Going Pro
And DumbassWriter17
Emma sighed and turned away from her canvas. " WHAT?"
Emma sighed. " I DON'T KNOW! WHAT HAPPENED?"
Mia came into the room with a box. " My package arrived!"
Emma grabbed a cheese stick and took a bite. " Mhm."
She sat on the floor of their lair's art studio ( they have a whole floor under the monestary and it's all for the three girls).
Emma turned and watched as Mia quickly opened the box and pulled out...
Something that made Emma screech and threw her cheese on the ground while backing up to the wall.
Mia raised a brow as she blew on it, then twirled it and put it on her belt. "what?"
" Why.... Do you.... Have a.... G...g...."
" A pistol?" Mia suggested.
" IT'S A GUN!"
Mia sighed. " Yeesh. You're so screamy. What happened to my Emma?*
" She's here!" Emma yelled. " She'll come, though, when you put THE GUN AWAY!"
" Oh relax! It's all part of the job!"
" What job?" Emma asked nervously.
" You becoming a pro artist!"
Emma choked. " W... What??" She sputtered.
Mia grinned from ear to ear. " Oh don't worry! I'll buy you a whole museum!"
" Mhm! And I'll be your agent!"
" Annie's gonna be your private driver. I volunteered but she said no. Rudely, too, I might add."
Annie leaned casually against the doorframe, her expression unimpressed as she surveyed the chaotic scene before her: Emma pressed against the wall looking like she’d seen a ghost, and Mia grinning like a mad scientist holding what was very clearly a pistol.
“Uh… you want to explain this?” Annie asked, gesturing at the gun.
Mia shrugged, nonchalant as ever. “My package arrived. Look at this beauty!” She held the pistol up like a trophy, twirling it expertly before sliding it back into the holster on her belt. “It’s all part of Emma’s rise to fame!”
Annie blinked slowly, trying to process what she’d just heard. “I’m sorry—what does a gun have to do with Emma becoming an artist?”
“Everything!” Mia said enthusiastically, throwing her arms out wide. “You see, Annie, Emma’s talent is one-of-a-kind, and we have to protect it at all costs. You’re going to be her driver, and I’m going to be her agent-slash-bodyguard! And this—” she gestured dramatically to the gun, “—is how I’m going to keep the crowds at bay when her art becomes the talk of the world!”
Emma, still clinging to the wall like it might save her from this absurd situation, shook her head. “Mia, I don’t need a bodyguard! I don’t even want a museum! I just… want to paint quietly and eat my cheese sticks in peace!”
Mia waved her off like Emma’s concerns were trivial. “Nonsense. Do you think Van Gogh got to where he was without a solid team? Okay, bad example. But you know what I mean!”
Annie sighed deeply, rubbing her temples. “Mia, first of all, put the gun away. Second, do you even know how to use that thing?”
“Of course!” Mia said indignantly. “I’ve been practicing. Watch this.” She whipped the pistol out and aimed at a paint can across the room.
“MIA, NO!” Emma screeched, diving to cover the canvas she’d been working on.
Annie lunged forward and grabbed Mia’s wrist, shoving the gun back down. “Are you insane?! You can’t just start shooting things in the studio!”
“It’s fine! It’s just paint cans!” Mia protested, but Annie’s glare shut her up quickly.
Emma peeked out from behind her canvas, clutching it like a lifeline. “I think I’m gonna pass out…”
“Look,” Annie said firmly, stepping between Mia and Emma, “how about we focus on something that doesn’t involve firearms or me chauffeuring you two lunatics around? Like, I don’t know, cleaning up the cheese stick Emma threw on the floor?”
Mia crossed her arms, pouting. “You guys have no vision.”
“And you have no chill,” Annie shot back. She turned to Emma, who was still trembling slightly. “You okay, Em?”
Emma nodded weakly. “I think so. But, uh, can we ban guns in the studio? Like, forever?”
“Agreed,” Annie said, looking pointedly at Mia.
