Caveman - actually, Cave woman
Mia blowed her hot chocolate and tooka sip. " This is a disaster!"
" I know!" Emma said through clenched teeth. " I accidentally vacuum sealed my cheese too tight!"
Annie looked at her. * We're stuck in who knows what, surrounded by who knows who, and you're worried about CHEESE?!"
" Well, is it MY fault you read the map wrong?!" Emma shot.
Annie looked hurt, but then recovered. " Well if I mislead us then why didn't you stop me, know it all?"
" Because I didn't have the map with m-*
" ANNIE EMMA STOP!" Mia bellowed through the cave. They turned to her, nervous.
" I am the oldest, and I am the one who is going to lead us. So unless you wanna be stuck in here the rest of your life, start helping!"
The two bickering girls sighed. " I'm sorry, Annie." Emma muttered.
" And I'm sorry too, Em. Friends?"
" Friends." They hugged it out.
Mia sighed. " Okay. Annie, what's the weather forecast besides snow?"
Annie pulled her phone out. " No reception."
Mia growled. " Okay, girls, new plan."
" If you're the oldest then why are you up there?!" Emma moaned as she tried to steady herself.
Annie, who was standing on Emma's shoulders, nodded slightly. " Yeah."
Mia, who was sitting on Annie's shoulders, didn't look from the sky as she held her phone up. " Because I'm the responsible one. Move a little to the right, Emma."
" Other right."
" Okay, back."
" A tad forward...."
" There!" She exclaimed. " Time to call!"
But when she pressed the phone button, there were a bunch of numbers.
She scrolled through them.
No Jay
Or the ninja hotline for that matter.
So Mia sighed and did the one thing she knew Emma would do.
Take a picture, caption it, and hope someone read!
Suddenly, Emma wobbled, and they tipped over.
" FLEE OUR IMPACT ZONE!" Mia yelled as she waved her arms.
Five seconds later, cold, white, fluffy material hit her face
" Brrrr, it's cold " she shivered.
Mia sat up, brushing snow off her face and spitting out the cold flakes. "Okay, that did not go as planned."
Emma, who was face-first in the snow, groaned, "No kidding..."
Annie, untangling herself from the pile of bodies, sat up, wiping snow off her jacket. "Why did we think this was a good idea again?"
Mia, still shivering, shot back, "It was a good idea. It's just that someone"—she looked at Emma—"wobbled."
Emma threw her hands in the air defensively. "I was doing my best! Balancing both of you is harder than it looks."
Annie looked at the phone that had fallen into the snow beside her. "Well, at least you got a picture out."
Mia reached for the phone, checking the screen. "Yeah, but no signal still. Looks like we'll be stuck here a little longer."
The wind howled through the cave opening, and the cold was starting to seep into their bones. They were deep in a snowy wilderness, far from civilization, and no way to contact anyone.
Annie hugged herself, teeth chattering. "We need to find some shelter or start a fire, or we'll freeze."
Mia stood, brushing herself off. "Alright, let's think. We've got snow all around us, no reception, and it's getting darker. So, first thing—Emma, you're in charge of gathering some dry wood for a fire."
Emma perked up. "Finally, something I can do without messing up."
Annie looked around, squinting into the dimming light outside the cave. "I'll search for any food sources nearby. Maybe some berries or something."
Mia nodded. "Good idea. I'll stay here and see if I can figure out how we can make this cave a little warmer."
As they split up, the snow continued to fall, blanketing the ground even further. Emma trudged through the snow, finding a few branches that looked dry enough to use. Annie, meanwhile, found nothing edible but managed to find a few pine cones they could possibly use for kindling.
When they regrouped, Mia had used her jacket to block some of the draft coming in from the cave's entrance. They piled the wood and pine cones in the center and used a small lighter from Mia's bag to spark a flame.
The fire crackled to life, its warm glow illuminating their faces as they huddled around it. The girls let out collective sighs of relief as the warmth chased away the cold.
Mia smiled at her friends. "See? We're not doing too bad. Just a little detour."
Annie leaned in closer to the fire. "Yeah, but let's just hope someone sees that picture before we turn into popsicles."
Emma, her hands stretched toward the flames, added, "And let's hope they bring hot chocolate."
Mia chuckled, her spirits lifting. "I'll take anything warm at this point."
Emma proudly held up the vacuum-sealed cheese, a determined look on her face. "Cheese, anyone? I've got different types! I just need to...figure out how to get it out."
Annie raised an eyebrow, huddled by the fire. "Emma, I really don't think now is the time for cheese."
Emma waved her off. "Nonsense! Cheese is always the answer. Just watch!"
