Finding Jay

Why does Lloyd look so happy all of a sudden?!

" You!" Mia exclaimed, pointing to a mer-person. " Does the name Kalimar strike a memory?"

The mer-person gasped.

" Yeah, I know. I can't believe Bentho actually let you come here!"

" Mia....." Cole said from behind.

Mia ignored. " And you!" She pointed to a cyborg. " You were made by one of our friends who went bad! To help the Overlord!"

The cyborg looked at her, nervous. " How do you....."

Mia turned to a guy in a mech. " And you....." The guy looked familiar. So she slowly stepped back until Kai caught her.

She looked up, and Lord ho, who was it?


She gasped, and shook Cole. " I'm not dreaming, am I?! Slap me, Cole."

Cole shook his head.

" Kai, you're the lucky one. Slap me. SLAP ME!"

Kai shook her. " Is that better?"

Mia nodded, then looked up in awe.

It really was Jay.

She squeeled. " Okay, everyone into position!"

" Position?!" Kai exclaimed. " Mia, there are agents here to destroy us!"

" But Jay's here. He would never-"

Mia was cut off when Jay shot bullets at them. Kai jumped on Mia, while Cole made a barrier.

Mia, who was helped up by Kai, growled. " Okay, that passes the line. Cole, make a jail for each agent."

" Does that include your brother?" Cole asked, smashing his hands together.

Mia gave him a steely look. " I said ALL."

Kai gulped. When Mia gave her answers in that type of voice, it meant she was going to do something VERY scary ( and something told him it was going to get messy).

Cole sighed and, using the earth, created rocks to wedge the agents in. They struggled to get out.

" Kai!" She ordered. " Create a fire wall."

Kai's eyes widened. " Fire wall?!" He exclaimed, his hands thrusted to the people. " But-"

" Did I stutter?" Mia barked.

Kai shook is head.

" Good."

This wasn't the sweet, playful Mia Kai knew. This was a fierce leader, hardened by the harsh realities of their world. He knew better than to disobey.

With a heavy heart, Kai raised his hands, summoning flames that danced at his fingertips. The air crackled with heat as the flames coalesced into a wall of fire, separating them from the captive agents, including Jay.

The chamber was now a tableau of tension: the trapped agents, the flickering flames, and Mia's steely resolve. The mystery of  Jay and the true purpose of the agents hung heavy in the air, demanding answers before the flames of suspicion consumed them all.

Cole ran to Kai and pulled him aside. " Is she okay? Does she have some problem with the brain?"

" No, she doesn't have any brain issues." Then he quickly added, " not that I know of."

" Because she wants to kill her own brother. Her brother!"

Kai blinked, then sighed. " Yeah, she has a tendency of saying stuff like that. But she never means it."

" Then why is she sharpening a knife?!" Cole pointed to Mia, who was, indeed, sharpening a knife."

" Oh, I don't think-" Kai squinted. " Oh, great."

Kai ran to Mia and asked, " what are you planning with that?"

" I'm gonna threaten my brother."

Kai's heart hammered against his ribs.  "Threaten him?" he choked out, his voice barely a whisper above the crackling flames.  "Mia, come on. He doesn't remember anything.  He might be confused, scared... but he's still Jay."

Mia's jaw was set, her eyes burning with a cold fire.  The playful spark that usually danced within them had been replaced with a steely resolve that sent shivers down Kai's spine.  "Maybe that's the problem," she said, her voice flat.  "Maybe if he's scared enough, something will jog his memory."

Cole, ever the pragmatist, stepped forward.  "Mia, this isn't the answer.  Torture isn't going to bring his memories back, it'll just push him further away.  Let's try something else.  Maybe we can talk to him, see if anything triggers a reaction."

Mia turned on him, the knife glinting dangerously in her hand.  "Talk?  They come in here with weapons, working for who knows who, and you want to talk?!  They took something precious from me, Cole, something I can never get back.  I deserve some answers."

