Mia's Anger
Lol random story
Kai is not happy that I post a random story
I found this random picture. Lol
But it's cute.
Anyway for my story, you have to....
Scroll down
When the ninja entered their cabin, they found Mia talking to the pictures of Jay and Kai on the wall.
" Jay, I don't know what Ras did to you, but I know better. I know better than your Yang, surprisingly, that you can actually never be evil. You're an elemental master, Jay. The lightning one! Mom and dad taught us to always be good, and to help people! Not for this to happen!"
Then, before anyone could speak, she turned to Kai. " And now you. So, let's see. Life is hectic. Nya had to battle Jay, and now she has lightning. Jay hates her. Or so he thinks," she added quickly. " But I know as well as anyone Jay and nya will always love one another."
She shuddered, and turned to see the ninja.
" I know you've been there for two minutes. You can come in now."
Real story
Mia skipped steps and touched the last one as she shoulder rolled into the front yard. She sighed and stretched, then looked around.
Everyone was just staring at her.
" Uh... hi, guys?" Mia said, walking casually to the door and opened it.
Jay stopped punching the bag and looked at his sister. " Are you okay?"
" Uh, yeah? Why?"
" Because you just shoulder rolled."
" Yeah, so?"
" What do you mean, ' Yeah, so?'?" Kai looked at his sister, concern written all over his face.
" You guys need to relax." Mia rolled her eyes and walked in, slamming the door behind her.
Cole looked up from his hammer. " Let me guess. She's over training?"
Jay sighed and nodded. " Yup."
Lloyd, who was polishing his katana, looked at Jay reassuringly. " She'll be fiiiine. Just relax."
Jay sighed as he looked at the door. " I hope you're right."
A few hours later, the ninja were playing video games when the front door slammed. Jay, curious, turned to the door, to see Mia covered in soot. Her hair was kind of singed, but she was unfazed.
" Mia?!" Jay threw his console to Cole and ran to Mia. " What happened?"
" What happened is I remembered I needed to take a bath." She walked away, but Jay grabbed her hand.
" Mia, seriously. What happened?"
" I told you. I have to go and take a bat-"
" Listen, Mia. You're not fooling anyone. We can all see you're burned. Just tell us!"
Mia rolled her eyes. " Jay. I'm fine. I have to go take a bath."
She pulled her hand away, and walked to the bathroom.
But Jay wasn't gonna take it. He walked to Wu's study and barged in.
" Master Wu, what happened to my sister?!" He cried before realizing Wu was meditating.
" Oh... sorry."
Wu opened his eyes. " Jay, what is so important you barge in and interrupt my meditation?"
Jay blushed. " Sorry, Master. It's just.... Mia came home with soot all over her. Where did she go?"
Wu sighed and stood up. He put a hand on Jay's shoulder. " Mia went to rescue people from a fire."
Jay's face shifted to concern. " What?! Why didn't she tell us?!"
" She thought it would be better to handle it on her own."
" But-"
" She saw how much fun you guys were having and didn't want to ruin it. I told her she wouldn't, but she made me promise not to tell until she came back."
Jay couldn't believe it. " How?"
Wu sighed and pointed to Jay's hands.
" Wha- wait. She didn't actually threaten to use lightning on you!"
" Not on me. On my carpet."
Jay blinked. " Wow. That's... intense."
Wu sighed. " Jay, you must start punishing Mia for any bad behavior."
Jay blinked. " Sorry?"
" We've all noticed it, Jay." Lloyd said from behind him. " Mia's too dangerous."
" Bu.... but that's who she is!"
" There are more ways to be fierce than threatening."
Jay sighed and nodded. " Okay."
" But," He continued. " Let it be known I will stop next week."
" Deal." Wu and Jay shook hands.
But no one noticed the soft gasp and two small eyes peeking in.
" Mia?" Jay asked in a frustrated voice. " Open the door."
No answer.
" Mia?"
Jay sighed, and with a heavy heart, he knocked the door down.
On her bed, Mia was deep in thought, reading her book while petting Blackie.
Blackie noticed Jay first and hissed. " You have a visitor."
Mia set the book down and looked at Jay nervously. " Blackie, it's okay."
Blackie meowed sourly and curled on Mia's lap. Mia kissed Blackie's head and looked at Jay.
" Hello, big brother." She said, softly.
Jay raised his brows. This was certainly confusing, if not concerning.