“Fine,” Mia grumbled, reluctantly holstering the pistol. “But don’t come crying to me when the paparazzi invade your space.”
“I’ll take my chances,” Emma muttered, retrieving her cheese stick from the floor with a sigh.
Annie smirked. “There, problem solved. Now, let’s all agree to keep this room weapon-free. Deal?”
Mia sighed dramatically. “Fine. Deal.”
“Good.” Annie turned to leave, but paused in the doorway. “Oh, and Mia?”
“No flamethrowers either.”
Mia gasped, hand flying to her chest. “Annie, how could you?!”
Two hours later, the trio found themselves walking through the bustling streets of the city. Emma and Annie were trying their best to blend in, waving nervously at the curious onlookers. But blending in was nearly impossible with Mia striding confidently ahead of them, decked out in full "bodyguard" attire.
She wore a sleek black suit and dark sunglasses, her belt packed with enough weaponry to take on a small army: ten katanas crisscrossed on her back, two knives strapped to her thighs, her infamous pistol holstered at her hip, and a suspicious-looking pouch that no doubt contained those poison-filled syringes she'd bragged about earlier. A walkie-talkie crackled at her shoulder as she scanned the crowd like a secret agent in an action movie.
“Clear to proceed,” Mia muttered into the walkie-talkie, speaking to no one but herself. She waved a hand dramatically for Annie and Emma to follow.
Emma leaned over to Annie, her face flushed with embarrassment. “Why did we let her do this?”
Annie sighed, adjusting her bag to cover her face a bit. “I didn’t think she’d actually commit this hard. I thought the weapons were a joke.”
“Hey! You two!” Mia barked, spinning around with military precision. She jabbed a finger at them. “Eyes up! Stay alert! This place is crawling with potential threats!”
Annie raised a brow. “Mia, we’re in a park. The only thing crawling here are squirrels.”
“That’s exactly what they want you to think!” Mia hissed. She whipped out her walkie-talkie again. “Sector clear. No suspicious activity… yet.”
A nearby jogger gave her a strange look before hurrying past. Emma waved awkwardly at them, mouthing, Sorry.
“Okay, this is getting ridiculous,” Annie said, stepping up to Mia. “You’re scaring people.”
“No, I’m protecting people!” Mia retorted, crossing her arms. “You’re the artist, Annie’s the driver, and I’m the muscle. Everyone has a role.”
Emma sighed, tugging at her oversized hoodie. “Can’t your role be, I don’t know, normal?”
“Normal doesn’t stop danger, Emma,” Mia said solemnly. She adjusted her katanas with a dramatic flourish. “You don’t get it. When your art blows up, there will be jealous rivals. Art thieves. Critics throwing rotten tomatoes at your exhibits!”
“Tomatoes?” Annie asked, raising an eyebrow. “Seriously?”
Mia nodded grimly. “It’s happened before. I’ve seen it on TV.”
Emma groaned, her face buried in her hands. “Mia, I just paint because it makes me happy. There’s no art heist happening anytime soon!”
“You’re underestimating the dark side of fame,” Mia said, tapping her sunglasses dramatically. “But don’t worry. I’ve got you covered.”
At that moment, a little kid walked by, pointing at Mia’s swords with wide eyes. “Mommy, look! That lady’s a ninja!”
The mom quickly pulled her child away, glancing at Mia like she might pull a weapon at any second.
Emma buried her face deeper into her hands. “Oh no…”
Annie leaned over and whispered, “If someone calls the cops, I’m not bailing her out.”
“Don’t worry,” Mia said, overhearing them. She tapped her walkie-talkie. “I’ve got contingencies for that, too.”
Annie blinked. “What do you mean contingencies?”
Mia grinned mischievously. “Oh, you’ll see.”
Annie and Emma exchanged worried looks. “Mia,” Annie said slowly, “please tell me you didn’t—”
But before she could finish, a random passerby accidentally bumped into Emma, causing her to stumble.