Kai saw the flicker of doubt in her eyes, a tiny spark of the old Mia struggling to break through the hardened exterior.  He placed a hand on her shoulder, his voice soft but firm.  "Mia, I understand.  You're hurting.  But Jay wouldn't want this.  He wouldn't want you to become something you're not.  We need to be smarter than them.  We need a plan."

A tense silence stretched between them.  The flames from the fire wall danced wildly, casting long, distorted shadows on the cavern walls.  Mia's grip tightened on the knife, but the fire in her eyes seemed to dim slightly.

"A plan," she finally muttered, her voice heavy with unshed tears.  "Alright.  A plan.  But if nothing else works..."  She trailed off, leaving the unspoken threat hanging in the air.

Cole let out a relieved sigh.  "That's the Mia I know.  Alright, let's think.  We need to figure out what the agents want, why they're here, and maybe that will lead us to a way to jog Jay's memory."  He turned to the trapped figures huddled on the other side of the fire wall.  "Alright, agents.  Time to talk."

A low groan rose from the makeshift prison, followed by a muffled curse.  A tense negotiation was about to begin, with the fate of Jay's memories, and perhaps the future of their world, hanging in the balance.

Mia's hands crackled with electric energy, her eyes blazing with a fire that mirrored the flames now encircling Jay. "I'm taking my brother back," she declared, her voice laced with a dangerous calm. With a powerful gust of wind, she propelled herself towards the mech, landing on a rocky outcrop in front of the terrified Jay.

"Okay, Jay," she said, her voice clipped. "Talk. Tell me what you remember. Who are you working for?"

Jay remained silent, his face not saying anything. Mia wasn't sure how much torture Jay could withstand, but she was desperate for answers.  She raised a hand, conjuring a ball of water that hovered precariously close to Jay's head.

"Last chance," she growled.

Suddenly, a blur of red and orange cut through the tense atmosphere. Kai, ever the impulsive one, materialized beside Mia, his eyes wide with horror.

"No, Mia!" he roared, throwing his arms out to block her. "Don't do this!"

The jolt of his voice startled Mia, breaking her concentration. The ball of water sputtered and dissipated harmlessly at her feet.  She whipped around, anger flashing in her eyes.

"Get out of my way, Kai!" she snapped. "This is between me and Jay."

"This isn't Jay!" Kai argued, his voice laced with desperation. "Don't you see? He doesn't remember anything!  He's scared, confused... but he's still our teammate!"

Mia's jaw clenched, the internal battle raging on her face.  She loved Jay more than anything, but the past years had hardened her, instilled a ruthlessness she barely recognized.  Could she  bring herself to torture her own brother, even if it meant saving him?

Mia's face contorted in a mix of frustration and dawning realization. Kai's words hung in the air, a heavy truth she desperately wanted to deny. But the look of pure confusion on Jay's face, devoid of any recognition, mirrored Kai's claims.

With a defeated sigh, she extinguished the flames around Jay. The fire wall flickered and died down, leaving them bathed in the dim cavern light. 

"Alright," she muttered, her voice tight. "New plan." She glanced at the still-trapped agents, a flicker of defiance lingering in her eyes. "But they stay put for now, Cole."

Cole, ever the pragmatist, nodded in agreement.  Turning to Jay, Mia knelt beside him, her voice softer now, laced with a tentative hope.

"Jay," she began, her voice barely a whisper.  "Do you... do you remember anything at all?"

Jay blinked, his eyes wide and searching.  He shook his head slowly, a lost expression etched on his face.  " Only my name."

Mia's heart ached.  This wasn't the cocky, sarcastic Jay she knew, but a stranger wearing her brother's face.  She knew then that threats and intimidation wouldn't work.  She needed a different approach.

Suddenly, an idea sparked in her mind.  She grabbed a satchel from her side, a worn leather bag that had seen its fair share of battles.  Turning to Cole, she spoke in a hushed tone.

