Babysitting Mia

Three year old Mia was currently being dragged around the monastery in a laundry basket.

Because she and Jay were playing a game.

Called airplane.

" 'Xuse me." Mia called in her baby voice as she caught sight of Kai

Kai noticed and walked to the side. " And hello, two favorite in laws. Whatcha doin', Jay?"

Jay let out a sigh of weariness. " Mia wanted to play airplane. So I have to push her on the floor in this..... Basket."

" It's a airowame, Tay."

Jay rolled his eyes but said nothing. Kai smiled and rolled his sleeves. " You pull, I push."

Jay shot him a thank you smile before taking his place.

" Just.... A bit..... More....." Kai grunted as he pushed with his shoulders.

Jay grunted from the front. " You're.... A... Menace.... Mimi...."

" Rank tou."

" It's.... No....ta....comp....leme....nt!" Kai groaned from to back.

Mia clapped her little hands. " Up! Up!"

Jay pulled one last time and sighed as he collapsed on the grass. " That.... Was hard...."

Kai sighed as he sat down next to him. " You think?"

Suddenly, their comms went off. " Kai, Jay, it's Zane. A new mystery has arisen. Return Mia back to the monestary as fast as you can."

Jay sighed as he wearily glared at the basket Mia was in. " At this rate, it's gonna take us an hour."

Kai smirked as he picked his sister. " Or, another idea."

Okay, Mia, I have to go, okay?" Jay said as he set his sister on the floor, while Kai set the basket down next to her. " Be good."

" Bye Jay." Mia said, waving.

Jay smiled and kissed Mia. " Love you."

" Luv you too."

Jay waved one last time before closing the door behind him.

Mia smirked. Finally.

She waddled over to master Wu, who was meditating.

" Mastew Wu!" She giggled as she stepped in. " Come pway."

Wu opened one eye. " How about you meditate?"

Mia, bless her little innocent soul ( or so called innocent) sat next to master Wu. " Oki.... Wat now?"

" Now you close your eyes and start to think about bunnies and rabbits."

Mia obeyed, but soon got bored.

So she left.

Wu opened an eye. " Wonder where she's going?"

Two minutes later, he heard a shuffling of little feet. Next thing he knew, someone was playing the flute in his ear.

Master Wu winced as the sound of the flute blared directly into his ear, breaking his peaceful meditation. He opened his eyes to see Mia standing beside him, proudly puffing her cheeks as she played an off-key tune.

"Mia," he said with a raised eyebrow, his usual calm demeanor slightly strained, "What are you doing?"

Mia giggled and stopped playing. "Pwaying song for Mastew Wu! You like?"

Wu chuckled softly, shaking his head. "It's... very energetic."

Mia beamed, clearly taking that as high praise. "I make song for da bunnies!"

Wu chuckled again, then reached over and gently took the flute from Mia's tiny hands. "How about we play a quieter game?"

Mia's eyes widened with excitement. "Oki! What we pway?"

Wu stood up slowly, stretching his legs after being in meditation for so long. "How about we find some stones in the garden and build a little tower?"

Mia clapped her hands, delighted by the idea. "Yay! Towew!"

Wu led the way out to the monastery garden, Mia waddling closely behind, her little feet making soft pattering sounds on the ground. They reached a spot near the bamboo trees, where small stones were scattered around.

"Now," Wu said, kneeling beside Mia, "we pick the flat stones and start stacking them carefully, like this." He demonstrated by placing one flat stone on top of another with precision.

Mia watched with wide eyes, her little hands grabbing the nearest stone. She plopped it onto the growing pile—though not as carefully as Wu had done, sending the stones wobbling. Wu steadied the tower before it collapsed.

"Gently, Mia," he said patiently.

Mia nodded, concentrating hard as she tried again, this time placing the stone with a little more care. The tower remained intact.

"Good job," Wu praised, smiling.

