Jay is.... EVIL?!
Sorry, guys who didn't see the leak of Dragon Rising. This.... just brings a whole lot of more story ideas.
Also, for those who haven't seen the leaks, just skip to the next chapter.
I don't want to be the one to spoil it
The man turned, and Mia choked.
It was Jay.
Nya gasped, and ran to him. " Jay! I knew I saw you!"
" What are you talking about? I've never seen you in my life!" Jay exclaimed.
" Jay could never forget Nya, or any of us! Is that a fake Jay?" Cole commented, narrowing his eyes.
" We don't know what happened to him after the Merge." Lloyd reasoned.
Mia cracked her neck. " I know what happened to him. His name is Lord Ras."
The ninja gasped.
" Nya! Step aside!" Mia yelled, with a whole lot of confidence the Ninja knew was bad.
" Mia? Are you sure?!"
Mia raised her brows. " Nya. This is my brother. Brrrrrrrrrother. I'm sure."
Then, she turned to Jay. " So, I take it you're the new elemental master of Lightning?" She said, cool as a cucumber.
Cole choked on his drink. " Did she just say that.... calmly?!" He sputtered.
Wyldfyre raised her brows. " That's unnatural, coming from her."
Sora shrugged. " We don't know what's gonna happen."
" I do." Lloyd said, a hint of nervousness in his voice. " And it's not gonna be good."
Jay, confused, replied, " Uh... yeah?"
" And, you just.... oh, I don't know..... SHOWED up? Like an alien?" Mia looked at her fingers, as if it was oblivious
" No. The administration took me in."
" Administration...." Arin muttered, then gasped. " Jay is agent Walker!"
Mia sighed. " Great. This is taking us nowhere."
She turned to her cat. " Blackie, strike the gong!"
" But-"
" I SAID STRIKE!" Mia yelled, urgently.
Blackie sighed. " Fine, but don't be gone for so long."
Mia smiled. " I'll try."
Blackie sighed and striked the gong. Mia was enveloped in white, and she spinjitzued.
A white spark came from the spinjitzu and landed on Jay's head. When it dissolved, Jay gasped.
" Mia?! What are you doing?!" He yelled.
Nya ran and hugged him. " Jay!"
Jay smiled and hugged Nya back. " Nya."
" Uh, guys? What is Mia doing?!" Cole asked, pointing to the light.
" Sacrificing herself. What else?" A voice said from behind them.
They turned, and found Blackie.
" She used the power of the Gong of Peace to sacrifice herself for Jay."
" WHAT?!" Jay yelled. " WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME?!"
Mia, who was now see through, looked at him and hugged him.
" Because both people who sacrificed love you to smiterines, Elizabeth."
With a final squeeze, she flew away, with Jay shouto, " MIA!"
Cinder, who was quiet, said, " uh.... What just happened?"
Jay signed, his body slumped. " What happened before. She merged with the wind to regain my memory."
Then, he sobbed. " And now she's gone."
Nya hugged him tighter. " Maybe not. Remember, this is the Tournament of Sourses."
She looked at Jay, square in the eye.
" You're the son of an elemental master of wind, right?"
He nodded.
" So you can create a breeze to lure Mia here!"
Jay scratched his head. " But I don't really know how to."
" Just do it. How did Mia do it?"
Jay sighed, and looked determined. " Okay. Let's do this."
She turned to Roby. " Roby, when Mia comes down, I need you to take her elemental powers away. When she's human again, give them back to her."
Roby nodded.
" Cole, Lloyd, I need you two to make a trap. Once Jay makes the breeze, we're gonna need her to stay in one spot."
" But what about the rest of us?" Sora piped up.
Nya turned to them. " We're gonna make a breeze, and help Jay."
Jay nodded, a look of determination replacing his earlier despair. "Alright, let's do this."
Nya directed the group. "Alright, everyone, we need to focus. Jay, start working on summoning that breeze. The rest of us, let's make sure we can guide Mia back safely."
Jay took a deep breath, closing his eyes to concentrate. He thought about the times he had seen Mia use her wind powers, trying to emulate the feel and flow of the air around him. Slowly, he began to move his hands, trying to channel the elemental energy within him.
Meanwhile, Cole and Lloyd were busy setting up a trap with ropes and pulleys, using their earth and energy powers to create a secure area where Mia could be held once she returned.
Sora, Wyldfyre, and Arin assisted Jay, using their books they conveniently carried to amplify the breeze he was creating. The air around them started to swirl and move, and a soft wind began to pick up.
Nya kept an eye on the surroundings, ready to give directions. "Roby, stay close to the center. We need you to act fast when Mia appears."
Roby nodded, positioning himself in the middle of the setup. "Got it. I'll be ready."
As the breeze grew stronger, a faint glow started to appear in the center of the clearing. Jay focused harder, sweat beading on his forehead. "Come on, Mia," he muttered under his breath. "Come back to us."
The glow intensified, and suddenly, Mia's form began to materialize within the swirling wind. She looked disoriented but whole.
"Mia!" Jay yelled, his voice full of relief and urgency.
Roby quickly stepped forward, using his power to momentarily strip Mia of her elemental abilities, returning her to her human form. The wind died down, and Mia collapsed to the ground, dazed but conscious.
Cole and Lloyd immediately activated the trap, securing Mia in place to prevent any unexpected movements.
Nya rushed over to Mia's side, gently lifting her head. "Mia, are you okay?"
Mia blinked, slowly coming back to her senses. "Nya? What happened?"
