Babysitting Molly's kid
Lol Yello
Emmy hi
Annie hi
"This sure is fun.” Annie said as she looked in the baby’s crib.
Mia turned to Emma. “ Why didn’t you bring Morro?!”
“ Because he’s busy painting.”
“ Skulls?”
Emma sighed and nodded. ‘ What else?”
Blackie hopped onto the couch and yawned. “ Oh, humans. So simple.”
Mia groaned. “ Emma, call Morro and ask how to take care of a baby human slash ghost.”
“ He said to give her blood.”
Mia blinked. “ She’s a GHOST, not a VAMPIRE!”
Emma sighed; “ He’s hopeless.”
“ But you love him.”
“ Do I have a choice?” She sighed. “ He’s…. I dunno. I just love him.”
MIa grinned. “ Perfect! Now, Sage or mint?”
“ Uh…… Sage, but why?”
Mia grinned. “ Oh, don’t worry, Emmy.”
Annie turned to the other two. “ Should we call Nelson?”
Mia shook her head. “ He’s got newspaper delivery.”
Emma sighed . “ Okay…… And Unagami’s spending time with his dad……. That leaves no one.”
“ Except the cat.” Blackie meowed.
Emma pet the black cat. “ Yes, Blackie. Just you.”
Blackie stretched and leaned into Mia’s lap. “ You could ask your cousin for help.”
“ Which one?”
“ The old one.”
“ You mean Fifi?”
“ The one who acts old? Yeah.”
Mia rolled her eyes. “ Blackie, she doesn't act old. She just likes to watch TV and knit sweaters for her animals and stuff.”
“ Sounds old to me.”
Mia shot him a look. “No. Just…. No.”
Emma stood up. “ Imma go draw something.”
MIa shrugged. “ Your choice.”
Emma turned, grabbed her notebook and walked away.
Mia looked at Annie. “ Should we call Molly and tell her Ivy-”
You need therapy, Brocko.
Oh, fine.
Mia, just use Ivysaur.
“ Whatever you say, narrator.” Mia shrugged. “ Anyway, should we?”
Annie looked at the ghost baby, who was still asleep. “ Well, I think they deserve some off time, so let’s hold it off until tonight.”
Mia shrugged. “ Sure.”
Emma came back, grinning. “ There’s a ferret outside!”
Mia’s ears perked up, and she grabbed her sleeping cat and ran out. “ Come on!”
Annie shook her head fondly and followed, leaving the baby for a few moments.
Mia and Emma rushed in. “ What happened?!” Emma asked.
Mia’s eyes widened. “ You mean Ivy-”
“ …. I mean the baby’s missing?!”
“ STOP!” Annie yelled. “ This isn’t getting us nowhere! And besides, we’re not gonna get fired.”
“ How do you know?”
“ Because it’s common sense.”
“ But we lost a baby!”
“ Still! Molly’ll understand.”
“ You said that LAST time when Mrs. Ocknonic called. She screamed but then we had to lie and tell her we were playing hide and seek. And she didn’t suspect a thing. Molly, Bansha and Archer will.”
“ Call your husband.”
“ I can’t!”
“ Why?”
“ ‘ Cause he’s busy!”
Mia groaned. “ Stop! This isn’t helping!”
Emma and Annie sighed. “ Sorry.”
Mia shook her head. “ First things first, we need info. Morro’s too busy so he won’t answer the phone. We can’t call Wu, Garmadon or Lloyd ‘cause they’ll freak out. Who else is there?”
“ Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm….” They all thought.
Then Annie snapped her fingers. “ Fiona!”
“ Huh?”
“ Fiona! You know, your cousin!”
“ She won’t know.”
“ Rose?” Emma asked.
“ Nah. She won’t know. If Nelson doesn’t know she won’t know. They’re twins, remember.”
They all stared at one another, speechless.
Then Emma’s eyes brightened. “ Wisty!”
Mia blinked. “ Yeah? What about Wisty?”
“ She lives in another dimension.”
“ Yeah?”
“ And she has these creatures which are different from this world…….”
Mia blinked. “ You mean like my Pikachu?”
“ Yep!!! What were they called?”
“ Forget the name, that’s a great idea!” Mia whipped her phone out and dialed her cousin.
She was petting her Eevee.
( Okay the next part I wrote but me cuz gave the fasts to me)
“ Hello, Wisty!!!!” Mia exclaimed.
