Jay's Birthday

Jay woke up.

On the beach.

In the waves.

On a raft.

With nothing but a map, an oar, and a sleeping bag.

... Also Kai, who was sleeping on the raft behind him, connected by rope.

There was only one person who could have done this.


Jay groaned and picked up the map. A small paper slipped from it. He picked it up, and read,

Happy birthday, brother! Your first clue is... Look for a tree.

This is the beach

Jay groaned, rubbing his eyes. "A tree?!" he exclaimed, staring out at the endless expanse of water around them. "Which type? There are thousands of trees!"

He glanced back at the map, hoping for more clues, but it offered little help. There was a vague outline of what seemed to be an island, but nothing else. He looked out at the horizon, searching for any sign of land or a tree that could be his first clue. But all he saw were the waves and the endless sky.

"Great. Just great," he muttered to himself, his mind racing as he tried to figure out what Mia had planned. "This is what I get for letting my guard down on my birthday."

He grabbed the oar and began to paddle slowly, trying to steer the raft in a direction that made sense. The rope connecting him to Kai’s raft tugged slightly as he moved, causing Kai to stir. Jay glanced back, hoping Kai would wake up and help him figure out what to do next.

As Jay paddled, he kept an eye out for anything that resembled a tree. The frustration of not knowing where he was going gnawed at him, but he also knew this was Mia’s way of challenging him. She always loved these kinds of puzzles—testing his wits and seeing if he could solve her riddles.

Finally, after what felt like hours, he noticed a speck in the distance. He squinted, trying to make it out. Could it be...? Yes! It was land! And as he got closer, he saw it—a single tree standing tall on the beach, its leaves swaying gently in the breeze.

Jay felt a small surge of triumph. "There it is!" he shouted, more to himself than to Kai, who was still snoring away.

He paddled harder, steering the raft toward the tree. As he approached, he noticed something tied to one of the branches. It looked like another note. Jay’s heart raced with anticipation. He pulled the raft up onto the shore, hopping off and quickly tying it down.

He hurried to the tree and reached up, untying the note. As he unfolded it, he couldn’t help but smile at Mia’s handwriting once again:

Good job, Jay! First, dig this spot

Jay looked around for a shovel. Nothing. With a sigh, he dug with his hands.

After a while, there was a chest. In it was a picture frame of the ninja and him, with Jay.... Looking very weird.

I mean, a mustache?  And long eyelashes ? I mean, seriously!

Jay sighed, and picked up the note.

Now, head toward the mountain. You'll find your next clue there!

Jay sighed again, looking up at the tall mountain in the distance. He glanced back at Kai, who was now slowly waking up, groggy and disoriented.

"Morning, sleepyhead," Jay called out, waving the note as he set the small chest on the raft. "Guess what? Mia’s got us on another one of her wild adventures."

Kai blinked, still trying to wake up fully. "What... where are we?" he asked, rubbing his eyes.

Jay chuckled. "No idea. But we’ve got a mountain to climb if we want to figure it out. Come on, let’s get going."

Kai groaned, but there was a hint of amusement in his voice. "You and your sister are going to be the end of me, Jay."

Jay grinned, tossing the map to Kai. "Hey, at least it’s not boring, right? Let’s go find out what else Mia has in store for us."

And with that, the two of them set off toward the mountain, ready to tackle whatever challenges Mia had planned for them on this crazy birthday adventure.

Unfortunately, their raft was destroyed.

By unnatural lightning. ( Looking at you, Mia!)

Forutenely, there was a beach nearby.

And it was close to the mountains.

So Jay and Kai trudged through the sandy beach, the mountain looming in the distance. They had barely made it a few steps inland when they heard it—a distant rumbling, like the low growl of a beast.

Jay paused, looking around nervously. "Do you hear that?"

Kai, still waking up from his unexpected nap on the raft, frowned and nodded. "Yeah, and it’s getting louder."

As they ventured further, the rumbling grew until it became a deafening roar. The ground beneath their feet started to shake slightly, and the trees around them began to tremble. Jay exchanged a wary glance with Kai.

"Please tell me that’s not what I think it is," Jay muttered.

Kai peered through the trees ahead and spotted the source of the noise. "It’s exactly what you think it is."