Jay knelt beside her, his face a mix of worry and relief. "You sacrificed yourself to bring me back. But we got you back too. In a day."
Mia smiled weakly. "Typical day for the Ninja, huh?"
Wyldfyre, still somewhat shaken, managed a grin. "Yeah, but next time, maybe skip the self-sacrifice part, okay?"
Roby carefully restored Mia's elemental powers, and the group let out a collective sigh of relief as she fully regained consciousness.
Jay helped her to her feet, hugging her tightly. "Don't ever do that again, okay? We need you here."
Mia hugged him back, tears of relief streaming down her face. "I promise."
The man turned, and Mia choked.
It was Jay.
Nya gasped, and ran to him. " Jay! I knew I saw you!"
" What are you talking about? I've never seen you in my life!" Jay exclaimed.
" Jay could never forget Nya, or any of us! Is that a fake Jay?" Cole commented, narrowing his eyes.
" We don't know what happened to him after the Merge." Lloyd reasoned.
Mia cracked her neck. " I know what happened to him. His name is Lord Ras."
The ninja gasped.
" Nya! Step aside!" Mia yelled, with a whole lot of confidence the Ninja knew was bad.
" Mia? Are you sure?!"
Mia raised her brows. " Nya. This is my brother. Brrrrrrrrrother. I'm sure."
Then, she turned to Jay. " So, I take it you're the new elemental master of Lightning?" She said, cool as a cucumber.
Cole choked on his drink. " Did she just say that.... calmly?!" He sputtered.
Wyldfyre raised her brows. " That's unnatural, coming from her."
Sora shrugged. " We don't know what's gonna happen."
" I do." Lloyd said, a hint of nervousness in his voice. " And it's not gonna be good."
Jay, confused, replied, " Uh... yeah?"
" And, you just.... oh, I don't know..... SHOWED up? Like an alien?" Mia looked at her fingers, as if it was oblivious
" No. The administration took me in."
" Administration...." Arin muttered, then gasped. " Jay is agent Walker!"
" The administration, huh?" Mia cracked her limbs. " I can't believe I'm saying this, but, Jay, you have officially gone, as Kai would LOVE to say, ' Coo, Coo!"'
Jay stared at her. " Coo Coo. You seriously just said that to me? Do you even KNOW who I am?"
Mia wrinkled her nose. " Yep. Jay Elizabeth Walker, elemental master of lightning, my brother, Nya's Yin, Kai's brother in law, Cole's bestie, gamer, food lover, and a really weak boy who I always defeat."
Nya twitched. " Oh, no."
" Oh, no? What ' oh, no'?!" Cole practically yelled.
" Didn't you hear what Mia just told Jay?"
Cole, whose eyes was still on Mia ( and maybe half emersed in the game) nodded.
" And aren't you worried?"
Cole nodded. " Yeah, but Mia knows what she's doing. I hope."
Nya sighed and returned to looking at Mia.
She and Jay were currently shouting stuff at one another.
Jay scoffed. "Sister? Oh, please."
Mia's eyes darkened with anger. She turned to see Lord Ras grinning smugly from a distance. It was all too clear to her who was behind Jay's behavior. She took a deep breath, her anger bubbling up.
"You did this to him, didn't you?" Mia accused, her voice low and dangerous.
Lord Ras's grin widened. "Your brother has found a new path, Mia. One that doesn't involve you or your friends."
Mia didn't buy his story for a second. She felt her fury boil over, and a dark aura began to surround her. Her inner demon, the fierce spirit she rarely unleashed, started to surface.
Cole took a step back. "Uh, guys? Mia's looking really mad."
Nya nodded, her face pale. "This isn't good. We need to calm her down."
But it was too late. Mia's power erupted, the air crackling with intense energy. She lunged at Lord Ras, her fists glowing with the force of her fury.
"YOU TOOK MY BROTHER!" she screamed, launching a series of attacks at Ras.
Ras barely dodged the first few strikes, his grin faltering. "Impressive, Mia. But you're no match for me."
Mia's eyes blazed with rage. "I'll show you who's no match!"
Jay stood there, watching in shock as his sister unleashed her full power. It was a side of Mia he had never seen before, and it frightened him.
Lord Ras, now on the defensive, tried to block Mia's relentless onslaught. "Jay, help me!" he called out.
Jay hesitated, confused and torn between his new allegiance and the bond he once had with his sister.
Mia's attacks grew more ferocious. She sent a powerful blast of wind and lightning at Ras, knocking him off his feet. "You won't get away with this!" she shouted, her voice echoing with raw power.
Lord Ras, struggling to stand, glared at Mia. "You're too late, Mia. Jay is mine now."
Mia growled, ready to strike again, when Jay suddenly stepped between them, his face a mix of fear and confusion. "Mia, stop! Please!"
Mia froze, her fury momentarily abated by Jay's plea. "Jay...?"
Jay's eyes met hers, and for a moment, the old Jay seemed to surface. "I don't want to fight you, Mia. I just... I don't know what's happening."
Nya seized the moment, rushing forward to place a hand on Mia's shoulder. "Mia, we need to bring Jay back. Fighting like this won't help."
Mia's anger began to fade, replaced by a deep sadness. "Jay, you have to remember us. Remember who you are."
Lord Ras, seeing the shift in dynamics, sneered. "Enough of this. Jay, as your master, I command you to attack!"
Jay's eyes glazed over, his body moving against his will. "Yes, Master."
