
" I TOLD you it was a bad idea!" Annie exclaimed, throwing a hand in the air.

Emma rolled her eyes. " Oh come on! You have to experiment a little!"

" What if I don't want to?"

" Well then let me!"

" Oh, you-"

Mia and Blackie were standing there, blinking, unimpressed. Mia looked down at the kid in her arms.

" Don't worry, Ivy. They're not always like this."

From two dimensions over, Mia could hear someone screaming, " AAAAAH, THAT NAME!"

Mia sighed. " Oops."

Blackie looked at Mia. " Why are they arguing over a cow?"

Mia shrugged helplessly. " How should I know?"

Suddenly, down came Misty, Ivy's four year old sister. " What dey doing?"

" Fighting over a cow." Blackie replied.

" Wy?"

" Because they're morons."

Mia nudged the cat, then looked at Misty. " Why don't you go watch a documentary about sea creatures?"

Misty nodded obediently. " Oki."

As the girl toddled away, Mia shot Blackie a look. " Why'd you do that?"

" I was just telling the truth." The car said, licking his paw.

Mia rolled her eyes. " You're annoying."

" I aim to please."

Mia turned to the two bickering girls and shook her head, then sighed. " Well, Ivysaur ( believe me I did not get it from what you think I got it from. That's what I call me friend) let's go wake your brother Ashy."

( No I didn't get the name from that either).

She climbed up the stairs, shifted Ivy-


( Sorry)

Shifted the baby slightly, then opened the door. " Aaaaash, wake uuuup!"


Mia blinked. " Ash? Ash, where are you?"

Then she grinned and realized something.

" Oh, we playing hide and seek, are we?" She asked, setting the baby on the bed. " Well, I guess one game couldn't hurt. Find a better hiding spot, though. I'll count to ten." She turned to the door and closed her eyes. " One.... Two.... Three... Four.... Five... Six..... Seven.... Eight.... Nine.... Ten! Ready or not here I come!" She looked in the closet.


The bed.


The bathroom?

.... Nothing.

Mia laughed. " You're a good hider! But please come on out now! I'll give you ice cream!"


" A... Ash?" She said tentatively.

Blackie walked in and meowed, pawing a toy car. " Where's the kid?"

" I don't know!" Mia cried. " He's gone!"

Blackie's eyes widened. " THE KID'S GONE?!"

Mia winced. " Since when did YOU care so much about the kid?"

" I don't care about the kid I care about the money you're gonna lose!"

Mia rolled her eyes, but she couldn't really blame him.

He was a cat.

Cats love money.

Because then they can get all the food and stuff they want.

" Where did he go?!" Mia exclaimed as she threw the pillows everywhere.

" If it helps, the windows smashed."

Mia's eyes widened and she glanced at the window slowly.

It WAS smashed.

And in a perfect circle.

Mia looked out of the window.

There was a trampoline.

She groaned. " He must have jumped out of the window, jumped into the trampoline and ran away! But why?"

" Because he wants to go to the aquarium." A small voice said.

Mia turned to find Misty sucking her thumb and holding her stuffed platalus.

Mia knelt down to the girl's level. " Why?"

" They're dese weally coow sea animaws and we wanted to go see. Owr pawents pwomised us to take us but... Dey keep bweaking that pwomises."

" Why?"

" Ivy."


Misty blinked. " Who dat?"

" An eighteen year old boy who falls into love with any girl and one time the girl's name was Ivy-"


" So everytime someone says that name he screams and gets depressed." Blackie muttered.

Misty cocked her head. " Wat?"

Mia shook her head. " Never mind. We need to get the girls. Misty, can you call them? I'll get Ivysaur ready."

Misty nodded obediently and left, still sucking her thumb. Mia grabbed the kid and ran to the master bedroom, running to the closet and pulling out some decent clothes and started to change the kid.

" Let's hope he isn't far." She muttered.

The ride to the aquarium was chaotic, to say the least. Mia drove like she was in a high-stakes car chase, weaving through traffic and narrowly avoiding disaster at every turn. Annie was gripping the door handle so tightly her knuckles were white, while Emma remained surprisingly calm, knitting a scarf like they weren’t hurtling toward destruction.

"HOW ARE YOU SO CALM?!" Annie screeched as they dodged another car by inches.

Emma shrugged, her fingers never faltering. "Eh, Mia drives like this all the time. You get used to it."