" Are you okay?" Jay sat on her bed. She scooted away.
" Yeah. Why wouldn't I?"
" Because you're quiet."
" I'm always quiet."
Jay's brows furrowed but he didn't say anything. " O- kay. Hey, me and the guys are going to go out. Wanna join?"
Mia shook her head. " I'm gonna go to sleep."
Now Jay was really worried. " Are you sure?"
Mia nodded, and put her blanket on. Jay leaned in and kissed her cheek.
" Love you." Jay whispered.
" Love you." Mia said, before nestling into the blanket and closing her eyes.
Jay tiptoed out of her room and went to the living room, where Cole and Kai were having a rematch. Jay walked in front of the screen and blocked it.
" Jay, move! I'm about to beat my high score!" Kai said, irritated as he tried to see through Jay's arms.
Cole walked up to Jay. " Buddy, how about we move?"
" No, guys! This is urgent"! Jay exclaimed.
" Even more important than me beating my high score?" Kai asked.
" It's about Mia."
Immediately, the argument was over. Kai switched the TV off and Cole guided Jay to a couch .
" Okay, what happened?" Lloyd asked.
" Mia's not herself!"
They all stared at him. " Uh, Jay. You're gonna have to elaborate on that." Lloyd piped up.
Jay sighed. " She's quiet, she went to bed. She's shy. She didn't even want to go train with us."
Kai's eyes widened. " Mia never misses an opportunity to train with us."
" And she's never shy! At all!" Cole added.
" Which is why I need your help. We need to figure out what;s going on with my sister!"
Cole placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. " We're with you!"
The others nodded.
" Okay. Operation- Get Mia back to herself is a go!" Jay cheered.
The next morning, Mia didn't come out for breakfast. Blackie did.
The cat meowed as he peered into the fridge. He found some leftover cake and grabbed it for Mia. When he turned, Jay and the other ninja were towering over him.
" Okay, Blackie. Speak." Kai said firmly.
Blackie raised a brow. " Fire boy what are you talking about?"
Jay sighed. " What he means is, what's with Mia?"
A hint of confusion passed Blackie's face, but it was quickly replaced with determination. " I have absolutely no idea. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a human to feed."
Without another word he scurried down the hall, his little paw taps becoming quieter as he went farther.
Kai rubbed his hair. " Okay, what now?"
Lloyd cracked his back. " I guess we go eavesdrop?"
Jay sighed. " I guess we have to, given the fact Blackie didn't say anything."
They tiptoed to Mia's door and pressed their ears gently to the door. They had to strain so they could hear the words.
" .... Even they're worried." Blackie was saying. " Just tell me what's wrong!"
They could hear Mia sigh. " Blackie, it's nothing."
Blackie sneezed, and yawned. " Are you sure?"
Mia let out another frustrated sigh. " Yes, Blackie."
" Okay."
"Come on, Mia! Talk to me," Blackie insisted, his tone a mix of concern and irritation.
Mia rolled her eyes and huffed. "I just did, didn't I?"
Blackie flicked his tail and gave her a sarcastic look. "Ha ha, very funny. You know what I mean."
Mia just shrugged, her eyes focused on the book she was pretending to read. "I'm fine, Blackie. Seriously. You don't have to worry."
The cat narrowed his eyes and sat down beside her, his gaze not wavering. "If you were really fine, you wouldn't be hiding in here all day. Something's bothering you."
Mia sighed and put the book down, running a hand through her slightly singed hair. "It's nothing. Really, it's just... everything feels different lately, and I don't know how to deal with it."
Outside the door, the Ninja exchanged worried glances as they continued to eavesdrop.
Blackie nudged her hand with his head. "Different how?"
Mia hesitated, her eyes flicking towards the window. "I don't know... I just feel like I'm not as strong as I used to be. Like maybe I'm not really cut out for all of this."
Blackie's ears perked up, and he narrowed his eyes in disbelief. "Not cut out for this? Mia, you're one of the toughest people I know. You've never let anything hold you back before."
Mia shook her head, her voice barely a whisper. "But what if that's not enough anymore? What if I'm just pretending to be tough?"
Blackie tilted his head, studying her carefully. "Mia, being tough isn't about never having doubts. It's about facing them head-on and not letting them control you. You're allowed to feel scared or unsure. But that doesn't make you any less strong."
