Battling Jay
I'm" Jay!" Nya yelled as she ran through the crowd. " Jaaay!"
Mia ran close behind her, welding her bow and arrow. " Are you sure you saw him?" Mia asked desperately, her staff tinkling faintly.
Nya turned to look at her for a second. " Yes!"
Mia nodded. " Then I believe you. Let's go!"
They ran, shouting for Jay's name until nya found him.
Or thought.
" Jay!" She exclaimed happily.
The person turned. It was not Jay.
" Sorry, I thought you were someone else." She said sheepishly.
The person harumohed and walked away.
Nya sighed, and turned to Mia, ready to tell her that should go.
But Mia was glowing.
And her staff was glowing.
As the light binded her, a blue light flashed, spreading to every corner of the universe.
When Mia was set down, her eyes were blue, and her hand were....
nya looked at her. " That means....."
Mia closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and thrust her hands forward. The ground lit up, and it started to crack in the shape of lightning.
" Let's go " Mia said, running after the cracks. Nya followed.
They went round and up and down buildings and sucked under stalls until they reached.... Oh. Lord Ras.
" Lord Ras??" She shouted. " How the heck...."
She stopped her sentence when she caught sight of Ras's new recruit.
" Uh, Nya...?" She questioned, eyes wide. " Please tell me that isn't..."
" Jay?" Ras growled. " Your beloved blue ninja?"
" NO!" Mia yelled. " My brother!"
His recruit raised a brow. '" brother's? I've been called many things. Agent Walker, Manager. But never brother."
Mia sighed, and took her staff off her back. She twirled it in her hands and thrust it back, close to her thigh. " Either you remember me and your Yang OR we fight to get your memory back."
Jay took his wolf mask out. " That shouldn't be a problem."
Mia saw the mask.
She let out a scream.
It was so loud the others were attracted, running to her, while everyone around clutches their ears.
Even Ras.
" What's the big idea?* He growled.
Mia's eyes widened. " Oh no. Oh no no no no no no."
" What happened??" Lloyd questioned as he cautiously took his hands off his ears.
Mia turned to him. " I'll tell you what's wrong! Jays been corrupted!"
The ninja ( but not the former one) gasped. " What?!" Cole exclaimed. " How?"
Before Mia could reply, she saw Jay motioning to put it on his face.
" NO!" she yelled. In a single jump, she grabbed the mask out of her hands and kicked it to a place far away.
" Never.... Do... That...." Mia panted.
Jay rolled his eyes and smirked. " You realize I have way more of those, right?"
Mia froze.
" Cole."
Cole turned. " Yes?"
" Chase Jay like you used to chase me."
" Wha-"
" Image he has a picture of you, Kai, and him in a tent, hugging one another. Then imagine I'm running off with it. You Kai and Jay have to catch me."
Cole blinked. " Uh.... Sure?"
He shrugged at Jay. " Soorg, buddy. Sister orders."
" I'm not your buddy!" Jay yelled. " Why can't you understand! I don't know you?"
Mia's face darkened, and she smirked, holding her hands up. " You sure about that?"
Two golden weapons came flying. One she caught, and the other fastened to her back.
The ninja gasped. " No way!" Cole exclaimed. " Those are-"
" The weapons of spinjitzu!" Lloyd finished. " But... How?!"
Mia smirked again. " Less questions more shocking him."
" But you know shocks do not affect him." Zane pointed out.
Mia rolled her eyes. " When they're not from me."
" WHAT?!" nya yelled. " You're gonna SHOCK my boyfriend?!"
" He was my brother before your boyfriend, sis."
Nya sighed, defeated.
But she couldn't argue about that.
Lloyd, though, could.
" Do you really want to do this?*
" Yes, Montgomery. I do."
Lloyd sputtered, " b... But he's the blue ninja!"
" Correction." Ras inputted. " FORMER blue ninja."
Mia turned to him. " And you're my dinner."
She took a ball ( pink and white). Charmander, I choose you!"
Okay okay I suppose I did steal that line
And the Pokémon
But I like them! Can you blame me!
Mia needed some help and she has them!
Charmander, an orange dino with large blue eyes and small arms looked up at Mia. His tail was lit with fire, and he asked, " Char?"
" Charmander, I need you to roast this turkey!"
" Chaaar?"
Can't you do it on your own
Mia hesitated. " Well, yes, bu-"
" Charmander."
Then you don't need me
" No no, it doesn't work like that!"
" Char! Char Char!"
Fine. I'll give you a boost. You want that?
" Well, I suppose so."
