Senario Two- Jay

One day, Mia was peacefully walking in the park near the monetary. The birds were chirping, the flowers were blooming, and Sprite was…. Comforting? Comforting some random guy with brown hair and in an administration suit.
Mia paused her walk and peered closer. The guy had freckles, but Mia didn't know the pattern. He was shaking, so that meant one of two things- one he was sobbing and two, he was just scared.
Mia thought over the possibilities. His suit was made of administration cloth, that much was set in stone. And she also knew administration people were not scared of anything.
Unless they do something bad to their paperwork and rules.
So that meant the guy was sobbing.
Mia walked over to the duo and greeted them. “ Hi, Sprite. Hi Mr. Guy I Don't Know Yet.”
Sprite waved ( or, tried. If you're an orb, it's hard to wave to someone). The guy, on the other hand, whispered, “ You're not an administration person, are you?”
“ No. I don't have any closeby, either.” Mia replied. She knew that voice, but couldn't pinpoint who the person was. Not yet, anyway.
The person sighed. “ Good.”
“ If I may ask, why are you sitting in the middle of a park, sobbing?” Mia asked.
The guy took a deep breath. “ This night light showed a picture of me in some random suit. And it was traumatizing.”
Mia nodded empathetically, sitting next to the guy.
“ Yeah. Today’s the day my parents had their accident and never woke up.”
“ Same!” The guy exclaimed.
“ How did your parents die?” Mia asked.
The guy shuddered. “ There was an accident. A car was coming too fast, the road was slippery, and the next thing you know-”
“ The two cars collided.” Then, Mia realized she had interrupted the person. “ Sorry.”
The guy was amazed. “ No, you're fine, it's just…. That's the same way my parents died.”
Mia gave the person a sad smile. “ What happened next?”
The guy took a deep breath. “ We were rushed to the hospital. The truck guy didn't apologize. Like, as soon as it happened, he just left. Me and my sister were unharmed, but-”
“ Your parents were in bad condition. They told you to always protect your little sister.”
The guy gave her a weird look. “ How do you know so much about me?”
Mia shrugged. “ I don't know. Now, tell me about your past life. Like, before the merge.”
The guy sighed. “ I can't reme anything about my past.”
“ Oh.”
“ Enough about me. What about your past life?” The guy turned to Mia.
“ Same as it is now. Being a wind ninja, saving people. But one element is missing.”
Oh? What's that element?” The guy looked intrigued.
“ My brother.”
“ Oh? What's his name?” Then, seeing Mia's expression, continued, “ back at the administration, I'm the manager for realm reassignment. I take the names of the people who come for help.”
“ Jay.”
The guy froze.
“ His middle and last name?” He asked, his voice tense.
“ Elizabeth Walker. Why?”
The guy froze more. “ Does he… can he control something?”
“ He's the elemental master of lightning.”
“ How does he look.” The guy asked quickly.
Mia showed him a picture in her locket.
His breath stopped.
That was him.

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