"Cole, distract the agents for a few minutes.  Tell them anything, just keep them occupied."

Cole raised an eyebrow, but seeing the determination in Mia's eyes, he simply nodded.  With a mischievous grin, he stomped his foot on the ground, causing a small tremor to vibrate through the cavern. 

"Hey! You down there!" he bellowed in the direction of the trapped figures.  "Get ready for a little earthquake quiz! Question number one: What is the optimal geological formation for-"

Mia cut him off with a grateful smile before he could get too carried away.  She slung the bag over her shoulder, then gently helped Jay to his feet.  He was surprisingly light, his muscles lacking the usual ninja strength.  Perhaps another clue to his amnesia.

"Come on, Jay," she murmured, her voice gentle yet firm.  "We're getting you out of here."

She threw a questioning look at Kai, who shrugged helplessly.

"Where are ywe taking him?" he asked, a note of worry in his voice.

Mia didn't have a clear answer yet.  But she knew one thing for sure.  She wouldn't let anyone hurt Jay, not even herself.  With a determined glint in her eyes, she hoisted Jay onto her shoulder in a fireman's carry, the weight a comforting reminder of the brother she hoped to save.

"We'll figure it out," she said, her voice filled with a newfound resolve.  "We always do."

" What about the monestary?"

Mia sighed. " It's too far."

Cole, who had just won the earthquake test, turned. " The Sam X cave?"

Mia shrugged. " We don't know where it is."

" You mean that weird bone formation?" Jay asked weakly.

Mia squinted.

" Oh yeah."

Then, she looked at Jay. " At least you're still observant."

The Samurai X Cave loomed before them, a jagged, skull-shaped entrance yawning ominously. The interior was a maze of tunnels and chambers, bathed in an eerie blue glow. It was a world away from the chaos of the agent-infested cavern.

Mia carefully placed Jay down on a flat, stone platform. He looked around, his eyes wide with confusion.

"Where are we?" he murmured, his voice weak.

"Somewhere safe," Mia replied, her voice gentle. "For now."

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows. It was Nya, her water powers shimmering around her. Her eyes widened in alarm upon seeing Jay's condition.

"Jay!" she exclaimed, rushing towards him. "What happened to you?"

Mia explained briefly, the urgency in her voice palpable. Nya's face hardened into a mask of determination.

"We need to get him to the Monastery," she said, her voice resolute. "Master Wu might know what to do."

"But how?" Kai asked, looking around the cavern. "We don't have time to build a vehicle."

Nya's eyes lit up. "The Samurai X bike," she said, pointing towards a sleek, black motorcycle parked in a nearby chamber. "It's the fastest way out of here."

Mia nodded, her mind racing. It was a long shot, but it was their best bet. She helped Jay onto the back of the bike, securing him with a makeshift harness.

"Hold on tight," she said, her voice filled with a promise she wasn't entirely sure she could keep.

With a roar of the engine, they sped out of the Samurai X Cave, the wind whipping past them as they raced towards the Monastery, carrying the unconscious Jay with them, their hopes and fears intertwined.

Kai yelled, "Great thinking, sis!" His voice was barely audible over the roaring wind that suddenly enveloped them. Nya shouted, "I know!" over the deafening noise.

Mia, a determined glint in her eyes, summoned a powerful gust of wind, propelling the Samurai X bike forward at an astonishing speed. The wind whipped through their hair, their clothes snapping in the air. Kai felt a surge of adrenaline and terror as they blurred past the landscape, the world reduced to a kaleidoscope of colors. But Mia, her face set in grim concentration, seemed perfectly at ease, her control over the wind absolute.

Cole, clinging desperately to the bike, yelled, "Maybe a bit slower? We need to get there alive!" His voice was barely a whisper in the maelstrom.

Mia ignored him, her focus unwavering. The bike soared past a jet plane cruising at a high altitude, leaving it in their dust. Cole's jaw dropped in astonishment. "Then again," he managed to shout over the wind, "fast is good."

