Milson Anniversary trip

One day, Nelson was sleeping in his bed. The sun was shining outside ( though he didn't wanna wake up RN), the birds were chirping, and two girls were..... Giggling?

Next thing he knew, someone had curled up next to him, while another person was giggling.

" Mia!" The person not on the bed giggled. " I thought we agreed not to cuddle with him!"

The person next to Nelson sighed constantly and settled closer. " Too bad."

Nelson shifted to his side, and the girl sitting next to him shook him.

" Nelson..." She said. " Wake up!"

" Mmmmmmm." He muttered.

The girl next to him let out a sigh. She shook him a bit harder, and Nelson took his blanket off. He saw Mia next to him, smiling lovey- dovey.

" Good morning, hon." Mia said, gently kissing him on the cheek.

Nelson smiled and squinted at the sun. " Hi, Rose."

Rose smiled. " Hi, Nels! Guess what day it is?"

Nelson raised a brow. " Is it...... our birthday?"

Rose and Mia glanced at each other, furrowing their brows.

" No, I don't think so." Then, her voice dropped to a whisper. " Your birthday is in spring right?"

Nelson nodded. " Yeah."

Rose giggled. " Guess again."

" Is it.... National let me sleep in day?" He buried under his blankets.

Mia playfully slapped him. " No! Look at your side table!"

Nelson reluctantly extended an arm and grabbed one of the frames, a purple oval- shaped one with daisies engraved on it. He peeked out of the blanket, looked at it, and stared.

Then, he turned the frame over.

( Insert date here). That was today.

" Oh!" He realized. " It's our anniversary!"

Mia nodded, beaming. " Yep!"

Then, Blackie came into his room.

" Good morning, Prelson. And hello, Flower power."

Mia blinked. " Uh.... what?"

Blackie slapped his head. " Prelson is Nelson. And Flower Power is his sister."

" Ohhhhhhh. Okay. Yeah, that makes sense."

" Anyway, what is he still doing in bed? Didn't you tell me you three had plans?"

" Wait, we have plans?!" Nelson exclaimed.

Mia nodded, grinning. " Uh- huh! I made a whole list!"

She zipped her bag open, and took out her small paper.

" Oh, that's not bad." Nelson said, lightly.

Rose nodded. " Yeah."

But, they spoke too soon. Mia straightened the paper, and it started to unfold.... And unfold.... And unfold. Soon, Nelson and Rose were staring at a whopper of a list.

" Uh.... Mia?" Rose squeaked. " How are we gonna do.... All that.... Today?"

" We're not."

" Oh." Nelson sighed in relief.

" We're gonna fly today to get to California. Then, we're gonna rent a car and Nelson's gonna drive us to Portland."

Nelson choked. " What now?!"

Mia nodded, unfazed. " Get packing. I'll meet you in an hour."

And with that, she ran out of his room, her footsteps echoing through the hall as she ran down the stairs and out the door.

" We chose an interesting person to be best friends with." Rose commented.

Nelson rolled out of bed. " Yeah, but that's why I love her."
Rose took out her phone. " Uh.... Terminal 34- A is that- a- way." She pointed straight ahead.

" But this map shows it's there!" Nelson argued, pointing the other way.

Mia furrowed her brows as she studied the map and phone. Then, she chuckled.

" Nelson, you're holding the map upside down!" Mia took the map and turned it right side up.

" Oh. That explains."

Rose, Nelson, and Mia headed in the direction Mia had pointed, eager to make their way to Terminal 34-A. However, as they walked, the airport seemed to get more confusing by the minute. Signs pointed in different directions, and the crowd of travelers didn't make it any easier to navigate.

Nelson glanced at the signs overhead. "Are we sure we're going the right way?"

Rose checked her phone again, squinting at the small screen. "It says we're getting closer, but this place is like a maze!"

Mia, who had been confidently leading the way, suddenly slowed down. "I think... we might have missed a turn."

They stopped and looked around, trying to make sense of their surroundings. The bustling noise of the airport filled their ears, but there was no sign of Terminal 34-A. Instead, they found themselves in a quieter part of the airport, with fewer people around.

"Uh... Mia?" Nelson asked, looking around anxiously. "Where are we?"

Mia pulled out the map again, studying it carefully. "We should be close, but something's off..."

Rose pointed ahead. "Maybe it's just around that corner?"

They hurried around the corner, only to find themselves facing a set of doors. Without hesitation, Mia pushed them open, leading the group inside. But as soon as they entered, they froze.

The sound of running water filled the room, and a woman at the sink looked up, startled by the sudden intrusion. The trio realized, much to their embarrassment, that they had wandered into the women's bathroom.

Nelson turned bright red. "Uh... this definitely isn't Terminal 34-A."

Mia's eyes widened, and she quickly backed out of the bathroom, pulling Nelson and Rose with her. "Wrong turn! Wrong turn!"

Rose couldn't help but giggle as they hurried back into the hallway. "Well, that was one way to take a detour."

Nelson, still flustered, rubbed the back of his neck. "Next time, maybe we should ask for directions."

Mia, now laughing along with Rose, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I think that's a good idea. Let's find someone who actually knows where Terminal 34-A is before we end up in more unexpected places."

The trio finally spotted an information desk and made their way over to it, determined to get back on track. But despite the minor hiccup, they couldn't help but enjoy the adventure, knowing that with Mia around, things were never boring.

After getting directions from the information desk, the trio set off once again with renewed confidence. This time, they were sure they wouldn't get lost. But as they followed the signs and twists and turns of the airport, things started to look... unfamiliar.

"Are you sure this is the right way?" Rose asked, her voice tinged with doubt.

"Definitely," Mia replied, holding the map up. "We just need to keep going straight, and we'll get there."

Nelson glanced around, noticing that the corridor seemed a lot quieter than the rest of the airport. "This doesn't look like a terminal..."