" Char."
Mia let out a sigh. " Fine."
Charmander's eyes glowed red, and a string of red came from his mouth ( like riyu to Sora) and it hit Mia.
" Thanks, Char!" She exclaimed.
She then reached into her bag and pulled out three more balls.
" Pikachu! Bulbasaur! Squirtle! Out, now!"
The three animals came out of their balls.
" Bulby, defense. Squirtie, Pika, water and lightning. And Char-"
" Charmander!"
Shoot fire!
Mia nodded. " Yep."
Nya watched with raised brows. " Uh.... What happened?"
Lloyd shrugged helplessly. " You know how she is with those four."
Zane nodded. " Mia typically keeps her talks in secret with her animals."
Cole stretched. " You think they have good cake?"
Everyone shot him a look.
" Sorry, sorry!" He exclaimed, raising his arms in defense. " Yeesh. It was just a question."
Mia shook her head. " Let's do this!" She commanded. " You four, the big hairy wolf with the armor! That's the enemy! I'll take the sketchy guy and my brother!"
" I am NO-
" NINJA-GO!" she yelled, pointing ahead, and they took off running to their opponents.
Charmander shot fire. Pikachu and Squirtle electric water. And Bulbasaur held Ras in place with his thick vines.
" What is the meaning of this?!" HE yelled. " Let me go!"
Meanwhile, Cinder and Jay had their own fight- an eight year old girl who loved violence.
And maybe loved Jay a lot.
But mostly the violence.
Cinder turned to smoke and reappeared behind Mia. He was going to kick her, but she ducked just in time, and he kicked Jay's face.
" Hey!" Mia yelled. " That's my job!"
She spun her staff in front of her. " Wind gust!"
The spinning of the staff created strong wind. Cinder went stumbling back.
" NOW!" She yelled to the others.
They nodded, and fought Cinder.
" You're outnumbered." Cole smirked. " Surrender!"
Cinder smirked. " Not really. In fact, given my luck, I'd say you're outnumbered."
The wolf mask.
Mia saw it.
Soo many memories.
She forgot fighting, gritted her teeth.
Staff dropped.
Her animals turned.
" Char!"
" Pika Pi?" Pikachu walked over and shook her.
" Bulbasaur!" The hybrid turtle/ plant walked to his owner and stood protectively in front of her.
Oh no!
What happened?
I'll protect her!
Nya fended Cinder off and ran to her sister. " What happened?"
They didn't answer.
Jay snickered. " What's with her?" He taunted.
That made her animals angry.
Very angry.
" PI- KA- CHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" Pikachu yelled, shooting electricity, shocking everyone close by.
" Char char char." Charmander said weakly.
( You need to work on your precision, Pika)
Lloyd groaned. " Next time, don't shock us, Pikachu."
" Pika, pika." He said sheepishly, rubbing his back.
Sorry. I was angry
Squirtle stretched. " Squirtle? Squirtle Squirtle?"
Charmander shrugged. " Char."
( Is she okay? Why isn't she waking up?
I dunno)
" Pika Pi?"
" Char, Char!"
" Squirtle"
Should I shock her to wake her up?
No! No way!
It's fine.
" Mia....."
Mia looked around.
" Who is it?"
She looked around. She heard a whoosh behind her, and turned.
No one.
" Mia......"
" Wh... who is it?!"
When no one replied, Mia added, " I'm a ninja, which is code for, ' I can kick your body!"
" Mia, it's me!" The person came from the fog.
" M... mom?!"
Daisy smiled. " It's me, Mia."
" MOM!" She ran to the woman, who enveloped her in a hug.
" Mia, you need to know something."
" Mom, Jay's evil! He has the forbidden mask!"
Daisy sighed. " I'm afraid he's been using it for a while. There is a way to turn him good again, though."
Mia's ears perked up. " What do I have to do?"
" You need to get Kai from the Nether Space."
" How?"
" Focus your elemental powers. Ask your animals to give you theirs."
" You mean Fire and Water and Lightning and Plant?"
Daisy nodded.
Mia sighed. " Got it. And, thanks mom."
Daisy smiled. " You're becoming a beautiful young lady. Tell Jay I said thanks."
Mia nodded, and hugged her mom one last time. " Thanks." She said. " And say hi to dad."
Daisy nodded. " I'll see you at the back from the dead day?"
Mia smiled. " Yeah. We will."
" Pikachu?" The yellow pet poked Mia on the face
" Cut it out, Pika. I'm awake " Mia groaned.
" PIKA!" The four pets hugged Mia, and she hugged them back.
