Leatherback Sea turtle 🐢

Warning- has the h word in it.

Like a lot.

But anyway....

" Okay.... Easy does it.... Nice and slow....." Mia coached, looking behind her and taking a step back which moving her arms towards her.

Nelson and Rose grunted as they lifted the stretcher again. The occupant of it wiggled, trying to get off.

Mia, noticing they were on the edge, yelled, " JAKE WE NEED YOU HERE!"

Jake came running over and took one look at the occupant and ran to its side. He gently took of of its flippers and thought in his mind, " you're okay."

Nelson noticed and smiled as he watched the outcome. " Thank goodness you unlocked your elemental power, Jake."

" Yeah. Telepathy is a handy skill." Rose agreed.

Jake blushed, still holding the flipper. " It's fine. But you should look ahead, Nelson, or you'll bump into the door."

Nelson turned his attention back in front of him, and walked up the steps and through the door. Jake followed Rose and helped set the animal down.

" Woah!" Jake grunted as he stumbled back. " What do you eat, a cinder block?"

The animal turned to Jake. " No."

" Then what did you eat?"

" Crabs."

" Oh." Jake nodded in understandment.

" Uh, Jake? Not all of us can hear what you hear." Nelson said, crossing his arms. " What did it tell you?"

" First, it's a she." Jake informed as he helped set it on the floor. " Second, she has crabs for dinner."

" Yep! A loggerhead sea turtle's jaw is designed to be tough, and can crush their prey."

Nelson hopped back. " Yikes! Hope she doesn't do that to me!"

Jake giggled as Rose snapped a few pictures. " I'll tell her not to."

After Jake gave her the message, he came up with an idea.

" We can't just keep calling you turtle." He mused. " Could we call you.... Bluey?"

The turtle stared and put her flipper on his hand.  " No".

" Yeesh, sorry. How about..... Mia?"

" What?? That's my name!" Mia exclaimed.

" Oh. Whoops. How about..... Uh.... Sandy?"

" Sure. That's fine."

" Sandy it is."

He conveyed the message to the others, who nodded in approval.

Nelson, though, couldn’t resist asking, “ But Sandy. Why Sandy?”

Jake shrugged. “ Just sounded right.”

Rose nudged her sister. “ Aren’t you gonna figure out what's wrong?”

Mia shrugged. “ Yeah. But I wanna do it with you guys.”

Jake nodded. “ I’ll stay next to her.”

“ We’ll go get your tools!” The twins choursed, running to her room.

Mia nodded, satisfied. “ Jake, help me move her to the blanket.”

With a grunt, Jake slid his hands under the turtle and stood up. His legs buckled, and he stumbled back. But he regained his balance and walked forward, albeit a bit quickly. He set Sandy down on the blanket, and collapsed next to her.

“ Who kn….e…..w……. A tur…..tl….e could se so…… heavy?!” Jake took a heavy sip of the water Mia offered him.

Mia giggled. “ You mean SEA turtle.” She corrected, taking a picture with her camera.

Jake, noticing, could help but comment, “ At this rate, you’re gonna need more storage.”

Mia shrugged and set the camera back down on the table. “ Maybe.”

Then she looked around. “ Where is my husband?” She asked, tapping her foot on the ground impatiently.

“ Right here!” Nelson exclaimed, running into the room with her stuff. “ Sorry, we were delayed by-”

“ A very sassy cat.” Rose interrupted.

“ A VERY sassy cat, Rose.”

“ Yes, A very sassy cat, Nelson.”

Mia rolled her eyes, but could help but laugh. “ You guys are impossible.”

“ That’s why you love me.” Nelson said, putting the tools on the ground.

“ Yes, I suppose it is.”

Then, she grabbed her flashlight. “ Jake, could you ask Sandy what happened?” She asked, focusing on Sandy’s eyes.

Jake compiled, and Sandy’s voice filled his head, crystal clear.

“ There was a net. A really bad net.”

“ We know this, Sandy.” Jake replied.

Sandy huffed. “ Well, what’s the point of asking then?!”

“ To see where it hurts!”

“ I’ll tell you what hurts! My eyes!”

Jake gasped. “ Mia, put the flashlight down! Now!”

Mia flashed it off. “ What happened?”

“ Sea turtles are sensitive to light!”

Mia gasped and staggered away. “ WHAT?!”

“ Tell her I forgive her.” Sandy said.