Mia frowned but kept leading the way until they reached a door with a small sign above it. Without hesitation, she pushed the door open and stepped inside, with Nelson and Rose close behind. But as soon as they entered, they froze in shock.

They were in a gym. And not just any gym—this one was full of people in various states of undress, either changing or heading to the showers. The scene was anything but what they had expected.

Mia's eyes widened in horror. "Oh my gosh—RETREAT! RETREAT!"

Without missing a beat, they all turned and bolted back through the door, slamming it shut behind them. Nelson was laughing so hard he could barely stand, while Rose's face was flushed with embarrassment.

"What kind of airport has a gym right next to the terminals?" Rose gasped between giggles.

Nelson was still chuckling, wiping a tear from his eye. "I don't know, but that was not the kind of detour I signed up for."

Mia, now laughing too, shook her head. "I seriously need to work on my navigation skills."

They leaned against the wall, trying to catch their breath from both the running and the laughing.

"Okay," Mia said, once she could talk again. "Third time's the charm, right? Let's ask for directions one more time. And this time, no detours. Agreed?"

"Agreed," Nelson and Rose chorused, still grinning.

With that, they set off once more, determined to find Terminal 34-A without any more unexpected surprises.

A few hours later, they arrived in California.

San Francisco, to be exact.

As they picked the car up, Nelson turned to Mia. " Uh.... How are we supposed to drive? We're not 15 yet."

Mia gigged as she took her wallet out. She showed him two driving licenses, one for Mia and the other for him

" I asked Zane to make fake passports. Rose is our kid, apparently."

Rose grinned and hopped into the car. " Yippie!" She exclaimed.

After securing the car, Nelson and Mia started loading their luggage into the trunk. Rose was already bouncing in the back seat, eagerly anticipating their road trip. As Nelson placed the last bag inside, Blackie, who had been peacefully napping in his carrier, began to stir.

The black cat stretched lazily before blinking open his golden eyes. "What happened?" he asked in a groggy, yet slightly annoyed tone.

Mia chuckled, closing the trunk. "We're in California, Blackie. San Francisco, to be exact."

Blackie peered around, his eyes narrowing as he took in his new surroundings. "California? And no one thought to inform me before dragging me across the country?"

Rose leaned forward from her seat, her face beaming. "Oh, Blackie, you're going to love it here! We're going on an adventure!"

Blackie rolled his eyes. "I suppose I don't have much of a choice, do I?" He sighed dramatically, then settled back into his carrier, as if resigned to his fate.

Nelson, already behind the wheel, turned to Mia. "So, what's our first stop? And more importantly, how do I drive this thing without getting pulled over?"

Mia flashed him a confident grin, holding up her fake driver's license again. "Just act natural. I've got the GPS set for Portland. We'll be there in no time. Just follow the speed limits, and we'll be fine."

Nelson nodded, still a bit unsure but trusting Mia's plan. He started the car, and they pulled out of the rental lot, merging onto the busy streets of San Francisco.

As they drove through the city, Nelson glanced at the famous landmarks—the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz Island in the distance, and the colorful Victorian houses that lined the steep hills. He couldn't help but feel a bit excited, despite the nervousness of driving.

Rose, meanwhile, was busy snapping photos of everything she could see from the back seat. "This is so cool!" she exclaimed, her phone clicking away. "I can't wait to show everyone back home!"

Mia, sitting in the passenger seat, pulled out her list again. "Okay, so we have a lot to see and do on the way to Portland. First stop: The Redwood National Park. We'll be there by noon."

Blackie, now fully awake, peered out of his carrier. "And what exactly is so special about these Redwoods? Do they have mice I can chase?"

Mia laughed. "No mice, but the trees are massive! You'll love it."

With a determined look on his face, Nelson focused on the road. "Alright, Redwood National Park, here we come!"

And with that, they embarked on their road trip adventure, with the open road ahead of them and the excitement of what lay in store pushing any lingering doubts far behind.

As Nelson cautiously navigated the streets of San Francisco, he was driving at a snail's pace, clearly nervous about the whole "fake license" situation. Other cars zoomed past them, honking their horns in frustration. Mia, sitting beside him, kept glancing at the speedometer and then at Nelson, trying to stay patient.

"Uh, Nelson," Mia finally said, "you might want to pick up the pace a bit. We're barely going 20 miles per hour."

Nelson's hands gripped the steering wheel tighter. "I don't want to get pulled over. We can't afford any mistakes."

But his overcaution was exactly what caught the attention of a police officer. Before long, the dreaded flashing lights appeared in the rearview mirror.

"Oh no," Nelson whispered, his face paling.

"Just stay calm," Mia advised, though she was starting to feel a bit anxious herself. "We've got this."

The officer approached the car, and Nelson rolled down the window, trying to appear as nonchalant as possible.

"Afternoon," the officer greeted, looking between Nelson and Mia, then glancing at Rose in the back. "Is everything alright here? You were driving a bit slow."

Nelson gulped. "Uh... yes, sir. Just, um... being careful."

Rose, who had been quietly observing, suddenly piped up in the most innocent voice she could muster, "Daddy's just being safe! Right, Daddy?"

Blackie, who had been trying to stay out of sight in his carrier, nearly lost it. He had to stifle his laughter, his whiskers twitching as he bit his lip to keep from making a sound. The idea of Nelson being called "Daddy" was too much for the sarcastic cat.

The officer's expression softened as he glanced back at Rose. "Well, it's good to be careful, but you need to drive with the flow of traffic. Don't go too slow, okay?"

Nelson nodded vigorously. "Yes, sir. I'll do better."

The officer gave him a final once-over, then nodded. "Alright, then. Have a good day, and drive safely."

As the officer walked back to his car, Nelson let out a huge sigh of relief. He rolled the window back up and turned to Mia, who was biting back a grin.

