Chasing Emma Part 2

Mia nervously tapped her phone as it rang. After a few moments, Morro's voice answered from the other end. "Yeah?"

"Uh, hey, Morro?" Mia began cautiously, rubbing the back of her neck. "I was wondering if you could possibly, oh, I don't know... convince your wife to... um... get off Europa?"

A pause. "Where?"

Mia grimaced. "Europa. You know, one of Jupiter's moons?"

There was a longer pause this time. "What do you mean, get off Europa?"

Mia awkwardly cleared her throat. "Well... there's no easy way of saying this, so... Morro, your wife is in space."

Silence. Then, in complete disbelief, Morro finally said, "My wife... is on Jupiter's moon?"

"Yeah," Mia mumbled, wincing. "And she's, uh, kinda just hanging out there. Maybe you could, you know, talk her down?"

Morro sighed. "Why is this even happening?"

" O-kay..... That's bad." Morro muttered as he looked through the telescope, then looked at Annie and Mia. " What are we gonna do?"

" We were thinking you could go up there and.... Drag her down." Annie said sheepishly.

Morro blinked. " Pardon?"

" Well, you see.... You're a ghost."

" Yeah..."

" So you don't need to breathe air...."

" Yes I do!"

Annie blinked. " What?"

" What makes you think I don't need to breathe?!"

" Well, it's just.... You're a ghost."

Morro narrowed his eyes. " Just tell me what you mean "

" She means that since you're a ghost you don't need to breathe air so you could go up there and drag your wife down."

" But I need to breathe air!"  Morro cried.

Annie snapped her fingers. " I got it!"

Mia and Morro turned to her

" We can hitch a ride on a rocket!"

Morro seemed to like the idea.

Mia.... Not so much.

" That's not a good idea."

Annie raised a brow. " Why?"

" Because it takes about seven years to reach Europa."

Annie blinked. " What?!" She screeched.

Mia nodded.

" But how did she get there in... I dunno... Ten seconds?!" Morro yelled.

Mia sighed. " How should I know? She's your wife."

Suddenly, Mia's phone rang. With a sigh, she picked it up

" Hi, Mia!" Emma's nonchalant voice came through the phone.

Mia sighed. " Where are you now?"

" Canoeing on a river on Neptune."

Morro stared at Mia, dumbfounded. "Canoeing? On Neptune?"

Mia pinched the bridge of her nose, exhaling in frustration. "Emma... do you even know where you are right now?"

"Yeah, Neptune!" Emma replied cheerfully over the phone. "It's pretty chilly, but hey, the view is amazing. The rings? Absolutely breathtaking. I should've brought a thicker jacket, though."

Morro, still holding the telescope, slowly lowered it and blinked in disbelief. "You mean to tell me... she's canoeing on a gas giant?"

Annie threw her hands up in exasperation. "Of course she is! She's Emma! What else would she be doing?"

Mia sighed and leaned closer to the phone. "Emma, why are you on Neptune? And where did you even get a canoe?!"

"Oh, I found it," Emma said nonchalantly. "I was floating around in the van, then I saw a river-like thing forming in the atmosphere. It's actually quite peaceful."

Morro shook his head as if trying to clear it. "There's no river on Neptune!" he muttered, bewildered.

Annie looked like she was on the verge of pulling her hair out. "Emma, listen, you have to come back. This is getting out of hand."

"Yeah, sure, just after I sketch this swirling vortex I found. It's like a never-ending storm... Wait, is that Jupiter?" Emma mused, sounding distracted. "Wow, Jupiter's storm is much more chaotic up close. I should totally visit that next."

Mia's patience was running thin, and she could hear the click of Emma's pencil through the phone. "Emma, you need to stop. You're in space, there's no air! Do you even have oxygen left?!"

"I dunno," Emma replied casually. "The van seems fine, though. Oh! The van just drifted toward Pluto. Maybe I'll make a snow angel there."

Morro shot a look at Mia, completely speechless. Annie, on the other hand, was pacing in circles now. "Snow angel?! Emma, get back to Earth right now! Do you hear me?!"

"Annie, you're stressing too much," Emma's voice crackled. "Just relax, it's space. What could go wrong?"

Mia groaned, then turned to Morro. "You have to do something."

Morro sighed, clearly overwhelmed by the absurdity of the situation. "I can't drag.her down from space, Mia! She's in Neptune's atmosphere! And I still need air, no matter what you think."

Annie stopped pacing and threw her hands up again. "Fine! Fine! We'll just... build another rocket and go after her!"

