Day 4- Stranded

The_Sage_Ninja_Morro you're gonna like this


Because DumbassWriter17 doesn't like it

Narrator - It's been a month since Mia, Annie, Emma and Blackie have been stranded on the deserted Island. Luckily, they had each other, and that helped them survive for a month. But now, they're feeling a little thing called.... Longing

Mia looked at a picture of Nelson and sighed. " I miss him. Too bad he's who knows where in the world, doing who knows what."

" Yes, Unagami. I'm getting enough food. Yes yes I remember you. Uh huh. Yeah. Thanks." Annie put the phone down and sighed. " I miss Unagami."

" I miss my cheese." Emma sulked. " And my cat."

" And your husband?" Mia asked

" Hm? Oh yeah. Him too."

Mia sighed. " When will they get us off this island?" Mia moaned. " It's been a month!"

" At least there's all these good cliffs to climb." Emma piped up.

Mia looked at her and sighed. " Yeah, I guess you're right. Hey, want to go rock climbing? I want my spirits to.... Lift!"

Emma laughed. " Lift! I get it! Because you're climbing higher and higher with each rock."

Mia nodded, and the two girls took off to rock climbing, Butterscotch and Blackie following.

Annie, meanwhile, was going to do a little something called sunbathe.

She needed a tan.

And the sun felt good.

“ Hey Mia. What are we gonna do?” Emma asked as she pulled herself up on a rock.

Mia looked down. “ For what?”

“ Our house.”

“ What do you mean by that?”

“ Well we’ve spent a month over here. I’m kinda gonna miss this place if we go back.”

“ It could be a vacation house.” Annie suggested from the top of the cliff, where she was sitting and sipping lemonade.

Mia squinted up at her. “ What are you doing?”

“ Sunbathing.”

“ And what was that about a vacation house?”

“ We could go to the city, go to the recycling centers and junkyards, pick up all the things we need for our house."

Mia thought hard. “ Yeah….. That might work.”

Blackie, who was in Mia’s bag, meowed. “ Can you please get to solid ground?”

Mia laughed and pulled herself up. “ Yeah, I got it.”

She climbed and climbed and when she reached the cliff, she sighed. “ That was a good climb.”

Then she looked around. “ Wow, this is a nice place.”

Emma heaved, and Mia turned to help her up.

When Emma finally reached the cliff top, she fell onto the ground. “ I hope Chico’s fine.” She muttered.

Then she looked around. “ Hey……. Look! This looks like the perfect place for an art studio!”

Mia laughed. “ Well, sure. Why not?”

Annie huffed. “ I wanted there to be a library somewhere here.”

“ In this good weather?” Mia asked as she spun. “ Not a chance.”

“ Well how about a flower garden?” Mia suggested.

“ You must be kidding.” Annie said.

“ Not so fast, Annie.” Emma said. “ I brought all these flower seeds. You guys can create a beautiful garden.”

“ We should also make a storehouse.” Mia suggested.

“ And a small library?” Annie asked hopefully.

“ Fine.”

“ We should also make a drive- in theater.”

“ For what?” Annie asked miserably. “ We can’t drive! It’s a small island!”

Mia sighed. “ We could make this…. A rescue center.”

Everyone remained quiet.

“ That’s….. A good idea.” Annie admitted as she stretched.

“ Yeah!”  Emma exclaimed. “ I can paint pictures of the animals I rescue and sell them!”

Mia nodded eagerly. “ And we can rent a helicopter to help us get from place to place!"

Annie and Emma looked at her wearily. “ I’m gonna drive it.” Emma said.

Mia rolled her eyes. “ Oh come on! Have some faith in me!”

“ No.” Annie said firmly.

Mia rolled her eyes. “ Doesn’t matter. I’m the wind ninja. I don’t need a helicopter.”

“ She has a good point.” Emma said. “ Maybe we should ask her to fly us here.”

“ Or we could make a wooden canoe and paddle our way back and forth.” Mia said.

The two girls and the cat stared at her.

“ No.” Annie said.

“ Not gonna happen.” Emma agreed.

“ The canoe might be good for the rivers on the island. Not for paddling long distances.” Blackie added.

Mia sighed. " Fine. Hey, wanna go to treasure trove?"