Mia grinned proudly. "Towew big! Like Kai!"

Wu chuckled, continuing to help her build the tower. "Yes, like Kai."

They worked on the stone tower for a few more minutes, Mia giggling every time she placed a stone successfully. Suddenly, the sound of Jay and Kai's voices echoed from inside the monastery as they returned.

"Mia!" Jay called out. "We're back!"

Mia gasped with excitement, jumping to her feet. "Jay!"

She ran as fast as her little legs could carry her toward her brothers, leaving Master Wu chuckling to himself as he watched her go.

Jay appeared around the corner, smiling as Mia barreled into him, wrapping her arms around his leg. "Hey, Mimi! Did you behave?"

Mia nodded eagerly. "I pwayed towew with Mastew Wu!"

Kai came up behind them, smiling at the sight. "A tower, huh? Sounds like you had fun."

Mia looked up at both her brothers with a big smile. "Mastew Wu say I good at it!"

Jay laughed, picking her up and spinning her around. "Well, if Master Wu says so, you must be!"

Mia giggled loudly, wrapping her little arms around Jay's neck. "I da best!"

Kai ruffled her hair. "You sure are, kiddo."

Master Wu stood from the garden, walking over to the trio. "You two came back just in time," he said calmly. "Mia was keeping me quite entertained."

Jay raised an eyebrow, still holding Mia. "Really? You didn't give Master Wu any trouble, did you?"

Mia shook her head vigorously. "No, I good!"

Wu nodded with a wise smile. "She was quite the handful—but in a good way."

Jay laughed, giving Mia a kiss on the cheek. "Well, I'm glad. We'll take her off your hands now, Master Wu."

As they turned to leave, Mia waved back at Wu from Jay's arms. "Bye-bye, Mastew Wu!"

Wu smiled, bowing his head slightly. "Goodbye, Mia. Keep building those towers."

Mia giggled. " Mastew Wu, you live with me!"

Wu nodded. " Yes. Yes I do."

".... And then another bunny came!" Jay said as he read Mia a book.

Mia giggled. " Bunny smawt."

Jay raised a brow. " And why is that?"

" Becawse bunny stand up for good!"

Jay nodded. " Yes he does."

Suddenly, Kai came running in. " Emergency!"

Jay nodded and put his mask on. " Bye, kiddo."

" Luv you!"

" Love you too, Wojira!"

As soon as the ninja were gone, Mia grinned. She knew it would be hours until they were back, and she wanted to use that time to make chaos for Wu.

It was fun.

But first she wanted to make a gift for Wu.

A cup of tea. Because Wu lived for tea.

So first she went to the kitchen, got a pot of hot water, amd dumped all the tea she could find.

Then, after a few minutes, she put it in a teacup and went to give it to Wu.

She found him meditating, as usual. Mia approached him with caution. " Mastew Wu?"

Wu opened an eye. " Hello, youngling. What brings you here?"

Mia handed him to tea. " I made dis for you!"

Wu smiled. " Thank you."

But as he took a sip, a bunch of flavors hit them, and he spit it out.

" Mia, how much tea did you put in here?"

" All of it. Wy?"

Wu shook his head. " No reason."

Mia beamed. " You wike?*

Wu nodded, wiping his mouth with a tissue. " Yes. I like."

Mia nodded. " Good. Because dere a lot in stowe."

" Oh, that's ni- what?!"

Wu blinked in surprise, slowly processing Mia's last words. "A lot... in the store?"

Mia nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah! I make more if you want! I use all the boxes."

Wu's calm demeanor faltered as he realized what that meant. "All the tea... in the monastery?"

Mia nodded proudly. "Uh-huh! Now you don't have to go shopping!"

Wu set the cup down gently, a mix of amusement and concern on his face. "Thank you for your... effort, Mia, but perhaps next time, we should use just one type of tea."

Mia tilted her head, confused. "Only one? But more is better!"