Mia rubbed her temples. "Annie, it took ten seconds for Emma to fly into outer space. We have no idea how she's doing this, and there's no way we can build a rocket fast enough to keep up!"

Morro raised an eyebrow. "Then how did she even get there?"

Mia shook her head, exasperated. "Don't ask me. All I know is that her van hit a ramp, and suddenly she was gone. Now she's gallivanting across the solar system."

Morro stared at her, processing everything. "Gallivanting... across the solar system?"

Mia's phone buzzed again. She glanced down and saw it was Emma texting her. Mia opened the message and read aloud, "Hey, do you think I should visit the Sun next? It's so bright here on Mercury."

"Mercury?!" Morro and Annie shouted in unison.

Mia blinked at the text, unable to process the fact that her friend was somehow hopping between planets. "Emma! Stop moving around the solar system!"

"What? I'm just trying to get a nice tan. It's super warm here, and the views are incredible. You guys should see this crater! Maybe I can take a selfie and send it to you."

"NO SELFIES!" Mia snapped. "Emma, you're on a planet that's way too close to the Sun!"

"Relax, Mia. I'm fine. Plus, I've got sunscreen in the van. I'll be back home soon, don't worry."

Annie, who was now shaking her head in disbelief, muttered, "She's literally on Mercury, sunbathing. This is unreal."

Morro, unable to wrap his head around the sheer absurdity, looked at Mia. "And you expect me to fix this?"

Mia shrugged helplessly. "You're the closest thing we've got to supernatural. If anyone can do it, it's you."

Morro let out a long, defeated sigh and glanced back through the telescope, futilely trying to spot Emma. "Fine. I'll... figure something out. But I'm telling you, this is insane."

Mia's phone buzzed again, and this time she groaned before reading the message. "Guys, Mercury's surface is hotter than I expected. Maybe I should take a dip in one of Saturn's ice rings next?"

Mia sighed and punched Emma's number in.

" Did you get my text?"

Annie slapped her forehead. "Emma, I swear, if you go near Saturn—"

"Too late!" Emma chirped, her voice coming through clearly. "I'm already there. Ice swimming, here I come!"

Mia buried her face in her hands. "We're never getting her back, are we?"

Morro stared blankly at the sky, muttering, "I need a vacation from this... and from space."

Annie glared up at the stars as if willing them to bring Emma back. "Emma, if you don't return to Earth right now, I'm going to... I don't even know what I'll do, but it won't be good!"

"Okay, okay," Emma replied breezily. "I'll come home, but after I finish ice skating on Saturn's rings. You guys should really join me sometime."

Mia, now completely defeated, muttered under her breath, "I give up."

Thirty minutes later, the situation hadn't improved. In fact, it had spiraled further into absurdity. Annie and Morro sat at the park's table, spewing increasingly ridiculous ideas on how to retrieve Emma from her celestial escapade. Mia sat quietly with her arms crossed, head resting on the table, as she listened to the outrageous plans her friends concocted.

"I'm telling you," Annie said excitedly, leaning forward. "We just need to build a giant slingshot. We can use it to launch ourselves into space and intercept her before she goes into any more dangerous places."

Morro, whose eyes were wide with disbelief, actually seemed to consider it. "A slingshot... That could work, but we'd need to make sure it's strong enough to launch us across the solar system... How big would the rubber bands need to be?"

Mia, her face still buried in her arms, groaned. "Guys... please. We can't slingshot ourselves into space."

Annie grinned mischievously. "What if we make the van into a rocket? Then we can chase her down and grab her by the arm before she heads too far off."

Morro nodded thoughtfully. "Not bad... We just need to figure out how to attach boosters to the van and—"

"Boosters?!" Mia snapped, her head shooting up from the table. "You're going to attach boosters to her van? Have you both lost it?"

But before Mia could even process how absurd that plan was, her phone rang again. She glanced at the screen, and sure enough, it was Emma. Sighing heavily, she picked up the call. "Emma, where are you now?"

"On my way to the core of Venus!" Emma replied, sounding far too cheerful for someone who was possibly about to melt.

Mia's mouth fell open. "The... core? Of Venus?!"

Annie gasped and covered her mouth. Morro, who had been deep in thought about slingshots and boosters, froze.

Morro's face went pale as he processed Emma's words. "Wait... did she just say the core of Venus?"

Before Mia could confirm, Morro's eyes rolled back, and with a soft thud, he fainted, collapsing to the floor in an unceremonious heap.

