Molly, Bansha and Soul Archer wedding

Hey DumbassWriter17 I did it


Also The_Sage_Ninja_Morro hope you forgive your dear Morro



Morro winced. " Easy Emmy easy."

" EASY?!" the ten year old black haired girl screeched. " YOU PAINTED SKULLS AND GHOSTS EVERYWHERE!"

Morro scratched his neck. " Well you see-"

" And where are the flowers, hm?"

Morro winced. " Emma, please -*

" And why is there a reaper over there?! Surely no one's gonna-"

" EMMA!" Morro yelled. " Would you please listen?! Bansha and Soul Archer wanted me to paint this!"

" At least draw a flower for Molly!" Emma argued.

Morro gave her a look. " Yeah, no."

" Ghoultar like skull."

" Thanks Ghoultar." Morro grinned. " See, Emmy. Ghoultar likes it."

Emma crossed her arms, and Morro sighed as he kissed her cheek. " When we get home you can paint a portrait of me with as many flowers as you want."

Emma's eyes lit up. " You mean it?"

" Yeah, but you can only do it when I'm asleep."

Emma grinned. " Challenge accepted!"

Meanwhile, Annie was fixing Molly's dress. " You look beautiful your highness." Annie said as she bowed.

Molly laughed. " Thank you Annie! Do I look that pretty?"

Annie grinned. " With a blue gown like that with rimestom everywhere? No doubt!"

Suddenly, Bansha hopped to the duo, wearing a brown boot.  " Molly? Could you please tell the planner to take Archer out of those 4730374038484...96007....1993 inch heels?"

Molly's eyes nearly popped out of her head as Bansha continued to rant about the shoes. "What do you mean 4730374038484...96007....19,000-inch heels?! How is that even possible?!"

Bansha waved her hand in exasperation. "The planner just keeps piling on the ridiculousness! They're way too tall, and Archer is about to topple over from the weight of those things!"

Molly blinked a few times, her mind racing. "I thought we were trying to make sure everyone was comfortable today, not... walking off the edge of the Earth?"

"I'm sure you won't hear the end of it when Soul Archer falls flat on his face in front of everyone," Bansha grumbled, looking over her shoulder toward the room where the chaos was unfolding.

Emma, still pouting from earlier, now took advantage of the moment. She raised her voice, dramatically. "You should add more skulls on the shoes! That way, it'll look like he meant to fall!" She giggled to herself at the thought.

Molly shook her head. "This day is definitely not going how I imagined it. But, alright, I'll talk to the planner. I don't want anyone falling over either."

Meanwhile, across the room, Soul Archer, dressed in his ridiculously tall heels, was wobbling back and forth. His posture was like a newborn deer trying to walk for the first time. He sighed in defeat. "I told you this was a terrible idea," he muttered to no one in particular, looking at the towering heels with disdain.

Molly sighed, then turned to Annie, who was fixing her gown. "Annie, I feel like I need to make an announcement about these heels."

Annie grinned knowingly. "I think that's a good idea. If Soul Archer falls flat on his face, it will be a sight to behold!"

Molly gave Annie a playful shove. "You're supposed to be on my side, not encouraging chaos!"

Bansha, still scowling, crossed her arms. "Molly, please. Do something before someone loses an eye. Or worse—embarrassment."

Molly nodded. "I'm on it." She marched out of the room with determination, her gown trailing behind her as she headed straight for the planner.

Meanwhile, Ghoultar, who had been observing the spectacle from the sidelines, gave a thumbs-up to Morro. "Skulls are cool."

Morro grinned and patted Ghoultar's back. "At least someone gets me." He glanced over at Emma, who was already getting ideas for more floral arrangements. "You know, I think Emma's got the right idea. Maybe we should've added some flowers... but only after I had my fun."

"Don't even think about it, Morro," Emma said with a smirk, already making plans to add a sea of flowers to Morro's portrait later.

Back in the main hall, the chaos was far from over. The wedding was going to be a day to remember... for better or worse.

Molly burst into the room, panting slightly from the rush. "Mia! You have to cut down the size of those heels! They're way too big!"

