Kai's return
Everyone dealt with the loss of Kai and Jay differently.
Some meditated in front of their pictures.
Others used their elemental powers to replicate Kai's.
One even went to a Japanese garden to vent out.
And some.... Well, I don't really know.
I mean, what would you call canoeing down a waterfall and jumping halfway and spinning and doing tricks in the air before diving and using water to propel her up and doing a lightning and fire show?
In the water?
Yeah, well, guess who did that.
Our very dear Mia Elizabeth Walker.
Except don't say her middle name.
Or Jay's.
Mia's the only one allowed, and gets ticked off if someone else uses it.
Anyway, today was the same. She had just jumped into the water and did her trick.
" This is the life." She sighed. " Kind of."
Lloyd, who was watching from afar, asked Cole, " what's going on?"
Cole sighed. " The same thing that happened to Jay. During the Sons of Garmadon invasion, Jay lost his senses. He regained them when we were fighting that dragon- dinosaur thing."
" Oh."
Cole sighed as he watched her. " She's really broken."
Nya, who was with them, nodded. " Yeah. Jay and Mia and Kai had a special bond. Of course, Kai and Jay didn't really get along with one another."
Blackie sauntered by. " What have we here?"
Nya sighed. " We're watching Mia."
Blackie, with a mischievous gleam in his eyes, jumped up onto a nearby rock to get a better view. "Ah, our little whirlwind is at it again, huh?"
Mia, now finished with her impromptu water show, swam back to the shore and shook her hair out like a dog, water droplets sparkling in the sunlight. She noticed the group watching her and walked over, dripping wet but unfazed.
"Enjoying the show?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.
Lloyd smiled softly. "Impressive as always, Mia."
Mia shrugged, plopping down on the grass next to them. "It's just something to pass the time. Better than moping around, I guess."
Cole placed a hand on her shoulder. "You know it's okay to miss them, right? We're all feeling it."
Mia looked away, her expression hardening. "Yeah, well, missing them won't bring them back, will it?"
Nya knelt beside Mia, her voice gentle. "No, but it's okay to grieve. You don't have to be strong all the time."
Mia sighed, hugging her knees to her chest. "I just... I don't know what to do without them. Jay was always there, even when he was annoying. And Kai... he always knew how to make me laugh."
Blackie padded over and rubbed his head against Mia's arm. "We'll get them back, Mia. One way or another."
Mia looked down at Blackie and managed a small smile. "Yeah, we will."
Then, she sighed. " But now I have to go read Wu's scrolls. Care to join?"
" Well come in a while." Lloyd said, nodding her off.
When she was out of hearing, Lloyd turned to the others. " We need to find Jay."
" And Kai." Nya added.
" And Kai."
Cole nodded. " Let's go it."
Zane analyzed the footprints Mia made.
" Uh, these prints have a rather peculiar pattern."
Lloyd peeked over. " Those are Jay's shoes."
Zane raised his brows. " Why would she wear her brother's shoes?"
Everyone stared at him.
" What?" He asked.
Cole sighed. " Isn't it obvious? She misses him a lot."
Blackie came though the trees. " Guys, there's some new mystery that needs your attention."
Lloyd nodded. " Okay. Where is it?"
" Beach. Mia's staying behind to... Well... Train."
" Train?!" Nya squeaked.
Blackie shrugged. " Yeah."
The team hurried to the beach, following Blackie's lead. As they approached, they saw the Wolf Masks wreaking havoc, stealing supplies, and terrorizing beachgoers.
Lloyd took charge. "Alright team, let's show them what we're made of!"
The battle was swift and fierce. Lloyd, Nya, Cole, and Zane fought with precision, their teamwork honed by years of training. Nya unleashed powerful water blasts, Zane used his ice to immobilize the Wolf Masks, Cole's earth powers created barriers and traps, and Lloyd's green energy bolts disarmed their foes. Within minutes, the Wolf Masks were defeated and scattered, fleeing the scene in panic.
As the last of the Wolf Masks disappeared over the dunes, Lloyd turned to the others. "Alright, let's head back and check on Mia."
They made their way back to the monastery, where they found Mia in the courtyard. She was in the middle of an intense training session, her movements a blur of kicks, punches, and throws. She moved with a ferocity that was both impressive and worrying.
Cole watched in concern. "Can we calm her down?"
Lloyd shook his head. "I don't think so. She's processing everything in her own way."
Mia noticed them and paused, panting heavily. "What happened at the beach?"
"We took care of it," Lloyd said. "Wolf Masks won't be bothering anyone for a while."