“ Hi, Mimi! What’s the occasion for calling again? We talked this morning.”
Mia took a deep breath, but before she could say anything, Wisty gasped.
“ You want to know about Pokemon!”
Mia nodded eagerly.
“ You want to know about Psyduck?”
Mia blinked. “ Psy- what n-”
“ Psyduck. The platypus Pokemon Psyduck always suffers from a headache. The more chronic the more damage is done.”
“ Thanks, bu-”
Wisty didn’t even hear. “ Jigglypuff. The balloon Pokemon. Jigglypuff uses its melody to sing people to sleep. When it is angry, it puffs like a balloon.”
“ Look, the thing i-”
“ Gyrados. Th-’”
“ Wsty we need to know about a Pokemon that can float!”
Wisty blinked. “ You mean like Abra?”
Mia nodded. “ Yes!!!!”
“ Abra. The telekinetic Pokemon. This Pokémon uses its psychic powers while it sleeps. The contents of Abra's dreams affect the powers that the Pokémon wields. Abra can teleport in its sleep. Apparently the more deeply Abra sleeps, the farther its teleportations go.”
Emma grabbed the phone. “ Is there a ghost Pokemon?”
“ Ghastly. The ghost Pokemon. This Pokemon can take the shape of whatever it pleases. It is very powerful, yet hates sunlight.”
“ Are there others?”
“ Banette. The stuffed animal Pokemon. This Pokemon……”
While Emma and Wisty chatted, Annie looked at Mia.
“ Why’d you ask her about Abra?”
“ Because Abra is a Pokemon that can both float and have legs. LIke Ivy-”
“ …. Ivysaur.”
Annie blinked. “ So you’re saying-”
“ Mhm. Abra also disappears whenever it pleases, so I thought it would be a good idea to ask.”
Annie crossed her arms and nodded. “ Yeah but…. Where’d we find a ghost baby? She’s only two months old, you know.”
“ Yeah, but whatever we do we can’t let Lloyd or Wu or Garmadon find out.”
Annie nodded. “ We had better.
As Mia and Annie exchanged nervous glances, Emma was still on the phone with Wisty, animatedly discussing every possible ghost Pokémon that could match their situation. Blackie, sprawled on the couch, let out a loud yawn.
“I could find her, you know,” Blackie said nonchalantly, flicking his tail.
Mia whipped her head around. “What? You can?”
Blackie stretched lazily. “Of course. I have better instincts than you humans. But…” he smirked, “what’s in it for me?”
Mia groaned. “Blackie, this is not the time for negotiations!”
“On the contrary,” Blackie said, licking his paw, “it’s the perfect time. A desperate human is much more generous.”
Emma, overhearing, put Wisty on speakerphone and chimed in. “Blackie, if you help us, I’ll give you tuna. The fancy kind.”
Blackie’s ears perked up. “Fancy tuna, you say?”
“Yes, fancy tuna,” Mia said, rolling her eyes. “Now, can you find the baby or not?”
“Fine,” Blackie purred. “Let’s get this over with.” He hopped off the couch, sniffing the air dramatically. “Ah, yes. The scent of chaos and ghostly mischief. Follow me.”
Emma quickly ended her call with Wisty. “Thanks for the info, Wisty! I’ll call back if we need more!”
Wisty’s faint voice responded, “Good luck with your floating ghost baby!” before the line went dead.
The trio followed Blackie as he padded around the room, sniffing and muttering to himself. Finally, he paused by an open window.
“She went this way,” Blackie declared.
Mia leaned out the window, scanning the surroundings. “Great. The baby floated out the window. Fantastic.”
Annie groaned. “Mia, what do we do now?”
“We go after her,” Mia said resolutely. “Emma, grab your sketchpad. Annie, get a flashlight. And I’ll grab—”
“Your Pikachu?” Emma offered.
“No!” Mia frowned. “My grappling hook!”
Annie blinked. “You have a grappling hook?”
Mia smirked. “I have everything.”
In minutes, the trio was outside, with Mia leading the way. Blackie perched on her shoulder, smug as ever.
“I can feel her energy,” Blackie said. “She’s not far.”
“Good,” Mia muttered, scanning the area. “Let’s hurry before someone notices.”
As they moved, a faint giggle echoed from the trees above.
“Did you hear that?” Emma whispered.
“I heard it,” Annie said, squinting at the branches.
