Family Vacation
Since Mia is a very reckless driver, only seemed fair I put a video of a reckless driver.
And since my annoying cousin just HAD to choose it, it's.... well, the topic of her fanfics
I'm paying her back someday, don't you worry
" How long will you be gone?" Wu asked.
" Few days. A week at most." Jay replied.
" Don't worry, Master Wu. We'll be fine, I promise!" Mia reassured him.
Wu sighed wearily. " That is contemptible, coming from you"
" Don't worry! If I wasn't worth driving, who do you think I would have this driving license!"
" Oka- what?!"
Mia smirked. " I got it loooooooong time back."
Kai sighed. " This is going to be a very long trip
" MIAAAAAAAAAAA!" Jay yelled as he clutched onto the dashboard.. " SLOW DOOOOOOOOOWN!"
" Why?" Mia yelled back as she swerved on the road.
" YEAH! ENJOY THE RIDE!" Mia laughed maniacally as she swerved.
Jay grabbed the dashboard. " MIA AT LEAST FOLLOW THE SAFETY RULES!"
" YOUR DRIVING SAYS OTHERWISE!" Jay hit his head on the roof. " Ow!"
Suddenly, Mia screeched to a stop, and Jay, Kai, and Nya lurched forward, their noses touching the front window.
" Don't you guys know how to wear seatbelts?" Mia scolded.
Kai and Nya looked wearily at her, but then their seatbelts snapped. With a yelp, they were shot back on their seats.
And they broke their backs.
" Ow!" Kai yelped as he rubbed his back. " MIa!"
Mia didn't even blink.
Blackie peeked his head out of his bag and turned to the sick siblings matter of fact. " You know," he meowed as he took a filer out and started to file his nails. " Mia always drives like this. So you should get used to it."
Jay glanced at the cat. " How can you be so CALM about this?!"
Blackie gave him a lazy look. " Because I'm her cat."
Jay rubbed his temples, looking at the cat in disbelief. "Of course you're calm. You're practically indestructible!" He turned back to Mia, who had already restarted the engine with a grin on her face. "Mia, please, for the love of everything—slow down!"
Mia scoffed, ignoring his plea as she shifted gears. "Relax, Jay. I'm a ninja! We live life on the edge, remember?"
Kai groaned from the backseat, still rubbing his back after being thrown against the seatbelt. "There's living life on the edge, and then there's this. You're a hazard!"
Nya leaned back, sighing dramatically. "She's going to get us all killed before we even reach our mission." She glared at Mia. "You know, if you crash, it'll take us a lot longer than a week to recover."
Mia waved her hand dismissively. "You guys are so dramatic. We're not even going that fast."
Jay clutched his seatbelt tighter. "Not going fast? We just hit a speed bump and flew five feet into the air!! I'm pretty sure that qualifies as fast!"
Blackie, still lounging comfortably in his bag, yawned lazily. "I think Mia's driving is quite entertaining. It's like a rollercoaster ride, except with more potential for disaster."
Jay groaned, eyeing the cat. "How can you be so chill about this? Aren't you even a little scared?"
Blackie gave him a bored look and flicked his tail. "I trust Mia. If she crashes, she'll probably land on her feet. And if not, well... nine lives and all that."
Kai muttered under his breath, "I wish I had nine lives right about now."
As Mia sped up again, narrowly missing a road sign, Jay closed his eyes, holding onto the dashboard for dear life. "Mia, I swear, if we make it out of this alive, I'm never getting in a car with you again."
Mia laughed maniacally, swerving around a corner. "Oh, come on, Jay! Where's your sense of adventure?"
"Back there at the last rest stop!" Jay shouted.
Nya, trying to keep her composure, took a deep breath. "Mia, can you at least try to pretend like you care about road safety?"
Mia shot her a cheeky grin through the rearview mirror. "Road safety is for civilians. We're ninjas! We are the safety."
Kai groaned. "No, no, no. Road safety is for everyone, including ninjas! You're gonna give Master Wu a heart attack when he hears about this."
