Darkness Wind
If The_ Sage_ Ninja_ Morrow is here, you should put water in your mouth and be near a sink when you read this story.
I recommend it.
" Mia would you please stop fretting?!" Emma said, crossing her arms as she watched her best friend run around the house, preparing tea.
" But we need to purify your husband before he can marry you!"
Emma blushes. " Mia!"
" Sorry, sorry. Anyway, your dress is in my room. Morro has the same except it's grey and green."
Emma let out a nervous chuckle and walked slowly to Mia's bathroom. When she opened the door, she was greeted with-
* Nelson taking a bath
* Rose brushing her teeth
* And the dress hanging on the hook.
" Uh....?" Emma said as she peered in.
Nelson yelled, and Rose spit her toothpaste on Nelson's hair.
" WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Nelson yelled as he grabbed the towel and put it on his body.
" Sorry, Mia told me my dress is here."
" But that doesn't mean you come in and interrupt my bath." Nelson muttered.
Then, Mia yelled, " Emma? He's purified!"
" That was quick." Emma grabbed the dress and ran to the living room where Mia and Morro were.
Morro was tied to a chair and unconscious.
" What happened?" Emma squeaked.
" Oh, so long story short he was doing a villain speech so I hit his jaw, therefore making him unconscious."
Emma stared. " What?!"
Before they could indulge anymore, Mia's phone rang.
" Hello..... uh huh, this is Mia..... yep... uh huh.... uh huh.... uh huh... yeah, it's a secret..... yep, sage..... chocolate. I told you, chocolate... yep, green..... uh huh.... uh huh.... yeah.... okay, thanks..... yep, see you in an hour." She sighed as she put her phone back in her pocket.
" So..... What was it about?" Emma asked.
" Nothing."
Before Emma could say anything else, they heard a groan, and saw Morro stirring.
" I have to go pick up the party favors. Be right back!" Mia said as she grabbed her shopping bag and went down the hall to the elevator.
Emma sighed and took her canvas out. She added a streak of sage to her brown hair, pearl necklace, and a happy smile before she heard someone say, " It's nice, but could you give me a streak of grey in my hair?"
Emma whirled around. " Hey, Momo." She giggled.
Morro blushed. " Hey, Em. Where's the party planner?"
Emma sighed and ribbed her head. " Said she had to go pick up party favors."
" And I'm back!" Someone called, holding a heavy bag.
" That was fast." Emma commented.
Mia set the bag down. " Take the party favors out while I go get some coffee."
Emma nodded, and took out a.... dipper?!
" Uh, that can't be right." Morro said, reaching in.
But it was. The whole bag was filled with dippers.
" Maybe there was a mistake?" Emma suggested.
" Nope!" A cheerful voice said as she walked in stirring coffee. " No mistake. They were on sale!"
Emma sputtered. " Mia, these are dippers!"
" Yeah, so?"
" So?! SO?! What are we gonna do with dippers?!"
" I dunno. You're the artist."
Emma looked at her, bedwelled. " You want me to paint DIPPERS?!"
" Yeah? What's the problem?"
" Oh, nothing, just the fact that BABIES WEAR DIPPERS!"
" Well, they were on sale!" Mia said as she sipped her coffee.
Emma just banged her head on the wall. " We need to work on your social skills, Mimi."
" What does social skills have to do with party favors?"
Morro sighed. " Aieaieaie, this is a mess."
" No, it's not. Besides, go see the ballroom! It's amazing!"
" That's what I'm afraid of." Emma muttered.
When she and Morro, hand in hand, walked to the ballroom, Emma almost threw up.
There was blood everywhere.
" Why is there blood on the walls!?" She yelled.
Mia furrowed her brows. " What? No, that's juice. They have juice everywhere in that shop! Come to think of it, there was only strawberry."
Emma slapped her head. " Mia, that's a blood place. There was no other flavor because it's BLOOD!"
Mia thought for a moment. " No, that can't be right."
"Uh, Mia," Morro finally chimed in, raising an eyebrow, "I think Emma's right. That... doesn't look like juice."
Mia crossed her arms defensively, shaking her head. "Well, they said it was strawberry, and they were having a sale. Why would they sell blood?"
Emma sighed, exasperated. "Because it's a blood-themed place, Mia! You literally walked into a horror decor store. Did you not notice the creepy skeletons and the ominous atmosphere?!"