"I'M NEVER GETTING USED TO THIS!" Annie yelled as Mia made a sharp swerve that sent the car airborne for a split second.

"Relax," Mia said, her tone way too casual for someone driving like a maniac. "We'll get there in one piece. Probably."

"PROBABLY?!" Annie screeched, clutching the armrest as if her life depended on it.

In the backseat, Misty and Ivy—


—sorry, the kids, were sleeping soundly, completely unfazed by the chaos around them. Misty’s little platypus toy was tucked under her arm, and she occasionally mumbled something about sea creatures in her sleep. Blackie, sprawled across the dashboard, glanced at the two grown women in the front seat and sighed dramatically.

“You know,” Blackie said, licking a paw, “I’m starting to think you humans have a death wish. Especially you, Mia.”

Mia ignored him, her eyes focused on the road—or lack thereof—as she veered off onto a dirt path that led straight to the aquarium. When they finally skidded to a stop in the parking lot, Annie stumbled out of the car, looking green in the face.

"I think... I think I saw my life flash before my eyes," Annie groaned, leaning against the car for support.

Emma calmly folded her knitting and placed it in her bag. "Oh, stop being dramatic. We’re here."

But as they all looked around, it became apparent that Ash wasn’t. The parking lot was empty save for a few stray cars, and there was no sign of the boy they had chased all this way.

Mia groaned in frustration, slamming the car door shut. "Where is he?!"

Annie, still recovering from the ride, pulled out her phone and checked the GPS. "The next aquarium is... two hours away!"

Emma’s calm demeanor finally cracked. She grabbed Mia’s wrist and glanced at the watch on her arm. "It’s been THREE HOURS since we put the kids to bed!" she exclaimed. "He could’ve snuck out while Misty and Ivy  were asleep!"


"Seriously, that guy needs therapy," Blackie muttered, hopping off the dashboard and onto Mia’s shoulder. "Anyway, are we really driving two more hours? Because if we are, I’m gonna need more snacks."

Mia, ignoring the cat, started pacing in frustration. "What was he thinking? Running off like this, and for what? To look at fish?"

“Apparently, he doesn’t trust us,” Emma said, crossing her arms.

Misty, now wide awake and holding her platypus, piped up. "He tink you not gonna do it. He tink you bwoke da pwomise."

Emma frowned, guilt flashing across her face. "But we were going to take him. We just... hadn’t gotten around to it yet."

“Well, kids don’t always understand that, especially when they’re promised something over and over and it doesn’t happen,” Mia said, sighing as she leaned against the car. "We need to find him before something happens. Annie, can you check the GPS again? Maybe he didn’t go to the next aquarium. Maybe he stopped somewhere else along the way.”

Annie nodded, her fingers flying over her phone. “There’s a roadside diner about halfway between here and the next aquarium. If he’s hungry, he might’ve stopped there.”

“Perfect,” Mia said, already climbing back into the car. “Let’s go.”

Annie groaned but followed, while Emma settled Misty and Ivy back into their seats—


—ahem, the kids into their seats.

As the car roared back to life, Blackie stretched out on the dashboard once again, his tail flicking lazily. “Well, this is shaping up to be the most entertaining disaster I’ve ever been part of. Let’s see if we can catch the runaway fish enthusiast before he gets himself into even more trouble.”

Mia floored the gas pedal, and they were off again, speeding toward the diner with renewed determination.

The car screeched to a halt outside the third diner they had visited. Mia leapt out, her eyes scanning the building with growing frustration. She stormed inside, Emma and Annie following close behind.

“Excuse me!” Mia called to the cashier. “Have you seen a boy? About yay tall, brown hair, mischievous look on his face?” She gestured vaguely, her voice tinged with desperation.

The cashier frowned. “Sorry, haven’t seen anyone like that today.”

Mia sighed heavily and turned to Emma and Annie, who both shook their heads. They had checked every corner of the diner, but there was no sign of Ash.

Back in the car, Misty was hugging her platypus tightly, her small face scrunched with worry. “Mia...” she said softly as the older girl slid into the driver’s seat. “Ash isn’t here.”

“I know, Misty,” Mia said, her voice strained. She turned to look at the little girl, who was clutching her toy like it was her lifeline.

Tears welled up in Misty’s eyes. “W-what if we don’t find him? What if he’s gone fowevew?”