Mia nodded, wiping sweat from her brow. "Good."
Nya approached her gently. "Mia, you're pushing yourself too hard."
Mia shrugged. " I always do this." Then she glared at them. " Then again, only Kai and Jay know that."
Then, she stormed off, leaving the others confused.
" I didn't know she was that affected." Cole commented.
Nya shook her head. " Give her time. She'll bounce back."
And she was correct. By the end of the day, Mia was back to her normal self.
When her brothers weren't there.
When Lloyd passed by the training room, she saw Mia kicking and punching and stuff.
" Mia, maybe take a break?"
Mia shook her head. " Never put off for tomorrow what can be done today."
Lloyd sighed and walked away, knowing it was pointless to argue.
So he gathered the others in the common room, explaining Mia's behavior. "She's pushing herself too hard. I tried talking to her, but she just won't stop."
Nya frowned. "We should try to help her find a balance."
Cole nodded. "I'll give it a shot. Maybe if I help her with something she enjoys, it'll take her mind off things."
Later, Cole approached Mia, who was still in the training room, working tirelessly. "Hey, Mia. How about a little break? I can help you build something fun."
Mia glanced at him, her face lighting up with a hint of a smile. "Alright, Cole. Can you make me a rock mountain to jump up and down on?"
Cole raised an eyebrow but agreed. "Sure, I'll get on it."
Meanwhile, Zane was nearby, tinkering with his machine. Mia called out to him. "Hey, Zane, can you make an ice rink for me to practice skating?"
Zane looked up from his work, surprised but willing. "Alright, Mia. I'll create one for you."
Once Cole and Zane finished their tasks, they rejoined Mia, who was eagerly exploring her new rock mountain and skating on the ice rink. She seemed to have found a new sense of joy and focus.
Lloyd and Nya observed from a distance. Lloyd turned to Nya and Cole. "She's really pushing herself too hard."
Zane, watching Mia skate and jump with genuine enjoyment, shrugged. "I don't know. She looks like she's having fun."
Nya nodded in agreement. "Maybe this is her way of coping. As long as she's finding some joy in it, perhaps it's okay for now."
Lloyd sighed. "I hope you're right. I just want her to be okay."
* Next day*
The next day, the ninja woke up to find it quiet. They walked to the kitchen, and found breakfast made.
They looked at one another.
" Who did this?" Cole asked, breaking the silence.
Lloyd shrugged.
Then, he saw a note. He picked it up, and it read,
" Enjoy!
- Mia."
Cole raised his brows. " Well, that's unexpected. Where is she now?"
" Tracking Mia." Zane said, his eyes blinking . " Mia is currently at the waterfall, lifting weights and doing tricks in the water."
Lloyd raised his brow. " That's.... Interesting."
Cole shrugged. " That's Mia for you."
After breakfast, the ninja made their way to the waterfall, keeping hidden as they approached. From their vantage point, they saw Mia training vigorously. She was backflipping while batting ten weights effortlessly, her focus unwavering.
Cole watched in awe. "Wow, look at her go."
Lloyd frowned, concerned. "We need to talk to her. This isn't healthy."
The team stepped out from their hiding spot and approached Mia. Lloyd called out, "Mia, you need to stop this. You're pushing yourself too hard."
Mia, barely breaking her rhythm, shot them a glance. "I'm fine. If anyone needs help, it's you."
Nya stepped forward. "Mia, we're just trying to help you. This isn't the way to handle things."
Mia paused and took a deep breath. "I appreciate it, but this is how I deal with my emotions. I have to keep moving. If I stop, I'll fall apart."
Cole tried to reason with her. "But you're going to exhaust yourself. There are other ways to work through this."
Mia shook her head, returning to her routine. "I'm doing what works for me. You don't have to worry about me."
The ninja exchanged worried glances. Lloyd sighed. "We're just trying to look out for you."
Mia didn't respond, continuing her intense workout. The ninja watched for a moment longer before reluctantly turning away, hoping that Mia would find a better balance soon.
When nightfall arrived and Mia still hadn't returned, Zane used his tracking skills to locate her. He found her by the river, fishing in the tranquil setting of the evening.
"Well, at least she's relaxing," Zane observed, noting the calm atmosphere.
Cole squinted. "Oh, really?"
Zane watched as Mia continued to fish, but then saw her catch a large fish. Instead of keeping it, she carefully released it back into the water.
"Okay, not exactly relaxing," Cole commented, seeing the intense focus Mia maintained even while fishing.
