Nelson and Mia's night alone ( with a cat)
Mia bit her lip from laughing as Jay picked his sister up and bounced her as he looked at his teacher.
" So, what do we do?" He asked
Wu sighed. " We only have one option. We have to leave your sister here and battle."
Jay's eyes widened. " B... But you know as well as I do-"
" I'm well aware, Jay." Wu sighed. " But now is not the time. We need all hands on deck. That includes yours."
" Master Wu, I can battle you know." Mia piped up matter of fact. " I'm an elemental master of wind lightning fire and water. I could easily -"
" Mia, you are too young. And inexperienced. You need to stay here."
The black cat strolled in. " Listen to the smelly old man." He meowed.
Master Wu blinked. " ' smelly old man '?!"
Mia giggled nervously. " Oh, well you see....."
Jay shook his head and set his sister down. " Anyway, since we have to leave you, we decided to call in a special ninja."
" Special ninja?" Mia echoed as she turned
And there, standing at Wu's door, was her dear Nelson.
Mia gasped, then took off running. " Nelson!"
Nelson caught her and spun her. " Oh my goodness it's been so long."
Mia laughed as her Boyfriend set her down. " Right? Almost two months!"
" Two months?" Jay echoed
Nelson nodded. " Family business."
Jay laughed and shook his head. " Wow. Who thought such loving wife and husband would be separated for two months?"
Nelson grinned. " Yeah. But I'm back."
Blackie walked to the boy. " Hmmm.... This will not do." He mused
Mia raised a brow. " What now?"
Blackie flicked his tail on disapproval. " He smells old!"
" I do?" Nelson sniffed his sleeve. " I can't smell anything."
Mia rolled her eyes. " He's just saying he wants you to wear a dress he makes and one of those fancy leather hats."
Nelson blinked, clearly confused. "A dress... and a fancy leather hat?" He glanced at Blackie, who sat proudly with his tail curled around his paws, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Yes," Blackie purred, raising his nose in mock sophistication. "Only the finest attire for the company of my Mia. A gentleman should dress the part, after all."
Nelson chuckled and gave Mia an amused look. "You sure know how to pick your pets."
Mia shrugged with a grin. "He has a point, though. I mean, you have to keep up with the family style, right?" She reached up to tweak Nelson's nose playfully. "But we'll worry about that later! I'm just glad you’re here."
Wu, though watching the reunion with a fond smile, cleared his throat to bring everyone’s attention back. “As heartwarming as this is, we still have a mission to prepare for,” he said, his expression growing serious. “Mia, I’m entrusting Nelson to look after you while we’re gone. And Nelson,” Wu’s eyes locked with the younger boy’s, “I’m counting on you.”
Nelson stood up straighter, giving a firm nod. “You can count on me, Master Wu. I won’t let you down.”
“See? Told you I didn’t need a babysitter,” Mia said with a teasing poke to Nelson’s shoulder, her tone a mix of pride and affection.
“Mia,” Jay said gently, kneeling down to look her in the eye. “This isn’t about babysitting. We just want to make sure you’re safe, alright?”
Mia’s smile faded for a moment, and she glanced away. “I know,” she murmured, her voice softer. “I just... I want to help. I want to fight like you.”
“I know you do,” Jay said, giving her a reassuring smile and pulling her for a quick hug. “And one day, you will. But for now, you’re our secret weapon—keeping things safe back here while we’re out there.”
Mia seemed to brighten a little at that. “Secret weapon, huh?”
“Yup,” Jay said, ruffling her hair, causing her to giggle and bat his hand away. “The best kind.”
“Just don’t let her make any more explosions while they're gone,” Blackie chimed in dryly, stretching out lazily by the door. “Last time, I lost half my fur to one of her ‘experiments.’”
Nelson’s eyes widened. “Explosions? What kind of adventures have you been up to while I was gone?”
Mia shrugged, trying to look innocent. “Just the usual stuff.”
Jay chuckled and looked back at Wu. “Alright, Master. I’m ready.”
Wu nodded and turned to the door, his staff tapping softly against the floor. “Then let’s go. There is no time to lose. Nelson, Mia—stay vigilant.”
As Jay followed Master Wu out, he paused at the threshold, glancing back at his sister one last time. “Take care, okay?”
Mia gave him a confident salute. “I will. You just make sure you come back.”
Jay smiled, the door closing behind him with a soft thud. Nelson put a comforting arm around Mia’s shoulders as she stared after her brother, her eyes shining with determination.
“Don’t worry,” Nelson said softly, giving her a squeeze. “They’ll come back. They always do.”
Mia nodded, leaning against him for a moment. “Yeah... I know.”
Blackie watched them with a flick of his tail, then stood up, padding over to the window. “Well,” he said, a hint of mischief in his voice, “if we’re stuck here, we might as well make the most of it. Who’s up for some training?”
Mia’s eyes lit up, and she pulled away from Nelson with a grin. “Oh, you’re on!"
Nelson laughed. “Alright, alright! But only if I get to pick the first challenge.”
“Deal!” Mia said, rushing to grab her practice staff. “But you better keep up, Mr. ‘I smell old!’”