Annie screamed, rushing over to him. "Morro! Morro, get up!" She shook him lightly, but he remained unconscious, overwhelmed by the insanity of it all.

"Great," Mia muttered, pressing the phone to her ear. "Emma, Morro just fainted."

Emma's laugh echoed through the phone. "Oh, Morro! Always the dramatic one. Tell him I'm fine. The van is handling the heat really well. Plus, the view down here is amazing! It's like being inside a lava lamp."

Mia pinched the bridge of her nose. "Emma, do you even know how dangerous it is down there? Venus's core could melt the van!"

"Pfft, nah. The van's made of some pretty strong stuff. I even packed marshmallows. I'm roasting them right now!"

Annie's jaw dropped. "Marshmallows? She's roasting marshmallows in the core of Venus?!"

Mia rubbed her temples, feeling a migraine coming on. "Emma... please... you have to come back. We can't deal with this anymore. Morro just fainted, and Annie is about to lose it."

Emma's tone remained chipper. "Alright, alright, I'll head back soon. But I've got to say, this little space trip has been awesome. Maybe next time, we can all go to Uranus together!"

Mia let out a long, exasperated sigh. "I think we've had enough space adventures for a lifetime, Emma. Just... get home safely, okay?"

Emma's voice softened. "Okay, okay. I'll start heading back. But you guys are seriously missing out."

Mia ended the call and turned to Annie, who was still shaking Morro, trying to revive him.

"We need to get Morro to wake up," Mia said, standing up. "Because when Emma gets back, we're all going to need a very long nap... or maybe a vacation."

Annie looked up, still frazzled. "Forget a nap... I need a year off after this."

Mia nodded, glancing down at Morro. "And we're going to need to figure out how to explain all this to him when he wakes up... assuming he doesn't faint again."

They both stared at the unconscious ghost as the ridiculousness of the whole situation finally started to sink in.

" Mia?!"

Mia turned from her sitting area on the grass to see her brother and the other ninja running to her.

She also saw her sassy black creature with them, flicking his tail.

" What's the emergency?" Jay asked as he approached.

Mia stood up, but before she could say anything, Cole spoke. " Wait.... aren't there three of you? Where's the black haired girl?"

" You mean Emma?" Annie called from her spot as she fanned a still unconscious Morro. " She's..... ah.... preoccupied."

Blackie walked up to his owner. " Let me guess." He meowed. " She's up to her usual antics?"

Mia shot him a glance. " What do you think?"

Jay raised an eyebrow, sensing the tension in Mia's voice. "What's she up to this time?"

Mia sighed deeply, rubbing the back of her neck. "Well... let's just say she's not on Earth right now."

Nya blinked in confusion. "Wait, what do you mean she's not on Earth?"

Annie let out a small laugh, still fanning Morro. "She's off exploring space."

"Space?" Kai blurted, his voice rising in disbelief. "How in the world did she even get there?"

Mia crossed her arms, clearly exhausted. "Long story short, Emma somehow... got herself to Venus and then decided to take a detour to the core."

The group of ninja collectively froze for a moment, their faces reflecting varying degrees of shock and confusion. Cole was the first to break the silence.

"Venus? The planet? And she's—what—just hanging out in the core?!" he asked, his voice filled with disbelief.

Annie nodded, completely nonchalant. "Yup, roasting marshmallows, apparently."

Jay's jaw dropped, and Lloyd blinked rapidly as if trying to process the absurdity. "Roasting... marshmallows... in the core of Venus? That's—that's—"

"Insane," Zane finished, his robotic voice calm, though even he seemed thrown off. "The temperature in the core of Venus exceeds anything survivable, and yet... she's there?"

Blackie flicked his tail smugly. "I warned you all that she was prone to this sort of thing. But no one listens to the cat."

Mia shook her head, still trying to grasp everything herself. "Well, now we have a bigger issue. Morro fainted when he heard she was in space, and he's been out cold ever since."

Kai let out a low whistle, walking over to the still-unconscious Morro and crouching beside him. "Wow, he really took this hard, didn't he?"

"Can you blame him?" Annie muttered. "His wife is basically on a suicide mission across the solar system."

Jay rubbed his temples, clearly stressed. "Okay, so... what's the plan now? How do we get Emma back?"

Mia sighed. "I've been trying to think of something. Annie suggested we use a giant slingshot, and Morro was all for turning the van into a spaceship. But none of that's... realistic."

