Young Again- Jay
" Morning, everyone." She said sleepily as she settled into a chair.
" Good morning!" Everyone choursed, waving at her.
She looked around. " Where's my brother?"
Lloyd sighed. " Still sleeping."
Mia looked at the time. It was ten. " Strange. He's never this late. I'm gonna go check on him."
She stood up, stretched, and walked to her Brother's room. She knocked.
And waited.
No answer.
She knocked again.
She tried the door.
It was unlocked, so she let herself in.
" Jay?" She called, looking around the room.
She froze. " Uh, Jay?"
More babbles.
She turned to Jays bed, and saw a lump under his blanket. She took it off, and gasped.
In front of her was a baby.
A baby with messy hair and freckles.
The same freckles the Walker siblings had.
" " Uh, there's no way Nya and Jay have a baby."
" Do they?"
She pondered, then shook her head. " Nah."
She picked the baby up, and he nestled in her arms. She smiled softly. " Come on, Baby." She whispered. " We're going to the pediatrician."
" Is he my brother?" Mia asked, still pacing around the room.
Kai sighed and took his stethoscope off. " Yep, that's our Jay."
Mia sighed in relief. " Is he okay?"
Kai nodded, and gently tickled the baby. " Yep. We just need to keep him safe for as long as the enchantment stays."
Mia smiled. " Oh good."
Kai picked Jay up and rocked him in his arms.
Mia watched the two brothers. " Too bad the others aren't here."
Kai glared at her. " Actually, I find it lucky. And anyway, Lloyds here too. We can take care of our little ninja."
Jay babbled and nestled into Kai's arms. He allowed a small smile on his face.
" Okay, fine. You're cute."
Mia grinned. " Come on, boys! Let's go tell Lloyd!"
" So you're saying when you checked on his he was.... Like this?" Lloyd concluded.
Mia nodded. " Yep."
She held her brother in her arm, and he suddenly let out a cry.
" Aw, is wittle baby hungwy?" Mia asked in a baby voice.
" Uh, we don't have baby food." Kai called.
Mia held her hand up, and baby formula flew into it. " You were saying?"
After a well fed Jay, Kai took him and gently pat him on the back
" He needs to let out the access gas," he explained to a confused Mia.
She nodded in understanding.
" You know, Mia, with a little practice, you might be the best mother ever."
Mia squeeled. " Did you hear that?! I'm a mom!"
" Uh, Mia, that's not what I-"
Mia ignorwd and snatched her brother and skipped out, chanting, " Mommy Mia!*
Lloyd walked in with a raised brow. " Lemme guess. You told her something and she understood it the wrong way?"
Kai sighed and ran a hand through his hair. " How did you know?"
" Lucky guess."
Then, they heard rain music. They crept to Mia's room, and found a heartwarming sight. Mia was putting Jay into snuggly doll clothes and spun him around.
" Who's the best baby ever?" She cooed. " You are. Yes you are!*
Blackie walked in. " You called?"
Mia grinned. " Yep! You need to help Jay drift to sleep "
Blackie glared at Jay. " Okay, kid, some rules. One- don't bombarded me with questions about multiplication. I don't know it. Two- don't lasso me. Three- you are not to swim without a floatie."
Mia blinked. " Uh.... Bee? He's a baby. He can't do anything."
" Well if I learned anything from the Wu experience, be prepared for anything."
Mia sighed, and noticed the other two. She moaned for them to come in. They stepped in, and Mia held Jay as she made introductions. " I'm Mia, your mommy. I love you so much, Jay."
Kai opened his mouth but Lloyd clamoes it shut.
" That red dude is Kai. He loves you, but he's a bit cocky."
" Hey!" Kai said through Lloyd's mouth. " I am NOT cocky! And where did you get the idea I love him?"
Mia rolled her eyes. " Anyway......"
" The green fella is Lloyd. But you have to call him uncle Lloyd until you grow up."
Jay nodded understandingly. Mia smiled and layed him down and gently kissed his head.
" Good night, my baby boy. I'll see you in a few hours."
She led the others out, and winked to Blackie.
As she closed the door, Lloyd looked around. " So.... What do we do?"
" Wait for a few minutes." Mia said.
That looked at her, but that was all she said.
So they waited.
And waited.
And waited.
Just as Kai was going to suggest to go get lunch, they heard Blackie meow. Mia pushed the door open and smiled. " Knew it."
The boys peeked in.