Emma, sitting next to Misty, reached out and gently stroked the girl’s hair. “We’re going to find him, sweetheart. He’s your twin. You know he wouldn’t leave you forever.”

Misty sniffled, her bottom lip trembling. “I miss him... He always makes me laugh when I’m sad.”

Mia’s heart clenched at the sight of Misty’s tears. She reached back and took the girl’s tiny hand in hers. “Hey, listen to me,” she said gently. “We’re not giving up. Ash is out there, and we’re going to find him. He’s your brother, and he loves you just as much as you love him.”

Blackie, perched on the dashboard, flicked his tail and sighed dramatically. “Well, this is a mess. But don’t worry, Misty. If anyone can find that kid, it’s Mia. She’s stubborn enough to drag him back by his ears if she has to.”

Misty gave a watery giggle, wiping her tears with the back of her hand. “You tink so?”

“I know so,” Blackie said, puffing out his chest. “Mia’s like a bloodhound when it comes to finding troublemakers.”

Mia rolled her eyes but couldn’t help a small smile. “Thanks for the vote of confidence, Blackie.”

“Anytime,” the cat said, licking his paw.

Annie groaned, rubbing her temples. “But where do we look now? We’ve checked all the diners, the aquarium, and even that weird roadside souvenir shop.”

Emma frowned thoughtfully. “What about the park? Or the library? Ash loves reading, doesn’t he?”

Misty perked up. “He woves books about fishes!”

Mia snapped her fingers. “The library! That’s it. He might’ve gone there to look up sea creatures.”

Annie groaned. “Great, another place to check. Let’s just hope we’re not too late.”

Mia started the car, determination shining in her eyes. “We’re not giving up, guys. We’ll find him, no matter what.”

And with that, they sped off toward the library, Misty clutching her platypus tightly and silently praying they’d find her twin soon.

The more libraries they went to, the more discouraged they got.

Although Misty did get a lot of platypus stickers and bookmarks.

One Library, though, was different.

The librarian handed the letter to Misty, who took it with trembling hands. The older woman gave her a kind smile. "He seemed... thoughtful, if that helps. But also determined. He told me to make sure you got this."

Misty opened the envelope, her small hands shaking. Everyone crowded around her as she unfolded the letter. Her lips moved silently as she read it, but her face fell with each word.

Emma leaned down. "What does it say, sweetheart?"

Misty sniffled and held the letter out to Mia. "You wead it."

Mia took the letter and began reading aloud, her voice cracking as she went:

"Dear Misty,

I’m sorry, but I have to leave. Mom and Dad keep breaking their promises, and I can’t trust them anymore. You’re better off without me anyway. Take my money and buy yourself all the stuffed platypuses you want. You deserve better.


P.S. Don’t come looking for me. I’ll be fine on my own."

Mia’s grip tightened on the letter as she finished reading. She felt a pang of guilt for not realizing how serious Ash’s feelings were.

Misty’s eyes brimmed with tears, and she clutched her stuffed platypus tightly. “I don’t want stupid money! I want my bwothew!” she wailed, collapsing into Emma’s arms.

Even Ivy—


(Whoops, sorry. I mean the baby) burst into tears in Mia's arms, as though sensing the distress.

Emma tried to soothe Misty, rubbing her back and whispering calming words. “We’ll find him, Misty. I promise.”

But Misty shook her head, her voice breaking. “What if he doesn’t want me anymore? What if he weawwy weaves?”

Mia knelt down and took Misty’s hands in hers. “Listen to me, Misty. Ash loves you. You’re his twin, and twins don’t give up on each other. He’s just hurt and confused right now, but we’ll find him, and we’ll bring him home.”

Blackie, sitting on the librarian’s desk, flicked his tail and sighed dramatically. “This kid is more dramatic than Mia, and that’s saying something. But don’t worry, Misty. We’ll find your brother if I have to track him myself.”

“Yeah?” Misty asked, sniffling.

“Of course,” Blackie said, licking his paw nonchalantly. “I’ve got a nose for trouble, and your brother is practically radiating it.”

Mia stood, determination shining in her eyes. “We need to think. Where would Ash go if he’s trying to be independent? Somewhere quiet but resourceful.”

Emma nodded. “And somewhere with fish. He’s obsessed with sea creatures.”

Annie sighed. “The aquarium’s out. Any nearby water bodies? Ponds? Lakes?”