They burst through the Monastery gates, the wind whipping around them as they skidded to a halt. Jay, still unconscious, slumped against Mia, who was struggling to keep her balance. Kai and Cole were only slightly better off, their faces a mixture of exhaustion and concern.

In the center of the courtyard, Master Wu was meditating, a serene expression on his face. It was a picture of tranquility until they arrived. The wind, still swirling around them from their high-speed entry, picked up loose leaves and debris, hurling them towards the meditating figure.

One particularly unfortunate gust sent a flurry of leaves directly into Wu's face. His eyes snapped open, and for a moment, it seemed as if he was about to unleash a whirlwind of wisdom. Instead, he blinked, and with a comical puff of wind, he was gone, replaced by a swirling mass of leaves.

Cole, who had managed to regain his composure, stared at the leafy vortex in disbelief. "Well, that's a new one," he muttered.

Kai, still recovering from the speed, managed a weak chuckle. "I think Master Wu just became one with nature... literally."

Mia, however, was too focused on Jay to appreciate the absurdity of the situation. She gently shook her unconscious brother, her voice filled with worry. "Jay, Jay, can you hear me?"

They gently carried Jay to his room, a quiet reverence falling over them as they laid him on the bed. Mia knelt beside him, her fingers tracing soft patterns over his forehead. She hummed a soft melody that had always soothed Jay, and she hoped it could  ease his troubled mind.

Meanwhile, the kitchen was a scene of chaos. Kai, Cole, and Nya stood over a bubbling cauldron, their faces a mixture of confusion and determination. They had decided to make soup, a simple enough task, or so they thought. However, their culinary skills were as sharp as a butter knife.

What started as a hopeful broth soon transformed into a viscous, green substance that resembled nothing edible. The once clear liquid had thickened into a gooey, almost gelatinous mass, with floating chunks of what were supposed to be vegetables.

"I think we might have... overdone it," Kai admitted, his voice small.

Nya stared at the concoction in horror. "This is definitely not soup."

Cole, ever the optimist, offered, "Maybe it's a new type of glue?"

Meanwhile, Jay stirred from is slumber. He felt something stroking his hair and telling him something. 

".... it was really lonely. I mean, Blackie tried to lift my spirits but....." the girl who claimed to be ' Mia' sighed.

Jay's heartstrings tugged. The girl looked really sad.

And based on what and how she was telling, she was important to him.

He decided to mumble a " really?". 

The girl's ears perked up. " Jay?" She said, hopefully.

" That's agent Walker to you, ma'am." he said, correcting her.

The girl cocked her head. " What?"

" To you, I'm agent Walker."

" No you're not."

" Yes, I am."

" Nooooo, you're my brother."

" Noooooo, I'm an agent. You're just a girl."

" Just a girl? JUST A GIRL?! OH, I'LL SHOW YOU ' JUST  A GIRL, SIR."

Jay flinched. He knew that tone. And he knew he was in trouble.

Thankfully, another girl with black hair and a mole came into the room, holding a cup of noodles and a sheepish grin.

Mia tuned to her, grateful for the distraction. " Where's the soup?"

Nya laughed nervously. " Yeah, about that..... it's.... glue."

Mia sighed. " Did you put the vegetables first or the water?"

" The vegetables?" Nya replied, shrugging. Mia shook her head. " No! you put the water in, THEN veggies."

She shook her head. " He's all yours."

Nya nodded, and twisted a fork full of noodles. " Come on, Jay, eat!" She coaxed.

" It's agent Walker, for the umpteenth time."

" No, it's Jay."

" Agent."

Just when Nya was going to reply, Mia stepped in. "  Jay Elizabeth Walker, you are going to listen to your dear Yang, and eat, and sleep, and relax until your memory is back."

Jay gasped. The girl knew her name.

His full name. Middle included.

Taking the opportunity, Nya shoved the fork in his mouth.

