Making Jay un- hate the ninja

100th story!!
He was brainwashed in the agency. He was forced to say that he hates the ninjas. He was forced to change his name and learn new skills. He was transformed into an entirely different individual with extraordinary powers of lightning and thunder.

That's what the Wiki said, so.....

Mia came out of the bath, wearing her bathrobe. She quickly hurried to her room and put her gi on, then stepped back out.

" Kai? Do you have the swords?" She asked.

" Ready!"

" Cole, food?"

" I have loads!" Cole said, showing her the assortment of food in his bag.

" Nya, blindfold and bag?"

Nya nodded.

" Zane?"

" The Bounty's system is upgraded."

Mia nodded. " And it's all loaded to the Bounty?"

They all nodded.

" Good. I drive. Kai, radar. Zane and Lloyd, the telescope thing, and Nya... Well, you can be my co pilot."

" And me?" Cole asked.

" You have the most important job. Identitying creatures."

Cole shrugged. " Good enough."

" Great. We're all set. Let's roll!" Kai exclaimed, and they all ran to their ship. Mia turned the engine on, and Nya flipped the switches on, Zane and Lloyd brought the telescope down, and Kai turned the map on.

" Wait," Cole said. " Zane's the dictionary. Shouldn't he identify the critters?"

Mia quickly adjusted the plan with a nod. "You're right, Cole. Zane, you'll be in charge of identifying the creatures. Cole, you'll assist with navigation instead. Everyone good?"

Zane gave a firm nod, already processing the change. "I'll handle it."

Cole grinned, adjusting his role without complaint. "Navigation it is."

"Alright, let's not waste any more time. We have a mission to complete," Mia said, her voice filled with determination.

With everything set and the roles reassigned, they all rushed to their positions. Mia turned the engine on, feeling the ship's power as it roared to life. Nya expertly flipped the switches, while Zane and Lloyd brought the telescope into position. Kai activated the map, his eyes scanning the screen for any anomalies.

As they ascended into the skies, Mia focused ahead. "Stay sharp, everyone. We're not just hunting for clues; we're up against whatever the agency threw at us. Let's bring him back."

As the Bounty traveled up the steep path to the forest, the terrain became increasingly challenging. The wheels struggled to grip the uneven ground, and the van jolted with every bump.

Suddenly, there was a loud clunk, and the vehicle tilted slightly to one side. Mia tightened her grip on the steering wheel. "What was that?" she asked, concern evident in her voice.

Kai, who was monitoring the radar, looked up with a smirk. "Oh, nothing major. Just a loose tire, you know, because this mission needed more excitement. Who doesn't love a good breakdown in the middle of nowhere?"

Mia rolled her eyes, but she couldn't help the small smile tugging at her lips. "Not the time for sarcasm, Kai."

Kai leaned back, his tone still light. "Hey, I'm just saying, if we're going to get stranded, at least it's in a creepy forest with who-knows-what waiting for us. Really adds to the thrill."

Cole, seated in the back, chimed in with a laugh. "You say that now, but when we're all running from some giant, mysterious creature, you'll wish we had taken the easy road."

Zane, ever the logical one, calmly said, "We should stop and fix the tire before we proceed further. The uneven terrain could cause more damage."

Mia sighed and pulled the Bounty over to a stop. "Alright, let's get this fixed quickly. Kai, you and Cole handle the tire. Zane, keep an eye on the radar for any signs of trouble."

Kai hopped out of the van, still grinning. "Nothing like a good tire change in the middle of a steep, spooky forest. Just another day with the Ninja."

After the tire was replaced, the path transitioned from rough forest terrain to a steep mountain climb, the Bounty started to struggle. The slope was so sharp that even the powerful vehicle couldn't make it up on its own.

Mia gritted her teeth, her knuckles white on the steering wheel as she tried to keep the van moving forward. But the wheels spun in place, losing traction on the rocky incline.