Wu chuckled softly, patting her on the head. "Sometimes, less is more, young one."

Mia frowned but nodded. "Oki. Next time, one box."

"Good girl," Wu said with a smile. He stood up, stretching his arms. "Now, let's go see what we can do about the tea situation in the kitchen before the others return."

Mia grinned mischievously, already plotting her next bit of chaos. "Oki! Maybe I can make cookies next!"

Wu's eyes widened slightly. "Perhaps we should wait for Kai or Zane for that..."

As they walked back to the kitchen, Mia skipped ahead, her energy boundless. Wu followed, already bracing himself for whatever mischief she would cause next, but inwardly, he couldn't help but smile. Life in the monastery was never dull with Mia around, and despite the chaos, it always felt... lively.

And even if it meant losing a week's worth of tea, Wu wouldn't trade these moments for anything.

But halfway to the kitchen, Mia rememberwd something. " We go to twaining awea?*

Wu nodded. " Yes, Mia. We can go see the courtyard."

Mia grinned. " Yippie!"

Wu smiled and followed his student down the hall.

When Wu arrived in the courtyard, he was greeted by a sight that made him stop in his tracks. The ninja's underwear was hung up on a makeshift clothesline, pinned carefully with clothespins, dripping water all over the grass.

Mia stood proudly in front of her work, hands on her hips. "Mastew Wu! Look! I dwy the cwothes! Like on TV!"

Wu blinked a few times, taking in the scene. He rubbed his temples, realizing what had happened. "Oh dear..."

Mia beamed, clearly pleased with herself. "Now dey gonna be dwy fast!"

Wu sighed and knelt down to her level, smiling gently. "Mia, that's very thoughtful of you. But... we usually use the dryer in the laundry room."

Mia blinked in surprise. "But TV people do it outside!"

Wu chuckled softly, patting her on the head. "Yes, but sometimes TV isn't always like real life. The dryer is faster and doesn't leave water dripping everywhere."

Mia pouted. "I just wanted to help."

Wu's expression softened. "And you did. The ninja will appreciate it. But maybe next time, we can do it together, okay?"

Mia nodded. "Oki! I gonna help more next time!"

As Wu stood up and surveyed the dripping clothesline, he thought to himself, The ninja are going to be in for quite a surprise when they return. He turned back to Mia, who was already skipping off to find her next adventure, leaving Wu with the task of cleaning up the wet courtyard.

With a sigh and a small smile, Wu started to unpin the soggy laundry, already mentally preparing for whatever Mia had in store next.

When Wu finally finished gathering the damp laundry and returned to his room, he was met with an overwhelming, pungent smell that made him stop in his tracks. His normally peaceful, meditative space now reeked of a mixture of cleaning chemicals, all blending into a noxious cloud.

Mia was in the center of the room, furiously scrubbing the floor with a determined look on her face. Bottles of stain remover, window cleaner, and several other sprays were scattered around her, their caps open and fumes filling the air. She didn't seem to notice the overpowering smell or the fact that Wu's room looked more like a cleaning supply explosion than an actual clean space.

"Mia..." Wu said slowly, trying to hold his breath as he entered the room. "What are you doing?"

Mia looked up with a wide grin. "Mastew Wu! I clean your woom! Look! It's sparkly!"

Wu glanced around, noticing that while Mia had indeed been scrubbing, the various sprays had created streaks and stains on surfaces that weren't meant to be scrubbed. The smell was unbearable, a mixture of lemon, pine, bleach, and something else that Wu couldn't quite identify. His eyes began to water from the fumes.

"Mia..." he said, carefully stepping over a puddle of cleaning solution, "I appreciate your effort, but I think you've used... too much."

Mia frowned, confused. "Too much? But more is bettew!"

Wu tried not to laugh as he coughed lightly, waving his hand in front of his nose. "In cleaning, less is more. It's about balance, like in meditation."