She tugged at the sealed package, struggling to open it. The girls watched in amusement as she pulled harder, her face turning red with effort.
"Uh, Emma? Maybe just wait until we get rescued?" Mia suggested, eyeing the sealed bag.
"No way!" Emma grunted, yanking again. "This cheese was sealed for a reason, and I'm getting it out!"
Suddenly, with one final pull, the vacuum-sealed package burst open, sending cheese flying everywhere. Slices of cheddar, gouda, and Swiss soared through the air like tiny, cheesy missiles.
Mia dodged one piece just in time. "Whoa! Incoming!"
Annie ducked, laughing. "Careful, or you're going to knock someone out with that cheddar!"
Emma stared at the scattered cheese in dismay before bursting into laughter. "Well... at least it's out!"
Mia picked up a slice that had landed in her lap, grinning. "You know what? This actually might be the strangest but most welcome snack in a survival situation."
Annie chuckled, grabbing a piece herself. "I never thought I'd be eating cheese in the middle of a snowstorm, but here we are."
As the three girls munched on the assortment of cheese, they couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of their situation. Stuck in a cave, covered in snow, with cheese scattered around them—it wasn't exactly what they had planned, but somehow it was perfect.
"Cheese makes everything better," Emma declared triumphantly, holding up a slice like a trophy.
Mia grinned. "You might be onto something."
Annie raised her piece in agreement. "To cheese, and to surviving this ridiculous adventure!"
They toasted.
Few minutes later, Emma rubbed her eyes, letting out a long yawn. "Wait... what time is it?"
Mia checked her phone and blinked in disbelief. "Three-thirty in the morning."
Emma groaned, stretching out her arms. "You're pulling my paw."
Mia raised an eyebrow. "First off, it's my paw you're talking about. Second, you don't even have paws."
Emma, too tired to argue, just gave Mia a half-hearted look before yawning again. "Right... no paws. I think I'm hallucinating cheese."
Annie, who had been quietly watching the exchange, sighed and shuffled into her makeshift sleeping spot. "Let's just try and sleep. We'll figure everything out when it's daylight."
Mia nodded, curling up beside her, still holding her phone like it might magically help. "Yeah, we'll think better in the morning."
Emma plopped down on the cold cave floor, pulling a blanket over herself. "I'm too tired to think, anyway."
The three girls fell silent as the cave became still, the only sound being the gentle crackle of their small fire and the faint howling wind outside. Wrapped in their blankets, they drifted off, hoping for some rest before whatever came next.
Even if what came next was to be chased by a RAVENOUS WOLF!
Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the cave, cutting through the silence. Mia stirred first, blinking sleepily as the sound reached her ears. "Did you hear that?"
Emma and Annie jolted awake, sitting up in alarm. "What was that?" Emma whispered, her eyes wide as she scanned the cave's entrance.
The growl came again, louder this time, accompanied by the unmistakable sound of paws crunching in the snow outside.
Annie's face paled. "Please tell me that's just my stomach."
Mia shook her head, eyes narrowing toward the entrance. "Nope. That's definitely not your stomach." She scrambled to her feet, her heart pounding in her chest.
Emma grabbed the vacuum-sealed cheese, clutching it to her like a shield. "Do wolves eat cheese?"
Mia shot her a look. "This is NOT the time to find out!"
The growling grew closer, and a shadow moved at the entrance of the cave. The flickering firelight cast an eerie glow on the figure—a large, hulking wolf with gleaming eyes and sharp teeth bared, ready to pounce.
"Run!" Mia shouted, grabbing her backpack and making a break for it.
The girls sprinted deeper into the cave, their breaths coming out in short gasps as the sound of the wolf's pursuit echoed behind them. Emma clutched her cheese, trying to keep up. "I thought wolves only came out during the full moon!"
Annie shot her a panicked glance as she ran. "That's werewolves!"
"Same thing!" Emma yelled, but before she could say more, the wolf let out a vicious snarl, picking up speed.
Mia darted ahead, her mind racing as she spotted a narrow passageway. "Quick, through here!" she called, leading the others into the tight crevice.
They squeezed through just as the wolf lunged forward, its jaws snapping inches away from Emma's leg. The girls collapsed on the other side, hearts pounding in their chests.
Mia leaned against the wall, trying to catch her breath. "Okay, no more caves. Ever."
Emma, still clutching her cheese, looked at Mia with wide eyes. "That was WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY too close."
Annie, gasping for air, nodded. "We need a better plan next time... maybe one that doesn't involve being chased by wolves."
Mia shook her head, a determined look on her face. "Next time, we'll be ready."
