Mia's Science Fair
Jay was in the library, looking at his assignments online. Mia was browsing for a book about Parkinson's Disease. And Butterscotch? Well, he was just being... Butterscotch. Chasing balls. Wagging his tail. Licking Mia and rubbing her arm.
" Isn't it great that Butterscotch and Mrs. Parodies are great friends." Jay whispered to Mia, watching the interaction between the friendly dog and friendly-est librarian.
Mia nodded quickly, running to the computer to check the aisle of the book for the tenth time.
" Can't find it?" Jay walked to Mia and placed a comforting arm on her shoulder.
" This is critical if I want to win that science fair." Mia whispered back, running back to the books.
Jay sighed and sank back into his chair. Mia had been talking about that science fair for the past two weeks. The winner would be on every magazine in their community, receive a plaque, and receive a check for $15,000! Mia had competed last year and had one first place. Now, she wanted to win again, and this time, split her money with the Parkinson's boxing place, who was helping her with her project.
" Closing time, Mia dear!" Mrs. Parodies gently called to an engrossed Mia.
" What?" Mia cried out, her head shooting up from the book section.
"Mia, I'm sorry you couldn't find the book today," Mrs. Parodies said with a warm smile as she approached Mia and Jay. "But don't worry, I'll keep an eye out for it. Sometimes these things take a bit of time to find, but I'm sure we'll locate it eventually."
Mia looked up from her search, her expression a mix of disappointment and determination. "Thank you, Mrs. Parodies. I really appreciate it. This project means a lot to me."
Mrs. Parodies patted Mia's shoulder gently. "I know it does, dear. And I admire your dedication. If anyone can find the information you need, it's you. Now, it's time to close up shop. You two should head home and get some rest."
Jay nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Mia, let's call it a day. We can come back tomorrow and try again. And who knows, maybe Mrs. Parodies will have found that book by then."
Mia sighed but nodded, reluctantly closing her laptop. "Okay, let's go. Thanks again, Mrs. Parodies."
As Mia gathered her things reluctantly, Jay packed up his own belongings and joined her at the library exit.
"Still no luck?" he asked sympathetically.
Mia shook her head, her frustration evident. "I can't believe they don't have a single book on Parkinson's Disease. How am I supposed to gather enough information for my project?"
Jay frowned, pondering the predicament. "Well, maybe we can try another library or look online. There has to be some resource out there."
Mia brightened slightly at the suggestion. "Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Jay. I'll figure something out."
As they stepped out into the cool evening air, Butterscotch bounded ahead, eager to continue their adventure. Jay glanced at Mia, noticing the determination in her eyes despite her setback.
"We'll find what you need, Mia. And you're going to do amazing at that science fair," he reassured her.
" Thanks. I know I've been a bit...." Mia paused to find the right word. " Preoccupied."
" It's fine. Anyway, when's your next testing session?"
" Tomorrow, Eight O clock. I need your help rehearsing."
" Rehearsing? Rehearsing what?" Jay asked, confused.
" What I'm gonna say to the elders!"
Jay gently placed a hand on Mia's shoulder as they ascended the stairs to their home. "Mia, you've got this. You've done all the research, put in the hard work. Just speak from your heart."
Mia sighed, leaning into her brother's comforting presence. "I know, Jay. It's just... I really want to make a difference. And I don't want to let anyone down."
"You won't," Jay reassured her with a warm smile. "You never do. And I'll be right there with you tomorrow, cheering you on."
Mia nodded, feeling a bit more reassured. "Thanks, Jay. I don't know what I'd do without you."
"Hey, that's what siblings are for, right?" Jay grinned, giving her a playful nudge as they reached the top of the stairs. "Now, let's get some rest. You've got a big day tomorrow."
Jay opened the door, to find an anxious Nya.
"Still no luck finding anything?" she asked softly.
Mia sighed and shook her head in response. "No, Nya. But I have to go rehearse for tomorrow," she said, determination shining through her fatigue.
Nya frowned, noticing the exhaustion in her sister's eyes. "Mia, you haven't slept all night. At least get some shut-eye before you practice. You'll do better if you're well-rested."
Mia hesitated, torn between her desire to perfect her presentation and her body's need for rest. But ultimately, she knew Nya was right. "Okay, you're right. I'll take a quick nap and then rehearse," she relented.