Jay ( or baby Jay) was taking his first steps.
" Oh, this is such a big achievement, my baby!" She exclaimed as she snapped a picture.
Jay giggled.
" I swear, if he remembers any of this, I'm gonna kill him." Kai muttered.
" You should never swear. It's a bad sign of weak verbal skills."
The trio turned to Jay, who giggled and reached for a glass of water. Mia picked him up and took him to the kitchen, where she fed him a bottle.
" That was fast." Lloyd said.
Mia looked up from Jay, holding him securely in her hands. " It was for master Wu too."
Jay babbled. " Wa... Pood!"
" You want food?" Kai asked, gently scooping the little ninja. " What you want?"
" S...wa....rry."
" Strawberry?"
Jay nodded. " Yeah! Swarry."
Mia laughed and took a few out of the fridge and washed them. " Coming right up, Jay!"
Mia gave the bowl of red fruit to Jay, Ns he began to gobble it.
Kai glanced fondly at the boy. " He loves his fruit."
Mia giggles. " Yes, Kai."
Lloyd bit into a small apple. " So .... What now?" He asked through a mouthful of apple.
" Now Kai examines him.".
Kai, who was rocking the little dude, froze, startled. " Uh.... Pardon?"
Mia grinned mischievously. "You heard me, Kai. It’s time for a full check-up. You are a doctor, remember?"
Kai sighed, looking down at baby Jay, who was happily munching on his strawberries. "I mean, he’s just a baby. What do you want me to check?"
"Everything!" Mia declared. "We need to make sure he’s 100% healthy."
Lloyd snickered as he finished his apple. "Yeah, Kai. What kind of doctor would you be if you didn’t check on the baby ninja?"
Kai shot Lloyd a glare, but then looked back at Jay, who was now making a mess of the strawberries. "Alright, little guy. Let’s do this."
Mia set up a space on the couch, carefully placing a soft blanket down. She gently took baby Jay from Kai and laid him down. "Now be a good boy, Jay. This won’t take long."
Kai approached with his stethoscope, sighing. "Alright, buddy, let’s see what’s going on in there."
Jay giggled and reached for the shiny tool, babbling happily as Kai tried to get him to stay still. After a few failed attempts, Kai finally managed to listen to Jay’s tiny heartbeat.
"Well, his heart’s fine," Kai said with a small smile. "A strong, healthy ninja heart."
Mia clapped her hands in excitement. "That’s my little brother!"
Next, Kai checked Jay’s reflexes by gently tapping his knee, and Jay kicked his little foot in response. "Reflexes are good too."
Mia was practically glowing with pride. "Isn’t he perfect?"
Kai chuckled, putting the stethoscope away. "He’s fine, Mia. Just a normal baby. No need to worry."
Mia picked Jay up and snuggled him close, beaming. "You hear that, Jay? You’re perfect!"
Jay responded by burping, causing both Lloyd and Kai to burst out laughing.
"That’s our Jay," Lloyd said, wiping a tear from his eye. "Even as a baby, he’s still… Jay."
Mia smiled, unfazed. "He’s still my little baby boy." She kissed Jay on the forehead. "Okay, buddy, time for your nap."
Kai sighed in relief. "Finally, some peace and quiet."
But just as Mia was about to walk Jay to her room, the baby suddenly sat up, pointing toward the door. "No sweep. Waah trainin'!"
Kai blinked, and Lloyd’s eyes widened. "Did… did he just say he wants training?"
Mia looked down at her brother in shock. "Jay, you’re a baby! You can’t train!"
Jay pouted and crossed his tiny arms, looking up at Kai. "Trainin'!"
Kai rubbed his forehead. "Oh no, this is going to be a long day…"
Lloyd chuckled. "Well, Mia, it looks like your baby boy is still a ninja at heart. You better be ready for some baby-sized training sessions."
Mia sighed, shaking her head but smiling. "Alright, Jay. Let’s go find some baby-appropriate ninja training. But after that, it’s nap time. No arguments!"
Jay giggled, clapping his hands. "Yay! Ninjawy!"
As Mia carried him off to find a way to satisfy his baby ninja demands, Kai and Lloyd exchanged amused glances.
"Well," Lloyd said, "at least it won’t be boring around here for a while."
Kai shook his head, smiling fondly. "Yeah, no kidding."
Finally, after ten minutes of training, Mia was able to put Jay to sleep.
