Baby Bobby
The_Sage_Ninja_Morro theredninjakai DumbassWriter17
Awwww wook at the wittle baby," Annie cooed, peeking into the bassinet with a big smile as the tiny bundle stared up at her with wide, curious eyes.
Emma grinned with pride, folding her arms. "Aunt Suzie asked me to look after him. Isn't he just the sweetest?"
Mia leaned in, inspecting the little one with a skeptical expression. "Let's just hope this one isn't evil."
Emma let out a nervous laugh. "Oh, I wouldn't think so. I mean, look! He likes your cat."
Mia glanced over to where Blackie was perched on the cabinet, all black fur and unamused green eyes. "But does my cat like the baby?" she asked, noticing how Blackie was practically a shadow against the cabinet, his tail flicking irritably.
Blackie uncurled from his loaf position and sighed dramatically. "No. I hate that thing."
Mia rolled her eyes with a laugh. "Oh, come on, Blackie. Babies aren't that bad!"
Blackie shot her a glare, his green eyes narrowing. "I've been your cat since you were a baby," he replied, sounding deeply offended. "Remember?"
Mia chuckled. "Right, right."
She then turned back to little Bob, who was gurgling happily in the bassinet, and scooped him up in her arms. "So, should we take Bobby here on a high-speed drive?"
Annie and Emma's heads snapped toward her, eyes wide.
"No!" they said in unison.
Mia looked down at Bob, who had burst into giggles, his chubby little hands reaching out toward her. She raised an eyebrow with a mischievous grin. "Well, he agrees."
Emma groaned, grabbing Mia's arm. "Mia, he doesn't know what he's agreeing to! He's a baby!"
But Mia was already out the door with little Bob in tow, leaving Annie and Emma in a cloud of dust.
Emma slapped her forehead. "What on earth is she going to do with my nephew?"
Annie shrugged, fighting back a smile. "If I know Mia, she'll probably just make him her 'co-pilot' and pretend they're on some wild adventure."
Emma sighed, pacing in worry. "Let's just hope her 'adventure' is a little gentler than her usual."
Meanwhile, Mia was happily showing Bob all the dashboard controls in her car. She cradled him with one arm, showing him the wheel with the other. Bob cooed and grabbed at the air, completely thrilled by all the flashing lights and buttons.
"See, Bob?" Mia said, pointing to the speedometer. "That's where all the magic happens. But don't tell your mom or Aunt Emma."
Bob squealed, as if in total agreement.
Mia grinned. "Aww, I think we're going to make a great team, kid."
As soon as Mia decided to take her little "co-pilot" on a high-speed joyride, she strapped baby Bob into the car seat beside her, his little face lighting up in delight. He squealed and kicked his legs, eyes bright with anticipation, even though he probably had no idea what was in store.
"Alright, Bobby," Mia grinned, hands gripping the steering wheel. "You ready for the ride of your life?"
From the back seat, Blackie let out a low, miserable growl, ears flat against his head. "I am NOT ready for this. Mia, I did NOT sign up to be in a roller-coaster horror movie!"
Mia just rolled her eyes, hitting the gas. "Oh, relax, Blackie. It's just a bit of fun!"
With a roar, they shot down the road, the car zooming past trees and fields, and Bob—adorably oblivious—burst into giggles. Every bump in the road sent him into peals of laughter, his tiny hands reaching for Mia as if this wild ride was the best game in the world.
Blackie, however, was far from amused. He had braced himself against the back seat with all four paws, his fur standing on end as he yowled in protest. "SLOW DOWN, HUMAN! THIS IS CAT-ACLYSMIC!"
Mia smirked, glancing in the rearview mirror. "Come on, Blackie, you're a ninja cat. Where's your sense of adventure?"
"My sense of adventure went out the window when you turned the car into a rocket!" he yowled, clutching the seat for dear life as they took a sharp turn.
Bob was shrieking with delight, his chubby cheeks pink with excitement. He turned toward Blackie with a huge smile, as if inviting him to join in on the fun.
"Oh, sure, kid," Blackie grumbled, his eyes wide as he dug his claws in deeper. "Laugh it up. You don't know the horrors of what this woman is capable of!"
As they sped up a hill, Mia looked over at Bob, who was babbling happily. "See, Blackie? The little guy loves it. He's going to be a thrill-seeker, just like his Aunt Mia!"
They raced up the hill and then down the other side, and Bob squealed even louder. Mia laughed, feeling the rush of the ride, and couldn't help but notice how natural he seemed, like a mini adrenaline junkie in the making.
When they finally slowed to a stop, Mia turned around, laughing. "Well, everyone still alive back there?"
Blackie, fur fluffed up to twice his usual size, glared at her, his green eyes narrowed. "Barely."
Bob just cooed, clapping his hands as if to say, Again!
Mia grinned, patting his tiny head. "Alright, buddy, maybe next time we'll go even faster!"