Nya smiled in relief and gave her sister a gentle hug. "Good. I'll wake you up in a couple of hours. Don't worry, everything will work out."
As Mia headed to her room to rest, Nya and Jay exchanged worried glances. Nya bit her lip, concern etched on her face. "I hope Mia will be okay," she murmured.
Jay nodded in agreement. "She's pushing herself too hard. But knowing Mia, she won't rest until she feels prepared."
Just then, Kai entered the room with a concerned expression. "Is Mia asleep?" he asked, his voice filled with worry.
Nya shook her head. "Not yet. She's going to take a nap before rehearsing for her presentation tomorrow."
Kai sighed, his brow furrowing with concern. "I wish she wouldn't push herself so much. She needs to take care of herself."
Jay nodded in agreement. "I know. But you know Mia. Once she sets her mind to something, there's no stopping her."
Just then, Cole came down the stairs.
" Is dinner ready?" He asked, rubbing his growling stomach.
Nya managed a small smile as she nodded in response. "Yes, dinner's ready. I made extra portions for Mia, but you know her. She's probably not sleeping."
As Nya headed upstairs to check on Mia, her heart sank at the sight that greeted her. Mia lay on her bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, her thoughts clearly elsewhere.
Nya approached Mia quietly, sitting down gently beside her. "Mia, you need to rest," she said softly, her voice filled with concern.
Mia blinked slowly, turning her gaze to her sister. "I know, Nya. I just can't stop thinking about tomorrow. The competition. The people counting on me."
Nya reached out and placed a comforting hand on Mia's shoulder. "I understand. But you won't do yourself any favors by exhausting yourself like this. Come on, let's get you something to eat, and then you can try to get some rest, okay?"
Nya guided Mia downstairs, into an open chair, and served her the food. Instead of taking her lady-like bites, Mia hastily devoured her meal, her mind still preoccupied with thoughts of her impending presentation, and Nya watched with concern.
"Slow down, Mia. You need to eat properly," she urged gently, but Mia barely seemed to register her words, her focus solely on fueling herself for more studying. She excused herself, ran up the stairs, and shut her room door.
Jay stood up from the table with a sigh, his worry evident in his expression. "I'll go check on her," he announced, knowing that Mia might be more receptive to his gentle persuasion.
Quietly, he made his way upstairs and knocked softly on Mia's door. "Mia, it's me," he called out, hoping she would let him in.
After a moment, Mia opened the door, her eyes tired but determined. "Jay, I'm fine. I just need to go over my notes a few more times," she insisted, her voice wavering slightly with fatigue.
Jay stepped into the room and placed a hand on Mia's shoulder, gently urging her to sit down. "Mia, you've been at this all day. You need to give yourself a break," he said softly, his concern for his sister evident in his voice.
Mia hesitated, but Jay's words finally seemed to resonate with her. With a weary sigh, she nodded and allowed herself to sink into the chair beside her desk. "Okay, Jay. I'll take a break," she conceded, her exhaustion finally catching up to her.
Jay smiled gratefully, relieved that Mia was finally willing to listen. "Good. You deserve it," he said, giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze before quietly leaving her to rest.
But Mia just couldn't rest, no matter how hard she tried. So, she grabbed her blanket, pillow, a fan, a lamp, and her notes, and she quickly crafted herself a fort. She nestled in, turned the light and fan on, and started revising her notes once more. Butterscotch, who had been watching all this, decided it was time to take matters into his own hands... erm... paws. Take matters into his own paws.
He grabbed her favorite tug-a-war toy and dropped it in front of Mia, his puppy eyes begging for attention.
" You want to play, don't you?" Mia asked, setting her cards down.
" You know it!" Butterscotch replied, wagging his tail.
A faint smile appeared on Mia's face, and she grabbed the toy.
" Come and get it!" Mia taunted, jumping on the bed.
Butterscotch, not the one to back down from a challenge, said, " You're on!"
So for the next twenty minutes, Butterscotch and Mia played a whooping game of 'catch the toy', with Mia in the lead and Butterscotch chasing.
" Well, that was fun!" Mia sighed, plopping down on her bed.
" I sure did tire you out, right!" Butterscotch asked, plopping down with the cards in his mouth.
" Right! Now, it's time to revise!"
" Mia, do you think that, after this round, you can go to sleep? I mean, how will you be fresh in the morning?" Butterscotch proposed, and Mia nodded.
" Or, just go to sleep!" Nya called from her room.
