Dinner with Maya and Ray
( I copied the first half from the other one) " NINJA-GO, Ninja come on come on come on and do the weekend whip."The Pokemon, Mia and Blackie sang. Mia was bent over, holding Pikachu's paw and Squirtles paw, and Charmander and Bulbasaur held those paws. Blackie was on Mia's head, singing off key.
But no one cared
" Okay, time for nap!" Mia exclaimed, and everyone ran off to get into their PJ's.
Except Bulbasaur.
He stared at Mia.
" What?" She asked when she noticed.
Bulbasaur didn't reply.
" Come on, Bulba! It'll be fun!*
" Bulba."
You're fun and my fun are different
Mia sighed. " You might have told me once or ten other times."
Mia raised an eyebrow at Bulbasaur, who was still standing in the middle of the room, looking completely unamused. She placed her hands on her hips and let out an exaggerated sigh.
"Okay, fine," she muttered, "I get it. Your idea of fun is probably... what? Rolling around in dirt or battling other Pokémon? Not running around singing the *Weekend Whip*?"
"Bulba," Bulbasaur nodded solemnly, confirming her suspicion.
Mia shook her head, trying not to laugh. "You might have told me once or ten other times that our fun is different, but come on, you could at least try! PJ's are comfy! You might like them!"
Bulbasaur raised a skeptical brow but remained rooted in place.
Blackie, still perched on Mia's head, gave an exaggerated yawn and stretched his paws, clearly unbothered by Bulbasaur's stubbornness. "I'm with Bulba on this one," Blackie said, sounding tired. "Fun is subjective. Now, are we napping or what?"
"Fine, fine, we'll all get ready for bed," Mia agreed, throwing her hands up in surrender.
Pikachu and Squirtle had already bolted off, excitedly rummaging through their small collection of PJ's, and Charmander was trying to figure out how to wear his without burning them. Mia noticed the little fire lizard struggling and giggled. "Charmander, let me help you before we burn the whole room down."
Charmander grinned sheepishly as Mia helped him slip into his flame-proof pajamas. Once he was set, she looked back at Bulbasaur, who still hadn't moved.
"Okay, Bulbasaur," Mia said, getting down to his level, "I get that you're not into all this naptime stuff. But how about this: You can stay up a bit longer and do... whatever Bulbasaurs like to do. Deal?"
"Bulba," he responded, finally looking a bit more pleased with the compromise.
Mia smiled, rubbing the top of Bulbasaur's head before getting herself into her own PJ's. She glanced around the room to see Pikachu and Squirtle already snug in their little beds, and Charmander was curled up by the fire, his tail glowing faintly.
Blackie jumped off Mia's head and onto her bed, curling up in a ball at the foot of it. "Finally," Blackie muttered. "Nap time."
Mia giggled, hopping into her own bed, surrounded by her happy Pokémon. Even Bulbasaur, though still awake, found a comfortable spot on the floor, content with the peace of the room.
As Mia watched her animals, she smiled. "Goodnight, everyone."
A chorus of content Pokémon sounds filled the air as they all drifted off to sleep. Even Bulbasaur, who pretended he wasn't tired, finally dozed off.
Mia kissed them all softly on the head and pulled the blanket higher.
Then she tiptoed out.
To bump into Jay.
He was wearing a suit and tie, and his hair was combed back. " Why aren't you dressed?"
Mia met his gaze steadily. " I'm got going."
" Why?"
" Because I have more important things at home."
Jay sighed. " Look, I know you're afraid of getting drowned or burned, but that's not going to happen!"
Mia nodded uncertainly. " Uh huh."
Jay stared at her. " Kai?" He called. " I need help."
Kai came over and took one look at Jay. " Uh.... what's with the fancy getup?"
" I want to make a good first impression."
" Uh huh. And what's with Mia? Why is she still in her nightgown?"
Jay groaned. " She doesn't want to go to your parents house because she thinks they're gonna either burn us or drown us."
" Because they were elemental maaaaaasters!" Mia called from a safe distance.
