Sea Life check up - Bubble

" Have you found her?!" Rumi asked, looking under the pillows.

" No! I haven't even figured out how to turn the light on!" Lloyd replied, haphazardly pressing random buttons.

Rumi sighed. " Lloyd, have you ever tried the... Oh, I don't know.... Yellow one?"

" There's a yellow button?!"

Lloyd looked around and found the yellow button.

" Oh." He pressed it, and..... Nothing happened!

He pressed it again, confused.


" This isn't working!" He cried.

Rumi sighed and switched the power on.
" Try now." She said, crossing her arms.

Lloyd obeyed, and the light switched on.

" Oh." He looked up, sheepishly. " Whoops."

" Now will you help me with finding Bubble?"

Lloyd nodded and took out a lasso. " Yep!"

Rumi saw. " What and how and why are you carrying a lasso?!"

" To lasso Bubble. Duh." Lloyd looked at her as if it was the best idea ever.

Rumi slapped her head.

Clearly, her boyfriend had no idea what he was talking about.

Or what he was doing.

" No! You can't just lasso Bubble up!"

" Why not?"

Rumi sighed, slapping her head.

" Because she doesn't like the lasso?"

Lloyd nodded and put the lasso away, looking around the room with newfound determination. "Alright, let's find Bubble the proper way."

As they started searching, Lloyd's clumsiness took center stage. He bumped into a chair, sending it toppling over with a loud crash. "Whoops! Sorry about that."

Rumi sighed, shaking her head. "Just be careful, Lloyd."

Lloyd gave a sheepish grin and continued his search. He moved to the dresser, opening each drawer with exaggerated care. As he reached the top drawer, he yanked it open too hard, causing it to fly out and its contents to scatter across the floor. "Oops! My bad!"

Rumi couldn't help but laugh. "Lloyd, you're a disaster."

Lloyd chuckled nervously. "I know, I know. But I'm trying!"

He moved to the closet next, opening the door cautiously. As he did, a pile of clothes and boxes came tumbling down on him, burying him under a heap of fabric and clutter. "Rumi, a little help here?"

Rumi rushed over, pulling clothes off Lloyd and freeing him from the pile. "How did you manage to make such a mess?"

Lloyd shrugged, blushing. "It's a talent, I guess."

They continued their search, and Lloyd, trying to be helpful, decided to check under the bed. As he bent down, his foot slipped on a stray sock, sending him sprawling across the floor. "Ahhh!"

Rumi burst into laughter, tears streaming down her face. "Lloyd, you're hopeless!"

Lloyd, lying flat on the floor, looked up and chuckled. "Well, at least I'm entertaining."

Just then, a soft squeak caught their attention. Bubble peeked out from behind a stack of pillows, her eyes wide and curious.

"Found her!" Lloyd exclaimed, scrambling to his feet.

Rumi shook her head, still laughing. "Bubble, you little troublemaker!"

Bubble clacked her paws together, looking innocent and adorable. Lloyd and Rumi exchanged a relieved glance.

"Alright, Bubble," Lloyd said, gently scooping her up. "Time for your check-up."

Rumi smiled, patting Lloyd on the back. "You did it, Lloyd. Even if it was a bit chaotic."

Lloyd grinned. "Chaos is just part of the adventure."

Bubble nestled in Lloyd's arms, content and ready for her check-up, as Rumi and Lloyd shared a light-hearted moment amidst the earlier chaos.

As Lloyd and Rumi tried to get Bubble ready for her check-up, things quickly became complicated.

Lloyd scratched his head, looking around the room. "Uh, where's the medical kit?"

Rumi sighed, opening a drawer. "It's right here, Lloyd."

Lloyd blinked. "Oh. That explains why I couldn't find it."

Rumi handed him the kit, but Bubble, sensing the impending examination, darted out of Lloyd's arms and scurried away.

"Bubble, wait!" Rumi called, but the little otter was too quick, disappearing into the hallway.

They chased after her, finding her hiding in the closet of her parents' room.

Lloyd crouched down, trying to coax her out. "Come on, Bubble. It's just a check-up. It won't hurt."

Bubble just huddled further into the corner, looking frightened.

Rumi tried next, her voice soft and soothing. "It's okay, Bubble. We just want to make sure you're healthy."

But Bubble wasn't having any of it. She pressed herself further into the closet, refusing to budge.