Emma and Annie nodded, and they ran to the other side of the cliff and hopped down the large rocks.

Once a day, the girls would go to a secluded area of the beach where all these cool things would wash up from shipwrecks-  games, stuffed animals, sometimes even shark teeth in those protective glasses.....

" Cool! Look at this plate set I found!" Annie exclaimed as she held up three ceramic blue plates with white flowers in them.

Mia looked at them. " How did they not break?"

Emma held up a wheel. " We can make a wagon from these!"

Mia nodded eagerly. " Find some wood and three more wheels. I'll get some nails from the toolbox."

" Or we could use the ones here." Annie called as she tossed Mia a box full of them.

" Wow. Okay, this is great! I found a nice rock to act as a hammer! Let's do it!"

The three girls, fueled by excitement and a spark of ingenuity, set up a makeshift workstation on the sandy beach. With Blackie supervising from the sidelines, they laid out their newly acquired treasures, envisioning their future wagon with intense focus.

Mia picked up the rock she’d designated as a hammer, inspecting it closely. “Alright, this is perfect. Let’s get started!”

Emma lined up the wheels, holding one steady as Mia positioned the first nail. Annie, feeling productive, leaned in to help keep everything stable, her eyes glinting with a thrill she hadn’t felt since they’d first landed on the island.

As Mia raised the rock to pound in the nail, Blackie cleared his throat—well, as much as a cat could. “Careful with those paws, Mia. I’d rather not see you ending up with a nail in your thumb.”

Mia shot him a playful look. “Relax, Blackie. I’ve got this under control.”

She brought the rock down with a solid thunk, driving the nail halfway in. Emma and Annie both clapped, and Blackie gave an approving, if mildly sarcastic, nod. “I’ll admit, not bad,” he purred.

“Alright,” Emma said, holding another piece of driftwood. “We’re making real progress! But… we’ll need a handle. Otherwise, how will we steer?”

Annie rummaged through their pile, pulling out a long metal rod, likely from some ancient shipwreck. “How about this?”

Mia inspected it, a grin spreading across her face. “Perfect. With a little adjustment, we can attach it to the front wheel. Then we’ll have a steering system!”

As they worked, a lighthearted banter filled the air. Emma pointed to a particularly shiny shell she’d found earlier, securing it to the front of the wagon like an emblem. “Every great wagon needs a hood ornament,” she explained with a grin.

Annie rolled her eyes but couldn’t help smiling. “Only you would think of that, Emma.”

Just then, a distant rumble echoed from the sky. The girls looked up, shielding their eyes from the sun. A small plane was circling above, its engine a welcome sound.

“Do you think it’s…?” Mia started, her heart racing.

Emma grabbed her arm, eyes wide. “A rescue plane! They’re looking for us!”

The three of them began waving frantically, jumping up and down, their makeshift wagon momentarily forgotten. Mia spun her arms in the air, calling on her wind powers to whip up a cloud of sand and sea mist, hoping it would catch the pilot’s attention.

“Over here!” Annie yelled at the top of her lungs.

After a few heart-pounding moments, the plane dipped lower, tilting as if in recognition, before it turned back toward the horizon.

“They saw us!” Emma exclaimed, laughing with relief. “We’re finally going home!”

The trio shared a group hug, Blackie purring between them. They’d made it through a month of wild adventures, strange discoveries, and countless laughs. And as much as they’d enjoyed their island time, the thought of returning to their loved ones filled them with a warm, happy anticipation.

“Looks like our wagon-building skills won’t be needed for transportation, after all,” Annie joked, giving the half-built contraption an affectionate pat.

Mia smirked. “Hey, maybe we’ll bring it back with us as a souvenir.”

Emma nodded, wiping a tear from her cheek. “Yeah, to remember this crazy month.”

The sound of the plane’s engine grew faint as it headed back to signal their location, but the smiles on their faces said it all—they’d built more than a wagon and found more than washed-up treasures. They’d built memories, friendships, and courage that would last them a lifetime.

Mia squinted at the sky, her smile fading as a thought struck her. “Wait… that didn’t look like a rescue plane.” She turned to Annie, her voice tinged with suspicion. “Master Wu wouldn’t let us off the hook that easily. Annie, I think… I think that was just a commercial plane.”

