looking like ants far below and the sun casting a golden glow over the buildings.

"Okay... maybe this was worth it," Annie admitted, smiling as she took in the view.

Mia nodded. "Yeah. This is something else."

Blackie purred in approval. "I must say, I've seen some pretty cool views in my time, but this one... not bad."

They stood there for a while, just enjoying the breeze and the breathtaking sight of the city below.

Emma turned to the group, grinning. "What's next? Central Park?"

Annie groaned again, but this time with a smile. "I'll go, but only if we take the elevator this time."

Mia laughed. "Deal."

After taking in the breathtaking views from the top of the Empire State Building, the trio decided it was time to grab some souvenirs. They made their way back down (this time using the elevator, much to Annie's relief), and found themselves in the gift shop on the ground floor.

"Alright, guys. Time to get some mementos," Mia said, leading the way.

Annie was still catching her breath from the stairs, leaning over the souvenir display. "I think I'll get something small. My legs are going to remind me of this day for the rest of my life."

Emma was practically bouncing with excitement, already browsing through the endless rows of postcards, keychains, and miniature replicas of the building. "Look at these tiny Empire State Buildings! I'm getting one of these!"

Mia chuckled, picking up a snow globe that had the iconic building inside. She gave it a shake, watching the tiny glitter flakes swirl around. "This is pretty cute. I think I'll get it."

Annie, looking less enthusiastic, picked up a keychain with the Empire State Building on it. "This'll do. It'll be a reminder never to take stairs that high again."

Blackie, still perched on Mia's shoulder, glanced around. "I don't see any souvenirs for cats. This place is seriously lacking."

Emma laughed. "You're a cat! What kind of souvenir would you even want?"

Blackie shrugged. "Maybe a plush mouse or something fancy. You humans get all the fun stuff."

Mia grabbed a mini Statue of Liberty magnet for Jay. "That will make cool fridge magnets. Jay's going to love it."

Annie wandered over to the t-shirt section, her eyes landing on a shirt that said, I survived the Empire State Building stairs. She let out a laugh and grabbed it. "This one's perfect. I earned this."

Emma, meanwhile, had gathered an armful of trinkets – keychains, postcards, and a mini statue. "I'm getting all of these. It's not every day you come to New York!"

As they approached the checkout counter, Mia shook her head at Emma's overflowing basket. "You're seriously going to carry all that home?"

Emma grinned. "Absolutely. Every piece of it!"

They paid for their items, and as they exited the building, Blackie stretched lazily. "Alright, now where to?"

Mia tucked the souvenirs carefully into her backpack and adjusted her shoulder strap. "Central Park, of course."

Annie groaned but smiled. "As long as there are no more stairs involved."

When they finally arrived at Central Park, the three girls took a moment to soak in the beautiful surroundings. The trees, the open grass, and the skyline in the distance gave the park an almost magical feel.

"This place is amazing," Mia said, snapping a few pictures of the view on her phone.

"Totally," Emma agreed, pulling out her own phone to capture the moment. "We need to take as many pictures as we can!"

Annie was already ahead of them, holding her phone up to catch the perfect shot of the greenery. "Okay, group selfie time!" she called, motioning for Mia and Emma to join her.

The three of them huddled together, with Blackie photobombing from Mia's shoulder, and snapped a few selfies. Each time, one of them would pull a goofy face, leading to more giggling and re-takes.

After a while, Emma had an idea. "Alright, enough with the pictures. Who's up for a cartwheel competition?"

Mia's eyes lit up. "Oh, you're on!"

Annie sat down on a bench nearby. "I'll sit this one out, thanks. I'll just take the pics of you two showing off."

Mia and Emma positioned themselves on a flat stretch of grass, getting ready for the showdown. Blackie jumped off Mia's shoulder, finding a shady spot to observe. "This should be entertaining," he said lazily.

"Okay," Emma called out, "first one to do ten perfect cartwheels wins!"

Mia grinned. "You're going down, Emma."

With Annie acting as the judge and photographer, the two girls started cartwheeling across the lawn, their laughter filling the park as they tried to outdo each other. Emma managed to keep her form solid for the first few rounds, but Mia was faster, her feet barely touching the ground as she spun.