Emma held up her vacuum-sealed cheese. "And maybe bring some bacon next time... wolves seem to love a challenge."
Despite the tension, they couldn't help but laugh. But one thing was for sure—they were not getting any more sleep tonight.
The next morning, Mia yawned and stretched, feeling the stiffness in her bones from the uncomfortable night. She rubbed her eyes and looked around at the cold, dimly lit cave. "I had the weirdest dream," she muttered sleepily. "I dreamt that you, me, and Annie were in a freezing cold ca..." She trailed off, blinking in realization as her surroundings came into focus. "Never mind. It wasn't a dream."
Emma groaned from her spot on the ground, pulling her blanket tighter around her. "Yeah, definitely not a dream. My legs feel like icicles, and I'm pretty sure I heard a wolf howling in my sleep."
Annie, already awake and sitting by the fire, raised an eyebrow. "That wasn't in your sleep, Em. We actually got chased by a wolf last night, remember?"
Mia sighed, leaning back against the cave wall. "Yup. Not a dream. So, what now?"
Emma glanced at the vacuum-sealed cheese still clutched in her hand and frowned. "We figure out how to get out of here without getting chased by any more wildlife... and maybe find somewhere warmer. Preferably with food that isn't vacuum-sealed cheese."
Mia chuckled, shaking her head. "Good idea. I don't think I can handle another night like that." She stood up, dusting off her clothes. "Alright, girls, let's pack up and get moving before anything else decides to show up."
Annie nodded, already rolling up her blanket. "Agreed. Let's try not to make any more detours this time."
As they gathered their things, Mia took one last glance at the cave. "Well, at least it'll make for a great story. Surviving the night in a freezing cave, chased by wolves—what an adventure."
Emma sighed, slinging her backpack over her shoulder. "Yeah, great story... I just hope next time our adventures involve a lot more blankets and a lot less running for our lives."
" I CAN NOT COMPREHEND HOW THIS MOMENT CAME ABOUT!" Mia yelled, hands forward and feet moving.
Emma's feet, quicker than ever, barely touched the ground. " Come on!" She shouted. " We can't let the werewolf get us!"
" It's not a werewolf!" Annie corrected.
Mia's heart pounded as she raced through the trees, her breath visible in the cold air. "I don't care what it is! It's got claws, teeth, and it's chasing us!" she shouted, her legs burning as she kept pace with Emma.
Emma darted between branches and rocks like a professional sprinter, barely keeping ahead of Mia. "Werewolf, giant wolf, whatever! I'm not sticking around to find out what it calls itself!" she yelled back, her voice high with adrenaline.
Annie, slightly behind but still moving fast, shouted over the thudding of her feet. "It's just a really big wolf, not a—"
A low growl echoed behind them, and Annie's eyes widened. "Okay! Maybe it's a werewolf!"
"See?!" Emma yelped as she jumped over a fallen log. "Told you!"
Mia, still trying to comprehend how they went from freezing in a cave to being hunted, grit her teeth. "This is officially the WORST trip ever!"
"Not helping!" Emma gasped, looking over her shoulder at the shadows moving closer through the trees.
Annie stumbled but quickly caught up, eyes wide with panic. "We need a plan! Just running isn't going to work!"
"Yeah, I've got a plan!" Mia snapped, swerving to the right toward a rocky outcrop. "Run faster!"
Emma groaned. "That's not a plan!"
"It's a survival strategy!" Mia shot back, her feet pounding harder as the growling drew closer.
Suddenly, they burst out of the trees and found themselves at the edge of a steep cliff. The forest stretched out far below them, and the freezing wind whipped through their hair.
"Oh, you've got to be kidding me," Emma panted, staring down at the drop.
The growl behind them got louder, and Mia's mind raced. "Jump or werewolf. Pick one!"
Annie's eyes darted to the cliff, then to the approaching creature. "Mia, you can't be serious!"
Mia glanced at the shadowed figure emerging from the trees, its glowing eyes locked on them. "I've never been more serious in my life!"
Emma stepped to the edge, gulping. "Here goes nothing!"
"On three!" Mia shouted. "One—"
"THREE!" Emma interrupted, grabbing Annie's hand and leaping off the edge, dragging her along.
Mia didn't hesitate. She followed right after, plunging into the abyss as the growl echoed behind them.
Cold air rushed past as they fell, and Mia screamed, "WORST. VACATION. EVER!"
Ten minutes later, the three girls sat huddled together, panting and gasping for breath. Their hearts were still pounding from the narrow escape and the jump off the cliff.
"Let's never do that again," Emma wheezed, clutching her sides.