Annie’s excitement vanished in an instant. Her shoulders slumped as she dropped down onto the sand with a defeated sigh. “Are you kidding me? You’re saying… that wasn’t a rescue?”

Emma’s face fell, and she sank to the ground beside Annie. “So, we’re still… stranded?”

Annie buried her face in her hands. “I got my hopes up for nothing! I thought we’d finally be able to go home… and see everyone…”

Mia placed a comforting hand on her friend’s shoulder. “Hey, don’t give up yet. We’re still together, and we’ve made it this far. Plus…” She paused, trying to inject some optimism. “We’ve got our half-built wagon, right?”

Annie looked up, her expression halfway between a laugh and a pout. “Not exactly the way I wanted to make it home, Mia.”

Blackie padded over, plopping down beside her. “If it’s any consolation,” he purred, stretching lazily, “I wouldn’t mind staying here a bit longer. There’s nothing wrong with an extended vacation, especially with such… attentive staff.” He cast a sideways glance at Mia, clearly relishing his role as the group’s spoiled “guest.”

Emma chuckled, though it was tinged with a hint of sadness. “Well, as long as we’re here, I guess we can finish that wagon. Who knows? Maybe if we get it rolling, it’ll help us find a way off this island.”

Annie sighed, looking over at the half-built wagon with a small smile. “Yeah, I guess. It’s not the rescue I was hoping for, but… at least we’re all in this together.”

Mia stood, brushing the sand off her hands, and grinned at her friends. “Exactly! We’ll keep building, keep exploring, and keep each other going. Who knows? Maybe that commercial plane spotted us, after all. But until then… let’s make the best of it.”

Blackie rolled onto his back with a loud purr, clearly settling in for the long haul. “Well then, I’ll be waiting for my next course in this… extended resort stay. And if anyone needs me, I’ll be here, providing moral support and enjoying my beach time.”

The girls laughed, and even Annie’s spirits lifted as they looked out over the ocean. Their hopes may have been dashed, but they were still determined. Together, they’d face whatever this island had in store for them—and they’d make it an adventure worth remembering.

Back at the campsite, Emma's phone buzzed, and she sighed as she saw Morro’s name flash on the screen. "Oh boy, here we go again," she muttered, steeling herself as she answered.

“Emma! Finally, you picked up!” Morro's voice came through, sounding distressed. “I need help! Chico won’t eat the rock kibble I gave him!”

Emma blinked in confusion. “Rock kibble? Morro, why would you give him rock kibble?”

“Well, I thought he’d like a change in diet! But that’s not all!” Morro continued, sounding increasingly frantic. “I tried giving him some pool water to drink, and he’s not interested in that either! And he absolutely refuses to use the restroom on the toilet like I showed him. Oh, and he doesn’t want to give me a kiss. Or… become my wife. Can you believe that?”

Emma nearly dropped the phone, her jaw hanging open. “MORRO! You’re trying to marry a cat?”

“Yes! But he keeps swatting at me and walking away every time I bring it up!” Morro complained, his voice thick with indignation. “It’s just so rude! I even made a lovely wreath for him to wear as a bride!”

“Morro, for the last time, Chico is NOT
your bride! I am!” Emma’s voice was laced with exasperation. She massaged her temples, feeling a headache coming on. “He’s a cat. And he doesn’t want rock kibble or pool water, and he definitely doesn’t want to… marry you!”

Morro huffed, sounding utterly betrayed. “But we’ve spent so much time together! I’ve shown him all my best ghost tricks, and he still refuses! He even ran off when I suggested a romantic dinner under the stars. How rude is that?”

Emma took a deep breath. “Morro… he’s a cat. A cat. He’s not going to be interested in a candlelit dinner or… or wearing a bridal wreath! He wants proper food, like tuna or kibble made for cats, and fresh water, not pool water!”

“Well, excuse me for trying to be a good host!” Morro muttered, sounding deflated. “I thought he’d enjoy a bit of… refinement.”

Emma rolled her eyes, barely containing her frustration. “Morro, just… make sure he has cat food and water. And maybe don’t try to make him your wife.”

Morro sighed dramatically. “Fine, fine. I’ll refrain from further romantic gestures. But if he still won’t eat, I’m calling you again.”