Blackie, flicking his whiskers, added, "Wu won't be surprised. He's seen Mia drive before. In fact, I think he made peace with this sort of chaos a long time ago."
Jay slumped in his seat, eyes wide. "I haven't made peace with anything! I'm still processing the fact that we're all still in one piece!"
Just as Jay finished speaking, Mia screeched to a halt again, parking the car at the side of the road. The sudden stop once again sent the others jolting forward, their seatbelts snapping them back in place.
Mia turned around, grinning triumphantly. "See? We made it! I told you guys I had this under control."
Jay, Kai, and Nya sat there in stunned silence, their eyes wide, still gripping their seats like their lives depended on it. Blackie, meanwhile, nonchalantly hopped out of the bag, landing gracefully on the dashboard.
"Well," Blackie purred, stretching lazily, "that was fun. I think Mia should drive more often."
Jay, still pale, muttered under his breath, "Next time, I'm flying the car."
The moment the group stepped out of the fast-food restaurant, Jay's face was already pale. He knew what was coming. He could see the mischievous grin plastered across Mia's face as she tossed the car keys into the air, catching them effortlessly. She marched confidently towards the front seat, giving Jay a wink as she slid into the driver's seat.
"No, no, no," Jay muttered, his hands starting to sweat. He shot a pleading look at Kai. "We can't let her drive again."
Kai sighed, already resigned to his fate. "Too late. She's got the keys."
Before Jay could protest, Mia had revved the engine with a sound that sent chills down his spine. It roared to life like a beast awakened from slumber, echoing ominously through the parking lot. Jay's heart skipped a beat as he noticed the glint in her eye.
"You ready, losers?" Mia called out, her voice loud and obnoxious as she slammed her hands on the steering wheel.
Jay hesitated, his eyes darting to Kai and Nya. They, too, seemed to share his dread but said nothing. With a heavy sigh, they all piled into the car, strapping themselves in with the same expression one would wear before facing a death-defying stunt.
The moment the seatbelts clicked, Mia stomped on the gas without warning. The tires screeched, and the car lurched forward with such force that everyone was slammed back into their seats. Jay's breath was knocked out of him, and his fingers instinctively curled around the dashboard.
"MIAAAAAAA!" he screamed, his voice barely audible over the deafening roar of the engine.
Mia cackled like a madwoman as she sped down the road, weaving in and out of traffic as though the lanes didn't exist. "You said you wanted to get there fast!" she yelled back, her voice a mix of excitement and chaos.
"I didn't mean this FAST!" Jay squealed, his knuckles white as he gripped the door for dear life. "This is not how speed limits work!"
Mia ignored him, eyes gleaming with pure adrenaline as she slammed her foot down harder on the accelerator. The car surged forward, darting between two trucks like a bullet fired from a gun. Horns blared from all directions, but Mia didn't flinch. If anything, it only seemed to fuel her more.
"This is amazing!" she yelled over the wind whipping through the open windows. "Come on, Jay, loosen up! You're gonna get whiplash if you stay that tense."
Jay's voice cracked as he shouted, "I already HAVE whiplash!"
Kai, in the backseat, was clutching his head in disbelief. "Mia, for the love of everything holy, slow down! There's a red light coming up!"
"Red light?" Mia grinned, her foot hovering over the brake pedal for a split second. She tapped it lightly before slamming down the gas again, running the red light with a deafening roar. "Red lights are just suggestions!"
Nya yelped from the backseat, slapping a hand over her eyes. "Mia, you're going to get us all killed!"
Mia threw her head back and laughed, taking a sharp turn at such a speed that the tires screeched in protest. "Relax! I've got this under control! I've seen worse turns on a video game."
Jay shot her a panicked glance, his face turning a deeper shade of green by the second. "Video games? VIDEO GAMES? This is real life, Mia! You can't just hit the reset button if we crash!"