" Not helping!" Mia called back, her face smiling.
" Never said it was!"
" Goodnight, very annoying sibling!"
" Goodnight, utterly stubborn sister!"
" I'm not stubborn!"
" I have claimed victory!" Mia cheered, and Butterscotch joined in, and they waltzed around the room.
" Mia, here are your rollers." Jay said, placing them on her dresser.
" Thanks. Can you take the blue dress with one green gemstone and two red rhinestones out of the closet? Butterscotch, I need my white leggings and black Mary Janes. And could you also take out my emerald earrings?" Mia ordered, rolling her hair in front of her mirror.
" Aye-aye, captain!" Jay playfully saluted, and Mia giggled.
" What about your lipstick?" Butterscotch asked, and Mia nodded.
" Number 3034."
" Number 3034?" Jay echoed, trying to process what it meant.
" She doesn't have 3034 lipsticks. It's just her color organization." Butterscotch said, then turned back to the closet. "And I presume you'll need number 5056 and number 8094?"
" Yep! My blush and Mascara. Now, be a dear and take my bracelets out? I need to brush my teeth. And take out the face masks!" With that, Mia gracefully exited her room, with Jay staring.
" She's really preoccupied! She's going the wrong way!" Jay said, glancing at Butterscotch, who was panicking.
" She didn't tell me which one! Jasmine or Rose?" Butterscotch dug through the pile, to make sure there were no more options.
" Or Cookies and Cream!"
" Cookies and Cream?" Jay asked, bedwilled.
" Yep. There are face masks in ice cream flavors. You'd look great in Aloe Vera." Mia entered back into the room, and walked over to Butterscotch.
" Which one do you think would look best?" She asked, and Butterscotch held up the Cookies and Cream option.
" You're doing all this? Just for a conference?" Jay squeaked.
Mia nodded, applying the mask on her face and laying down.
" Yep! I need to sleep with this thing on. Besides, after tomorrow, I need to analyze the data from the patients. Now, goodnight." Mia waved her hand to Jay, and he turned the light off.
" Good night." He said, and left Mia and Butterscotch to sleep in peace.
The next morning Mia was whizzing around the house like a madman. Jay, who was worried about her, put his coffee mug down and sighed.
"Mia, slow down!" Jay called out as he watched his sister dart around the house, her movements frantic with worry.
"I can't, Jay! I need to get to the Parkinson's boxing place for my interview. And I still need to grab my prototype and the papers," Mia replied breathlessly, her mind racing with thoughts of the impending interview and presentation.
Jay hurried to catch up with her, concern etched on his face. "Mia, take a deep breath. You've got this. Everything will be okay."
" No, it won't! I'm running late!"
" Mia. Breathe."
Mia sighed and nodded. " Thanks, Jay. Love you."
When Mia arrived at the Parkinson's boxing place, she took a moment to catch her breath before approaching the staff. "Hi, I'm Mia," she greeted them with a smile.
One of the staff members nodded in recognition. "Ah, you're here for the interview and demonstration, right?"
Mia nodded eagerly. "Yes, that's me. I've brought my prototype and the data analysis papers," she said, gesturing to the materials she had brought with her.
The staff members gathered around as Mia began to explain her project in detail. "So, this wristband contains an Arduino microcontroller and sensors that monitor the wearer's movements," she began, her words flowing with passion and conviction.
She continued, describing how the device detected tremors and other symptoms associated with Parkinson's Disease, and how the data collected could be used to track the progression of the disease and assess the effectiveness of treatment methods.
"I developed this prototype because I wanted to create a non-invasive, affordable solution to help patients with Parkinson's Disease monitor their symptoms and improve their quality of life," Mia explained earnestly.
The staff members listened intently, impressed by Mia's ingenuity and dedication to making a difference. As she finished her demonstration, they applauded her efforts and expressed their admiration for her work.
The staff member raised an eyebrow curiously. "What if you shake it around? Will it still accurately detect Parkinson's symptoms?"
Mia shook her head confidently. "Nope, it's programmed to only recognize Parkinson's symptoms and nothing else. The algorithms I've developed filter out any other movements or interference, ensuring that the data collected is specific to the disease."
She paused, her eyes shining with pride. "I've tested it rigorously to ensure its accuracy, and I'm confident in its ability to provide reliable data for monitoring Parkinson's symptoms."