Emma bit back a groan. “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”

As she hung up, Annie and Mia, who had overheard most of the call, burst out laughing.

“Romantic dinner under the stars with a CAT?!” Annie snickered. “I can’t believe he thought that would work!”

Mia shook her head, grinning. “Honestly, that ghost has no idea what he’s doing. Poor Chico. I can only imagine what he’s had to put up with.”

Emma sighed, still looking flustered. “If Chico survives Morro’s ‘hospitality,’ he deserves a medal.”

"...unless it's that one spot on my favorite rug!" Morro lamented, clearly exasperated.

Emma stifled a laugh, imagining the chaos back home. “Morro, he’s a cat, not a pet rock. He needs regular food and water, not whatever crazy survival diet you’ve whipped up for him.”

Morro grumbled. “Well, I didn’t think pet-sitting would be this hard! Can’t you just come back and fix it?”

Emma chuckled, glancing at her friends, who were stifling giggles of their own. “Sorry, Morro, but we’re a little… stranded on a deserted island. Kind of hard to come back at the moment.”

“Stranded? You’re on an island?” Morro’s voice was incredulous. “What, did you get lost while trying to find a good cliff to jump off of?”

“Very funny,” Emma retorted. “Trust me, we’d be back in a heartbeat if we could. But, you know… tropical getaway, no plane ticket home, the usual stranded-on-an-island stuff.”

Morro sighed. “Alright, fine. I guess I’ll figure out how to take care of Chico on my own… somehow.”

Emma softened. “You’ll be fine, Morro. Just stick to the basics: regular cat food, fresh water, and keep him away from your rug.”

“Got it… I think,” Morro replied, sounding uncertain but a little more determined.

“Oh, and give him a good head scratch for me,” Emma added. “We’ll be back soon. I hope.”

With that, she hung up, shaking her head with a smile as she slipped her phone back into her pocket. She turned to her friends, who were looking at her with grins of their own.

“Looks like Chico’s having a harder time surviving at home than we are out here,” Mia joked, crossing her arms.

Emma chuckled. “Yeah, who knew he’d have such… creative caretakers?”

Annie looked out toward the ocean, her expression pensive. “I just hope we’ll be home soon to see it ourselves.”

Mia threw an arm around Annie’s shoulders, giving her a comforting squeeze. “Hey, we’ve made it this far, right? We’ll get home eventually. And until then… we’ve got our island resort, our wagon, and all the beach treasures we could want.”

Emma nodded, giving a determined smile. “Exactly. And Morro better take care of Chico… because when we get back, he’s got a lot of explaining to do about that ‘rock kibble’ idea.”

The girls shared a laugh, their spirits lifted. Stranded or not, they had each other, their creativity, and their never-give-up attitude. And for now, that was more than enough to keep their adventure going strong.

“Well, are you going to start working on your animal center?” Blackie pressed, his voice laced with impatience. “Do it on that big cliff over there. I’ll handle the rest and turn that part of the island into an amusement park!”

Mia crossed her arms, her eyebrows knitting in a firm frown. “No,” she said bluntly, meeting Blackie’s gaze with an unyielding look. “Just no. We’re not turning this island into your personal playground, and I’m definitely not risking our center on some cliff!”

Annie chuckled, nudging Emma. “Looks like Blackie’s ideas aren’t as popular as he thought.”

“Fine!” Blackie said with a huff, flicking his tail in annoyance. “But just wait. You’ll see. I’ll find a better spot for my amusement park yet.”

Mia shook her head, watching him stride off. “That cat,” she muttered, “always has to have his way.” She glanced at the others, her determined expression softening. “So, how about we actually find a good spot for the animal center? Somewhere safe and solid.”

Emma pointed to a quiet patch shaded by palm trees. “How about over there? Close enough to the shore, but not too high up.”

Two hours later, Mia, Annie, and Emma had made solid progress on their animal center. They had gathered materials, set up a few basic structures, and were feeling good about their work. But just as things were coming together, Emma’s phone rang, and the caller ID made her groan.

"Ugh," she muttered, reaching for her phone and answering with a heavy sigh. "What do you want, ghost husband?"

"Emma, it's Morro," came the familiar, somewhat annoyed voice on the other end. "Chico refuses to go out for his walk. Or, surprise surprise, his check-up. He’s being impossible."