Mia tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Hmmm, well, yeah, there was a skeleton serving at the counter, but I figured it was just... you know, theme decoration. It's near Halloween, after all."
Emma groaned, running her hand through her hair. "Mia, this is supposed to be a wedding, not a haunted house!"
Mia glanced around the ballroom, which indeed looked like a horror scene with the fake blood—or was it real?—smeared on the walls. She shrugged. "I mean, it's kinda... unique, right?"
Morro sighed, putting his hand on Emma's shoulder. "Maybe we should... rethink the party favors. And the decorations."
Emma nodded, still in shock. "Yeah, definitely."
Mia looked between them, sipping her coffee. "Alright, alright. I get it. No blood and no dippers. But I hope you're not expecting me to pay for some fancy cake. The shop I went to was offering eyeball cupcakes—"
"MI-A!" Emma and Morro both yelled at the same time.
Mia blinked and then grinned sheepishly. "Okay, okay! I'll call Jay and ask for help with... normal decorations."
Emma shook her head with a small smile, finally relieved. "Thank you. Let's please keep the wedding out of the horror movie category."
Mia giggled. "Fine, but next time, we're going all out with zombies."
An hour later, the cake arrived.
" Put it in here," She was telling the baker.
Emma so happened to be walking by and couldn't help but feel a bit curious ( but mostly apprehension) and walked to Mia. She looked at the cake and took two steps back.
The cake was chocolate, with sage frosting and white flowers.
But what really took the cake ( for real) was the fact it was 20 tiered.
Mia smiled at her. " Oops." She said innocently.
Emma groaned.
Then Morro came in, and saw the cake.
" Are... are we in a horror movie?!" He whispered.
Emma shook her head. " No. No we're not."
Mia, still grinning mischievously, crossed her arms and leaned against the wall, sipping her coffee like nothing was wrong. "It's just a tittle bigger than I planned."
Emma glared at her. "Mia, this cake is a skyscraper. We don't need twenty tiers! How are we even going to serve this thing?"
Morro stared up at the towering cake, his eyes wide. "We're going to need a ladder... and maybe a crane."
Mia shrugged nonchalantly. "Oh come on, guys! It's impressive! Everyone's gonna love it. Besides, it's not like it's dangerous—"
Before Mia could finish her sentence, the cake wobbled slightly, one of the tiers leaning precariously to the side.
Emma jumped back, her hands flying to her mouth. "It's tipping!"
Morro quickly stepped in front of Emma, ready to shield her from the impending cake disaster. "Mia, do something!"
Mia just blinked at the cake, her face finally showing a bit of concern. "Uh... okay, maybe I did go a little overboard."
As the cake continued to teeter, Mia darted forward. "Hold on, I've got this!" She ran around to the other side of the cake and steadied it with her hands.
The cake stopped wobbling, but it was clearly unstable. Emma let out a sigh of relief but still looked on in disbelief.
"We can't serve that!" Emma exclaimed. "What if it collapses during the reception?"
" It won't!"
But then Mia quickly added, " But I might put some supports in."
Emma chuckled, shaking her head. "Only you, Mia. Only you would order a cake the size of a small building and act like it's no big deal."
Morro sighed, looking relieved. "At least it's not zombies."
Mia winked. "Oh, don't worry, I'm saving that for the afterparty."
" Ooooh, look!" Mia said as she grabbed her bestie's hand and led her to the keychain section.
" It's nice, but I want to make a painting for each."
Mia thought hard. " You'll wanna go there. I need to check some things off my list."
She took it out of her pocket, and it unfolded.
" Wow, that's a long list," Emma said as she watched the list grow and grow. It went from Mia's hand to the end of the shop ( and believe me, the shop was huuuuge).
" Bye!" She exclaimed and dashed off. Her first destination?
The chocolate section.
She grabbed as many chocolate packs as she could find, then caught sight of decorations.
" Yeah.... Skulls. This'll be nice." She said in a fake menacing voice.
Then she stopped.
" Nah, I'll throw a Halloween party some other time."
She quickly grabbed cheerful decorations, then went to the utensil section and grabbed every green thing she saw.