"'Daddy,' huh?" Mia teased.

Rose giggled from the back seat. "It worked, didn't it?"

Nelson couldn't help but chuckle nervously. "Yeah, but let's not do that again."

Blackie finally let out a quiet snicker. "Daddy Nelson... I'm going to be laughing about this for days."

With the tension broken, Nelson slowly eased back onto the road, this time picking up the pace a bit more. The near-miss with the police officer seemed to have shaken off some of his nerves, and they were soon driving at a more reasonable speed.

"Next stop, Redwood National Park!" Mia announced cheerfully, as the city gave way to the winding roads leading north.

"Just as long as we don't get pulled over again," Nelson muttered, still a bit rattled but feeling more confident as they continued on their adventure.

As they drove along the scenic coastline, the ocean stretching out to the horizon on one side and the towering cliffs on the other, Rose soon noticed something unsettling—her phone had no service. For the first half hour, she fiddled with it, trying to get a signal. By the end of the first hour, she started grumbling.

By the second hour, she was in full-on complaining mode.

"This is the worst! No internet, no games, no TikTok!" Rose whined from the backseat, her voice taking on a decidedly childlike tone. "Are we even still in civilization? How are we supposed to survive without cell service?"

Nelson glanced at her in the rearview mirror, trying not to laugh. "We'll survive. It's just a few hours."

Rose folded her arms and pouted. "It feels like forever. What am I supposed to do? Stare out the window?"

Mia, who was enjoying the view, turned around and smirked. "You could, you know, enjoy the beautiful scenery? The beach, the waves, the fresh air..."

Rose huffed dramatically. "I've seen beaches before. And these waves are just as wavy as all the others."

With nothing else to do, Rose began taking pictures of everything. First, she captured the beach, then the cliffs, then random selfies making over-the-top faces. She even snapped a few shots of Mia and Nelson, who had varying degrees of patience for her antics.

"Hey, Mia, say cheese!" Rose directed, holding up her phone.

Mia threw up a peace sign and gave a big grin. "Cheese!"

Nelson, meanwhile, was too focused on the road to pose, but that didn't stop Rose from getting a few candid shots of him driving.

"Nelson, smile!" Rose called out, but Nelson just groaned.

"Can we save the photoshoot for later?" he asked, trying to keep his eyes on the road.

Rose sighed, then took another picture of her shoes. "I guess... but you're missing out on some quality memories!"

Blackie, who had been lounging in his carrier, finally poked his head out. "Why don't you document something useful, like our progress toward civilization?"

Rose took that as a challenge. She started taking pictures of every mile marker they passed, much to the amusement of Mia and Nelson.

"Look, we've moved half a mile in the last ten minutes!" Rose announced, snapping yet another picture. "We're making such great time."

Mia laughed. "At this rate, we'll reach our destination by next week."

Nelson rolled his eyes, though he couldn't help but smile. "You know, it's not that bad being disconnected for a while. We get to focus on what's around us."

"Yeah, like my complete lack of signal," Rose muttered, though there was a playful glint in her eye as she took yet another picture of the seemingly endless stretch of beach.

A few minutes later, Rose, after what felt like an eternity of driving by the endless beach, turned to her twin brother,  "Hey, Nels, how long until we reach a shop or something? We need to stop and stretch our legs."

Nelson glanced at the gas gauge, which was starting to edge toward the lower side. "Well, we do need gas soon. I'd say maybe another thirty minutes or so until we find a station."

Rose sat up straighter in her seat and gave him a triumphant look. "See?! I told you we needed to stop. We could run out of gas and be stranded in the middle of nowhere with no cell service. And what would we do then, huh?"

Mia, who had been quietly enjoying the view, raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Rose, you've been playing up this whole no-phone-service thing for hours. I know you're not that addicted to your phone."

Rose grinned mischievously. "Maybe not, but it's fun to add a little drama to the trip, isn't it? Keeps things interesting."

Nelson shook his head with a chuckle. "Only you, Rose. But yeah, I'll keep an eye out for the next gas station. We don't want to be stuck out here, even if the view is nice."

Blackie, who had been listening quietly from his carrier, chimed in. "Adding drama to a road trip, huh? Just make sure that drama doesn't turn into actual trouble."

Rose winked at the cat. "Don't worry, Blackie. I'm just here to keep things lively. What's a road trip without a little excitement?"

Mia rolled her eyes playfully. "As long as that excitement doesn't involve getting pulled over again, I'm good."


At the gas station, Nelson was having a bit of trouble getting the pump to work. He slid the card in and out multiple times, but the machine kept giving the same frustrating message: "Please insert and remove card quickly."

"Ugh, come on!" Nelson muttered under his breath as he tried again, this time with a little more force.

Rose, sitting in the car and watching Nelson struggle, leaned over and asked, "Hey, you want me to drive after this? You know, give you a break?"

Mia, who was casually leaning against the car, looked up with a thoughtful expression. "Sure, but we've only got two licenses. One for me, one for Nelson. How do you plan to get around that, Rose?"

Rose grinned mischievously, her eyes sparkling with a plan. "Leave that to me, Mia."

Mia chuckled and shrugged. "Alright, your call. Just don't get us into any more trouble."

Nelson finally managed to get the gas pump working, and as he filled up the tank, he glanced back at Rose, who was already plotting something in her mind. He knew that look all too well.

Once the car was gassed up, Nelson handed the keys over to Rose. "Alright, but remember, we only have two licenses, so whatever you're thinking, be careful."

Rose slipped into the driver's seat, adjusted the mirrors, and shot her twin brother a confident smile. "Trust me, this is going to be fun."

Mia hopped into the passenger seat, buckling up. "Just don't do anything too crazy. We've still got a long way to go."

