Oarfish ordeal/ Doomsday

" Woooow!" Annie gushed, taking a picture of the eels rushing by.

" I know! It's amazing, right!" Mia spinjitzued in the water, and Annie laughed. 

" You're scaring the fish away!" She giggled.

Mia's eyes widened. " No, it's not me."

" Wha....?" Annie turned to where Mia was pointing, and took a picture, mouth open and eyes wide.

There was a fish.

A really, really long fish.

" MONSTOR!" Annie yelled, panicking as she splashed away.

Mia, though, was rooted to her spot.

Then, she let out a laugh.

" This isn't a monster!" She giggled. " It's an Oarfish."

Annie blinked. " A what?!"

" Oarfish. You know the one that rarely comes up and everyone calls it a Doomsday fish."

" Oh." Annie thought for a moment. " Is an oarfish really a fish?"

Mia nodded eagerly. " Yep! Though it may look like an eel, it is most definitely a fish!"

Annie nodded slowly. " Why do you think it's up here?"

Mia's expression turned serious. " Usually- and by usually, I mean 100% on the time- it means something down there is wrong."

Suddenly, the water started to shake. 

" Woah!" Annie managed to yell as she was sifted from side to side.

" Hang on!" Mia yelled.

" To what?!"

Mia looked around. " Uh.... Swim to the coral reef, I guess?"

Annie glared at her. " I hope you're right."

The water churned violently around them as the tremors grew stronger, making it nearly impossible for Mia and Annie to swim in a straight line. The once-clear ocean turned murky with stirred-up sand and debris, further complicating their situation.

Annie was struggling to stay above the currents, her heart pounding in her chest. "Mia, this is getting out of hand! What's happening?"

Mia, fighting to keep calm, looked around frantically, searching for anything they could grab onto. The coral reef seemed so close, yet the force of the water kept pushing them away. "I don't know, but we need to get out of here, fast!"

Just then, a shadow loomed beneath them. Annie gasped as the giant oarfish reappeared, its shimmering silver body cutting through the swirling waters like a beacon of hope. It moved with an elegant grace, despite its size, and swam directly toward them.

The oarfish seemed to understand their plight, and with a powerful flick of its body, it positioned itself between the girls and the strongest part of the current, creating a barrier that blocked some of the water's force.

Mia's eyes widened in realization. "Annie! Grab onto its fin!"

Annie didn't need to be told twice. She reached out, her fingers barely brushing against the smooth, slippery scales before she managed to get a firm grip. Mia followed suit, latching onto the oarfish's dorsal fin. The creature began to swim slowly but steadily, guiding them through the turbulent waters.

The oarfish moved with purpose, taking them closer to the coral reef. Despite the shaking and the swirling currents, it managed to find a path where the water was calmer. Mia and Annie clung tightly, the panic in their hearts slowly subsiding as they realized they were going to be okay.

After what felt like an eternity, the oarfish gently nudged them toward a sheltered spot in the coral reef, where the water was much calmer. Mia and Annie let go, floating down to rest on a patch of soft sand.

Annie was breathless, her eyes wide as she looked up at the enormous fish. "I can't believe it... It saved us."

Mia, still catching her breath, nodded, her eyes filled with awe. "Yeah... it did."

The oarfish hovered for a moment, its large, unblinking eyes seeming to study them before it slowly swam away, disappearing into the depths from which it came.

Annie collapsed onto the sand, laughing out of sheer relief. "Okay, that was officially the craziest thing that's ever happened to us."

Mia flopped down beside her, grinning despite herself. "You can say that again. But hey, at least we got to see an oarfish up close, right?"

Annie shook her head, still in disbelief. "Yeah, but next time, let's stick to something a little less life-threatening, okay?"

Mia chuckled, glancing back at the now-peaceful water. "Agreed. But you have to admit, that was pretty cool."

Annie sighed, a small smile playing on her lips. "Yeah... it was."

Then, Mia noticed something. She swam towards it. 

" Mia! Are you crazy?!" Annie hissed.

Mia ignored and examined it.


It was leading to the same place the Oarfish had gone.

" We have to go, now!" Annie yelled, starting to swim up, but Mia grabbed on.

" We have to help the animals!" She argued.

Annie shook her head. " Are you crazy?!"