Mia zipped through the aisles like a whirlwind, her shopping basket filled with an eclectic mix of chocolates, green utensils, and vibrant decorations. As she reached the checkout line, she caught sight of a neon green tablecloth adorned with tiny dancing flowers. "Perfect!" she muttered to herself, tossing it into the basket.
At the same time, Emma had settled herself into an art supply corner, browsing through paintbrushes and canvases. She was determined to make the perfect wedding gift—a painting that would capture the spirit of her and Morro's big day.
Meanwhile, Mia continued darting through the store, her list now looking slightly more manageable. As she approached the balloons section, her eyes lit up. "Balloons! You can never go wrong with balloons." She grabbed a set in various shades of sage green and white, with just a few random gold ones thrown in for flair.
After what felt like hours, Mia finally approached Emma with an overstuffed cart, her energy still buzzing.
"Done?" Emma asked, half-smiling.
"Almost! I still need to figure out the centerpiece. Something dramatic!" Mia wiggled her eyebrows mischievously.
Emma raised an eyebrow. "Mia... *dramatic* doesn't usually go well for you."
Mia chuckled. "Okay, fine. Maybe I'll tone it down. But just a little." She plopped a small cactus centerpiece into the cart, shrugging. "Cute *and* spiky, like me."
Emma couldn't help but laugh. "That's more like it."
As they walked toward the checkout, Mia looked over her list once more, tapping her chin. "All that's left is... the seating arrangement. Ugh, I hate figuring out who sits where. Maybe we just let people pick their own seats?"
Emma raised her hand. "No way. I want my family as far away from Uncle Greg as possible. Remember what happened at my sister's wedding?"
Mia winced. "Oh, right. The incident with the mashed potatoes. Got it—assigned seating it is." She pulled out her phone to send a quick message to Jay for help with the seating plan.
"Anything else?" Emma asked.
Mia grinned. "Just one last thing..."
They both heard a crash from the distance, followed by a loud "Oops!"
Emma blinked. "What did you do now?"
Mia just laughed. "I may have overestimated the amount of people coming. Let's just hope it makes it through the ceremony."
When Mia got home, she eagerly handed everything over to Morro, who took one look at the mountain of bags and let out a sigh. He started going through the items, picking up the first thing that caught his eye—a neon green tablecloth with dancing flowers.
"Okay, this isn't so bad," he muttered, putting it aside. But then, as he dug deeper into the pile, his eyebrows shot up in confusion.
"Why is this here?" Morro asked, holding up a creepy, cracked porcelain mask that looked straight out of a horror movie.
Mia shrugged, sipping her coffee like it was the most normal thing in the world. "Oh, I found that in the bargain bin. Thought it might be fun for... I don't know, atmosphere?"
Morro raised an eyebrow, shaking his head. "Atmosphere? For a wedding? This thing belongs in a haunted house!"
Mia grinned. "Hey, it was either that or the skulls!"
He sighed, setting the mask aside. Then he pulled out an entire pack of mismatched green utensils, some with dinosaur shapes. "And these? Are we hosting a kid's birthday party?"
Mia glanced at them and giggled. "They were on sale!"
Morro buried his face in his hands. "Mia, you can't just buy things because they're cheap."
She just waved him off. "Relax, it's going to be a fun wedding! A little quirkiness never hurt anyone."
As he continued pulling out more odd items—a set of wind chimes shaped like frogs, a rubber chicken, and eyeball-shaped chocolates—Morro couldn't help but laugh.
"You're a disaster, you know that?"
Mia winked. "That's why you guys love me."
Thirty minutes later, Mia looked up from organizing the decorations. "I need to go to the juice shop to get more strawberry juice."
Morro, who had just finished sorting the bizarre wedding supplies, immediately straightened up. "I'll come with you! I could use some fresh air after sorting through all of... this."
Mia grinned. "Great! Let's go."
The two of them headed out, and it didn't take long before they arrived at the 'juice' shop. Mia marched right in, knowing exactly what she was looking for, and Morro trailed behind, glancing around curiously.
After a few minutes, Mia came back to the counter with a large tray filled with various "juice" bags. She handed them to Morro, who took one look and froze.
"Uh... Mia? These are blood bags."
Mia waved her hand dismissively. "Oh, don't worry. It's just the branding. They're super popular. Strawberry juice, just packaged to look like blood for fun! It's all part of the aesthetic."