The staff members, highly impressed, gathered two participants and let Mia do the introductions.
"Hi, I'm Mia. I'd like to demonstrate my prototype for you and gather some data," she said warmly.
The first person, eager to participate, nodded eagerly. "Sure, I'll try walking around with the wristband."
Mia handed them the wristband and explained how to wear it properly. "Just walk around like you normally would, and the sensors will detect any abnormalities in your movements," she instructed.
Meanwhile, the second person sat down and extended their hand for Mia to attach the sensor for detecting tremors. "I'll help you with this one," she said with a smile.
Mia carefully affixed the sensor to their finger and explained how it worked. "Just relax and let me know if you feel any tremors. The sensor will pick up even the slightest movements," she explained.
First, she instructed the man to walk around the room, and monitored his numbers. Then, she started the lady's test, gathering info for about 30 seconds, then swapped the devices from each person to the other. She repeated the test once more, then smiled at them.
" Thank you for your time. You have no idea how much this means to me." She said.
As Mia wrapped up the testing session, one of the participants inquired, "How many times have you been here to conduct tests?"
Mia paused, recalling her previous visits. "This is my third time here," she replied with a smile. "I've been fine-tuning the prototype and gathering data to ensure its accuracy."
The participant nodded, impressed by Mia's dedication. "So, what's next?" they asked.
Mia's eyes sparkled with determination. "Tomorrow, I'll come back to analyze the data I've collected. It's an important step in refining the prototype and validating its effectiveness."
The participant nodded in understanding, grateful for Mia's commitment to her project. "We look forward to seeing the results," they said warmly.
Mia returned the sentiment with a grateful smile. "Thank you for your support. I'll be sure to share the findings with you once the analysis is complete."
As Mia arrived home, she greeted Jay with a determined smile. "Analyzing time!" she announced enthusiastically.
Jay raised an eyebrow. "Need any help?" he offered.
Mia nodded gratefully. "Yeah, actually. You can help with the walking data while I focus on the sitting data."
Together, they sat down and began to analyze the data from the tests conducted earlier. Jay inputted the walking data into the computer while Mia worked on the sitting data, meticulously documenting any observations and trends they noticed.
After a thorough analysis, Mia transformed the raw data into graphs, organizing the information in a clear and concise manner. "Great!" she exclaimed, studying the graphs with satisfaction. "Now I just need tomorrow's data, and I can print this out for further review."
Jay nodded in agreement, impressed by Mia's organizational skills and attention to detail. "You're doing amazing, Mia. I'm proud of you," he said warmly.
Just then, Nya and Kai entered the room with supplies in hand.
"We got this for your project," Nya said, holding up a large poster board, while Kai added, "And here's some paper for additional information."
Jay followed behind, carrying a stack of pictures. "And here are the pictures you wanted to include," he said with a grin.
Mia's face lit up with gratitude as she took in the support from her siblings. "Thank you all so much," she said, touched by their thoughtfulness.
Together, they began to assemble the materials, carefully arranging the pictures, documents, and graphs on the poster board. Mia smiled as everything started to come together, each element contributing to her presentation in a meaningful way.
As they worked, Mia realized that they might need more space. "We might need to stack another poster board," she suggested, already thinking ahead to ensure that everything would fit perfectly.
" Dinner!" Nya said, moving the poster board so they could have a clear table to eat.
As Mia sat down for dinner, she couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness building up inside her. She ate heartily, her appetite fueled by anticipation, until her eyes fell upon the date displayed on her phone.
"The fair is in 2 days!" Mia exclaimed, her voice filled with a mixture of excitement and apprehension.
Nya smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, Mia. I've got everything packed and ready for you," she said, her tone calm and confident.
Mia's gratitude overflowed as she looked at her sister, feeling a surge of relief knowing that Nya had taken care of everything. "Thank you, Nya. I don't know what I'd do without you," she said sincerely.
As Mia settled back into her room to continue studying, her phone rang, interrupting her concentration. With a curious glance, she answered the call.
"Hello?" Mia said, her voice tinged with anticipation.
"Mia, it's Mrs. Parodies. I found the book you were looking for on Parkinson's Disease," Mrs. Parodies announced.
Mia's heart leaped with excitement. "Yes! Oh my goodness, yes!" she exclaimed, unable to contain her joy.
With a triumphant smile, Mia hung up the phone, feeling a surge of relief and gratitude wash over her.
