Mia, you're not losing us

This is me

I am Mia

Well at least in this story I am Mia

Like everything she experiences I have done first and/ or am right now

Annie is.... Well DumbassWriter17

And The_Sage_Ninja_Morro is Emma.

Though I don't know if she has forgiven me

In case you don't know I'm typing this at one o five in the morning

... Lol JK this is some other random time


You never will!

... Okay NVM it's One o Five in the afternoon!

* Crickets*

Okay that's not right it's ten.

Ten in the night.

And Mia will feel some things I feel

Because I am literally Mia

The one typing this story

.... Yes my real name is Mia but my friends call me Mimi

But if Annie wants to make a new nickname then sure you can!

Also if Emma wants to be my friend

Listen I dunno if she wants to or not because I just got all emotional and had to hug Annie and blah blah blah

You'll figure out if you read Dumbasswriter17's ' About me' book.

.... Actually don't.

Because if you do then we're going relive some trauma

Not that I haven't there are just things I don't want to remember

Like the fact my best friend since KG spilled all my secrets

She used me

And there was this bully who picked on me because I had the best grades in class

Is it my fault I actually paid attention?!

And what would you do if someone was gonna kill another person with a scissor, huh? Stay there and watch?!

No! You get the teacher.

Ida, let's call her, didn't really like this

So she picked on me

And made my life hell

Thankfully last year I went from private to public so now I'm happy

But enough of my life story if you want to hear more here is some more but if you don't scroll down

Anyway so one day I was just being nice and giving people gifts for the holidays but she BROKE HERS

and then blamed me and got me in trouble with the teacher!

And then one day my uniform got dirty accidently and she MADE FUN OF ME AND LITERALLY CALLED ME DIRTY 😭😭😭😭

and then one day in class she kept coming by my desk and telling me I was useless

And me being the shy and quiet kid never said anything

Mia is the opposite

She's who I want to be but can't because I don't have the heart to kick someone

I can't even say something bad
Like if I get in trouble my first Instinct?

Throat gets narrow

My mom says I'm afraid of people getting mad at me

Guess it's true

Also one day we were sitting next to each other in class and without even asking she TOOK MY NOTEBOOK I MEAN HELLO?!

AND THEN SHE Takes my pencil and tells her mother which was a teacher over there that the pencils were hers and the teacher believes ger.

So I was so mad

And I also didn't really talk My mom

I was afraid of what she might say

Yes I used to be a people pleaser

But j was lonely and I wanted friends

Now I have you guys and my School friends

So thank you everyone!!

Okay it's 10:19 and still no reply from Em.
I don't even think she's on
But I hope she forgives me
Anyway enough about me
Story time!

" Oh,come on, Mia! Just because you say one small petty thing doesn't mean Emma hates you!" Annie said, rubbing her poor sobbing friend on the back.

Mia's voice came muffled and watery. " B... But I sa...said something that... Made her unc....omforable and n...ow she's....not reply...ing to any....thing I....tell her or text her so anything!"

Annie sighed. " Mia you beat yourself too much."

Mia looked up and gave her a glare. " How can I not?! We were just having fun, the three of us, when I said you couldn't have lemonade for pretend. You asked me why and I told you the reason without realizing I could have just plainly told you you had allergies! Then Emma ran away and you backed away and you gave me this disgusting look so I had to fix it and then I kept spamming and spamming trying to redeem myself but nothing was working until you finally came online saw everything ran to my room and here we are!" She threw her hands up. " Now I have no way of knowing if Emma still likes me or not!"

Annie looked at her friend with a knowing glance. " Look, just because you didn't have a lot of friends when you were in elementary school doesn't mean she doesn't love you! Remember, she said the other day we would always be her friends?"

" But that's changed!" Mia almost yelled. " I said some stupid thing and now Emma's ignoring me she might not want to be my friend I might have to be friendless again and please make it that she doesn't reveal my secrets I don't need that happening twi-"

" Mia, you're having a panic attack!" Annie exclaimed as she fanned Mia with a large fabric cotton frisbee.

Mia was rolling on the floor, breathing labored and not even listening. Only one thought swirled in her head. What have I done?!

Annie noticed. " Oh, brother." She muttered. " The boys and Nya are going to Shintato because they have some business to do with The Princess. So there's no one but me."

" Mia!" Annie yelled. " Take a deep breath."

Mia didn't.

She couldn't.

Annie sighed. " This is why I tell Emma not to do things like these. She's had a traumatic past and she doesn't need anymore stress."

Annie sat next to Mia and wrapped her arms around her. Mia didn't hesitate - she wrapped her arms around Annie and buried her face in her shoulder.

Emma is in big trouble if she doesn't come and tell Mia she hasn't lost her.

Annie thought, glancing at the picture on Mia's bedside.

Well, there were multiple, but one stood out.

It was placed in the frame Emma and Annie had made for Mia on her birthday. Shells, sea glass, feathers, flowers, decorating the frame.

Inside was one of those embarrassing pictures of the three. Emma was sneezing, and Annie looked like she was a hundred.