Mia nodded. “It’s her. Let’s go.”
Suddenly, a small, glowing figure floated into view above them, giggling again.
“Ivy!” Mia called out.
... chill
The ghost baby giggled louder and zipped farther away.
“Oh no, you don’t!” Mia shouted, pulling out her grappling hook. With expert aim, she fired it at a nearby tree and swung after the baby.
“Wait for us!” Emma yelled, chasing after her with Annie close behind.
Blackie sighed, clinging to Mia’s shoulder. “Humans. Always so dramatic.”
The chase was on.
The trio dashed through the trees, chasing the glowing baby as she zipped around with gleeful giggles.
"Ivy!" Mia shouted, grappling between branches.
Suddenly, from seemingly nowhere, a voice roared across dimensions:
Emma stumbled, startled. "Why does that keep happening?!"
"I don’t know," Annie muttered, catching her breath. "But I’m starting to think we should just call her ‘the baby.’”
Mia sighed. “Fine. The baby is getting away! Let’s move!”
The group ran faster, but as they pushed through some bushes, the glowing figure darted out of sight. They came to a halt in a clearing, panting.
“Great,” Mia groaned. “We lost her.”
“Maybe we shouldn’t have called her—” Emma started, but stopped herself.
“Don’t say it,” Annie warned.
“Good idea,” Mia agreed. “We don’t need another interdimensional screaming fit.”
Blackie yawned dramatically from Mia’s shoulder. “You humans are terrible at this. If only someone had been paying attention to the cat, I could’ve told you where she went.”
Mia glared at him. “You could’ve said something.”
“I was enjoying the chaos,” Blackie said smugly.
Emma plopped onto the grass and groaned. “What now? She’s a ghost baby! How are we supposed to find her?”
Mia paced. “We don’t give up, that’s what. She can’t have gone far. Blackie, where’s her scent leading now?”
The cat sniffed the air lazily. “Hmm… smells like she went that way.” He flicked his tail toward a dark, eerie cave at the edge of the clearing.
Annie frowned. “Of course it’s a creepy cave. Why wouldn’t it be?”
“Ghost babies and creepy caves go hand in hand,” Blackie purred.
Emma groaned again. “Why didn’t I just let Morro babysit?”
Mia grabbed her flashlight and started toward the cave. “Come on, everyone. Let’s get her back before you-know-who finds out we lost her.”
The trio cautiously approached the cave, peering into its shadowy entrance.
“Hey, Mia?” Annie whispered.
" Where is she?*
" Oh yeah."
Mia took a deep breath. Annie's eyes widened.
“Don’t say her na—”
“Ivy!” Mia accidentally blurted.
From somewhere in the distance:
Mia facepalmed. “I’m starting to regret naming her that.”
Emma sighed. “Can we just find her before the screaming makes my ears bleed?”
With a collective deep breath, they ventured into the darkness, Blackie leading the way with his glowing eyes.
As the group ventured deeper into the cave, the dim flashlight beam revealed a gaping pit in the ground. It was so deep that the bottom disappeared into darkness. A faint giggle echoed from below, followed by a flash of light.
“There she is!” Mia pointed, leaning over the edge.
“Why is she always in the worst possible place?” Emma groaned.
Blackie perched on a rock, flicking his tail smugly. “Because she’s a ghost, and chaos is in her nature.”
Mia rolled her eyes. “Thanks, Captain Obvious.”
Emma stepped back, biting her lip. “This is bad. Really bad. We need help.”
Annie looked around nervously. “We can’t climb down there without falling ourselves.”
Emma sighed heavily, pulling out her phone. “I can’t believe I’m doing this…”
Mia raised an eyebrow. “Who are you calling?”
Emma gave her a look. “Who do you think?”
Mia’s face lit up with realization. “Oh, this is going to be good.”
Emma dialed the number and waited. After a few rings, the voice on the other end answered.
“What?” Morro’s gruff voice came through.
Emma frowned. “Hi, sweetheart. How’s your day going?”
“Busy,” Morro replied flatly. “Why?”
Emma hesitated. “Well… we have a tiny problem.”
“Define ‘tiny.’”
“We… might have lost the ghost baby. And now she’s at the bottom of a really deep pit.”
“Morro?” Emma asked.
A deep sigh came through the phone. “How do you lose a baby? She glows!”
“She’s fast!” Emma snapped.