Emma pinched the bridge of her nose, already feeling the headache forming. "Oh great, just what I needed today." She glanced over at Mia, who raised an eyebrow, and then at Annie, who shook her head in disbelief. "Sorry, Morro. You have to take him. Look, just grab him and put him in the car. If you have to drag him, do it."

Morro paused for a moment, as if considering her words. "Should I put him in a container, then? A cage or something?"

Emma's eyes widened in surprise. "What? No! Just... try not to traumatize the poor cat. Just get him in the car, somehow. I trust you to handle it."

There was a pause, followed by Morro’s grumbled response. "Fine. But don’t expect me to do this every time."

Emma rolled her eyes, muttering under her breath. "Yeah, yeah. Thanks, Morro. I’ll owe you one."

She ended the call and looked at Mia and Annie, who were both already stifling their laughter.

“Well, I guess we know what Morro’s been dealing with,” Mia said, her face breaking into a grin.

Annie chuckled. "Poor guy. I bet he wishes he could just summon a ghost army to deal with it."

Emma smirked but shook her head. "He might need it after this one. But hey, back to business. Let’s finish what we started here, yeah?"

Just then, the sassy cat came.

Blackie walked over to Mia, his tail flicking with dramatic flair. "Human, I am hungry," he announced, his voice full of exaggerated demand. "I want food."

Mia rolled her eyes and sighed, barely glancing up from her task. "Make yourself a coconut shake or something," she suggested lazily, not giving it much thought.

Blackie gasped in disbelief, his eyes widening as if Mia had just suggested the most preposterous thing. "I am royalty!" he exclaimed, puffing out his chest as if he had just been crowned. "I do not do that! My servant does that!"

Mia raised an eyebrow, clearly amused by his antics. She set down the tools she was working with and crossed her arms, looking down at the sassy cat. "Let me guess... I'm the servant?" she asked, giving him a pointed look.

Blackie stood up straighter, his tail swishing with defiance. "Obviously," he replied smugly. "You are my loyal human, after all."

Mia let out a small laugh, shaking her head. "You really think you're royalty, huh? Fine, I'll make you something, but you're not getting away with this next time."

Blackie gave a satisfied nod, clearly pleased with his declaration. "Good. Make sure it's something worthy of my royal palate," he said, his voice dripping with the kind of arrogance only a cat could pull off.

Mia rolled her eyes again but went to get the ingredients for Blackie's "royal" snack.

Mia, grumbling under her breath, sliced a mango and placed the pieces on a small plate, the vibrant orange fruit glistening in the sunlight. She had never expected to be forced into this type of role, but Blackie’s demands were never easy to ignore. As she arranged the slices, the sassy black cat strutted over with his usual sense of entitlement.

"Here," Mia said, holding out the plate of mango slices and setting it on the ground in front of him. "Enjoy your 'royal' snack."

Blackie glanced at the mango slices with a haughty expression, then looked up at Mia with a raised eyebrow. "Where’s my royal feeder?" he demanded, his voice oozing with the confidence of someone who had never had to lift a paw to get what he wanted.

Mia blinked, her hands on her hips as she stared at him. "You want me to... FEED you?" she asked, her voice dripping with disbelief. "Are you serious right now, Blackie?"

Blackie didn’t even flinch. "Obviously," he said, his voice utterly smug. "A royal feast isn’t complete without a royal feeder. You are my servant, after all. You wouldn’t want to disappoint your royal companion, would you?"

Mia took a deep breath, trying her best to stay calm. "I’m not feeding you, Blackie. You can eat it yourself. You’re not a baby," she shot back, crossing her arms as she stood her ground.

Blackie blinked at her, his golden eyes wide with feigned innocence. "But I am royalty," he purred, his tail flicking back and forth in an exaggerated manner. "Royalty does not lower themselves to such menial tasks." He pointed a paw at the mango slices. "If you are truly loyal to your master, you will feed me, as tradition dictates."

Mia couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She was certain she was going to lose her patience, but Blackie was being so ridiculous that she couldn’t help but laugh. "You’ve got to be kidding me. You want ME to feed you, like some sort of butler? Just... just eat it yourself, Blackie!"