Lloyd scratched his head again. "What do we do now?"

Rumi thought for a moment. "Maybe we can lure her out with something she likes."

Lloyd brightened. "Right! She loves those fish treats."

Rumi nodded and quickly fetched a small bag of fish treats. She held one out towards Bubble. "Come on, Bubble. Look what I have."

Bubble's nose twitched at the smell, but she still hesitated, eyeing the treat warily.

Lloyd joined in, holding another treat. "Come on, Bubble. Just a quick check-up, and then you can have these."

Slowly, Bubble edged forward, her eyes locked on the treats. Inch by inch, she came closer until she was just within reach.

Rumi smiled. "Good girl, Bubble. Just a little further."

Finally, Bubble took the bait, grabbing the treat from Rumi's hand. In one swift motion, Rumi scooped her up gently.

"Got her," Rumi said, relief in her voice.

Lloyd breathed a sigh of relief. "Let's get this check-up done quickly before she changes her mind."

Rumi gently placed Bubble on the counter, wrapping a towel around her squirmy body for a bit of restraint. Lloyd, ever eager to help, grabbed the otoscope from the medical kit and fumbled for the light source.

"Hold still, Bubble," Rumi cooed, stroking the top of her head. "This won't take long."

Lloyd, finally finding the penlight attachment, clicked it on and shone the narrow beam towards Bubble's eyes. But the second the light hit her face, Bubble scrunched up her nose and squeezed her eyelids shut.

"Uh oh," Lloyd muttered, trying to hold the light steady. "Seems Bubble isn't a fan of spotlights."

Rumi chuckled. "Try holding it a little further away, silly. You're blinding her."

Lloyd adjusted the distance, but Bubble remained stubbornly shut-eyed. He jiggled the light playfully, hoping to entice her to peek, but she just burrowed deeper into the towel.

"Maybe if we sing her a song?" Lloyd suggested, already humming a nonsensical tune.

Rumi rolled her eyes. "That might scare her more than the light, Lloyd. Here, let me try."

She took the otoscope from him and dimmed the light to a soft glow. Then, with a gentle voice, she spoke to Bubble. "Look at me, sweetie. It's just a little light, like a firefly. See how pretty it is?"

Rumi slowly moved the light closer, keeping her voice soothing. Bubble twitched her nose, her eyelids fluttering slightly. Just as Rumi thought she might get a glimpse, Bubble let out a sharp squeak and clamped her eyes shut again.

"Oh dear," Rumi sighed, frustration tugging at her patience. "This is harder than I thought."

Bubble, emboldened by her victory, wriggled out of the towel's grasp and began to squirm on the counter. Lloyd, fearing she might fall, lunged to catch her, but ended up knocking over a bottle of cleaning solution in the process. The sharp scent filled the air, momentarily distracting Bubble.

Seeing his chance, Lloyd grabbed a shiny spoon from a nearby drawer and dangled it in front of Bubble's face. "Look, Bubble! Shiny!"

The spoon caught Bubble's attention momentarily. She tilted her head, her eyes momentarily distracted by the glint. Rumi seized the opportunity, quickly positioning the otoscope and checking Bubble's eyes before she could react.

"There you go!" Rumi exclaimed, relieved. "All done, little one."

Bubble, finally free of the dreaded light, squeaked and nipped playfully at the spoon. Lloyd, covered in cleaning solution but triumphant, grinned at Rumi.

"See? Chaos always leads to a solution," he declared, earning another playful roll of her eyes.

Lloyd moved on to checking Bubble's heart, a stethoscope replacing the otoscope. Unfortunately, the towel remained a necessity, muffling the stethoscope's ability to pick up a clear heartbeat.

"We need to get a better listen," Rumi murmured, frowning.

Lloyd, ever the enthusiastic helper, chimed in, "I can do that!" He reached for the towel, ready to free Bubble for a quick stethoscope check.

"Hold on, Lloyd," Rumi cautioned. "We can't just take it off. She'll be off like a shot."

Lloyd pondered for a moment, his brow furrowed. "Maybe I can slip the stethoscope under the towel?"

Rumi considered this. "It's worth a try, but be gentle. We don't want to scare her further."

Lloyd nodded eagerly and maneuvered the stethoscope towards Bubble's chest, attempting to wedge it beneath the layers of the towel. Bubble, however, wasn' having any of it. She squirmed and twisted, the towel bunching up around her like a disgruntled caterpillar.