Jay, though reluctant, had to admit the food was good.

" But why did you kidnap me?"

Mia blinked. " Dude. We didn't kidnap you. We brought you home."

" My home is the administration."

Mia was getting angry. Her breathing quickened, she cracked her muscles, and she reached for her knife.

Nya, though, stopped her.

" Not this again." She said gently.

Mia growled. " This is the fine line."

" The fine line to what?" Jay asked

"The fine line between wanting to hug you and wanting to tie you up," Mia explained, her voice low and dangerous. Jay's eyes widened in alarm.

Nya sighed, "Mia, please. He's trying to adjust."

"Trying?" Mia scoffed. "He's denying everything!"

"Maybe he's scared," Nya suggested gently.

"Scared?" Mia echoed, disbelief in her voice. "Scared of us? Of his own family?"

Jay, caught in the middle of their argument, felt a strange mix of fear and confusion. He was starting to remember snippets of his life, of laughter, of adventures, of these two girls. But the Administration's training had ingrained a deep-rooted mistrust in him.

He looked at Mia, her face contorted in anger. Then he looked at Nya, her expression filled with concern. He didn't want to hurt them, but he also didn't know who to trust.

"I don't know what to believe," he said finally, his voice small. "I just want to understand."

Mia's patience was wearing thin. "Believe this!" she snapped, her voice rising. With a swift movement, she snatched a stack of photos from a nearby table and shoved them into Jay's face. The pictures were a whirlwind of memories: the ninja team as kids, their teenage years, and countless adventures.

Jay blinked, taken aback by the sudden onslaught of images. He examined the photos, his expression a mixture of confusion and something akin to recognition. "What's in it for you?" he asked, his voice flat.

Mia's face turned a dangerous shade of red. She lunged forward, but Lloyd and Kai were quick to intervene, their arms firmly restraining her. "Mia, calm down," Lloyd said, his voice steady. Kai nodded in agreement, his grip tight on Mia's arm.

"Let me go!" Mia struggled against their hold, her eyes flashing with anger. "I can't believe him!"

Nya stepped in, her voice calm amidst the rising tension. "Let her go," she said firmly, her eyes meeting Lloyd and Kai's. "She's her blood brother, after all. She would never hurt him."

Mia's anger simmered down a notch at Nya's words. A flicker of gratitude passed between the sisters. She nodded, and Lloyd and Kai reluctantly released her. Mia shot them a glare, the unspoken threat clear in her eyes.

Jay, observing the exchange, offered, "Yeah, she may look tough, but she's very loving."

A soft smile crept onto Mia's face. "Good," she replied, satisfaction evident in her tone. Then, turning her attention to the sheepish duo, she added, "And you two are in big trouble. Very big."

"Maybe," Jay offered, a hint of sarcasm in his voice, "but don't go violent. You know, I don't like violence."

Taking the opportunity, the boys slipped away, unnoticed.

Mia rolled her eyes, the universal symbol for 'you're being ridiculous'. "Dude," she said, her voice dripping with exasperation, "I know. Stop telling me things I know. It's like telling a fish it needs water. Or a ninja they need to be stealthy. It's redundant, Jay, redundant."

Jay considered this. "I've never thought of myself as a fish," he mused, tilting his head. "Or a ninja, really. More like a grumpy cat."

Mia laughed, a genuine sound that was rare to hear from her these days. "A grumpy cat with electric powers," she corrected. "And a questionable fashion sense."

Jay feigned offense. "Hey!" he protested. "This is high fashion. It's called 'edgy'."

"Edgy?" Mia snorted. "More like 'emergency'."

Their banter was interrupted by a sudden crash from the kitchen. A collective groan escaped them. "Kai and Cole," Mia muttered, her voice filled with resignation.

"I bet they're trying to make pancakes," Jay guessed. "And failing miserably."

"Probably," Nya agreed. "Or they've discovered a new element by mixing vinegar and baking soda."