Jake nodded. “ Sandy forgives you.”

But Mia was in her own world, filled with guilt. “ I… I could have killed her!”

Nelson ran to her side. “ Mia, it’s okay!”

Mia shook her head. “ No, it isn’t!”

Rose sighed. “ O wise husband, what do we do?”

Nelson glared at Rose. “ You do see I’m at loss too, right?”

‘ But you’re her husband!”

“ We only got married two months ago!”

“ Do better!”

Nelson sighed, and turned back to Mia. “ Listen, Mia. You didn’t mean to do that to Sandy. You didn’t know!”

“ But-”

“ Sandy forgave you.” Nelson continued, holding her tight. “ You didn’t do it on purpose.”

Mia took a shaky breath. “  But this happened last time!”

“ No,” a sassy voice said. “ Last time, some vet took me to a room and was about to put me to sleep.”

Mia looked at her cat. “ Don’t remind me.”

Blackie strutted over to Mia and licked her nose. “ Come on, Mia! This is what you do best!”

Then, he quickly added, “ After being a ninja and sister, of course.”

Blackie purred and brushed against Mia’s face. “ Don’t feel bad. You didn’t know. Resume, and make sure not to do it again.”

Mia nodded . “ Okay. Yeah, I can do that.”

She turned to Jake. “ Where does it hurt?”

“ Back flipper.”

Mia nodded. “ Nelson, Rose. I need a bunch of popsicle sticks and bandages.”

Nelson raised a brow but didn’t question. He and rose bolted out of the room, and returned with the supplies. Mia set to work immediately. First, she wrapped the fin with the bandages, quickly wrapping and wrapping until she couldn’t see it anymore. Then, she wove the sticks in the bandages, and created a splint.

With a pat, she stepped back. “ There you go.”

Sandy let out a relieved growl and went under Jake’s hand.

“ She says thank you for your help. My fli- I mean, HER flipper- feels better already.”

Nelson bit his lip, while Rose burst out laughing.

“ JAAAAAAKE!” Sandy groaned, slapping her head.

“ Yeesh. Sorry.”
😂 Sorry. That was just too funny
Mia let out a sigh. “ That’s good to know.”

Rose nodded, catching her breath. “ Yeah. It is.”

Nelson eyed Sandy. “ But something about this stinks.”

Mia turned. “ Talk to us.”

Nelson began pacing around the room. “ We cleaned the trash a few weeks ago, correct?”

Rose nodded, stroking Sandy. “ Yeah. And then we gave it to the recycling center because most of it was reusable.”

“ The other things were used to make new weapons for us.” Jake added.

“ So how is there more litter in the water?”

“ Nelson,” Mia said gently. “ We didn’t clean all the trash.”

Nelson looked up with tears. “ But these are animals!” He exclaimed. “ They deserve to live!”

Mia hugged Nelson tightly. “ I know, Nels. I know.”

Rose looked at her brother, remorseful. “ There has to be a way to tell everyone to stop. I mean, this is the ocean we’re talking about!”

Jake nodded. “ We could spread awareness.”

“ And host beach cleanups!” Rose added.

Mia smiled and nudged her husband. * See? No animal has to suffer."

This is the literal one time Kai let's Jay touch him.

I think

Nelson took a deep breath, his emotions still running high. "Yeah, you’re right," he said, wiping away the tears. "We just have to keep trying, keep fighting for them."

Mia gave him a reassuring squeeze. "Exactly. We can't fix everything at once, but we can make a difference little by little."

Jake, still next to Sandy, gently stroked her shell. "We’ll spread the word, and we’ll make sure people understand what’s at stake. This can’t keep happening."

Rose, inspired by the determination in the room, jumped to her feet. "We should start a campaign. Get the word out, hold events, maybe even talk to schools about the impact of pollution on sea life."

Nelson's eyes lit up. "Yeah, and we can use our influence as ninjas to reach a wider audience. People listen to us; we can use that for good."

Mia nodded in agreement. "And we’ll make it a mission—our mission—to protect the ocean and all the creatures in it."

Sandy let out a soft growl of approval, as if understanding their plan. Jake smiled and conveyed her gratitude. "She’s on board too."

Nelson, still hugging Mia, finally managed a small smile. "Thanks, everyone. This really means a lot to me."

Rose clapped her hands. "Alright, let’s get started! First thing tomorrow, we’re organizing a beach cleanup. I’ll handle the logistics."

