Day Two- Stranded

To The_Sage_Ninja_Morro and DumbassWriter17

My bestest friends

" You think you could send a message to Wu using the radio?"

Emma nodded and adjusted the frequency to the ninja comms.

" Hey Mia? Is that you?" Kai asked.

Emma cleared her throat. " NO ONE WANT TO COME TO YOUR MEETING YOU UGLY!"

Mia choked and grabbed the thing. " Sorry Kai talk to you later!"

" Wait, Mia!"

Mia paused. " Yeah?"

" You know the radio you're using?"

" Yeah?"

" Well, Wu put batteries in it to only speak to us once."

" Oh."

" I'll get Jay. He wants to hear your voice."

" Okay."

" Stay where you are." Kai instructed.

Mia nodded, then turned.  " Emma!"

" What?"

" What did you say?!"

" No one wants to come to Wu's meeting. Also he smells."

" Finally." Blackie breathed.

Mia shot him a look. " Blackie...."

" Sorry sorry sorry!"

Emma scrunched her face. " Hmm... Wonder when he's going to start the meeting?"

" What meeting?" Blackie meowed.

Emma grinned. " The power of positive thinking!"

Mia stared at her. * Yeah she's lost her sanity."

Narrator: Previously, our heroes found themselves on a deserted island with nothing but tools, a tent, and the Black cat named Butch,.


Narrator- Right. Sorry. And with their cat Biff-


Narrator- Right. Sorry. The cat-

Blackie- * mutters* “ Good enough. Continue”

Narrator- Working together, our heroes have accomplished building a small house, finding their water and food sources, and sleeping through the night. But will they be up for the challenge of what today brings? Let’s find out!

“ Annie, wake up!”

“ Mmmm….. What time is it?”

“ Time to wake up.. Chop chop. We have a long day ahead of us. I’ve planned it in excruciating detail.”

Annie rolled over and felt the warm sun on her face. “ Fine. I’m coming.”

Mia stood up but then paused. “ Oh yeah. Last night, at three in the morning, my cat discovered fabric, a needle and all types of thread. So Emma’s stitched us some dresses. I’ll bring you yours- they’re quite snug. And you’ll look positively astonishing.”

Annie raised a brow. “ Are you okay?”

“  Feeling  Chipper as you please.”

“ I dunno. You’re acting weird.”

Mia narrowed her eyes. “ Seize the thought.”

Then she grinned. “ Don’t worry, Blackie just told me to tell this to you, to think I lost my sanity.”

Annie let out a sigh of relief. “ Oh thank goodness.”

Blackie strolled in, looking really cranky.

“ What happened now?” Mia asked.

“ I just found some seeds buried in the sand.”

Mia jumped. “ Really?”

“ Yes.”

“ Then why are you so angry?” Annie asked.

“ Because the old man wants to starve my princess!”

Annie blinked, and turned to Mia, who was smiling like crazy.

“ Is that a nickname?” Annie asked.

Mia nodded. “ Blackie, you haven’t called me that since-”

“ A year. I know. But anyway. He could have at least left you a note!”

Emma walked in and tossed Annie some blue clothes. “ Here you go, Ann. Hurry up and put it on."

Emma walked out and Mia leaned in. " Oh yeah I forgot to tell you."

" What?" Annie whispered back

" I think she's lost her sanity."

When Annie got out of the ' house' they had created, she saw Mia looking through all the seed packets and soil bags Wu had left them.

Blackie was eyeing the water wearily.

And Emma..... She was.... Well.... Juggling coconuts.

With a chef's hat.

And she was talking to an imaginary audience.

" Now, everyone. This is how you make an island style coconut shake!"

Annie blinked and nudged Mia. " Uh...."

" Yeah. She's been like this since the morning!" She hissed

Annie blinked and looked at the cat. " What are you doing?"

" Making sure the water doesn't come too close to me. I need to keep my beautiful handsome fur."

Mia rolled her eyes. " Anyway, today we're gonna plant seeds, make ourselves a little storage shed and.... Oh yes! Make ourselves an actual house! With plumbing!"

Annie blinked at her. " The last one's impossible."

Mia shot her a look. " If we were able to repair the monestary in a day, with.... A thousand people, making one small cottage shouldn't be too hard."

" Yes!" Emma exclaimed as she grabbed her sketchbook and pencil. " I'll draw a blueprint!"

Blackie walked over. " What do you need with a print of your hand which is blue?"

Mia laughed. " It doesn't mean anything actual blue print! It just means it's a layout of a certain structure."

" Here." Emma said as she handed the girls a sketch. " Now to get back to my show...."

Annie raised a brow as Mia studied the sketch. " Yeah.... This might just work!"

Annie peered over her shoulder. " Wow, Emma's sure good of a sketcher."

Mia handed Annie the sketch. " You do the house. I'll do the farming."

“ Hey, Mia?” Emma asked as she sat on a rocking chair that had magically appeared. “ Could you please use your lightning on this?”

Mia turned. “ ON what?”