Blackie gave a dramatic groan. "I'll be in my litter box... recovering."
When Mia pulled the car into the driveway, the wild ride had finally come to an end. She carefully unbuckled Bob from his car seat, and he was still grinning ear to ear, clearly loving every second of the adventure. Blackie, on the other hand, stormed out of the car like a grumpy storm cloud, shaking off the residual stress from the ride.
"Okay, time to eat!" Emma called out, standing by the door with an apron on. "Do you think little Bobby wants a burger or an apple?"
Mia, still grinning from the adrenaline rush, barely paused to think. "A burger," she said with confidence. "He's a thrill-seeker already. No point in trying to feed him healthy stuff."
Annie, who had been standing with Emma, nearly lost it. Her eyes widened as she tried to keep her composure. "A burger? He's a baby, Mia! He's not even old enough for solid food, let alone burgers!"
Mia just shrugged, picking Bob up and holding him against her hip, his giggles filling the air. "Hey, I know babies. He's got a sense for the good stuff. We're starting him young."
Emma tried to hide her laughter behind a cough, but even she couldn't hold it in. "I think you're the one who's got the bad food choices, Mia. Not Bobby."
Annie was still in shock. "Are you seriously going to try and feed a baby a burger?" She looked from Mia to Emma in disbelief. "What happened to baby food or, I don't know, mashed peas?!"
Mia winked at Annie. "Mashed peas are so last season. Bob's going to be the coolest baby around. You'll see."
Bob, completely unaware of the debate about his meal, cooed happily, smacking his tiny hands together like he was in full agreement with Mia's bold choice.
"Alright," Emma said with a sigh, trying to regain control of the situation. "Let's just start with something slightly more appropriate. I'll give him a mashed-up burger. For now, that'll have to do."
Annie let out a dramatic sigh and collapsed onto the couch. "You two are going to ruin him, you know that?"
Mia just smiled proudly. "Hey, we're making him tough."
Blackie, still sulking nearby, muttered under his breath, "Tough? You mean insane."
Mia grinned and patted Bob's head. "He's going to be both."
" Okay, Bobby. This is a car. and this is the wheel." Mia said as she sat in the drivers seat, Bob in her lap. " And this is the joystick. You move it back to reverse, and forward to go forward."
Mia put Bob on the seat. " Blackie, watch him for me will ya?"
Blackie, who was peacefully napping in the backseat, yawned. " Sure."
Mia pat her cat. " Don't worry. He'll be fine."
Then she dashed off.
Bob, bless his clueless soul, didn't understand the fact you can't drive without supervision.
So he reached for the gas, revved the car, and zoomed out of the driveway at 567 miles per hour.
Blackie, who was napping, was suddenly pinned against his seat. " WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Blackie yelled as he pushed against the wind and into the drivers seat, grabbing the wheel. " What should we do?"
He turned right and ended up driving off a cliff.
The baby, though, was laughing.
Blackie clung to the steering wheel, eyes wide and fur flattened in sheer terror as the car careened through the air. Bob, on the other hand, was having the time of his life, laughing with his arms raised as if this were the best roller coaster ever.
"OH NO, NO, NO!" Blackie screeched, desperately trying to get control as they plummeted back down toward the ground. With a jolt, they crashed through the side of an outdoor restroom building, splintering tiles and startling a poor man washing his hands.
"WHAT IN THE–?" the man shouted, jumping out of the way just in time as the car tore through the sinks, leaving a trail of soap suds and broken faucets in their wake.
"Sorry!" Blackie yowled, his claws digging into the wheel. But the apology didn't mean much as Bob gave the gas another enthusiastic push, and the car rocketed forward, speeding straight into the nearby forest.
Blackie tried to swerve, but instead they rammed right through two trees, branches and leaves flying as they carved a wild, destructive path. The baby squealed with glee, still finding all the chaos incredibly entertaining.
"Oh, for the love of fur!" Blackie shouted as they burst out of the forest and shot into the edge of town. They rammed through five storefronts in quick succession, shattering windows, scattering mannequins, and causing absolute mayhem. Store alarms blared, and a chorus of surprised yells erupted from shoppers ducking out of the way.
"Bob, stop pushing the–!" Blackie tried to say, but it was too late. Bob pressed the pedal even harder, and the car veered toward the nearest skyscraper.
"NOOOOO!" Blackie howled as they zoomed up a narrow ramp, somehow managing to catch enough speed to drive straight up the glassy side of the building. Bob, shrieking with delight, held his hands up like he was on the world's wildest amusement ride.
"I'M GONNA NEED NINE NEW LIVES AFTER THIS!" Blackie wailed, gripping the wheel as they scaled higher and higher, zooming past office windows. Workers inside stared in shock as the car and its feline driver sped past, the baby still giggling uncontrollably.
"Hold on, Bob! If we make it out of this alive, Mia is going to have some explaining to do!" Blackie hissed through gritted teeth, swerving as they approached the roof's edge, facing yet another terrifying plunge.
