Fighting too much, not sleeping much

Mia snored softly as she slept walked into the gaming room, and blocked the TV. Kai sighed in frustration and paused the game

Mia, unknowing to the chaos she was created, walked into a tree.

" Huh?" She mumbled, looking down. " Oh. Tea. I could really use some.".

She picked it up, but in her sleepiness, closed her eyes and poured the tea into the plant nearly.

" Uh, Mia? You tryin' a new way to drink tea?"

Mia opened her eyes and realized what she was doing. " Oh great!" She muttered, setting the pot down.

Zane jumped from his seat and analyzed Mia's body functions.

" Hmm...." He mused. " Your body functions are under fatigue."

Mia raised a brow. " Huh?"

" You are overtired. Have you been sleeping well?"

' or at all?' a price of Mia's mind whispered.

Mia pushed it away and gave a smile. " Sleeping like a baby."

" Well, maybe you ought to climb back in your crib for a nap, buddy." Kai suggested.

Mia nodded, and turned away.

But just as Zane turned away, they heard a THUD.

Mia had fallen asleep on the ground.

The blue ones Annie

The blue I used for her name was too light

Anyway Annie like how stressed out you were because you were planning Molly ( that's Annie's OC) and her husbands wedding

Lol anyway

Truth be told, Mia wasn't sleeping at all.

You see, in the daytime there were no crimes.

But in the night, after ten, there were.

Mia has taken it up on herself to answer all those calls and go out.

But she wasn't catching up on any sleep.

Because in the day she had so much to do.

Anyway as Kai and Zane gently set Mia on the bed, Pikachu padded over.

" Pika?" He softly whispered, jumping on the bed and poking her face

" Char?"

What happened?

Is she okay?

" Bulba bulba bulba."

She has to be fine. She's Mia. Nothing can take her down.

" Squirtle."

We hope

" Pika Pika pi!

" Char!

" Squirtle"

Don't speak like that!

Yeah, knock it off!


Mia opened her eyes and groaned. " Pikachu?" She called. " Blackie? Char? Where are you?"

Blackie strolled up to her. " How are you feeling, miss I won't sleep much?"

Mia groaned. " I'm fine. But seriously. Stop calling me that."

Then she squinted. " And what time is it?"

Blackie sighed. " It's nine."

" Pika pi!"

Dinner time!

Mia rubbed her eyes. * What's for dinner?"

" Char!"


Mia groaned again. " Not those!"

" Pika pi." Pikachu said knowingly with crossed arms.

You've been having those for the last two weeks.

" So have you!" Mia argued.

" Char!" He said smugly.

Yeah, but at least we're not tired.

Mia scoffed. " Charmander! You're supposed to be on my side!"

Suddenly, the alarm buzzed, and Mia scrambled to answer it.

A group of thugs has been spotted on the rooftop of some building.

" Gang, let's go." She said as she jumped out the window.

" Pika Pika." Pikachu muttered as he slapped his head.

Oh Mia

At the sight, Mia fought at first.

Then the Pokemon had to fight for her.

Because began to act sluggish.

And thankfully they arrived just in time to CATCH HER FROM FALLING!

Bulbasaur used his vines to catch her, the other three jumped on the roof and fought while Bulbasaur dragged her to a tree.

" Bulba... I'm fine...." Mia muttered as she opened an eye.

" Bulba bulba bulba."

You're not fooling me

Mia's body felt like lead as she struggled to stay upright, leaning against the tree. Her limbs were heavy, her vision blurred, and the overwhelming fatigue from her nights spent chasing crime was taking its toll.

Bulbasaur stood firm, wrapping his vines gently around her, determined to keep her from collapsing. Pikachu, Charmander, and Squirtle were busy battling the thugs on the rooftop, their coordinated attacks efficient and sharp. They moved quickly, knowing Mia wasn't at her best.

"Bulba bulba," Bulbasaur scolded gently, his vines keeping her steady.

Mia tried to push herself up, shaking her head. "I'm fine... I've got this." But the words felt hollow even to her. The truth was, she didn't have this. She hadn't slept properly in days, and her body was finally giving in.

"Squirtle!" Squirtle called out, launching a water attack toward the last thug standing. He and Pikachu quickly tied the man up with ropes they had found on the roof, ensuring the group couldn't escape before the authorities arrived.

"Pika pika pi!" Pikachu scurried over to Mia, worry etched across his face. You can't keep doing this, Mia!

Mia weakly waved a hand at him, trying to smile. "Just... one more night. I'll rest after."

"Char!" Charmander huffed, crossing his arms. You said that last time.

Before Mia could respond, the sound of sirens echoed in the distance, signaling the police were arriving. Bulbasaur's vines loosened slightly as he glanced back toward the others, but his focus remained on Mia.

Mia sighed, feeling a mix of guilt and stubbornness. "Alright, alright, I'll take a break," she muttered, more for her Pokémon's sake than her own.

"Pika pika," Pikachu smiled softly, happy that Mia was finally giving in, even if it was just for a little while.