Kai couldn't help but chuckle as he glanced over at Mia, who was peeking around the corner with wide, cautious eyes. "Mia, they're retired. I promise, they're not going to use their powers on you. My parents are super chill."
Mia stayed quiet for a moment, then muttered, "But they're still elemental masters, Kai! You and Nya can control fire and water... What if they get upset or something?"
Jay sighed, adjusting his tie nervously. "Mia, you're being ridiculous. Maya and Ray are really nice. They won't turn into supervillains over dinner."
Kai nodded in agreement. "Exactly. You've met them before, Mia. Remember? They adored you. And trust me, if anyone's setting anything on fire, it's probably going to be me accidentally."
Mia raised an eyebrow, stepping a little closer. "What about Nya? She's always so calm... and then suddenly WHOOSH—big wave. I've seen it happen."
Kai shook his head, amused. "Mia, Nya only does that when we're in battle or in training. She's not going to do it at dinner. Relax. Besides, if it makes you feel better, I'll keep an eye on my parents. I'll make sure they don't 'whoosh' or 'flame up' while you're around."
Mia huffed, crossing her arms, still uncertain. "I just... I don't know. I like it here with my Pokémon and Blackie. I feel safe."
Blackie, from his spot on the couch, raised his head lazily and gave a meow of approval. "See? Even Blackie agrees!" Mia added triumphantly.
Kai and Jay exchanged looks, clearly trying not to laugh. "Mia," Jay said, trying a different approach, "you don't have to stay the whole time. We'll go for a bit, have some food, and if you don't feel comfortable, we'll come right back. Deal?"
Mia scrunched her nose, contemplating the idea. She glanced over at her Pokémon, all cozy and asleep. Finally, she sighed. "Fine. But if I see even one spark or a drop of water heading my way, I'm out of there faster than you can say 'ninja-go.'"
Kai grinned. "Deal. I'll protect you from any sparks or splashes, I promise."
"Good," Mia said, now standing fully in front of them. "Because if I get burned or soaked, you're both getting the worst birthday presents ever."
Jay chuckled as he ran a hand through his hair. "Noted. Now, go get dressed. We'll leave in ten minutes."
Mia sighed dramatically and trudged off toward her room. "Alright, but I'm bringing a water gun... just in case."
Kai and Jay exchanged amused glances as she disappeared around the corner.
"Water gun, huh?" Kai said, smirking.
"Better than bringing a fire extinguisher," Jay replied with a grin. "Though, with your family, that might actually come in handy."
" Good afternoon! All of you." Maya greeted as she hugged her big boy and little girl
" Hi mommy!" Kai said as he hugged her.
Nya rolled her eyes but smiled. " Hi, mom."
Maya smiled. " And hello, Jay! Sorry we didn't host dinner any sooner."
Ray came out as well. " Hello kids." He said, waving.
Jay bowed slightly and tugged his bow. Maya noticed.
" It's okay, Jay. We don't bite."
Then she quickly added, " unless you ask really nicely."
Then she looked around. " Uh, aren't there four of you?"
Jay sighed and pointed to a tree ten feet away. " She's there."
Mia waddles out of her hiding place. She was wearing a scuba outfit which was flameproof, a scuba mask, tank, flippers, a hat, and a bunch of other stuff.
" Uh... Is she okay?" Ray asked.
Kai and Nya exchanged glances, clearly holding back laughter as Mia cautiously waddled closer in her overly prepared scuba gear. Jay rubbed his temples, a mixture of embarrassment and amusement crossing his face.
"Yeah, she's fine," Jay sighed. "Just... really cautious."
Maya raised an eyebrow, her eyes twinkling with humor. "Cautious? About what?"
Mia finally reached them and stood awkwardly, her flippers smacking the ground loudly with every step. "About you guys," she mumbled, voice slightly muffled through the scuba mask. "You're elemental masters. You control fire and water. I've seen what you two can do, and I'm not taking any chances."
Ray chuckled, shaking his head. "Mia, sweetheart, we're not going to use our powers here. You're completely safe."
Maya grinned and leaned in slightly. "And if we did, you'd be the last person we'd use them on. You're too cute to set on fire."