As Rose zoomed down the highway, the speedometer steadily climbed higher and higher. Nelson, gripping the edge of his seat, suddenly yelled, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, SIS?!"

Rose, with a wild grin on her face, glanced over at her brother. "Relax, Nels! I've got this under control!"

Before Nelson could respond, the sound of a siren filled the air, and red and blue lights flashed behind them. Rose's heart skipped a beat as she reluctantly pulled the car over to the side of the road.

A police officer approached the driver's side window, his face stern. Rose rolled down the window, trying to appear calm as she handed over her fake license.

The officer studied the card, then looked back at Rose with suspicion. "You don't look like this," he said, narrowing his eyes.

Rose blinked innocently. "Huh? Oh, yeah! I got plastic surgery the other day. Totally forgot to update my card. Silly me!"

The officer raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying it. "And why were you speeding?"

Rose didn't miss a beat. She put on her best distraught face and said, "Because... my mom got into an accident, and my daughter here"—she pointed at Mia, who was now pretending to be asleep in the backseat—"really wanted to see her."

The officer glanced back at Mia, who was curled up with her eyes closed, looking peaceful and innocent. He sighed, clearly conflicted. "Alright, but you need to slow down. I'm letting you off with a warning, but next time, you won't be so lucky."

Rose nodded earnestly, taking the license back and pretending to be relieved. "Thank you, officer. I promise it won't happen again."

The officer gave one last look at the car's occupants before returning to his vehicle. As soon as he was out of sight, Rose let out a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding.

Nelson, still pale from the close call, looked at her with wide eyes. "You are so lucky that worked."

Rose grinned, starting the car again. "Told you I had it under control. Now, let's get out of here before something else happens!"

Mia, now fully awake and back in her usual mood, sat up and smirked. "Not bad, Rose. Not bad at all."

As they continued their journey, Rose couldn't resist the temptation to take a few shortcuts. She veered off the main road and onto some narrow, winding paths that weren't exactly designed for smooth driving.

Nelson's knuckles turned white as he gripped the seat. "Rose, are you sure about this? These roads don't look safe!"

Rose flashed him a confident grin. "Relax, Nels. These are just shortcuts. We'll get there faster!"

But every turn seemed sharper, and every bump made Nelson's heart jump. The car skidded slightly as Rose navigated a particularly tight corner, causing Nelson to let out an involuntary yelp.

"Rose, this isn't Mario Kart!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine fear.

Rose just laughed. "Come on, where's your sense of adventure? We're making great time!"

Nelson swallowed hard, his eyes darting between the road and his sister. "Yeah, but I also like being alive!"

Mia, meanwhile, was enjoying the ride, leaning forward between the seats. "Hey, this is actually kinda fun! Go, Rose, go!"

Despite Nelson's terror, Rose continued to take the winding paths with a surprising amount of skill. Every sharp turn and sudden drop made Nelson's stomach flip, but Rose remained calm and focused, clearly enjoying the thrill.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity to Nelson, they emerged back onto a regular road. Rose slowed down and smiled at her brother, who looked like he had just survived a rollercoaster ride.

"See? I told you we'd be fine," Rose said with a wink.

Nelson exhaled deeply, trying to calm his racing heart. "You're gonna give me a heart attack one of these days, Rose."

Mia chuckled from the backseat. "At least we got through it! And hey, now we're closer to our destination."

Nelson shook his head, still a bit shaken but relieved that they were back on a normal road. "Next time, I'm driving," he muttered.


A few hours later if peacefully driving, Nelson commented, " uh, Rose? Thunderstorm."

The skies darkened and the first flashes of lightning streaked across the horizon, but Rose couldn't help but make a sarcastic remark.

"Haha, Nelson. Very funny, trying to scare me with that thunderstorm joke—" But then, she caught sight of a massive bolt of lightning striking in the distance. Her expression changed instantly. "Never mind."

The storm was no joke. Rain began to pour down in sheets, and the wind howled against the car. Rose tightened her grip on the steering wheel, her earlier bravado fading as the reality of the situation set in.

The road became slick and treacherous, and Rose swerved to avoid a fallen branch, causing the car to fishtail slightly. Nelson, who had been clinging onto his sister for dear life, squeezed his eyes shut and held on even tighter.

"Rose, watch out!" Nelson shouted, his voice trembling as the car continued to jolt and lurch with each gust of wind.

"I'm trying!" Rose yelled back, her knuckles white as she fought to keep the car under control. The rain was so heavy it was almost impossible to see more than a few feet ahead, and the wipers were doing little to clear the windshield.

In the backseat, Mia was clutching both Blackie and the seatbelt strap, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and excitement. Blackie, on the other hand, seemed utterly unimpressed by the chaos, though he was being squished between Mia and the door.

"Mia, hold on tight!" Nelson called back, glancing over his shoulder at his wife.

"I'm holding on to you guys!" Mia replied, her voice rising above the noise of the storm as she clung to Nelson and Rose.

Rose's heart raced as another flash of lightning illuminated the road, showing a large puddle directly in their path. She swerved again, this time sending the car into a slight skid that had all three of them holding their breath. Somehow, Rose managed to regain control, and they continued down the road, albeit at a much slower pace.

The storm raged on around them, but Rose kept driving, determined to get them to safety.

Eventually, the storm began to let up, and the rain turned into a light drizzle. The adrenaline was still pumping through all of them as they finally emerged from the worst of the storm. Rose let out a long breath she didn't realize she had been holding.

"That was... intense," she muttered, her hands still shaking slightly.

Nelson, still clutching Rose's arm, finally relaxed his grip a bit. "Rose, I think that was the scariest thing we've ever been through."

Mia, who had managed to keep a relatively calm demeanor despite the chaos, looked at her husband and grinned. "We survived! That was like a real-life action movie!"