Before them was a raging river, swollen with water that rushed with terrifying speed. The rapids were fierce, crashing against rocks and churning up white foam as they thundered downstream. The river cut straight across their path, leading toward the base of the mountain where Mia had hinted their next clue would be.

Like these. Very very rocky. But steeper.

And way faster.

Like, as my friend would say, " 300 miles per hour!

Jay’s heart sank. "Of course. Rapids. Why wouldn’t there be rapids?"

Kai shook his head with a resigned sigh. "Well, we can’t just stand here. We need to get across somehow."

Jay eyed the river nervously. "Do you think we can swim it?"

Kai looked at the raging water and then back at Jay. "I’d rather not test that theory."

They began to scout along the riverbank, looking for any possible way to cross. The river seemed to stretch on forever, with no bridge or shallow crossing in sight. Just when they were beginning to think they’d have to double back and find another route, Jay spotted something downstream.

"Look, over there!" Jay pointed. "Is that... a raft?"

Indeed, there was an old, rickety-looking raft made of logs tied together with vines, caught on the rocks at the edge of the rapids. It looked like it had seen better days, but it was still intact.

Kai stared at it skeptically. "That thing looks like it’s one wave away from falling apart."

Jay shrugged. "Do we have any other choice? Besides, I’m pretty sure Mia left it there for us. It’s too convenient to be a coincidence."

Kai sighed. "You’re probably right. Let’s just hope it holds together long enough to get us across."

They carefully climbed onto the raft, testing its stability. It creaked and groaned under their weight, but it didn’t fall apart—yet. With a push, they set off into the current.

The moment they hit the rapids, the raft was swept up in the violent surge of water. Jay and Kai held on for dear life as the raft bounced and lurched over the rocks, the river tossing them around like a toy. The roar of the rapids drowned out everything else, and it took all their strength just to stay on the raft.

"Is it me, or is this getting worse?!" Jay yelled over the noise, gripping the side of the raft so hard his knuckles turned white.

Kai, who was trying to steer with the single oar they had found on the raft, gritted his teeth. "Just hang on! We’re almost through—"

Before he could finish, the raft hit a particularly large rock, sending them spinning wildly. The force nearly knocked them off, and the raft splintered at the impact, logs breaking away as the raft started to come apart.

"Not good, not good!" Jay shouted as he clung to what was left of the raft.

They were nearing the end of the rapids now, where the river calmed slightly, but the raft was barely holding together. With a final surge, the river spat them out into a calmer section, and what was left of the raft drifted slowly toward the shore.

Jay and Kai scrambled off the wreckage, soaking wet and exhausted, but miraculously unharmed. They collapsed onto the grassy riverbank, catching their breath.

"Well," Jay panted, "that... was intense."

Kai chuckled weakly. "Mia’s really outdone herself this time. Happy birthday, Jay."

Jay groaned but couldn’t help but laugh too. "Yeah, happy birthday to me. Let’s hope the rest of this adventure doesn’t involve any more near-death experiences."

They lay there for a moment, staring up at the sky, before finally gathering the strength to continue. The mountain was still ahead, and who knew what other surprises Mia had in store for them. But for now, they were just glad to have made it through the rapids in one piece.

As Jay and Kai gathered their strength to continue, Jay spotted something glinting on the ground nearby. He moved toward it, curious, but just as he was about to reach it, he tripped over a rock sticking out of the ground.

"Oof!" Jay grunted as he stumbled and nearly fell. "What the—?"

He glanced down at the offending rock, ready to give it an irritated kick, but then he froze. The rock was unusual—not just because it was larger than most, but because it had a face carved into it. And not just any face—a creepy, exaggerated grin with wide, unsettling eyes. It was the kind of face that could only be drawn by one person: Mia.

Jay’s heart skipped a beat. "Oh no," he muttered, bending down for a closer look. "Kai, you’ve got to see this."

Kai, who had been surveying their surroundings, walked over and leaned in to examine the rock. When he saw the face, his eyes widened in recognition. "That’s Mia’s work, all right. She’s always had a... unique style."

But then, he scratched his head. " But why is it here?"

Jay nudged the rock with his foot, thinking. “Knowing Mia, it’s probably a clue. Or… a prank.”

Kai shook his head, a small grin forming. “Either way, I don’t think she’d just leave a random rock here. There’s got to be more to it.”

Jay leaned down to inspect the rock more closely. As he brushed away some of the dirt around it, he noticed that the rock wasn’t just sitting on the ground—it was partially buried. A faint outline suggested it might be covering something.