"Six, seven, eight..." Annie counted out, snapping pictures as the competition heated up.

At the ninth cartwheel, Emma wobbled a bit, her arms giving out slightly. "Ugh! I'm dizzy!"

Mia, on the other hand, finished her tenth cartwheel flawlessly and fell dramatically onto the grass. "Yes! Victory!"

Emma stumbled to a stop, laughing as she collapsed next to Mia. "Okay, okay, you win. I'm totally out of breath."

Mia sat up, laughing too. "That was so fun. I forgot how good I am at this."

Annie walked over, holding up her phone. "I got some great shots of you two. You both looked hilarious in mid-air."

Blackie trotted over, sitting beside Mia. "I think it's safe to say you're the reigning cartwheel champion, Mia. What's next?"

Mia glanced around the park, her energy still buzzing. "Maybe a race to the pond? Or we could find a spot to grab some ice cream."

Emma perked up at the word 'ice cream.' "Definitely ice cream. Let's make that our next mission."

Annie nodded, still scrolling through the photos. "Sounds good to me. Let's go find a vendor."

As the sun began to set, the girls finally made their way back to the hotel room, utterly exhausted from the day's adventures. The moment they walked through the door, they practically collapsed onto the nearest surface — Emma onto the bed, Annie onto a chair, and Mia right onto the floor, letting out a dramatic sigh.

Emma, still sprawled out on the bed, groaned, "Who knew New York was so busy? I feel like we walked through every inch of the city."

Annie kicked off her shoes and leaned back, rubbing her feet. "And who knew they went on red lights?! The nerve! I swear, I almost got run over like five times today!"

Mia, still lying face down on the floor, mumbled, "Honestly, I didn't know if I was sightseeing or dodging traffic all day."

Blackie, who had been napping in Mia's backpack all day, jumped out and stretched. "Well, you humans sure know how to exhaust yourselves."

Mia laughed, rolling over onto her back. "Yeah, thanks for all the help today, Blackie. Really appreciate it."

"I'm just here for moral support," Blackie replied, hopping onto the bed to curl up next to Emma.

Emma rolled over to face the others, her eyes half-closed with fatigue. "I've never seen so many people in one place. Times Square? That was madness."

"Right?" Annie agreed, sitting up straighter. "And don't even get me started on those taxi drivers. I'm convinced they have no rules. They just drive wherever they want."

Mia pulled herself off the floor and plopped onto the other bed, kicking her legs out. "Well, at least we made it through alive. And we got some pretty great pictures to prove it."

Annie nodded, holding up her phone. "We definitely did. You'll be thanking me for all the cartwheel shots tomorrow."

Emma grinned. "Yeah, we'll have to make an album just for our Central Park cartwheel competition. You can label it 'New York Shenanigans.'"

Mia chuckled. "That pretty much sums up the whole trip."

Blackie yawned. "Well, if tomorrow's anything like today, I'm going to need my beauty sleep."

Emma rolled her eyes. "Of course you are."

As the tiredness finally settled over them, the room became quieter, with only the soft hum of the city outside their window. The girls took one last look at each other, content and happy, but undeniably ready for sleep.

"Tomorrow," Mia murmured, her eyes closing, "we're going to take it easy."

Annie laughed softly. "Sure, Mia. Sure."

The next morning, the sun streamed through the curtains of their hotel room, casting a warm glow over the trio as they roused from their slumber. Emma, already bright-eyed and eager, leapt out of bed.

"Today's the day!" she exclaimed, practically vibrating with excitement. "We're going to MoMA!"

Mia, still rubbing sleep from her eyes, groaned. "Oh yeah, MoMA. That's right."

Annie, already dressed and shuffling around for her shoes, yawned. "Can't wait. Art museums are cool and all, but my feet are still sore from yesterday."

Emma was undeterred. "You'll be fine once we're there. I read they have some of the most famous paintings and sculptures."

Blackie, perched on the edge of the bed, looked over. "Are we going to see the famous stuff, like Starry Night?"

Emma's eyes sparkled. "Yes! And more! I've been looking forward to this for ages."

They quickly finished getting ready, grabbed their belongings, and set out for the Museum of Modern Art. The crisp morning air was refreshing, and the bustling city seemed even more vibrant with a new day ahead.