Mia's determination was unwavering as she tugged on Annie's arm, her eyes locked on the trail of blood disappearing into the murky depths. "Annie, we can't just leave it like this. It saved us. We owe it to the oarfish and any other creatures that might be in trouble."

Annie sighed deeply, her mind racing. She knew Mia had a point, but the thought of diving deeper into unknown waters filled her with dread. Still, the weight of their responsibility as elemental masters loomed large. They had a duty to protect the creatures of this world, no matter the risks.

"Alright, fine," Annie finally agreed, her voice tinged with reluctance. "But we have to be quick. I don't want to be down here any longer than we have to."

Mia nodded, determination in her eyes. "Agreed. Let's do this."

The two girls followed the trail of blood, the water growing darker and colder as they ventured deeper into the ocean. The once-vibrant coral turned a ghostly white as they descended, the eerie silence amplifying their anxiety. Mia's heart pounded in her chest, but she pressed on, her mind focused on finding the oarfish.

Finally, they spotted it—a massive, shimmering body lying motionless against the seabed. The oarfish was clearly wounded, a deep gash running along its side, dark red blood seeping into the water around it. Mia's heart clenched at the sight, but she steeled herself, knowing they had to act fast.

"Annie, we need to bandage it up," Mia said urgently, already pulling out a waterproof first aid kit from her pouch. It wasn't designed for something this large, but it would have to do.

Annie, the Elemental Master of Shockwave, used her powers to gently move the water around them, creating a bubble-like pocket of stillness to give them a better view and prevent the blood from spreading further. "I'll hold the water steady. You focus on the wound," she instructed, her voice steady despite the situation.

Mia swam closer to the oarfish, her hands trembling slightly as she carefully applied pressure to the wound, trying to slow the bleeding. She pulled out a special adhesive bandage designed for underwater use, large enough to cover the gash. It was a makeshift solution, but it was all they had.

"Hold on, big guy," Mia murmured as she applied the bandage, her fingers working quickly yet gently. The oarfish flinched slightly, but it didn't move away, as if it understood they were trying to help.

Annie kept the water calm, her powers creating a soothing current that helped to ease the oarfish's distress. "We've got this, Mia. Just a little more," she encouraged, watching as Mia secured the bandage in place.

After what felt like an eternity, Mia finally leaned back, surveying her work. The wound was covered, and while it wasn't perfect, it would hopefully be enough to keep the oarfish safe until it could heal naturally.

"Okay, we did it," Mia said, her voice filled with relief.

The oarfish slowly began to move, its massive body shifting as it tested its newfound freedom. It swam in a slow circle around the girls, as if thanking them for their help, before gliding back into the deeper waters from which it came.

Annie exhaled, the tension in her body finally easing. "That was intense," she muttered, her heart still racing.

Mia nodded, a small smile tugging at her lips. "But we did it. We helped."

Annie couldn't help but smile back. "Yeah, we did. But next time, let's try not to get into situations where we have to perform emergency surgery on giant sea creatures, okay?"

Mia laughed, the sound bright and filled with relief. "Deal. But you have to admit, it was kind of cool."

Annie rolled her eyes, but she couldn't hide her grin. "Yeah, it was. Now, let's get out of here before something else happens."

But as they were swimming back up, they heard a cry.

Mia stopped swimming. " Wait. Listen."

Annie turned. " What?"

Mia put her hand to her helmet where her lips were, and gestured to listen.

It came again.

" It's coming from down there!" Mia exclaimed, changing course and swimming back down again.

Annie muttered something but took a flashlight out and swam behind Mia.

Lookie Kai is actually hugging Jay



I also found this one where Kai's hugging.

And look at my brothers in this one.

And yeah, Kai was very very very scared he would lose his brother.

He loves Jay

If you haven't seen maybe I should make them go in an escape room

* Lightning Fire*



Lightning Fire is the name I gave those two.

They're really really clueless

Lol but that's why I love 'em

" Find anything?" Annie asked, turning her flashlight.

" No. You?"

" Nothing."

Suddenly, they heard the sound.

" Did you hear that?" Annie asked.

Mia turned. " Follow that sound!

Mia's heart raced as she swam deeper, following the faint sound that echoed through the water. Annie stayed close behind, her flashlight cutting through the dark ocean. The sound grew louder, a series of high-pitched cries that sent shivers down their spines.