Rose glanced at Nelson and gave a shaky laugh. "Yeah, but I think I'm good with avoiding sequels for a while."

Blackie finally freed himself from Mia's grasp, stretching out in the backseat. "I could've told you that storm was coming, but no one ever asks the cat," he muttered.

As the storm cleared and the skies began to brighten, they continued on their journey, each of them silently thankful that they'd made it through in one piece.

As they finally drove out of the storm's grasp, Mia let out a sigh of relief and spoke up, "We should go get dinner. I'm starving."

Nelson, still feeling a bit frazzled from the ordeal, fumbled with a map he'd been holding onto. "Uh, let's see... there's a beer place nearby."

Mia gave him a perplexed look. "What?!"

Nelson blinked, realizing what he'd just said. "Uh... do you want to eat a live chicken?" he asked, clearly not thinking straight.

Rose turned to look at her twin brother, her brow furrowed in concern. "Nelson, are you doing okay?"

Nelson quickly glanced back at the map, trying to regain his composure. "Oh! There's a place where you can eat pants!"

Mia, now thoroughly confused, pulled out her phone and began searching for nearby restaurants. "Nelson, I think the storm scrambled your brain a bit," she said with a smirk. "How about we stick to something normal, like pizza? There's a pizza joint not too far from here. I'll put the address in the GPS."

Nelson nodded, relieved to let someone else take charge of the food situation. "Yeah, that sounds good. No live chickens or pants for dinner, then."

Rose chuckled as Mia entered the address into the GPS. "Good call. I don't think I'm in the mood for pants or beer anyway."


When they pulled up to the pizza joint, Rose suddenly remembered something important. "Wait, do we even have credit cards? And, uh, are they really gonna serve nine-year-olds?" she asked, her voice full of doubt.

Mia, quick on her feet, glanced around and spotted a nearby store that had some flashy accessories in the window. "Uh... Look!! Fashion stuff!" she exclaimed, trying to distract them.

Without missing a beat, Mia led the group into the store. A few minutes later, they emerged transformed—wearing bright feather boas, over-the-top makeup, and teetering on heels that were clearly too big for them. They had also decided to put on their best British accents, hoping it would make them seem older or at least distract the staff enough to let them order without questions.

Nelson looked down at himself and then at the others, stifling a laugh. "Blimey, I say we look absolutely smashing," he said in his best British accent, which was more comical than convincing.

Rose, who had fully embraced the role, tilted her head up regally. "Quite right, darling. Shall we proceed to dine?"

Mia, holding her chin high, nodded. "Indubitably. Let's hope they have the finest pizza in all the land."

They waltzed into the pizza joint, trying to act as sophisticated as possible, which only made them look even more ridiculous. The person behind the counter looked up, a bit taken aback by their appearance but not questioning it outright.

Mia confidently stepped forward. "Good evening, fine sir. We would like to order your most exquisite pizza. And, of course, we will be paying with—" She pulled out a shiny card from her wallet and placed it on the counter with a flourish. It was one of the fake credit cards she'd had Zane make.

The cashier blinked but decided not to press the issue. "Uh, sure. What kind of pizza would you like?"

Rose leaned in dramatically. "We'll have the supreme with everything on it, please. And do make it quick, love, we're on a tight schedule."

The cashier nodded and put in the order, still a bit confused but too amused to care. The trio took a seat, trying to maintain their posh personas while waiting for their food.

Mia grinned at her friends. "See? Piece of cake. Or should I say, slice of pizza."

Rose and Nelson couldn't help but laugh at how absurd the whole situation was. But as they waited for their meal, they felt a sense of accomplishment—they'd pulled off their little charade, and soon they'd have a delicious pizza to enjoy.

When the pizza finally arrived, the trio decided to keep up their fancy act. They each picked up a fork, trying to eat the pizza with as much sophistication as possible. However, the task proved to be more challenging than expected. Mia struggled to cut a slice with her fork, finally managing to lift a piece to her mouth. But after a few bites, she couldn't hold back her frustration. "This is ridiculous," she hissed, dropping the fork onto her plate.Rose, who had been delicately nibbling at her slice, nodded in agreement. "I feel like I'm performing surgery on this pizza. Who even eats pizza with a fork?"Nelson, who was still valiantly trying to spear a pepperoni, sighed and put his fork down as well. "This whole British thing was fun for a while, but I think we should just eat like normal people."Mia grinned, finally feeling like herself again. "Agreed. Let's ditch the act and just enjoy the pizza."With that, they all abandoned the forks, grabbed their slices with their hands, and dug in. The fancy façade was gone, replaced by laughter and the simple joy of sharing a meal together. As they ate, Mia couldn't help but chuckle. "I guess sometimes it's better to just be ourselves, huh?"Rose nodded, taking a big bite of her slice. "Yeah, and besides, pizza always tastes better when you eat it the right way."Nelson laughed, feeling much more relaxed now that they were back to being themselves. "You know, I think this might be the best pizza I've ever had. Even without the British accents."


After their pizza adventure, the trio headed back to the car, tired but content. They decided to call it a night and find a place to park and rest. Nelson carefully navigated to a quiet spot near the beach, where they could hear the calming sound of the waves.Mia and Nelson crawled into the back seat, arranging their blankets and pillows for a cozy setup. Rose took the front seat, reclining it as far as it would go, and wrapped herself in a blanket. Mia yawned and snuggled into her pillow. "I can't believe we made it through today. From getting lost to that crazy storm..."Nelson chuckled, pulling the blanket up to his chin. "Yeah, and then the whole pizza with forks thing. It was a wild day, but fun."Rose, already half-asleep, mumbled from the front seat, "Let's hope tomorrow is a little less... eventful."Mia smiled, closing her eyes as the gentle sound of the waves lulled them to sleep. "Goodnight, guys.""Goodnight," Nelson and Rose echoed, their voices soft and sleepy.Soon, the car was filled with the peaceful sound of three friends breathing softly, the waves in the background creating a soothing lullaby. Despite the craziness of the day, they all knew they were in it together, ready for whatever adventures tomorrow might bring.


