Ninjago City Vs. Ninja
The doors burst open. Everyone turned to see who opened it.
She was also holding a really thick book.
" What are you doing, young lady?" The judge asked.
" To see my brother. And to also make sure the law is correct."
" The law? Why would-"
" Forget the law for now. First things first, I need to see my brother."
Jay bowed his head. Everyone stayed still.
" Did I stutter? I asked, "Where is my brother?"
No answer.
This was getting frustrating. Mia raised her hands, and a boulder lifted. " Last time I'm asking, and only last. Where is my brother?"
Everyone pointed to the front. Mia walked there, glaring at everyone and everything. When she reached Jay, she ran to him and hugged him tight.
" I'll get you out of this," She whispered, " I promise."
Then, turning to the judge, she put her strict face on.
" Knowing that I am the brother Jay master of lightning, and the daughter of the late James and Rose Walker, you should know I am very powerful, and can do anything."
The judge tried to correct her. " You know that will hasn't been found, right. So there's no way-"
Mia shoved a really old paper in his face.
" What does this say?" She asked smugly.
The judge read the paper, and gave it back to her.
" So it is true."
" Of course it's true. Now, the first thing you are going to do is take those cuffs off the Ninja and put them on the new."
" But-"
" NOW!" Mia yelled, and the judge had no option but to do as she ordered. But the new ninja protested.
The blue and black ninja said, " What? How is this fair? How can-"
" I'll ask you a question, black- and- blue ninja. Or should I say, Gondolez?"
Everyone gasped, and the ninja flinched.
" What? He's Gondolez?' Lloyd asked, running to Mia's side.
" Mia, are you sure that's the guy who was sent to the Underworld? The Overlord's faithful son?" Jay asked, kneeling down in front of Mia.
" Yes, I'm sure. Or, I could take off his mask. As well as the Mechanic and the others. That's why-"
" We've been late to every burglar and criminal arrest there is!" Kai interrupted, the pieces fitting together.
" We will be bringing them into testing. Case dismissed!" An officer said, and everyone rushed out the door.
" You sure?" Kai asked, confirming for one last time.
" Yes. Now, can we go home? Please? I woke up at five to work on the speech. Mia begged.
" You woke up at five? To write a speech?" Kai asked.
" To bail us out of this mess?" Cole finished the sentence, and Mia nodded.
" It's true." Nya said, walking up to them. " She's been up for a long time. She refused to do anything else until she bailed you out, Jay. And, to tell you the truth, neither did I."
" Well then, let's go to the Monastery. I can't wait to get back into regular clothes." Jay sighed.
" Who said you were gonna wear regular clothes? You don't even have regular clothes"! Mia stated.
" We kinda... um... bought a few-"
" You bought actual clothes? And you're going to keep them? So what, you're not gonna be the ninja."
Before anyone could reply, Mia huffed.
" Fine. Just remember your loss." Then she walked out, briskly.
" You guys aren't really going to be wearing normal clothes right? I mean, your ninja!" Nya asked, her hand still grasped in Jay's.
" Out of the picture. Now that we know the new ninja are criminals, we have to be the ninja. Once more." Lloyd said, and Kai nodded his head.
" We should pick up where we left off." Cole announced, walking towards the door. But Lloyd stopped him.
" We should first change. Us wearing criminal clothes does not look nice." He said. Then he turned to Nya.
" Is there any way you can take us back home? I mean, did you bring a vehicle or anything?"
" Well, I guess we could take the Destiny's Bounty. Problem is, we hid it. And it might take a while to uncover." Nya looked sheepish.
" And where exactly did you hide it?" Zane asked.
" So this was unexpected." Lloyd stated.
" Why'd you guys hide it like that?" Kai asked.
" We had to, big brother. We needed to hide the ship, in case those new ninjas came and stole it as their own." Nya replied.
" It was also the optimum option, as we saw police officers patrolling the building." Master Wu replied.
Jay's eyes wandered as he took in his surroundings. Then, he saw it- Mia wearing her mask. She was jumping from building to building, trying to stop someone.
" What is she doing?" Jay asked, pointing to the small figure.
" Who is.... Oh." Kai followed Jay's finger to see Mia. She had held something up, and the criminals froze.
" Never get tired of that!" Nya proclaimed.
" Still, I feel bad for her." Jay said.
" Why?" Nya asked, her eyes meeting Jay's.