"There!" Mia pointed ahead, her eyes narrowing as she spotted something struggling in the shadows.

Annie swam closer, her flashlight revealing the source of the cries—a dolphin, its flipper trapped under a heavy rock. The poor creature thrashed weakly, its movements frantic and desperate. Mia felt a pang of sympathy, knowing they had to act fast before the dolphin exhausted itself.

"Oh no," Annie whispered, her eyes wide with concern. "We have to help it!"

Mia nodded, already swimming closer to the dolphin. "I'll try to lift the rock. You comfort the dolphin and keep it calm."

Annie didn't hesitate, moving to the dolphin's side. She gently placed a hand on its smooth body, speaking soothingly. "It's okay, we're here to help. Just stay still, alright?"

The dolphin's cries softened as it seemed to sense their intentions, its large, intelligent eyes focusing on Annie. Mia, meanwhile, positioned herself under the rock, her muscles straining as she tried to lift it. But the rock was heavier than it looked, and Mia quickly realized she couldn't move it on her own.

"Annie, I need your help!" Mia called, her voice tense with effort.

Annie looked up from the dolphin, worry etched on her face. "What do you need me to do?"

"Use your shockwave powers to create a force strong enough to lift the rock, but be careful not to hurt the dolphin," Mia instructed.

Annie took a deep breath, focusing her energy. She placed her hands on the rock, feeling the weight of it pressing down. Summoning her powers, she sent a controlled shockwave through the water, just strong enough to lift the rock slightly.

Mia seized the opportunity, using all her strength to push the rock aside. Slowly but surely, the rock shifted, freeing the dolphin's flipper. The moment the flipper was free, the dolphin shot forward, but instead of fleeing, it circled back, swimming around Mia and Annie as if thanking them for their help.

Annie grinned, relieved. "We did it!"

Mia beamed, watching as the dolphin swam happily around them. "Yeah, we did. I think we made a new friend."

The dolphin playfully nudged Annie's arm with its nose before swimming up to Mia, who laughed and gave it a gentle pat. "You're welcome, little guy," she said softly.

After a few moments of enjoying their new friend's company, the dolphin finally swam off into the deeper waters, its cries now joyful and free.

Mia and Annie shared a look, both of them feeling a deep sense of satisfaction. "Well, I think that's enough underwater heroics for one day," Mia said, still catching her breath.

Annie nodded, the adrenaline slowly wearing off. "Agreed. Let's get back to the surface and finally relax."

As they swam back up, the ocean above seemed calmer, the sun's rays breaking through the water. They surfaced, gasping for air but with smiles on their faces. The adventure had been unexpected and intense, but knowing they had made a difference made it all worthwhile.

"Next time, maybe we should just stick to the beach," Annie suggested, a playful tone in her voice.

Mia laughed, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, I think I've had enough excitement for one day."

But before they could swim away, the dolphin came back up and squeaked.  It wen back to the water, and came back up.

" I.... think it wants us to follow." Annie said, following the dolphin.

Mia chuckled and followed.

The dolphin led them to a cave, where there were rocks blocking the entrance.

" Oh, no." Annie immediately used her powers to push the rocks away.

Inside, the animals were crying out of pain.

Mia's heart sank as they entered the cave, the sound of distressed animals filling the air. The once beautiful, tranquil place now felt heavy with the weight of their pain. The dolphin led them deeper into the cave, its urgency clear as it swam ahead.

Inside, they found several sea creatures trapped or injured, struggling to free themselves from debris and tangled nets that had washed into the cave. There were fish caught in plastic, a sea turtle with its flipper tangled in a fishing net, and even a small octopus that was stuck between two rocks.

"Oh no," Mia whispered, her voice trembling with concern. "We have to help them, Annie."

Annie nodded, her face set with determination. "Let's do this. We can't leave them like this."

Working quickly, Mia and Annie began to free the animals. Annie used her shockwave powers to gently move the rocks and debris without harming the creatures, while Mia untangled the nets and plastic. The dolphin swam around them, offering encouragement with its gentle nudges and squeaks.

Mia carefully cut through the net that was trapping the sea turtle, her hands moving with precision. "Hang in there, little guy. We'll get you out of here."

Annie, meanwhile, used her powers to lift a large rock that was pinning down the octopus. The moment it was free, the octopus quickly darted away, disappearing into the shadows of the cave. Annie smiled, glad to see it safe.