"And I’ll work on the campaign materials," Jake added.

Nelson stepped back, feeling more hopeful than before. "I’ll reach out to the community centers and schools."

Mia, always the leader, looked around at her team with pride. "Together, we’ll make sure that the ocean stays beautiful and safe for everyone—especially Sandy and her friends."

As they began to organize their plans, the room buzzed with energy and purpose. Mia knew that this was just the beginning of something big, something that could truly change the world for the better. And with her family and friends by her side, she felt ready to take on the challenge.

Blackie, ever the sassy cat, sauntered up to Mia and rubbed against her leg. "Just make sure you don’t forget about my fish dinner in the middle of all this ocean-saving business."

Mia laughed, bending down to pet him. "Don’t worry, Blackie. I’ll never forget about you."


The next few days were eventful, to say the least. Despite their best efforts to make a positive impact, the backlash was harsher than anyone expected. Mia came home in tears on three separate occasions, seeking comfort from Jay as the weight of the situation pressed down on her.

On the first day, Mia returned home, her eyes red and puffy from crying. As soon as she stepped through the door, she collapsed into Jay’s arms. "They hate us, Jay," she sobbed. "They hate what we’re trying to do."

Jay gently held her, rubbing her back in soothing circles. "Shh, it’s okay, Mia. Not everyone understands right away. Change is hard for some people."

"But we’re trying to help!" Mia cried, her voice breaking. "Why can’t they see that?"

Jay sighed, feeling her pain as if it were his own. "Sometimes people are afraid of change, especially when it forces them to confront their own actions. It doesn’t mean what we’re doing isn’t right."

The next day, Mia faced even more hostility. People questioned their motives, accused them of overstepping, and spread rumors that their campaign was just a stunt for attention. Mia managed to keep it together until she got home, but the moment she saw Jay, the tears began to fall again.

"They’re saying such awful things," Mia whispered, her voice shaky. "I thought we were doing something good, but it feels like we’re making everything worse."

Jay pulled her into a tight embrace. "Mia, listen to me. What you’re doing is incredibly brave. You’re standing up for those who can’t speak for themselves. Don’t let their words make you doubt that."

"But it hurts so much," Mia admitted, burying her face in his shoulder. "I didn’t expect people to be so mean."

"I know," Jay replied softly. "But remember, you have a whole team behind you. We believe in what you’re doing, and we’ll get through this together."

On the third day, the backlash reached a peak. A group had organized a counter-protest, openly mocking their efforts and undermining their message. Mia came home that evening, her spirit crushed. This time, she didn’t even make it to Jay’s arms before she broke down.

"It’s too much, Jay," she sobbed, sinking to the floor. "I don’t know if I can keep doing this."

Jay knelt beside her, his heart aching for his sister. "Mia, I know it feels like the world is against you right now, but that’s because you’re making waves. Real change always meets resistance."

Mia shook her head, tears streaming down her face. "I just wanted to help, but it feels like we’re fighting a losing battle."

Jay gently cupped her face in his hands, forcing her to look at him. "You are helping, Mia. You’ve already made a difference, even if you can’t see it right now. Don’t give up. The animals need you. We need you."

Mia looked into her brother’s eyes, finding a glimmer of hope in his unwavering support. She took a deep, shaky breath, trying to steady herself. "I won’t give up. I just… I just need a break."

Jay nodded, understanding completely. "Take all the time you need, Mia. We’ll hold down the fort until you’re ready."

Mia managed a small, tearful smile. "Thanks, Jay. I don’t know what I’d do without you."

"You’ll never have to find out," Jay replied, pulling her into a comforting hug. "We’re in this together, no matter what."

And with that, Mia found the strength to keep going, knowing she had her brother by her side, no matter how tough things got.

By the fourth day, Mia had reached her breaking point. The constant hatred, the relentless criticism—it was too much. She was done being kind, done trying to reason with people who didn’t want to listen. So she put on her mean face, the one she only used when she was truly fed up, and decided it was time to fight back.

She stormed out into the crowd that had gathered, her eyes blazing with fury. Without a second thought, Mia unleashed her fire and lightning powers, not to harm anyone, but to make her point loud and clear. Flames crackled around her, and sparks of electricity danced in the air, commanding everyone's attention.

"Listen up!" Mia shouted, her voice echoing with authority. "You hate the earth? Fine! But just remember, the earth is the only home you've got. If you keep treating it like trash, maybe your life won't be hell, but it sure as heck will be miserable!"