Mia's heart broke as she saw her brother raise his hand to attack. "Jay, don't do this!"
But Jay, under Ras's control, unleashed a bolt of lightning at Mia. She barely dodged it, tears streaming down her face.
"Jay, please," she whispered, her voice trembling. "You're stronger than this. Fight him."
Jay rolled his eyes. " You clearly don't know who you're talking to."
Mia's teeth clenched, and she did an up motion with her hands. The ground started to shake.
" So be it!" She yelled over the trembling. " But so be it!"
Jay took a few steps back. " What?"
Zane looked worried.
And a little nervous.
" Lloyd, what are we going to do?* He asked.
" What we can do. Hello Mia win."
" What?! You're just gonna GO in and knock my boyfriend on his back?!"
Lloyd shook his head. " No. We're gonna watch. And maybe figure out what Mia's doing."
Mia continued to rise her hands, and a beautiful horse with white coat and brown mane, tail, and spots came.
" Snowflake," Mia whispered, extending her arm. " You remember me, don't you, girl?"
Snowflake huffed in agreement.
" Then help me finish my DECEIVING BROTHER."
Lloyd stepped back. " Okay, that's what's she's gonna do. I admit, this wasn't on the schedule, but...." He trailed off when he saw Mia with both swords in her hands, charging at Jay on Snowflake.
" Yeesh. You think she'd take a break." Wyldfyre huffed.
Sore shrugged, her eyes never off the game. " I don't know. It's really entertaining."
" What's entertaining?! Two siblings, one possessed and the other set on destroying him?!" Cole yelled, thrusting his hands to the arena.
Mia's relentless onslaught began as she charged at Jay on Snowflake, her swords blazing with elemental power. Fire, water, lightning, and wind intertwined in a dazzling display of her fury.
Jay, overwhelmed, barely managed to dodge her strikes. "Who are you?!" he shouted, confusion and fear evident in his voice.
Mia's eyes blazed with determination. "I'm your sister, Jay! You may not remember me, but I remember everything."
Lloyd watched with growing concern. "Okay, maybe now's the time to help Mia calm down."
"But how?" Zane asked, equally worried.
"Mia's beyond calm at this point," Lloyd admitted.
Jay, struggling to defend himself, called out to Lord Ras. "Master, help me!"
Lord Ras watched from a distance, a smug grin on his face. "You don't need my help, Jay. Prove yourself."
Mia's anger boiled over. She turned her gaze to Ras, her voice a thunderous roar. "YOU TOOK MY BROTHER FROM ME! YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME!"
Ras's grin faltered for a moment. "Oh, did I now? How melodramatic."
Mia's power surged, the air around her crackling with energy. She leaped from Snowflake, landing in front of Ras. "I'll make you pay for what you've done."
Ras raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "You think you can defeat me?"
Before Mia could strike, Jay tackled her from behind, pinning her to the ground. "I won't let you hurt him!"
Mia struggled, her anger turning to desperation. "Jay, please! Fight him! Remember who you are!"
Jay's grip tightened, his confusion evident. "I don't understand. Why do you keep saying that?"
Lloyd, seeing the situation escalating, made a decision. "We have to intervene now. Nya, Zane, let's go."
The ninja sprang into action, rushing to separate Mia and Jay. Nya used her water powers to create a barrier, forcing Jay back.
"Mia, stop!" Nya shouted, her voice urgent. "We need to think this through!"
Mia, panting and exhausted, looked at her friends with wild eyes. "He's my brother, Nya. I can't lose him again."
Lloyd placed a calming hand on Mia's shoulder. "We'll get him back, Mia. But we need a plan."
Mia's shoulders slumped, her energy spent. "I... I just want my brother back."
Jay, still confused and under Ras's influence, stared at the scene, a mixture of fear and uncertainty in his eyes.
Lord Ras chuckled darkly. "How touching. But it's too late for that. Jay belongs to me now."
Lloyd's eyes narrowed. "We'll see about that."
The ninja regrouped, forming a protective circle around Mia. They knew the battle was far from over, but they were determined to bring Jay back, no matter the cost.
"Hold on, guys," Mia said, her voice carrying an edge of finality. She leapt into the air, yelling, "EMERGENCY PROTOCOL! ARENA TWENTY! HURRY!"
Blackie came running with Mia's necklace, and Mia took it with a nod. "Thanks, Blackie. Now, make a video of me demolishing my brother. Well, actually, he's just Jay now. He doesn't mean anything anymore."
Lloyd stepped forward, his voice pleading. "Mia, please. Fight the urge! We can rescue him!"
Mia shook her head as she put the locket on, her expression hardened. "No, we can't."
Suddenly, all her elemental powers surged around her, swirling in a dazzling display of fire, water, lightning, and wind. She held her hand up, and the forbidden scroll appeared, its aura dark and foreboding.
Lloyd's eyes widened in shock. "Mia, where did you get that from?!"
Mia smirked, unrolling the scroll and putting it on her katana. "It doesn't matter where I got it. What matters is that I'm going to use it to end this."
Jay, still under Ras's influence, looked at the scroll with a mixture of fear and curiosity. "What is that?"
Mia's eyes narrowed. "This, Jay, is the key to your freedom. Or your destruction."
Nya stepped forward, her voice desperate. "Mia, don't do this! There has to be another way!"
Mia's expression softened for a brief moment as she looked at Nya. "I wish there was, Nya. But I've tried everything else. This is the only way."