"We're not going to make it at this rate," she muttered, frustration seeping into her voice.

Kai glanced at the slope ahead and then at the others. "Alright, new plan. Mia, you keep driving, and the rest of us will give it a push from behind."

Without hesitation, they all jumped out of the Bounty. Zane, Kai, Lloyd, Nya, and Cole positioned themselves at the back, ready to push.

"On three!" Lloyd shouted, bracing himself. "One, two, three!"

Mia hit the gas just as the others put all their strength into pushing the Bounty. The tires squealed, kicking up dust and small rocks as the van inched forward.

Kai, ever the joker, grunted as he pushed. "You know, when I imagined mountain climbing, this isn't quite what I had in mind. Maybe we should've brought a grappling hook instead of just muscles."

Cole, straining under the effort, shot back, "Yeah, well, next time you can carry the van up yourself, Mr. Sarcasm!"

Nya, despite the exertion, laughed. "Come on, guys, keep pushing! We're almost there!"

The combined effort of the team slowly paid off. The Bounty started to gain momentum, moving steadily up the steep incline. Mia kept the engine roaring, carefully guiding the van upward as the others pushed with all their might.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the Bounty crested the top of the steep slope. The team, panting and sweaty, piled back into the van, some collapsing into their seats with exhaustion.

"Everyone okay?" Mia asked, looking back at them.

"Never better," Kai panted, wiping sweat from his forehead. "Remind me to skip leg day at the gym after this."

Cole chuckled, catching his breath. "Leg day? This was leg day, arm day, and every other day combined."

Mia smiled, grateful for their teamwork. "Good job, everyone. Now let's get moving before anything else decides to challenge us."

The Bounty careened down the mountain, gravity doing most of the work as they all held on for dear life. The steep descent turned the ride into a wild, uncontrolled plunge.

"AHHHHHHH!" Cole, Kai, and Lloyd screamed, clutching each other as if their lives depended on it.

Zane, ever the calm one, gripped his seat tightly but even he seemed to brace himself more than usual. Nya and Mia were glued to the dashboard, their knuckles white as they tried to keep their balance.

Kai, trying to muster some semblance of courage, peeked over the dashboard. His face instantly paled. "GUYS?! THERE'S A TREE!"

Mia's heart raced as she looked up and saw the massive tree rapidly approaching. It loomed larger with every second, its trunk thick and unforgiving. Instinct kicked in.

With quick reflexes, Mia yanked the steering wheel to the side just in time. The Bounty swerved violently, skidding across the rocky path as it narrowly avoided the tree. The van tilted on two wheels for a nerve-wracking moment before slamming back down onto all four, continuing its wild descent.

Everyone was thrown to the side, but the van was still moving. Nya caught her breath, eyes wide. "That was way too close!"

Cole, still clinging to Kai and Lloyd, let out a shaky laugh. "Mia, remind me never to complain about your driving again."

Kai, now more alert, looked around with wide eyes. "Can we slow down now? Or, you know, not hit anything else?"

Mia, still focused on the road ahead, managed a quick glance back at them. "I'll try, but no promises! Hang on!"

The van finally began to slow as the slope leveled out, the wild ride easing up as they reached safer ground. Everyone let out a collective sigh of relief, releasing their grips and trying to calm their racing hearts.

Mia let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. "Well, that was fun," she said with a dry chuckle, earning a mix of relieved laughter and groans from the rest of the team.

With the worst of the descent behind them, Mia guided the Bounty back onto a more stable path, the team shaken but still in one piece. They had overcome another challenge together, and despite the scare, they were more determined than ever to complete their mission.

As the Bounty finally rolled to a stop at the edge of the forest, the team took a moment to steady themselves after the wild descent. But the sight before them was daunting-a thick, tangled wall of vines and dense foliage that seemed almost impenetrable.

Mia surveyed the overgrown forest with a sigh. "Looks like the real challenge begins here."