And then, out of nowhere, Emma held a rusted ice cream machine. “ Found this in the sand. In a treasure chest. I think someone put it here a million years ago.”

“ Right.” Annie said sarcastically. “ LIke they knew what ice cream was.”

“ Oh, shush!” Emma teased. “  Mia?”

Mia took it and squeezed her eyes shut, electric flowing through her hands.

It whirled to life.

“ Here.” She said as she handed it back to Emma.

“ Great! Now I can make ice cream!”

Mia raised a brow. “ We need milk and sugar for that.”

“ Plus a bunch  of other stuff.” Annie added.

Emma waved them off. “ You worry too much!”

Mia shrugged helplessly.

" Okay, you do the house building. You do the crops. And I do what I need to do."

" Which is...?" Mia asked

But Emma had already run off. " I'll tell you later! See you soon byeeee!"

Mia and Annie exchanged a look.

" O- Kay..... Annie muttered. " So.... Ready to work?"

Mia nodded , and looked at her cat. " Come on, B. Let's go."

As they walked, Mia turned to Blackie. " Think he has any Cacao beans in there?"

Blackie raised a brow. " What do we need that for?"

" For my chocolate, of course. After all, I was deprived for a week!"

" Oh, right." Blackie said sarcasticly. " Like that's a bigger predicament than what we're in."

Annie set the nails and wood down and sighed. " Great. So she wants me to build a whole cottage with.... Just boards."

She stood there, hands on hips and sighed. " Great."

Then she noticed something in the bushes. Curious, she walked over and parted the bushes.

There was a cottage.

A banged up cottage, sure, but a cottage nonetheless.

And Annie just stood there, eyes wide open.

Then she grabbed her tools, walked over to it, and examined it.

Hm.... Needs paint but Emma can do that. As for the structure..... It's amazing!" Annie exclaimed as she walked around the whole exterior. " Okay, I should just do the doors. Because the walls look intact."

Annie took a deep breath, gripping her tools as she inspected the old cottage. At first glance, the structure seemed sturdy, but as she got closer, she realized it wasn’t in as good shape as she thought. The walls had small gaps, some of the wood was rotting, and a few nails were sticking out in odd places.

“Well, here goes nothing,” she muttered, hammer in hand.

She started with the front door, pulling it off its rusty hinges to replace them. But just as she was setting it down, the door slipped, landing right on her foot.

“Ouch!” she yelped, hopping on one leg. “Great start…”

Determined, she moved on to the walls, patching up cracks and replacing the old wood panels. But the hammer kept slipping, and every time she thought she was finished with a section, another crack would appear somewhere else. Sweat dripped down her face as she hammered, pried, and sanded her way around the cottage.

Hours passed, and her hands grew sore and her arms tired. Even Blackie wandered by to give her a skeptical look, his tail flicking as if to say, “You’re taking forever.”

“Hey, at least I’m doing something useful!” she grumbled back at the cat.

Finally, just as she thought she couldn’t lift the hammer one more time, she stepped back and took in her work. The cottage wasn’t perfect, but it looked a hundred times better. The gaps were patched, the new doors hung straight, and the walls had a sturdier look to them.

Annie wiped her brow, feeling a sense of accomplishment. “Well, it’s not exactly the Taj Mahal, but it’s…homey.”

Just then, Emma appeared, carrying a can of bright blue paint with a proud grin on her face. “You did it! And now I’ll add my personal touch!” She uncapped the paint and began splashing it over the walls, humming to herself.

Mia, who had finished her planting, joined them with Blackie trailing behind. She took one look at the bright blue walls and laughed. “Well, at least no one will miss it on the island!”

Emma nodded. " Yeah! But could you use your wind to-"

A gentle hurricane swept through the room. " Done."

Annie leaned against the freshly painted wall, grinning. “Let’s just hope it holds up through the night.”

Emma gave her a thumbs-up, dripping paint everywhere. “With my design skills and your hard work, it’ll last forever!”

Blackie rolled his eyes, muttering under his breath, “I’ll give it a week.”

Mia shot him a look, then looked at her watch and gaped

" What?" Annie asked

" It's only twelve forty seven!"

Annie blinked, then collapsed on the sand. " How long have we been awake for?"

Mia checked her watch. " Three hours and... Forty two minutes and two seconds."

Annie nodded. " Thanks."

Emma stepped out of the house. " Now that that's done, let's go milk Moo- Moo!"

" Moo- Moo?" Mia echoed. " Who's that?"

" Moo-Moo's a cow." Annie said slowly. " A... Cow."

" Why did we not guess?" Mia muttered.

" Honestly the name gave it away." Blackie said.

Mia let out a chuckle. " Yeah, I figured."

Emma, who was sitting on a wooden stool, wearing overalls and a hat, glanced at the girls and smiled. " Don't worry! Soon we'll have ice cream!"

Annie snapped her fingers. " That reminds me! Mia, we need an electricity plant!"

Mia took a list out. " I knew this was going to happen. So I came prepared. Let's see... Since we're on an island..
Wave energy consumers.... Wind oscillators.... Windmill...."

