Deserted Island

New person named Rogue

Good guy I think

But this is the saddest thing

Know who's face this is?

I'll give you a hint

It's the person I used to love but now I hate because he's evil


This dude

I hate hate hate hate hate him now

I mean who woulda thought the ninja everyone loves would turn evil?!

Oi sometimes they drive me crazy

Like really crazy

This morning when I woke up and saw the picture of Jay on the wall ( yeah yeah call me crazy but hey I put it there when I was ten and I don't plan on taking it off anytime soon) I was like " it will be so nice to rewatch the Dragon Rising"

Only then to remember I hate him

Because he's evil

And almost killed Mia's Sister in Law








Lol this is fun





😭😭😭😭😭 Guys I'm literally so bored

Also hi Emmy

Hewo Annie

How you doing?













I have to stop

But Emmy i need payback






..... Okay yeah enough is enough

" Hey Mia?"

" What?"

" Are you sure we're supposed to be here?"

Mia blinked. " Yeah why?"

" Because we're drifting at sea in a canoe."

Mia blinked. " Oh."

Emma was drawing the scenery. " This. Is. Amazing"! She exclaimed as she looked at the crows flying in the sky.

" Shouldn't we..... Oh, I dunno.... Try and find land?"

Mia squinted. " Hey...... I know this place!"

Annie raised a brow. " Really? Where are we?"

" Chiry Chira Island!"

Annie blinked. " yeaaahhhhhh, you're gonna have to update me on what that is."

" It's a desert island not on the maps."

" Yeah!" Emma exclaimed. " Desert island!"

" But where's it located?" Annie asked.

They bonked land, and Mia grinned. " Right next to Antarctica."


" What. are. We. supposed. To. dress. In?" Annie asked as Mia and Emma tied the canoe to a few rocks..

Mia pulled the rope and turned. " Never fear, the artist is here"!"

" Oh yeah." Annie said sarcastically. " Like Emma's gonna be able to-"


" She means a hula dancer?" Annie asked.

Mia shrugged helplessly.

Emma ran from the bushes and grinned. " Like it?"

Emma was wearing a purple small short sleeve shirt and a skirt made of long palmleaves.

" Cool!" Mia exclaimed. " You have any others?"

Emma grinned. " Does Annie always carry that heavy bag of hers EVERYWHERE?"


" So...... what now?" Annie asked as she watched Mia execute a triple flip in the air and a cartwheel., landing in the soft grainy sand.

Mia shrugged. " I dunno."

Annie groaned. " Where's Emma?"

" Painting."

" Painting?! Painting what?!"

" Well I dunno. She's also taking pictures with her camera."

Annie raised a brow, " You also want to?"

Mia kicked the ground. " Well, it would be nice to take up a new hobby...."

Annie grinned. " sure!"

Mia looked surprised. " Really?!"

" Yeah! Besides, it would be nice to see you relax for a while. No ninja business or anything."

Mia raised a brow. " What do you mean?"

Annie rummaged in her bag and pulled out Mia's camera, tossing it to her. " You'll see."

Mia shrugged.

Then she slung the camera on her neck and ran off into the bushes.

" latatatituta...." Annie hummed as she hammered the last rock to their house and stepped back. " What do you think, Blackie?" She asked, turning to the cat.

The cat looked at the log house. " mmm, needs a cat room."

Annie blinked. " What?! Wh... why...?!"

" Because the cat is the king." Blackie said, looking at Annie as it if were common sense.

( Well actually it is common sense. My cousin's cat is in our house and oh boy she acts like she owns the whole place.)

Before Annie could reply, Mia came running franticly with Emma on her back.

" Annie!" She yelled. " Emma's been poisoned!"

Annie threw the rock she had been using as a hammer who knows where and ran to Mia as she laid Emma down on the sandy ground. Blackie strolled over and hopped into Mia's lap.

Annie felt her head. " What should we do?!"

" I dunno, don't you have Tylenol or something in that fat bag of yours?!"

" You're the doctor!"

" I'm a vet, Annie! And not even a professional!"

" She has the badge." Blackie said plainly.

Mia groaned. " Really?"

" I have a spare in my bag!" Annie hopped up and started to walk to get it.

" But animals don't eat Tylenol!" Mia protested.

" I beg to differ." Blackie meowed.

Mia rolled her eyes. " You don't have Tylenol. You have cough syrup when you get sick. Which has never happened before."

Annie stood up. " Uh.... search homemade remedies for poison!"

" No internet!"

" Check Emma's phone!"

"Her password's finger!"

Annie was ready to pull her hair out. " Well we gotta do SOMETHING!!"

Blackie yawned. " May I suggest dressing up as those people in the movies with those scythes and take her soul?"

Annie and Mia stared at him.

" We're not Death!" Mia yelled, waving her arms.

" Try your radio!" Annie yelled.

" Oh yeah." Mia pulled her pink mask over her face. " Hello, come in. This is Mia. Hello hello? Jay? Kai? Anyone?"