Nelson playfully rolled his eyes. “I’ll show you who’s old!”
" First battle- dancing!" Blackie announced as he turned the music on.
Nelson extended his arm. " May I have this dance?"
Mia giggled. " Sure."
Nelson took Mia’s hand, and with an exaggerated bow, he pulled her into a spin. The room was suddenly alive with the upbeat rhythm as Blackie’s chosen music boomed from the speakers. Mia twirled gracefully, giggling all the while, trying to match Nelson’s fancy footwork.
“Nice moves!” Mia teased as she stepped closer, mirroring Nelson’s dramatic flourishes.
“Thank you, thank you,” Nelson said with a playful wink, leading Mia into a series of quick steps. “You’re not too bad yourself, Miss Elemental Master.”
“Not bad?” Mia grinned mischievously. “Watch this!”
She twirled out of Nelson’s grasp, then spun back with a flourish, the breeze swirling around them as she used a tiny burst of her wind power. It sent the curtains fluttering and ruffled Nelson’s hair.
“Hey, no cheating with powers!” Nelson laughed, ducking dramatically to avoid the draft. “That’s not fair!”
“Oh, it’s very fair,” Mia countered, flipping her hair with mock arrogance. “What’s the matter? Afraid you can’t keep up?”
Nelson’s eyes narrowed playfully, and he tightened his grip on her hand. “Oh, it’s on now.”
They both burst into laughter, moving in sync with the fast-paced song. Blackie, sprawled out on the windowsill, swayed his tail to the beat and watched with a bemused expression.
“Alright, alright!” he called over the music, swatting at the air like a judge. “Round one goes to the young master! He used the element of surprise with that daring spin!”
Mia stopped mid-step, her mouth hanging open in feigned disbelief. “What? No way! I was clearly the better dancer!”
Nelson grinned and shrugged as he panted a little. “Well, a win’s a win, right?”
“Oh, you’ll get what’s coming to you in the next round,” Mia promised, her eyes narrowing with determination.
“What’s next, Blackie?” Nelson asked, still catching his breath.
The cat jumped down from the window and prowled around them, his tail flicking. “Next round... a contest of speed! You’ll have to dodge pillows!”
Mia’s face lit up. “Pillow fight!”
“Exactly,” Blackie said with a smirk. “And no powers allowed. Let’s see who’s the fastest, without any help.”
“Deal!” Mia said, racing to grab an armful of pillows.
Nelson chuckled, shaking his head as he took his stance. “Bring it on, Mia!”
With a fierce grin, Mia launched the first pillow straight at Nelson’s head, who barely ducked in time, laughing all the way. As the pillows flew back and forth, the room was soon filled with shouts, dodges, and even more laughter, the friendly battle turning into pure chaos.
“Watch out!” Nelson shouted as he hurled two pillows at once. Mia ducked one and caught the other, throwing it right back in a smooth, fluid motion.
Blackie purred with amusement, his bright eyes gleaming as he observed. He wasn’t even keeping score anymore—he was just enjoying the show.
" You're a good cook, you know." Nelson said as he looked over Mia's shoulder.
Mia chuckled as she stirred the pot, the savory aroma of her homemade stew filling the kitchen. She gave Nelson a playful nudge with her elbow. “See, Mr. Husband, I’m doing my best to keep you and His Majesty satisfied.”
Nelson grinned as he chopped vegetables beside her. “Well, you’re succeeding, Mrs. Chef. I’ve never had a bad meal from you yet.”
Mia beamed, but she kept her eyes on the simmering pot. “Good to know! I’d hate for you to go hungry... or for Blackie to throw one of his royal tantrums.”
From his perch on the counter, Blackie, with a smug expression, was halfway through a chicken leg. He paused mid-bite, licked his whiskers, and meowed, “I do not throw tantrums. I merely express my culinary preferences with enthusiasm.”
Nelson burst out laughing. “Uh-huh. Enthusiasm, you say? Like that time you refused to eat anything but roasted salmon for a week?”
Blackie flicked his tail dismissively, raising his chin. “I have refined tastes, unlike some humans I know who think raw vegetables are ‘fine dining.’” He snatched another piece of chicken, chewing delicately.
Mia rolled her eyes and smirked at Nelson. “See what I mean? It’s a good thing I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve to keep the king of the kitchen happy.”
“More like a magician in the kitchen,” Nelson teased, tasting a spoonful of sauce Mia handed him. His eyes widened, and he let out an exaggerated sigh of delight. “Perfect! You’ve got some serious skills, Mia.”
She winked at him as she sprinkled a bit of fresh herbs into the pot. “It’s all part of my master plan. Keep you well-fed and too impressed to ever leave.”
“Never gonna happen,” Nelson said with a grin, leaning over to kiss her on the cheek. “Besides, who would I go to? No one else makes a better stew.”
Mia’s cheeks flushed slightly, and she turned back to the stove with a soft smile. “Good answer.”