“Kai, help me with this,” Jay said, starting to dig around the rock with his hands.

Kai knelt beside him, using his hands to help move the dirt away. “I don’t suppose she left us a shovel, did she?”

Jay laughed dryly. “That’d be too easy. Nope, just good old-fashioned digging with our hands.”

They both got to work, clawing at the earth around the rock. It wasn’t easy; the dirt was packed tight, and their hands quickly became covered in mud. But the more they dug, the clearer it became that the rock was indeed hiding something beneath it.

After what felt like an eternity of digging, the rock finally came loose. They lifted it out of the way and peered into the hole they’d uncovered. Inside, there was a small wooden box, old and weathered, but intact.

Jay wiped the sweat from his brow and grinned triumphantly. “Found it! Whatever ‘it’ is.”

Kai gave him a look. “Let’s hope it’s not another creepy drawing.”

Jay carefully lifted the box out of the hole and placed it on the ground. The lid creaked as he slowly opened it, revealing its contents.

Inside the box was a sword.

And another piece of paper—this one with a more straightforward message, written in Mia’s unmistakable handwriting.

Congrats on finding the box! Now, follow the trail of red stones to your next destination. And remember, no shortcuts! – Mia

Jay groaned as he looked at the sword. “More trails, more clues... She’s really making us work for this.”

Kai chuckled, despite himself. “Well, it wouldn’t be an adventure if it was easy.”

Jay picked up the note, shaking his head with a mixture of amusement and exasperation. “Alright, let’s find these red stones. And let’s hope they don’t involve any more digging.”

Kai stood up, brushing the dirt off his hands. “Agreed. But knowing Mia, we should probably expect the unexpected.”

With the creepy-faced rock and the wooden box behind them, they set off once again, keeping an eye out for the next part of Mia’s elaborate birthday scavenger hunt. This time, they’d be following the trail of red stones, whatever that would lead to.

As Jay and Kai hiked up the rugged terrain, their path became increasingly steep and treacherous. They came across a small pile of climbing gear neatly arranged beside a boulder. Jay picked up a harness and tossed it to Kai, who strapped it on while Jay did the same.

“This must be for the next part,” Jay said, eyeing the steep cliff face they needed to climb. “Let’s get this over with.”

They began their ascent, gripping the rocky surface and using the climbing gear to aid their climb. The climb was challenging, and their muscles ached with each movement. Despite the difficulty, they made steady progress, pulling themselves higher and higher.

Just as they were nearing the top, Kai’s foot slipped on a loose rock. He yelped as he started sliding down, his grip on the rock face slipping.

“Kai!” Jay shouted, reaching out instinctively.

Kai’s body picked up speed, but Jay quickly grabbed the rope, pulling hard to slow Kai’s descent. The harness tightened around Kai’s waist, but he was still skidding down the rocky slope.

With a determined effort, Jay managed to anchor himself firmly against the cliff and heaved Kai up with all his strength. Kai’s sliding slowed, and eventually, he stopped, hanging precariously from the harness.

“Hang on, Kai!” Jay called, trying to keep his voice steady despite the strain.

Kai, still shaken, looked up at Jay. “I’m trying! Just—be careful!”

Jay adjusted his grip and carefully maneuvered Kai back onto more stable footing. With a final heave, he helped Kai climb up to solid ground.

Once they were both safely perched on a stable ledge, Jay exhaled deeply. “That was close. Are you okay?”

Kai nodded, though he was visibly shaken. “Yeah, just a bit of a scare. Thanks for pulling me up.”

Jay clapped him on the back. “No problem. Let’s just take it slow from here on out. We don’t need any more surprises.”

The two of them continued their climb, taking more care with each step. After what seemed like an eternity of careful climbing, they finally reached the top of the cliff.

There, waiting for them, was another clue from Mia. Jay picked it up, his hands still trembling slightly from the climb.

Great job, climbers! Next, you’ll need to use your brains, not just your brawn. Find the hidden puzzle box among the stones. And remember, the answer will be your guide. – Mia

Jay looked around at the scattered rocks and boulders, feeling a mix of relief and apprehension. “Alright, let’s find this puzzle box.”

Kai took a deep breath and nodded, recovering from the scare. “And let’s be careful. We’ve got to stay sharp.”