Mia didn't seem to notice them at first. Eventually, she looked up and noticed the ninja standing nearby. Her patience snapped. "Can't you all just leave me alone? I'm doing what I need to do."
Cole and Zane exchanged glances, unsure how to respond.
Zane tried to calm her. "Mia, we just want to make sure you're okay."
Mia shook her head and turned back to her fishing. "I'm fine. I just need some space."
Realizing further conversation might not help, Cole and Zane decided to give her the distance she needed, retreating back into the night, hoping that Mia would come around in her own time.
The ninja regrouped in the kitchen to discuss Mia's recent behavior and their next steps. The atmosphere was heavy with concern.
Cole sighed, leaning against the counter. "She's really pushing herself. I mean, seriously, who does backflips while lifting weights?"
Nya, who had been quiet until now, looked up with a glint of determination in her eyes. "You know, we might be able to get Kai back."
Lloyd, who had been shuffling through some papers, looked up sharply. "Really? How?"
Nya's gaze was distant, as if she was piecing together fragments of a grand plan. "Well, I don't know exactly. But I have a hunch."
Cole raised an eyebrow. "A hunch? And this hunch involves what, exactly?"
Nya gave a mysterious smile. "Remember that ancient scroll Master Wu had about mystical rituals? There's something in there about reversing enchantments."
Lloyd tilted his head. "Wait, you think we can use some old ritual to fix Kai?"
Nya nodded vigorously. "Exactly! I mean, it's a long shot, but it's better than sitting here and doing nothing."
Cole leaned in, looking intrigued. "So, what's the plan? Where do we start?"
Nya started pacing, her thoughts racing. "Well, we need to find the scroll. It's somewhere in Master Wu's library."
Lloyd scratched his head. "Great. The library. Which is where?"
Nya waved her hand dismissively. "Oh, it's... um, it's in a place with lots of books. We might need to do a bit of searching."
Cole looked at Nya skeptically. "Do you have any idea where to start, or are we going to be wandering around aimlessly?"
Nya's confidence faltered slightly. "Okay, fine. I might not know exactly where it is, but I'm sure Master Wu's library has a very organized system. It's just... you know, I might need some help."
Lloyd sighed, looking resigned. "Well, I guess it's better than nothing."
Suddenly, Mia burst into the kitchen, her face flushed with exertion. "What's going on?"
Cole sighed. "We're trying to figure out how to get Kai back."
Mia's eyes lit up. "And? Do we have a plan?"
Nya nodded, a bit flustered. "We're going to check Master Wu's library for a scroll that might help us reverse the enchantment."
Mia looked at them, then at Nya. "And you're sure it's in the library?"
Nya hesitated. "Well, it should be. I mean, it's an old scroll, so it's probably buried under... uh, ancient scrolls."
Mia raised an eyebrow. "Ancient scrolls? You mean like the one you're always reading?"
Nya nodded. "Exactly! But bigger and older."
Mia sighed dramatically. "Great. So, we're going on a treasure hunt. Just what I needed."
Cole looked at Mia sympathetically. "Hey, it's better than being stuck here."
Mia smirked. "I guess. Let's get this show on the road."
Lloyd took a deep breath. "Alright, team. Let's go to the library and find that scroll. And let's try not to get lost in the process."
The group set off, heading to Master Wu's library with a mix of determination and trepidation. The thought of a treasure hunt brought a new energy to their step, though the prospect of sifting through countless scrolls and ancient texts seemed daunting.
As they entered the vast library, the aroma of old parchment filled the air. Shelves upon shelves were stacked with dusty scrolls and ancient tomes.
Cole looked around in awe. "Wow. This place is massive."
Nya nodded, looking equally impressed and overwhelmed. "Yeah. Master Wu sure knows how to collect books."
Mia, ever the pragmatist, began pulling scrolls off the shelves with purpose. "Alright, everyone. Let's get to work. The sooner we find this scroll, the sooner we can get Kai back."
Cole and Lloyd joined in, and soon the library was filled with the rustling of scrolls and murmurs of discussion.
After hours of searching, a triumphant shout came from the far end of the library. "I found it!" Nya called out, holding up a scroll that looked ancient and dusty.
The group rushed over, excitement palpable.
Lloyd grinned. "Nice work, Nya!"
Nya carefully unrolled the scroll, revealing intricate symbols and faded text. "Alright, let's see what we have here."
Before anyone could even read it, Mia said, " there's a ritual I need to do."
Everyone looked at her. " Pardon?" Cole asked.
" I need to commence a ritual."