" Aw, you guys." She chuckled.
Then she looked up. Cinder was doing shatterspin, and the ninja were trying to stop him and Ras AND Jay.
Mia knew what she had to do.
" Alright you four," she said as she took her staff off her back and began to spin it in front of her. " Direct your element powers to me."
" Char?"
All of it?
Mia nodded. " All of it."
" Squirtie?"
But isn't that gonna be dangerous
Mia nodded. " It will be. But ninja never quit."
The four nodded, and Pika was first. He shot a burst of lightning at Mia, and her staff took it in.
The same happened for water, fire, and plant.
" You guys are the best!" She said, her voice slightly wavering.
The four drained Pokemon nodded and collapsed.
" Rest. I've got it from here."
She turned to the sky, and extended her arms. Green, blue, and red shot from it.
A portal opened, but it was unstable.
" Just a bit.... More..." She grunted.
But the more and more she kept this position, the more she was slipping.
But suddenly she felt force at her legs.
Her pets
She had to do this.
They were drained, yet helping her.
She took a deep breath, and yelled, " COME ON PORTAL HURRY UP!"
Cinder, seizing the opportunity, charged at Mia, ready to fling her away.
On cue, it opened, and a red figure wearing climber gear landed on his feet and hand.
" Don't you dare touch her!" He yelled as he put his mask on. " That's my sister.
Mia looked up, tirsd. " We did it..." She muttered.
The four Pokemon touched her, and their powers returned.
" Pika Pika!"
Yay, he's back!
Mia nodded, " yes, Pika. He is."
Kai looked around. " What's going on here?"
Mia shook her head, stepping back in her feet. " Never mind that. You guys, Cinder. I'm Jay."
" You found Jay?!" Kai exclaimed. " Where?"
" He's on the bad team, Flame."
" Oh. Not good."
Mia nodded. " Let's do this!!"
Mia's voice was weary but determined as she stood tall, taking in the chaotic scene. "You guys need to focus on stopping Ras and his gang. Jay... I'll handle him."
Kai glanced at Mia, worry flickering in his eyes. "Are you sure about this?"
Mia's grip tightened on her staff, her brown eyes glowing with newfound strength. "Absolutely. He's my brother, and I'll bring him back."
Kai nodded, his trust unwavering. "Alright then. You know where to find me if you need backup."
With that, the ninja dispersed, engaging Ras and his forces, while Mia turned her full attention to Jay. He stood there, smirking beneath his mask, seemingly unaware of the emotional storm brewing within Mia.
"Jay, I know you're in there," Mia called out, her voice steady but pleading. "You might not remember me, but I remember you. The real you. The brother who always had my back, who'd never let something like this tear us apart."
Jay tilted his head, his smirk growing wider. "You're wasting your breath, kid. The Jay you knew is gone."
Mia felt a pang in her chest, but she refused to give in. With a deep breath, she raised her staff, channeling the elemental energy from her Pokémon and her own power. She wasn't just fighting to save Jay from Ras's control-she was fighting to save her family.
"Then I'll remind you who you really are," Mia said quietly, her eyes blazing with lightning and determination.
She lunged forward, staff spinning as bolts of lightning crackled through the air, creating a radiant display of power. Jay barely had time to react before Mia sent a shockwave his way, the force enough to knock him off balance.
But Mia didn't stop there. She spun her staff faster, unleashing a barrage of strikes, each infused with the energy of her Pokémon. Lightning clashed against Jay's defenses, water splashed against his armor, and fire lit the battlefield. Her Pokémon cheered her on, their energy returning as they saw her relentless fight.
" Pika pi!"
Go Mia!!!
Jay growled, frustration clear in his eyes as he tried to retaliate. But Mia was too fast, her movements precise and calculated. For every attack he sent her way, Mia countered with a powerful strike, her staff glowing brighter with each hit.
Finally, with one last powerful swing, Mia knocked the wolf mask from Jay's face, sending it flying across the battlefield. Jay staggered back, gasping as the dark influence of the mask faded from his eyes.
Mia rushed to him, dropping her staff and grabbing his shoulders. "Jay! Jay, can you hear me?"
For a moment, there was silence. Jay blinked, his vision clearing as he looked up at Mia, confusion and pain filling his gaze. "M-Mia?"
Mia's heart swelled with relief. "Yeah, it's me. I'm here."
Jay's knees buckled, and he collapsed into Mia's arms, his body shaking. "I... I'm so sorry," he whispered, tears welling up in his eyes.