Together, they began to search through the rocky area, determined to solve Mia’s next challenge.

Jay and Kai sifted through the pile of rocks, lifting each one with growing frustration. It was clear that the task was no simple search. To their dismay, many of the rocks had grotesque, creepy faces carved into them, giving the whole scene an eerie vibe.

“Seriously,” Jay muttered, his eyes darting from one unsettling face to another. “Are we in a nightmare?”

Kai glanced at the eerie carvings and shook his head. “It sure feels like it. But knowing Mia, she probably thought this would be hilarious.”

They continued to search through the rock pile, their hands covered in dirt and grime. The creepy faces seemed to mock their efforts, with some even appearing to follow their movements. The sun was beginning to set, casting long, eerie shadows over the rocks.

“This is absurd,” Jay said, picking up yet another face with bulging eyes and a twisted grin. “Where’s that puzzle box Mia mentioned?”

Kai, not wanting to give up, suggested, “Let’s try looking for something unusual or out of place. Maybe the box isn’t just hidden among the rocks—it might be disguised as one.”

With renewed determination, they began examining the rocks more closely. Jay noticed one rock that seemed different—it was slightly warmer to the touch and had an odd, smooth texture compared to the others.

“This one feels weird,” Jay said, pointing it out to Kai. “It might be something.”

Kai moved the rock aside, revealing a small, hidden compartment. Inside was a tiny, intricately carved box with a lock.

“There it is,” Kai said, relieved. “Let’s see if we can open it.”

They looked around for a clue to the box’s combination or a way to unlock it. Jay spotted a series of numbers etched into a nearby stone that matched the markings on the box.

“Looks like we’ve got a combination here,” Jay said, carefully aligning the numbers.

With a satisfying click, the puzzle box opened. Inside, there was another note from Mia.

Congratulations! You’ve found the box. Now, for the final challenge: a treasure awaits at the end of the path. Follow the map and trust your instincts. – Mia

Jay and Kai exchanged relieved smiles and took a deep breath. “Well, let’s see what this path has in store,” Jay said.

They followed the map’s directions, leaving behind the creepy rocks and heading toward what they hoped would be the final destination of Mia’s elaborate birthday scavenger hunt.

Jay and Kai trudged along the path, their feet sore and their patience worn thin. The map led them to an overgrown area where the underbrush seemed determined to tangle with their every step. Kai, already grumbling, muttered, “I think we’re being led through the world’s most inconvenient jungle gym.”

Jay, struggling to avoid tripping over a particularly aggressive vine, replied, “At this point, I’d be happy if the final challenge was a pizza delivery.”

Suddenly, the path opened into a clearing with a giant wooden sign that read, **“Welcome to Mia’s Obstacle Extravaganza!”** Below, a series of obstacles were laid out in what could only be described as an assault course designed by a caffeinated squirrel. There were giant rubber chickens, enormous inflatable hammers, and a pit filled with what looked like brightly colored slime.

“Of course,” Jay said, rolling his eyes. “Mia’s idea of a treasure hunt involves industrial-sized quantities of chaos.”

Kai gave Jay a sideways glance. “You mean, it’s not just me? I was starting to think she’d been abducted by clowns and replaced by a mischievous doppelgänger.”

They approached the first obstacle: a massive bouncy castle that seemed to have a vendetta against their dignity. As they hopped onto it, the entire thing deflated and refilled with air, propelling them into the air like popcorn kernels.

“Now I know what popcorn feels like,” Kai yelled as he was launched skyward, flailing his arms.

Jay, struggling to keep his balance, shouted back, “Great, if only I had some butter to go with this!”

After a series of comical attempts to land gracefully, they managed to wriggle out of the bouncy castle and found themselves at the next challenge: an inflatable maze with walls that shifted randomly.

“Great,” Jay said, examining the maze’s bizarre, ever-changing layout. “This should be fun. It’s like Mia’s idea of a horror movie.”

They entered the maze and immediately found themselves running in circles, their progress hindered by inflatable walls that seemed to close in on them like a giant, rubbery trap.

“Are you sure this is the right way?” Kai asked, peering around in confusion.

“I’m pretty sure this is the path to insanity,” Jay replied, getting tangled in a wall that seemed to have a personal vendetta against him. “Hey, look, another dead end! How unexpected!”