The crowd fell silent, stunned by her sudden outburst. Some people shifted uncomfortably, while others looked down, ashamed. Mia's words cut through the air like a knife, striking at the very heart of their guilt.

"You want to keep polluting? Keep destroying what little we have left? Go ahead! But don't you dare complain when there's nothing left for your children or grandchildren. You want a better life? Then help the earth! Because, guess what? The earth helps you!"

Her words hung in the air, heavy and searing. The people who had once been so vocal in their hatred now stood quietly, some even beginning to rethink their actions. Mia's fiery determination had struck a chord, forcing them to confront the uncomfortable truth.

Nelson, who had been watching from the sidelines, felt a chill run down his spine. He’d never seen Mia like this—so fierce, so intense. He approached her cautiously, trying to make sense of the situation.

"Mia," he said softly, "you're scaring me. Maybe you should get more sleep."

Mia whipped around to face him, still fired up from her speech. "What does that have to do with anything?" she snapped, her eyes still glowing with residual energy.

Nelson shrugged, his usual easygoing demeanor a little shaken. "I don’t know. You just seem… really intense right now. Maybe a little rest could help."

Mia stared at him for a moment, her anger slowly ebbing away as she processed his words. She let out a long breath, realizing that she had let her emotions get the better of her. The exhaustion she’d been pushing down for days was starting to catch up with her.

"Maybe you're right," she finally admitted, her voice softening. "I'm just so tired of all the negativity. I wanted them to understand, to really get it, but… maybe I went too far."

Nelson stepped closer, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. "We all need rest, Mia. You’ve been carrying this weight on your own for too long. Let us help you. We’re a team, remember?"

Mia nodded, the fire in her eyes dimming to a flicker. "Yeah, I remember. Thanks, Nelson."

By the fifth day, Mia had reached her limit. She felt like she had become a monster—driven by anger, frustration, and exhaustion. The fierce determination that once fueled her had twisted into something darker, something she struggled to control. She was no longer the passionate defender of the earth; she was someone who lashed out, burning bridges as easily as she lit her flames.

Nelson watched her from a distance, concerned but unsure of what to do. Mia had become a force of nature, and any attempt to calm her seemed futile. The spark that made her so strong was now consuming her from the inside, and Nelson feared what might happen next.

He turned to Rose, who had been watching with equal concern. "Best we let her handle everything," he said quietly, his voice tinged with sadness. "There's no stopping her now. She’s on a warpath, and I don’t think anyone can reach her."

Rose bit her lip, conflicted. "But Nelson, she’s our friend. We can’t just leave her to deal with this alone. What if she goes too far?"

Nelson sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I know, Rose. I know. But every time we try to help, she pushes us away. She’s convinced she has to do this on her own, that she’s the only one who can fix everything. And maybe… maybe she’s right. Maybe she’s the only one strong enough to take on all this hate."

"But at what cost?" Rose whispered, her voice trembling. "We’re losing her, Nelson. This isn’t the Mia we know."

Nelson nodded, his heart heavy. "I know. But right now, all we can do is hope she finds her way back. She’s tough, Rose. She’s stronger than any of us. But even the strongest need help sometimes."

As they stood there, watching Mia confront yet another group of hostile people, Nelson couldn’t shake the feeling that something was about to break. He just hoped that when it did, they’d be there to catch her, to remind her that she wasn’t alone, no matter how much she tried to convince herself otherwise.

For now, though, they had no choice but to let her handle everything, praying that she wouldn’t lose herself in the process.

Jake burst out of the building, his eyes wide with concern as he took in the chaotic scene before him. Mia was on a rampage, her fiery temper erupting in every direction. Her eyes blazed with anger, and she was using her elemental powers to drive her point home with terrifying intensity.

“What happened here?!” Jake shouted, his voice cutting through the clamor.

The other ninjas, who had followed Jake outside, stood in stunned silence, watching as Mia unleashed her wrath on a group of people who had gathered in defiance. Lloyd, standing at the edge of the crowd, looked over at Jake with a mix of confusion and concern.

“I don’t litter. Do I?” Lloyd asked, his tone wavering.

Jake shook his head vigorously. “No, Lloyd, you don’t. But this—this is a disaster!”

Rose and Nelson, both looking equally troubled, rushed to Jake’s side. Rose glanced at Jake, then at Mia, and back at Jake with urgency. “Rose, Nelson, help me here!” Jake said, his voice edged with desperation.