The black cat narrowed his eyes, his tail swishing with growing irritation. "I do not eat without my royal feeder," he insisted, stepping closer to the plate and giving the mango a disdainful look as if it was beneath him. "I’m royalty, Mia. I deserve to be treated as such."

Mia stood there, her face a mixture of amusement and disbelief. "You’ve got to be the most spoiled cat I’ve ever met," she muttered under her breath.

With a dramatic sigh, she finally relented, crouching down in front of him. "Fine," she said, though her voice was still laced with mockery. "I’ll feed you your mango slices, Your Majesty."

Mia picked up a slice of mango between her fingers and held it in front of Blackie, who eyed it with an exaggerated sniff, as if inspecting the quality of the fruit. He leaned forward slightly, but before taking it from her, he paused, as if considering her every movement.

With a smug smirk, Blackie finally snatched the slice from her fingers, savoring it with an exaggerated, contented purr. "Perfect," he declared, licking his lips dramatically. "This is how a royal snack should be."

Mia, rolling her eyes, picked up another slice and held it out. "This is ridiculous, you know," she said, trying to suppress a grin. "But fine, I’ll keep playing your little game."

The entire scene was absurd to Mia—here she was, feeding a cat who acted like he was the king of the world, and yet she couldn’t help but feel entertained by the sheer ridiculousness of it all. Blackie, of course, was in his element, basking in the attention as if Mia's actions were a grand gesture of his superior status.

Blackie finished another slice, looking up at her expectantly. "More," he demanded, his voice still dripping with entitlement. "I cannot be expected to survive on such... modest portions."

Mia couldn’t help herself. She gave him one last glance, shaking her head, a small laugh escaping her lips. "You are something else, Blackie," she muttered, though she continued feeding him the mango slices. After all, she wasn’t going to leave him hungry—royalty or not.

Three hours of hard work later, the rescue center was finally complete. The air was thick with the scent of freshly cut wood and the sound of excited chatter as Mia, Emma, and Annie admired their creation. It was a modest little building, but it was perfect for the animals they hoped to help. It stood proudly at the edge of the cliff, surrounded by nature, a little beacon of care and love.

Mia wiped the sweat from her forehead, feeling a sense of satisfaction. "We did it," she said, a grin tugging at her lips. "It’s ready."

Annie smiled, nodding in agreement. "It looks great. The animals will be so happy here."

Emma, leaning against a nearby tree, sighed in relief. "Finally, some peace and quiet... wait, I spoke too soon," she muttered, glancing toward the horizon. Her eyes narrowed as she saw Blackie strutting toward them, tail held high.

As he approached, Mia braced herself. Blackie, true to form, wasn’t just here to admire their work. No, he had something else on his mind.

"Human," Blackie called out, his voice regal and commanding. "I want my trampoline."

Mia couldn't help herself. She burst into laughter. It had only taken three hours for Blackie to demand something else—something ridiculous. She looked at Emma and Annie, who were also trying to hide their smiles.

"Of course, Blackie," Mia said, her voice dripping with mock seriousness. "You’ve been so patient while we built this rescue center. You deserve your trampoline."

Blackie stopped in front of her, eyes wide with expectation, his tail flicking back and forth. "I do deserve it," he replied, as if there was no doubt in his mind. "I am royalty, after all. And no royal can live without a proper trampoline."

Mia shook her head, still amused. "I swear, you're the most spoiled cat ever."

Blackie sat down, lifting his paw to his chin in the most dramatic fashion. "I know," he purred, his gaze smug. "And it’s a burden, really. But I manage. Now, about that trampoline?"

"Hold on," Mia said, still chuckling. "I’ll go find something that’ll make you happy, Your Majesty."

Emma and Annie were both openly laughing now, as Blackie’s demands were just as outrageous as always. Mia wasn’t even bothered anymore. ( Well she had stopped getting bothered a year ago or something). In fact, she was more amused by it all. It wasn’t like she had anything better to do, and Blackie’s antics were just too entertaining to get mad at.

"Well," Mia said, standing up and dusting her hands off, "I guess I’ll have to make sure the trampoline is worthy of you. Don’t go anywhere, okay?"

Blackie’s eyes narrowed. "I’m not a fool, Mia. I will not be left waiting for long. A royal’s time is precious."

Mia, still smiling, nodded. "Sure, sure. I’ll be right back with your trampoline."