Just as they were about to give up, a loud honking noise erupted from a hidden speaker, followed by the appearance of a giant inflatable duck that began to chase them.

“Oh, come on!” Kai shouted, racing away from the oversized duck. “What did we ever do to you, Mia?”

The duck waddled menacingly after them, its beak flapping in a mocking rhythm. As they sprinted, they heard a familiar voice over a loudspeaker, “Don’t forget, there’s a prize at the end! Keep moving!”

They finally emerged from the maze, panting and disheveled, only to find themselves in front of a massive pit of brightly colored slime. The slime was moving as if it had a mind of its own, bubbling and churning.

“This has to be the most bizarre obstacle course ever,” Jay said, eyeing the slime warily.

“I’m starting to think Mia’s goal was to turn us into human rubber ducks,” Kai replied, his face plastered with a mix of frustration and amusement.

They had to wade through the slime, which was thick and gooey, and did its best to cling to their clothes and shoes. Every step felt like wading through molasses, with the slime making squeaky noises as they moved.

Finally, they reached the other side and spotted a small treasure chest perched on a pedestal. Exhausted but triumphant, they approached it.

Jay opened the chest, expecting to find something either ridiculously extravagant or surprisingly mundane. Inside was a note from Mia and a small pile of candy.

Congratulations on surviving my obstacle extravaganza! The real treasure was the fun we had along the way. Enjoy the candy and remember, you two are amazing sports. – Mia

Jay and Kai both laughed, their exhaustion momentarily forgotten.

“This was definitely one for the books,” Jay said, holding up a candy bar.

Kai nodded, smiling. “I guess we should thank Mia for the adventure. And for making us look like fools in the process.”

As they headed back, covered in slime but smiling, Jay turned to Kai and said, “Next year, let’s just stick to a simple scavenger hunt. No more giant inflatable ducks, okay?”

Kai laughed. “Agreed. But you know, I’ll kind of miss the slime.”

And with that, they trudged back home, their bond strengthened by the most absurd obstacle course they’d ever faced.

When Jay and Kai finally made it back home, they were greeted by Cole, Lloyd, Zane, and Nya, all of whom had gathered in the living room, their faces lit up with excitement.

“Happy Birthday, Jay!” Cole called out, holding out a neatly wrapped gift. Nya, Zane, and Lloyd each had their own gifts ready, and the room was filled with an air of celebration.

Jay gratefully accepted the gifts, opening Cole’s first. Inside was a sleek new gadget that Jay had been eyeing for a while. Zane handed him a collection of rare books on ancient technology, and Nya presented a set of high-quality art supplies. Lloyd gave him a set of custom-designed training gear.

Jay was touched by the thoughtful gifts, but his heart sank a little when he saw Mia approaching with a rather ominous-looking box. She presented it with a mischievous grin.

“Happy Birthday, Jay! Here’s something special from me,” Mia said, her eyes sparkling with a blend of innocence and mischief.

Jay hesitated, his curiosity piqued. He opened the box to reveal a creepy mask with exaggerated features, including a pair of glaring eyes and a twisted grin.

Jay forced a smile. “Thanks, Mia. It’s... certainly unique.”

As the evening progressed and the birthday party continued, Jay couldn’t shake off the eerie feeling the mask had left him with. After the festivities, he went to bed, hoping the unsettling mask would fade from his thoughts.

But as he drifted off to sleep, the mask invaded his dreams. In the nightmare, he was trapped in a dark, labyrinthine maze filled with monstrous versions of the mask, their eyes glowing ominously. The maze seemed endless, and every turn led him deeper into darkness, with the mask’s sinister grin always just out of reach.

Jay woke up in a cold sweat, his heart racing. He sat up in bed, trying to shake off the lingering fear from the dream. He glanced over at the mask, which now seemed to be staring back at him from across the room.

He sighed, rubbing his temples. “Thanks, Mia. You really outdid yourself this time.”

The next morning, Jay recounted the nightmare to the others. They were both amused and sympathetic, each one offering their own version of comfort. Mia, though, couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation.

“Maybe I went a bit overboard with the mask,” she admitted, a sheepish grin on her face. “But at least it made your birthday memorable!”

Jay chuckled, shaking his head. “Yeah, definitely unforgettable. Maybe next year, I’ll just ask for a nice, normal present.”

" So that mask is normal!" Mia cheered.

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