Mia pulled the mask back and sighed. " Doesn't work. And the tracker broke in the boat."

Annie groaned. " What should we do?"

" Stab a knife in her heart?" Blackie asked.

Mia blinked at him. " No. Just.... no."

Annie snapped her fingers. " Let's make her a soup using fruits!"

" But we don't know which ones are poisonous and which ones aren't!" Mia argued.

" There has to be SOME fruit which we know of on this island."

Blackie shook his head " None. Check Mia's camera."

Mia groaned as she rummaged through the bag for her camera. "Alright, alright," she muttered, pulling it out. "Let's see what we've got..."

Annie peered over her shoulder as Mia scrolled through the pictures. "What are we looking for?"

"Anything that might be useful for identifying fruits," Mia replied, squinting at the screen. "We need to find something Emma can actually eat."

Annie sighed and sat down next to Emma, who was still unconscious on the ground. Blackie stretched out lazily beside them. "Okay, okay, but seriously, we need a plan."

"Well, I'm trying to make one here!" Mia snapped, flicking through the photos. "We just need a good fruit... something not poisonous!"

Annie crossed her arms, glancing back at Blackie. "And how exactly do you propose we figure that out? I'm not a botanist."

Blackie yawned again. "I say we check Mia's camera for anything green and edible."

Mia looked at the photo that caught her eye. "Wait a second... this one looks familiar!" She zoomed in on a picture of a fruit she remembered spotting earlier when she and Emma were exploring. It was small, round, and had bright red skin. "I think this is a berry—wildberry, maybe? It could work!"

Annie's eyes widened. "Is that safe to eat?"

"I mean, we can test it, right?" Mia grinned. "I'm not exactly a botanist either, but I think it'll be okay. Worst case scenario, we all get a little sick, but Emma can't stay poisoned forever."

"I vote for safe," Annie mumbled, eyeing Emma worriedly.

"Alright, alright," Mia said, standing up and holding the camera tightly. "We'll go for it."

As Mia and Annie stood up, Blackie looked at them both, unimpressed. "You realize this might not end well, right?"

Annie ignored him and helped Mia gather up the berries. They found a few nearby shrubs and quickly collected the wildberries, nervously glancing at Emma every now and then.

Mia placed the berries on a large palm leaf. "Here goes nothing," she said, carefully testing the fruit. She sniffed it first, then took a tiny nibble, before looking at Annie with a thumbs-up. "Not bad. I think we're safe."

"Okay," Annie said, swallowing nervously. "Now we need to prepare it somehow, right? We don't just eat berries raw, do we?"

Mia paused, staring at the berries. "We could make a paste or something... mix it with some water. We just need to make sure it's enough to help Emma."

Blackie, who had been lounging in the sand, rolled his eyes. "You know, for all your efforts, I still think we should just take Emma's soul, no?"

Annie and Mia shot him a glare.

"Fine, fine," Blackie sighed. "You're no fun."

After mixing the wildberries with water from a nearby stream, Mia and Annie rushed back to Emma. They carefully fed her the berry paste. Emma stirred, groaning softly, and slowly opened her eyes.

"Wh... what happened?" Emma mumbled, blinking at the sky. "Why does my mouth taste like... berries?"

"You were poisoned," Mia said softly, holding Emma's hand. "But we think we found a remedy. How do you feel?"

Emma blinked a few times and then sat up. "I—I'm okay, I think? My head feels clearer..."

Annie breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness."

Blackie strolled over with a dramatic yawn. "I told you I'd solve it. Just need a bit of... soul-stealing flair next time."

Mia and Annie just rolled their eyes at him. Emma smiled weakly. "Well, whatever you did, I feel better. Thanks, guys... but I'm never going near any weird berries again."

"Good call," Mia said, laughing. "Now, let's just hope we don't run into any other unexpected 'adventures' on this island."

Annie looked around at their little makeshift house. "Yeah, let's just hope Blackie doesn't try to turn us into an island snack."

Blackie looked at her innocently. "I'm not the one who tried to poison my friends."

Mia grinned. "Alright, alright. Let's just get some sleep before anything else happens."

They settled around their little house, exhausted but relieved. For now, at least, they were safe from poison—and Blackie's mischievous antics.

The next morning, the sun peeked over the horizon, casting a warm glow on the sand. Mia stretched, yawning as she stood up and looked around.

"Woah," Mia muttered, her eyes widening. All around them, scattered on the beach, were exotic shells of every shape, size, and color. Some were bright purple with golden streaks, others glimmered with an iridescent shine, and a few were spiraled in intricate patterns. The beach looked like it had been decorated with nature's finest treasures.

"This is incredible!" Mia exclaimed, rushing toward the shoreline. "I've never seen so many beautiful shells before!"

Emma, who was already awake, looked up from her sketchbook. "I knew I'd find something awesome here. But this..." She stood up, running her fingers through her hair. "This is amazing!"

Mia bent down, picking up a shell. She held it up to the light, marveling at the smooth surface. "These will be perfect for my collection!"