Rose and Nelson didn’t hesitate. They sprinted towards Mia, weaving through the agitated crowd. Rose grabbed Mia’s arm gently but firmly. “Mia, let Jake handle this! Please!”

Mia, her face contorted in a fierce scowl, glared at Rose. “Fine!” she snapped, her frustration evident. She stepped back, allowing Jake to take over.

Jake took a deep breath, his own anger simmering beneath the surface. His voice boomed, cutting through the noise with a commanding authority. “You people live in hell! You’re going to rot in hell if you don’t change your ways! My friend here”—he pointed emphatically at Mia—“can make your life a living nightmare, and she will if you don’t correct your actions by tonight!”

The crowd recoiled at Jake’s fiery outburst, his words hitting harder than Mia’s flames. The intensity of Jake’s reprimand cut deeper than the physical manifestations of Mia’s anger. The people stood stunned, their faces paling as they absorbed the weight of Jake’s words.

Mia, seeing Jake’s fiery speech, couldn’t help but cheer him on. “Go, Jake!” she shouted, her voice laced with a mixture of relief and pride.

Jake’s eyes burned with unyielding resolve. “You’ve got until tonight to fix this mess! Or else!” He glared at the crowd, his expression leaving no room for doubt. “This isn’t a threat—it’s a promise!”

As Jake’s words reverberated through the crowd, Nelson, sensing the escalating situation, turned to Rose with a worried look. “Okay, bad idea,” he said, his voice low and troubled. “We need to de-escalate this before it gets worse.”

Rose nodded, her face etched with concern. “Yeah, we do. Let’s get everyone out of here and try to fix this mess before it’s too late.”

Jake continued to stand his ground, his presence commanding respect and fear. The crowd began to disperse, their once defiant demeanor replaced with apprehension and regret. As they fled the scene, Jake’s stern gaze followed them, his heart heavy with the weight of his words.

With the crowd finally gone, Jake let out a sigh of relief. He turned to Mia, who was still fired up but looked somewhat relieved. “You won’t regret this,” he said, his tone softer but still intense. His words seemed to cut through the remaining tension, leaving a mark of their own.

Nelson shook his head, a weary smile tugging at his lips. “You sure know how to make an impact, Jake.”

Mia, her anger beginning to cool, looked at Jake with a mix of admiration and regret. “Thanks, Jake. I guess I needed that.”

Jake gave a curt nod. “Just remember, we’re all in this together. Let’s work on making things better, not worse.”


The next week, the team set sail on a small boat to return Sandy, the loggerhead sea turtle, to her natural habitat. The sun was shining brightly, and the gentle waves lapped against the sides of the ship as they made their way towards the open ocean.

Sandy was resting on the deck, her flippers moving slightly as she sensed the nearing freedom. The crew gathered around her, their faces reflecting a mix of relief and sadness.

As the boat approached a spot where the water was clear and inviting, Mia and the others prepared to release Sandy. Jake, standing close by, looked down at the turtle with a soft expression.

Before Sandy was fully set to be returned to the water, she extended one of her flippers towards Jake. From under her flipper, she presented a small, shiny sea shell.

Jake knelt down and gently took the shell from her. “What’s this?” he asked, his voice filled with curiosity.

Sandy’s eyes sparkled as she responded through Jake’s telepathic link. “A token of my gratitude. To remember me by.”

Jake’s eyes softened as he took in Sandy’s gift. He gently placed the shell in his pocket, a gesture of appreciation and connection. “Thank you, Sandy. I’ll treasure this.”

Mia, watching the exchange with a warm smile, nudged Jake. “Say goodbye.”

Jake nodded, his voice tinged with emotion as he leaned down to Sandy. “I’ll miss you, Sandy. Thank you for everything.”

Sandy gave a small, appreciative nod before Jake and the crew gently placed her into the water. As she swam away, she turned to give a final wave with her flippers.

Jake watched her disappear into the blue depths, feeling a pang of sadness but also a deep sense of fulfillment. The journey had been tough, but the reunion with Sandy was a reminder of the importance of their mission and the impact they could make.

Mia, standing next to Jake, patted his back. “Good job, Jake. She’ll be okay now.”

Jake looked at Mia, his eyes still reflecting the emotions of the moment. “Yeah. It feels good to know we made a difference.”

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