"Mrs. Parodies dropped the book off," Nya announced with a smile, placing it gently on Mia's desk.
Mia's eyes lit up with excitement as she eagerly reached for the book, grateful for the opportunity to deepen her understanding of the subject. "Thank you, Nya," she said sincerely, her voice filled with appreciation.
Lost in her reading, Mia hardly noticed the passage of time until Jay's voice broke through her concentration.
"It's the middle of the night!" Jay exclaimed, entering the room with a concerned expression. "You need to get some rest, Mia."
Mia blinked in surprise, realizing just how late it had gotten. "Oh! I didn't realize," she admitted sheepishly, setting the book aside reluctantly. "I'll go to bed right away. Thanks, Jay."
With a fond smile, Jay nodded, knowing that Mia's passion for her project sometimes got the better of her. "Goodnight, Mia," he said, flicking off the light as he left the room, leaving Mia to drift off to sleep with visions of graphs and data swirling in her mind.
The next day, Mia woke up determined to make the most of her time before the science fair. After a quick breakfast, she set up her equipment once more and began the testing process anew.
After a few hours of the same thing she did and said yesterday, it was finally time to wrap up her data collecting days. She waved to the staff and participants, grateful for their help.
When she got back home, Mia sat down on her bed with her laptop to analyze the results. Jay peeked into the room, curious about her progress.
"Hey, Mia. How's it going?" he asked, leaning against the doorway.
Mia glanced up from her screen, a hint of exhaustion evident in her eyes. "It's going well. Just finishing up the analysis of today's tests," she replied, her voice tinged with determination.
Jay nodded in understanding. "You've been working so hard on this project. I'm proud of you," he said with a supportive smile.
Mia returned the smile gratefully, appreciating her brother's encouragement. "Thanks, Jay. It means a lot."
As Nya called out that it was time to leave, Mia's heart raced with excitement and anticipation. "I need to print the graphs!" she exclaimed, realizing she couldn't head to the science fair without all her materials.
Nya, always prepared, stepped forward with her electronics and board. "Don't worry, Mia. I've got you covered," she reassured, setting up the printer with a swift efficiency.
Jay, ever the helpful brother, grabbed their luggage and began to load it into the car. "Let's make sure we have everything we need," he said, double-checking their bags with a meticulous eye.
Meanwhile, Butterscotch lounged nearby, contentedly gnawing on his chew toy, seemingly unfazed by the flurry of activity around him.
With the graphs printed and their belongings packed, Mia felt a surge of excitement as they prepared to embark on their journey to the science fair. With her family by her side, she knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together as a team.
As Jay drove, Mia sat in the passenger seat, her laptop open as she revised her presentation yet again. Her dedication to perfection was evident as she scrutinized every detail, determined to make a lasting impression at the science fair.
Nya glanced over at Mia, concern etched on her face. "Mia, you should really get some sleep," she urged gently.
Mia shook her head, her eyes fixed on the screen. "It's fine, Nya. I want to make sure everything is perfect," she insisted, her voice tinged with exhaustion.
Despite Nya's concern, Mia continued to review her work, her focus unwavering as they traveled onward.
Finally, after what seemed like endless hours on the road, they arrived at their hotel. Mia let out a sigh of relief, grateful for the chance to rest before the big day.
But even as Mia and her family rode the elevator up to their hotel room, Mia couldn't resist the urge to pull out her book and continue reading. Nya glanced over at her with a smile. "You really are dedicated to your studies, Mia," she remarked.
Mia grinned sheepishly, flipping through the pages. "I just want to make sure I'm fully prepared for tomorrow," she replied, her excitement palpable.
Once they reached their room, Mia wasted no time in settling down to read. She sprawled out on the bed, her book in hand, devouring each page with eager anticipation.
Jay chuckled as he unpacked their belongings. "You're like a bookworm, Mia. Can't put it down, huh?"
Mia nodded enthusiastically, not looking up from her book. "There's just so much to learn," she said, her voice filled with enthusiasm.
Even as bedtime approached, Mia found it difficult to tear herself away from her reading. "Just one more chapter," she promised herself, unable to resist the allure of the story.
Nya chuckled softly. "You're going to have to put that book down eventually, Mia. Tomorrow is a big day," she reminded gently.
Mia sighed reluctantly, closing her book with a sense of satisfaction. "You're right, Nya. I'll save the rest for later," she conceded, finally allowing herself to relax and prepare for the excitement of the science fair tomorrow.