Annie blinked. " We're trying to power a house.... A small house, Mia..."

Mia didn't look up. " Houses need a lot of electricity. Especially since we're gonna be living on one. Might as well have extra!"

" But where are we going to keep the extra?" Annie asked

" Mmmm ..... We can have batteries."

Emma gasped suddenly. " Wait!"

The two girls looked at her. " Yeah?" Annie asked.

" What if there's a tsunami wave or a hurricane?!"

Mia's eyes widened. " Good point."

" Then it's a good thing we have.... This!" Blackie said as he pressed a button.

A dome appeared above them.

Mia gasped. " How did you...."

" When you kids were asleep."

" That must take a lot of power."

" Another reason to have batteries!" Mia pointed out.

Annie nodded slowly. " Good point...."

Suddenly, there was a small bark from Emma. The two girls stared.

" Is everything okay, Em? You sound.... Doggish."

Emma grinned. " Remember how we always wanted a detective dog...."

" Yeah...."

" And we kept begging but there was none good for us...."

" Uh huh." Mia was getting impatient.

" Well here's our detective dog!" Emma thrusted her hands forward, and Mia gasped.

In her arms was a puppy.

A matted puppy.

A golden retriever.

Mia took it and gasped. " Where did you-"

" Found it where I found Moo Moo."

Annie grabbed a bucket and filled it with water, and Mia gently lowered it. Annie grabbed the first aid kit and handed it to Mia, who opened it and took the stuff out.

Mia gently cleaned the dirt off the puppy, who happily wagged her tail and lapped up the water. “Aren’t you a sweetie!” she cooed, drying the little dog with a cloth.

“Look at her coat; it’s such a pretty golden color!” Emma exclaimed. “We need the perfect name for her.”

Annie thought for a moment, studying the puppy’s warm caramel tones. “What about… Butterscotch?”

Mia grinned. “Yes! Butterscotch it is!”

Emma held Butterscotch in her arms, cuddling the fluffy little pup. “And she’s officially mine!” she declared. “I’ll take care of her every day. I’ll even make her a little collar and everything!”

Annie raised an eyebrow. “Uh-huh. And what about Morro?”

Emma blinked, pausing in her excitement. “What about him?”

“You think he’s going to be thrilled about you bringing home a puppy?” Annie asked, half-smiling.

Emma gave a dramatic wave of her hand. “Morro’s cool! He’ll come around.” She looked down at Butterscotch and whispered, “I mean, who could resist this face?”

As if on cue, Butterscotch let out a tiny yip, making both Mia and Annie laugh.

Blackie, watching the scene with a flick of his tail, muttered, “If that puppy so much as chews on my bed, there will be consequences.”

Mia rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry, Blackie; you’ll have your bed all to yourself.”

Emma put Butterscotch down to let her run around. “Butterscotch is going to be part of our team! She can help us solve mysteries, and she’ll be the cutest detective ever!”

Annie chuckled as she looked at their little setup. “Well, we’ve got a house, a garden, a power plan, Moo Moo the cow, and now… a detective dog.” She shook her head. “This island isn’t ready for us.”

Mia smirked, “Or maybe… we’re exactly what this island needed.”

" What's for dinner?" Blackie asked as he strolled to the humans

Mia turned from the campfire. " Well, Emma found some fruit."

Blackie sat down . " Why are we out here when we have a house back there?"

Emma shrugged. " That house is just for when it rains. We sleep out here."

Annie came back with more fruit and overheard the conversation. " We should have a barn for Moo Moo!"

Emma nodded. " Yeah! And all the other animals if we find any!"

Annie gave Emma the fruit and sat down. " I want a horse!"

" Maybe a pony." Mia said nervously. " Horses are.... Well, let's just say having Snowflake is enough."

Annie laughed as she remembered Mia's horse. " Yeah. She is a handful, that one."

Mia nodded.

" I want a Bison! Or a buffalo! Or an elephant!" Emma said from the campfire as she roasted the fruit.

Everyone because silent.

The crackling of the campfire was the only sound for a moment as everyone processed Emma's ambitious wish list.

"A... bison or an elephant?" Mia repeated slowly, raising an eyebrow. "Emma, where exactly would we *keep* an elephant?"

Emma shrugged with a mischievous grin. "Hey, if we’re building barns and windmills, why not make room for a couple of big friends? Besides, can you imagine how cool it would be to ride an elephant around the island?"

Annie snorted, popping a piece of roasted fruit in her mouth. “I think Butterscotch is about as big as we should go right now.”

Blackie shook his head, amused. “I don’t know what I’d be more worried about—the elephant trampling the garden or Butterscotch trying to bark it off the island.”

Mia chuckled, passing around the last of the roasted fruit. “Let’s keep things simple for now. If we start with a few chickens or a goat, we’ll be plenty busy.”

Emma sighed but nodded. “Fine, fine, but one day… I’m getting my elephant.”

Narrator - Well, they got lucky today. But tomorrow brings an unpleasant surprise. What is it? Well, if I told you, it wouldn't be a secret. Stay tuned as the journey continues.

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