Mia woke up to the gentle rocking of the car and the soft hum of the engine. Blinking sleepily, she sat up and rubbed her eyes, noticing that they were moving. She glanced at the front seat and saw Nelson driving with a focused expression, while Rose sat next to him, snapping pictures of the scenery outside with excitement. "Good morning, sleepyhead!" Rose chirped, turning around briefly to smile at Mia. "Morning," Mia yawned. "Where are we headed?" Rose grinned. "We're on our way to Chandelier Tree! I read it's this huge, incredible tree you can actually drive through. I thought it'd be a fun stop before we head to Portland. "Mia's eyes widened with interest. "That sounds awesome! I've always wanted to see something like that." Nelson added, "Yeah, figured we'd stop by since it's on the way and it's supposed to be pretty cool. "As they approached Chandelier Tree, the car slowed to a crawl. The massive, ancient tree loomed ahead, its branches sprawling out in all directions. Mia and Rose couldn't help but let out impressed gasps as they marveled at its size. Nelson carefully guided the car through the hollowed-out trunk, and Mia felt a thrill as they drove through the tree. Rose was busy snapping photos, capturing every moment of their adventure. Once they emerged on the other side, they parked the car and got out to explore the area. A small gift shop nearby had a selection of souvenirs. Mia, Rose, and Nelson picked out some keepsakes: a keychain shaped like the Chandelier Tree, a postcard, and a small carved wooden figure of the tree. As they headed back to the car, Rose proudly showed off her souvenirs. "These are perfect! We'll always remember this stop. "Mia smiled and agreed. "Definitely. This has been a great trip so far." Nelson nodded, "Yeah, let's keep the good times rolling. Next stop: Portland!"

This is the souvenir I got

.... The little one wanted to take the pic, and the big one wanted to hold it,  so ....

All in all I think they took a good pic

* Few hours later*

As the car trundled down the road, Nelson focused on the route ahead. Mia, curled up in the backseat with Blackie resting comfortably on her lap, was sound asleep, occasionally shifting slightly but otherwise completely relaxed. Rose, wide awake and brimming with energy, had her Nintendo in hand, absorbed in her game.

The quiet hum of the engine filled the car, with the occasional sound of Rose's enthusiastic exclamations as she navigated her game.

"Whoa! Look at that!" Rose suddenly declared, her voice breaking the calm. She set her Nintendo aside and pulled out a large, detailed map that was covered in an array of landmarks and attractions.

"Welcome to Crescent City!" Nelson announced, glancing over his shoulder with a smile.

Rose's eyes sparkled with excitement as she unfurled the map and began scrolling through it, detailing every landmark with the kind of precision that only a true enthusiast could muster. She traced her finger over various points of interest, explaining each one with a fervor that seemed to know no bounds.

"There's the Battery Point Lighthouse," she began, pointing out a small icon on the map. "It's one of the oldest lighthouses on the West Coast. It's been guiding ships since 1856! And over here," she continued, moving her finger to another section, "is the Crescent City Harbor. It's a great spot for fresh seafood and—"

Rose's detailed commentary seemed endless. She rattled off information about historical sites, local eateries, scenic spots, and even the best spots for fishing. Each detail was delivered with a level of enthusiasm that was both impressive and slightly overwhelming.

"And here's the Crescent City Historical Museum," she said, pointing with determination. "It's got artifacts from the region's early settlers and Native American tribes. And this," she added, her finger landing on yet another spot, "is the Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park. You can hike among the giant trees there!"

By the time Rose had reached the end of her exhaustive list, Nelson could barely keep up. "Uh, Rose, do we really need to know about every single landmark? I mean, I'm all for exploring, but this is a bit—"

"Detail-oriented?" Rose interrupted, her voice full of pride.

"Exactly," Nelson said with a chuckle. "Maybe just give us the highlights?"

"Alright," Rose conceded, rolling up the map. "We can start with the lighthouse and the harbor. If we have time, we can fit in a visit to the museum too."

As the car rolled into Crescent City, the sights of the coastal town greeted them. The sun was beginning to set, casting a golden glow over the landscape. Rose excitedly pointed out different landmarks as they drove by, still buzzing with energy.

Mia stirred from her nap, blinking groggily as she noticed the change in scenery. "Are we here?" she asked, rubbing her eyes.

"Yep!" Rose replied. "We're in Crescent City. I've got a whole itinerary planned, so let's get started!"

With that, the car pulled into a parking spot, and the trio prepared to embark on their exploration of Crescent City. Rose's detailed knowledge promised an adventure filled with discovery, while Nelson and Mia eagerly followed along, ready to make the most of their time in this new and exciting place.

The trio arrived at the Battery Point Lighthouse just as the golden hour was casting a warm glow over the coast. They took their time walking around the lighthouse, snapping pictures from every angle. Rose was practically bouncing with excitement as she posed dramatically against the backdrop of the towering structure.

"This is amazing!" Rose exclaimed, her camera clicking away. "I've never seen a lighthouse up close before!"

Nelson, smiling at Rose's enthusiasm, took a few photos himself. Mia, always up for an adventure, admired the view and even managed to snap a few shots with Blackie by her side, who seemed to be taking in the scenery with an air of cool detachment.

After their lighthouse visit, they made their way to the Crescent City Historical Museum. The museum was a charming blend of old and new, showcasing artifacts from the region's early settlers and Native American tribes. As they wandered through the exhibits, Rose eagerly pointed out interesting displays.