Arriving at MoMA, they joined the line outside. The museum's modern architecture stood out with its sleek glass facade and bold lines. Emma could hardly contain her enthusiasm as they entered, her eyes wide with anticipation.

Once inside, the vast open spaces and high ceilings of the museum greeted them. Mia took a moment to admire the minimalist design of the lobby, while Annie headed straight for the information desk to grab a map.

Emma was practically bouncing on her toes. "Okay, first things first, we need to see Van Gogh's Starry Night! It's right here," she said, pointing to the map. "It's supposed to be in the fifth floor gallery."

"Got it," Mia said, pulling out her phone for photos and following Emma and Annie.

They took the elevator to the fifth floor, where they were greeted by a large sign that read: "Gallery 5: Modern Masterpieces." Emma practically dragged her friends to the room, her eyes scanning every piece of art with a mix of reverence and excitement.

As they entered the gallery, Emma's face lit up. "There it is! Starry Night! I can't believe we're actually here!"

Mia and Annie followed Emma's gaze to the famous painting. The swirling night sky, with its vibrant blues and glowing stars, seemed almost alive. Emma stood in front of it, completely mesmerized.

"This is even more beautiful in person," she whispered, her voice filled with awe. "The texture of the brushstrokes is incredible."

Annie, who had been quietly admiring the painting, nodded. "It really is amazing. Van Gogh's work is so expressive."

Emma then moved to the nearby paintings, identifying them with the enthusiasm of a true art aficionado. "And over here, we have Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon! Look at how he deconstructs form. It's like nothing else."

Mia and Annie followed her around, occasionally stopping to read the plaques next to each artwork. Emma's excitement was contagious, and even Annie, who had initially been more interested in the building than the art, found herself drawn in by Emma's passion.

Emma continued her tour, moving through the galleries with an almost encyclopedic knowledge of each piece. "This one is by Monet. It's one of his water lilies. The way he captures light and reflection is just breathtaking."

Mia, genuinely impressed, commented, "You know so much about this stuff, Emma. It's like you're a walking art encyclopedia."

Emma smiled proudly. " You know art is my passion, Mia."

Mia nodded. " Yes. Yes I do."

The trio continued their exploration, taking in works by Jackson Pollock, Andy Warhol, and more. Emma's excitement never waned, and she enthusiastically explained the significance of each piece, pointing out details that might have otherwise gone unnoticed.

As they made their way through the museum, they stopped for a quick lunch at the museum café. Emma, still buzzing from the art, couldn't stop talking about her favorite pieces.

"Did you guys see how expressive the colors are in Pollock's No. 5, 1948? It's like chaos on canvas!"

Mia, enjoying her sandwich, replied, "I did. It's amazing how something so chaotic can be so mesmerizing."

Annie, taking a sip of her coffee, added, "I'm glad we came. I wasn't sure what to expect, but this place is incredible."

After lunch, they continued their tour, making sure to visit every gallery that Emma had meticulously planned out. By the end of the day, the museum had become a personal paradise for Emma, filled with the art and artists she had long admired.

As they finally made their way back to the hotel, Emma, with a satisfied smile, said, "Today was everything I hoped it would be. I'm so glad we got to experience it together."

As they strolled through the bustling streets of New York, Emma's eyes suddenly widened. "Look! Ice cream!"

Mia and Annie turned to see a vibrant ice cream truck parked on the corner, its bright colors and enticing menu beckoning passersby. The aroma of freshly made cones and creamy flavors wafted through the air.

Emma's excitement was palpable. "We have to get some! It's a perfect way to end the day."

Mia, catching Emma's enthusiasm, grinned. "Sounds great! Let's do it."

Annie, still a bit weary from their adventurous day, nodded with a smile. "I'm in. Ice cream sounds like the perfect treat right now."

They made their way to the truck, where a friendly vendor greeted them with a warm smile. "What can I get for you ladies?"

Emma immediately pointed to the menu. "We'll have three of the biggest cones you've got—chocolate and vanilla, please!"

The vendor began scooping generous portions of ice cream into oversized cones, his hands working quickly to create towering treats. As he handed over the cones, Emma's eyes widened even more.

"Wow, these are huge!" she exclaimed, taking her cone with awe. The creamy scoops seemed to almost defy gravity.