Mia blinked. "But I wanted it to be extwa clean for you!"

Wu smiled, crouching down to her level despite the stinging in his eyes. "And that was very kind of you, young one. But maybe next time, we can clean together, with just the right amount of spray. How does that sound?"

Mia nodded eagerly. "Oki, Mastew Wu!"

Wu patted her head gently. "Now, how about we open a window before we both faint from the smell?"

As Mia ran to open the window, Wu took a deep breath of the fresh air that finally started to flow in. Despite the disaster, he couldn't help but smile at Mia's good intentions—even if her methods were a little... intense.

As Wu opened the window, he caught a whiff of something even stronger than the cleaning chemicals. His nose twitched, and before he could react, a powerful wave of perfume scents hit him like a wall. It was a mixture of flowers, spices, and something sickeningly sweet—so strong that it sent Wu into a sneezing fit.

"Achoo! Achoo!" Wu couldn't stop sneezing as he staggered down the hallway, following the overpowering scent. His eyes watered, and he tried to catch his breath, but the air was so thick with perfume that it felt like he was wading through it.

He finally traced the source of the smell to another room, and there was Mia, happily spraying every bottle of perfume she could find. The air was practically shimmering with the density of the scent. She stood there, satisfied with her work, as Wu gasped for fresher air.

"Mia... what... what is this?" Wu coughed, sneezing again. "What have you done?"

Mia looked up at him, unbothered by the thick perfume fog. She wrinkled her nose and shrugged. "Old men are too dwamatic."

Wu blinked, still struggling to breathe. "Come again?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Mia crossed her arms. "I said, old men are too dwamatic! It's just... smell!" She waved her little hands through the air, as if to prove her point. "Smells pwetty!"

Wu shook his head, sneezing yet again. "Mia, there's a difference between a nice smell and... whatever this is." He waved his hand in front of his face, trying to clear the air.

Mia pouted. "You don't like it?"

Wu smiled gently, despite the overwhelming perfume cloud. "It's not that I don't appreciate the effort, young one. But next time, maybe just... one spray? Too much of a good thing can be... well, too much."

Mia tilted her head, considering his words. "Oh. Oki, Mastew Wu. One spway next time."

Wu nodded, his eyes still watering. "Thank you, Mia. Now, let's air out this room before I sneeze myself into another realm."

As Wu opened more windows to let the breeze carry away the intense cloud of perfume, Mia wandered off again, leaving Wu to wonder what other surprises might await him in her next round of "helping."

As Wu stood near the window, a sudden shiver ran down his spine. He glanced at the thermostat and was shocked to see the temperature had plummeted to negative ten degrees.

"What?!" Wu exclaimed, his teeth already starting to chatter.

Mia appeared from behind the door, bundled up in a thick coat, scarf, and hat. She had a look of pure innocence on her face as she smiled up at him. "Coldness helps the scents go away, Mastew Wu," she said proudly, as if this was a perfectly reasonable solution.

Wu rubbed his arms, trying to stave off the cold. "Yes, Mia, but I'm freezing!"

Mia blinked. "Oh. Oki." Without hesitation, she waddled over to the thermostat and turned it all the way up.

Wu watched in horror as the temperature shot from freezing to an unbearable 451 degrees in seconds. "Now it's too hot!" he shouted, already feeling the sweat forming on his brow.

But Mia seemed perfectly comfortable. She patted her coat, then casually unzipped it, her little face showing no signs of discomfort. "It feels just wight to me!" she said cheerfully, shedding her scarf and hat like it was a warm spring day.

Wu, on the other hand, was starting to roast in the intense heat. He wiped his forehead with his sleeve. "Mia, we need to find a... balance. Not too cold, not too hot."

Mia sighed, clearly thinking all this temperature business was too much effort. "Oki, Mastew Wu," she said reluctantly, turning the thermostat back to a more reasonable number.