Just as Blackie braced himself for the heart-stopping drop off the skyscraper, the car slowed—then hovered, suspended in mid-air. He cracked one eye open and blinked in confusion.
"Huh?" Blackie murmured, loosening his death grip on the steering wheel. They weren't falling; they were floating.
He twisted around and spotted Mia standing on a nearby rooftop, arms outstretched, her face scrunched up in focus as a strong wind swirled around the car, holding it in place.
"Oh, thank goodness!" Blackie sighed, slumping against the steering wheel in pure relief. "Mia! I never thought I'd be so happy to see you!"
Mia smirked, her voice reaching him over the gusting wind. "So, did you have a fun little joyride, Blackie?"
"Fun?" Blackie sputtered. "I nearly lost all nine of my lives in under five minutes!"
Meanwhile, Bob was still happily giggling, waving his little hands as if he thought they were floating on purpose. He clapped his hands together, clearly thrilled by the whole experience.
Mia tilted her head at the baby and grinned. "Looks like Bobby had a blast, though."
"He had a blast?" Blackie huffed. "Well, I'm traumatized!"
Mia chuckled and waved a hand, gently guiding the car back toward solid ground. "Alright, back to safety, Mr. Royal Cat," she teased. "But this doesn't mean I'm letting you off the hook for leaving him in the driver's seat."
Blackie gave her an indignant look. "Excuse me? I was napping! He's the one who decided to turn the car into a rollercoaster."
Mia laughed as she finally set the car down gently on the rooftop, releasing her hold. She opened the door and scooped up Bob, who was still beaming, completely unfazed by the chaos.
"Next time," Mia said, looking at Blackie with a mischievous twinkle, "maybe I'll teach him how to really drive."
Blackie stared at her in horror. "No, Mia. Just... no."
Mia shrugged, grinning down at Bob. "Well, little guy, seems like you've got a taste for adventure, huh?"
Bob responded with a happy gurgle, grabbing a fistful of her hair and pulling it like reins.
Blackie sighed dramatically, slumping down in the backseat. "If you two ever team up again, I'll need a lifetime supply of catnip to survive it."
As soon as Mia, Blackie, and Bob got back, Emma scooped up her nephew, still grinning from ear to ear.
"Alright, mister," Emma cooed, brushing the stray wisps of hair from Bob's forehead. "It's time for a nap after your little... adventure."
But just as she reached to settle him down, Emma froze. Bob wasn't in her arms. She blinked, glanced around, and felt her heart skip a beat.
"Mia... where's Bob?" Emma's voice had that edge of panic creeping in.
Mia looked around too, her face falling as she realized Bob was nowhere in sight. "I... I just had him!"
Suddenly, the unmistakable hum of an engine roared to life overhead, followed by a distinctively chilly breeze that made the hair on the back of Mia's neck stand up. They all looked up just in time to see a flash of blue zip past—a small, wobbly blur on the seat of Zane's ice helicopter. And at the controls? None other than Bob, gleefully gripping the handles, pressing buttons, and looking entirely too pleased with himself.
Emma's jaw dropped. "Is that...?"
"Bob?!" Mia gasped, squinting up at the little pilot.
Blackie groaned, covering his face with his paw. "Oh, for the love of tuna, not again!"
Bob, meanwhile, seemed to be having the time of his life. He pushed random buttons on the console, and the helicopter wobbled through the air in a series of zigzags, leaving trails of frost behind it. The blades whirled faster, picking up speed as he veered off in a new direction, hovering dangerously close to the edge of the nearby building.
Emma looked at Mia, panic evident on her face. "How did he even find Zane's helicopter?"
Mia shrugged, grinning despite the chaos. "Guess the little guy's got a knack for adventure!"
Emma smacked her forehead. "This is not funny, Mia!"
But Mia had already sprung into action. With a quick leap, she took off, her wind powers lifting her as she zoomed upward. She caught up to the helicopter in no time, reaching out to grab the side just as it tilted precariously.
"Alright, little daredevil," Mia laughed, maneuvering herself into the cockpit next to Bob. "Let's bring you back to Earth before Zane notices!"
Bob looked up at her with those big, innocent eyes, completely unaware of the trouble he'd caused, and just babbled happily as she gently guided the helicopter down.
When they finally landed, Emma was waiting, arms crossed and looking equal parts relieved and exasperated.
"Bob," Emma said, wagging her finger playfully but sternly. "No more flying helicopters without Auntie's permission."
Bob giggled, clapping his hands.
Blackie, finally catching up, plopped down with an exhausted sigh. "I think I've aged a decade today."
Emma shook her head, scooping up her nephew and pressing a kiss to his forehead. "Mia, next time, no more lessons on wheels, joysticks, or helicopters, okay?"
Mia grinned sheepishly. "Fine, fine... no more lessons. For now, anyway."
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