" Because she thinks we don't wanna be ninjas anymore, and now she's taking it upon herself to catch the criminals."
" We'll show her we do. First things first, we need to take all this off. Cole?" Master Wu stepped aside, and Cole smashed the ground, lifting all that was covering the ship.
" Let's go"! Nya announced, hopping in with Jay and taking the wheel. The rest boarded, and Nya steered them to their house, where they changed into their suits.
" Feels good to be a ninja again." Jay said, stretching his back.
" Agreed." Kai nodded.
" You know, I think I might sit this one out." Nya sheepishly said, looking at her feet.
" What? Why??" Everyone asked, confused.
" Because, since you brought me back to life, my powers are gone. So I can't fight."
" Nya, you do know that your powers don't define you. You do. Your actions and how you help us do. I don't like you because of your powers. I like you because of your personality." Jay said, stepping forward and taking Nya's hands into his.
" Really?"
Jay smiled. " Really."
" Well, sorry to interrupt the moment, but Jay, your dear sister is trying to catch five criminals. And they all just went in different directions." Kai motioned to the window.
Jay quickly turned to look out of the window. He saw Mia darting across rooftops, her determination evident in every leap.
"We have to help her," Jay declared, urgency creeping into his voice.
"Absolutely," Lloyd agreed, already moving towards the exit of the house. "We can't let her handle this alone."
The rest of the ninja nodded in agreement, their resolve solidifying. They swiftly ran to the Destiny's Bounty and followed Mia's trail, ready to assist her in apprehending the criminals.
As they reached Mia's location, they found her engaged in a fierce battle with one of the criminals. Without hesitation, the ninja leaped into action, each taking on a different opponent.
"Need a hand, sis?" Jay called out as he joined Mia's side, launching into combat with the criminal she was facing.
Mia flashed him a grateful smile. "Always, big brother."
Together, the ninja and Mia fought tirelessly, their teamwork and determination overpowering the criminals. With swift and precise maneuvers, they managed to subdue each one, ensuring they were no longer a threat to the city.
As the dust settled and the criminals were safely restrained, Mia turned to her brother, a proud grin spreading across her face. "Looks like we make a pretty good team, huh?"
Jay grinned back at her. "Yeah, we do."
"Changed your mind, huh? Good. The city needs you," Mia said, her tone a mixture of relief and amusement as she addressed Jay.
Jay chuckled, scratching the stubble on his chin. "Yeah, well, it's hard to stay away from the action."
Cole, who had been listening quietly, spoke up, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "Jay? Nya? Please tell Mia it wasn't her fault Nya turned into water and disappeared for a year. She's been all mopy."
Mia's eyebrows furrowed in concern. "I was not!" she protested, her tone defensive.
Kai, always quick to tease, couldn't resist adding fuel to the fire. "Riiiiiight," he drawled, grinning mischievously.
"I was not!" Mia repeated, crossing her arms over her chest in frustration. "I mean, how was I supposed to know that after Nya went missing, Jay would grow a beard, talk to water, and wear all blue? Well, his color is blue but... you get the point."
The other ninja chuckled at Mia's exasperated explanation, understanding her perspective but unable to resist teasing her a little more.
"Alright, alright," Jay said, stepping forward and placing a reassuring hand on Mia's shoulder. "Let's not dwell on the past. What matters is that we're all here now, together."
Mia's expression softened, and she offered Jay a grateful smile. "Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Jay."
Suddenly, Nya coughed and sputtered, and Jay immediately rushed to her side, his concern evident in his expression. "Nya, are you okay?" he asked, his voice laced with worry.
Mia, observing the scene, quickly stepped forward, her understanding of Nya's situation evident. "It's the water effect," she explained, her tone gentle. "She's still not used to being in her body again after a year."
Nya nodded weakly, trying to regain her composure. "Yeah, it's... it's just taking some getting used to," she managed to say between coughs.
Jay placed a comforting hand on Nya's back, offering her support as she struggled to recover. "Take your time, Nya. We're here for you," he reassured her, his eyes filled with genuine concern.
Mia nodded in agreement, her own concern for her friend evident in her expression. "Yeah, we've got your back, Nya. Just take it easy."
With the support of her friends, Nya gradually began to regain her strength, the coughing subsiding as she took slow, steady breaths. Eventually, she managed to compose herself, offering a weak smile of gratitude to Jay and Mia.
"Thanks, guys," she said softly, her voice filled with appreciation. "I'll be okay."