Mia waved a hand dismissively, speeding up again as the car bounced slightly off the curb before careening back onto the road. "You're too uptight, Jay. You need to learn how to enjoy the ride!"
Jay's eyes darted to the speedometer, which was steadily creeping past the legal limit. "Oh my god, we're going 120 kilometers per hour. We're going to die."
Kai, his hands gripping the seatbelt tightly, muttered, "We are absolutely going to die."
"Would you all chill out?" Mia barked over the noise. "You guys act like this is the first time I've driven you anywhere!"
"Because every time you drive, we have a near-death experience!" Jay shot back, his voice shrill. "And I'm pretty sure this is our last time!"
Nya was gripping her seatbelt so tightly her knuckles were white. "Can you at least pretend to follow traffic rules? We nearly hit that motorcycle!"
Mia's face lit up in a mischievous grin as she sped up even more, zooming around a tight corner without slowing down. "I didn't hit him! I missed him! That's all that matters, right?"
Jay whimpered, sinking lower into his seat. "I swear, if we make it out of this alive, I'm never getting in a car with you again."
Blackie, nestled comfortably in his bag, peeked out and stretched lazily. "You humans are such cowards. Mia's driving is exhilarating. If I were you, I'd enjoy the rush."
Jay shot the cat a horrified look. "Exhilarating? I'm about to have a heart attack!"
Blackie flicked his tail lazily. "Well, then you might want to close your eyes. It's going to get bumpier from here."
"Bumpier?" Kai asked, his voice cracking in disbelief. "How could it possibly get bumpier?"
As if on cue, Mia slammed the car over a speed bump at full speed, sending the vehicle momentarily airborne. Jay's scream was drowned out by the roar of the engine, and Kai and Nya were thrown violently against their seatbelts.
When the car landed back on the road with a jarring thud, Mia threw her head back and howled with laughter. "Now that's what I call fun!"
Jay was hyperventilating now, his hand pressed to his chest as he tried to calm his racing heart. "This is not fun! This is a nightmare!"
Kai rubbed his temples, already feeling a migraine forming. "Mia, if we don't die from your driving, I'm going to have gray hair by the end of this trip."
Nya groaned, burying her face in her hands. "Just get us there in one piece, Mia. That's all we ask."
Mia smirked as she finally eased off the gas, pulling the car into a parking lot with a flourish. The tires screeched as they came to a halt, and the car rocked slightly from the force of the stop.
"There you go," Mia announced, turning off the engine. "Safe and sound. Just like I promised."
Jay, still clutching the dashboard with trembling hands, turned slowly to face her. "Safe and sound? Safe and sound? I think my soul left my body back there on that last turn!"
Blackie yawned, hopping onto the dashboard and stretching. "You humans are so dramatic. I've been on wilder rides."
Jay shot the cat a glare. "How can you be so calm? How are any of you calm?"
Mia grinned, unbuckling her seatbelt. "Because we trust me, Jay. Maybe you should try it sometime."
Jay shook his head, stumbling out of the car on shaky legs. "Trust you? I'd rather trust a brick wall."
Nya and Kai, both wincing from their sore backs, climbed out of the car with groans. "Next time," Nya muttered, "I'm driving."
Kai, still rubbing his temples, muttered under his breath, "If there is a next time."
Mia just shrugged, tossing the keys into the air and catching them with a smirk. "Hey, you wanted to get here fast. Mission accomplished."
Jay looked back at the car, then at Mia, and shook his head. "Fast doesn't always mean safe, Mia."
Blackie trotted past Jay, his tail flicking in amusement. "Well, at least it wasn't boring."
" Relax." Mia said as she punched the pedal. " Only one hour left and we're at our vacation spot."
" How much if you go regular?" Kai asked wearily.
" Five days."
Jay's eyes bulged out of his head at Mia's nonchalant response. "FIVE DAYS?" he shrieked. "MIA, THAT'S THE NORMAL WAY! WHY ARE YOU DRIVING LIKE WE'RE IN A VIDEO GAME?!"