Meanwhile, Blackie had polished off the last of the chicken, licking his paws with an air of utmost satisfaction. He gave a dramatic stretch, then casually remarked, “I suppose if you continue at this rate, Mia, you’ll be able to satisfy even the pickiest of eaters... like yourself, for example.”
“Hey!” Mia spun around, pretending to be offended. “I’m not picky, I just have standards!”
Nelson chuckled, wrapping an arm around her waist. “And I think you’re pretty perfect just the way you are, standards and all.”
Blackie rolled his eyes but purred contentedly, curling up on the counter. “Hmph. If it means I keep getting my chicken, I suppose I can tolerate a bit of romance in the kitchen.”
“Deal,” Mia said with a laugh, dishing out three bowls—two for the humans, and a smaller, perfectly arranged one for the feline. “Dinner’s served, Your Highness.”
Nelson took his bowl with a grateful smile, while Blackie surveyed his own dish before giving a small nod of approval. “Not bad, not bad at all,” he conceded. “But don’t get too comfortable. My standards are higher than any human could fathom.”
Mia just grinned and sat down at the table with Nelson. “Challenge accepted, Blackie. Challenge accepted.”
And with that, the three of them—two humans and one very spoiled cat—dug into the delicious meal, the kitchen filled with warmth, laughter, and the happy clinking of spoons against bowls.
“You know,” Nelson said softly, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips, “I think we make a pretty good team. Both in the kitchen... and on the dance floor.”
Mia looked up at him with a playful grin, her eyes reflecting the warm glow of the kitchen lights. “Maybe that’s because I’m doing all the leading,” she teased, giving a slight, intentional misstep to make him laugh.
Nelson chuckled and shook his head. “Oh, really? I thought I was the one with the moves here.” He spun her lightly, catching her smoothly as she came back to him. Mia’s laughter rang out, carefree and happy.
“Alright, fine, I’ll give you that,” she said, resting her head on his shoulder as they slowed their pace. “But only because I don’t want to hurt your feelings.”
“Too late,” Nelson replied dramatically, pretending to be heartbroken. “My pride as a dancer is already wounded.”
Mia gave him a playful nudge. “Oh, hush. You’re perfect just the way you are.”
They danced in silence for a while, enjoying the moment. The night seemed to wrap around them like a cozy blanket, and the world outside felt distant and unimportant. Mia couldn’t remember the last time she had felt so peaceful, so content. It was as if, for just a few minutes, time had slowed down and all that mattered was the warmth of Nelson’s embrace and the soft melody that filled the room.
Nelson gently pulled back, just enough to look into her eyes. “I’ve missed this,” he said quietly. “I’ve missed you.”
Mia’s smile softened, and she reached up to brush a lock of hair from his forehead. “I’ve missed you too, Nelson. A lot.”
The song was coming to an end, but neither of them seemed to notice. They kept dancing, slow and steady, as if they had all the time in the world. There was no rush, no hurry—just the simple joy of being together.
Finally, the music faded, leaving them standing in the middle of the kitchen, their arms wrapped around each other. Mia rested her forehead against Nelson’s, closing her eyes for a moment.
“Can we stay like this a little longer?” she whispered.
Nelson’s arms tightened around her. “As long as you want.”
And so they did, holding each other close, the kitchen quiet and peaceful as the soft glow of the moon filtered through the window, casting a gentle light on the two of them—dancing together, with no one to watch but the stars.
And a sassy cat.
Blackie sat perched on the counter, his tail flicking back and forth with a mixture of curiosity and judgment. He let out a dramatic yawn, as if to remind them that he was, in fact, still very much present.
"Really?" he drawled, his green eyes narrowing with mock disdain. "You two are going to stand there all night like lovesick fools? Pathetic."
Mia laughed, barely pulling away from Nelson’s embrace. “Don’t be jealous, Blackie,” she teased, giving him a wink. “You’re still my number one, even if Nelson’s my husband.”
“Please,” Blackie sniffed, licking a paw as if thoroughly unimpressed. “I’m only watching to make sure you don’t burn the kitchen down. Again.”
Nelson grinned, glancing over at the cat. “Should we ask him to join us for a dance?”
Blackie’s eyes widened, his tail puffing up in indignation. “Not in a million years! Unlike you two, I have dignity.”
Mia’s laughter bubbled up again, and she reached over to give Blackie a playful scratch behind the ears. “You’re just mad because we’re having fun without you.”
The cat swatted her hand away with a half-hearted glare, though he didn’t move from his spot. “Fun, she says,” Blackie grumbled, hopping down from the counter. “Well, I’ll leave you two lovebirds to it. Just don’t come crying to me when you step on each other’s toes.”
Mia rolled her eyes affectionately as she watched Blackie saunter out of the room, his tail flicking with every step. “Goodnight, Mr. Sassy.”
“Goodnight, indeed,” Blackie shot back over his shoulder before disappearing around the corner.
Nelson chuckled softly. “He really has a way of making everything about him, doesn’t he?”
Mia just smiled, leaning her head back on Nelson’s shoulder as they resumed their gentle sway. “That’s Blackie for you. Always the star of the show.”
“Yeah,” Nelson agreed, holding her close. “But he’s got nothing on you.”
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