"Look at this!" Rose said, guiding them to a display case filled with intricately carved Native American artifacts. "These are so detailed! And over here—"

Nelson and Mia followed along, occasionally pausing to admire the exhibits. The museum had a small gift shop where Rose, unable to resist, picked out a few souvenirs. She came out with a handful of trinkets: a miniature lighthouse model, a historical map, and a few other knick-knacks.

"Got them!" Rose announced proudly, holding up her purchases. "A little something to remember our trip by."

Mia chuckled, taking a look at the items. "Looks like we've got a nice collection going. Maybe we should start a souvenir shelf at home."

Nelson nodded, laughing. "Yeah, and at this rate, we'll need a bigger shelf for all the stuff Rose is picking up!"

As the day wound down, they enjoyed a casual stroll through Crescent City, the souvenirs in hand. They talked about their next destination and what else they wanted to explore. The sense of adventure and camaraderie made the day feel special, and they all agreed that the trip was turning out to be a memorable one.

Rose, still buzzing with excitement, suggested, "How about we grab dinner and then maybe check out one of the local spots for a late-night treat?"

"Sounds good to me," Mia agreed. "Let's make the most of our time here!"

With that, they set off to find a cozy spot for dinner, their spirits high and their hearts full of adventure.


The sushi restaurant had a cozy atmosphere, with the tantalizing aroma of fresh seafood filling the air. Mia, Nelson, and Rose were seated at a corner table, happily sampling a variety of sushi rolls and sharing stories from their travels.

As they were enjoying their meal, a kid at a nearby table seemed to recognize Mia. He stared at her with wide eyes, then cautiously approached their table.

"Mia?" the kid said, a hint of awe in his voice.

Mia looked up, her eyes narrowing in curiosity. "A lot of people tell me I look like the Pink Ninja. Are you one of those people?"

The kid grinned and pulled off a disguise he'd been wearing, revealing himself to be Jake.

Mia's eyes widened in surprise. "Jake! What are you doing here?"

Nelson, who had been taken aback by the sudden reveal, let out a relieved laugh. "Oh, gosh. Dude, you scared me."

Jake shrugged, still smiling. "I'm here on my own. Got the thing you asked for."

Mia nodded, a bit more relaxed now. "Great. I was wondering where you were. I forgot we're not in the usual area."

Rose, who had been quietly observing, looked intrigued. "So, Jake, what brings you all the way out here?"

Jake glanced around, lowering his voice slightly. "I came to find you guys because there's a new mystery in the area. Someone's saying there's a weird noise coming from the Redwood forests."

Mia leaned in, her expression serious. "Well, since you're here, you might as well join us. But I have to warn you—Rose can be a bit... intense. Just a heads-up."

Rose, who had been engrossed in her sushi, looked up with a curious expression. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Nelson chuckled. "Rose is a bit of a handful, as you know, But, she's more handful on trips."

Jake nodded, understanding. "Got it. I'll keep that in mind."

After their meal, the group decided to unwind with some ice cream. They walked to a nearby parlor, the neon sign glowing brightly in the evening light. The sweet scent of waffle cones and rich, creamy ice cream filled the air as they stepped inside.

Rose's eyes lit up as she looked at the menu. "They have so many flavors! I think I'm going to try the triple chocolate fudge."

Nelson chuckled and nudged Mia. "I'm going with the classic vanilla bean. How about you, Mia?"

Mia grinned, already eyeing the choices. "I think I'll go for the mint chocolate chip. And Jake?"

Jake glanced at the menu and shrugged. "I'll have the cookies and cream, thanks."

They each got their ice cream and found a cozy corner booth, settling in for their strategy session. As they enjoyed their treats, Mia wiped a smudge of mint ice cream from the corner of her mouth and turned her attention back to Jake.

"So, about this weird noise in the Redwood forests," Mia started, "What do we know so far?"

Jake flipped open his folder, revealing a collection of notes and photos. "There have been reports of strange sounds coming from the forest at night. Some say it's a low, eerie hum, while others describe it as more of a rhythmic drumming. A few people have claimed to see odd lights flickering between the trees."

Nelson furrowed his brow. "That sounds... unusual. What do you think it could be?"

Jake shrugged. "It's hard to say. It could be something as simple as a new type of machinery or something more mysterious. The forest is known for its unique wildlife, but this is something different."

Rose, licking her chocolate ice cream, raised an eyebrow. "And what do we need to do?"

Jake looked at them all, a determined glint in his eye. "We need to investigate the area, listen for the sounds, and see if we can find any clues. It might be helpful to check the local records or talk to people who've experienced it firsthand."

Mia nodded, her expression serious but excited. "Alright. We'll head to the Redwood forests first thing in the morning. Tonight, we can gather more information and get some rest."

Rose, finishing her ice cream, grinned. "Sounds like a plan. I'm in!"

Nelson finished his vanilla bean and looked around at his friends. "Me too. Let's make sure we're prepared for anything."

Jake gave a thumbs-up. "I'll help with the research tonight. If we can find out more about the recent activity in the area, it might give us an edge."


As they settled into the car, the team quickly got to work. Jake connected his laptop to the car's power outlet and began setting up his software for analyzing audio recordings.

Mia plugged in her headphones, her face focused as she started listening to the recorded sounds from the Redwood forests. She adjusted the volume and began sifting through the various audio files, searching for anything that might stand out.

Nelson, in the passenger seat, spread out the reports Jake had brought with him. He flipped through the pages, scanning for any patterns or relevant details that might help them understand the situation better.

Rose, seated behind Jake, began analyzing the data. She cross-referenced the information in the reports with her notes and Jake's folder. Her eyes darted between the documents and her phone, where she was jotting down important observations.

Blackie, ever the sassy observer, grabbed his phone and snapped a picture of the group hard at work. The flash went off briefly, but the others barely noticed, engrossed in their tasks.