Mia, leaning back against a rock, glared at her. "Ya think?!"
Annie, still catching her breath, glanced around the unfamiliar landscape. "I wonder if anyone's going to find us," she mused, her voice shaky. "We could be out here for days."
Emma, ever the dramatist, groaned and flopped onto her back. "Maybe not !Maybe we'll be stuck here forever! And we'll have to wear vines for clothes, and our clothes will be ripped, and we'll grow beards! Big, bushy ones! And our hair will grow so long we'll look like wild animals!"
Mia raised an eyebrow, her face unimpressed. "Okay... FIRST of all, we're not growing beards. That's not how that works."
Emma sat up, clearly enjoying the image in her head. "Oh, but we will grow beards. BIG, FAT ones! Like wizards! And we'll look so wild, no one will recognize us! We'll become legends—the three mysterious girls lost in the wilderness!"
Mia rolled her eyes and muttered, "Great. I'm stuck with a future cavewoman."
Annie, rubbing her forehead, groaned. "Can we not talk about beards? I'm trying to figure out how we survive now, not years from now when we look like characters from a bad fantasy movie."
Emma shrugged. "Just saying. You never know what could happen."
"Well, I know one thing," Mia said, sitting up straighter. "We need to get moving and find some shelter before that thing—whatever it was—finds us again."
Annie nodded, still thinking. "Yeah, we need a real plan now. Preferably one that doesn't involve more cliff diving."
Emma sighed dramatically. "Fine, but if we do have to grow beards, I call dibs on the coolest one."
Mia gave her a tired look. "This is going to be a very, very, VERY long day."
Fifteen minutes later, the three girls found themselves sliding uncontrollably down a steep hill, screaming at the top of their lungs. Behind them, a pack of what felt like a hundred wolves was hot on their trail, snarling and barking.
"WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?!" Mia shouted, her arms flailing as she tried to keep balance on the slick surface.
"I DON'T KNOW BUT I DON'T LIKE IT!" Emma yelled back, her voice cracking in terror as she attempted to steer herself. "WHY DID WE LEAVE THE CAVE?!"
"YOU SAID IT WOULD BE FUN!" Annie screamed, her eyes wide as they sped down the slope, dodging rocks and branches.
The wolves were gaining on them, their growls echoing through the forest as they closed the distance. The sound of their paws pounding the ground only fueled the girls' panic.
"Faster!" Mia shrieked. "We have to go faster!"
"WE'RE ALREADY SLIDING AS FAST AS WE CAN!" Emma cried, her arms pinwheeling in the air. "WHAT DO YOU WANT US TO DO, FLY?!"
Suddenly, they hit a bump in the hill, and for a brief, horrifying moment, they were airborne.
"OH NO!" Mia hollered, clutching at nothing as the ground disappeared beneath them.
They crashed back down, tumbling and rolling the rest of the way, their screams blending with the howls of the wolves. Finally, they landed in a heap at the bottom of the hill, bruised and dazed, but thankfully still alive.
Panting, Mia sat up, her hair filled with leaves and dirt. "Did... did we lose them?" she asked, glancing nervously behind them.
The wolves had stopped at the top of the hill, snarling but seemingly unwilling to continue down the steep slope.
Annie groaned and pushed herself to her feet, wobbling. "Let's not do that ever again."
Emma, lying flat on the ground, lifted her head just enough to glare at her. "Ya think?"
Mia rolled her eyes. " Girls. Not now. We need to figure out a way to get out of here."
* But..... How?* Emma asked as she glanced around the dimly lit cave they had stumbled upon.
Mia looked around. " Woah. Forgot fighting. Check this out!"
Annie looked close. " It's.... Just a pile of rocks, constructed to make a tunnel."
Emma rolled her eyes. " Annie you're hopeless."
" Well maybe someone could explain to me, " WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?!""
The ground beneath them rumbled ominously, and the rocks shifted slightly. All three girls froze, their eyes wide with terror.
"What... was that?" Emma whispered, her voice trembling as she clutched Mia's arm.
Mia squinted into the dim cave tunnel. "I don't know, but I'm guessing it's not friendly."
You might want to turn your volume down
Annie gulped, backing away. "I was just joking about the pile of rocks. I didn't think it could actually do anything."
Another low rumble echoed through the cave, and the rocks seemed to pulse as if something behind them was alive and moving.
"Okay, time to go," Mia said, grabbing both Annie and Emma by the hands and dragging them toward the tunnel's exit. "We are not sticking around to see what that is."
"But where are we even going?" Emma asked, still glancing nervously back.
"Anywhere that's not here!" Mia shot back.