Mia and Annie each received their cones, which were equally massive. Mia chuckled as she tried to balance her cone. "These are definitely going to be a challenge."

Annie laughed, attempting to take a bite without letting the ice cream topple over. "It's a good thing we're all starving!"

The trio wandered down the street, savoring their ice cream. Emma's cone, dripping with chocolate and vanilla swirls, was already starting to melt in the warm evening air.

"Look at this!" Emma said, holding her cone up. "It's like a mountain of ice cream!"

Mia and Annie both laughed, enjoying the treat. "It's perfect after a day of sightseeing," Mia said, taking a big bite of her own cone.

Annie nodded, her face smeared with a bit of vanilla ice cream. "This really makes up for all the walking we did today."

" And yesterday." Mia reminded her.

" And yesterday, yes."

Emma grabbed her phone and scrolled through it. " O. M. G!" She squeeled. " There's the Hudson River here!"

Mia looked up from her ice cream. " You mean....."

" The Niagra Falls water?!" Annie cut in.

Emma nodded. " Yes! Morro told me to go there."

The elemental master of lightning and the most talkative ninja among ninjas. He hardly ever stops talking. Unexpectedly, he has a lot of negative thoughts and is very timid, so he often expresses his dissatisfaction with his talkative mouth. When an incident occurs, Jay's few words of dissatisfaction are almost official lines. In addition, he is the most childlike and immature among ninjas, so he likes to play games and play with everything.

This is what the internet says about Jay lol

Then Emma remembered something and pressed a few buttons.

" Hey, Morro? How are you....... how's my cat?...... what do you mean he's not moving?!"

Annie and Mia exchanged concerned looks.

" Turn the speaker on." Annie mouthed.

Emma nodded.

" ..... He's not moving or anything! He sits in front of the cabinet but..... what does he want?"

" Have you tried giving him tuna?" Emma asked.

There was a silence. " Pardon?"

Emma let out a sigh. " Morro, he's a cat. He needs to eat."

" Oh. Ohhhhhhhhhh."

Annie and Mia exchanged amused looks as they listened to Emma trying to coach Morro through the care of her cat.

"How is he taking care of your cat without knowing they need to eat?" Mia whispered with a chuckle.

Annie smirked. "I'm more curious about how a ghost can even have a pet."

"Or how the cat is surviving under Morro's... expertise," Mia added, shaking her head with a grin.

Emma, still holding the phone to her ear, shot them a glare but quickly focused back on her conversation. "Morro, I swear... Please just get him some tuna. It's like cat 101."

A pause.

"Yes, I'm serious! Go to the nearest store and get some. Do you have a list or something for emergencies?"

There was another moment of silence on the other end before Morro finally responded, a bit sheepishly. "I... I might've underestimated the whole pet thing."

Annie tried stifling her laughter as she covered her mouth. "That's an understatement."

Mia, struggling to keep a straight face, added, "How's your ghost boyfriend gonna survive babysitting a cat?"

Emma sighed dramatically into the phone. "Okay, Morro, listen. Just get him food, a comfy spot, and maybe stop spooking him out by hovering around all the time. Cats like their space!"

"I'll try, but he just stares at me like I'm doing something wrong!" Morro's voice had a frustrated tone.

"Maybe you are," Annie muttered under her breath, making Mia giggle.

Emma ignored them and gave her final piece of advice. "Okay, just keep it simple. Feed him, play with him a little, and let me know how it goes. And please... no ghost powers."

Morro sighed on the other end. "Fine. I'll try. I'll get him tuna."

"Thank you! Talk soon," Emma said, hanging up the phone and stuffing it back into her pocket.

Mia raised an eyebrow, licking her melting cone. "You're really trusting Morro with your cat?"

Emma shrugged. "He's gotta learn somehow. Plus, he owes me."

Annie shook her head with a laugh. "Well, hopefully, your cat doesn't end up haunting you both."

Emma grinned. "Nah, he's too lazy for that."

As they strolled through the bustling streets of New York, Annie turned to Emma, licking the last bit of ice cream from her cone. "Hey, Emma, does Morro even know what kind of food to get for Chico?"

Emma suddenly froze, her eyes widening in realization. "Oh no..."