As Mia prepared to activate the scroll, Lloyd grabbed her arm. "Mia, listen to me. If you use that scroll, you might lose yourself. It's not worth it."
Mia yanked her arm free, her resolve unshaken. "I'm willing to take that risk."
With a swift motion, Mia activated the scroll, and a blinding light enveloped her. Jay shielded his eyes, while Ras watched with a sinister grin.
When the light faded, Mia stood there, her power magnified tenfold. She looked at Jay, her eyes filled with a mixture of sorrow and determination. "Jay, if there's any part of you that remembers who you really are, fight it. Fight him."
Jay took a step back, uncertainty flickering in his eyes. "I... I don't know..."
Mia took a deep breath, then launched herself at Jay, her elemental powers blazing. The battle that ensued was fierce, with Mia using every ounce of her strength to break Ras's hold on her brother.
Mia's fury intensified as Jay fought back, his movements driven by Ras's dark influence. Her eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, and steam billowed around her as her powers surged uncontrollably.
Nya, observing the escalating chaos, realized the gravity of the situation. She knew they were in deep trouble, but Mia's rage was not directed at Jay. Instead, it was focused squarely on Ras.
Mia's elemental powers—fire, water, lightning, and wind—combined into a fearsome force. Her rage fueled her as she unleashed a barrage of attacks on Ras, each one more powerful than the last.
"YOU TOOK MY BROTHER FROM ME! YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME!" Mia roared, her voice echoing with raw anger.
Ras, though confident in his power, faltered under the sheer intensity of Mia's assault. The ground trembled beneath him, and his dark aura flickered as he struggled to maintain control.
Lloyd, Nya, and the others watched with a mix of fear and awe. "This is getting out of hand," Lloyd said, his voice filled with concern. "Mia's going to destroy everything if we don't do something!"
Nya nodded, her face pale. "We need to help her calm down before she loses herself completely."
Meanwhile, Ras sneered, attempting to withstand Mia's onslaught. "You think you can defeat me? I'm the master of this domain!"
Mia's response was a powerful blast of combined elemental energy. The force of it sent Ras reeling, and for a moment, it seemed as though the tide of the battle might turn in their favor.
"Do you see now, Ras?" Mia shouted. "You can't break me! And you sure as heck can't break my family!"
As Ras staggered, Lloyd turned to Nya and the others. "We need to find a way to help Mia without getting in her way. If she continues like this, she might not only destroy Ras but also herself."
Nya nodded in agreement. "Let's work together and find a solution. Jay's life depends on it."
Nya and Lloyd ran off to the crowd to formulate a plan.
Meanwhile, as Mia's elemental fury continued, Ras found himself caught in a terrifying storm of fire, water, and lightning. Mia's attempt to drown Ras was met with blazing flames, and she was determined to ensure he felt every ounce of her wrath.
Cole, observing the chaos, finally shouted, "Uh, Mia? Try flying super high, locking Ras on one place, and electrocuting him!"
Mia, still focused on her aggressive combination of fire and water, barely registered Cole's suggestion. "That might work for Jay," she said through gritted teeth, clearly engrossed in her battle.
"No, I meant Ras! Not Jay!" Cole yelled, trying to get her attention. But with the storm of elements swirling around, his voice was lost in the cacophony of Mia's elemental assault.
Realizing it was too late to change course, Cole watched in horror as Mia continued her relentless assault. Ras, already battered and struggling, was now being subjected to a full-on electrifying attack.
"Oops," Cole murmured, scratching his head. "That wasn't quite what I meant. But, uh, at least he's getting a taste of everything?"
As Ras screamed and writhed under the combined forces of Mia's powers, his defenses faltered. The relentless barrage was taking its toll, and it was clear that his control was slipping.
Nya, Lloyd, and the others, witnessing the escalating destruction, knew they had to act fast. "Mia's lost in her anger," Nya said, her voice strained. "We need to find a way to stop this before it's too late."
Jay, seeing Ras being overwhelmed, attempted to intervene, but Mia's electric surge hit him squarely. "Turn on your own element!" she yelled. "Who would have thought? I hate you. You know that?"
Cole, desperate to de-escalate the situation, shouted, "Mia, don't say that!"
"If it were my choice, I'd have said more," Mia snapped back, her anger still seething.
Cole turned to Wyldfyre, hoping for some help. "Wyldfyre, could you maybe help calm Mia down?"
"Oh, yes!" Wyldfyre responded enthusiastically and immediately began attacking Ras, adding more chaos to the already tumultuous scene.
"No!" Cole yelled, exasperated. "I said calm her down, not attack Ras! She's already lost it!"
Wyldfyre paused, realizing her mistake. "Oops. My bad. What do we do now?"
Nya, trying to think quickly, shouted to the team, "We need to find a way to distract Mia and get her to focus on something else!"
Meanwhile, Mia, still fuming, continued her relentless assault. She was so absorbed in her fury that she barely noticed the commotion around her. The team scrambled to find a solution, hoping that one of their plans would break through Mia's angry haze and help restore balance.
The arena was a battleground of emotions and chaos. Ras, feeling the heat of Mia's fury, tried to defend himself. "I assure you, I didn't do it!" he shouted, his voice strained. "The administration did!"
Mia, eyes blazing with fury, glared at him. "Fat chance!" she snapped, her anger barely contained. "You think I'm going to believe that? You've taken too much from me."
Jay, attempting to shift the focus away from Ras, began taunting Mia, hoping to provoke a reaction that might break her focus. "Oh, come on, Mia! Is this really the best you can do? Is this all you've got?"