Mia’s eyes lit up. “The marina! There’s a spot where you can watch the boats and sometimes see dolphins.”

Misty looked up, hope flickering in her teary eyes. “You tink he’d be dere?”

Mia ruffled her hair. “If I know Ash, he’s probably trying to stow away on a boat or learn to be a fisherman or something. Let’s go find him.”

With renewed determination, the group piled back into the car, Misty clutching her stuffed platypus and muttering, “I just want my bwothew back.”

Mia glanced at her in the rearview mirror, her jaw set. “Don’t worry, Misty. We’ll bring him home.”

When they arrived at the marina, the salty breeze filled the air, and the sound of waves lapping against the docks created a soothing rhythm. Misty’s eyes widened in wonder as she saw dolphins leaping in the distance and colorful fish swimming in tanks near the boardwalk.

“Woooow,” Misty breathed, clutching her stuffed platypus tightly. Her earlier tears were momentarily forgotten as she pressed her face against the glass to keep people from falling in, watching a sea turtle lazily glide by. “Mia, wook! A tuwtle!”

Mia smiled softly. “I see it, Misty. It’s beautiful.”

Blackie, perched on Mia’s shoulder, sniffed the air disdainfully. “This place smells like wet socks. Let’s find the kid and leave.”

Misty turned to say something, but her words froze in her throat. Across the boardwalk, sitting on the edge of a dock with his feet dangling above the water, was a brown-haired boy.

“Ash!” Misty cried. Her stuffed platypus fell to the ground as she bolted toward her twin, tears already streaming down her face.

Ash turned his head, his expression a mix of surprise and frustration. “I told you not to come!”

Misty didn’t care. She flung her arms around him, sobbing into his shoulder. “I don’t cawe! You my bwothew! You can’t weave me!”

Ash sighed, his voice softening. “Misty, I—”

“No!” she interrupted, pulling back to look at him with tear-filled eyes. “I don’t want youw money! I don’t want any pwomises! I just want you!”

Ash’s resolve cracked, and he wrapped his arms around his sister, holding her tightly. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

Misty sniffled. “Den why’d you wun away?”

Ash hesitated, looking out at the water. “Because... I was tired of waiting for something that never happens. Mom and Dad always say they’ll take us places, but they don’t. And it’s not fair to you or Ivy—”


(Whoops, sorry again. The baby.)

“—to keep waiting.”

Misty clutched his shirt. “Den just say dat! We can figuwe it out togethew!”

Mia and the others arrived, giving the twins space. Emma crouched down next to Ash. “You scared everyone, you know that?”

Ash looked away. “I didn’t mean to. I just wanted to... do something for Misty and Ivy.”


(Okay, okay. The baby. Moving on.)

Mia crossed her arms, Blackie still perched on her shoulder. “Running away isn’t the answer, Ash. You’re lucky Misty found you. What were you even planning to do?”

Ash sighed. “I thought I could get on one of the fishing boats and work. Then I’d have enough money to take them to see the dolphins.”

Blackie rolled his eyes. “Kid, that’s the worst plan I’ve ever heard. And I’ve heard Mia’s plans.”

“Hey!” Mia snapped, swatting at him.

Ash cracked a small smile at their antics, but Misty grabbed his hands, her face serious. “You don’t have to do dat, Ash. We just wanna be wif you. We don’t need dolphins ow pwomises. Just you.”

Ash blinked, tears forming in his eyes. He pulled Misty into another hug. “I’m sorry, Misty. I won’t leave again. I promise.”

Misty sniffled, then smiled. “Pwomise?”

“Promise,” Ash said firmly.

Emma clapped her hands together. “Well, now that we’ve solved the runaway issue, how about we all go look at the sea creatures together?”

Misty’s face lit up. “Wewwy?”

Mia nodded, smiling. “Of course. Let’s make today fun.”

Ash glanced at the group, a small smile tugging at his lips. “Thanks... for coming after me.”

Blackie hopped down from Mia’s shoulder and stretched. “Yeah, yeah, sappy stuff over. Let’s go see the dolphins before Misty starts crying again.”

Misty giggled, grabbing Ash’s hand and pulling him toward the dolphins. “Wook, Ash! Dey weally jump high!”

As they watched the dolphins leap gracefully through the air, Mia felt a sense of relief. For now, everything was right again.

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