Mia and Annie both stopped and stared at her, alarmed.

"What do you mean 'oh no'?" Mia asked, concern creeping into her voice.

Emma slapped her forehead. "I didn't tell him what kind of tuna! He's probably going to get him the wrong kind—like the canned stuff humans eat!"

Annie groaned. "Emma, you have to be more specific with him! He's... well... Morro."

"Ghosts aren't exactly known for their pet care skills," Mia added with a smirk.

Emma fumbled to get her phone out again, her fingers tapping quickly. "I'll text him. I need to tell him to get cat food tuna, not whatever comes in a sandwich."

Annie chuckled. "Maybe you should just send him a picture of the cat food aisle at this point."

Mia shook her head, laughing softly. "He's probably staring at the cabinet like Chico's trying to possess him."

Emma frantically typed on her phone. "Morro, if you can hear this... get tuna meant for cats. Do NOT buy the wrong one!" she muttered as she hit send, her face scrunched up with worry.

"I can't believe I left my cat with my ghost. What was I thinking?"

Annie grinned, nudging Emma. "Well, you're the one who married him. Ghost husband, ghost problems."

Emma sighed dramatically. "True. Why did I marry him?"

"Because you love him," Mia teased.

Emma groaned, a playful smile tugging at her lips. "Yeah, yeah. But seriously, what was I thinking?!"

As they walked into the lobby of their hotel, tired but satisfied from their day out in New York, Emma’s phone suddenly buzzed. She pulled it out, noticing that Morro was calling.

“Uh, Emma?” Morro’s voice came through, sounding uncertain.

Emma raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, Morro? What’s up?”

“There’s... uh... something coming out of Chico’s mouth. Something pink.”

Emma blinked, confused. “Something pink? Are you sure that isn’t his tongue?”

There was a moment of silence on the other end before Morro’s baffled voice responded, “What?!”

Emma stifled a laugh, her tiredness momentarily forgotten. “Morro, I’m pretty sure that’s just his tongue. Cats do that sometimes, y’know?”

“But... it’s so weird!” Morro protested, sounding flustered. “Why would his tongue be sticking out like that? He looks broken!”

By this point, Mia and Annie were listening in, trying not to burst out laughing.

Mia leaned closer, whispering to Emma, “Tell him it’s called blepping. Some cats just leave their tongues out.”

Emma grinned. “Morro, it’s called blepping. Cats do that when they’re relaxed. Chico’s probably just chilling.”

Morro didn’t sound convinced. “So... he’s not malfunctioning?”

Emma shook her head, suppressing a giggle. “No, Morro. He’s not malfunctioning. Chico’s just being a cat.”

There was another pause before Morro sighed in relief. “Alright... I guess I’ll stop panicking, then. Thanks.”

“No problem,” Emma replied, still amused. “Just keep an eye on him. If he starts glowing pink, then you can call me.”

Morro muttered something about cats being strange creatures before hanging up, leaving Emma and the girls to finally let out their laughter.

“I can’t believe he thought Chico’s tongue was some alien thing,” Emma said, shaking her head.

Annie was giggling uncontrollably. “Morro really needs to spend more time with cats!”

Mia, wiping tears of laughter from her eyes, added, “This is going to be a great story to tell later.”

The next morning, the girls decided to explore more of the city, and the first stop was the subway.

"Alright, ladies, let's see how this fast pass thing works," Mia said confidently, holding up her metro card as they approached the turnstiles.

Annie and Emma followed, clutching their own passes. Emma scanned hers and waited, but nothing happened. She frowned and tried again.

"Uh… why isn’t it working?" Emma asked, tapping her card a few more times, frustration creeping into her voice.

Mia, already at the gate, waved her hand dismissively. "You just have to be firm with it, like this." She swiped her pass... and nothing. She swiped again, and still nothing.

Annie gave it a go, trying her card with a serious look. "Come on, come on..." She grumbled, but it was no use. The machine remained stubborn.

"Is this thing broken or what?" Mia muttered, glancing around at other people who seemed to be getting through without a problem.

A subway worker noticed their struggle and walked over. “Having some trouble, ladies?” he asked with a knowing smile.

“Uh, yeah. Our passes aren’t working,” Mia explained, clearly frustrated.