They exchanged a knowing look. It was only a matter of time before the kitchen became a war zone. Armed with this grim knowledge, they decided to investigate.

As they approached the kitchen, the sounds of chaos grew louder. Pots and pans clanged, and what sounded like muffled screams echoed through the room. Carefully, they peeked inside.

The scene that greeted them was nothing short of apocalyptic. Flour covered every surface, a mountain of dirty dishes piled high in the sink, and Kai and Cole were covered in a strange, green substance that vaguely resembled guacamole.

"What on earth happened here?" Nya asked, her voice filled with disbelief.

Kai and Cole exchanged guilty glances. "Experiment gone wrong," Kai offered sheepishly.

"Understatement of the century," Mia replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Cole pointed to a green, bubbling concoction on the stove. "We were trying to make a surprise smoothie," he explained.

"A green smoothie?" Jay questioned, raising an eyebrow. "With what, exactly?"

"Ingredients," Cole replied defensively. "Lots of ingredients."

Mia sighed dramatically. "Of course you did. You two and your crazy ideas." She turned to Jay. "We should probably get them out of here before they burn the place down."

Jay nodded in agreement. "And clean up this mess," he added, eyeing the kitchen with a mix of horror and amusement.


The next day, Cole came to Jay. " You wanna play Fist to Face 2?" He asked.

Jay shrugged. " Sure."

Cole grinned and handed him a blue console with heart and smiley face stickers on.

As they were playing, Jay zoned out.

" Kai! Look what you did!" He said, pointing to the fire.

Kai scoffed. " It's an electric fire."

" Cole, Lloyd, Nya. Was it him or us?"

Nya sighed. " It was both of you."

" How?! We hate each other!" They both said at the same time.

Zane, who overheard, walked to them.

" It appears there are snippets of both elements."

" Jay?" Cole asked, waving his hand in front of his face. " Earth to Jay."

" What do you want, Cole?" He asked, annoyed.

Cole gasped, then lifted him up and ran to the living room like a kid with a trophy.

" He remembers my name!" Cole said, bursting through the hall.

Everyone turned.

" Show them, Jay."

Jay sighed. " Zane, Kai, Lloyd, Nya, and Cole."

Mia waited expectantly.

" What?" Jay asked.

" What what? You're missing a name."

" No, I'm not." Jay insisted.

" He doesn't remember you." A voice in Mia's head said. " You aren't important to him. "

Mia, bless her poor soul, obeyed and ran to her room, crying.

" What's her deal?" Jay asked.

Nya slammed her head. " Jay. That's your sister."

" No, you're my sister."

" Nooo. I'm your Yang. That's your sister. Mia"

When Nya said the word ' Mia's, it triggered a memory.

"I have to get more water," 2-year-old Mia said, walking to the kitchen. "You sure you got it, Mia?" Jay asked. Mia nodded and hopped to the kitchen. When they were sure she was out of earshot, Cole whispered, "Isn't she a bit... you know... clingy to you?" "Yeah," Kai piped up. "Doesn't it get a bit annoying? I mean, I still remember when Nya was little and she used to do that." Jay shook his head. Wu spoke up. "I have noticed it too, Jay. Perhaps you should explain to her the importance of space." Jay shrugged and sighed. "Okay, I'll do it." Mia came back with a full cup, and everyone returned to eating, acting as if nothing happened.

That night, when Jay went to Mia's room to read her a bedtime story, Mia was already reading a story to Blackie. "...The dragon said, 'For real? As if someone would like your crumbly old monastery so much they were like, 'I'll have my own, please!' '" Mia stopped to giggle, then continued, "Then, noticing the other dragon's 'really' expression, she quickly corrected herself. 'I mean, your nice monastery.'" Blackie meowed mischievously. "Imagine if you said that to Wu while he was drinking tea!" Mia stared at him. "Dude, I did that weeks ago." "But those were because of your dreams!" Blackie argued. "Yeah. Because I thought Wu slapped Kai's bum." Now Jay just had to laugh. Mia, alarmed, looked up. "Jay?" she asked, closing her book. Jay came out of his hiding spot. "Blackie's responses are gold!" he snorted. "Jay, why aren't you with the others?" Mia tilted her head. "Mimi, you know I would never forget the book time, right?" Mia sighed. "Maybe." Then she gave Jay the book. "Read," she commanded, sucking her thumb.