Mia, the planner, didn't even glance up from her tablet as she typed away, already calculating the next move. "Mmm, okay. Lemme just—" She paused, tapping her chin, as if considering the perfect solution. "I've got it!"

With a smirk, Mia looked up at Molly and handed over a fresh pair of ridiculously tall heels. "Here you go, Archer! One 47937403837302437484484484749484434474746484765033020110734849937474-inch heels coming right up! Specially customized just for you."

Molly's jaw dropped as she looked at the shoes. "Mia! That's even bigger than before!"

Mia shrugged casually. "Well, you said to make sure no one trips, so why not go big, right?" She winked, knowing full well that no one would ever wear heels that absurd.

Archer, standing in the corner trying to balance on the previous pair of too-tall heels, stared at the new ones with wide eyes. "You have to be kidding me!"

Molly let out an exasperated sigh and threw her hands up in the air. "You know what—I'm just going to let you deal with this from now on," she muttered to Mia. "Good luck, Archer. You're on your own with these!" She stormed off to find Bansha and prepare for the rest of the chaos.

Meanwhile, Mia happily bounced on her heels, clearly pleased with her work. "You're welcome, Archer! You can thank me later... for not making them taller!" she teased.

Meanwhile, in the grand ballroom, Lloyd, Kai, Cole, Jay, Nya, and Zane were busy decorating. There were ribbons everywhere, balloons floating, and lights twinkling along the walls. It was all coming together nicely, though the atmosphere was slightly tense as Lloyd caught sight of his father and uncle, both of whom were dressed in sequin outfits.

Kai, trying to cheer up his friend, nudged Lloyd. "Hey, you happy for your aunt?"

Lloyd glanced over at the sequined duo in the corner, his smile a little strained. "Yeah, Aunt Molly deserves to be happy," he replied, trying to stay positive. "But... my uncle and dad? Not so sure."

Kai followed his gaze and chuckled. "Well, it's not every day you see them wearing sequins, right?"

Lloyd sighed, nodding. "Exactly. It's like... why did they have to wear that?"

Zane, overhearing the conversation, adjusted some decorations nearby. "Perhaps it's a new trend?" he offered dryly, giving them a rare smirk. "A symbol of celebration."

Jay, ever the optimist, was trying to get the lights just right. "Hey, it could be worse," he said with a grin. "They could've gone full glitter. Imagine that!"

Nya laughed at the idea, then turned back to Lloyd. "But you're right. Your aunt really deserves this day. She's been through so much, and it's nice to see her finally getting her happiness."

Lloyd nodded thoughtfully. "Yeah, she has. I just hope the rest of the family can get along for one day, especially with... those two."

Cole, hanging streamers up with Zane, overheard and chimed in. "Don't worry, Lloyd. We've got this. If nothing else, at least the decorations will look great, right?"

Lloyd smiled faintly, grateful for his friends' support. "Yeah. Thanks, guys."

With that, they went back to their tasks, determined to make sure the wedding day was perfect — even if it meant dealing with a little sequined chaos along the way.

Mia marched into the ballroom with a large bag, her eyes glinting mischievously as she spotted Garmadon and Wu standing by a table, talking in low voices. They both turned to look at her as she approached, a wide grin spreading across her face.

"Okay, boys," Mia said cheerfully, holding up a makeup kit. "Time to get you both ready!"

Garmadon raised an eyebrow. "Ready for what? We're just here to... uh, be supportive, right?"

Mia rolled her eyes. "Oh, you're definitely being supportive — in style. Don't worry, I've got this all planned out." She pulled out a set of makeup brushes and started getting to work on Garmadon first.

Wu looked on, confused. "Wait, what exactly are you doing?"

"Makeup!" Mia answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "You guys are going to look fabulous for the wedding. Trust me, it'll be amazing."

Garmadon stiffened as Mia carefully applied foundation. "I... don't think I need makeup, Mia. I'm not... a fan of this."

"Nonsense," Mia said with a wink. "You're going to love it! Everyone's going to be so impressed."

Wu, arms crossed, started to fidget uncomfortably. "I must protest. This is preposterous!"

Mia didn't even look up as she continued applying makeup to Garmadon. "No, no, it's perfect."

Garmadon glanced at Wu. "Tell her this is a bad idea," he grumbled.