Mia was on them in an instant, stepping between Emma and the unsuspecting stranger. “Step away from the artist!” she barked, pulling out a katana in a fluid motion.
The stranger froze, hands raised. “Whoa, whoa, I was just walking by!”
Emma yanked Mia back by her arm. “MIA, PUT THAT AWAY!”
“He could’ve been an art thief!” Mia argued, reluctantly sliding the katana back into its sheath.
“An art thief in broad daylight with no bag or tools?” Annie deadpanned.
“You never know,” Mia replied, straightening her sunglasses.
Emma sighed deeply, waving nervously at the stranger. “I’m so sorry! She’s… um… rehearsing for a play!”
The stranger muttered something under their breath and hurried away.
Annie crossed her arms, glaring at Mia. “You have to dial it down, or we’re going to get kicked out of this park.”
“Fine,” Mia grumbled. “But when the art thieves show up, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
Annie facepalmed. Emma just groaned. This was going to be a long day.
The supermarket was packed with the usual chaos of shoppers pushing carts, kids running amok, and the faint hum of elevator music. Emma was crouched near the art supplies aisle, carefully comparing brushes, while Annie lingered by the snacks, browsing the potato chip section.
Everything was peaceful—until it wasn’t.
A gaggle of ten rowdy kids stormed into the aisle like a hurricane, all shouting, laughing, and darting around. Before Emma could react, they zeroed in on her, apparently fascinated by the paints in her cart.
"Wow, what's this for?" one boy asked, yanking a tube of acrylic paint.
"Are you an artist? Can you draw me?" another girl chirped.
"Can I have this?" a third kid asked, already holding one of Emma's sketchbooks.
Emma froze, her eyes darting around helplessly. "Uh—um—hey, please don’t touch that—"
It was too late. The kids were swarming her, opening brushes, tossing sketch pads, and generally wreaking havoc. One kid even started scribbling on the floor with a marker he’d snagged from her supplies.
"GUYS!" Emma shouted, flailing her arms in a desperate attempt to regain control. "Stop! That’s mine! I—uh—please!"
From the next aisle over, Annie heard the commotion and peeked around the corner. Her jaw dropped. “Oh no…” she muttered before sprinting over. “EMMA!”
But it wasn’t Annie who stepped in to handle the situation.
It was Mia.
The moment she rounded the corner and saw the scene, her eyes narrowed. She strode forward with an aura of pure menace, her hand instinctively resting on the hilt of a katana strapped to her back. Her walkie-talkie crackled to life as she spoke into it like a soldier. "We’ve got a code red. Artist under siege. Moving in."
Annie screeched as she saw Mia approaching. "MIA, DON’T YOU DARE—"
Mia ignored her, stepping in front of Emma like a shield. “Alright, you little monsters,” she barked, her voice low and threatening. “Step away from the artist.”
The kids froze, staring up at her in confusion. One brave boy piped up, “Who are you?”
Mia adjusted her sunglasses and grinned, but it wasn’t a friendly grin. “I’m the bodyguard. And you’re about five seconds away from finding out what happens to people who mess with my client.”
“WHAT?!” Annie screamed. She lunged toward Mia, trying to pull her away. “You cannot threaten children!”
Mia gently pushed Annie aside without breaking eye contact with the kids. “Listen up, brats. Touch the paint again, and I’ll... confiscate all your candy for the next year.”
One of the kids gasped. “You wouldn’t dare!”
“Oh, wouldn’t I?” Mia said, pulling out her walkie-talkie dramatically. “I’ve got the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus on speed dial. Want me to report your names?”
The kids screamed in terror. “NO!”
“Then SCRAM!” Mia barked, pointing toward the exit.
The kids scattered like frightened pigeons, screaming apologies as they ran out of the aisle. One kid even threw the stolen paintbrush back into Emma’s cart on his way out.
Emma, still crouched on the floor, blinked up at Mia in shock. “I—uh—thanks?”
“Don’t thank her!” Annie screeched, pointing an accusing finger at Mia. “She just scared off a bunch of kids like a psycho ninja!”