" Okay, I know I said I'd rest, but this is ridiculous!" Mia exclaimed as she watched her Pokemon get her all this food and ice cream and massage her.

" Pika pi!" Pikachu said as he managed her shoulders.

Mia sighed. " Okay, I admit I needed it. But why on the bed?!

Pikachu crossed his little arms and gave Mia a stern look. "Pika pika pi!" Because you don't know how to rest, that's why! He went back to massaging her shoulders, his small paws surprisingly effective.

Mia groaned but allowed herself to sink deeper into the bed. "Alright, fine... you win." She glanced at the array of food in front of her—noodles, fruit, and, of course, a giant bowl of ice cream. "But still, this feels over the top."

"Char char!" Charmander chimed in from the side, carefully holding the bowl of ice cream in his claws. You've been pushing yourself too hard, Mia. You need to take it easy.

Squirtle, balancing a tray of snacks on his shell, waddled over and set it on the bedside table. "Squirtle squirt!" You deserve a break, boss.

Mia couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of her Pokémon working so hard to pamper her. "You guys are the best, you know that?"

"Bulba bulba," Bulbasaur muttered as he fluffed her pillows with his vines. We just want you to be okay.

Mia sighed, finally surrendering. "Alright, I'll stay in bed for the rest of the day. But only because you all went through so much trouble."

"Pika!" Pikachu beamed, hopping onto the bed and snuggling into her side.

Mia smiled, grabbing a spoonful of ice cream. "I could get used to this."

Mia screamed and laughed. " Bulbasaur!" She exclaimed. " Not there! Don't tickle me there!!!"

Bulbasaur grinned mischievously, his vines wiggling in the air as he continued his relentless tickling. "Bulba bulba!" No promises!

Mia squirmed, laughing uncontrollably as she tried to shield herself from Bulbasaur's tickling vines. "Stop! I can't take it!" she gasped between fits of laughter.

Pikachu, perched on the bed, chuckled as he watched the chaos unfold. "Pika pika!" I told you to stay in bed!

Charmander and Squirtle exchanged amused looks before joining in, playfully piling onto the bed. Squirtle shot a gentle stream of water at Mia's feet, while Charmander tickled her with the tip of his tail.

Mia, now caught in a storm of tickles from all sides, could hardly catch her breath. "Okay, okay, I give up!" she managed to squeal, tears of laughter streaming down her face.

Finally, Bulbasaur stopped and retracted his vines. "Bulba bulba," he said smugly. That'll teach you to get up before you're fully rested.

Mia flopped back onto the bed, panting. "You guys are going to be the death of me," she said, still giggling. "But I love you anyway."

"Pika pi!" Pikachu responded, nuzzling against her cheek. We love you too, Mia.

Charmander nodded, and Squirtle gave a thumbs-up. Mia, feeling surrounded by love and warmth, sighed happily and pulled them all close.

"Okay, now... let's get some ice cream before you all gang up on me again!"

Just as Mia was about to indulge in her well-deserved ice cream, the alarm blared through the room, signaling a new mission. It was three in the morning, and without hesitation, Mia jumped up. "Let's move!" she shouted, completely forgetting about rest.

Pikachu sighed and slapped his forehead in exasperation. "Pika pi..." Here we go again...

Charmander, meanwhile, blushed a deep red as he noticed something Mia hadn't. Outside the window was a small, makeshift toilet someone had placed in the alleyway below. Before anyone could react, Mia bolted toward the window and leaped out—landing feet first right in the middle of the toilet with a splash.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" Mia screamed in a mix of surprise and disgust. "Oh, gross! What the heck!?"

Pikachu couldn't help but burst into laughter, rolling around on the floor. "Pika pika pi!" That's what you get for not looking!

Charmander covered his face in embarrassment for Mia, while Squirtle just shook his head. Mia stood there, dripping wet, looking both horrified and mortified.

"Why is there a toilet outside my window?!" she shrieked, trying to shake off the water.

Squirtle grinned, giving Mia a teasing thumbs-up. "Squirtle squirt!" Good aim!

Mia groaned, pulling her leg out of the toilet. "This is not how I wanted to start this mission..." she muttered.

Pikachu finally caught his breath, climbing down and giving her a reassuring pat. "Pika pika."

At least it's only water, right?

Mia shot him a glare but couldn't help chuckling. "Yeah, yeah. Let's just get going before anything else happens!" she said, wiping off her leg and hopping down from the window to continue the mission.

Charmander followed, still blushing, while Pikachu and Squirtle giggled quietly behind her as they all set off into the night.

When Mia and her Pokémon arrived at the rooftop where the villains were causing chaos, the thugs took one look at her and burst out laughing.

Mia, with dark circles under her eyes, her hair a mess, and still not in her ninja gi—just in her pajamas—looked like anything but a threat.

"Is this for real?" one of the villains wheezed, holding his sides. "What are you, the sleepy pajama patrol?"

Another thug pointed at her, barely able to stand up from laughing. "She looks like she's been through a tornado!"