Ten minutes later, Mia returned with a small but sturdy trampoline, the kind that would fit perfectly into the corner of their little rescue center. She placed it on the ground with a dramatic flourish, her hands on her hips as she surveyed her work.

"Here you go," Mia said, her voice carrying an exaggerated sense of accomplishment. "Your very own trampoline, Your Majesty."

Blackie eyed it, circling it once, his tail flicking back and forth. He seemed to be inspecting every angle, as though determining if it truly met his royal standards. After a moment of silence, he paused and gave it a critical look.

"Hmmmm..." he hummed, tilting his head. "It’s... okay. But I think I deserve more than just a simple trampoline."

Mia raised an eyebrow, already sensing the next demand coming. "Oh? And what would that be?"

Blackie’s eyes gleamed with mischief. "Now, I want gummy bears. LOTS of them."

Annie, who had been quietly watching the exchange, blinked in disbelief. "What?! Gummy bears?!"

Blackie sat down with all the poise of a king. "Yes, gummy bears. Preferably the fruity ones. Not the cheap kind, mind you. Mia will manage. She always does."

Mia groaned but couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous this all was. "You’ve got to be kidding me," she muttered. "I’m supposed to manage your gummy bear needs now?"

Emma, who had been lounging nearby, leaned over, chuckling. "You know, Mia, I think Blackie’s got you wrapped around his paw."

Mia gave her a pointed look. "I know. But what else can I do? He's got ROYAL demands."

Annie looked between Blackie and Mia, trying not to laugh. "This is getting out of hand. You’re seriously going to go get gummy bears for him?"

Mia just sighed and shook her head. "Fine, fine. Gummy bears it is. Just... don't make me regret this, okay?"

Blackie purred in satisfaction, settling down on his newly acquired trampoline. "You always come through, Mia. You know what I like." He stretched out lazily, clearly pleased with himself. "Hurry up now, I’m getting hungry."

With a resigned smile, Mia turned to head back to their supplies. "I’ll be back with your gummy bears. Your Majesty."

An hour later, dinner time had arrived, and the small island was filled with the rich aroma of freshly prepared food. Emma had outdone herself again, whipping up a delightful mango and coconut soup. The tropical flavors mixed perfectly, and the soup was light but satisfying, served in large bowls that invited everyone to dig in.

They were all sitting at the makeshift dining table made from a couple of large rocks and a few planks of wood when Mia suddenly paused, spoon halfway to her mouth. Her eyes grew wide with realization.

"Wait..." Mia said, her voice tinged with a hint of worry. "What about the crops? The ones we planted a month ago?"

Annie blinked, confused. "Crops? You mean the ones we put in the ground over there?" She gestured to the far side of the island where the fields stretched out, lush with the promise of food.

Mia's eyes lit up. "Yeah! The corn, cacao..." She trailed off, her stomach growling at the very thought. "Mmmmmm, chocolate..." She sighed dramatically, the mention of chocolate sending a spark of excitement through her. Her chocolate tooth was notorious on the island, and there was no denying it—Mia loved chocolate more than just about anything.

Emma chuckled and leaned back, wiping her hands on her apron. "You’ve got a point. We should check on them after dinner."

"But... chocolate!" Mia moaned, unable to keep her focus entirely on the crops. "I swear, if there's any chocolate out there, I’ll find it and... I’ll make it mine!"

"Let’s make sure the crops are healthy first," Annie said, still a bit confused by Mia's fixation on chocolate. "After all, we need the cacao to make the chocolate. Remember, that’s what we planted it for."

Mia practically jumped out of her seat. "I know, but what if it’s already ready? What if there’s a whole bounty of chocolate waiting for me?" She reached for her soup with one hand while waving the other around as if beckoning the chocolate to appear before her.

Emma shook her head with a grin. "Alright, alright. We'll check after we eat. No need to go full chocolate-crazy just yet."

Mia nodded eagerly, her mind already on the crops and, more importantly, the potential for chocolate. "Fine, fine. But I'm telling you, if there’s even a HINT of chocolate, you’re all going to hear about it."

Narrator - they survived today, yesterday, and the whole month. But do the ninja even remember the girls? I wonder. Stay tuned as the journey continues!

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