Kai hopped out of the van, unsheathing one of his swords with a grin. "Well, nothing we can't handle. Time for a little gardening, ninja-style."

Cole followed suit, grabbing his scythe from the back. "Let's clear a path. The sooner we get through this, the better."

Kai and Cole moved to the front, their blades flashing as they began hacking through the dense vines. The thick vegetation resisted their efforts at first, but the two worked in tandem, cutting away the tangled greenery with precision and speed.

The vines were stubborn, some as thick as a man's arm, but Kai's fire-infused sword and Cole's earth-powered scythe made short work of them. With each swing, more of the dense forest fell away, opening up a path just wide enough for the Bounty to pass through.

As they worked, the air around them grew humid and heavy with the scent of earth and vegetation. The sounds of the forest-distant bird calls, the rustling of unseen creatures-filled the air, making the atmosphere feel alive and slightly ominous.

"Keep an eye out," Mia cautioned from behind them, watching the forest closely. "This place feels... different. We don't know what might be hiding in here."

Nya nodded, standing guard beside Mia, her senses alert for any sign of trouble. Zane was at the ready, scanning the area with his enhanced vision, looking out for any unusual movement.

Despite the eerie atmosphere, Kai kept up the banter. "You know, I think I'm getting good at this. Maybe I should take up landscaping."

Cole laughed as he sliced through a particularly thick vine. "Yeah, sure, and I'll start a gardening club. But only if you do all the work."

"Deal," Kai grinned, swinging his sword through another vine.

Slowly but surely, they made progress, cutting a swath through the forest. As the path cleared, Mia guided the Bounty forward, inching their way deeper into the unknown. The thick forest seemed to close in around them, but with Kai and Cole leading the charge, the team pressed on, determined to reach their destination.

As the team finally broke through the last of the dense vines, they emerged into a small clearing in the heart of the forest. The atmosphere was tense, the air thick with an unsettling energy. In the center of the clearing stood Jay.

But this wasn't the Jay they knew. His usually bright, friendly demeanor was gone, replaced by a cold, almost menacing aura. His eyes, once full of warmth, now glowed with an eerie light, crackling with the power of lightning and thunder. He seemed lost in his own world, unaware of their presence.

Mia's heart clenched at the sight of her brother, the one who had always been her protector and friend. But now, he was different-dangerous. She knew what had to be done, even though it pained her.

Without hesitation, Mia motioned to the others to stay back as she quietly approached Jay, holding the special bag Nya had prepared. Her footsteps were soft, barely making a sound on the forest floor.

As she got closer, her voice trembled slightly. "Sorry, Jay," she whispered, her eyes filled with sorrow.

In one swift motion, Mia threw the bag over Jay's head, pulling it down over his shoulders before he could react. Jay flinched, startled, and the glow in his eyes flickered as he struggled against the bag.

"Mia!" he growled, his voice laced with anger and confusion as he tried to summon his powers, but the bag's material dampened his abilities, trapping him.

Mia held onto the bag tightly, tears welling up in her eyes but her grip firm. "I'm sorry, Jay," she repeated, her voice breaking slightly. "But we need to bring you back. We need you to be you again."

Kai, Nya, Cole, Zane, and Lloyd rushed forward, surrounding Jay to ensure he couldn't break free. Even though he was weakened by the bag, he still struggled fiercely, the remnants of his lightning powers crackling dangerously.

"Hold on, Jay," Lloyd said, his voice full of determination. "We're going to help you, I promise."

Jay continued to struggle, but the combined strength of his friends and the power of the bag kept him restrained. Slowly, the fight began to drain out of him, and he slumped in Mia's grip, breathing heavily.

Mia gently lowered him to the ground, her heart aching as she looked down at her brother. She knew this was the only way to save him, but it didn't make it any easier.

"We need to get him back to the Bounty," Zane said, scanning the area to make sure they weren't being watched.