The man chuckled, taking their cards and scanning them effortlessly. “There you go. You just have to be a little slower with it. Happens to tourists all the time.”

Emma let out a sigh of relief. “Thanks!”

Once they finally made it through the turnstiles, they descended into the subway. The air grew thick and stuffy as they went further down.

Annie grimaced, fanning herself with her hand. “Wow, it’s really hot down here. Feels like we’re walking into an oven.”

Emma wiped her brow. “I think I’m melting. Is there no air conditioning down here?”

Mia was already looking at the map. “Quit complaining, guys. We’re heading to Brooklyn Bridge, and this is the fastest way. We’ll survive.”

Annie and Emma exchanged skeptical looks, but followed Mia as they made their way to the platform. The train whooshed past them, and when they finally boarded, it was crammed with people.

“Next stop, Brooklyn Bridge!” Mia declared cheerfully, holding onto the pole.

Emma, squished between two other passengers, mumbled, “If we survive this train ride without being flattened, I’ll be impressed.”

Annie just groaned. “Subways are not as glamorous as I thought…”

The ride was stuffy and uncomfortable, but the girls kept their spirits up, laughing about their misadventures so far.

When they finally arrived at their stop and climbed out into the fresh air, Mia stretched her arms out wide. "See? That wasn't so bad!"

Emma, still fanning herself, muttered, “I think my soul left my body back on that train.”

Annie just smiled, happy to be above ground again. “Alright, Brooklyn Bridge, here we come!”

As soon as they stepped off the subway, the girls were greeted by the hustle and bustle of street vendors near the Brooklyn Bridge. Colorful stands filled with trinkets, food, and clothes lined the path. Emma’s eyes immediately lit up, scanning the array of items like a kid in a candy store.

“Look at all this stuff!” Emma squealed, rushing over to the first stand.

Mia and Annie followed, shaking their heads in amusement as Emma picked up a shirt that read, "EXPLAIN." Emma held it up, laughing. “This is perfect for Morro. Every time something weird happens, he’s always like, ‘explain this!’”

Annie chuckled. “Yeah, that’s pretty fitting.”

Emma tossed the shirt into her growing pile of purchases and moved on to the next stand. “Oooooh, look at these!” she exclaimed, pointing to a sheet of adorable cat stickers. “I need these. Look at their little faces!” She clutched the stickers to her chest, beaming.

Mia laughed, browsing some nearby jewelry. “You really have a thing for cats, huh?”

Emma didn’t even pause, still admiring the stickers. “Who doesn’t? They’re perfect.”

Annie, meanwhile, had wandered to a table full of gemstones. Her fingers hovered over a necklace with a shimmering amethyst pendant. “This is so pretty,” she said softly, holding it up to the light.

Mia joined her and picked up a moonstone necklace. “I think I’m getting this one,” Mia said, draping it around her neck and glancing at her reflection in a small mirror on the vendor’s table. “What do you think?”

“It suits you,” Annie smiled, still debating whether to get the amethyst necklace.

Emma, meanwhile, had moved on to yet another stall. She picked up a turquoise gemstone necklace and examined it closely. “This is beautiful!” she said. “And it’s supposed to bring good luck, right? Definitely getting this.”

The vendor nodded, smiling. “Turquoise is known for protection and good fortune.”

“Well, I could definitely use some good fortune after that subway ride,” Emma said with a grin, tossing the necklace into her bag.

Mia and Annie both nodded, finally deciding to purchase their necklaces as well. Annie bought the amethyst one she had been eyeing, while Mia held her moonstone necklace with a satisfied smile.

They continued down the path, browsing the various shops. Emma found a small tote bag and eagerly threw her growing collection of souvenirs inside. “This is the best shopping day ever!” she exclaimed.

At another stall, Emma spotted a cute keychain with a little  cat, and she immediately snatched it up. “Mia, look! This looks just like Blackie!”

Mia grinned. “It does, actually. You should get it.”

Emma didn’t hesitate, adding it to her pile. She then spotted a vintage-looking camera and gasped. “This is perfect! We need this for all the pictures we’re gonna take!”

“You’re buying everything, Emma,” Annie teased, holding up a delicate bracelet she was considering.