As she continued to gather shells, filling her hands and then her pockets, Annie shook her head and chuckled. "You know, Mia, you're going to need a bigger bag if you keep collecting stuff like this."

Mia looked over at her. "I know! But where am I supposed to put them? My pockets are already full!"

Annie sighed with a playful smile. "Alright, well, it looks like it's time to make you a bag. You can't carry all of those shells around in your pockets forever."

"Wait! I found something!" Emma called out from a little ways down the beach. She held up some palm leaves, a few vines, and a couple of large seashells that could be used as fasteners. "I can make an island bag for you, Mia!"

"Really?" Mia's eyes lit up. "That would be amazing!"

"Yeah! I've got a ton of creative ideas, and these materials are perfect. I can work with this." Emma grinned, dropping her sketchbook and setting the materials down to get started.

Annie watched, impressed. "Well, if anyone can make a bag out of palm leaves and vines, it's you."

Emma got to work immediately, her hands moving with practiced precision. She started weaving the palm leaves into a tight, sturdy weave, shaping them into a bag. The vines were used as straps, and the seashells were sewn onto the sides to create little decorations. The bag was turning out better than Mia could have imagined.

"This is looking so good!" Mia cheered as she crouched beside Emma, watching her work.

"I told you I could do it," Emma said, grinning as she tied off the last knot. "All done!"

Mia eagerly grabbed the finished product, swinging it over her shoulder. "It's perfect! Look at how many shells I can fit in here!"

Annie raised an eyebrow, watching Mia's excitement. "Well, now we'll definitely know where to find all those shells you keep hoarding."

Mia giggled, the bag now brimming with her collection. "I'm going to need a bigger one soon enough."

"Not if I have anything to say about it," Annie joked, crossing her arms. "Maybe next time you can just carry a treasure chest."

Mia grinned mischievously. "Wouldn't that be awesome?"

Emma shook her head. "As long as you don't expect me to make one."

Annie stood up and stretched. "Alright, now that we've got the shell situation handled, what's the plan for today?"

Mia glanced at the horizon, the sea stretching endlessly before them. "I don't know. Let's explore! Who knows what other cool stuff we might find?"

Emma picked up her sketchbook again. "Sounds good to me. I need more inspiration anyway."

As they prepared to head out, Blackie, who had been lounging lazily under a palm tree, yawned and stretched. "Are we going to hunt for more shells? Or are we finally doing something useful?"

"Not everything has to be useful, you know," Mia said, sticking her tongue out at him.

"Exactly," Emma agreed. "Some things are just for fun."

As Mia, Emma, and Annie made their way down the beach, they heard a familiar voice calling from behind them.

"Kiiiiiiiids!" Blackie's voice echoed, laced with his usual sass. The group turned to see the cat emerging from the shelter they'd built the night before, his fur slightly ruffled from sleep. He strutted over, tail high and his usual confident swagger in place.

"Where are you going? Where's your breakfast?" Blackie demanded, his eyes narrowing suspiciously as he looked at them.

Mia rolled her eyes. "Blackie, we already ate. Remember? You were the one sleeping while we were scavenging for food!"

Emma laughed, holding up a small berry she'd found earlier. "Besides, we found some breakfast berries! We're good, Blackie."

Annie smirked and added, "And you're just lounging around in your 'royal' shelter, as usual."

Blackie puffed out his chest, clearly unimpressed by their teasing. "I was busy overseeing your activities, ensuring you didn't do anything too reckless." He then flicked his tail and glanced back at their makeshift shelter. "But you still need to pay proper respect to your feline overlord. I demand a proper feast!"

"Feast?" Mia raised an eyebrow. "You want us to make a feast out of these tiny berries?"

Blackie stared at her as though she'd said something blasphemous. "A feast doesn't necessarily mean food you can eat in one bite, darling. It's the principle! The principle of feeding your king!"

Emma laughed harder. "You can't seriously think we'll give you a feast, Blackie. You're a cat!"

"I am a royal cat," Blackie corrected her with a flick of his tail. "And I rule over this island, thank you very much. My subjects—aka, you three—need to learn proper etiquette."

Annie couldn't help herself. "Maybe if you want breakfast so bad, you could go catch it yourself, Your Majesty."

Blackie tilted his head, clearly not liking the challenge. "Catch it myself?" He paused dramatically. "I suppose I could... but then I'd have to get my paws dirty. And I prefer to have other people do the dirty work."

Mia sighed in mock exasperation. "We'll make you a feast if you stop whining, okay?" she said, grinning.

"Now we're talking!" Blackie purred, satisfied with the deal.

As they set off for their exploration, Blackie strutted along beside them, clearly pleased with the attention. "That's more like it. Lead the way, peasants, and don't forget my breakfast."

Mia, Emma, and Annie exchanged amused glances. "You heard the cat," Mia said with a smirk. "Looks like we're on a mission to find more breakfast for him."

And with that, the group continued their adventure, Blackie leading the way, making sure they didn't forget the most important task of the day: feeding the self-proclaimed "king" of the island.

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