Nelson's Birthday

I know Rose and Nelson are twins but for this story Rose isn't here.

Then I'm gonna make rose birthday where nels ain't there.

Okay bye y'all and enjoy


Aw look he leaned in to make Jay feel happy 🥹🥹

This is why I love those two so much

Lightning Fire for the win!

... With Earth too.

But I think those two are cute

Anyway enjoy 😉😃

Ps this goes to my beautiful Husband Nelson. He's amazing!

Also I realized when Kai leaned in Jay smiled


... BUT ANYWAY 🤨 🤔

I should stop.

... I said stop.


... okay seriously stop

Nelson groaned. " For the gazillionth time, Mia, please let me sleep!"

" Nope!" Mia said mischievously as she took his blanket off. " It's my husband's birthday and I'm not gonna let it go to waste!"

" That's what I'm afraid of." Nelson muttered.

Mia rolled her eyes. " Oh, come ON! it's just a picnic at the beach!"

Nelson slapped his head.." Why do I have the feeling this isn't gonna be just picnic and waves at the beach?"

Mia rolled her eyes again. " Meet you in five."

Nelson sighed, rubbing his eyes as he sat up in bed. "Five minutes? You barely gave me enough time to wake up!" he muttered to himself, throwing his legs over the side of the bed.

Meanwhile, Mia was bustling around the house, gathering supplies with the enthusiasm of someone who clearly had much bigger plans than just a quiet picnic. "I've got the blankets, the snacks, the drinks... now where did I put that—ah! The kite!" she said to herself, clutching the large, colorful kite like it was the crown jewel of her beach day plans.

Nelson groggily trudged out of the bedroom and saw Mia darting from one side of the room to the other. "Are you sure this is just a picnic?" he asked skeptically, noticing the vast array of items Mia had assembled.

Mia flashed a mischievous grin. "Of course! Just a simple, relaxing picnic at the beach... with maybe a little kite flying, some volleyball, a sandcastle-building competition, and maybe a scavenger hunt."

Nelson groaned again, running a hand through his messy hair. "Why do I have the feeling I'm not going to be sitting down at all?"

Mia shot him a playful look. "Because you're not. Come on, it's your birthday! You know how much you loves surprises. Plus, it'll be fun!"

Nelson shook his head but couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at his lips. "Fine, fine. Just... try not to throw me into a scavenger hunt without warning this time, okay?"

"No promises," Mia teased, throwing him his jacket. "Now, hurry up! We don’t want to be late for our own beach party."

As Nelson followed her out the door, still half-asleep, he muttered, "This better not involve swimming with sharks or something…"

Mia grinned. "Only if you ask nicely!"

As they arrived at the beach, Mia practically skipped toward the sand, her arms full of picnic supplies, beach blankets, and an assortment of colorful decorations. Nelson trudged behind her, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

Mia threw the large blanket down on the sand and began setting up everything with precision—placing the snacks, drinks, and even arranging the kite nearby. She hung up a little banner that read "Happy Birthday, Nelson!" between two small poles she stuck into the ground.

Nelson sat down on the edge of the blanket, watching Mia buzz around with her usual energy. "You really went all out, didn’t you?" he asked with a hint of amusement.

Mia smiled, kneeling in front of him and pressing a bottle of sunscreen into his hand. "Of course! It's your birthday, and I wanted to make sure it was perfect. Now, your job is to relax, do nothing, and put on some sunscreen."

Nelson raised an eyebrow as he glanced at the bottle. "Just relax? Really?"

Mia nodded enthusiastically, her eyes twinkling. "Yup! No scavenger hunts or obstacle courses this time. Just you, me, the beach, and a perfect day."

Nelson chuckled, finally giving in as he unscrewed the cap and began applying the sunscreen. "Alright, alright. I guess I can handle that."

Mia sat down beside him, looking out at the waves crashing gently against the shore. "See? Isn't this nice? A calm, quiet beach day, just for us."

Nelson leaned back on his hands, enjoying the feeling of the warm sun on his skin. "Yeah, this is actually... really nice. Thanks, Mia."

Mia grinned, nudging him gently. "Told you! Now, let’s just enjoy it."

As the sun continued to rise over the horizon, casting a golden glow over the beach, Nelson finally allowed himself to relax. The warm breeze carried the salty scent of the ocean, and the rhythmic sound of the waves crashing onto the shore began to lull him into a sense of peace.