The words seemed to cut through Mia's rage like a knife. Her eyes narrowed as her fury intensified. Without warning, she strode over to Jay with a determined stride. Her hands clenched into fists as she drew closer.
Jay's taunting smile faltered as Mia approached. "What? Scared of a little criticism?" he goaded.
Mia's face was a storm of emotion as she stood before Jay. Her hand shot out with a suddenness that left everyone breathless. The resounding slap echoed through the arena. It landed on Jay's cheek with a sharp crack. His freckle, the one shaped like a delicate flower, was the point of impact. The force of the slap made him stagger back slightly, his eyes wide with shock.
The impact left Jay stunned, but it also jolted Mia back to a moment of clarity. She looked down at her own cheek, where a pair of flower-shaped freckles mirrored Jay's. Her anger suddenly seemed to shift, and she touched her freckles gently, a soft, nostalgic expression crossing her face.
The arena fell silent, the tension palpable. Jay rubbed his cheek where Mia's hand had landed, still reeling from the shock of the slap. The freckle on his cheek now felt like a painful reminder of the family connection he had been distanced from. His gaze met Mia's, and for a moment, the anger and the confusion in her eyes seemed to give way to a deep, unresolved sorrow.
"Mia," Jay said, his voice low and full of pain. "Why did you...?"
Mia's eyes softened, and for a fleeting moment, her rage seemed to dissolve. She took a deep breath, the intensity of her emotions beginning to ebb away. "I didn't want to," she said quietly. "I wanted to make you remember us, remember who you are. But... it's hard. You're not just Jay anymore, you're something else."
Her gaze drifted to the ground as she fought to compose herself. "I used to look at those freckles and see you. Now they remind me of everything we've lost."
Jay's expression softened, his anger melting into confusion and regret. "I... I didn't know. I didn't remember. I'm sorry, Mia. I didn't mean to hurt you."
Mia's eyes filled with tears as she looked at him. "You didn't mean to hurt me? You don't understand. Everything's changed. We've all changed."
Cole and Nya watched from the sidelines, their faces a mix of concern and empathy. "Maybe we should give them some space," Cole suggested, his voice low. "Let them work this out."
Nya nodded, her gaze fixed on Mia and Jay. "Yeah. They need to talk. It's clear there's more to this than just anger."
Suddenly, Mia realized the real Jay wouldn't do this.
This was still Ras's Jay.
Mia's gaze hardened as the realization struck her. The momentary softness in her eyes vanished, replaced by a steely resolve. Her heart pounded as she processed the possibility that Jay might be pretending to be vulnerable, a mere pawn in Ras's game.
"No," Mia said, her voice cutting through the silence like a blade. "You're not fooling me. I know what you're trying to do."
Jay looked at her, confusion mingling with his pain. "What are you talking about, Mia? I'm not trying to—"
"Don't play games with me!" Mia interrupted, her anger reigniting. "You're trying to make me believe you're still my brother, just to help Ras recover. I won't fall for that again."
Jay's face fell, his attempts at feigning vulnerability crumbling under the weight of Mia's accusation. "Mia, I'm not—"
"Save it!" Mia snapped, her eyes flashing with determination. "You think I don't see through this? I've dealt with enough deception already. I'm not letting you use me again."
She took a step back, her hands glowing with elemental energy. Her voice echoed with authority and power. "You're not my brother anymore. You're just another tool for Ras. And I'm not going to let you play me like a fool."
Ras, watching from his position, smirked. "Ah, it seems Mia has caught on. How amusing."
Mia's eyes locked onto Ras, her fury now directed entirely at him. "You're not going to win. Not while I'm still standing. I won't let you turn my brother into your puppet."
Lloyd, Nya, and the others observed the escalating confrontation with mounting concern. "Mia, wait!" Lloyd called out, raising his hand. "There has to be another way. Don't let your anger cloud your judgment!"
But Mia was beyond reasoning. Her elemental powers surged, and she conjured a tempest of wind, fire, lightning, and water, all swirling around her in a devastating display of strength. The forbidden scroll, still clutched in her other hand, seemed to amplify her power.
"I won't let you manipulate me!" Mia roared, her voice carrying the full weight of her resolve. "Prepare to face the consequences!"
Jay, feeling the full force of Mia's fury directed at Ras, tried to intervene. "Mia, stop! You're making a mistake!"
But Mia was relentless. Her elemental fury collided with Ras's defenses, each element striking with precision and force. Ras struggled to maintain his ground against the onslaught, but the sheer power of Mia's combined elements was overwhelming.
As Ras tried to shield himself, Jay watched helplessly, his own attempts to reason with Mia drowned out by the chaos. "Mia, please, listen to me!" he pleaded. "I'm not—"
"Enough!" Mia shouted, her voice echoing through the arena. "I'm done listening to lies. This ends now!"
In the midst of the battle, Wyldfyre and Cole, seeing the desperate situation, exchanged worried glances. Wyldfyre, recognizing the danger, tried to intervene but found herself caught between Mia's overwhelming force and Ras's relentless resistance.
"Mia!" Cole shouted, his voice filled with urgency. "You need to calm down! If you keep this up, you'll only make things worse!"
Mia's face was a mask of determination, her eyes fixed on Ras. "I'm not stopping until he's defeated. I won't let him use Jay or anyone else!"
" Mia, you can't do that! In the end, he's still your brother!" Cole yelled.