“I have no regrets!” Emma declared, paying for her latest find.

Mia and Annie laughed, but they too found themselves swept up in the excitement, picking out small items—bracelets, keychains, and postcards to take back home.

By the time they were done, they were all carrying multiple bags, but none of them seemed to mind. The excitement of the day and the joy of finding little treasures filled them with energy.

“Alright,” Mia said, glancing at the Brooklyn Bridge ahead of them. “Now that we’ve shopped our hearts out, should we actually go see the bridge?”

Emma, hugging her bag of goodies, smiled brightly. “Absolutely! But I think I’m gonna need more bags soon.”

Annie rolled her eyes playfully. “Let’s just hope we don’t buy the whole city before the day’s over.”

As they made their way toward the Brooklyn Bridge, Mia noticed Blackie trailing behind, lazily padding along with a bored expression on his face.

"Come on, King Blackie," Mia called, rolling her eyes. She stopped for a second, put down her shopping bags, and scooped the sassy cat into her tote.

Blackie purred in satisfaction, settling into the bag. “Now this is the life," he purred, his tail lazily flicking over the edge. He stretched luxuriously before adding, "Faster, Mia. Faster.”

Mia laughed, shaking her head. "You are something else, Blackie."

Emma and Annie giggled, watching the little diva enjoy his impromptu ride in the bag.

“You've really spoiled him,” Annie said, smirking as they continued walking.

“Of course, he’s a king,” Mia said dramatically, picking up her pace just a little to humor him. “A king deserves royal treatment, right?”

Blackie gave a small yawn. “Exactly. Keep that up, and I’ll consider granting you a favor in return.”

The three girls burst into laughter as they strolled toward the bridge, Blackie nestled comfortably in Mia’s bag, clearly enjoying every second of it.

* Few minutes later*

The view from the Brooklyn Bridge was stunning, the sun beginning its descent, casting a warm, golden hue over the city. Mia, Emma, and Annie stood in awe of the skyline, taking it all in.

Annie pulled out the camera and grinned. “Mia, hold Blackie! I’ve got to get this on camera.”

Mia glanced down at Blackie, who, for once, didn’t have his usual sassy expression. He sighed dramatically. “Fine, if we must.” But as Mia picked him up, something changed in his demeanor.

Blackie nuzzled into Mia’s arms, his usual sarcasm replaced by a sweet, affectionate vibe. He purred softly and rubbed his head against her chin, his eyes half-closed in contentment. Mia smiled down at him, her heart melting.

“Aww, Blackie!” Emma squealed. “Look how sweet he is!”

Annie snapped a picture, capturing the adorable moment. “This is definitely going on the wall at home,” she said, smiling as she took more photos of Mia cradling the usually snarky cat.

Blackie, fully embracing his "loving Mia" side, reached up and softly pawed her cheek, his purring intensifying. It was a side of him that was rarely seen, and it was undeniably cute.

“He really loves you, Mia,” Emma said, beaming. “This is the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen.”

Mia chuckled, scratching Blackie behind the ears. “Yeah, he knows who spoils him the most.”

Blackie blinked up at Mia with his wide eyes, looking absolutely content. “Only the best for my favorite human,” he murmured softly, earning another round of laughter from the girls.

Annie snapped a few more pictures. “I’m so glad we got this on camera,” she said. “That’s going to be my favorite photo of this whole trip.”

Mia, caught up in the moment, leaned down and gave Blackie a playful kiss on the top of his head. “Oh, you spoiled cat!” she said, giggling, as she twirled him around in her arms.

Blackie’s eyes widened slightly as he was spun, but his purring didn’t stop. “Okay, that’s enough of that,” he muttered in his usual dry tone, though his purring betrayed just how much he was enjoying the attention.

Mia grinned, holding him close. “You say that, but you love it. Admit it.”

Blackie, still purring despite himself, sighed dramatically. “Maybe just a little. But don’t let it go to your head.”

Emma and Annie were both laughing now, watching the two interact. “He’s totally smitten with you, Mia,” Emma said between laughs. “Look at him! He can’t help but be spoiled!”

“Who could blame him?” Mia said with a wink, rubbing Blackie’s belly. “It’s what he deserves.”