Mia smirked, her foot firmly pressing the gas pedal as the car surged forward. "Because, Jay, regular is boring. And besides, we've only got one hour left if we do it my way."
Kai, gripping the side of his seat so hard his knuckles turned white, groaned. "I'm starting to think five days would've been the safer option."
As if on cue, Mia suddenly yanked the steering wheel to the right, and the car flew off the main road onto a ramp — yes, a literal ramp. Jay screamed in horror as the car launched into the air, defying gravity like a stunt straight out of an action movie.
"WHY IS THERE A RAMP ON THE HIGHWAY?!" Jay shouted, his voice cracking as the car soared above the traffic below.
Mia let out a gleeful laugh, gripping the wheel as though she were a pilot navigating a fighter jet. "Who cares? It's fun!"
The car landed with a bone-jarring thud on top of a parking structure, bouncing slightly as they skidded around the roof. Nya, her face pressed against the window, let out a groan. "Mia, we're on top of a building."
"Exactly," Mia replied, grinning from ear to ear as she spotted another ramp on the edge of the parking lot. Without a second thought, she floored it again.
"MIA, NO!" Kai shouted as he realized where she was headed.
The car zoomed across the roof of the building, flying over the edge and catching air once again. Jay let out another ear-piercing scream as the car hurtled towards another nearby building, landing with a screech as Mia drifted around the corner like some kind of professional stunt driver.
"How is this happening?!" Jay wailed, clutching the dashboard for dear life as the car zigzagged across the rooftops. "This is impossible! We're ninjas, not stunt drivers!"
Mia shot him a wink in the rearview mirror. "Ninjas do everything, Jay. Even this."
Nya yanked her seatbelt tighter as they zoomed toward the edge of another building. "This is beyond ninja skills, Mia! We're about to crash!"
Mia laughed, ignoring the warning signs as they hurtled straight off the edge again. But this time, instead of landing on another rooftop, they crashed through the roof of a public bathroom with an earth-shaking BANG.
The car slammed into the ground inside the bathroom with enough force to crack the tiles, and for a moment, everything was silent. Then, the sound of water spraying from a shattered toilet filled the air.
Jay groaned from the passenger seat, his face buried in his hands. "I knew it. I knew we were going to crash."
Mia, unfazed, threw the car into reverse and backed out of the wreckage of the bathroom. "Relax. We're almost there."
Kai blinked, his face pale as he stared at the shattered remains of the bathroom they'd just demolished. "Did... did we just crash through a public bathroom?"
"Yep," Mia said cheerfully. "But look at the bright side! We're making good time."
Nya looked around at the destruction, horrified. "We're also leaving a trail of chaos and destruction!"
Blackie, who had somehow managed to sleep through most of the madness, peeked out from his bag and yawned lazily. "Mia's definition of 'good time' seems a little... intense."
Jay shot a look at the cat, his voice shaking. "You think?!"
Mia revved the engine again, her grin never faltering. "Hold on, guys. Just a few more buildings and ramps to go!"
Kai groaned, sinking lower into his seat. "I'm never letting you drive again."
"Seconded," Jay muttered weakly as Mia sped off, crashing through another wall on her way to their destination.
As soon as the car screeched to a stop, Jay, Kai, and Nya practically leaped out, their legs wobbly from the terrifying ride. Jay collapsed onto the ground, clutching it like he was hugging the Earth.
"I'm alive," Jay breathed out in relief, his voice shaky. "Thank the First Spinjitzu Master... I'm alive."
Kai stumbled over to a nearby tree, his face pale. "I think I'm gonna be sick," he muttered, leaning against it for support.
Nya was stretching out her cramped muscles, still glaring at Mia. "You drive like a maniac," she said flatly.
Mia, completely unbothered by the complaints of her passengers, stepped out of the car and checked the GPS on her phone. She froze. "Uh-oh..." she muttered under her breath.