Mia shrugged, brushing imaginary dust off her suit. “And it worked, didn’t it? Problem solved.”
Annie groaned, dragging her hands down her face. “You can’t just threaten random children, Mia! Someone’s going to call security!”
Mia smirked. “Security? Please. They’d thank me for keeping the peace.”
Emma slowly stood up, brushing herself off. “Honestly… I kind of wish I’d thought of it.”
“EMMA!” Annie cried, looking utterly betrayed.
“What?” Emma said, raising her hands defensively. “They were destroying my stuff!”
Annie groaned again, stomping toward the cart. “I’m done. I’m picking the snacks, and we’re leaving before Mia gets us banned from this store.”
As Annie stormed off, Mia leaned over to Emma with a conspiratorial grin. “See? You’ve got to be tough in this business.”
Emma just sighed, shaking her head. “You’re impossible, Mia.”
“Yeah,” Mia said with a smirk. “But you’d be lost without me.”
The trio walked back toward the parking lot, Emma holding the cart with a thoughtful smile on her face while Annie trudged behind them, grumbling under her breath. Mia strutted confidently, her sunglasses back on, her hand resting near the gun holstered on her hip like a Wild West outlaw.
“I don’t know,” Emma said, breaking the silence. “I think I like this version of Mia.”
Annie spun around, incredulous. “You like this version of Mia? The one who just scared off a group of children and nearly caused a lawsuit?”
Emma shrugged. “I mean, she’s confident, protective, and let’s be honest, she gets things done.”
“She’s insane!” Annie threw her hands up. “She carries poison syringes! She could actually kill someone! Do you want to end up in jail with her?”
Mia didn’t even look back as she smirked. “Don’t worry, Annie. I’ve got a lawyer on speed dial. You’d be fine.”
“They were a threat,” Mia said casually, tossing her hair over her shoulder. “Don’t act like they weren’t.”
Emma stifled a laugh. “Okay, that part was a little extreme. But still… she’s got our backs.”
Annie groaned in frustration but before she could respond, fifteen people suddenly appeared, chatting and laughing near the entrance to the parking lot. Among them were Jay and Kai, casually munching on hot dogs from a nearby food truck.
Jay spotted the girls and waved enthusiastically. “Hey, Mia, Emma, Annie—oh no—”
Mia stopped in her tracks, her hand flying to her holster. “Threat detected.”
“WAIT, MIA, NO!” Annie screamed, running toward her.
Jay dropped his hot dog and raised his hands. “It’s me! It’s Jay! Your brother! Don’t shoot!”
Kai, standing next to Jay, turned pale. “MIA, PUT THE GUN AWAY!”
Mia’s hand hovered near the weapon as her eyes scanned the group like a hawk. “Fifteen of them. Looks suspicious. No one move.”
Emma, to everyone’s horror, actually laughed. “Wow, she’s really in the zone.”
Annie, panting, grabbed Mia’s arm. “Mia, for the love of everything holy, THEY’RE OUR FRIENDS!”
Jay stepped forward cautiously, still holding his hands in the air. “Mia, it’s fine! Nobody here is a threat!”
Kai, trying to remain calm, added, “It’s just us. No one’s armed except for you!”
Mia tilted her head, squinting at the group like she was assessing a battlefield. Finally, she sighed and let her hand drop. “Fine. You’re lucky I have restraint.”
Kai exhaled in relief. “Lucky? You almost turned a grocery run into a disaster.”
Jay walked over, shaking his head. “Mia, what’s going on? Why are you armed like this?”
“I’m protecting Emma,” Mia said matter-of-factly. “She’s going to be a famous artist, and it’s my job to keep her safe.”
“From what?” Kai asked, exasperated. “Rowdy kids? The checkout line?”
“You never know,” Mia said cryptically, adjusting her sunglasses. “Danger is everywhere.”
Emma, now fully on Mia’s side, smiled at her. “She’s got a point.”