Kai stood up, cracking his knuckles. "Well, I'm pretty sure Emma's not going to stay in space forever. We could... just wait until she comes back. If she's roasting marshmallows on Venus, she's probably enjoying herself."

Lloyd groaned. "We can't just wait! What if she decides to go even deeper into space next? Like, I don't know, Pluto?"

Zane tilted his head, considering it. "Pluto, though distant, would pose even greater risks to her survival. The temperature there is—"

"Zane, not helping," Nya interrupted, waving her hand. "We need to figure out how to get Emma back, before she does something even crazier."

Suddenly, Mia's phone buzzed in her pocket, causing everyone to go silent. With a sigh, she pulled it out, dreading what might be next. She glanced at the screen and saw Emma's name. Reluctantly, she answered.

"Emma?" Mia's voice was tired but expectant.

"Hey, Mia!" Emma's cheerful voice came through the phone. "Guess what? I'm thinking of heading over to Jupiter next! Maybe Europa! Heard the ice there is amazing for skating!"

Mia's eyes widened, and she shot a panicked look at the others. "Jupiter?! Emma, no! You need to come back now! Everyone's freaking out!"

Emma scoffed. " You guys need to learn how to chill. I'm fiiiine! An- wow, Saturn has a storm?! Sorry, Mia, gotta go!"

Before Mia could say anything, Emma ended the call.

Mia stared at her phone, her mouth slightly open in disbelief. "She... hung up on me," she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Jay blinked. "What did she say?"

Mia, still staring at her phone, slowly turned to the group. "She's... headed to Jupiter. Wants to skate on the ice of Europa."

Annie dropped her fan, staring at Mia in shock. "Europa? Jupiter's moon Europa?! What is she, a space tourist now?!"

Mia nodded, rubbing her temples. "She said something about Saturn having a storm and... hung up. She's really enjoying this."

Cole let out an exasperated groan. "So now we've got to worry about her on Jupiter too? This just keeps getting better and better."

Nya crossed her arms, looking around at the group. "Okay, we can't just sit here and wait for her to rocket off to another planet. We need to stop her before she does something even more dangerous."

Kai, still standing over Morro's unconscious form, shook his head. "I mean, can we even get to her? How are we supposed to stop her when she's literally in space?"

Blackie meowed, his tone laced with sass. "You all talk as if you've never had to deal with Emma before. This is just another Tuesday for her."

Lloyd shook his head, clearly frustrated. "We're ninja, we've fought countless enemies and saved Ninjago multiple times. And now, we're being outsmarted by someone who's casually hopping across planets!"

Zane's analytical mind was still processing the situation, his eyes darting between the group members. "We could track her trajectory and use advanced technology to send a drone after her. However, the energy required to intercept her in space would be... considerable."

Jay sighed, pacing. "Okay, so the slingshot idea is out, and turning the van into a spaceship is, uh, probably out too... So, what do we do?"

Annie glanced at Mia, her face suddenly lighting up. "Wait a minute! Mia, isn't there a way we can reach her? You're a tech genius, right?"

Mia's eyes narrowed as she considered the idea. "I... might have something," she said slowly. "But it's risky. We'd need to hack into the satellite systems and redirect communications to hijack whatever signal she's using to send her coordinates. If I can do that, maybe I can reroute her back to Earth."

Jay raised an eyebrow. "Maybe?"

Mia bit her lip. "It's a long shot, but it's the only plan we've got that doesn't involve... you know... shooting ourselves into space."

Kai frowned. "Wait, how exactly would hacking satellites get her back to Earth?"

Mia took a deep breath. "We're going to confuse her navigation system. If I can mess with her equipment enough, she'll have no choice but to follow the path I set. And that path is going to lead her straight back here."

Nya's eyes lit up. "That's brilliant!"

"But also super risky," Mia added. "If I mess this up, she could end up... somewhere worse."

Annie's face paled. "Worse? Like... into the sun?"

Mia nodded. "Or out of the solar system entirely."

Jay groaned. "Great. No pressure then."

Cole scratched his head. "Well, it's the best plan we've got. So what do we need to do?"

Mia stood up, determination flashing in her eyes. "We need to get to my workshop. I've got the equipment there that can connect to the satellite networks. But we'll need to move fast."

Jay clapped his hands together. "Alright, team, you heard her! To Mia's workshop!"

As the group began moving towards the van, Blackie, with his usual sass, trotted after them. "I hope you all know what you're doing. I'm not chasing after you in space."