As they worked, the animals seemed to understand that they were being helped. The fish swam around them in gratitude, and the turtle gave Mia a gentle nudge once it was free, as if to say thank you.

After what felt like hours, the last of the trapped animals were freed. The cave was now quiet, the distressing cries replaced with a peaceful calm. Mia and Annie looked around, breathing heavily but feeling a deep sense of accomplishment.

"I think that's everyone," Annie said, wiping sweat from her brow despite being underwater.

Mia nodded, scanning the cave one last time to make sure they hadn't missed any creatures. "Yeah... I think we did it."

The dolphin swam up to them again, circling around them in what felt like a gesture of appreciation. Mia smiled, reaching out to pat its head. "You did a great job leading us here. Thank you."

As they prepared to leave the cave, the dolphin gave a final, joyful leap before swimming back into the open ocean. Mia and Annie followed it out, the water now feeling lighter and brighter as they swam back to the surface.

Breaking through the water's surface, they both took deep breaths, feeling the warm sun on their faces. This time, there was no hesitation or worry, just the satisfaction of knowing they had done something good.

"Okay, now I'm really ready to just relax," Mia said with a laugh, floating on her back as she gazed up at the sky.

Annie chuckled, floating beside her. "Agreed. But I have to admit, that was pretty amazing."

Mia grinned, closing her eyes as she soaked in the sun. "Yeah, it was. And hey, at least we made some new friends along the way."

Annie smiled, nodding as she let herself relax. "Yeah, we did. And I think we earned a nice, quiet evening after all that."

But then the dolphin surfaced and gave another playful splash, sending a spray of water over Mia. Startled, Mia wiped her face and looked at the dolphin, confused. "What happened?"

The dolphin squeaked loudly, its body bobbing up and down in excitement. It seemed to be trying to communicate something, swimming in circles around them.

Annie, who had been watching intently, suddenly had a realization. "Wait! The dolphin wants us to know something about the hurt animals!"

Mia's eyes widened with understanding. "Oh! Maybe there are more animals that need help or something we missed?"

The dolphin continued to swim around them, its squeaks becoming more insistent. It seemed to be guiding them toward a specific direction.

Annie squinted, trying to follow the dolphin's movements. "It looks like it wants us to follow it. Maybe it's leading us to more animals in need?"

Mia nodded. "Let's go. We've helped so many already; we can't stop now."

The dolphin led them back into the water, taking them toward a new area of the cave. Mia and Annie followed closely, the water growing colder and murkier as they moved.

After a short swim, they reached a part of the cave they hadn't explored before. Here, the dolphin pointed its nose toward a dark crevice in the cave wall. Mia and Annie swam closer, peering into the shadowy opening.

Inside, they could make out the shapes of more trapped animals—sea creatures tangled in discarded fishing lines and a few more fish caught in plastic. It was clear that this was another section of the cave where the debris had accumulated.

Annie's expression turned serious again. "We need to get in there and help them. It looks like there's a lot more to do."

Mia nodded, determination in her eyes. "Let's get to work."

Annie used her shockwave powers to clear the larger obstacles and create a pathway for Mia to reach the trapped animals. Mia worked carefully, untangling the fishing lines and removing the plastic. The dolphin stayed close, offering support and guidance as they worked.

It took time, but slowly and steadily, they managed to free the additional animals. Each time they released one, the dolphin would circle around them in celebration, its joyful squeaks echoing through the cave.

When they finally finished, the dolphin swam up to them, looking immensely pleased. It gave one last, grateful splash before diving back into the deeper waters, leaving Mia and Annie to bask in the satisfaction of their hard work.

"Well, that was quite the adventure," Annie said, wiping her brow.

Mia chuckled, floating on her back and looking up at the clear, blue sky. "Yeah, but it was totally worth it. I'm glad we were able to help all those animals."

Annie nodded, her face reflecting the same sense of fulfillment. "Me too. And it looks like our dolphin friend is happy with our work."

They took a moment to enjoy the calm of the ocean before swimming back to the shore. The day had been full of unexpected twists, but they had come through it together, making a real difference.

As they emerged from the water and walked back to the beach, Mia glanced at Annie with a grin. "So, ready for a nice, relaxing evening?"

Annie laughed, nodding in agreement. "Definitely. We've earned it."

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