Then again it could also have been the way she was scrunching her face because Emma had sneezed

And Mia looked perfect.

Like she was smiling perfectly, hands perfect, and...

Okay, no, that's a lie. She looked as silly as the other two. Her eyes were focusing on her nose, her hair was jumbled up, her smile was all crooked.

But that's what made the picture unlike any other.

It was just them, having fun.

And that's what made Annie's heart droop.

Mia valued all her friends.

And she couldn't bear lose any one.

Annie held Mia tighter, her arms wrapped protectively around her friend. Mia's sobs shook them both, and Annie could feel the weight of Mia's fear pressing down like a storm. She could tell that Mia wasn't just upset about Emma, but about everything—the fear of being left out, of losing people she cared about, of facing those old wounds of loneliness that still haunted her.

"Shh, Mia," Annie whispered softly, stroking her friend's back. "Emma doesn't hate you. She's probably just taking some time to cool off. You didn't do anything so terrible that would make her walk away forever."

Mia's muffled voice came from where her face was pressed into Annie's shoulder. "I don't know that. What if she's mad? What if she doesn't want to be my friend anymore?"

Annie sighed, her heart breaking a little at the rawness in Mia's voice. "Mia, we all say things sometimes that come out wrong, or we don't think before we speak. That doesn't mean our friendships end because of it. Emma's not going to stop being your friend over something like this."

"But I was so stupid," Mia sniffled, pulling away just enough to look up at Annie, her tear-streaked face filled with panic. "I kept sending messages, and now she's probably even more annoyed with me."

Annie gave a small smile, wiping some of the tears off Mia's face with her sleeve. "Yeah, okay, maybe spamming her wasn't the best idea. But Emma's not the type to hold grudges over something like this. She cares about you, Mia. You've been through so much together with us."

Mia's gaze dropped to the picture on her bedside, the one of the three of them laughing and goofing off. Her breath hitched as she stared at the silly moment frozen in time, a reminder of their closeness, their bond.

"I don't want to lose her," Mia whispered.

"You're not going to lose her," Annie said firmly. "Emma loves you. She'll come around. Just give her some time, okay? Maybe she's just overwhelmed too."

Mia didn't respond, her eyes still glued to the photo. Annie glanced at it too, her own heart heavy with the memory of that day. The three of them had been so happy, so carefree. She knew how much it meant to Mia to hold onto that—to the people who made her feel safe and loved.

Annie rubbed Mia's arm gently. "Listen, how about this? Give her a little space, and I'll reach out to her, okay? I'll talk to Emma and figure out what's going on. But you need to take a deep breath, Mia. You're working yourself up too much."

Mia nodded slowly, though she still looked uncertain. She wiped her eyes and tried to regulate her breathing, even if her chest still felt tight with anxiety. Annie stayed beside her, a steady presence, not letting go.

"You'll talk to her?" Mia asked, her voice small.

Annie nodded. "Yeah, I'll make sure everything's alright. But I need you to promise me something too."

Mia looked up at her, her eyes wide and filled with vulnerability. "What?"

Annie smiled gently. "Promise me that you won't jump to conclusions about losing people. You're loved, Mia. By me, by Emma, by everyone. Just because someone doesn't reply right away doesn't mean they don't care about you."

Mia swallowed hard and nodded again, though Annie could see she was still struggling to fully believe it. But she knew Mia well enough to know that with time—and with Emma reaching out—things would smooth over.

"You're not alone, okay?" Annie whispered, giving Mia a soft, reassuring squeeze. "You're never alone."

Mia, exhausted and emotionally drained, rested her head against Annie's shoulder. "Okay," she mumbled, her voice hoarse from crying. "I trust you."

Annie smiled, her heart warming at Mia's quiet faith in her. "Good," she said softly. "Everything's going to be alright, Mia. We'll figure it out."

As Mia finally began to calm down, Annie looked back at the picture on the bedside table, her resolve firm. She wouldn't let Mia feel like she was losing everything again. And she'd make sure Emma knew how much her silence was hurting Mia.

Whatever it took, she would help mend this misunderstanding—because friends didn't give up on each other. Not now, not ever.


No hard feeling, The_Sage_Ninja_Morro

I'm not trying to target you or anything

This is just how I feel it would have gone

In my head

Yes I have a twisted imagination I don't need to be reminded

Also if you read the story titled to Emma and Annie I think you'd know why I have such a twisted Imagination


Also you should know this stirred way too many emotions within me so......

" Emma, listen. You have to apologize to Mia! Right now!" Annie argued, slamming her fist on the table. 

Emma looked up from her cheese sculpting. " I can't. Not right now, anyway."

Annie groaned. " Emma, you don't understand! She's crying her eyes out because she thinks she lost you!"

Emma's brows furrowed. " But doesn't she know she can never lose us?"

Annie sighed as she leaned on the wall. " Apparently not. I just left her, and she keeps looking at the picture." She gestured to a matching picture on the wall, in the same picture frame.

Emma sighed and returned to her sculpting. " Look, all I'm saying is I have to think about it."