Jay's head snapped up. "Uh-oh? Why are you saying uh-oh?" He looked like he was about to have a panic attack.
Mia cleared her throat, trying to sound casual. "Well, it looks like someone put in the wrong address."
Kai straightened up, blinking. "Wait, what?"
Mia turned to him with a sheepish grin. "Yeah, um... Kai, you put in the wrong address. We're not where we're supposed to be."
Kai's jaw dropped. "I WHAT?!"
Nya facepalmed, groaning. "Kai..."
Jay's eyes were wide with disbelief. "You're telling me that after all of that, we're not even at the right place?"
Mia gave a little shrug, still smiling awkwardly. "Yup. So, uh... everyone back in the car. We've got three more hours to go!"
Kai looked like he was going to explode. "THREE MORE HOURS?!"
Jay let out a long, drawn-out groan, lying flat on the ground again. "No... I can't. I can't survive three more hours of that."
Nya crossed her arms, glaring at Mia. "And how long would it take on a regular drive?"
Mia blinked, tapping her chin as she did the mental math. "Oh, regular? That'd be about... a month."
"A month?" Jay squeaked, his voice breaking. "So, if you drove like a normal person, it'd take a month to get there?"
Mia nodded. "Yeah, but who wants to take that long when you can do it in a few hours?"
Kai looked at the car, horrified. "I'd rather take the month..."
Blackie hopped out of the bag, stretching before sitting next to Mia, his tail flicking lazily. "See?" the cat said smugly. "This is why I sleep through her driving. Best way to cope."
Jay got to his feet, shaking his head. "No. No, I am not getting back in that death machine. I'd rather walk."
Kai crossed his arms, still glaring. "Or teleport. I don't care, I'm not getting in there either."
Nya sighed and rubbed her temples. "We have to get to the vacation spot somehow."
Mia, undeterred, wiggled her keys. "C'mon, it'll be fun! One more hour and we'll be there! Two hours, tops!"
Jay and Kai exchanged a glance before both of them shouted in unison, "THREE HOURS!"
Mia blinked, then chuckled nervously. "Right. Three hours."
Blackie purred as he hopped back into the car, already settling down in his cozy spot. "I think I'll stay in here. It's warm, and Mia's insanity is kind of entertaining."
Jay groaned loudly, glancing at the car with dread. "I'm really going to regret this..."
" Woooooooah!" Jay yelped as the cat tilted to the side.
" So you're saying the climate's gonna be nice?* Mia asked as she swerved
" Yeah, I guess you could say that."
He took a deep breath. " We can-"
He hit the roof of the car
" watch the birds"
Then his face was smashed in the windshield.
" Together......"
Kai and Nya were in the back, holding onto one another. " Jay, come sit with us!"
Jay unbuckled and crawled to the back and huddled with the others
Mia grinned. " Suit yourself."
Then, Mia lit her hand with lightning and placed it on the dashboard.
The entire car jolted forward, the engine roaring like an angry beast. The world outside blurred into streaks of color, and Jay's stomach flipped as the car shot forward faster than he ever thought possible.
"HOW FAST ARE WE GOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING?!" Jay screamed, his voice barely audible over the wind that whipped through the car, making their hair fly in all directions.
Mia glanced back at him with a wild grin, her eyes alight with excitement. "674 MILES PER HOUR! THIS IS SO FUN!"
Kai and Nya, who were holding onto each other in the backseat, exchanged horrified glances. Kai's face had gone pale, and Nya's hair was practically plastered to her face from the sheer speed.
"FUN?! THIS ISN'T FUN, MIA!" Kai shouted, his voice shaking as the car swerved left and right, narrowly avoiding trees and street signs. "THIS IS A NIGHTMARE!"
Nya gripped Kai's arm tighter, her voice strained. "MIA, YOU NEED TO SLOW DOWN! WE'RE GONNA BREAK THE SOUND BARRIER AT THIS RATE!"