"Come on, Bubble," Rumi pleaded, her voice laced with a hint of exasperation. "Cooperate a little, please."

Bubble, unimpressed, lifted her head from the towel and gave Rumi a look that could only be described as sassy. It was a look that clearly said, "You cooperate, human. I'm a perfectly healthy otter, and this whole ordeal is ridiculous."

Rumi sighed, defeated. Lloyd, seeing his chance, decided to capitalize on Bubble's momentary distraction. He lunged forward, attempting to slip the stethoscope under the towel with a flourish.

Unfortunately, his eagerness backfired. Bubble, mistaking his movement for an attack, lashed out with a sharp nip, catching Lloyd squarely on his finger.

"Ow!" Lloyd yelped, sucking on his injured digit. "Okay, maybe not the best plan."

Rumi couldn't help but stifle a laugh at his misfortune. "Maybe we should take a break, huh?" she suggested, her voice warm despite the situation. "Seems Bubble needs some convincing."

Bubble, emboldened by her successful defense against the stethoscope, sat up on the counter and crossed her arms in a display of otter defiance. Lloyd, nursing his nipped finger, rubbed his head in contemplation.

"Maybe the old-fashioned way?" he suggested, his voice laced with uncertainty.

Rumi raised an eyebrow. "The old-fashioned way? What do you mean?"

Lloyd, ever the showman, grinned. He grabbed a glass from the drying rack and held it up.

"Like this!" he declared, placing the glass on Rumi's chest with a flourish.

Before Rumi could react, Lloyd bent down and pressed his ear against the cool glass.

"See?" he said, a triumphant glint in his eyes. "Works just as well."

Rumi's jaw dropped. She stared at Lloyd, then at the glass clinging to her shirt, a mixture of disbelief and amusement washing over her.

"The Green Ninja, reduced to the old-fashioned way," she finally said, her voice shaking with laughter. "Who knew you were such a traditionalist, Lloyd?"

Lloyd, unfazed by Rumi's laughter, shrugged with a sheepish grin. "Does it work?" he asked, a hopeful lilt in his voice.

His optimism was short-lived. The answer, unfortunately, was a resounding no. Bubble, clearly unimpressed by Lloyd's attempt at a stethoscope substitute, wasn't having any of it. With a surprising burst of strength, she launched herself off the counter and flung the glass towards the door.

Lloyd, with reflexes honed by years of unexpected ninja adventures, barely had time to duck. He scrambled to his feet, using his green energy to deflect the glass before it shattered against the door. He caught it mid-air, placing it gingerly on the counter with a sigh.

Rumi, trying to regain her composure, watched the scene unfold with a mix of amusement and exasperation. "Maybe," she suggested, her voice laced with a hint of defeat, "we should just strap her down?"

Lloyd's eyes widened at the suggestion. "Strap her down? But... wouldn't that be cruel?"

Rumi gave him a pointed look. "Crueller than a flying glass projectile?"

Lloyd winced, picturing the shattered mess that could have been. "Okay, good point. But how do we strap her down? We don't exactly have an otter-sized restraint system."

An idea, as chaotic as ever, seemed to spark in Lloyd's eyes. "I'll get the high chair!" he declared, already dashing out of the room.

Rumi groaned, burying her face in her hands. This was going to be a long check-up.

Thankfully, Lloyd returned in a flurry of motion, a high chair balanced precariously in his arms. With surprising gentleness, he managed to maneuver Bubble into the high chair, securing her with the straps originally meant for a small child.

Bubble, however, wasn't amused. Her playful defiance had evaporated, replaced by wide, scared eyes. A whimper escaped her tiny snout.

Lloyd's heart sank. He looked at Rumi, his usual bravado faltering. "I don't think this is the best way," he mumbled, his voice laced with concern.

Rumi sighed, the frustration evident on her face. "I know," she admitted. "But what choice do we have? We need to check her heart."

Lloyd nodded slowly, his gaze fixed on Bubble's trembling form. "You're right," he conceded. He reached out a hand, gently stroking Bubble's head in a soothing gesture.

"Don't worry, Bubble," he murmured, his voice soft. "We'll be quick. This will all be over soon."