Mia woke up to the soft morning light filtering through the curtains, she found herself surrounded by the loving support of her family. Jay handed her dress, Kai had already taken care of her poster board, and Nya was ready to take her down for breakfast.
"Thanks, everyone," Mia said gratefully as she got dressed, feeling a rush of excitement for the day ahead.
At breakfast, Mia picked at the lackluster hotel food, opting instead for a simple banana. As she ate, she couldn't resist the urge to revise what she was going to say at the science fair.
Jay glanced over at her with a smile. "Still going over your presentation, huh?" he remarked.
Mia nodded, her mind already racing with ideas. "Yeah, I just want to make sure I have everything down pat," she replied, her determination shining through.
Nya squeezed her hand in reassurance. "You're going to do great, Mia. Just be yourself and let your passion shine through," she encouraged warmly.
Then, Kai walked up to them.
" Your carriage awaits, Madam." He said bowing to Mia.
" Why thank you, driver." Mia replied, her speech papers clutched in her hands.
" You'll do fine. Especially because we're gonna be there!" Nya said, placing a hand on Mia's shoulder as they sat in the car.
" Thanks." Mia said, with a faint smile on her face.
It was a chaotic scene when Mia arrived. Cars were everywhere. Humans were yelling. The doorway was blocked, and Mia had to squeeze through the crowd in order to go to her designated area.
"Excuse me, sorry, pardon me," Mia murmured, her voice barely audible over the din of the crowd.
Just as she finally managed to squeeze through the throng of people, a wave of apprehension washed over her. What if she wasn't prepared enough? What if her project didn't meet the judges' expectations?
Before she could dwell on her doubts any longer, a voice boomed over the chaos, cutting through the noise like a beacon of clarity.
"It's judging time!" the judge announced, sending a ripple of anticipation through the crowd.
Mia's heart skipped a beat as she realized the moment of truth had arrived. With a deep breath, she squared her shoulders and prepared to present her project with confidence, knowing that no matter what the outcome, she had given it her all.
The first judge, a kindly-looking woman with a warm smile, leaned in attentively. "Tell me about your project," she prompted, her eyes sparkling with interest.
Mia launched into her explanation, her words flowing smoothly as she detailed the intricacies of her prototype and the significance of her research. "It's designed to help individuals with Parkinson's Disease monitor their symptoms more effectively," she explained earnestly.
The second judge, a distinguished gentleman with a thoughtful expression, nodded in appreciation. "Impressive work, Mia. What inspired you to take on this project?" he inquired, genuinely curious.
Mia's face lit up as she recounted her personal connection to the cause and her desire to make a meaningful impact in the lives of those affected by the disease. "I wanted to use my skills to make a difference," she replied, her voice filled with determination.
As more judges approached, Mia continued to field questions and engage in lively discussions about her project. Each interaction filled her with a sense of pride and accomplishment, reaffirming her belief in the importance of her work.
By the time the 1rst judging round was complete, Mia felt a sense of fulfillment wash over her.
Mia walked out and sat down for lunch with her siblings, she felt a sense of relief wash over her. Their comforting presence helped to calm her nerves, and she appreciated the opportunity to unwind before the second half of the judging began.
Nya passed Mia a sandwich with a reassuring smile. "Here you go, Mia. You need to keep your energy up," she said gently, her eyes filled with pride.
Mia nodded gratefully, taking a bite of her sandwich as she listened to her siblings' words of encouragement. Kai leaned in, his eyes shining with excitement. "You did great in the first half, Mia. I'm sure you'll knock it out of the park in the second half too," he said confidently.
Jay nodded in agreement. "You've worked so hard on this project, Mia. Just keep doing what you're doing, and everything will turn out fine," he reassured her, his voice filled with conviction.
With her siblings' support bolstering her confidence, Mia felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. Little did she know, a special judge was about to approach her area, his presence signaling the possibility of a special award.
When lunch break ended and she went inside yet again, a judge came by within five minutes. Mia greeted him warmly, unaware of the significance of his visit. "Hello, sir. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me," she said politely, her nerves beginning to flutter once more.
The judge nodded in acknowledgment, his expression serious yet thoughtful. "I've heard great things about your project, Mia. I'm interested to learn more," he said, his tone measured and attentive.