Mia narrowed her eyes behind the scuba mask. "Cute or not, I'm ready for anything."
Kai couldn't hold it in any longer and burst out laughing. "Mia, you look like you're about to go deep-sea diving, not eat dinner with my parents!"
Nya shook her head, smiling. "You didn't have to go full scuba mode, Mia. My mom and dad are chill. They won't hurt you."
Mia frowned, crossing her arms (or at least attempting to with the bulky gear in the way). "Better safe than sorry."
Maya gave a soft chuckle, walking over to Mia. "Sweetheart, I promise you're safe. No one's going to harm you or anyone else tonight. Why don't you take off that gear and join us for a nice, calm dinner?"
Mia hesitated, looking at Maya and then at Ray. She took a deep breath before slowly reaching up and removing the scuba mask. "Okay... but if I see one spark, I'm out of here."
Ray smiled warmly. "No sparks, no flames, no tidal waves. Just dinner, kiddo."
Mia finally relaxed a bit, tugging off the flippers with some difficulty. "Okay... but I'm keeping the tank. Just in case."
Jay smirked, patting Mia's shoulder. "You do that."
As they all headed inside, Maya couldn't help but laugh softly. "This is going to be an interesting dinner, huh?"
Ray nodded, still smiling. "Definitely one for the books."
Maya watched Jay and Mia eat.
They took very little.
Mia cleared her throat. " Ma'am, this dinner is exceptional. I find it quite appetizing."
Jay raised a brow. " Mia, what did you just say?"
Mia shot him a look. " I'm using sophisticated language, Jay." She whispered.
Then she looked up at her mother and father in law. " Apologies for the slight change of talk there for a second. Shall we discuss politics?"
Maya and Ray exchanged amused looks at Mia's sudden formality. Maya raised an eyebrow, clearly entertained. "Politics, huh?" she asked, a playful glint in her eye. "I must say, that's an unexpected topic for dinner."
Ray chuckled softly, shaking his head. "I think we'll leave the politics for another time, kiddo. But if you want to impress us with some more of that sophisticated language, feel free."
Mia puffed her chest a little, clearly enjoying the attention. "Well, in that case, I must inquire about the state of the economy—"
Jay slapped his hand over her mouth before she could go any further. "Okay, okay, Mia, let's stick to something a bit lighter. Maybe we can talk about dessert instead?"
Mia blinked, clearly considering the offer. "Dessert? Alright, I suppose we can discuss the merits of a well-baked pie." She smiled mischievously. "But only if there's cake involved."
Nya, who had been quietly watching the exchange, couldn't help but laugh. "You sure do know how to keep things interesting, Mia."
Maya smiled warmly, watching the interaction between her kids and Mia. "You all are so much fun. I'm glad you could make it for dinner, even with all the... precautions."
Mia, now back to her usual self, nodded enthusiastically. "I'm glad too! But... do you have any fireproof cake?" She glanced at Kai with a grin. "You know, just in case."
Jay groaned, rolling his eyes. "No fireproof cake, Mia. But there's pie, and it's great."
Maya's eyes sparkled with amusement. "No fireproof cake, but I assure you, we won't burn it." She reached for the dessert plate, placing a slice of warm pie in front of Mia. "Here you go, sweetheart."
Mia eyed the pie suspiciously for a moment, then took a careful bite. A pleased smile spread across her face. "This... this is safe." She said with a nod, her earlier tensions melting away. "This is very, very safe."
Kai chuckled, enjoying the sight of Mia finally relaxing. "I told you, Mia. No sparks, no flames, just good food."
Mia nodded, still chewing happily. "Alright, alright. You win. This is fine." Then, with a smirk, she added, "But next time, I'm bringing my fire extinguisher just in case."
Jay couldn't help but laugh. "Mia, you're incorrigible."
The dinner continued with lighthearted conversation, the atmosphere comfortable and easy. As the meal came to a close, Mia leaned back in her chair, satisfied.
"So, what's next?" she asked. "I'm thinking... maybe a game night?"
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