Blackie let out a tiny grumble but didn’t move from his cozy spot in Mia’s arms, still purring contently. "Fine, but no more spinning. I'm a cat, not a top."

After their fun moment with Blackie, the group made their way to the iconic Times Square. The lights were dazzling, neon signs and billboards flashing with vibrant colors and the energy of the city buzzing all around them.

“This is amazing!” Emma exclaimed, spinning in place as she took in the view. “I can’t believe we’re actually here!”

Annie nodded, her eyes wide as she tried to soak in every detail. “There’s so much to see. I don’t even know where to look!”

Mia, already focused on the multitude of shops around them, nudged the girls. “Let’s go explore! We’ve got souvenirs to buy.”

They dashed into the first store, filled with all kinds of New York memorabilia. Mia's eyes sparkled as she browsed through racks of shirts, keychains, mugs, and more. She picked up a sleek black T-shirt for Kai, emblazoned with the words "Firestarter" in flaming letters. “This is perfect for him,” she said, holding it up.

For Jay, Mia found a quirky shirt that said "I Heart New York" in flashing LED lights. “He’ll love this,” she laughed. “It’s just the right amount of tacky for him!”

Next, Mia spotted something for Cole — a sturdy travel mug with a rock pattern etched into the metal. “Earthy, just like Cole,” she said with a grin.

When it came to Nya, Mia chose a sleek, water-themed bracelet. “She’ll love how it shimmers,” Mia said, turning it over in her hand.

For Zane, Mia picked up a small, high-tech gadget she found at one of the stores, something that looked like it could be incorporated into one of his inventions. “He’ll figure out how to use this, I’m sure of it.”

Lloyd’s gift was a hoodie with a green dragon logo. “It’s perfect for the Green Ninja,” Mia said, admiring it.

Finally, she found a plush toy of a pigeon for Nelson. “This little guy will love it,” she said, imagining Nelson’s smile.

“Geez, Mia, you’ve really got everyone covered!” Annie said, admiring the gifts.

Mia smiled, balancing all her bags. “Of course! They’re my family.”

Annie rolled her eyes. " You make a good point."

As they continued browsing through the shops, Blackie suddenly perked up. His sharp eyes caught something from a small antique store tucked in a corner. Without a word, he leaped out of Mia's bag and trotted towards the store, his tail high in the air.

“Blackie, wait up!” Mia called, rushing after him with the others in tow.

The store was filled with vintage trinkets and heirlooms, and the moment Blackie entered, he made a beeline for a small, delicate collar hanging on a display near the counter. It was made of fine leather with an old, weathered silver bell attached, and the second Blackie laid his eyes on it, he stopped in his tracks.

Mia, catching up to him, knelt beside him. “What is it, Blackie?” she asked, looking at the collar.

The shopkeeper, an elderly woman with soft, kind eyes, walked over and gasped softly. “Well, I’ll be…” she murmured, her eyes widening as she recognized the cat. “Is that… Blackie?”

Mia blinked in surprise. “You know Blackie?”

The woman smiled warmly and nodded. “I’ve seen him before, a long time ago. That collar belonged to his mother. She used to come around here all the time.”

Blackie meowed softly, his usual sassy demeanor replaced with something more gentle and nostalgic as he stared at the collar.

Mia carefully picked up the collar, feeling its weight in her hand. “This was your mom’s?” she asked quietly, looking down at Blackie. He purred softly in response, brushing against her leg as if to confirm it.

The shopkeeper smiled, tears glistening in her eyes. “She was a beautiful cat, always so proud and protective. I’d give that collar back to you without a second thought.”

Mia looked at Blackie, who gave a soft, appreciative purr. She smiled warmly. “Looks like it’s yours again, Blackie.”

Blackie’s eyes seemed to shine with gratitude as Mia fastened the old collar around his neck, the small silver bell jingling faintly as it settled into place. He purred louder, leaning into Mia’s side.

“Well, looks like you found your own souvenir,” Mia teased, scratching Blackie behind his ear. “And it’s a special one, too.”

Blackie, still purring, looked up at her. “I guess some things are meant to come back to us,” he said softly, surprising Mia with his unusually sentimental tone.

“Yeah,” Mia said, smiling as she stood up, holding Blackie close. “It really is.”

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