Jay, now huddled between them, was clutching onto the headrest with a death grip, his eyes wide in terror. His cheeks were squished against the seat, making his face look like it was being pressed through a wind tunnel. "I DON'T WANT TO BREAK ANYTHING, ESPECIALLY MY FACE!"
Mia, completely unfazed, laughed maniacally. "RELAX, GUYS! THIS IS HOW WE'RE GONNA MAKE IT IN RECORD TIME!"
Just then, the car veered off the road entirely, bouncing onto a dirt path that led through a dense forest. The tires kicked up a massive cloud of dust as they plowed through bushes and branches. Jay yelped as his head slammed into the ceiling again.
"MIAAAAAA, WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!" Jay hollered, his voice cracking.
The car bounced over a rock, sending them all airborne for a brief moment. When they crashed back down, the entire vehicle shook, and Kai nearly flew out of his seat.
"MIA, YOU'RE GONNA GET US KILLED!" Kai shouted, his knuckles white as he held onto the door handle.
Mia just laughed louder. "DON'T WORRY, KAI! I'VE GOT IT UNDER CONTROL!"
They hit a sharp turn, and the car skidded wildly, narrowly missing a tree trunk by mere inches. Nya's eyes were wide as she buried her face in Jay's shoulder, while Kai had given up entirely, his face smashed against the seat cushion in resignation.
Suddenly, up ahead, they saw a steep hill leading down to a cliffside. The road seemed to end abruptly, with nothing but open air beyond it.
"UHHH... MIA? THERE'S A CLIFF!" Nya yelled, her voice filled with panic.
Mia glanced at the cliff and shrugged nonchalantly. "YEP, I SEE IT!"
"WHY NOT?!" Mia grinned, revving the engine even harder. "IT'LL BE LIKE A ROLLER COASTER!"
"THIS ISN'T AN AMUSEMENT PARK!" Kai shouted, his voice barely a squeak at this point.
As they sped toward the cliff's edge, Jay, Kai, and Nya braced themselves for the inevitable drop. Their hearts pounded in their chests as the wind howled around them. The car hit the edge and, without hesitation, soared into the air.
For a brief moment, everything went quiet. The car was suspended in the sky, floating like a bird in flight. Then, gravity kicked in, and they plummeted.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" The three of them screamed in unison as the car dove toward the ground below, the wind whipping past their faces.
Mia, still grinning ear to ear, gave the steering wheel a sharp twist mid-air. "HANG ON TIGHT!"
The car flipped once, twice, then three times before landing on the road below with a thunderous crash. Dust and debris exploded around them as the car skidded, leaving deep tire marks on the road. Finally, with a loud screech, the car came to a stop.
For a long moment, no one said anything. The car was smoking, the tires were worn, and the passengers were completely disheveled. Jay, Kai, and Nya were sprawled across the backseat, their hair a tangled mess and their expressions frozen in shock.
Mia, on the other hand, was laughing breathlessly. "THAT WAS AWESOME! Let's do it again!"
Kai, his face pressed against the seat, groaned. "I think... I'm gonna be sick..."
Jay, still clutching Nya, looked like he'd just seen his life flash before his eyes. "I'm never... getting in a car... with you again..."
Nya, too exhausted to argue, nodded weakly. "Agreed..."
Blackie, who had remained eerily calm through the entire ordeal, yawned and stretched from his spot in the bag. "Well, that was a nice little ride. But maybe next time, we can take the scenic route... at a reasonable speed."
Just as everyone in the backseat thought they were safe, Mia smirked devilishly. Without warning, she slammed her foot on the pedal once again.
The engine roared like an angry beast, the tires screeching against the pavement. "MIA, NO!" Jay screamed, his hands flailing in the back as the car jolted forward, throwing him against his seat.
"WE JUST SURVIVED A DEATH-DEFYING STUNT!" Nya shrieked, her voice cracking from the stress.
"CAN'T WE HAVE ONE SECOND OF PEACE?!" Kai added, bracing himself as the car accelerated.