Mia, ever the bundle of energy, sat cross-legged beside him, her eyes scanning the beach like she was plotting the next part of their day. But for now, she kept to her word and stayed still, basking in the moment. Every now and then, she would glance at Nelson, as if to make sure he wasn’t about to run off back to bed.

After a few minutes of quiet, Nelson let out a deep sigh, his eyelids heavy. “I never thought I’d say this, but... this is kinda perfect.”

Mia chuckled, her mischievous grin breaking through. “I told you! Sometimes even I know how to slow down.” She poked him in the arm playfully.

Nelson smiled, though he gave her a skeptical look. “Slowing down, huh? You’ve probably got a whole list of activities lined up for when I let my guard down.”

Mia laughed, throwing her arms up in surrender. “Okay, okay, you got me! But seriously, just enjoy the moment for now. You deserve it.”

Nelson nodded, leaning back further until he was lying down on the blanket. “Alright. But if I hear the word ‘volleyball,’ I’m heading back to bed.”

Mia laughed again, lying down next to him, staring up at the clear blue sky. “No volleyball today, promise.”

They lay in comfortable silence for a few more minutes, just listening to the sounds of the beach. The seagulls cawed in the distance, and the occasional laughter of children playing nearby filled the air.

Nelson turned his head slightly to look at Mia. “Thanks for all this, Mia. I know I complain, but... it’s nice having someone care this much.”

Mia turned her head to meet his gaze, her usual playful expression softening into something more sincere. “Of course, Nelson. You’re... important to me. I just wanted to make sure today was special.”

Nelson smiled, his heart warming at her words. “You did. And I appreciate it. Even if I had to wake up before the sun,” he added with a teasing grin.

Mia rolled her eyes but laughed. “Well, next time I’ll wake you up with breakfast in bed. Deal?”

Nelson chuckled. “Deal.”

They lay there for a while longer, the sun creeping higher into the sky, the day slowly unfolding. For once, everything was calm, and Nelson felt like maybe, just maybe, he could get used to days like this.

Even if there was a scavenger hunt waiting later.

Thirty minutes later, the warm afternoon sun had grown a little higher, casting soft rays on the beach as Mia and Nelson found themselves wrapped in each other’s arms. They were cuddled together on the large picnic blanket, the sound of the waves crashing against the shore creating a peaceful backdrop. Mia rested her head on Nelson's chest, her fingers absentmindedly tracing little patterns on his arm, while Nelson’s hand gently rested on her back.

For a moment, neither of them spoke. They were content just being close to one another, feeling the gentle rise and fall of their breathing sync up. The world felt quiet, serene, and perfect—just the two of them under the sun.

But as the minutes ticked by, Nelson shifted slightly, his fingers tapping lightly on Mia's shoulder. His voice broke the comfortable silence. "You know..." he began, his tone playful but lazy, "I’m starting to get bored."

Mia lifted her head slightly, her mischievous grin already forming before Nelson could even finish his thought. She had been waiting for this moment. "Oh?" she teased, looking up at him with a sparkle in her eyes. "Bored already? After all this relaxing?"

Nelson chuckled, his hand brushing a stray hair away from Mia’s face. "Relaxing’s great and all... but you know me. I can't just sit still forever. Got any games in mind?"

Mia sat up instantly, her excitement bubbling over as if she’d been waiting for him to say those exact words. She clapped her hands together, her grin widening. "I thought you'd never ask!" she exclaimed, her enthusiasm infectious.

Nelson raised an eyebrow, already sensing what was coming. "Oh no... what did I just walk into?"

Mia jumped to her feet, practically bouncing in place as she grabbed the little backpack she had brought along. "It's time for a scavenger hunt!"

Nelson groaned, though there was a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. "Of course... should’ve known."

Mia giggled as she began pulling out small, colorful cards from the bag. "Okay, so here's the deal! I’ve hidden little clues all around the beach—some by the lifeguard stand, some near the rocks, and a few over by those cute little tiki huts." She pointed excitedly in various directions as she spoke. "And your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to find every single clue, solve the riddles, and gather all the items before time runs out!"

Nelson sat up slowly, still chuckling. "You planned all this... for my birthday?"

Mia nodded eagerly, her face glowing with excitement. "Of course! I know how much you love a good challenge, and I couldn’t just let us sit around all day. Besides, there’s a *prize* at the end if you finish in time!" She wiggled her eyebrows in a teasing way.

Nelson leaned back on his hands, shaking his head in amusement. "You never do anything halfway, do you?"

"Never!" Mia shot back proudly. She held up one of the cards and waved it in front of his face. "So, are you ready to accept the challenge, birthday boy?"