Jay turned to Emma, horrified. “You’re encouraging this?!”
Emma shrugged. “I mean, I don’t mind the extra security. It’s kind of cool.”
Annie groaned so loudly it echoed across the parking lot. “I cannot believe I’m stuck with the two of you.”
Kai pinched the bridge of his nose. “This is why Wu doesn’t let her out of the monastery unsupervised.”
Jay crossed his arms. “We’re definitely telling him about this.”
Mia smirked, already climbing into the driver’s seat of their van. “Go ahead. By the time you get back, I’ll have a whole security team ready for Emma’s first exhibit.”
Emma beamed. “See? She believes in me.”
Jay and Kai exchanged a look of pure exasperation as Annie yelled from the backseat, “She’s going to get us all arrested!”
As the trio continued their walk back to the van, they stumbled upon an unusual sight. Ahead of them, a group of people emerged from a side street. Among them were Jay, Kai, Cole, Lloyd, Nya, Zane, and Master Wu, all walking together with a crowd of strangers.
Mia froze, her sharp eyes narrowing behind her sunglasses. Her hand instinctively went to her holstered gun while the other hovered near the belt where her poison-filled syringes rested.
“Threat detected,” Mia said in a low, dangerous tone.
Annie’s face drained of color. “Oh no. Not again.”
Emma, on the other hand, brightened. “Oh, this is going to be good.”
Jay, who was chatting animatedly with Lloyd, glanced up and noticed Mia first. His face fell into a mask of pure terror as he recognized the look in her eyes.
“MIA, WAIT, IT’S US!” Jay yelled, waving his arms frantically.
Kai, walking beside him, immediately put himself between Mia and the group. “Do not reach for that gun, Mia! I mean it!”
Mia tilted her head, her voice calm yet chilling. “Step back, red one. You’re in the line of fire.”
“It’s Kai!” Kai shouted, exasperated. “Your brother in law!”
Cole, standing behind them, raised his hands defensively. “Mia, it’s just us! There’s no need to—wait, is that poison in your hand?!”
Master Wu’s calm demeanor faltered as he took a cautious step forward. “Mia, put the weapon down.”
Zane, ever analytical, studied her posture and equipment. “Mia, you are clearly overprepared for this situation. We are not a threat.”
Emma, thoroughly enjoying herself, grinned. “She’s just doing her job. Protecting me. Right, Mia?”
“Exactly,” Mia said, her voice steady as her hand hovered over her holster. “The situation looks suspicious. I’m not taking any chances.”
“MIA, IT’S YOUR FAMILY!” Nya shouted, stepping forward. “You’re going to regret this!”
Annie, barely keeping herself from screaming, grabbed Mia’s arm and tried to pull it down. “Mia, for the love of—IT’S THEM! YOU KNOW THEM!”
Mia hesitated, her grip on her gun tightening. She scanned the group with a sharp, calculating gaze. Finally, she frowned. “Jay?”
Jay waved his hands again. “Yes, it’s me! Your brother! You don’t need to shoot me!”
She squinted at him for a long moment before her lips curled into a smirk. “You’re lucky, lightning boy. I almost got you.”
“ALMOST?!” Jay shouted, his voice cracking. “What does that even mean?!”
Kai threw his hands up in disbelief. “You nearly shot poison at me, Mia! POISON! What is wrong with you?!”
Emma, laughing softly, patted Mia on the shoulder. “I think you’re doing great.”
“Great?!” Lloyd exclaimed, incredulous. “She nearly attacked us for just walking down the street!”
Mia shrugged nonchalantly. “You were acting suspicious.”
Zane tilted his head. “Suspicious? We were walking. How is that suspicious?”
“It’s in the way you moved,” Mia replied confidently, holstering her gun and adjusting her sunglasses. “I’m trained to notice these things.”
Master Wu sighed, stroking his beard. “Mia, I think it’s time we have a long discussion about overreacting.”
“No need,” Mia said, brushing past him and heading toward the van. “You all are safe. This time.”