Morro muttered something under his breath. “Fine. I’ll be there in five minutes. Don’t do anything stupid until I get there.”
Emma hung up and turned to the others. “He’s coming.”
Mia smirked. “This is going to be so entertaining.”
Five minutes later, a gust of wind swept through the cave, and Morro appeared, floating effortlessly above the pit. He crossed his arms and glared at the group.
“This is the dumbest thing you’ve ever dragged me into,” he said flatly.
Emma grinned sheepishly. “You love me.”
Morro sighed. “Unfortunately.”
Mia snickered. “Are you going to save the baby or keep flirting?”
Morro shot her a look before hovering down into the pit. Within moments, he reappeared, holding the giggling ghost baby in his arms.
“Here,” he said, handing her to Emma. “Try not to lose her again.”
Emma cradled the baby, relief washing over her. “Thank you, Morro.”
He rolled his eyes but gave her a small smirk. “You owe me.”
“Big time,” Emma agreed.
Mia grinned. “Well, this turned out better than expected. Let’s get out of here before she disappears again.”
As they left the cave, Morro floated alongside them, grumbling under his breath about being a glorified babysitter.
As they finally reached Molly’s house, Emma sighed and adjusted the baby in her arms. "Well, that was... an adventure."
Mia flopped onto the couch dramatically. "Adventure? That was a nightmare. I am never babysitting again."
Blackie stretched on the armrest. "You’ll be back. Humans always come back to their chaos."
Emma ignored him, looking down at the baby in her arms. "At least Ivy’s safe now."
A sudden, distant scream echoed through the dimensions:
Everyone paused.
Mia winced. "Okay, seriously, who keeps screaming?!"
Emma shrugged. "Maybe it’s one of those weird dimensional things."
Annie peeked out from the kitchen. "You know, if we keep saying her name, we might summon some kind of interdimensional rage ghost."
Mia blinked. "Uh… she is already a ghost."
“Fair point,” Annie admitted.
Emma gently rocked the baby. "Alright, Ivy, no more trouble, okay?"
Another faint scream:
Mia groaned, burying her face in a pillow. "I am so done."
Emma shook her head and carried the baby toward the crib in Molly’s living room. She placed the baby down gently, tucking a soft blanket around her. "There. Safe and sound."
Mia glanced over. "You sure she’s not gonna—"
Emma raised a hand. "No. Don’t jinx it. She’s fine. Let’s just sit down, relax, and—"
The blanket in the crib deflated. Emma froze. Mia sat up. Annie peeked around the corner.
The baby was gone. Again.
Emma turned slowly, her face blank. "What. The. HECK?!"
Mia jumped up, wide-eyed. "Wait, WHAT? Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no."
Blackie yawned lazily. "You really didn’t see this coming?"
Emma spun around in panic. "She was RIGHT THERE! I just put her down!"
Mia pointed accusingly at Emma. "What did you DO?"
Emma threw her hands up. "I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING!"
"Well, she’s gone!" Mia exclaimed, pacing frantically.
Annie hurried into the room. "Okay, okay, don’t panic! Let’s think this through. Where could she have gone?"
Mia whipped around. "She’s a ghost, Annie! She could be anywhere! What are we supposed to do, ask the walls where she is?!"
Emma groaned and grabbed her phone. "I’m calling Morro back."
Morro’s voice came through the phone almost immediately. "What now?"
Emma blurted, "She’s gone again!"
There was a long silence.
"...You lost her again?" Morro’s voice was flat, but Emma could practically feel the judgment radiating through the phone.
"It’s not my fault!" Emma protested.
"Right," Morro said dryly. "It just happened. You need me to come back and save the day again?"
Mia snatched the phone. "Listen, Skull Boy, unless you want to deal with Molly’s wrath, get your ghostly butt back here and HELP US!"
Morro groaned audibly. "I’m starting to regret every life choice that brought me to this moment."
"Welcome to the club," Mia snapped, hanging up.
Annie was pacing now, muttering under her breath. "We need to search the house. Maybe she didn’t go far."
Mia crossed her arms. "Yeah, because ghost babies are so predictable."
Emma ignored the sarcasm and grabbed a flashlight. "We’re checking every room. Now."
They split up, tearing through the house in a frenzy. Emma checked the bedrooms, throwing open closets and peeking under beds. Mia searched the kitchen, even looking inside cabinets for some inexplicable reason. Annie scoured the backyard, calling out softly, "Ivy? Uh… baby? Ghosty?"