"Jay isn't my brother anymore!" Mia shouted, her voice reverberating with both fury and pain. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a charred, crumpled piece of parchment. "Here's my registration letter!"
She threw the parchment onto the ground, and a spark of fire ignited it. The parchment, once a symbol of her bond with Jay, was now consumed by the flames. The fire burned brightly, casting an ominous glow across the arena.
Cole, watching in horror, stepped forward. "Mia, listen to me! You can't just resign from being his sister!"
Mia's gaze remained steely as she looked at Cole. "I just did. He's no longer the brother I knew. He's a tool of Ras now, and I won't let him use me or anyone else."
Cole's eyes widened in disbelief. "Mia, you can't just erase a bond like that. He's still your brother, even if he's been taken over by Ras. We need to find a way to save him, not destroy him!"
Mia's fists clenched, her elemental powers flickering with intensity. "I'm done trying to save him. Ras took him from me, and now I'm taking him back. My patience is gone, and so is any semblance of the brother I once knew."
Jay, struggling to maintain his composure, looked at Mia with a mix of confusion and desperation. "Mia, please. I don't understand what's happening. I'm still—"
"Stop pretending!" Mia cut him off sharply. "You're not the brother I remember. You're just another weapon for Ras. And I won't let you use me or anyone else. I've made my choice."
The air was filled with tension as the elemental forces swirled around Mia, each element crackling with her unyielding resolve. The arena was bathed in an eerie light as Mia's fury continued to manifest in the storm of elements around her.
Cole looked at Lloyd and the others, his face etched with worry. "We need to do something. She's lost all sense of reason."
Lloyd nodded, his expression grim. "I agree. But we need to find a way to help Mia without making things worse. We have to calm her down and find a way to reach Jay, even if it means going against her wishes."
As the battle continued, the other Ninja, including Wyldfyre and Nya, watched with a mix of concern and determination. Nya stepped forward, her voice steady despite the chaos. "Mia, this isn't the way. You have to remember who Jay really is. He's still a part of our family."
But Mia's eyes were unwavering. "No, Nya. You don't understand. I've been betrayed too many times. I won't be fooled again."
The air around Mia crackled with raw, unrestrained fury. Her eyes blazed with a mix of elemental fire and anguish, reflecting the storm within her heart. She was a force of nature, driven by pure rage and a deep, unrelenting pain.
"BECAUSE OF YOU, BOTH MY BROTHERS ARE GONE!" Mia's voice roared through the arena, echoing off the walls. Her words were punctuated by a series of fireballs that erupted from her hands, hurtling towards Ras with relentless force.
Ras, now caught in the full brunt of Mia's wrath, staggered under the onslaught. The flames scorched the air, and the heat was intense enough to make even the bravest warrior take a step back. Ras's face was a mask of cold amusement, but there was a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes as he faced the fury of the Wind Ninja.
Nya, observing the chaos unfold, couldn't shake the feeling of déjà vu. She turned to Lloyd, her concern evident. "Why do I have the feeling Kai would have done the same if he were in Mia's place?"
Lloyd, his face tense with worry, nodded solemnly. "It's because Mia and Kai, along with Jay and you, trained together extensively. You all share a bond that goes beyond just friendship. Your experiences and the training you underwent together have forged a deep connection. When one of you is hurt or betrayed, the reaction is often intense and driven by personal pain."
Nya's gaze shifted back to Mia, who was now channeling all her elemental powers—fire, water, lightning, and wind—into a single, devastating attack aimed at Ras. The storm of elements was a spectacle of sheer power, a manifestation of Mia's anguish and rage.
"STOP!" Nya shouted, trying to reach Mia through the chaos. "This isn't the way to handle it! You're letting your anger control you!"
But Mia was beyond hearing. Her fury was all-consuming. "I HATE YOU!" she screamed at Ras. The elemental onslaught she unleashed was a culmination of her pain, anger, and desperation to reclaim what had been lost.
Jay, still struggling with the effects of Ras's control, looked on helplessly. The sight of his sister in such a state was both heartbreaking and terrifying. "Mia, please!" he cried out, his voice a mixture of desperation and regret. "You have to stop this!"
Mia's elemental barrage continued, her power unstoppable. The flames, the lightning, the raging winds—they all coalesced into a single, overwhelming force aimed directly at Ras. Her focus was unyielding, her determination unshakeable.
"Give it up, Ras!" she shouted. "You've taken everything from me. I won't let you win!"
Lloyd and Nya exchanged worried glances. They understood the depth of Mia's emotions but also knew that succumbing to such unchecked rage could be disastrous. They needed to find a way to calm Mia down and help her regain her composure before it was too late.
"Let's move," Lloyd said to Nya. "We have to help her before she destroys herself and everything around her."
Cole's eyes widened as he saw Mia's intensity escalate. Desperately seeking a way to reach her, he shouted, "MIA?! IF JAY WERE HERE, THE REAL JAY, WHAT WOULD YOU DO?"
Mia, amidst her elemental fury, barely registered the question. Her focus remained solely on Ras, her rage burning fiercely. "THIS!" she roared, hurling a torrent of fire and lightning at Ras, her words blending with the storm of elements.
Cole was taken aback. "What?! How... I did not expect this to happen." His mind raced for a solution.
Mia's reply was fierce and unwavering. "If Jay were here, I would attack more violently. Though he hates it. But ah well."
Cole, trying to grasp the situation, pushed forward with his plea. "No, Mia. If Jay were here, what would he DO?"