Kai shook his head, muttering, “I can’t believe this is my life.”
Jay groaned, pointing after her. “Wu, you’ve got to do something about her!”
As Mia opened the driver’s door, Emma turned to the group and grinned. “You have to admit, she’s effective.”
“Effective at giving us heart attacks!” Nya exclaimed.
Annie groaned and climbed into the van, slamming the door behind her. “I’m moving to another planet. I can’t do this anymore.”
As the van pulled away, Kai turned to Wu. “So, about those discussions…”
Wu shook his head. “I think it’s going to take more than a discussion.”
As the van drove off, Emma leaned back in her seat, still grinning from ear to ear. “You’ve got to admit, that was the most fun I’ve had all week.”
Mia adjusted her sunglasses, keeping one hand on the wheel and the other casually resting near her belt. “You’re welcome. Keeping you safe is my priority.”
Annie groaned from the back seat, clutching her stomach. “Safe?! You nearly shot our family! I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Jay’s right. You’re out of control!”
Before Mia could respond, her eyes locked on a figure lingering by the corner of the street. The person was wearing a hooded jacket, head down, and their hands were stuffed into their pockets. Something about the way they shifted uneasily set off her internal alarms.
“Suspicious activity detected,” Mia muttered, her voice cold and professional.
Emma, catching the shift in her tone, perked up immediately. “What is it, Agent May?”
Mia nodded toward the figure. “Possible threat. Stay alert.”
Annie, already queasy, groaned louder. “Oh no, not again. Please tell me we’re not—”
“—Engaging,” Mia finished. She slammed on the brakes, causing the van to screech to a halt. Annie’s stomach did a somersault, and she clutched her mouth, barely holding herself together.
Mia jumped out of the van in a fluid motion, her hand resting on her gun. Emma, fully committed to the act, followed, pulling a makeshift badge from her pocket and flashing it toward absolutely no one. “Stand back! Official business!”
Annie stumbled out of the van, leaning against the side for support. “I’m going to be sick,” she muttered.
The suspicious person froze, glancing nervously in their direction. Mia took a step closer, her voice sharp. “You there! Hands where I can see them!”
The figure turned slightly, revealing a face that looked more confused than anything else. It was a delivery driver holding a bag of groceries. “Uh… me?”
“Yes, you!” Mia barked. “State your business!”
The delivery driver blinked, wide-eyed. “I’m… delivering groceries? To that house over there?” He pointed toward a nearby house with a fresh delivery sign on the lawn.
Emma stepped forward, playing along. “Groceries, huh? What’s in the bag? Something dangerous?”
The driver hesitated, holding up the bag. “Uh… bananas? Milk? Bread?”
Mia squinted at him suspiciously, her hand twitching near her weapon. “We’ll see about that.”
Annie, barely holding herself together, stumbled forward and grabbed Mia’s arm. “Mia! He’s a delivery guy! Look at the logo on his shirt!”
Mia glanced at the driver’s uniform and then at the house he was pointing to. After a long pause, she shrugged and relaxed her stance. “Fine. You’re clear. For now.”
The driver let out a relieved sigh and hurried toward the house. “You people are insane,” he muttered under his breath.
Emma clapped her hands together, a proud smile on her face. “Great work, team! Another potential threat neutralized.”
Annie stared at her in disbelief. “Neutralized?! You scared the poor guy half to death!”
Mia slid her sunglasses back into place. “Better safe than sorry.”
As they climbed back into the van, Annie collapsed into the back seat, covering her face with her hands. “I swear, I’m not surviving this day.”
Emma leaned over and patted her on the shoulder. “You’re doing great, Annie. Just think of it as an adventure.”
“Adventure?!” Annie groaned. “I think I need therapy.”
Mia started the van again, her focus shifting back to the road. “Therapy is for the weak. Now, let’s move. We’ve got more suspicious people to watch for.”
Annie groaned again while Emma smirked, clearly having the time of her life.
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