Doctor Everyone

The scene shifted dramatically. Lloyd, the Green Ninja, sat cross-legged in a patch of mud. Birds, attracted by the swampy environment or perhaps his unusual choice of beverage, perched precariously on his head. With a loud slurp, Lloyd took another mouthful of mud, his brow furrowed in intense concentration.

Suddenly, a voice crackled through the comlink strapped to his ear. It was Kai, his voice laced with urgency. "Uh, buddy?"

Lloyd blinked, mud dripping down his chin. "Ninja!" he exclaimed, momentarily forgetting his meditative state. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand (leaving a rather impressive streak), he adjusted the comlink.  "To what may I have your phone number? I'm currently unavailable for telemarketing calls."

Kai, on the other end, sputtered in disbelief. "No telemarketing, Lloyd! It's an emergency! We need you at the monastery, stat!"

Lloyd's eyes widened, the birds on his head scattering in a flurry of feathers. Mud forgotten, he straightened up.  "An emergency?  Does it involve cake? Because if it doesn't involve cake, I might be a little busy communing with nature…"

Kai groaned.  "Seriously, Lloyd?  It's Mia. She's sick and we need your help. Now get over here, like, yesterday!"

The playful glint in Lloyd's eyes vanished.  "Mia? On my way."  With a determined nod, he launched himself into the air, leaving a trail of mud and bewildered birds in his wake.  It seemed meditation time was officially over.


Lloyd, a streak of green against the twilight sky, landed with a dramatic flourish in the monastery courtyard. Dirt rained down from his robes, and a mud-caked bird landed on his shoulder with a disgruntled squawk.  "Alright, Kai," he announced, striking a heroic pose. "What's the sit –"

His words were cut short by a sound that could only be described as a bone-jarring CRUNCH.  Turning towards the sound, Lloyd's jaw dropped.  There, embedded halfway through the stone wall of the monastery, was Cole, a bewildered expression on his face.  Dusted bits of brick rained down around him, and a cloud of dust billowed from the newly created hole.

"Uh… Cole?" Lloyd ventured, voice dripping with disbelief.

Cole coughed, spitting out a mouthful of dust. "Great timing, Lloyd. Just needed a little… ventilation."  He gave the wall a weak wiggle, but remained firmly stuck.

Kai, trying (and failing) to stifle a laugh, emerged from the actual doorway. "Yeah, Lloyd. Turns out Cole forgot the whole 'door' concept again."

Lloyd, finally regaining his composure, burst into laughter. Here he was, expecting some epic villain attack, and instead, he found his best friend wedged in a wall.  "Seriously, Cole?  How do you even manage that?"

Cole grumbled, his voice muffled by the stone.  "Don't judge me!  I thought there was a serpentine ambush or something…"

With a sigh, Lloyd raised his hand, emerald energy crackling around it.  "Alright, alright. Stand by for a non-wall-breaching entrance, this time."   

Focusing his power, Lloyd sent a surge of energy towards the wall. Instead of a gaping hole, a section of the stone shimmered and dissolved, creating a smooth, translucent doorway.  He gestured grandly. "After you, gentlemen."

Cole, sheepishly extricating himself from the wall, dusted himself off and shot Lloyd a playful glare. "Thanks, buddy. Maybe next time we can skip the whole 'dramatic entrance' thing."

Lloyd winked. "No promises."

The tension returned as Lloyd's eyes landed on Mia, who was carefully laid out on a makeshift bed fashioned from cushions. Her brow was furrowed, and her breathing remained shallow.

"Don't worry, Mia," Lloyd murmured, placing a hand on her forehead. "I'll get you some Wu's Special Tea. It cures everything, practically."

Kai, however, looked like he was about to explode. "No time for tea, Lloyd! We need a miracle, not a pick-me-up! Do your Ninjago thing! Spinjitzu her to health! Jump on her stomach to dislodge whatever's wrong – just do something!"

Kai's frantic outburst made Lloyd wince. "Spinjitzu her to a wall? Jump on her? Kai, that's not how any of this works!"

Just then, Nya, alerted by the commotion, burst through the doorway.  "What's going on here? Is Mia alright?"  Her eyes darted between the worried Lloyd, the fuming Kai, and the still form of their ( meaning Kai and her) sister in law.

The sight of Nya seemed to snap Kai out of his panicked state.  He took a deep breath, trying to regain his composure.  "It's Mia, Nya. She's sick, and her vitals are dropping. We need to get her to a doctor, fast."

------ ( I just couldn't wait to write this part, so).

The room erupted in chaos. Nya, ever the pragmatist, paled and clutched her forehead before fainting dead away. Kai, speechless for a moment, finally burst out, "Push her from a plane to a cliff?! Then down the cliff?! Are you out of your mind?!"

Lloyd, wide-eyed, mirrored Kai's sentiment. "This is insane! We can't just throw Mia off a cliff!"

Cole, ever the voice of reason (when it wasn't about punching things), piped up from where he was nursing a sore behind from his wall-entrance earlier. "Okay, hold on, everyone. Maybe Doctor Julien's just… eccentric. Let's hear him out."

Ignoring Cole's attempt at calm, Kai rounded on the doctor, his voice laced with fury. "There's no 'hearing out' of throwing someone off a cliff! That's attempted murder!"

Doctor Julien, a portly man with a bushy mustache and an even bushier head of hair, held up his hands placatingly. "Now, now, now, there's no need for such hostility, young ninja. The Revitalization Ritual is a perfectly safe and effective procedure, when performed correctly."

"Safe?!" Nya sputtered, regaining consciousness with a groan. "Safe?! You call pushing someone off a cliff safe?!"

The doctor chuckled, a sound like rocks tumbling down a mountainside. "Not exactly 'off a cliff,' dearie. More like a controlled descent from a specially-constructed platform, followed by a series of… invigorating… bounces."

Kai threw his hands up in exasperation. "Invigorating bounces?! This is all sounding worse by the minute!"

Lloyd, ever the optimist, tried to find a sliver of hope. "So, it's not actually throwing her off a cliff? That's at least something, right?"

Doctor Julien patted Lloyd's shoulder with a surprisingly strong hand. "Exactly, young man! A positive outlook is key to a successful Revitalization Ritual."

The doctor's words did little to ease the tension in the room. The idea of subjecting Mia to such a bizarre and potentially dangerous procedure was still unpalatable. Kai and Nya exchanged worried glances, and even Cole looked unsure.

Sensing their hesitation, Doctor Julien cleared his throat. "Look, I understand your concerns. But trust me, this is the best course of action for Mia's condition.  If you have any questions, or perhaps require a more… detailed demonstration of the ritual…"

Before he could finish, Kai interjected, his voice firm. "No demonstration necessary, Doctor. We appreciate your… unique approach, but we'll find another way to help Mia."

The doctor's smile faltered slightly. "Another way?  There isn't much time, you see. The longer we wait…"

Lloyd cut him off, his voice resolute. "We'll take our chances. Thank you for your time, Doctor Julien, but we'll be in touch if we need anything further."

With a sigh, Doctor Julien adjusted his satchel. "Very well. But remember, time is of the essence. Good luck, young ninjas."

He gave them a curt nod and shuffled out of the room, leaving the ninjas to grapple with their next move.  One thing was certain: they were far from finished trying to save their friend. 

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