Lloyd raised his brows. " Why only you?"
" Did I ever tell you that when Bonzle came to Wu she hugged me and gave me a bit of her magic."
Cole gaped. " Wait, we're talking about the same Bonzle, right? Skeleton, blue eyes-"
" Yes, Cole."
Cole sighed. " Sheesh. I was just making sure."
Mia rolled her eyes. " Well, if you'll excuse me, I need to find my crystal ball." With that, she turned and walked away briskly.
Nya blinked. " Is it just me or does she seem really unfriendly now that Kai is gone?"
" It's not just you." Lloyd replied.
" Kai and Jay had a special bond with Mia. It is likely for her to feel lonely now that they are both gone." Zane added.
Then, they heard a loud BOOM and decided to investigate.
They tracked it down to Mia's room, where she was flipping through a book. Her crystal ball was in front of her, and she had a witches hat on.
" Okay.... Brother out of slime.... Brother out of a pickle.... What?! No way.... Not doing that.... Nope... Nope..." She slammed the book and with a THUD, she set the book down and jumped on her bed.
" Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!" She muttered.
The ninja exchanged a look. This was not going well.
Suddenly, a bright light enveloped her room. When it vanished, there was a bubble.
With two faces no one thought to see so soon.
" Kai?! Bonzle?!" Cole exclaimed.
Mia turned to him. " What are y'all doing out there like strangers?"
Cole sighed. " Really?"
" Uh, guys? People calling from netherspace here?" Kai interrupted.
They turned to him. " Sorry." Mia said as she motioned for the others to come in.
" Hey, Mia? You still have that dormant magic in you? The one I gave you?" Bonzle asked.
Mia nodded. " Yep."
" Okay, listen carefully. Direct it here. It will send me to you. Then, using the remaining magic I have, we can bring your brother over."
Mia nodded. " Here goes."
As Mia focused her energy, the room filled with an ethereal glow. The ninja watched in awe as Mia's hands glowed brighter and brighter, the sparkles intensifying around the orb.
Bonzle's voice echoed from within the bubble. "That's it, Mia. Keep going. You're doing great."
Mia's concentration was fierce, and the room seemed to vibrate with the power she was channeling. The orb began to hum, resonating with her magic. The light grew almost blinding, and the ninja shielded their eyes.
"Almost there," Kai's voice urged from the bubble. "Just a little more!"
Mia gritted her teeth, her arms shaking with the effort. With one final burst of energy, the sparkles surged into the orb, causing it to shine brilliantly before dimming slowly.
But that light sent Mia flying to the wall.
Thankfully, Cole threw a pillow to save her head.
" Thanks." She whispered as he helped her up.
The room went silent for a moment, the air still heavy with residual magic. Then, in a flash, Bonzle appeared in the room, stumbling slightly as she regained her balance.
Bonzle shook herself off and nodded at Mia. "Good job, kid. Now for the final part."
Mia looked determined, though visibly exhausted. "Let's get my brother back."
Bonzle placed her skeletal hand on the orb, her eyes glowing even brighter. "Alright, everyone. This is going to take a bit of time, so bear with us."
The ninja watched as Bonzle chanted an incantation in a language they didn't recognize. The orb began to glow again, this time with a deep, pulsating light. Mia continued to channel her remaining magic into the orb, her face set with resolve.
Minutes felt like hours as the ritual continued. The light in the orb intensified until it became almost unbearable. Then, with a deafening crack, the light exploded outward, filling the room with a brilliant flash.
When the light faded, Kai was standing in the middle of the room, looking bewildered but unharmed.
"Kai!" Nya cried, rushing to hug her brother. The other ninja followed, joy and relief evident on their faces.
Kai, still dazed, hugged Nya back. "I can't believe it. You actually did it."
Mia, drained but smiling, collapsed onto her bed. "Told you we could get him back."
Bonzle, now looking slightly dimmer but satisfied, nodded. "Well done, everyone. That was no easy feat."
Cole chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. "Leave it to Mia to pull off a miracle."
Lloyd grinned. "Welcome back, Kai. We missed you."
Kai smiled, his eyes twinkling with gratitude. "Missed you all too. Now, let's never do that again."
As the group shared a moment of relief and happiness, Mia, despite her exhaustion, couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. They had done it. They had brought her brother back.
Bonzle, seeing Mia's weariness, patted her on the shoulder. "You did good, Mia. Get some rest. You've earned it."
Mia nodded, already feeling her eyelids droop. "Thanks, Bonzle. And thanks, everyone. Welcome home, Kai."
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