The next day, it was..... quiet.

Too quiet.

Jay walked to Mia's room and peered in. She was playing with Blackie.

" What shall I do, oh supreme king?" Mia asked in a squeaky voice, moving a black haired doll.

" You should get me some food. I'm starving." Blackie relied in a grouchy voice.

Mia giggled. " You just ate!"

Blackie rolled his eyes. " Let's go watch some TV."

" Sure!"

Jay sighed, shrugged, and walked to the training room.

The ninja looked worried.

" Is Mia okay?" Cole asked when Jay came. 

Jay shrugged.  " I guess."

" Se's not talking." Nya said.

Jay shrugged. " I know. But what am I to do?"

" Observe her." Zane suggested.

The days that followed were a stark contrast to the usual chaos of the monastery. Mia, once a whirlwind of giggles and demands, was now a silent, solitary figure. She'd retreated into her own world, a world where Blackie was the king and she his devoted subject.

Jay watched her with a growing concern. He'd tried to approach her, to engage in their usual bedtime stories, but she'd simply looked past him, her gaze fixed on Blackie. Even a shared laugh about one of Blackie's absurd demands failed to break through her newfound indifference.

Cole, ever the observer, noted the change. "It's like she's built a wall around herself," he said to Jay one evening.

Jay nodded, his eyes following Mia as she sat cross-legged on the floor, lost in a whispered conversation with her feline companion. "I don't know what to do," he admitted.

Wu, ever the wise old master, observed the scene with a contemplative expression. "Children, like the wind, change direction without warning," he began. "This too shall pass. For now, watch and understand. Sometimes, the best support is simply presence."

The other ninjas exchanged glances. They knew Wu was right, but it was hard to watch Mia so detached.

Jay was pacing, his mind racing. Something clicked. He remembered that day, the conversation about Mia being clingy. What if... what if she had heard them?

Heart pounding, he approached Mia's room. She was sitting on the floor, Blackie curled up in her lap. With a deep breath, Jay knelt beside her. "Mia," he began softly, "can I talk to you?"

Mia looked up, her eyes holding a mix of defiance and hurt. "You think I'm annoying?" she asked, her voice small.

Jay's heart sank. "No, Mia, that's not what I meant. We were talking about..."

"I heard you," she interrupted, her voice rising. "You and Kai and Cole. You said I'm clingy." Tears welled up in her eyes.

Blackie meowed protectively, rubbing against Mia's cheek.

"Mia, please," Jay tried again, "I didn't mean it like that. I was just..."

"Just what?" she demanded.

Before he could answer, Mia stood up abruptly, grabbing Blackie. "I'm not annoying," she declared, her voice trembling. "And Blackie says I'm not either!" With that, she stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

Jay was left alone, the weight of his words hanging heavy in the air. He had hurt Mia, and he didn't know how to fix it.

Jay felt a knot tighten in his stomach. He had to fix this. He sought out Kai, needing an ally. Together, they devised a plan: a heartfelt apology, a promise to listen, and a suggestion for a special day just for Mia.

Armed with their plan, they approached Mia's room. To their surprise, she wasn't there. Blackie was curled up on her bed, looking forlorn. They found Mia in the garden, sitting alone, chin resting on her knees.

Jay took a deep breath. "Mia, can we talk?"

She didn't look up. "You have each other," she mumbled. "I have no one but Blackie."

Kai knelt beside her. "That's not true, Mia. We care about you. We want to spend time with you."