" About what?!" Annie nearly yelled. " The poor girl is crying her eyes out! Plus she's calling herself stupid!"

Emma looked up again. " She was also saying that until you answered her."

" Not the point!" Annie yelled. " The point is when I saw the messages I ran to her to tell her she was still my best friend!"

" And I'm still hers. I just need to-"

" You care more about your stupid art than your friend?!" Annie shouted.

EMma whirled to her. " Maybe!" She yelled back. " Or maybe I'm trying to figure out an appropriate way of saying sorry and we can still be best friends!"

" OR MAYBE YOU WERE NEVER HER FRIEND IN THE FIRST PLACE!" Annie yelled before storming off.

Emma stood frozen, her hands hovering over the half-finished cheese sculpture. Annie's words echoed in her head: "Or maybe you were never her friend in the first place!"

That hit deep. Too deep.

Emma dropped the cheese knife and slumped into the chair. She didn't want this to happen—she didn't want Annie yelling at her, and she certainly didn't want Mia crying. But she had no idea how to fix things, no idea how to approach Mia after everything. How was she supposed to apologize when she didn't even understand what went wrong in the first place?

She sat there for a long time, staring blankly at the cheese sculpture she had been so focused on just moments before. Now, it seemed trivial, like nothing compared to the weight of the situation with Mia.

Annie's right, she thought, guilt beginning to gnaw at her. Mia needs me right now, and I'm sitting here making cheese sculptures instead of being there for her.

With a heavy sigh, she stood up, knocking her chair back as she did so. She walked over to the picture frame on the wall, the one with the same goofy photo Mia had in her room. The memory of that day, of their laughter and silliness, tugged at her heart.

What have I done? she thought, suddenly feeling overwhelmed. She hadn't meant to make Mia feel abandoned. She hadn't realized how deeply Mia would take it. Emma thought they had a bond that couldn't be broken, but now she was realizing that even the strongest friendships needed reassurance, especially when things went wrong.

She grabbed her phone and stared at Mia's name on her screen. The unread messages from Mia flashed across her screen, messages filled with worry and panic. Her thumb hovered over the call button.

What if I say the wrong thing again? Emma thought, anxiety bubbling up. What if I make it worse?

But then Annie's angry words replayed in her head, "The poor girl is crying her eyes out! She thinks she lost you!"

That was all Emma needed to snap out of it. She dialed Mia's number before she could second-guess herself any further. The phone rang once, twice, three times, and then—

"Emma?" Mia's voice came through, soft and hesitant.

Emma swallowed hard. "Mia, it's me. I... I'm sorry."

There was silence on the other end, and Emma rushed to fill the gap. "I didn't realize how much I hurt you by not answering. I didn't mean to make you feel like I wasn't your friend anymore. I just... I was trying to think of how to make things right, but I ended up making it worse by not saying anything. I'm so sorry, Mia."

Mia sniffled, and Emma could hear the sadness still clinging to her voice. "I thought I lost you," she whispered.

"You could never lose me," Emma said quickly. "Never, Mia. I'm sorry I made you feel that way. I was just... I don't know, I got in my own head, and I didn't realize how much it was hurting you."

For a moment, there was no response. Then, Mia's voice came, a little steadier this time. "I just... I didn't know what I did wrong. And I thought you hated me."

"I don't hate you. I could never hate you. You're my best friend, Mia. I should've said something sooner instead of making you feel like I was ignoring you."

Mia let out a shaky sigh, her voice trembling. "I just want things to be okay again."

"They are," Emma promised. "I'll come over right now if you want. We can talk in person, or just hang out. I'll bring your favorite snacks."

Mia hesitated, then her voice softened. "Okay. That sounds good."

Emma felt the tension in her chest ease just a little. "I'll be there soon."

As she hung up, she grabbed her keys, her heart still heavy but a little lighter than before. She needed to make this right—not just with words, but by showing Mia that she was always going to be there for her, no matter what. Because that's what friends do.

And this time, Emma wasn't going to let her doubt it.

Five minutes later, Emma was at Mia's house, in her room, sitting on the bed with Mia resting her head on Emma's shoulder. Mia's tear-streaked face had finally softened, her breathing calm and steady. Emma gently stroked her friend's hair, feeling relieved that things seemed to be back on track.

Annie stood nearby, leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed. She smiled at the sight of them and said, "Well, that worked out."

Emma let out a small, tired laugh, glancing up at Annie. "Yeah, barely," she admitted, her voice full of relief.

Annie rolled her eyes playfully. "Barely is still a win."

Mia stirred slightly, her voice muffled as she spoke into Emma's shoulder. "I'm glad you're here."

Emma smiled, squeezing Mia gently. "I'm always here, Mia. Always."

Annie smirked, crossing her arms. "Now that you two are back to normal, anyone want to grab ice cream?"

Mia sat up a little, wiping the last of her tears. "Ice cream sounds good."

"Yeah, let's go," Emma agreed, standing up. "We could all use a treat after today."

As they headed out, the tension from earlier seemed like a distant memory. Everything felt right again.

And that was all Mia ever wanted

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