Mia's eyes softened as she looked at her feline friend, a small smile tugging at her lips. "Thanks, Blackie. You're right... I just don't want to worry Jay or the others."
Blackie gave her a serious look. "Keeping things bottled up only makes it worse. Jay and the others care about you, Mia. They'd want to know what's going on, so they can help."
Mia nodded, finally letting out a deep breath. "Okay. I'll talk to them... later."
Blackie nudged her again, this time with a more playful air. "Good. And next time, maybe avoid the fire thing, huh?"
Mia chuckled softly, the tension in her shoulders easing just a bit. "Yeah, I'll try."
Outside, Jay quietly stepped back from the door, exchanging a relieved glance with the others. They'd heard enough to know that Mia wasn't as okay as she pretended to be, but they also knew she was starting to come around.
"We should give her some space for now," Jay whispered, and the others nodded in agreement, stepping away from the door.
As they walked back down the hall, Kai spoke up, a note of determination in his voice. "We'll keep an eye on her. And when she's ready, we'll be there for her."
Jay smiled, feeling a sense of comfort in the support of his friends. "Yeah. We will."
But after they left, Mia looked around the room nervously before leaning in closer to Blackie. "Can I tell you a secret?" she whispered.
Blackie's ears perked up, and he gave her a curious look. "Sure, go ahead."
Mia glanced at the door, making sure no one was around, then whispered even quieter, "Wu told Jay to punish me when I get angry."
Blackie blinked in surprise. "O-kay... That's... something."
Mia sighed and continued, her voice dropping even lower. "And the truth is, I hate being shy like I used to be. I just want to train and yell at people, you know?"
Blackie, still processing, hesitated. "Uh... That's nice?"
Mia raised an eyebrow, a mix of confusion and disappointment on her face. "Really? That's all you've got?"
Blackie fluffed his fur, clearly struggling to find the right words. "I'm trying to find the right words here!"
Mia rolled her eyes, exasperated. "Seriously? You could at least say something like, 'Wow, Mia. That's intense. Why don't you punish that old man instead?'"
Blackie's eyes widened in mock offense. "Hey! That's my job! No one punishes people around here except me!"
Mia couldn't help but laugh at that, the tension in her shoulders easing slightly. "Yeah, yeah. You're the master punisher, I get it."
Blackie smirked, clearly pleased with himself. "Exactly. So leave the punishments to the professionals, okay?"
Mia chuckled and scratched behind Blackie's ears. "Alright, alright. But seriously, thanks for listening, Blackie."
Blackie purred contentedly, nestling closer to her. "Anytime, Mia. Just remember, you don't have to go through this alone. You've got me-and Jay and the others too."
Mia nodded, a small smile on her lips. "I know. And I guess that helps a lot."
Later that evening, the ninja were gathered around the dinner table, waiting for Mia to join them. The atmosphere was tense as they exchanged worried glances, each of them thinking about the odd behavior Mia had been exhibiting lately. Jay, unable to take it anymore, stood up and called out, "Mia, come out! Dinner's ready!"
For a moment, there was silence, and then Blackie, Mia's sassy cat, sauntered into the room instead. He hopped up onto the table, his eyes glinting with mischief.
Jay's eyes narrowed as he watched the cat. "Blackie," he said in a stern voice, "where's Mia?"
The rest of the ninja quickly surrounded Blackie, forming a loose circle around the table. They were all on edge, hoping to get some answers.
Blackie looked around at them, his expression one of pure innocence. "What are you guys staring at?" he asked, feigning ignorance.
Kai leaned in closer, his eyes narrowing. "Don't play dumb, Blackie. We know you were with Mia earlier."
Blackie tilted his head, blinking slowly. "Mia? Who's that again?"
Lloyd crossed his arms, trying to keep a straight face despite Blackie's antics. "Cut the act, Blackie. We know something's up, and we know you know."
The cat gave a dramatic yawn, stretching out on the table as if completely unfazed. "I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm just a simple cat trying to get some dinner. Now, if you'll excuse me..."
Cole sighed, rubbing his temples. "Blackie, this is serious. We're worried about Mia."
Blackie flicked his tail nonchalantly, his eyes half-closed. "Well, if you're so worried, maybe you should talk to her instead of interrogating an innocent cat. Just a thought."
Jay groaned in frustration, but he couldn't help but chuckle a little at Blackie's cheeky attitude. "Fine, fine. But if you see Mia, tell her we're here for her, okay?"