Nelson sighed dramatically, but he couldn’t hide the smile creeping up his face. "Alright, alright. Let’s do this." He stood up, brushing off the sand from his shorts and stretching his arms. "But just so you know, I’m expecting that prize to be really good."

Mia smirked, tossing him the first card. "Oh, trust me, it will be."

Nelson caught the card mid-air and read it aloud. "First clue: I stand tall and guard the shore, my watchful eyes see more and more. Find me where the flags are bright, and you’ll start your scavenger flight."

Just so you know I had to go on the Internet to find these. I'm not good at making riddles

But I did change a few words

He glanced up at Mia, who had already taken a few steps back, looking at him with a playful glint in her eyes. "The lifeguard stand," he said with a grin. "You’re really going easy on me, huh?"

Mia shrugged, crossing her arms. "Maybe for the first one, but don’t get too comfortable. It gets harder!"

Nelson rolled his eyes, but he was already heading towards the lifeguard stand, the soft sand crunching under his feet. Mia followed behind, bouncing with energy. As they approached the stand, Nelson scanned the area and spotted the next clue taped to one of the legs of the lifeguard chair.

He plucked it off and unfolded the card. "Okay, let’s see what we’ve got... I’m full of holes but can’t hold water, I dig the earth and make it flatter. Find me near the sandy ground, and your next clue will soon be found."

Nelson tapped the card against his chin, thinking. "A shovel?" he guessed.

Mia clapped her hands. "Ding ding ding! Now where would a shovel be...?"

Nelson scanned the beach, his eyes landing on a small, partially buried shovel near the children's play area. He made his way over and found another card tucked under it. "Alright, what’s next?"

He read the new clue aloud: I fly high with colors bright, on a string so thin and light. Look up to the skies, you’ll see me soar, find me now, just one clue more.

Nelson grinned. "The kite, right?"

Mia pointed proudly to where their colorful kite was resting, its tail flicking gently in the wind. He grabbed the final clue, unfolding it with anticipation. "Alright, last one."

He read it aloud with a grin. You’ve solved the riddles, you’ve found the clues, now come to the spot where I’ll tell you the news. Under the shade where the palm trees sway, your prize awaits, don’t delay!

Mia’s eyes sparkled as she grabbed his hand and started pulling him toward a small shaded spot under a group of palm trees nearby. As they reached the spot, Mia stopped, turned to him with a sly grin, and pulled out a small wrapped box from behind one of the trees.

"Happy birthday, Nelson," she said softly, handing him the box.

Nelson blinked, looking between Mia and the gift. "Wait, this was the prize? What is it?"

Mia just smiled. "Open it and find out."

He carefully unwrapped the box, revealing a small, handmade bracelet. It was simple but beautifully woven with blue and green threads, with a small charm shaped like a wave.

"I made it myself," Mia said shyly. "I know you don’t wear much jewelry, but I thought you might like something... personal."

Nelson stared at the bracelet for a moment before slipping it onto his wrist. It fit perfectly. He looked up at Mia, his heart swelling with emotion. "Mia, this is... this is perfect. Thank you."

Mia blushed, looking away. "It’s just a little something... no big deal."

Nelson pulled her into a tight hug. "It’s a huge deal. I love it."

They stayed like that for a moment, wrapped in each other’s arms, with the sound of the ocean in the background and the soft breeze rustling the palm leaves above them. For Nelson, it was the perfect end to a birthday scavenger hunt he didn’t even know he wanted.

Nelson glanced at his wrist, admiring the bracelet for a moment longer before an idea struck him. "Hm..." he mused thoughtfully, rubbing his chin.

Mia raised an eyebrow, still nestled in his arms. "Hm... what?" she asked, her tone filled with playful suspicion.

Nelson grinned mischievously as he stepped back, pulling out his phone and dialing a number. "Blackie," he said into the phone, "we could use your help. Can you take some pictures of us?"

From the other end of the line, Blackie’s familiar, sassy voice responded. "Alright, fine. I’m on my way. But don’t expect any filters, okay? I’m a cat, not a photographer."

Nelson chuckled, hanging up the phone. As he turned to Mia, she looked at him, bewildered. "What are we doing?" she asked, a little smile playing on her lips as she tried to figure out his plan.

Nelson slipped his arms around her waist, pulling her close once more. "Dancing," he said softly, his eyes full of warmth as he gazed at her. "Come on, my honeymuffin, let’s make this birthday even better."

Mia blinked in surprise, then giggled. "Honeymuffin? Really?"