Mia's grin widened as she gripped the steering wheel. "Nope! We've got a hotel to reach!"
The car zoomed forward at an impossible speed, wind rushing through the slightly cracked windows and making everyone's hair fly in every direction. The road seemed to blur as they shot through the town, passing by other cars like they were standing still. Jay, Kai, and Nya clung to each other in the back, their faces frozen in horror.
"MIA, SLOW DOWN!" Jay yelled, pressing himself as flat as possible against the seat as if that would somehow protect him from Mia's reckless driving.
Mia ignored him, weaving in and out of traffic with a crazed look of determination. "Relax, we're almost there!" she said, her voice filled with excitement.
Kai's eyes were wide as he watched buildings zoom by, one after another. "AT THIS SPEED, WE'LL BE THERE IN SECONDS!"
"THAT'S NOT A GOOD THING!" Nya screamed, gripping Jay's arm tightly.
The city streets blurred into streaks of neon lights and passing cars as Mia expertly navigated through intersections, barely missing other vehicles by inches. Jay couldn't believe his eyes. Every turn felt like the car was going to flip, and every straightaway felt like they were going to launch into the air again.
Mia's eyes lit up as they approached a long, empty stretch of road leading toward the hotel. "Hold on tight, everyone!" she warned, her foot pressing down even harder on the pedal.
The car's engine screamed as they hit top speed, tearing down the street like a bullet. Jay's face was pressed against the window, his cheeks squished from the G-force. "WE'RE GONNA DIE!" he cried out, his voice muffled.
Nya was clinging to Kai with all her strength. "If we survive this, I'm banning Mia from driving us anywhere ever again!" she swore, her hair completely tangled and blown out of place.
Suddenly, the hotel appeared in the distance. Mia's eyes narrowed as she aimed for the front entrance. "Almost there!"
Jay's eyes widened in terror as they sped toward the building at an insane speed. "MIA, STOP! STOP THE CAR!"
Mia laughed maniacally and pressed down on the brakes at the very last second. The car screeched violently, tires burning rubber as they slid across the pavement. The sound was deafening, like nails on a chalkboard, as the car skidded sideways, coming to a halt just inches from the hotel entrance.
The sudden stop threw everyone forward. Jay, Kai, and Nya were flung against the back of the front seats with a collective "OOMPH!" before collapsing in a heap on top of each other. Their bodies felt like jelly, completely exhausted and overwhelmed from the ride.
Mia sat there with a wide grin plastered across her face. "And we're here!" she announced triumphantly.
Jay, still mashed between Kai and Nya, groaned. "I've... never... hated... driving... more..." He peeled his face off the seat cushion, his hair standing on end from the static.
Kai, rubbing his temples, glared at Mia. "That... was beyond reckless, Mia! You could've crashed into the hotel! Or worse, us!"
Nya pulled herself up, still dizzy from the ride. "I don't even know how we're still alive..." she muttered, leaning on the car door for support.
Mia, however, was already out of the car, stretching her arms. "What's the big deal? We made it in record time! Only took, what, twenty minutes?"
Blackie yawned lazily from his spot in the bag, unfazed by the chaos. "I told you all to get used to her driving," he drawled, flicking his tail.
Kai stumbled out of the car, his legs wobbly. "Next time, we're walking," he mumbled, holding onto the side of the car for balance.
Mia didn't seem to notice their exhaustion as she grabbed her bags. "Come on, guys! Vacation time! Let's go check in!"
Jay, Nya, and Kai groaned collectively as they dragged themselves out of the car, each one swearing never to let Mia drive again. As they limped toward the hotel doors, Jay turned to Nya and whispered, "We need a new driver for the way back..."
"Agreed," Nya muttered, rubbing her sore shoulders.
Behind them, Mia skipped toward the entrance, completely unfazed by the chaos she'd caused. "This is gonna be the best vacation ever!" she declared, her excitement undiminished.
Kai shook his head wearily. "Best vacation ever... after surviving the worst car ride of my life..."
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