With a deep breath, Mia launched into her presentation once more, her words flowing smoothly as she detailed the intricacies of her prototype and the impact it could have on those affected by Parkinson's Disease. She spoke with passion and conviction, her eyes shining with determination as she conveyed her vision for the future.
When Mia finished her presentation, the judge nodded in approval, his expression thoughtful. "Impressive work, Mia. You've clearly put a lot of thought and effort into this project," he remarked, his tone sincere.
Mia's heart soared with pride at his words, grateful for the recognition of her hard work and dedication.
Mia didn't even get a chance to breathe when two other judges came.
Then a whole group.
Then another.
And another.
After the judges left, Jay and the others ran to her with a wide smile, each one saying different things at once.
" You did it!" Jay exclaimed.
" That was the last judge for the day!" Nya said, jumping up and down.
" You did great!" Kai cheered.
Mia laughed.
" Guys, the only thing I heard was yapping. I couldn't hear you guys clearly!" She retorted.
Kai laughed. " Whoops. Well, we were just congratulating you-"
" And that was the last judge for the day!" Nya interrupted Jay, who shook his head.
" Now we just need to wait for tomorrow for the results!" Jay said, his excitement still on level 1,000.
" Tomorrow? Wow, the day went by so quickly!" Mia laughed, and together she and her siblings strolled out of the gym, hand in hand, anxious for the results.
As Mia and her family arrived at the award ceremony venue, her heart raced with anticipation. The grand hall was filled with excitement and nervous energy as participants and their families gathered together, awaiting the announcement of the winners.
Mia couldn't shake the feeling of anxiousness that gnawed at her stomach. "What if I didn't do enough? What if my project wasn't good enough?" she whispered to Jay, her voice trembling with uncertainty.
Jay placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, offering her a comforting smile. "You'll do fine, Mia. You worked so hard on your project, and it shows. No matter what happens, we're all proud of you," he said gently, his words filled with confidence.
Mia drew strength from her brother's unwavering support, taking a deep breath to calm her nerves. "Thanks, Jay. I needed to hear that," she replied gratefully, her anxiety starting to ease.
As they took their seats among the crowd, Mia couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building within her. She knew that no matter what the outcome of the award ceremony, she had given her all, and that was something to be proud of.
When the clock ticked Eight-O-Clock, the lights diminished, and a lot of fancy suited men and ladies stepped on stage.
" Welcome, everyone, to the 29th annual Science Fair of San Diego! My name is Anna Devella, and I am the host for this year's science fair. Give a round of applause to all those contestants in the auditorium!" She said into the mic, and everyone whooped and cheered.
" Now, before we begin, I would like to remind everyone in this fair, everyone gets a prize. So, I would like to welcome to the stage, Mr. Johnson, the special awards man!" Anna clapped and backed away from the mic, and the same man who had judged Mia last appeared before the mic.
As Anna Devella's voice echoed through the auditorium, Mia's heart pounded with anticipation. The excitement in the air was palpable as she joined in with the enthusiastic applause for all the contestants.
Mr. Johnson stepped forward, his presence commanding the attention of the entire room. His eyes scanned the crowd before landing on Mia, a knowing twinkle in his eye.
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen," Mr. Johnson began, his voice carrying effortlessly through the room. "It's truly an honor to be here tonight to recognize the incredible talent and dedication of the participants in this year's science fair."
Mia held her breath as Mr. Johnson continued to speak, her heart pounding in her chest. She couldn't help but feel a surge of hope as he began to announce the special awards, her fingers crossed tightly in anticipation.
With each award announced, Mia listened intently, her heart racing with nervous excitement. As the moment of truth drew nearer, she couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation that consumed her.
And then, finally, Mr. Johnson's gaze fell upon Mia, and a smile spread across his face. "And now, for our final special award of the evening..." he began, his voice trailing off as he paused for dramatic effect.
Mia held her breath, her eyes locked on Mr. Johnson, her heart pounding with anticipation. This was it—the moment she had been waiting for.
"And the recipient of the Special Achievement Award for Innovation and Impact is..." Mr. Johnson announced, his voice ringing out with clarity.
Mia's heart skipped a beat as she waited with bated breath for her name to be called, her entire being consumed with nervous anticipation.
" Mia Walker!"
Mia's heart leaped into her throat as her name echoed through the auditorium. The room erupted into cheers and applause as Mia's eyes widened in shock and disbelief.