They piled into the van, with Mia taking the driver's seat. Morro, still unconscious, was gently laid in the back by Kai and Cole.

"Buckle up," Mia muttered as she started the engine. "We're going to be pulling some all-nighters for this one."

As the van roared to life and sped down the road towards Mia's workshop, the team exchanged nervous glances. Emma's adventures were getting more dangerous by the minute, and time was running out to bring her back before she ended up lost in the depths of space.

Lloyd, sitting next to Jay, sighed. "You know, I never thought our biggest mission would be dragging one of our own back from Jupiter."

Jay laughed, but it was more of a nervous chuckle. "Yeah, well... there's a first time for everything."

At Mia's workshop, the hum of computers filled the air as she furiously typed away at the main terminal, her brow furrowed in concentration. Jay sat beside her, looking more confused by the second as he tried to follow the stream of code on the screen.

"Jay, help me hack into this thing," Mia muttered, her fingers dancing across the keyboard.

"I'm trying!" Jay replied, slightly exasperated as he scrolled through endless data. "But I haven't hacked into things for years!"

Mia sighed. "Just follow the prompts, and don't touch anything that looks like it'll explode the system."

Jay blinked. "That doesn't exactly narrow it down!"

For the next thirty minutes, the two worked in sync—Mia expertly navigating through layers of security while Jay assisted where he could, mostly by trying not to accidentally delete the wrong files. Finally, with a soft click, Mia leaned back in her chair, breathing a sigh of relief.

"We're in," she announced.

The others, who had been pacing or anxiously waiting around the workshop, rushed over to the monitor.

"What do we see?" Kai asked, looking over Mia's shoulder.

Mia typed a few more commands, pulling up the feed from the satellite tracking Emma. As the screen flickered to life, they were greeted by an unexpected sight—a pre-recorded message of Emma... surfing. In space. On what appeared to be a cosmic wave, with distant stars twinkling in the background.

Everyone stared at the screen, completely dumbfounded.

Emma, clad in what looked like a makeshift spacesuit, was expertly balancing on a surfboard-like contraption as she rode a shimmering wave of stardust. Her long black hair floated around her helmet as if she didn't have a care in the world.

"Is... is she surfing?!" Morro blurted out, his eyes wide with disbelief.

"She's actually surfing in space," Nya whispered, shaking her head.

As if the situation couldn't get any stranger, Emma suddenly pulled a burger from out of nowhere and took a big bite, her relaxed expression unbothered by the cosmic chaos around her. The burger seemed to float for a second, before she grabbed it again and casually continued munching.

Kai let out a low groan, covering his face with his hand. "How does she even... where did she get a burger from?!"

Jay was at a loss for words. "I... I don't even..."

Mia stared at the screen in disbelief, her mouth hanging open. "How did this become my life?" she muttered, rubbing her temples. "She's out there, surfing space waves and eating burgers... and I'm here trying to hack satellites to bring her back."

Annie, who had been watching in stunned silence, finally let out a snort of laughter. "You've got to admit, she's having the time of her life."

Zane, ever the logical one, frowned as he analyzed the screen. "Given her current trajectory and the cosmic wave, it appears she is rapidly moving toward... Neptune. Based on her velocity—"

Mia cut him off, still staring at the screen in frustration. "I don't care if she's heading toward the center of the universe. We need to get her back now!"

Jay scratched his head, still trying to process the sight of Emma surfing through space like it was the most normal thing in the world. "Mia, are you sure we can't just wait this out? She looks... fine?"

Mia shot him a withering glare. "Jay."

"Right, right," he said quickly, raising his hands in surrender. "We're bringing her back."

As the team continued to watch Emma's pre-recorded message, she finished her burger, wiped her mouth with a floating napkin, and gave a casual wave to the camera.

"Hey, guys! If you're watching this, I'm on my way to Neptune, and let me tell you—space surfing is awesome. I'll be back soon, but for now, enjoy the view!"

The message ended with Emma winking at the camera before the feed cut to static.

There was a long, stunned silence in the room.

"I think I'm going to faint again," Morro muttered from the back, finally recovering from his earlier shock.

Blackie flicked his tail lazily and looked up at Mia. "Told you. She's always up to something."

Mia groaned and buried her face in her hands. "I swear, if we survive this, I'm making her do all my chores for a month."

Jay leaned over and patted her on the back. "Hey, at least she's having fun... in space... surfing... while we panic."

Mia glared at him. "Not. Helping."

Mia turned to the others. " Remember the plan?"