Morro blinked, staring at the bags in his arms. "This... feels very wrong."
Mia laughed. "Come on, Morro, don't be so dramatic! It's juice!"
Morro glanced at the bags again. "I'm holding fake blood for a wedding. How is this not dramatic?"
She smirked. "You said you didn't want zombies. I compromised."
Morro sighed but couldn't help smiling a little. "You're impossible, Mia."
She grinned back. "And you wouldn't have it any other way!"
Thirty minutes before the wedding, Mia clapped her hands together, gathering everyone's attention. "Okay, guys! Walk straight and remember, don't trip! It's gonna be perfect!"
Emma, balancing on her tall heels, wobbled slightly as she tried to walk across the room. "Mia, these shoes... I can barely walk in them! Why did you choose heels this high?"
Mia giggled, clearly unfazed. "They're elegant, Em! You'll get used to them!"
Behind Emma, the other bridesmaids struggled just as much, their long dresses barely hiding the fact that they were teetering in their heels. They exchanged nervous glances, knowing the outdoor terrain outside the monastery wasn't exactly heel-friendly.
Rose nearly stumbled as they headed for the door. "I'm going to fall before I even make it down the aisle!" she muttered under her breath.
Emma shot Mia a playful glare. "If we all end up in a pile outside the monastery, I'm blaming you."
Mia winked. "Hey, no falling allowed! Just channel your inner ninja!"
The girls laughed nervously, trying to maintain their balance as they slowly made their way outside, where the uneven stone paths awaited.
Emma looked down at her feet, struggling not to wobble too much. "I'm really starting to regret these heels."
Morro, standing nearby, gave a sympathetic smile. "Want me to carry you?"
Emma grinned, half-joking. "Don't tempt me."
With careful steps, they all finally made it outside, the heels clacking against the monastery's cobblestones as they wobbled their way to the ceremony site, hoping the wedding would go smoother than their walk!
As they finally made it to the ceremony area, Mia, still in her cheerful, quirky mood, approached Rose and Annie, the bridesmaids, holding out a bunch of dried-up, wilted flowers.
"Here," Mia said with a mischievous grin. "Give these to Morro."
Rose looked at the dead flowers, confused. "Um... okay, but why are they...?"
Mia waved her hand dismissively. "Oh, and tell him to eat them. It's part of a purification ritual or something. He'll know what to do."
Annie raised an eyebrow, and Emma, who was standing nearby, blinked in disbelief. "Oh... uh... wow." She looked at Mia, her voice half-laughing, half-bewildered. "Mia, seriously? Dead flowers? And... eat them?"
Mia shrugged with a wide grin. "Why not? It's symbolic! Plus, it's a good luck thing!"
Emma gave Morro a glance, silently mouthing, "Good luck with that!"
Rose and Annie exchanged uncertain looks before cautiously taking the flowers, clearly unsure how to approach Morro with this latest bizarre request. Emma, meanwhile, was caught somewhere between amusement and concern.
"Mia," Emma whispered, "I think your 'good luck' might be a little too... unconventional for Morro."
Mia just winked. "He'll be fine! He's a ghost, after all. What's a few dead flowers?"
As the wedding started, the bridesmaids carefully made their way down the aisle, but the long heels they wore were proving to be more trouble than anticipated. They kept stumbling, wobbling, and catching their balance just before falling.
Mia, standing nearby, was growing increasingly impatient. She hissed, "Walk proudly! Not like a baby who doesn't know how to walk!" Her voice was a mix of frustration and encouragement, clearly wanting everything to go smoothly.
Emma, on the other hand, was struggling with her own heels. She took careful, slow steps, hoping not to trip in front of everyone. Her face was flushed with embarrassment, but she couldn't help but laugh softly at Mia's tough-love approach.
Rose stumbled slightly but managed to straighten up. "Easy for you to say, Mia," she muttered under her breath.
Annie, wobbling as she tried to regain her footing, shot a glance at Mia, whispering, "We'll try, but these heels are ridiculous!"
Mia just crossed her arms, shaking her head. "Ridiculous or not, you're gonna look fabulous doing it!"
Despite the tripping and the whispered comments, the girls finally made it to their positions. The audience chuckled softly, and even Morro cracked a small smile as he watched the chaotic procession from the back.