" What did he do?" Kai asked as Mia sank on the chair. He leaned to the wall, waiting for an answer.
" Oh, nothing really. I showed him how to kick a pillow."
" And that tired him out?!* Lloyd asked, mesmerized.
Mia shook her head. " Not exactly....."
" So what did you do?" Kai asked.
" Spun him around."
Before Kai could ask anymore questions, Blackie meowed again. They ran to Jay's room, and found a five year old boy.
" Mommy?" Jay asked, sleepy. " Am I a good boy?"
Mia smiled. " Yes, Jay. You are."
Then, she turned to Kai. " Well?"
Kai blinked. " What?"
Mia looked at him expectantly. " Check him out?"
Kau stared at her. " I did that ten seconds ago!"
Mia crossed her arms, giving Kai a stern look. "Well, that was when he was a baby. Now he’s five! You have to check him again."
Kai groaned, rubbing his temples. "Mia, he just aged up by a few years, not switched species!"
Lloyd smirked, leaning against the doorway. "Looks like you're stuck as the family doctor, Kai. Better get used to it."
Kai sighed but knelt beside Jay, who was rubbing his eyes sleepily. "Alright, Jay, let’s do this again."
Jay yawned and reached out for Kai. "Is this gonna hurt, Dr. Kai?"
Kai chuckled, ruffling Jay’s hair. "Nope, not at all, buddy. Just some quick checks."
Mia watched intently as Kai once again went through his routine of checking Jay’s heartbeat, reflexes, and general well-being. This time, Jay seemed more cooperative, even though he was sleepy.
"His heart’s still strong, reflexes are normal," Kai said with a hint of sarcasm. "Yup, he's a perfectly healthy five-year-old."
Mia smiled proudly. "Told you he’s perfect!"
"Yeah, well," Kai stood up, putting his tools away, "let’s hope he stays this way and doesn't age up another ten years by tomorrow."
Lloyd laughed. "Wouldn’t that be something? We'd have teenage Jay running around in no time."
Mia chuckled, imagining it. "At least I’d be prepared."
Kai raised an eyebrow. "You? Prepared for a teenage Jay? You barely handled him as a baby."
Mia shot him a playful glare. "Hey, I’m a fast learner!"
Jay, now in a sleepy daze, reached out for Mia. "Mommy, can I sleep now?"
Mia's heart melted, and she scooped him up into her arms. "Of course, my little ninja. Let’s get you to bed."
As she tucked him in, Jay snuggled into his blanket and gave a tired smile. "Love you, Mommy."
Mia kissed his forehead. "I love you too, Jay. Sweet dreams."
As Mia turned to leave, Kai and Lloyd exchanged knowing glances. Lloyd smirked. "So, 'Mommy Mia'... what’s next on the agenda?"
Mia smiled proudly. "Now? We wait and see what happens next."
Kai leaned back against the wall, arms crossed. "I just hope that 'next' doesn't involve a teenager. One version of Jay is enough for today."
Mia nodded sleepily. " Yeah," she yawned. " What time is it?*
Lloyd checked the clock. " It's only four in the afternoon."
" You should take a nap, Mia." Kai said gently.
Mia nodded, and Kai scooped her up. She drifted to sleep in Kai's arms, and slept soundly for thirty minutes.
When she woke up, she heard another meow.
" Coming." Mia yawned as she got out of bed.
When she was in Jay's room, Kai was there, already listening to his heart and hugging the poor guy.
Lloyd, who was standing in the doorway, saw Mia and asked, " when did Jay's fear of doctors originate?*
" When I was born, so.... When he was eight or something. Why?"
Lloyd sighed and ran a hand through his hair. " Because Kai just managed to calm him down."
Mia blinked in surprise, rubbing her eyes as she approached the doorway. "Wait, Kai calmed him down?" She glanced at the scene: Kai sitting beside Jay, soothing him with quiet words, and Jay holding onto Kai like his life depended on it.
Kai looked over his shoulder, giving Mia a tired but soft smile. "He was a little scared, but nothing a few hugs couldn’t fix."
Mia chuckled, leaning against the doorframe. "Well, that’s a first. Usually, Jay's running for the hills when a stethoscope shows up."
Lloyd nodded, crossing his arms. "Yeah, it's pretty impressive. I guess having a brother who’s also his doctor helps."
Kai gave a modest shrug. "It’s all about trust. Right, Jay?"