Wu let out a breath of relief as the temperature finally settled. "Thank you, Mia."

Mia gave him a quick nod, then wandered off again, leaving Wu to wonder just how much chaos one small child could cause in a single day.

Wu decided to follow Mia, suspecting that she might be up to more mischief. He quietly trailed her to the kitchen, where he saw her standing on a stool at the sink, "washing" dishes. But something was off—he noticed the water had a strange brown tint, and Mia seemed to be smearing something all over the plates.

Wu furrowed his brows and approached. "Mia, what are you doing?"

"Wasin' da dishes!" Mia replied cheerfully, continuing to rub what looked like compost all over a plate.

Wu blinked, staring at the mess. "Mia, that's... not soap. That's compost."

Mia looked up at him with wide eyes. "Com-post? What's dat?"

Wu groaned, feeling a headache coming on. "It's... not for washing dishes."

Mia looked at the dirty plate in her hand, confused. "But it looks like soap..."

Wu shook his head and peered into the drying rack. "How many dishes did you 'clean,' Mia?"

Mia shrugged, wiping her hands on her apron. "Dunno. I put half of 'em away already."

Wu's eyes widened. "Half of them?!"

With a deep groan, he opened the cabinet, bracing himself for the worst. Sure enough, dirty dishes smeared with compost were stacked neatly inside.

"Mia," Wu sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "We're going to have to rewash everything."

Mia frowned. "But I just washed 'em."

Wu gave her a patient smile. "Let's try using real soap this time, okay?"

Mia nodded eagerly, clearly unaware of the chaos she had caused. "Oki, Mastew Wu!"

After thirty minutes of scrubbing and cleaning, everything in the kitchen was finally spotless. Wu let out a sigh of relief, feeling like they'd finally gotten things back in order.

Mia clapped her hands and said cheerfully, "I need to walk the dog now!"

Wu absentmindedly nodded. "Okay, Mia, just be careful—"

Then it hit him. They didn't have a dog.

"Wait! Mia!" Wu called out, rushing out the door. He dashed outside, his heart pounding, fearing what chaos awaited him.

And then he saw it—Mia, happily leading a group of at least ten cats on leashes. They were all different sizes and colors, walking in an almost organized line. Among them was Blackie, her sassy black cat, strutting confidently at the front of the pack.

Wu's jaw dropped. "Mia, we don't have a dog!"

Blackie, overhearing him, turned around and looked at Wu with his usual sarcastic expression. "Woof," Blackie said, deadpan. "I'm a dog. Lick lick."

Wu stared at the scene, half-amused and half-frustrated. "Mia, why are you walking a bunch of cats?"

Mia grinned proudly. "I'm takin' 'em for a walk! Blackie said he wanted to go!"

Wu sighed, rubbing his temples. "Cats... don't go for walks like dogs, Mia."

Blackie flicked his tail, clearly unbothered. "I beg to differ. Look at me, I'm practically a retriever," he said with dripping sarcasm.

Mia beamed, still holding onto all the leashes. "See, Mastew Wu? Blackie's happy!"

Wu shook his head with a weary chuckle. "I'm not sure if happy is the right word, Mia."

Wu returned all the cats to their rightful homes, except Blackie, who gave him an unimpressed look before sauntering off with a flick of his tail. Wu let out a tired sigh, feeling somewhat relieved. But when he went back inside, something felt... off.

A strong gust of wind blew through the halls of the monastery, rattling doors and windows. His robes flapped wildly, and papers flew through the air as if caught in a storm.

"Wait, what's going on?" Wu muttered to himself, his eyes narrowing.

Following the trail of wind, he eventually reached the thermostat, which had been cranked up to an absurd setting. His eyes widened in disbelief as he saw that Mia had somehow turned it to hurricane mode.

"Negative ten degrees I can understand... but hurricane force winds?!" Wu exclaimed, gripping onto the doorframe as the wind nearly knocked him off balance.