With everyone finally in place, the ceremony could officially begin. Emma sighed in relief, shooting Mia a look that said, "I survived!" Mia just winked back, clearly pleased that everything was moving along—even if it wasn't exactly flawless.
As the ceremony continued and the music changed for Morro's entrance, everyone turned to look. Instead of walking gracefully, Morro appeared from the back, hunched over and moving like a monkey, arms swinging dramatically as he took each step. He seemed to be enjoying himself, but it was far from the elegant entrance anyone had expected.
Mia, standing off to the side, groaned and slapped her forehead in disbelief. "Why... why is he like this?" she muttered under her breath, clearly exasperated by Morro's antics.
Emma, standing at the front, widened her eyes in shock but quickly tried to stifle a giggle. "This is a wedding, not a jungle adventure," she whispered to herself, but a small smile crept onto her face.
The guests were murmuring, some laughing, others confused, as Morro continued his monkey-like movements all the way to the altar. He finally straightened up when he reached his spot, giving a cheeky grin to Mia, who was glaring at him.
Mia shook her head with a resigned sigh. "This wedding... it's gonna be legendary for all the wrong reasons."
As Master Wu began his speech, the atmosphere in the monastery became serene—well, for about five seconds. Emma, already struggling with her heels, took a step backward and stumbled. In a desperate attempt to steady herself, she teetered toward the back of the room, where, unfortunately, a random toilet stood in the corner (clearly a leftover from some weird decoration plan).
With a gasp, Emma flailed her arms, and in an almost slow-motion scene, she fell backward—straight toward the toilet.
Mia, eyes wide with horror, shouted, "Who forgot to close the lid?!"
The guests gasped, and Morro tried to catch Emma, but he was too late. Thankfully, the lid was closed at the last moment by Rose, who darted over and slammed it down just in time. Emma landed awkwardly on the closed seat, blushing furiously as everyone tried not to burst out laughing.
"Uh... I'm fine," Emma squeaked, her cheeks bright red.
Wu, trying to maintain his composure, cleared his throat and said, "As I was saying..." but even he had to suppress a chuckle before continuing his speech. Mia rubbed her temples in disbelief while Morro whispered to Emma, "Well, that could've been... messy."
A few minutes later, after Master Wu finished his speech, he turned to Morro and said, "Now, Morro will share a few words."
Morro, who had been nervously fiddling with his tie, took a deep breath and approached the makeshift podium. Mia, standing at the side with a proud smile, handed Morro a crumpled piece of paper.
"Here's the speech," Mia said, her grin widening.
Morro unfolded the paper and glanced at it. His eyes widened as he saw the jumble of complicated words and phrases that seemed to stretch across the page.
"Uh... let's see..." Morro began, squinting at the first sentence, which was filled with elaborate vocabulary and tongue-twisting phrases. He tried to sound them out, but they came out as a jumble of mispronunciations.
"... the auspicious confluence of... uh... unmitigated love... and... scintillating... unheeded romance..."
The guests exchanged puzzled looks, some trying hard not to laugh. Emma, standing nearby, whispered to Rose, "Does he even know what he's reading?"
Rose shrugged. "I don't think so. This sounds like ancient spell language."
Morro stammered through the speech, occasionally glancing at Mia for reassurance. His pronunciation was so off that it seemed like he was speaking an entirely different language. At one point, he pronounced "inconceivable" as "inconcelible" and "serendipity" as "serendipitous."
Mia, watching from the sidelines, felt a mix of embarrassment and amusement. She bit her lip, trying to hold back her laughter. As Morro struggled with the last line, he finally threw his hands up in exasperation and said, "You know what? Just enjoy the wedding!"
The crowd erupted in laughter and applause, appreciating Morro's honest effort and good humor. Even Wu couldn't hold back a chuckle.
Mia walked up to Morro, patting him on the back. "Well, that was something. Thanks for giving it a shot!"
Morro grinned sheepishly. "At least I tried, right?"
"Exactly," Mia said, smiling. "Now let's get back to the celebration before anything else goes awry!"
When it was Emma's turn to give her speech, she took a deep breath and looked at the paper Mia handed her. Her eyes widened as she saw the contents: it was written in what could only be described as the scribbles of a toddler.