Jay nodded, still a little shaky but clearly comforted by Kai’s presence. "Yeah... Kai’s not scary like other doctors."
Mia smiled warmly at the sight, feeling a sense of relief. "Well, at least you're in good hands."
Kai patted Jay’s back and stood up, ruffling his hair. "Alright, bud. You’re all good. How about you take it easy for the rest of the day?"
Jay nodded, looking much calmer. "Thanks, Kai."
As Kai stepped back, Mia walked over and gave Jay a gentle hug. "You did great, Jay. We’re all proud of you."
Jay smiled shyly, leaning into her hug. "Thanks, Mommy Mia."
Lloyd raised an eyebrow with a teasing grin. "Looks like 'Mommy Mia' is sticking."
Mia gave him a playful shove. "Shush, Lloyd. It's kinda cute."
Kai smirked, crossing his arms. "Well, at least now we know Jay’s biggest fear isn’t me. It’s just the idea of doctors in general."
Jay pouted from his bed. "Doctors poke too much."
Mia and Lloyd laughed as Kai rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. No more poking for today. Just rest up, little ninja."
As they all left Jay’s room, Mia yawned again and stretched. "Maybe I should take another nap."
Kai chuckled, putting a hand on her shoulder. "You’ve earned it. You’ve been running around all day."
Lloyd nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you deserve the rest."
Mia smiled and gave both of them a grateful look. "Alright. Wake me up if Jay turns into a teenager."
Kai smirked. "Deal."
* Ten minutes later*
Ten minutes later, Mia woke up to the sound of screaming. She woke up, and recognized the sound right away
" Jay!* She yelled, jumping out of bed and running to her brother.
When she arrived, Jay was scooting away from Kai, who was holding his hand out.
" Come on in, Jay!* He said gently. " It'll be fine."
Jay turned his head, and Mia could see the face she had grown used to. " Save it, Kai. This is my brother."
Jay looked at Mia. " Oh, thank goodness you're here. What happened?"
Mia smirked and leaned on the wall. " You turned into a baby."
" Oh." He suddenly looked scared. " Did anyone else see?"
" Nah, it's just us three."
Jay sighed in relief. " Well, are there pictures?"
" Nope." Kai said proudly.
But he didn't notice the small smile on Mia's face
Jay, though, did. " Okay, sis, what did you do?"
Mia smiled innocently. " Nothing." She said, drawing out the N.
Jay's eyes narrowed. " You took pictures, didn't you.".
Mia's smile only grew. " Nope! I hired a private photographer."
Kai screamed. " WHAT?!"
" Relax, Kai. It's only Blackie."
Kai sighed in relief. " Oh, good."
" But I did print the pictures out." She took one out of her pocket.
" MI- AAAH!" Jay yelled as he lunged for Mia. Mia, ever the nimble one, slid to the side And ran around the room. " Catch me if you can!"
Jay groaned in frustration, chasing after Mia around the room. "Mia, give me those pictures now!"
Mia laughed, easily dodging him with her agility. "You have to catch me first, slowpoke!"
Kai stood back, shaking his head in amusement. "I should've known this was coming."
Lloyd walked into the room, immediately assessing the situation. "What's going on?"
"Jay found out about the baby pictures," Kai said, still grinning.
"Oh, this is going to be good." Lloyd leaned against the doorway, watching the siblings' chase.
Jay, panting, slowed down, glaring at Mia. "Mia, seriously, I'll do anything—just please destroy those pictures!"
Mia held up the picture teasingly, still laughing. "Anything? You sure about that?"
Jay paused, realizing his mistake. "Wait... what do you want?"
Mia pretended to think, tapping her chin dramatically. "Hmm... how about you do my chores for a week? And take me to the amusement park."
Jay groaned, knowing he was cornered. "Fine. Deal."
Mia grinned and handed over the picture. "Pleasure doing business, big bro."
Jay snatched the picture, stuffing it into his pocket. "You're evil, you know that?"
Mia winked. "I prefer the term resourceful."
Kai chuckled and shook his head. "You two are impossible."
Lloyd crossed his arms with a smirk. "I don’t know, I think Mia might’ve outsmarted you, Jay."
Jay sighed dramatically. "I guess I deserve this after all the times I teased her growing up."
Mia beamed. "Yep! Payback’s sweet, isn't it?"
As the room settled back into quiet, Jay flopped onto his bed. "Next time I get turned into a baby, please... no pictures."
Mia giggled. "No promises, Jay."
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