" Let's go home, everyone. It's been a long day," Mia yawned, and everyone agreed.
When ninja returned home, they were greeted by a playful sea otter bounding towards them with excitement. Mia's face lit up with a mixture of surprise and amusement as she recognized the otter.
"Hope! I told you to stay in her room. We were supposed to surprise her," Mia scolded gently, but her affection for the otter was evident in her tone.
Turning to Nya, Mia grinned mischievously and exclaimed, "Ta-da!"
Nya's eyes widened in surprise as she realized what Mia meant. "You... you got me a pet otter?" she asked, her voice filled with disbelief and joy.
Mia nodded, a grin spreading across her face. "Yep! Surprise!"
Nya's face broke into a wide smile as she knelt down to greet the otter, her heart overflowing with gratitude for her friends' thoughtful gesture.
"Thank you, Mia," she said, her voice choking with emotion. "This is the best surprise ever."
"Oh yeah, Jay, please, now that Nya's here, don't grow a beard again. You look very old in one," Mia joked, a playful twinkle in her eye.
Jay shrugged. " I mean, I did rip it off."
Mia sighed. " That's not the point."
This is Version Two
" Jay!" Nya cried, trying to get past the crowd to her boyfriend.
" Nya! I love you!" He exclaimed, struggling to meet her hand.
Just when the ninja were going to be escorted out of the building, a person broke the roof and landed on her feet ( same stance as Eiphrasia when confronting Ras).
" In case you haven't heard, Ninjago has a wind ninja with dangerous weapons, secrets, and news." She said, standing up.
" Mia!" Jay cried. " Don't do it!"
Mia smiled at him. " You never did understand that when you're in danger, I will do anything to help you."
Then, she turned to the officers. " I can't believe you guys. Locking my brother and his friends up. Unbelievable." She scoffed. " Now, you are going to release them, or I can tell you secrets you never would have thought of."
When the officers stood their ground, she shrugged. " Your choice."
She moved her arms smoothly, and called for Jay's nunchucks.
They fell right into her hands.
" Now, I don't think my brother knows this, but he can kill anyone if he gets close enough and puts his hand where your heart is."
Everyone gasped.
" Mia, you know I would never do that, right?" Jay called.
Mia smirked. " But I will."
The room fell into a tense silence as everyone processed Mia's bold declaration. The officers, still wary but determined, didn't move an inch.
One of the officers, a tall man with a stern expression, stepped forward. "We won't be intimidated by threats. You're all coming with us."
Mia's smirk widened, her eyes glinting with a mix of defiance and determination. "You know, I have a nickname. Wojira."
There was a collective gasp from the crowd. The name Wojira was legendary in Ninjago, a symbol of immense power and untamed fury.
"Mia," Jay called out again, his voice filled with concern. "Don't do this. We can find another way."
Mia ignored her brother's plea, her focus entirely on the officers. "I have inherited the powers of the storm, and believe me, you don't want to see what I can do with them."
The officers exchanged uneasy glances, clearly unnerved by Mia's confidence and the power she claimed to wield.
"Mia, this isn't you," Nya said, stepping forward and trying to reach her. "Please, let's just talk this out."
Mia's expression softened for a moment as she looked at Nya. "I'm doing this for all of you. I can't stand by and let you get hurt."
The tall officer tried to regain control of the situation. "Enough of this. Arrest them!"
Before anyone could react, Mia raised Jay's nunchucks high, and the air around her began to crackle with electricity. A powerful gust of wind swirled through the room, knocking the officers off balance.
"Last chance," Mia said, her voice echoing with the power of the storm. "Release my brother and his friends, or face the consequences."
The officers, now visibly shaken, hesitated. The tall officer finally lowered his weapon, signaling the others to do the same. "Alright, alright. We'll let them go."
Mia lowered the nunchucks, the wind and electricity dissipating instantly. She turned to Jay and the others, a determined look on her face. "Let's get out of here."
As they made their way out of the building, Jay couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and concern for his sister. She had saved them, but at what cost? He knew they would have to talk about this later, but for now, they were free.
"Mia," Jay said quietly as they walked. "Thank you. But please, don't ever put yourself in that kind of danger again."
Mia looked at her brother, her expression softening. "I did what I had to do, Jay. I couldn't let them take you away."
Nya squeezed Jay's hand, giving him a reassuring smile. "We'll figure it out together. As a team."
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