Nelson grinned, giving a playful shrug. "It’s your fault—you made up half of our nicknames. Now, dance with me."

Mia rolled her eyes but placed her hands on his shoulders as Nelson began to sway them gently to a rhythm only they could hear. The soft crashing of the waves mixed with the breeze created the perfect background music. Nelson spun her slowly under his arm, and Mia let out a soft laugh, leaning her head on his chest as they moved together.

A few moments later, Blackie strolled up to them, phone in paw, his tail flicking in mild amusement. "Alright, lovebirds, strike a pose." He aimed the phone as best as a cat could. "And no, I’m not doing multiple shots, so make it count."

Nelson and Mia shared a laugh before he dipped her dramatically, making her gasp and burst into giggles. "Got it," Blackie said flatly, snapping the photo. "You’re welcome."

As Blackie padded off, Nelson brought Mia back up into his arms, holding her close once again. "Best birthday ever," he whispered, his lips brushing her forehead.

Mia smiled up at him, her heart full. "You haven’t seen anything yet, birthday boy. We’ve got the whole day ahead of us."

And with that, they continued to dance, lost in the moment, under the soft afternoon sun.

Nelson and Mia were completely lost in their own world as they danced. Their movements were fluid, natural, and full of love, as though the rhythm of the ocean itself had inspired their steps. They twirled, dipped, and spun, their laughter echoing against the waves as they moved effortlessly across the sand.

Neither of them noticed when a small crowd began to gather. At first, it was just a few beachgoers who had paused to watch, drawn in by the couple’s joy. Then, a reporter spotted them, intrigued by the spectacle of what seemed to be an impromptu performance. Phones started coming out, people filming and snapping photos of the beautiful, carefree dance unfolding before them.

Nelson lifted Mia effortlessly, spinning her around in the air before setting her back down on her feet. They both laughed, their foreheads resting against each other as they caught their breath, completely unaware of the attention they were drawing.

It wasn’t until they heard clapping that reality came crashing back in. The sound of applause rippled through the air, and Nelson and Mia both froze. Mia, still wrapped in Nelson’s arms, slowly turned her head to see dozens of people standing on the beach, watching them with wide smiles and raised phones. Reporters were snapping photos, and more and more people were joining the crowd.

Mia’s eyes widened in shock, and she instinctively moved closer to Nelson, her cheeks flushing a deep red. "Wha—when did all these people get here?" she whispered, her voice shaky with surprise.

Nelson blinked, also taken aback, but then he chuckled softly, pulling Mia closer. "Guess we put on quite a show, huh?" he said, grinning down at her.

Mia looked up at him, a bit flustered, but she couldn’t help the small smile that crept across her face. "I didn’t think anyone was watching," she admitted.

Nelson placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, his voice soft as he reassured her. "Hey, forget them. It’s just us, remember? Let them watch if they want to. It’s still our day."

The crowd cheered louder as Nelson held Mia protectively, the two of them standing together, facing the attention of an unexpected audience. Though her heart was still pounding, Mia felt safe in Nelson's arms, and after a moment, she let out a laugh.

"Well," Mia said, teasing, "if we're going to go viral, we might as well look good doing it, right?"

Nelson grinned. "Exactly," he said, giving her a quick spin. "Let’s give them something to remember."

Twenty minutes later, Nelson and Mia, exhausted but grinning, trudged back to their blanket. The once energetic dancing now left them completely spent. They both collapsed onto the soft fabric, panting and laughing.

Nelson flopped down first, his arms splayed out as he stared up at the sky. "That was… intense," he murmured, still catching his breath.

Mia dropped beside him, her head resting on his chest. "I don’t think I’ve danced that much in my life," she replied, giggling as she playfully nudged him.

Just as they began to relax, Blackie,  ever the sassy cat, trotted up to them with a smug look on his face. "Hello, amateurs," he said in his usual sarcastic tone, tail swishing behind him as he surveyed the two worn-out dancers.

Mia groaned, burying her face against Nelson’s shirt. "Not now, Blackie," she mumbled, her voice muffled. "I’m too tired to deal with your sass."

Nelson chuckled, lifting his head slightly to look at the cat. "Come on, Blackie, cut us some slack. We just gave the performance of a lifetime."

Blackie sat down beside them, eyes half-lidded and entirely unimpressed. "I’ll give you credit for enthusiasm, but the execution? Meh." He licked his paw, completely unfazed by their exhaustion.