Morro sighed as he held up a rope. " I zoom up there and attach this to Em's car."

" Then, I use my strength to pull her down." Cole added.

" And we help." Jay piped up.

Mia nodded, glancing at each of them to make sure they understood their roles. "Exactly. We don't have much time, so we need to make this work the first time."

Morro sighed again, holding the rope in his hands and giving it a little tug to test its strength. "I'm still not convinced this is going to work," he muttered. "But hey, I've been wrong before."

Jay grinned, trying to lighten the mood. "Come on, Morro, think of it as a family reunion... in space!"

Morro shot him a glare. "Yeah, except instead of a barbecue, I'm flying through the vacuum of space trying to tie a rope to my wife's space car."

Cole chuckled as he flexed his arms. "And I'll be the one pulling her back down. It's like tug-of-war... but with planets involved."

Mia rubbed her temples, trying to stay focused despite the absurdity of their plan. "Alright, focus. We can do this. Morro, once you get up there and tie the rope, make sure it's secure. Cole, you're going to use your earth powers to anchor yourself here and pull her down. And Jay—" she paused, giving him a pointed look, "you and I and the others will back Cole up with all the strength we've got."

Jay gave her a thumbs-up. "You got it, sis. I'm ready when you are."

Kai cracked his neck. " This should be fun."

Mia exhaled, glancing at the sky. Somewhere out there, Emma was probably still surfing space waves, oblivious to the chaos she was causing. "Okay, let's get this over with. We have to act fast before she decides to head to Pluto."

Morro grumbled under his breath but readied himself. "Alright, I'm going in." He stepped forward, his ghostly form shimmering as he prepared to phase up into the sky.

Mia turned to Cole and Jay. "You two, be ready. The moment Morro attaches the rope, we pull with everything we've got."

Cole cracked his knuckles. "Got it. I'll have Emma back on Earth in no time."

Jay nodded. "Let's just hope her car doesn't explode or something. That'd be awkward."

Mia shot him another glare. "Not. Helping."

Morro took a deep breath, then shot upwards into the sky, his ghostly form zooming toward space. In seconds, he disappeared from view, and the team waited in tense silence.

"Okay, he's on his way," Mia muttered, nervously pacing as she stared up into the sky. "I just hope this works."

Several minutes passed, and then the rope in Cole's hands gave a sharp tug.

"He's got it!" Cole yelled. "Alright, let's do this!"

Mia and Jay rushed over, grabbing the rope alongside Cole. With a grunt of effort, they began pulling, using every ounce of strength they had. Cole's earth powers surged through him, anchoring his feet firmly into the ground as he tugged on the rope with everything he had.

"Come on, Emma," Mia muttered through gritted teeth. "Stay still for once."

The rope jerked as if something heavy had caught onto it. "We've got her!" Jay yelled, pulling even harder.

For a moment, it felt like they were trying to drag an entire planet down to Earth. Cole's muscles strained, and Mia could feel her arms shaking from the effort. But slowly, ever so slowly, the rope began to give way.

Up in the sky, far beyond their vision, Morro had successfully tied the rope to Emma's car. He zoomed back down to Earth, phasing back into his physical form just in time to see the others struggling to pull his wife back.

"Any luck?" Morro asked, slightly out of breath.

"We're getting there!" Mia grunted, her hands gripping the rope tightly. "A little more..."

Suddenly, the sky above them shimmered, and Emma's space car came into view, slowly descending back toward the Earth's atmosphere. As it approached, they could see Emma inside, casually reclining in her seat, munching on what appeared to be another burger, completely unaware of the chaos below.

"She... she's really eating another burger?" Kai asked in disbelief.

"I told you!" Jay panted. "She's impossible!"

With one final tug, Cole and the others managed to pull Emma's car safely back to the ground. The car landed softly on the grass, and Emma, with a look of pure relaxation, stepped out, completely unfazed.

"Hey, guys!" she said with a grin, tossing the burger wrapper into a nearby trash can. "That was awesome! I've never been pulled down from space before. 10/10 experience."

Mia, panting and exhausted, just stared at her. "Emma... what the heck was that?"

Emma shrugged, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. "What? I needed a little space adventure. You know how it is."

Morro, still slightly pale from his earlier fainting spell, marched up to her and crossed his arms. "We had to haul you back from Venus, Emma."

Emma laughed and patted Morro on the shoulder. "Aw, honey, don't be dramatic. You know I had it all under control."

Mia groaned, rubbing her temples again. "How did this become my life?"

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