Jay, Nya, and Fiona cheered louder than anyone else, their faces beaming with pride as they enveloped Mia in a tight group hug.
Mia's legs felt like jelly as she made her way to the stage, her heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and gratitude. She could hardly believe that her hard work and dedication had been recognized in such a profound way.
With shaky hands, Mia accepted the award and envelope of a $5,000 check from Mr. Johnson, her eyes brimming with tears of joy. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the thunderous applause.
As she stood on stage, basking in the glow of the spotlight, Mia couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment wash over her. All the late nights of studying, the hours spent perfecting her project, and the unwavering support of her family had finally paid off.
" Great job! But, you do know we still have a long time to wait." Jay congratulated her, gently prying the award and check out of her hands and putting it into the bag Nya had brought.
Mia's heart still fluttering with excitement, she turned to Jay, his words bringing her back to the present moment. "You're right, Jay. We do have a while to wait," she replied, a wide smile still gracing her lips.
Just then, another announcement rang out through the auditorium, drawing Mia's attention back to the stage. Her eyes widened with anticipation as she listened intently.
"And now, for the award for Advancing the World in Health," the announcer proclaimed, her voice echoing through the room.
Mia's heart skipped a beat as she realized the significance of the award. Health was at the core of her project's purpose, and the thought of being recognized for her contribution in this area filled her with a sense of pride and accomplishment.
" This first award goes to..." Mr. Johnson paused, and tension rose inside Mia's body. Did she do well enough? Will she get that prize? Will she be interviewed on Fox news? Will she-
" Mia Walker!"
Mia's eyes widened, and a squeal escaped her lips. Quickly, she ran up onto stage, received the plaque with her name on it and check for $1,000, and shook the man's hand.
" Now, this award also comes along with an interview from Fox news, investors investing into your engineering design, and us investing in any building you would like us to invest in. What will it be?" The lights turned to her, and Mia didn't even hesitate.
" The boxing center in Poway!" She exclaimed without a moment's hesitation, her voice ringing out with conviction and passion. The weight of the opportunity ahead of her felt both exhilarating and daunting, but Mia knew in her heart that she was ready to seize it.
As the spotlight illuminated her, Mia's eyes sparkled with determination. "The boxing center in Poway," she repeated, her voice steady and unwavering.
" Interesting choice. Why did you choose that?" Mr Johnson asked, and Mia replied, " We have so many people here who have Parkinsons. But, we only have one boxing place for them to fight back. I would like the owner to have a bigger place, so more people can fight back!"
" Looks like we have a people's thinker here!" Mr. Johnson announced, and the auditorium burst into applause.
" Great choice, Mia!" Nya whispered.
Mia nodded, placing her other award into the bag.
Hours passed, and Mia received five other awards in that timespan. Now, it was time to announce the overall winner of the competition.
"And now, for the most prestigious award of the night—the Grand Prize for Innovation and Impact," Mr. Johnson proclaimed, his voice ringing out with authority.
Mia's pulse quickened as she listened intently, her entire being focused on the words about to be spoken. This was the moment she had been waiting for—the culmination of months of hard work, dedication, and unwavering determination.
"And the recipient of this year's Grand Prize is......" He paused, then said, " I forgot."
Everyone burst into applause, and Mr. Johnson said, " The winner is...Mia Walker!" Mr. Johnson declared, his words met with thunderous applause and cheers from the crowd.
Mia's eyes widened in disbelief as she heard her name called, her heart soaring with joy and disbelief. She felt a rush of emotions wash over her—elation, gratitude, and an overwhelming sense of pride.
Jay, Nya, and Kai erupted into cheers, their voices blending with the cacophony of applause echoing throughout the auditorium. Mia felt tears of joy prickling at the corners of her eyes as she made her way to the stage, her legs trembling with excitement.
As she accepted the Grand Prize trophy from Mr. Johnson, Mia felt a sense of euphoria wash over her. This was more than just an award—it was validation of her hard work, dedication, and unwavering belief in the power of innovation to change lives.
" Now, you will have to remember, since you advanced, you will now travel all the way to Washington state to compete in the Worldwide state fair. Make us proud, Mia!"
" I will, Mr. Johnson." Mia said earnestly as Jay placed a hand on her shoulder. " I will."
This is real. Anyway, if you want to learn more, go to zfair.com. go to showcase and type in 552. The word Resting Tremor will be there.
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