"Alright, I think I've got something," Mia said, pulling off her headphones and looking at Jake. "There's a pattern in the sounds. It's almost like... rhythmic, like something is trying to communicate."

Jake nodded, his fingers flying over the keyboard. "I'm seeing the same pattern in the data I'm analyzing. It's definitely not random."

Nelson looked up from the reports. "The reports mention a few local legends about strange occurrences in the forest, but nothing concrete. Just a lot of speculation."

Rose glanced at the documents and then at the group. "We need to get a sense of the area. Maybe there's something we're missing in the location itself."

Jake agreed. "That's a good idea. We should head to the forest as early as possible and try to locate the source of the noise."

Then, they heard a click. They looked up to see Blackie, who commented, "Got another one for the scrapbook!"

Mia glanced up from her job and pulled one headphone out, smiling at Blackie. "Did you just take another photo?"

"Yep," Blackie replied with a smirk. "You all look so serious. Figured I'd document it."

Nelson looked over and chuckled. "We must look like a group of detectives on a serious case."

Rose, still absorbed in her analysis, barely looked up but managed a playful grin. "Just making sure everything's perfect. We have a mystery to solve, after all!"

Jake, typing furiously on his laptop, glanced back with a nod. "We're making good progress. If we find any anomalies in the data, we'll be able to narrow down our search area."


When they woke up, they found themselves in an amusing and chaotic tangle of limbs and wires. Nelson was sprawled half on the floor and half on the back seat, tangled in the charging cables and laptop wires. Mia was curled up with her headphones wrapped around her neck, looking like she had been in a deep sleep. Rose had her arm draped across Jake, who was trying to extricate himself from the mess of cables that had somehow snaked around him during the night.

Blackie, ever the opportunist, took a picture of the scene, capturing the hilarity of the tangled group. He chuckled softly to himself, enjoying the absurdity of the moment.

"Woah," Nelson said, blinking groggily as he tried to untangle himself. "How did we end up like this?"

Mia groaned and tried to untangle herself from the mess. "What happened? Did a tech tornado hit us or something?"

Nelson, his face partially hidden by a tangle of cables, muttered, "I think our tech setup got a bit out of hand."

Rose, who had somehow ended up wrapped in a web of charging cords, wriggled free and sat up. "This is a nightmare. Did we somehow mess up the wiring while we were asleep?"

Jake, also entangled in the mess, began working on freeing himself. "It looks like it. Maybe we should have been more careful with the equipment."

Mia moaned and looked around, her eyes widening as she took in the sight of the mess. "Looks like we had a bit of a tech overload last night."

Rose, still half-asleep, squirmed and mumbled, "Did we crash into a cable factory or something?"

Jake, finally managing to free himself from the tangle, sat up and laughed. "Well, this is one way to start the day!"

They all stared at him and rolled their eyes.

" Uh- huh." They all chorused.


As they drove toward the Redwood forests, Jake focused intently on analyzing the data on his laptop. The car was filled with the soft hum of the engine and the occasional beeps and clicks of Jake's equipment.

Mia, sitting in the backseat with Blackie, glanced over at Jake. "So, Jake, what have you found so far? Anything out of the ordinary?"

Jake didn't look up from his screen but responded, "There are definitely some unusual patterns in the data. The noises reported seem to have a very specific frequency that doesn't match any known natural sources."

Nelson, keeping his eyes on the road, glanced back. "And what's that supposed to mean?"

Mia chimed in, her curiosity piqued. "Yeah, Jake. What's so fishy about this mystery?"

Jake finally looked up, his expression serious. "It means that whatever is causing these noises might not be entirely natural. The frequency and patterns suggest something engineered or possibly even something that's been deliberately hidden."

Rose, who had been quietly listening, leaned forward. "So, you're saying it could be a man-made disturbance? Or something else entirely?"

Jake nodded. "Exactly. The data points to something that's not easily explainable by natural phenomena. It could be a setup or a device of some kind."

Mia's eyes narrowed. "Sounds like someone's trying to cover something up or distract us from the real issue. We need to be extra careful."

Blackie, lounging beside Mia, added in his sassy tone, "Or maybe it's just a really loud raccoon. You never know with these things."

Rose gave Blackie a playful nudge. "Seriously, Blackie?"

Nelson shook his head. "Either way, we need to stay sharp. We're getting close to the forest. Let's make sure we're ready for whatever we find."

As they approached the edge of the Redwood forests, the team's excitement grew. With Jake's analysis pointing to something potentially significant and Mia's intuition on high alert, they were prepared for whatever the mystery would throw at them.

Upon arriving in the Redwood forests, the team quickly realized the source of the mysterious noises: a group of raccoons having a lively party, creating quite a ruckus among the trees. The sight of the critters running around and chattering made Mia, Nelson, and Rose burst into laughter.

Jake, who had been closely analyzing the noise patterns, couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, I guess we can add 'raccoons' to the list of things that make strange noises."

Mia shook her head, still grinning. "Guess we were a bit too focused on the unusual. But hey, at least we got to see the Redwoods!"

The towering trees were magnificent, their sheer size and grandeur leaving everyone in awe. They spent some time exploring the area, taking in the breathtaking views and enjoying the serene environment.

As the day wound down, they visited a nearby gift shop where they picked up keychain souvenirs. Each keychain was a small reminder of their adventure and the unexpected twist it had taken.

Rose, holding up her new keychain, grinned. "Not a bad day after all, huh? We solved the mystery, saw the Redwoods, and got some cool souvenirs."

Nelson nodded, holding his own keychain. "Yeah, and we had a pretty fun time, too. Even with the surprise raccoon party."

Mia gave everyone a thumbs-up. "Agreed. Now let's head back and plan our next adventure. Who knows what's out there waiting for us?"

With spirits high and their keychains in hand, they made their way back to the car, ready to embark on their next journey together.

I know I said to Portland, but I had.... things.


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