Blackie perched on the couch, watching the chaos with mild amusement. "You humans are hopeless."
Mia stormed back into the living room. "She’s not in the kitchen. Or the pantry. Or the fridge."
Emma ran in right after. "She’s not in the bedrooms either!"
Annie poked her head in from the back door. "She’s not outside!"
They all stared at each other, panic rising.
"Okay," Emma said, breathing heavily. "She’s somewhere. We just have to—"
A tiny giggle echoed from above.
Mia froze, slowly tilting her head upward. "No."
Emma followed her gaze. "Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me."
There, floating near the ceiling, was the baby ghost, giggling and waving her tiny hands.
Mia threw up her hands. "HOW DID SHE EVEN GET UP THERE?!"
Blackie stretched lazily. "Maybe you should’ve asked Morro that before you hung up on him."
Emma groaned, grabbing a broom to try and coax the baby down. "I hate this job."
Mia crossed her arms. "Next time, we’re babysitting normal babies."
"Deal," Emma muttered.
Morro floated into the living room, arms crossed, looking utterly unimpressed. His green ghostly aura flickered faintly as he surveyed the chaos. The baby ghost was still happily drifting near the ceiling, giggling and spinning in circles. Emma was poking at her with a broom, Annie was standing on a chair with a butterfly net, and Mia was pacing furiously.
Morro sighed dramatically. "Oh, great. I leave for five minutes, and this is what I come back to."
Emma glared at him, still jabbing the broom at the baby. "Don’t start, Morro! Just help us get her down!"
Morro rolled his eyes and floated closer, arms still crossed. "How exactly did this happen? You just got back."
Mia stopped pacing and pointed an accusatory finger at him. "You’re the ghost expert! You tell us!"
Blackie stretched out on the couch, clearly enjoying the show. "This is more entertaining than I expected."
Morro ignored the cat and looked at the baby. "Ivy," he called firmly. "Come down. Now."
Another distant scream echoed through the dimensions:
Morro raised an eyebrow but didn’t comment. The baby giggled in response to his command, doing a little loop in the air.
Emma groaned. "She’s not listening!"
"Of course she’s not listening," Morro said flatly. "She’s a baby."
Mia threw up her hands. "Then why did you bother saying anything?!"
Morro gave her a withering look. "Because, unlike you, I have a plan."
Annie, still wobbling on the chair with the net, perked up. "You do?"
( Mia's still the elemental master of wind but since Morro is a ghost I felt he should have powers
Air powers
I'm still wind elemental dw lol)
Morro nodded, then snapped his fingers. A gust of wind swirled around the room, gentle but insistent. The baby ghost wobbled for a moment before the breeze carried her downward and into Morro’s arms.
"There," he said smugly. "Problem solved."
Emma stared at him, broom still in hand. "You couldn’t have done that earlier?"
Morro smirked. "Where’s the fun in that?"
Mia groaned. "I’m going to lose my mind."
The baby giggled again, reaching up to grab a handful of Morro’s ghostly hair. He winced. "Great. Now she’s trying to pull my hair out."
Blackie snorted. "Looks like you’ve got it all under control."
Emma stepped forward, holding out her arms. "Okay, hand her over. I’ll—"
The baby vanished.
Morro froze. Emma froze. Mia froze. Annie toppled off the chair.
"What. The. Heck?!" Emma yelled.
Morro clenched his jaw. "Oh, come on! I just got her back!"
Mia sank onto the ground, clutching her head. "Why does this keep happening?!"
Blackie flicked his tail. "Probably because you’re all incompetent."
Morro shot the cat a glare. "Not. Helping."
Annie scrambled back to her feet, wide-eyed. "Uh, guys? Where did she go?"
Morro sighed, his shoulders slumping. "This is why I didn’t want kids."
Mia pointed at him. "She’s not your kid!"
"She might as well be," Morro muttered, summoning another gust of wind to search the house. "This baby is a menace."
Emma groaned, flopping onto the ground next to Mia. "I’m never babysitting again."
Mia nodded grimly. "Agreed."
The baby reappeared moments later, floating above the coffee table, giggling like nothing had happened.
Morro pointed at her, exasperated. "And that’s why you don’t name ghost babies!"
" Ivy!" Annie scolded.
Another scream echoed faintly through the dimensions:
Mia buried her face in her hands. "I am so done with today."
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