Mia's eyes, glowing with elemental power, narrowed slightly as she thought about it. "He would hug me and tell me I'm so brave and I would electrocute the opponent and stuff. And then Jay would be consumed by anger and then I would remind him that's my job and stuff."
Jay, who had been struggling against Ras's influence, perked up at her words. "Are... Are you talking about me?"
Mia glanced over, her face a mixture of anger and sadness. "Yes, you... you idiot!"
Jay's eyes widened with recognition. "Idiot? Oh, you just crossed the line!" His voice was a mix of frustration and hurt.
Mia shot back, her rage undiminished but now interlaced with a hint of hurt. "You crossed yours twenty minutes ago!"
The exchange between them seemed to momentarily break through Mia's unbridled fury. Jay, seeing the pain and anger in Mia's eyes, realized the depth of her emotions.
"I... I didn't mean to," Jay said, struggling to regain control. "I'm sorry, Mia."
Mia's elemental onslaught faltered slightly as she struggled with her emotions. "Sorry doesn't change anything! You've been taken from me, and everything is falling apart!" She turned her fierce gaze to Ras. "And the person who did it's name is spelled R A S."
Ras, with a snarl, retorted, "It's R A Z!"
"Don't care," Mia snapped, her eyes blazing with fury.
Cole, seeing Mia's struggle to contain her emotions, thought of a different approach. "What would Kai say or do in this situation?" he asked, hoping to find a way to reach her.
Mia's expression didn't soften. "Kai would do what I'm doing. He would fight with everything he has, just like me."
Cole's eyes widened in surprise. "What?!"
Mia's gaze was unwavering. "He would also think about saving you. That's what he did during the Crystal King and tried to do during the Oni invasion. He really likes you as a friend."
Cole nodded slowly, understanding the depth of Mia's connection to Kai. "But that still doesn't change the fact that you did this to us!" she added, glaring at Ras.
As if on cue, Mia heard a familiar voice. "GO MIA!"
Mia's head snapped around, her anger momentarily overshadowed by surprise. She saw Kai standing there, a determined look on his face. Her attention shifted entirely. "Oh, Jay. You're in big trouble now." She flew towards Kai, leaving Jay and Ras behind.
But, as quickly as she came, she went as fast back to the match.
Cole, seeing the change in Mia's focus, turned to Kai with urgency. "Kai, how do we calm her down?"
Kai, his own concern evident, responded, "That's just the thing. Only Jay can do that, and he doesn't even know what to say."
Cole's eyes darted between Kai and Mia, who was now fully engaged in a fierce battle. Kai then noticed Mia drawing her daggers, the fiery intensity in her movements showing no sign of easing.
"Cole?" Kai asked, his voice strained. "For how long has this been happening?"
Cole, watching Mia's battle unfold, responded with a grim tone. "It's been going on since we lost you to Ras. Mia's been struggling with her anger and frustration, and now it's all coming to her head."
Kai let out a low whistle. " That's bad," he said.
Cole nodded. " I know."
" What are you guys doing? I mean, in terms of helping her?"
Cole sighed. " We can't calm her down. She's too angry."
" Then that means I can't do nothing. Only Jay can, and he's still under Ras's rule."
Just then, an idea struck Mia's mind.
" Kai?!" She yelled. " Book me!"
Kai threw her a Clutch Power book, and threw it square on Jay's forehead. He collapsed.
" Cole! Get him to the room!" She ordered.
Cole quickly moved to obey Mia's command. He picked up the unconscious Jay and carried him towards the nearest room, determined to help him recover his memories.
Wyldfyre, still in shock, approached Mia with a confused look. "What was that for?"
Mia, her rage still simmering beneath the surface but her focus sharpening, explained with intense determination, "When someone throws something at the opponent's head, it sometimes makes them lose their memory. If we can give Jay his old memories back, he might remember who he truly is and break free from Ras's control. Then I can be whole again!"
Wyldfyre's eyes widened in realization. "You mean you think Jay's memories were tampered with? If we restore them, he might return to his old self?"
Mia nodded vigorously. "Exactly! If we get his memories back, he'll remember who we are, who I am, and everything Ras has done. It might just be the key to ending this madness."
Cole, having reached the room with Jay, carefully laid him down on a nearby bed. "We need to act fast. How do we restore his memories?"
Mia, still tense but more focused now, turned to Wyldfyre. "We need to find a way to reverse the memory loss. I remember there was something in that book about memory restoration techniques. It might be our best chance."
Wyldfyre nodded, understanding the urgency of the situation. "Alright, let's get to it. We need to make sure Jay gets back to who he truly is."
As Cole and Wyldfyre began to look through the Clutch Power book, searching for any information on memory restoration, Mia stood by, her anger beginning to subside as she focused on her goal. She knew the path ahead was still fraught with challenges, but with Jay's memories restored, they might finally have a chance to end Ras's tyranny and restore balance.
In the meantime, Jay remained unconscious, his fate now resting in the hands of his friends and the hope that they could bring him back from the brink of Ras's control.
After several minutes of frantic searching through the book and discussing various strategies, it became clear that they were running out of time. Mia's anxiety and impatience grew as the weight of their situation pressed down on her.
Wyldfyre, sensing the urgency, finally spoke up. "Maybe we're overcomplicating things. Sometimes the simplest solution is the best. If Jay's memories were altered, the most direct approach might be to simply tell him the truth. It's risky, but it's worth a shot."
Mia's eyes widened as the idea took shape. "You mean... just tell him what's really happening?"