Mia narrowed her eyes, her exhaustion quickly being overtaken by burning anger. Oh, they think they're funny? she thought, clenching her fists.

Her Pokémon, sensing her mood shift, glanced at each other nervously. They knew what was coming.

Still laughing, one of the thugs took a step toward Mia. "You should go home, little girl. Maybe take a nap or—"

Before he could finish his sentence, Mia leaped forward, a powerful kick colliding with his chest. The force sent him flying backward, hitting the rooftop railing hard. His eyes widened in shock, and for a moment, it looked like his heart might leap out of his throat.

The others stopped laughing immediately.

Mia, still fuming, stormed toward them. "Who's next?" she growled, cracking her knuckles.

One of the villains gulped, trying to back away. "Hey, hey, we were just joking, okay? No need to—"

But Mia was having none of it. She spun, delivering a roundhouse kick that sent another thug crashing into a pile of crates. His face turned pale, and he clutched his chest as if his heart had almost burst out of his body.

"Not so funny now, is it?" Mia sneered, glaring at the last remaining villain.

He raised his hands in surrender, trembling. "N-no, not funny at all! Please don't—"

With a swift punch, Mia knocked him to the ground, standing over him with a fierce look in her eyes. "Next time, keep your jokes to yourselves."

The rooftop was now eerily silent, the villains groaning in pain and completely incapacitated. Mia stood there, breathing heavily, but victorious. Her Pokémon huddled behind her, equally impressed and a little scared at how quickly things had escalated.

Pikachu poked his head out cautiously. "Pika pika?" Feel better now?

Mia, still a bit annoyed, sighed. "Yeah... maybe just a little."

Charmander, still blushing from earlier, couldn't help but smile. "Char char!" You sure showed them!

Mia gave them a tired grin. "Let's just wrap this up and go home. I really need that nap now."

Jay looked around the dining table. " She's still sleeping?"

Kai nodded.

Jay sighed and reached for a piece of toast. " You know, I'm getting worried."

Wu happened to walk in and overhear. " Why?" He asked as he sipped his tea.

Jay looked at him. " Because she's oversleeping!"

" Because she's busy at night, catching criminals."

Everyone stared at him. " What?!" Jay exclaimed. 

Then, Mia walked in. " What's the fuss about?"

Everyone turned to her. " Mia, why didn't you tell us you were awake at night, catching criminals?!" Jay exclaimed.

Mia blushed slightly. " Oh, I did nothing. The Pokémon did all the work." She said modestly.

Pika jumped and pulled out a strand of her hair. 

" OW!" She yelled. " What was that for, Pika?!"

Pikachu stood on the table, crossing his little arms and glaring at Mia with a disapproving look.

Mia rubbed her head where Pikachu had yanked her hair. "What did I ever do to you?!" she exclaimed, bewildered.

"Pika pika!" Pikachu pointed at her with a sharp squeak, then mimicked falling asleep mid-step and tumbling over dramatically onto the table, as if to make a point.

Kai raised an eyebrow. "He's saying you keep overworking yourself and not sleeping."

Mia blinked, completely flustered. "But I—"

"Pika!" Pikachu stomped his foot, glaring even more intensely.

Jay folded his arms. "Mia, you're out there all night fighting crime while we think you're safely asleep. You didn't think we'd want to know?"

Mia shuffled awkwardly, avoiding eye contact. "I... well, you guys are busy during the day, and I didn't want to bother anyone. Plus, someone has to keep the city safe at night, right?"

Wu set his tea down and looked at her seriously. "Mia, you're a ninja, yes. But even ninjas need rest. You can't keep burning the candle at both ends."

"Pika pika pi!" Pikachu chimed in, agreeing with a firm nod.

Mia groaned and slumped into her seat. "Okay, fine! I get it. But I can handle it! The Pokémon help a lot."

Jay leaned forward. "But what if something happens to you? You're not invincible, Mia."

Mia blushed and puffed her cheeks slightly. "I'm fine, really!"

Just then, her head drooped, and she barely kept herself from falling forward into her plate.

"Uh-huh," Kai said dryly. "Sure you are."

Nya, who had been quietly observing, chimed in. "Maybe it's time for a real break. You're running on fumes."

Mia sighed heavily, rubbing her face. "Fine... I'll take a break. But only if someone else covers for me at night."

Everyone exchanged looks, and Wu raised a hand. "We'll discuss who can handle the night patrols. But for now, you're grounded from night missions until you get some proper rest."

Mia groaned again, her shoulders slumping even further. "Grounded? Seriously?"

Jay reached over and ruffled her hair. "Seriously. We love you, Mia, and we can't have you running yourself into the ground."

Pikachu gave her a gentle poke with a now-sympathetic look, as if to say, We just want you safe.

Mia sighed again, leaning back in her chair. "Okay, okay. I'll rest... but only because you all care way too much."

"Pika!" Pikachu grinned and jumped into her lap, nuzzling her as if to say, That's more like it.

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