Mia hugged him tightly, tears streaming down her own face. "It's okay, Jay. You're back now. That's all that matters."
Into the Maze
" Sorry, Jay. You leave me no choice."
She did spinjitzu, ready to do Rising Dragon.
Except before she could, someone knocked her off her feet.
" Hey!" She exclaimed. " What's the big idea?*
Jay gasped. " M.. my mask! Where is it?!"
Nya spotted a fluttering pink ribbon. " Mia...." She muttered.
Jay didn't hear. " Oh, when I get my hands on whoever did this, I swear -"
" You should never swear," someone said.." it's a sign of weak verbal skills."
" Who said that?!" Jay exclaimed, his hands lighting up with lightning.
The person jumped from a branch to the other.
" Up here."
Everyone looked up.
Her right hand was extended to her right, and in it was a smug looking Pikachu.
And on her head? Charmander.
Clutching other arm? Squirtle.
And next to her feet? Bulbasaur and Blackie.
Mia left into the air, and the animals in her body jumped off. She backflipped on the ground, held her hands out, and Pikachu and Squirtle landed on them, while Charmander on her head and the other two near her feet
" Who are you?" Jay asked. " And what's with all the animals? You a leader or something?"
Mia smirked. " Funny, coming from someone who raised me."
Jay raised a brow. " What?!"
Squirtle lept off her arm and landed on Bulbasaur. Mia put that hand in her hip.
" You're my brother, Jay "
" That's Agent Wa-" he stopped. " Wait. I'm not in the administration anymore."
Mia's eyes widened. " Say what now?!"
Ras growled. " Yes. I found him wandering the forest and took him in."
Mia frowned. " Oh dear."
Pikachu looked at her. " Pika?*
Bulbasaur looked up. " Bulbasaur bulba!" He scolded.
You don't think.....
Dont say that!
" Bulby, please no scolding." Mia said, looking at her turtle.
" Bulba." He hung his head.
" Oh, Bulbasaur, please don't be shameful." Mia said gently. " I was just reminding you."
Then she looked up. " However, I suspect a certain SOMEONE needs to have a history lesson."
She took her sword out. " Blackie, if you please."
Blackie cleared his throat nervously. " Okay.... So, your full name is Jay Elizabeth Walker and this wonderful lady sharping her culinary is your sister who is eight Mia your parents died in a tragic accident and you raised her and yours scared of her but in the end you love her and she loves taking embarrassing pictures of you and your brother and Cole the black Ninja. Kai who's your brother in law is in nether space because Ras banished him there for no reason because he wanted to get Nokt back from there and he sacrificed Kai and Mia is depressed."
" Am not!" Mia cut in. " Also, Kai's not in netherspace no more."
" WHAT?!" the others yelled.
Mia nodded, proud. " Yep! Yesterday I opened a portal. He's hiding somewhere though."
" WHAT?!"
" Oh, please. Don't act so surprised."
" Suprised?! Mia, Kai's back and you failed to inform us?!" Zane said.
Mia rolled her eyes. " Well sorry!"
Ras chuckled. " Well, happy, are we? Why don't we turn that smile upside down?*
" Don't you dare!" An authoeitive voice yelled. " That's my family!*
Mia turned, smiling. " I present to you.... The one and only red ninja."
His fiery eyes locked onto Ras, and he took a step forward.
"Ras," Kai growled, "you've caused enough trouble already."
Ras smirked, unperturbed. "Well, well, the fire ninja returns. I was wondering when you'd show up. Too bad you're too late to stop what's already begun."
Kai cracked his knuckles, flames flickering between his fingertips. "We'll see about that."
Lloyd blinked in disbelief. "Kai, you're really here! How did you-"
Mia grinned, proud of her accomplishment. "Told you I opened the portal, remember?"
Kai gave Mia a quick nod of thanks before turning back to Ras, his face serious. "This ends now."
Ras only laughed, but Mia, standing alongside her squad of creatures and Blackie, was ready for the fight. She took a battle stance next to Kai, her sword gleaming in the light.
Cole, still processing everything, groaned. "I can't believe I missed all of this!"
Mia patted his shoulder, smirking. "You'll catch up, don't worry."
Zane readied his ice powers, while Cole cracked his neck in preparation for the upcoming brawl.
Mia glanced at her brother. "You better not get in my way, Kai."
Kai grinned, fire crackling around him. "Wouldn't dream of it."
And with that, the battle was set, as the ninja team, reunited and determined, prepared to take down Ras and his plans once and for all.
And Jay.
The battle to get Jay good was also on.
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