Mia scoffed. "You have your ninja stuff. And you, Cole, you're always building."

Cole grinned. "But I can build something special with you, like a fort, or a cool toy."

Mia's eyes flickered with interest. "Really?"

Jay chimed in, "And I promise to listen to you, no matter what. And we can have a special Mia day, just you and us. We can do whatever you want."

A flicker of hope appeared in Mia's eyes. "Really?"

"Really," Jay and Kai affirmed together.

Slowly, a small smile crept onto Mia's face.  She reached for Jay's hand. "Okay," she said, her voice barely a whisper. "But no more annoying talks."

Jay gasped. He turned to the others.

" How fast was she moving?" He asked Zane.

Zane analyzed for a few seconds.

" Quick, small steps."

" Oh, great." Jay said under his breath.

" What? What happened?" Kai asked, concerned.

Jay let out a strangled sigh. " You know Mia's fear of not being a valid person on the team?"

Kai understood. " So... What are we gonna do?"

" Not ' we'. Me. I'm the only one who she will spare my life of." Then, he muttered, " unfortunately, it's only me."

"Jay, what are you talking about?" Nya asked, her voice laced with worry. She had seen firsthand the lengths Mia would go to when feeling insecure about her place on the team.

Jay ran a hand through his hair. "Remember when we were kids and she got really upset because she couldn't do a backflip?"

Kai and Zane nodded, remembering the incident vividly. Mia had been inconsolable for days.

"Well, multiply that by a thousand," Jay said grimly. "She's convinced she's not pulling her weight. And when Mia gets like this..." He trailed off, unable to find the words.

"We need to help her," Nya said determinedly. "But we can't let her hurt herself."

Zane analyzed the situation. "A distraction might be necessary," he suggested.

"A distraction?" Kai echoed. "Like what?"

Jay thought for a moment. "How about a really, really big distraction?"

The others nodded. Then, Jay realized something.

" I'll just go talk to her." Then, seeing everyone eager to follow, said, " ALONE."

Jay took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest. This was going to be tough, but he had to try. He couldn't let Mia spiral any further into self-doubt.

With a determined nod, Jay stepped towards Mia, who was currently in the midst of a one-woman demolition derby with the kitchen cabinets. He cleared his throat, and her head snapped up.

"Mia," he began, his voice gentle. "Can we talk?"

Mia glared at him, her arms crossed. "What now, Jay?" she snapped.

Jay took a step closer. "I know you're upset," he said softly. "And I know you feel like you're not good enough."

Mia scoffed. "You have no idea."

Jay shook his head. "Actually, I do. More than you think."

Mia's expression softened slightly. "What do you mean?"

Jay took a deep breath. "I mean, I've seen the way you push yourself. The way you try to be perfect all the time. It's exhausting."

Mia looked away, a blush creeping up her cheeks. "I'm just trying to help," she mumbled.

Jay reached out and gently took her hand. "I know you are," he said. "But you can't save everyone, Mia. You need to take care of yourself too."

Mia blinked, her expression softening. A flicker of hope ignited in her eyes. "What's my name?" she asked, her voice small. "And my elemental power? Do you remember anything about me?"

A wave of memories washed over Jay. Fragments of shared laughter, secret missions, and heartfelt conversations flooded his mind. He saw her as a child, full of energy and mischief. He saw her as the sweet girl, determined and fierce. And he saw her now, vulnerable and searching.

His heart swelled with a love he thought he had lost. "Mia," he said, his voice filled with certainty. "Your elemental power is wind. And you're the bravest, most stubborn person I know."

Mia's eyes widened in disbelief. "Oh yeah!" she exclaimed, a joyous laugh escaping her lips. Before Jay could process what was happening, she launched herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck in a tight hug.

The kiss that followed was a whirlwind of emotions - relief, joy, and a deep-rooted connection. It was a kiss that spoke a thousand words, a declaration of their unwavering bond.

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