Just as they reached the mouth of the tunnel, a loud crash reverberated behind them, and the pile of rocks collapsed completely, revealing something massive and shadowy stirring in the darkness.
"RUN!" Mia screamed, yanking the girls forward as fast as her legs could carry her.
They bolted out of the cave and into the open air, the cold wind hitting them like a slap in the face. Behind them, the creature let out a guttural growl, and the sound of stones grinding together filled the air.
"Don't look back, just run!" Annie shouted, even as her curiosity got the better of her and she risked a glance behind them.
Her eyes widened. "It's a rock giant! A literal rock giant!"
"Just keep moving!" Mia yelled, pulling ahead as they sprinted into the forest, hoping to outrun whatever monster had just awakened in that cave.
Did you know the Kai and Logan actor are the same?
I had that suspicion since I was introduced to both shows
They literally sound the same and act the same and stuff
And Kai is angry at his Brooklyn him for making fun of him lol
Ps. Their actor is Vincent Tong.
I literally LOVE how he was able to start for TWO different people for TWO different shows!
How does he remember all those lines?!
And how is he not pressured?!
.... Enough Ranting, I know Em.
And Ann
Also thanks for calling me Mimi
I actually like it
You know a funny story....
So today in math I was trying to make a friendship bracelet but it kept getting loops and stuff
And I hated it
So much
Like so much
So now I'm just tying knots and not doing much work
..... Anyway
The girls stumbled through the forest, their breaths coming in ragged gasps. Their clothes were smeared with mud, and their hair was tangled and damp from the cold sweat of their ordeal. As they emerged from the trees, they came upon an old, rusting car, reminiscent of the Land Bounty. The sight was strangely comforting amidst the chaos.
The car's doors creaked open, revealing a tattered interior. Mia, Emma, and Annie hesitated, the car seeming like both a potential refuge and an eerie relic. They approached cautiously, scanning the area for any signs of danger.
Suddenly, a group of pajama-clad men burst from the shadows, their faces hidden by masks and their movements jerky and erratic. One of them, looking slightly more authoritative than the others, brandished a flashlight and barked, "Hands in the air!"
Mia stepped forward, her face set in a fierce scowl. "One more move and you all die," she warned, her tone leaving no room for doubt. Her stance was defiant, her eyes scanning the pajama men with a mix of anger and apprehension.
The pajama man in the back hesitated, confusion and recognition flashing across his face. "Mia?!"
The surprise in his voice made Mia pause, her eyebrows knitting together. "Jay? What are you doing here?"
Jay, emerging from behind the' pajama men,' looked equally astonished. "Mia! Emma! Annie! What are you doing here? And why are you... looking like you've been through a war zone?"
Annie, still panting, rubbed her forehead. "You nearly gave us a heart attack! And what's with the pajamas?"
Another familiar figure stepped forward, wearing a similar outfit. Kai, also sporting a pair of brightly colored pajamas, chuckled. "Mia always gives us heart attacks."
Mia's eyes widened as she saw Kai. "Kai?! What are you doing here?"
Lloyd shrugged with a grin. "Well, you know, just on a rescue mission for my little sister. Though I didn't expect it to turn into a rescue mission for you three."
Emma, still catching her breath, looked around the makeshift hideout. "So, you guys are the ones who've been tracking us?"
Cole nodded. "We heard there were reports of some strange activities around here and figured it might be linked to you. But seeing you all looking like this... I didn't think we'd find you in such a state."
Mia let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. "You have no idea. We've had a run-in with a rock giant, and let's just say, it wasn't a pleasant experience."
"Yeah, we can see that," Jay said, looking them over with a mix of concern and amusement. "Let's get you cleaned up and then we can figure out how to get you back to safety."
Kai and Jay led the way to a hidden section of the car, revealing a few supplies and blankets, while the other twi started the engine. The boys made quick work of setting up a small area where the girls could rest and clean up.
As Mia and the others settled, Kai tossed a few dry clothes their way. "I think these should fit. We'll sort out the rest once you're warmed up."
Emma took a long, grateful look at the clothes. "Thanks, guys. We really needed this."
Mia glanced around, finally feeling a sense of relief wash over her. "Yeah, thanks. I didn't think we'd end up in a situation like this."
Annie nodded, rubbing her arms. "Let's just hope the rest of the day goes a bit smoother."
" WHY DOES THIS KEEO HAPPENING TO US?!" Mia yelled as Cole sped through the snow
" HOW SHOULD I KNOW?!" Cole yelled.
Lloyd, who was grabbing onto a seat, looked into the mirror. " FASTER COLE FASTER!"
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