"MIA!" Wu called out, his voice barely audible over the roaring wind. "For the love of my meditation!"

He finally found Mia standing in the middle of the chaos, her hair and clothes blowing wildly as she twirled around in the gale, seemingly enjoying herself.

She grinned when she saw Wu. "Mastew Wu, isn't this coow?! It's like being in a storm!"

Wu groaned, clutching his hat to keep it from flying away. "Mia, you've turned the monastery into a tornado zone! Turn it back right now!"

Mia shrugged, clearly unbothered. "But I wike it windy."

"Meditation is impossible in this!" Wu protested, frantically trying to reach the thermostat through the howling wind.

With a mischievous smile, Mia walked over and dialed the thermostat down to a "calm breeze" setting, and the winds finally began to ease up.

"There. Now it's just windy enough for ya, Mastew Wu," she said, satisfied.

Wu sighed deeply, patting his now-disheveled beard. "I think I'll need more than meditation after this..."

Wu finally found a moment of peace and settled down to meditate, calming his mind from the whirlwind chaos that Mia had caused. His breathing slowed, and for the first time in hours, serenity began to wash over him.

But then, he heard it—giggles. Mischievous, unsettling giggles.

Wu's eyes snapped open. "Oh no..." he muttered, quickly getting up.

Following the sound of the giggles, he rushed toward the kitchen. When he arrived, his jaw nearly dropped. There was Mia, standing on a stool by the stove, stirring a large pot. Inside the pot, to his horror, were clothes—shirts, socks, and even one of his own robes—boiling away in what could only be described as a bubbling concoction.

"I'mma witch!" Mia giggled, waving a wooden spoon around as if it were a wand. "This is my magic potion!"

Wu gasped. "Mia, what are you doing?!"

Mia beamed with pride. "Making soup, Mastew Wu! I'mma make all the clothes disappear!"

Wu pinched the bridge of his nose. "Mia, you can't boil clothes! That's not how laundry or soup works!"

Mia blinked innocently. "But on TV, witches always make potions in big pots!"

Wu hurriedly turned off the stove, pulling the pot off the burner before more damage could be done. "Mia, this isn't a magic potion—it's a mess!" He fished out a soggy sock with a pair of tongs and sighed. "I don't even know how to begin fixing this..."

Mia pouted, her big eyes looking up at Wu. "I just wanted to help clean."

Wu's expression softened. "I know, Mia, but there are better ways to help." He paused, looking at the dripping shirt in his hand. "Ones that don't involve boiling clothes."

Mia nodded, still holding her "witch's wand" spoon. "Oki, no more potions."

Wu set the pot aside, chuckling softly despite the situation. "Thank goodness."

But as he glanced at the mountain of soaked clothes, he sighed once again. "It seems my meditation will have to wait... again."

As the others returned to the monastery, they were greeted by the sight of a very weary Master Wu standing amidst a scene of chaos. Mia, with a big, proud smile, looked up at them and said, "I was an angel! I did all sorts of things!"

Jay raised an eyebrow, glancing around at the mess. "Uh... good job? Are you okay, Master Wu?"

Wu forced a smile, though it was clear he was exhausted. "Yes, Jay. Yes, I'm... perfectly fine."

Lloyd walked in, taking in the disheveled state of the room and Wu's frazzled appearance. "Uncle, you look like you've been through a hurricane."

Cole, ever the practical one, chuckled and added, "No, Lloyd. He went through a mischievous three-year-old."

Wu nodded in agreement, his face lined with tired amusement. "Indeed. Just another day with Mia."

Mia, oblivious to the extent of Wu's exhaustion, clapped her hands excitedly. "Can we pway now?"

Jay shook his head with a smile. "I think Master Wu might need a little break first."

Wu chuckled weakly, holding up a hand. "Just... a small one. And maybe some help with the clean-up."

I think Jay and nya are the first people to come up with their shipping name


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