An idea, sparked by the very high chair they were using, flickered in Lloyd's mind. "Hey," he exclaimed, a hint of hope returning to his voice. "What if you hold her like a high chair? We can still listen to her heart, and she won't feel so trapped."

Rumi's eyes shone with approval. "That's a great idea, Lloyd!" she said, moving towards Bubble with a newfound sense of optimism.

Carefully, Rumi unbuckled the straps and lifted Bubble out of the high chair. Cradling her gently like a living backpack, stethoscope pressed against Bubble's chest, Rumi began to walk around the room.

For a glorious ten seconds, it worked. Bubble, nestled securely against Rumi's chest, seemed momentarily soothed by the rhythmic thump of Rumi's heartbeat. Lloyd leaned in, a wide grin on his face, finally able to hear the steady pitter-patter of Bubble's heart.

But just as quickly as the peace began, it shattered. Bubble, with a sudden burst of energy fueled by otter defiance, launched into a full-blown escape mission. She used her tiny legs to propel herself against Rumi's chest, propelling them both in a wobbly, giggling sprint around the room.

Rumi, caught off guard by the otter's sudden burst of speed, yelped in surprise. She went crashing into Lloyd, laughing.

"What now?!" she cried out, her voice laced with laughter and a hint of panic.

Lloyd, doubled over with laughter at the sight, scrambled to grab the medical chart he'd abandoned earlier. Wiping tears from his eyes, he flipped through the pages.

"Uh oh," he finally managed to say, his voice shaky between laughter and concern. "I'm not doing it. The last one was checking her temperature, and that involved..." he trailed off, his face turning a comical shade of green.

Rumi stopped mid-run, the weight of Lloyd's words settling in. Her laughter died down, replaced by a grimace. "Great," she muttered, picturing the thermometer and the inevitable struggle that would ensue.

This check-up was proving to be more chaotic than either of them could have ever imagined.

Desperation tinged the air as they watched Bubble, a furry ball of defiance, zoom around the room. Rumi knew they couldn't keep chasing her – eventually, someone would get hurt. Taking a deep breath, she knelt down, holding out a hand towards Bubble.

"Alright, Bubble," she said in her most soothing voice, "we know you don't like this, but we just need to check one more thing, and then you can have all the fish treats you can eat. How about that?"

Bubble paused in her frantic run, sniffing the air curiously. The promise of fish treats seemed to hold some sway. Slowly, she approached Rumi, cautiously sniffing her hand.

Seeing a flicker of trust, Lloyd knelt beside Rumi, a plan forming in his mind. "Here you go, champ," he said, offering the dreaded thermometer to Rumi with a grimace. He knew this was the trickiest part, and a wave of nervousness washed over him.

Rumi took the thermometer, her own stomach churning. This was a battle of wills, and Bubble wasn't known for backing down easily. She glanced at Lloyd, a silent plea for help in her eyes.

Lloyd, ever the optimist, gave her a reassuring thumbs-up. "We can do this," he mouthed silently, a determined glint in his eyes.

Rumi steeled herself. "Alright, Bubble," she said, her voice firm yet gentle. "This is the last one, I promise. Just hold still for a second, and then it's fish treats galore."

She dipped the tip of the thermometer in a bowl of cool water, then slowly brought it towards Bubble. The otter watched it with suspicion, her nose twitching.

Lloyd, sensing Bubble's wariness, reached out and gently scratched her behind the ear. "See, Bubble? It's not so bad," he murmured, his voice low and calming.

Bubble seemed to relax slightly, her gaze flickering between the thermometer and the fish treats Rumi held in her other hand. The tension in the room was thick.

Rumi took a deep breath and, with a swift but gentle motion, slipped the thermometer under Bubble's tail. Bubble let out a surprised squeak, but before she could react, Lloyd offered her a fish treat. The lure of the treat momentarily eclipsed her displeasure, and she snatched it from his hand, munching contentedly.

Rumi held the thermometer for a few seconds, her heart pounding in her chest. Finally, she beeped, signaling the end of the measurement. Relief washed over her as she pulled the thermometer away.

"See?" Rumi said triumphantly. "All done! You were such a brave girl, Bubble!"

Bubble, finished with the fish treat, let out a happy chirp and wriggled out of Lloyd's grasp. She darted towards the treat container, her playful spirit rekindled.

Lloyd sighed. " Let' never do that again."

Rumi nodded. " For once, we both agree this was a bad idea."

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