Wu, looking at Garmadon's increasingly shiny face, finally spoke up. "Mia, you've lost your mind if you think I'll let you—"

"Oh, but you are going to love it," Mia interrupted, pulling out a glittery powder and dusting it across his face. "You're both going to look fabulous for Molly's big day."

Garmadon groaned. "I'll never hear the end of this."

"I'm not even sure I can walk in these," Wu said with a frown as Mia handed them both towering heels, which looked like they belonged in a runway show rather than a wedding.

"Don't worry," Mia said with a smirk. "You'll get used to it. Just imagine you're walking on clouds."

Wu held up the heels, looking horrified. "Clouds?! These are practically skyscrapers!"

Mia didn't give him a chance to complain further as she shoved them on both of their feet. "There we go! Looking fabulous, boys!"

Garmadon tried to stand but immediately wobbled, his hands flailing for balance. "I... can't do this. This is ridiculous!"

Wu followed suit, struggling to maintain his balance. "Mia, this is preposterous!"

Mia stepped back, hands on her hips as she surveyed her work. "Perfect!" She clapped her hands. "You guys look so good! Now, go out there and make a statement. Let's show everyone what real style looks like."

Wu gave her a long, disapproving look, but despite his protests, there was no denying he and Garmadon both looked incredibly polished — even if it was in an absurd way.

Garmadon glared at Wu. "Well, you better not trip."

Wu, trying to steady himself, glared back. "I won't trip, but I will definitely never forgive you for this."

Mia laughed, taking a step back as they both struggled to keep their balance. "It's too late for that, boys. You're in the spotlight now!"

With that, she waved them off, leaving the two siblings to awkwardly try to navigate the ballroom, towering on their impossibly high heels, makeup shining under the lights. Meanwhile, Mia couldn't help but snicker to herself as she turned to continue her wedding preparations.

Lloyd was busy stringing up decorations when he heard the sound of clattering heels behind him. He turned to see his father, Garmadon, and his grand-uncle Wu teetering awkwardly into the ballroom. His jaw dropped as he took in the sight.

"AAAAHHHHH!" Lloyd screamed, stumbling backward and nearly dropping the garland in his hands. "WHAT... HAPPENED TO YOU?!"

Garmadon frowned, attempting to stand tall but wobbling on the absurdly high heels Mia had forced him into. "What are you yelling about, boy? I look... fine."

Lloyd stared in sheer horror. "No, no you don't! You look hideous! What is all that on your face?"

Wu, his face shining with glitter and his lips painted an overdramatic shade of red, grumbled. "Mia happened, that's what. She decided we needed to 'match the theme.'"

"Theme?! What theme is this even supposed to match?" Lloyd asked, waving his arms at them. "You look like clowns! No—worse than clowns!"

Garmadon shot Wu a glare. "See? I told you this was a terrible idea."

Wu, wobbling dangerously on his heels, crossed his arms as best as he could without falling. "As if I had a choice! She shoved this ridiculous makeup on us and said we looked 'fabulous.'"

Lloyd put a hand to his forehead, groaning. "Dad, the heels! Why are you wearing those? You can barely stand!"

"I didn't want to," Garmadon growled, gripping the table for balance. "But you try saying no to Mia when she's armed with lipstick and glitter."

Wu sighed dramatically. "She called it 'artistic vision.' I call it torture."

Lloyd pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to suppress his laughter despite his initial shock. "Well, you're certainly making a statement. Just... stay in the corner and don't scare the guests, okay?"

Garmadon scowled. "You think I'm going to stay in a corner? I'll show everyone here that I—"

He suddenly wobbled, his heel catching on the edge of the carpet. Before he could fall, Wu grabbed his arm, struggling to steady them both.

"Garmadon, stop moving!" Wu snapped. "You're going to take me down with you!"

"Then let go!" Garmadon barked.

Lloyd shook his head, throwing up his hands in defeat. "I can't believe this is my family."

Just then, Mia popped her head back into the room, grinning from ear to ear. "Boys! You're looking absolutely stunning!"

Lloyd spun toward her. "Mia! Look at them! They can't walk! They look ridiculous!"