Kai nodded, his face grim. "Let's move quickly. We don't know how long we have before something-or someone-else shows up."

The team worked together to lift Jay and carefully carry him back to the Bounty. The mission had taken a heavy toll, but they were one step closer to bringing their friend and brother back to the way he was.

After carrying Jay back to the Bounty, the team gently laid him down in one of the secure rooms on the ship. The special bag had subdued him, and now he was finally still, his chest rising and falling steadily as he slept. The eerie glow in his eyes had faded, leaving behind the peaceful expression they all remembered.

Mia carefully removed the bag from Jay's head, her movements slow and gentle. His hair was tousled, and his face looked more like the Jay she knew and loved. He was deep in sleep, the battle within him momentarily silenced.

Mia knelt beside him, brushing a stray lock of hair away from his face. Her heart was heavy with a mix of emotions-relief, sadness, and a deep longing to have her brother back. She leaned in closer, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry, Jay. I wish I could've saved you sooner."

As if sensing her presence, Jay stirred slightly. His hand twitched, and for a brief moment, his lips curled into the faintest of smiles, even in his sleep. Mia couldn't help but smile back, a soft chuckle escaping her lips.

"Still cute," she murmured, her voice filled with affection.

Exhaustion finally caught up with her, and she felt her eyelids grow heavy. Without thinking, Mia laid her head down on Jay's chest, finding comfort in the familiar rhythm of his heartbeat. Despite everything, this small moment of peace made her feel safe, like the brother she knew was still in there somewhere, waiting to come back.

Her eyes fluttered shut, and before long, Mia drifted off to sleep, her small form curled up against Jay. The others, seeing the tender scene, quietly left the room, giving them the space they needed. For now, they had Jay back, and that was all that mattered.

* A few hours later*
A few hours later, Mia stirred awake and found herself still nestled against Jay, but something felt different. As she blinked the sleep from her eyes, she noticed Jay sitting up with a plate of food in front of him. Despite the tempting spread, he wasn't touching it. Kai was crouched beside him, trying to coax him into eating, but with no success.

Mia sat up, her confusion evident as she rubbed her eyes. "What in Ninjago is happening around here?!"

Kai looked up, frustration evident on his face. "He's not eating. I've tried everything, but he just won't take a bite."

Mia, still half-asleep, glanced at her fingers thoughtfully. "Are you feeding him with his blue spoon?"

Kai stared at her, baffled. "What? His blue spoon? No, I didn't even think of that."

Mia's eyes widened as she continued, "And what about his binkie? Did you bring it?"

Kai's confusion deepened. "His...binkie? No, I didn't think he'd need that. I thought we were past all that."

Mia's face softened with understanding as she realized what Jay might need. "Oh, come on, Kai! He's still in a vulnerable state, and sometimes those small comforts are what help."

Kai looked at Mia, then at Jay, and nodded slowly. "Alright, I'll see if I can find the blue spoon and the binkie."

As Kai quickly fetched the items, Mia turned back to Jay, her expression gentle. "Hey, Jay. I know you're probably feeling all sorts of things right now, but let's try to make it a bit easier, okay?"

When Kai returned with the blue spoon and binkie, Mia carefully took them from him. With a reassuring smile, she held out the spoon towards Jay. "Here, Jay. Let's try this."

Jay looked at the spoon and then at Mia, a faint glimmer of recognition in his eyes. He hesitated for a moment, but then, slowly, he picked up the spoon and began to eat. The binkie, meanwhile, found its place in his hand, providing a small but significant comfort.

Mia watched with a relieved smile as Jay finally began to eat. "See? Sometimes it's the little things that help the most."

Kai sighed in relief, giving Mia an appreciative nod. "Thanks, Mia. I guess sometimes the simplest things are the best."

As Jay continued to eat, the atmosphere in the room lightened, and Mia settled back down beside him, feeling more hopeful about their path forward.

Then it's the same old, same old.

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