Mia, too tired to argue, let out a dramatic sigh. "Fine, fine, we get it, we’re amateurs. But you could at least be useful for once. Could you massage my back?" she asked, rolling onto her stomach and peeking at Blackie over her shoulder.

Blackie raised an eyebrow, his whiskers twitching in amusement. "A massage? Really?" he drawled.

"Yes, please," Mia pleaded, clearly too tired to even move.

Blackie eyed her for a moment before hopping onto her back, his paws surprisingly gentle as he kneaded her with his claws, albeit in a somewhat reluctant manner. "I can’t believe I’m doing this," he muttered.

Nelson snickered, watching the scene unfold. "You know, this almost makes up for all the snark, Blackie."

Blackie shot Nelson a withering glance. "Don’t push your luck. I’m only doing this because I don’t want to hear Mia complain for the rest of the day."

Mia sighed contentedly as Blackie’s surprisingly effective massage did its magic. "You're the best, Blackie," she murmured, her exhaustion melting away under the cat’s reluctant care.

"Yeah, yeah," Blackie grumbled, still working. "Just don’t get used to it."

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting the beach in a warm, golden glow, Mia suddenly sat up, her expression frantic. “Where is that baker?!” she exclaimed, her voice breaking the peaceful quiet.

Nelson, who had been comfortably lying beside her, eyes half-closed, did a double take. “Wait—what baker?” he asked, confused, blinking rapidly as he tried to make sense of Mia’s sudden outburst.

Mia turned to him, wide-eyed and impatient. “The baker I ordered the cake from! You know, for your birthday!” she said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Nelson sat up, rubbing the back of his neck. “You ordered a cake? I thought you packed snacks?”

“Of course I packed snacks! But this is your birthday, Nelson! I ordered a special cake, and they were supposed to deliver it here hours ago!” Mia huffed, checking her watch, then looking around the beach as if the baker might suddenly appear out of thin air.

Nelson blinked again, still processing. “Mia, it’s just a cake. We’ve had an amazing day! You really don’t need to stress about it.”

Mia frowned, her frustration only slightly melting at Nelson’s words. “But I wanted everything to be perfect for you.”

Nelson smiled, reaching over to squeeze her hand. “It already is, Mia. I promise. Cake or no cake.”

Just as Mia was about to respond, they both heard the distant sound of someone frantically calling out, “Cake delivery!”

Mia’s eyes lit up, and she shot to her feet. “There he is! Finally!” She glanced at Nelson and muttered, “I thought they’d never show up…”

Nelson shook his head with a chuckle as he watched Mia dart off toward the baker. "Well, there’s the answer," he said to himself with a grin.

The baker approached with a wide grin, carefully balancing a box in his hands. He opened it with a flourish, revealing a beautiful purple cake adorned with delicate pink flowers and scattered chocolate shavings. The scent of rich chocolate filled the air, and Mia's eyes immediately honed in on the chocolate decorations.

Nelson took a step closer, peering over Mia’s shoulder at the cake. “Wow, that’s… really something,” he said, impressed by the intricate design.

Mia, however, was eyeing the chocolate shavings with barely concealed delight. "Chocolate... my favorite," she whispered, almost to herself.

Nelson chuckled, noticing her expression. "Mia, it's my birthday cake, remember?" he teased.

Mia tore her gaze away from the cake, blinking at Nelson with an innocent smile. "Of course! It’s all for you, babe."

Nelson raised an eyebrow, giving her a playful smirk. "Uh-huh. Sure it is."

The baker cleared his throat, gesturing to the cake. "It's a chocolate cake, by the way. Made with the finest cocoa and filled with rich chocolate ganache," he explained proudly.

Mia’s grin grew wider. "Did you hear that, Nelson? Chocolate ganache."

Nelson laughed, shaking his head. "Alright, alright. Let's cut the cake before you start drooling."

Mia grabbed the knife eagerly and carefully sliced into the cake, revealing layers of moist, decadent chocolate. She handed the first piece to Nelson, but her eyes never left the chocolate shavings as she handed him the plate.

Nelson took a bite and let out an appreciative hum. "Okay, you were right. This cake is incredible."

Mia, unable to resist any longer, quickly cut herself a slice and took a big bite, her eyes lighting up with joy. "Perfect," she mumbled with her mouth full. "Absolutely perfect."

Nelson grinned, watching her enjoy the cake as much as he was. "Happy birthday to me," he joked, feeling more content than ever.

Mia scooted closer. " Yes, Nelson. Happy birthday to my beautiful hubby wubby."

" Tha- HEY!"

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