Mia beamed, completely unfazed. "I know, right? It's called fashion, Lloyd. Look it up." She winked before disappearing again, leaving Lloyd to deal with the disaster she'd left behind.

Wu and Garmadon both glared at him, their expressions somehow even more ridiculous under the layers of glitter and makeup.

"Laugh and you're next," Garmadon growled, wobbling as he tried to compose himself.

Lloyd sighed, covering his mouth to stifle his laughter. "Oh, don't worry, I won't laugh." He turned back to the decorations, muttering under his breath. "But I might cry."

As Lloyd tried to refocus on the decorations, the doors to the ballroom swung open. Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane, and Nya walked in, chatting and laughing—until their eyes fell on Garmadon and Wu.

"What the—AAAAHHHHHH!" Kai screamed, stumbling backward and nearly toppling into a table. "WHAT IS THAT?!"

Cole froze, his face contorted in a mix of horror and disbelief. "Please tell me I'm hallucinating."

Jay grabbed Zane's arm and shook it wildly. "Zane! Is this real?! Can you confirm this is happening with your sensors?!"

Zane blinked, his usually calm demeanor completely shattered. "Unfortunately, my visual processors indicate this is... very real."

Nya's hands flew to her mouth, but it wasn't enough to stifle her loud, horrified gasp. "What... happened to you two?"

Garmadon crossed his arms—or at least tried to, given the precarious wobble of his balance. "Oh, calm down. It's just a little makeup."

"A little?!" Jay exclaimed, pointing wildly. "You look like a drag queen who lost a fight with a glitter bomb!"

Wu huffed, attempting to look dignified despite the towering heels and garish lipstick. "This is all Mia's doing. She claimed it was part of the wedding theme."

Kai stared at the two of them, his eyes wide and unblinking. "Mia did this? What theme is she even going for? 'Haunted Carnival of Horror'?"

"She said we looked 'stunning,'" Wu muttered, his face a mixture of shame and exasperation.

Cole finally broke into hysterical laughter, clutching his sides. "Stunning? You look like you're about to star in the worst Broadway musical ever!"

Nya tried to regain her composure but failed miserably. "And the heels! How are you even standing in those?"

"Barely," Wu snapped, glaring at her as he wobbled again.

Garmadon growled, his hands clenching into fists. "If you're all done laughing, maybe someone could help us get out of this mess?"

"Not a chance," Jay managed to say between fits of laughter. "This is the best thing I've seen all week."

Kai grinned mischievously. "Actually, we should take a picture."

"No!" Wu and Garmadon shouted in unison, their eyes widening in horror.

"Oh, come on," Nya teased, pulling out her phone. "Mia would love to have a keepsake of her masterpiece."

As the Ninja gathered around, cameras clicking and laughter echoing through the room, Garmadon muttered under his breath, "This is the worst day of my life."

Wu sighed deeply, his heels wobbling again. "Agreed."

" Okay people take your places!" Mia called. " Chop chop!"

Blackie walked up to her and yawned, curling on the floor. " Stop yelling."

Mia glared at her talking black sassy cat. " Really?"

Meanwhile, in the ballroom, the decorations were nearly finished. Soul Archer had managed to ditch the skyscraper heels in favor of something slightly more reasonable, though he was still wobbling like a foal. Bansha, arms crossed, shook her head as she watched him. "I told you to stick to flats," she muttered.

Archer shot her a glare. "And I told you I didn't want to wear any of this nonsense in the first place."

"Come on, Archer," Ghoultar said with a grin. "Embrace chaos. Part of the charm!"

Emma, still sulking about the lack of flowers in the skull-heavy decor, leaned over to Molly. "You think I could sneak in some daisies? Maybe on the cake?"

Molly considered it, then shrugged. "Why not? At this point, a few daisies couldn't hurt."

As the final touches were added and the guests started to arrive, the scene was set for a wedding no one would ever forget. Between the sequined relatives, the wobbling heels, and the battle of skulls versus flowers, one thing was certain: Molly's special day would go down in history as a glorious, chaotic masterpiece.

And somewhere in the midst of it all, Morro leaned back with a satisfied smirk. "Skulls are still cooler," he whispered to himself, ignoring Emma's triumphant declaration that the flower arrangements were officially complete.

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