Blackie hopped down from the table, his tail swishing as he padded towards the door. "Sure thing, Jay. I'll be sure to pass along the message." He glanced back with a smirk before disappearing around the corner, leaving the ninja to their thoughts.
As the door swung shut behind him, Jay sighed and sat back down at the table. "That cat is impossible."
Kai shook his head, smiling slightly. "Yeah, but he's got a point. We need to talk to Mia ourselves."
Lloyd nodded in agreement. "Right. Let's give her some space tonight, but tomorrow, we find out what's really going on."
The others murmured in agreement, their concern for Mia growing. But for now, they tried to focus on dinner, though their thoughts remained on the missing member of their team.
As Blackie padded out of Mia's room to fetch her some water, Jay, still seated at the dinner table, called out to him again. "Blackie, we're serious this time. No more games."
Blackie paused mid-step and sighed dramatically, turning his head just enough to meet Jay's gaze. "Listen," the cat began, his tone slightly more earnest, "all I know is your sister hates being shy. That's it. Now, if you'll excuse me-"
Before Blackie could make his escape, Jay swiftly grabbed him by the scruff. "No. You're staying here until you give us some real answers."
At that moment, the door to Mia's room flew open, and Mia bolted into the room. Her eyes flared with anger as she saw Jay holding Blackie. Without a second thought, she ran at Jay, kicking him in the side, forcing him to release Blackie. "Don't ever touch my cat!" she shouted, her voice trembling with fury.
Jay stumbled back, more shocked than hurt. "Mia-"
"Mia!" Master Wu's stern voice echoed through the room, cutting through the tension like a knife.
Mia turned to face Wu, a smirk playing on her lips. "Oh, hello, Wu," she said coolly. "And yes, I know all about the little conversation you had with my brother. Punish me? Hah."
The room fell silent, the tension thick in the air. The other ninja watched, unsure of how to intervene.
Blackie, his fur still slightly ruffled from Jay's grip, took a deep breath and, with more urgency than usual, shouted, "Mia, I never thought I'd say this but... WOJIRA STANCE! NOW!"
Mia's eyes lit up with excitement as she grinned at Blackie. "Finally. I have some anger I need to work out."
Without hesitation, Mia focused her energy, channeling her elemental powers. The air around her began to crackle and swirl as fire, water, lightning, and wind converged in a chaotic vortex above her. The room filled with an intense energy, and with a wave of her hand, the elements combined, forming a massive serpent made of fire, water, lightning, and wind.
The serpent coiled and hissed, its glowing eyes fixating on the ninja. Mia, her voice cold and commanding, pointed at the serpent. "My pretty... teach them a lesson!"
The elemental serpent roared to life, surging forward with destructive intent, ready to follow Mia's orders.
The ninja scrambled to prepare themselves for the oncoming attack, but they couldn't help but feel the weight of the situation. Mia wasn't just angry-she was completely out of control. They knew they had to find a way to stop the serpent and bring Mia back to her senses before things got out of hand.
As the elemental serpent surged with power, Blackie quickly realized the situation was spiraling out of control. With a sharp flick of his tail, he called out, "Mia, hold on! What exactly did they say to you?"
Mia, still fuming, turned her gaze to Blackie. Her eyes narrowed, and she smirked as she began to recite, word for word, everything she overheard. "Wu told Jay to punish me when I get angry. Lloyd said I'm too dangerous. And Jay... he agreed to it. They all think I'm a problem. That's what they said."
As Mia's words echoed through the room, the color drained from the faces of Wu, Jay, and the other ninja. They were caught red-handed, their secret exposed. The realization hit them hard-Mia had heard everything, and now she felt utterly betrayed.
Mia looked at their pale faces, her expression a mix of hurt and anger. "Told you," she said with a bitter edge to her voice. "Now, goodbye. Liars."
With that, she turned away from them, her heart hardened by the betrayal. The elemental serpent, sensing her emotions, roared louder, its power growing as it fed off her anger.
Jay reached out, his voice filled with regret. "Mia, wait-"
But Mia didn't stop. She felt like she couldn't trust any of them anymore. With a final wave of her hand, she directed the serpent away from her friends, sending it crashing through the nearest window and into the night sky. The serpent dissolved into the elements, dissipating into the air, leaving behind a tense silence.
Mia stormed out of the room, leaving the others standing there, stunned and speechless, realizing they had just made a terrible mistake.
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