Wyldfyre nodded. "Yes. Explain everything clearly and honestly. He needs to understand who he is, what's been done to him, and why he should fight back against Ras. It might trigger his memories and help him regain his true self."
Cole, still holding Jay's hand, agreed. "It's worth trying. Jay's strong, and if he knows the truth, he might be able to break free from Ras's control on his own."
Mia took a deep breath, her anger fading into a determined resolve. "Alright. We'll do it the old-fashioned way. Let's make sure Jay hears the truth and understands everything."
As Jay began to stir, Mia, Cole, Wyldfyre, and Kai gathered around him. Mia took a deep breath and began to speak, her voice steady despite the turmoil she felt inside.
"Jay," Mia started, her tone firm but compassionate, "we need to talk. You've been under Ras's control, and it's affecting you in ways that aren't who you truly are. Ras has manipulated you and erased your memories. The person you're being controlled by is not the real you."
Jay's eyes fluttered open, and he looked around, confusion and a hint of recognition crossing his face. "What are you talking about?"
Cole stepped forward, his voice full of earnestness. "Jay, you've been tricked. Ras has taken over your mind, and you're not yourself right now. You're an elemental master of lightning, and you're fighting against us because of him. The real you would never act this way."
Mia nodded, her gaze intense as she continued. "We're your family, Jay. I'm your sister, and we've been through so much together. Ras has taken you from us and tried to turn you into something you're not. But the truth is, you're strong and capable. You have the power to break free from Ras's control. Remember who you are, remember us, and fight back."
Kai, seeing the struggle in Jay's eyes, added, "Jay, you've always been a fighter. You've faced challenges before and come out stronger. This is just another fight. Remember the people who care about you, the ones who have always been by your side. We're here to help you through this."
Jay looked around at his friends and family, the fog of Ras's influence beginning to lift from his mind. "I... I don't know what to believe. Everything's so confusing."
Mia reached out, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Trust us, Jay. We're telling you the truth. You're not alone in this. We're here for you, and we want to help you remember who you really are."
As Jay struggled to piece together the fragments of his shattered memories, Nya stepped forward, her eyes filled with concern and hope. She gently approached Jay and took a deep breath before speaking.
"Jay," Nya began softly, "there's something important you need to remember. We have a connection—a special bond through the Yin-Yang medallion. It symbolizes our relationship and the balance we share. This medallion represents more than just a symbol; it's a part of who we are together. When you wear it, you're reminded of our bond and what we mean to each other."
Jay's eyes locked onto Nya's, and he seemed to grasp the significance of her words. "The Yin-Yang medallion..." he murmured, as if trying to recall something distant but familiar.
Mia, seeing that Nya's words were starting to resonate, stepped in with her own crucial piece of the puzzle. "Jay, listen to me," she said firmly, holding his hand. "You are my brother. We've been through so much together, and we have a history that's filled with both joy and pain. You've always been there for me, and I've always looked up to you. Remember our past—our family, our fights, and the times we've shared. You're not just anyone; you're my brother, and you're a part of who I am."
Jay's gaze shifted between Nya and Mia, the pieces of his memory beginning to align. The emotional weight of their words seemed to break through the fog of Ras's control. He closed his eyes tightly, struggling to recall the essence of what Mia and Nya were telling him.
Suddenly, a flicker of recognition sparked in Jay's eyes. His breath hitched as memories began flooding back—his bond with Nya, the moments shared with Mia, and the powerful connection they had. The memories of his true self, his past, and his role as an elemental master of lightning all came rushing back.
"I remember..." Jay's voice was filled with disbelief and emotion. "I remember now. The medallion... Mia... everything. I'm... I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was doing. Ras—he took everything from me."
Nya, her eyes moist with relief, reached out and gently took Jay's hand. "You're back with us, Jay. We're here to help you through this. You're stronger than Ras, and together, we can defeat him."
Mia nodded, a mixture of anger and relief evident in her expression. "It's about time you remembered. But now that you're back, we need to end this once and for all. Ras needs to pay for what he's done."
Jay, now fully aware of who he was and the gravity of the situation, looked at his friends and family with renewed determination. "Thank you... all of you. I'm ready to fight. Let's finish this."
Suddenly, Cole, Kai, Lloyd, and Zane surged forward, enveloping him in a tight, heartfelt embrace. Jay's eyes widened in surprise as the warmth and sincerity of their affection washed over him.
"You guys!" Jay exclaimed, his voice choked with emotion.
Cole was the first to speak up, his voice muffled by the hug. "We missed you, Jay. You have no idea how hard it's been without you."
Kai, his tone a mix of relief and affection, added, "We were worried about you. It's good to have you back."
Lloyd and Zane both nodded, their expressions softening with joy and concern. "We're glad you're with us again," Lloyd said. "We'll make sure Ras pays for what he's done."
Mia, watching the reunion, couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and relief. She smiled and called out, "See? We weren't the only ones who missed you."
Without hesitation, Mia and Nya rushed over to join the group hug. Their enthusiasm and relief were so intense that their combined weight caused everyone to topple over, collapsing onto the floor in a heap of tangled limbs and joyous laughter.
The floor was a jumble of hugs and cheerful chaos, but it didn't matter. The warmth and connection they shared in that moment overshadowed any discomfort. Jay lay in the middle of the pile, feeling the genuine love and camaraderie that his friends and family had for him. It was a moment of pure, unfiltered emotion, and it was exactly what he needed to feel whole again.
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