The speech read:
"Hi everyone! Me am so happy! Morro and Emma are besties forever! Yay! Let's eat cake!"
Emma blinked and glanced at Morro, who was staring at the paper in disbelief. "What is this?" he whispered, his face a mix of confusion and amusement.
Emma tried to keep a straight face. "Looks like Mia wanted me to keep it simple."
"Simple?" Morro repeated, still puzzled. "This is like... what a five-year-old would write."
Emma took a deep breath and stepped up to the microphone. She looked out at the crowd, trying not to burst into laughter. "Well, um, Mia wrote this, so..."
She cleared her throat and began to read the speech aloud. As she spoke, her tone was cheerful and enthusiastic, despite the childish content. The guests looked on with varying degrees of surprise and amusement as Emma delivered her speech with as much grace as she could muster.
"Hi everyone! Me am so happy!" Emma began, trying hard to sound sincere. "Morro and Emma are besties forever! Yay! Let's eat cake!"
The crowd erupted into laughter and applause, charmed by Emma's ability to deliver even the most absurd speech with such poise. Emma grinned sheepishly and gave a small wave, then quickly handed the microphone back to Wu.
Morro, shaking his head and laughing, said, "Well, that was... unique."
Emma laughed along with him. "Yeah, unique is one word for it. Thanks for bearing with us."
Wu, smiling at the lighthearted atmosphere, said, "Now, let's move on to the cake—hopefully, it's less eventful!"
As they all headed toward the reception area, Mia gave Emma a thumbs up and whispered, "Great job! Maybe next time, I'll leave the speeches to the professionals."
Emma laughed and nudged her. "Sounds like a plan. And hey, at least the cake is normal."
"Fingers crossed," Mia replied, grinning. "Let's hope it doesn't turn into another adventure!"
As the time for the cake cutting approached, Mia gathered everyone around, her excitement bubbling over. She clapped her hands to get attention and then announced, "Alright, everyone, it's cake time! But first, there's something we need to address."
Morro and Emma, who were trying to relax after the chaotic ceremony, exchanged puzzled glances. "What's up, Mia?" Emma asked, a hint of apprehension in her voice.
Mia grinned mischievously. "Before you cut the cake, you need to kiss one another on the toilet!" Morro and Emma stared, their eyes wide in shock.
"What?!" Emma exclaimed, nearly stumbling backward. "No way!"
Morro looked equally horrified. "Are you serious?"
Mia's grin widened, but she quickly added, "Fine, fine. No kissing on the toilet. Instead, you'll just need to read this speech."
She pulled out a crumpled piece of paper from her pocket and handed it to Emma. The paper was adorned with scribbles and colorful doodles. Emma and Morro looked at the paper with varying degrees of confusion.
"Uh, Mia? What is this?" Emma asked, squinting at the mess of words and drawings.
"It's your speech!" Mia said cheerfully. "I thought it would be a fun touch."
Emma unfolded the paper and began reading aloud. Her voice wavered as she struggled to make sense of the text:
"Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there were two people who liked each other very much. They were...um...like a big sandwich of happiness...and joy...and...uh...there were many colors...like blue and green...and they liked cake...and balloons..."
Morro's eyes grew wider as Emma continued reading. "It just goes on and on like this," he whispered to Emma, who nodded, looking increasingly bewildered.
Emma's attempt to read the speech was met with a mix of stifled giggles and confused murmurs from the guests. The speech meandered through nonsensical descriptions of magical lands, mythical creatures, and random bursts of nonsensical cheer.
Emma tried her best to maintain composure. "And, uh...the end is near, where everyone is happy...and..."
The crowd erupted into laughter, the absurdity of the speech bringing a delightful sense of levity to the occasion. Even Morro couldn't help but chuckle, his earlier discomfort forgotten.
Wu, who had been watching the spectacle with a bemused expression, stepped forward with a warm smile. "I think we've had enough excitement for one day. How about we cut the cake now?"
As Wu spoke, Mia cheerfully raised her hands. "Alright, everyone, let's get to the cake! And don't worry, no more speeches for today."
Emma handed the speech back to Mia, her face flushed with a mix of embarrassment and amusement. "Next time, Mia, maybe just a simple thank you would be enough."
Morro, still laughing, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, let's keep it simple."
Mia grinned. " No way! And besides, now I need to make a Halloween spook house!"
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